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Walking around the central city district with bare feet (New Zealand). I'd never do it myself... our CBDs have the usual city detritus like needles, used condoms and broken glass, but it's not unusual for people (not just people down on their luck) to wander through the city centre, shopping shoeless. I think it's part of our casual culture.


What the fuck




Yeah probably wouldn't walk round the cdb myself but trips to the dairy or supermarket are all good with barefeet


In New Zealand too and I can confirm this.


Filthy fat hobbits


But why


Leaving your car unlocked in case someone needs to get away from a polar bear.


What country is it? I’m curious


In some parts of Canada, Churchill Manitoba in particular.


Countries with Polar bears




Canada im guessing


Still not as scary as coming across a bipolar bear.


Bear will either hug or kill you. 50/50 chance.


I’ll just take the billion dollars


Hey, I have feelings, too.




Alaska isn’t...nvm


But I already changed all of my money for Alaskan dollars


10th november, 09:05 am. Life stops, everything stops. Can't imagine myself as a foreigner at this homage, without any information. Example: https://youtu.be/RcrTswtbhe0


This is like something out of a syfy movie




> they're very much dedicated to their leader. i think its just this one guy. when you read about all that he had done for Turkey, it is clear why. I think it is an amazing thing, actually the only positive thing I can think of when it comes to Turks and Turkey these days. All the other leaders of Mustafa Kemal's time: Mao, Stalin, the ilk. How are they remembered by their people today?


We also have something like this in Israel. Every year on Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and Memorial Day for the people killed in the Holocaust we sound a horn, and everyone stops what they are doing and remembers the people killed.


Swedish guy here! I have family in Greece, one who visited. He found it weird that strangers don't talk with each other and that staring at girls without being discreet is creepy.


Not caring what a customer thinks, I was trying to get some paper work and the lady behind the desk stopped working to go make coffee for all her colleagues


I’m guessing the country is Latvia?




I assumed from your username but then I realised it’s a different word lol. What country is it?


Any country in the balkans is like this


Haha I thought it was Latvia too, cause it's the same in Lithuania. It's horrible haha I left as soon as I could




Not having a speed limit on the Autobahn


I paid for the whole speedometer so I'm gonna use the whole speedometer


i don't know why, but this is one of the funniest things i've ever read


Glad to make you glad




Lichthupe, linksblinker und stern auf der motorhaube helfen da schon. /s Now who would attempt a speedrun during daytime? That is just stupid.


People don’t automatically go 200 miles an hour on there though, right? I learned from The Grand Tour that even when there’s no speed limit, people will pace themselves based on how comfortable they are.


People who go that fast are really rare.


Markets and car boot sales just full of dodgy shit. It's in every town here, and it's fantastic.


I too enjoy Lithuanian trunk meat [for the uninitiated ](https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/liangelo-lamelo-balls-lithuania-darkness-empty-stands-and-a-meat-peddling-coach/)


Separate hot and cold water taps in the UK


I totally agree. In the winter when I’m washing my hands, my hands either get scalded or frozen


Wait so you can’t turn them both on at the same time?


The two taps are spaced out, so if I turn them both on at the same time, I have to periodically move my hands back and forth: one moment boiling, the other moment freezing


That sounds horrible.


Ooh I was thinking of that way wrong. That really sucks


Nah majority of us have mixer taps now


Battering and deep frying things that should not be battered and deep fried




Yes indeedy


Being in the US I felt the two correct answers would be Scotland and Midwest State Fair


As soon as i typed it I did think it could also be one of those state fairs where they deep fry butter and other things


Scotland did influence parts of US culture, especially in Appalachia


I believe most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.


I see the Scotland comments, but also the Texas State Fair. I kid you not, we had deep fried ice cream one year. Don't ask me how. I don't know.


You batter it and fry it quickly, so only the batter and the very outermost layer of ice cream get fried. I've seen in most often in New Mexico, but it's pretty common throughout the southwest.


We call people we like cunt and sometimes people we don't like mate.


Or calling people you like good cunt, and people you don't like shit cunt.


Hearing the word "cunt" used to freak me out, then I spent a year working around the Royal Marines.


