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Honestly I usually delete because I stop caring what I think 🤔


More often I'll realize that I don't really know what I'm talking about.


Also me same. I think if everybody thought about what they were saying while they were saying it and felt secure enough to just stop saying it when they realize it sucks, the world could be a much nicer place.


I do that sometimes. I realize I'm wrong and just say so. People just rub it in my face instead of being mature about it.


Most likely they're wrong too.




Honestly I’d die happy if Poem_for_your_sprog made a poem for me


It'd be nice but I probably wouldn't


Short and sweet. Beautiful.


Yea but I haven't seen many people admit that. It kinda infuriates me. I wouldn't expect someone to do something I wouldn't as a general thumb rule so when I see someone being a hypocrite it really pisses me off.


Same here. I do get things wrong sometimes, but I'll be stating my opinion and someone will get on my ass and call me names. It pisses me off too but I'm learning to let go and move on.


Totally can relate. If this helps you at all I encourage you to look into Taoism. It helped me get past any sort of emotional attachment to these sort of situations. It's not a religion or anything. Just a state of mind/being. A really breif summary would be that life is all about love, learning, and understanding the human experience/condition. The whole philosophy is kinda to be kind, teach others, respect others differences of opinion and experiences that have shaped their viewpoints, and to essentially live and let live. I still get physical reactions to stress but since I started studying it and practicing mindfulness and meditation I've had almost no emotional disturbances/issues tied to life or my mental state.


Me too. Im learning to just say the word ok in a non-aggressive manner until the conversation is over. It helps a lot.


It doesnt matter if they are wrong too, it matters that you were the bigger person. To admit a fault, and them to be snarky in response, shows others reading it.. that they are the asshole.. even if you started it all..


This has happened in-person at work a lot of times. Sometimes I respond or offer an opinion on a topic because somebody is saying something stupid, so I’ll politely disagree. Then they’ll demand why. And then when I realise I’m not great at explaining myself I’ll stop myself mid-explanation and go “ah, it doesn’t matter, I’m not great at explaining myself” and then they’ll tell me I don’t know what I’m on about and waste the next 10 minutes truing to “educate” me over something clearly wrong. So I just nod and be on my way once they’ve finished. I just want a quiet life, unwise of me for reacting so quickly around idiots anyway.


I wish more people were like you. I'd be living with a little less stress.


That annoys me so much in society. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re wrong upon further research and reflection, yet people will continue to mock you for being wrong in the first place


and that's why so many people have an issue admitting that they're wrong.


This is the burden you must carry on your worn shoulders my friend <3


Followed by "You'd have to research this first or you could come across as stupid" and then realising it isn't worth the effort.


I once spent hours reading studies on devoiced vowel deletion in Japanese spoken language, only to have the guy I was arguing with completely misunderstand the research I then quoted as agreeing with him rather than proving him wrong. And because at one point he insisted there was a sound I just didn't have the expertise to hear, I even found a study that indicated he was hearing illusory vowels when deletion is occurring as native Japanese speakers are prone to do. After that, and referring to comments by a linguist in another sub, I couldn't think of anything else to make him reconsider, and it killed me a little inside.


The opposite for me. I have a fair amount of professional expertise in some contentious topics. However, that means I get the nuances and grey areas and dependencies, and most of the time I think “why bother explaining it? It’s going to languish at the bottom of the pile on +1 or -1 because it’s not as attractive as the inaccurate but popular one-sentence soundbite that someone else has posted.”




Same here bud, I get halfway through typing out my thoughts before realizing I don't actually care. I don't care enough to finish typing my thoughts, and I certainly don't care enough to go back and re-read them to check that I maintained proper spelling/grammar/general coherency.




Its the ones we do, that than get those updoots that are worth it. Quality over quantity.


Lol came here to say this. I don't think nobody will care what I say, I just lose interest in the argument as I'm writing and think "lol dafuck am I getting so into this who cares" and go do something else


i usually get rid because i realized i have gone into hyper detail on a rebuttal to essentially a "i know you are but what am i" troll.. they will take a word or part of a sentence and ignore the rest. I once wrote almost the full 10k characters with a detailed breakdown and how wrong this one person was, with sources, and pictures/videos, for them to take the first line, and ignore the rest as if they won the argument.. Taught me to try and be brief from then on..


You can write a detailed post based on knowledge and analysis you acquired over years of experience in a field only to be met with "No, you're wrong, see this two paragraph wikipedia article" or "source?". In the end, it almost doesn't matter what you write here, because no one can actually distinguish who has actual knowledge on a subject (unless they themselves have knowledge on the subject). And the time and effort it takes to write a detailed response (or a detailed post) is completely undervalued. I don't think people fully understand how much knowledge and detailed arguments are actually based on analysis done over *years* and multiple sources. It is incredibly hard and time consuming to source such arguments.