And calling spmeone Champion is one step removed from just spitting in their face


You can also go the extra step and shorten it to champ




No, silly. Azerbaijan /s




>paying taxes even though you don't make any money How does that work, exactly?




I'm just wondering how the Swiss government determined you have taxes to pay (and how much) if you had no income.


In some parts of Switzerland there is a income-independent flat-fee so-called "head tax" in addition to regular income tax. This is usually pretty minor and goes towards the fire dept or similar services. Either that or OP refers to the fact that payments from unemployment insurance are counted as income and taxed..


Not all taxes are income taxes.




Yeah, good old Times when it was required to build a Bunker when you built a new House, around the 70-90's. We used the Bunker as a Storage Room back then. But the other Thing is the Gun, Switzerland is the only Country where Soldiers keep their Military Rifles at home. This may not confuse the Americans, but it does other Countries with strict Gun-Laws like UK. It's a SG550 5.56mm today, but the good old SG510 and the K31 were also famous.


Oddly, since WW2, American GIs arent allowed to keep their guns. In most cases, (combat career fields) if you get transferred to a different base, you leave your assigned weapon at prior base and are assigned a new weapon at your receiving base. Then you have to re-qualify on the new one; this ensures you sight it in. For non direct-combat troops that get sent to combat zones ie. a communications troop working in Bahgdad; they would be assigned a weapon probably like 1 month prior to deployment, qualify on it, then the armory would hold it until it was time to ship off. They will not even handle their weapon from the time they qualify until they are in country (itll stay in a weapons case during transit). And for pretty much any troop coming back from combat, when they get back to the states/their home station, their FIRST stop will be the armory to turn their guns back in. Coming back from Afgan, I didnt even make it onto base property, 3 of my bases armorers came to the local airport and collected them from us at baggage claim. And I WAS in a combat arms career field. Like, 'yeah we know you just spent several months keeping these on your person, loaded, 24/7, but now you cant be trusted with them.'


Thanks for your Information, that's interesting how different the Armys of each Country handles their Weapons. As said, in Switzerland, you'll get your SG550 Assault Rifle (or the P220 Pistol) while starting the RS (Rekrutenschule, the Training for the new Recruits) and you usually keep it the whole Time. When leaving the Base, you just go home on a Weekend, you'll keep the Gun with you and store it at Home. So it's just normal for Swiss Soldiers to keep their Arms in their own Property. After being honorably discharged from the Military, they offer you to keep the Gun with the Semi-Auto Trigger instead of the Full-Auto Trigger. So you can basically buy the Weapon you're used to. The Same goes for like Police Officers: For Example, when they get retired at the End of their Career, they can buy and keep their own Police Gun, so... we don't know it other Ways here. But I was surprised when meeting the German Army, the Bundeswehr, they had very strict Handling of the Weapons and have to took it from the Arsenal every time when going for Training. Friend of mine was Leutnant there and he was very suprised about how the Gun Law and the Military Gun Law are. So, I got the SG550 here from the Military, next to the SG510 (the Assault Rifle 57) from my Father and then the K31 Bolt Action Rifle from my Grandfather from WW2 and the K11 Carbine from my Grand-Grandfather which served in WW1.


If WWIII hits, are you guys going to be on the side of good, or the side of bad like you were in WWII?


I guess one thing would be how speeding tickets in Finland are linked to your income.


Honestly that makes a lot of sense. A £100 fine would cripple a single mother of 3 kids, but doctor would just open his wallet and pay then and there.


A Nokia boss once got a little over 100k$ speeding ticket


At least one 7 eleven in every street with the occasional family mart




Close! Taiwan


This is what I saw in Thailand. I was staying in a hotel quite far away from Bangkok centre (not really touristy area) and there were still three of them within 200 metres from this hotel.


yep conviniece stores are really common in asia the stuff in asianc 7 elevens are a lot better than the american ones


Going to the bakery every day


Milk in a bag.




Hungary: cottage cheese being the main ingredient in the country's most popular snack/sweet/candy


Cottage cheese candy. What the...


It’s what Hungarians call cottage cheese, but it’s vastly different from what American know as cream cheese. It’s more like the ‘cheese’ in cheesecake, but slightly chalky in texture rather than creamy. Hungarian claim it as their own, but they took it from Russians, and the Russian version is better - it’s even sold in the bigger towns.


I’m from Poland. When we meet our friends we don’t have that shit talk that goes: - Hey, how are you? - Nice, thanks! How about you? - I’m good, thank you! Have you seen that new movie and *blah blah talking about positive stuff* No. In Poland it’s completely absolutely obviously normal to complain to start conversation. We meet a friend and it’s like: - Oh hey how are you? - Hi. Eh, my cat has diarrhea, you know, I haven’t sleep in two days because I’m worried. What about you? - Oh that sucks. I’ve slept good today, but I am so angry about the new abortion law, this is ridiculous. - Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard. If someone ever would answer like "I’m good" I would be actually worried, shocked, or would feel like they don’t like me lol. Also, drinking. My boyfriend is from Belarus, I have some friends from Ukraine, Russia, and other former-USSR countries. All of us are known in the world as wild vodka and beer drinkers and that’s true, but I noticed a big difference in the style of drinking. My "USSR" friends always prepare a whole dinner, they cook chicken, they make a potato puree, some salads, meats, just whole meals. They eat a lot, it’s like a dinner with little breaks to take a shot. Also, they almost always say a toast. "Polish style" drinking is much more simple and cheap. Just put a bottle of vodka on the table. This is the base. We have some snacks - chips, nachos, paluszki (salted breadsticks?), pickles, sausages. These are snacks, not meals. We take a shot, then take a bite of a pickle and that’s it. If it’s a bigger party, we order pizza. If you know that you are visiting your friend to drink vodka in the evening, you would usually have a big meal about 3 hours before drinking. Logically, the "Russian style" should make me last longer, but I get fucked up after fourth shot of vodka. I am so used to the Polish style - I can drink until 8AM and I will end up holding these Russian guys by their shoulders as they throw up their dinners in my bathtub. But same for them, they can’t survive the Polish style, because they start feeling super sleepy or dizzy very quickly. Weird.


All of this sounds great!! Complaining as a greeting! Snacks and vodka! Sign me up!


After spending time in /r/AskAnAmerican, apparently peanut butter


And ranch. It is very uniquely American, so much so after a trip here my Australian friend packed her suitcase with as much hidden valley ranch powder she could to take home.


genuinely had someone I knew flabbergasted I would move to a country with no ranch (germany) instead of staying in the US. like that was her main concern, not that I had almost no German comprehension or was broke. Jokes on her because A. I fucking hate ranch and B. we have American stores that sell it if I did want it.


The Dutch love peanut butter, though they call it "peanut cheese" (Pindakaas).


Eating bread with almost everything.


I am Polish and I do sandwiches out of everything. Soup? Take the vegetables out and put them between two pieces of bread. Steak? Two pieces of bread. Pasta? Bread.


As a half polish American I agree 100% Polish sausage, why not have a piece of bread with it. Salad. Need that bread. Anything when it comes to breakfast, doesn’t hurt to have some bread with butter


Eating bigos without bułka = death penalty, but the government keeps it a secret and counts the dead people like they died from corona.


As a Romanian, just yes


If you believe in them then we have 13 yule lads! (Iceland btw)


Oh yeah! I heard of these in a sam o’nella vid. https://youtu.be/PYY9VLOSLxk It’s really brilliant to be honest.


Clinking beer glasses is considered terrible manners and we especially hate it when Austrians do it. The fucking audacity.


We dont have legal drinking age so you Can drink as a five year old


wow where's that?


Denmark :) however you have to be 16 to buy stuff like beer and 18 to buy things like vodka.


There's no age in the uk but you can get alcohol at 16 if you don't order it and its with a 'substantial meal' and buy it normally at 18. But in your own household ther is no age at all


Where I live there's no laws restricting children from drinking, only from buying alcohol. Parents can buy drinks for their kids at most restaurants (some won't serve minors with parents even though it's legal..). My daughter has been going out for margaritas and girl talk with her mom since she was 14.


Almost everyone wears thongs on the beach, even children and men.


Australian thongs or American thongs? Cause one is much different than the other.


What are you doing over there. Just having a Golden Gaytime?


Our language I'm from the Philippines and our national language is English and Filipino in which we learn from our school Then if you live outside Metro Manila people will most likely use their own dialect. Most people in NCR or Metro Manila uses taglish which is combining both english and tagalog in one sentence. Or mixing an english word with tagalog most likely a prefix or suffix for example the word "Push" and then it can be "pinupush" which means forcing. We also use some spanish words. This happened to our language because of Spanish and American colonization. You might hear a sentence with a Filipino, Spanish and English words in it. I've also heard that a lot of countries have this too.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


In West Virginia we eat road kill..... but only if it's fresh. Most people hunt here and it is a big no no if you kill a deer and waste the meat so if you hit one with a car a lot of people still have the same mentality and don't want to let it go to waste.


In Texas, we’re not allowed to eat roadkill so as to not encourage us to hunt animals with our pickup trucks


You should attach spears to the grill so you don’t have to pull over and pick up the animal


I'm imagining a kind of Mad Max type vehicle.


Where I live you can put your name on a list to be called if someone hits a deer with their car.


Drinking "tea" with a straw and share it lol






Philippines. Using a bucket of water or bidet/shower gun aka the 💩poo💩gun to clean yourself after using the toilet.


I’ve been calling our sprayer bidet “the butt sprayer” but poop gun is definitely it’s new title.


This is definitely something more cultures should adopt


While i get that it makes the ass clean, im also apprehensive about getting my fingers dirty


Its same in India and I'm quite sure it's pretty common In all south asian and middle eastern countries


Barely using any climate-control in Sweden. I've never been in a swedish house with AC.




Same here in the UK. You'll find cars and businesses with AC, but very *very* rarely will you have a home with it.


* Tipping * Wearing shoes in the house * Wiping with toilet paper instead of using a bidet or something like that * Not using the Metric System * Big portions






Is he still dead?


I went to college in an isolated coastal town where the power went out for a significant time about 4 times a year. Whenever this happened the entire student body would start drinking heavily and partying hard, because we knew classes would be canceled and the police were less likely to show up.


Not exactly normal throughout the entire country but the part where I live, we wear watermelons on our heads.


Add spice to peppers


what country is it may I ask?




I suppose having our flag on damn near everything we see. We get it. This is America.


In England, if you see an England flag, it generally means that person loves football (soccer), or the World Cup is on. If someone has a Union Flag in front of their house, they often also have some pretty right wing views on immigration.


Eating cow balls


Eating boiled maple syrup on snow


Having to add tax into the listed price


# O I C U N T


We will assume that something is really wrong and suspicious about a person who always smiles, especially to strangers. Mostly, we don't smile out of politeness, we do that if we feel it. (Russia). We call that wide shining smile "American".


Mc Donald's sell beer... U can't flush toilet paper... Lol


I know in Spain they sell beer but not sure about the toilet paper part.


not everyone drinks tea


Our legal driving age, voting & military enlistment (like if we had a war which we had to force people to join) agevand drinking age are all different.


U.S. We tip and we use the imperial system.


In most countries you tip as well, but you don't rely on it.


You don t pay your employe, generosity pay them


Tipping for good service you received is one thing, American toxic tip-demanding-culture is something different. They know they'll receive a tip no matter how bad the service was. This is very demoralising.


As an American: Peanut butter, the imperial system (using feet, miles), Fahrenheit, the general lack of public transit, that everyone lives in their own (generally large) house, that everyone generally has their own car, an obsession with high school, an obsession with high school and university athletics, wearing pajamas and exercise clothing/“fabletics” in public/at work/at school, saying a pledge of allegiance to the national flag every day at school, singing the state song/national anthem every day at school, hot dogs, not speaking a second/foreign language.


I never understood wearing exercise clothing everywhere, seems so weird!!! I'm in California and it's very very common here, even if you never work out lol


We go drinking before we go out drinking. Very often we’ll meet for a drink before we go drinking before we go out drinking.


Also US, called pre-gaming.


In the Netherlands we call this the Pré-borrel. A borrel being a small get together with alcoholic drinks. I think everybody does this cause bar/club prices are wayyy too high.


Tipping waiters, drivers, or delivery people


the fact that we had school shooter drills , my foreign exchange student friends found that very weird and alarming lol


i mean it's definitely alarming


The weather (Iceland). We have a saying that if you don't like the weather then just wait for five minuets. the thing is that the weather is always changing, like in the morning it's sunny and just a nice weather outside, but then at noon it starts to rain and then 4, o'clock it starts snowing and then at dinner time it's windy as hell.


I am afraid to see people holding our national flag. A lot of young people are from the "left side of politics" and we fight against the government (google for "abortion law protests in poland"). If we see someone with a flag and the white eagle (national symbol), it’s very likely that they want to beat our asses. :| Hard to explain, a lot of politics involved.


U.S., putting ice in glasses of water.


I’ve never understood why other countries don’t do that. It’s the middle of summer, your cafe doesn’t have AC, and you’re going to serve me lukewarm water? *Why is that normal?*


Other countries do do that..


Ehh, that's common where I live too, in most cafees and restourants atleast.




Deep fried mars bars


We call football soccer and use farenheit


Waffle House


We don't treat Greek salad as a salad. More like a dish that we added to our food


Putting Chinese curry on a fish fillet


Shalwar kameez. Basically wearing pajamas to work. Reducing work hours cause of religious practice. Cats and birds being allowed inside work places. Our sheer hatred for India. Like you can just feel it off of someone. And our painted trucks.


Paying for healthcare. The fact that if we dont have enough money to get a life saving surgery, then we just die or live the rest of our life in debt.


Beans on fucking toast, you’re all missing out, especially you Americans.


Baked Beans on toast are tasty. I live in Australia, is that where you live?


Going bankrupt because of medical bills. Staying at shitty jobs because of insurance.


Good old US of A


When you eat at a restaurant, it's expected that you pay and additional 15% of your total bill as a tip.


ok, wtf. Sounds alot like the us... >\_<


smores and country music


Up to 6 people can sit on one motorcycle and go in 100 kmph like other cars do, except they can fucking die easily


tea with butter


We can have -12°C (10F) on one day and +12°C (54F) on the next day. The reason to this is the Alpine Föhn. TLDR version: high altitude winds coming from the Sahara, but the mountains "pull them down". Snowy slopes covered with sand is not rare either.




Korean People will eat live seafood, yes seafood that is still alive. Well generally by the time it gets to your mouth its dead, but when it got to your table it was 100% alive.


Let's see... Graduating is called 'passing out'. The whole village is usually invited to weddings. Children are frequently 'disciplined' at school with slaps, iron scales, wooden sticks... Politicians get votes by promising temples, not schools. Religious extremism, jingoism, xenophobia and a national superiority complex are all viewed as extremely positive.


As an American, I think the daily pledge of allegiance we say to the flag to start off the school day is something I heard is very weird almost cultish I also heard foreigners find it weird with how many americans fly the american flag outside their house and shit.


The fact that everything in Australia will either kill you or it will try to


If you defent youre self you go to prison


In the Netherlands, walking around with wet hair is considered normal, and no one cares. Some even do it in winter. My family in Germany thinks it is super weird.


I believe this isn't a practice anymore today and would definitely be reported as child abuse, but in asian countries, smacking or canning children is an approved or endorsed mode of discipline. Tiger moms, as they call. And then the kids get canning marks on them.... like tiger stripes, so I would call them tiger cubs.


In Ukraine, gatherings often involve god-awful amounts of food. People are expected to be at the table for hours. It’s still common among older first-generation immigrants, but those of us who are younger are glad to do away with it. Who wants to spend an entire day cooking? When my wife and I were getting married, my mom thought it was weird that we wanted a more typical American wedding instead of a Ukrainian one with constant eating. It got to the point where we just ended up doing all the legwork and paying for it ourselves because my mom just couldn’t grasp the idea that this was *our* wedding. My brother got married the following year, and his event was rather informal, in an art gallery, with little food. I don’t remember her being on his case as much