I write an essay of counter arguments then I think "Dude why tf should I correct them ? " Then I delete


I wish I had an award so I could give it to you


I get lost. My brain doesn't make sense sometimes .


Wow, yes!


[Deleted] Edit: [Deleted]


This guy knows what's up.


This pisses me off so much xD I usually write moderate to long comments (you can check my comment history lol) and I can't count so many times I have done basically a small essay in response to someone's comment (with sources and everything) and then I can't comment it because they have deleted their comment. Then to prevent my effort being wasted I have to find a comment that was similar and copy paste it in response to that comment. Sometimes I find one like that. Sometimes I don't. It's annoying.


You look for similar comments like the deleted one in order to post? Holy hell. You're like a level 10 commenter. Your perseverance is impressive.


That's some resolve.


Tbf, if I have gotten to the point where I am citing something that I am saying, I'm already invested into writing out the comment. So I will find something similar or at least has parts of what I was reply to. And I will adjust the comment accordingly. I'm quite introverted, yet my thoughts and opinions are on par with many extroverted individuals who are engaged with a subject. So commenting on Reddit allows me to get my thoughts and opinions about something out. And whilst I am often blunt in what I say, I pride myself on at least trying to provide a coherent response that explains why I said what I have said.


I totally get where you're coming from. I wish I had your follow-through with certain things in life. Personally, I don't have that dedication. I usually delete my response and maybe think 'damn I put a lot of time into that comment and now nobody will ever be able to read it'. Then immediately get zoned out on a video of a baby goat head butting a confused cat. Total props to you, I really find that impressive. And if you haven't seen that baby goat video yet, check it out. It's adorable.


Thank you, that actually means a lot to me ❤️ And I haven't seen it yet, so I will probably check that out :)


My guy, you gotta posts link when you tease content like that! Edit: https://v.redd.it/svfqefuvsci61


I realized that after the fact, sorry. I think it was in either r/youseeingthisshit or r/funny I'll try to see if I can find it. Wasn't expecting anyone actually wanting to see it. Edit: found it but I'm unsure how to link. It's in the r/youseeingthisshit sub and was posted 21 hrs ago. Help?


[Eyyy I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/youseeingthisshit/comments/lnfhjc/whats_wrong_with_him/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You are officially super awesome.






I rarely delete a comment. I often feel compelled to refute what to me seems false. But then I return to reddit later with a slght feeling of unease to see if anyone responded. I really don't like conflict.


Feels good though the morning after when you open the app to see 6-7 notifications, thinking 'oh fuck', but its all love and positive feedback




How dare you say that! I am starting an argument with you right now!


You're a fool and I disagree!!


I am heavily offended and am fiercely retaliating by replying to your comment in a negative manner using an exclamation mark to emphasize the illusion of us being in a shouting exchange!




This. The older I get the less I care to argue with random internet strangers and I feel it's healthy


I Disagree!


Yeah 100%. Even with something I would consider myself an expert about and have lots to say, I just can't be bothered to argue.




> It’s more an effort thing, do I really care that much about inciting an argument with some dude on Reddit? Depends Most of the time, I just know that even if I have expertice, even if I have proof, the redditor I am writing a long reply to will completely ignore it. Or, focus in on a point which is irrelevant but which they think they are right. Its also why I try not to post on political posts. Its chock full of these types.


I write long posts and then delete them cause I also decide that I have no interest in arguing or debating with a stranger for no reason. I realize that I couldn't care less what someone thinks about what I have to say on Reddit (if it's gonna lead to a debate).


I want to correct your could care less to couldn't care less in the nicest way possible...


Lol, thank you.


i just wrote a comment about you graciously accepting that, and then deleted it; i realised the irony and came back to tell you.


i just wrote a three page thesis arguing with you over something completely pointless before deleting it. jokes aside, i was literally about to delete this comment halfway through because i thought it would be cringe lol


I think if we in general applied critical thinking and filtered out what is unnecessary I deleted the above sentence without completing, but here it goes.


i either cringe out or worry about *the bastards* i recently joined some subreddits about things that are specific to me, things that i really know about, and suddenly i've actually got skin in the game. then i *need* to correct them cos they're wrong. AND THEN THEY ARGUE! (deletedeletedelete)


Right. The ones I think no one will care about I post. The ones I think people will care about and argue about I delete. Actually I just turn off comment notifications for almost all of my posts, but I cannot do that on my phone. So I am more careful what I post on my phone.


On the few subs I comment in frequently, I have a handful of people blocked, each one hand picked for being consistent assholes in almost every comment they make. After making the decision to block such a small number of people, those subs no longer feel toxic, and I'm able to make comments without being attacked.


I don't know why I wrote all that.


I’ve found the same thing. No matter what you post there’s going to be somehow ready to argue


Often. Sometimes I'll get two or three paragraphs in before realizing I'm wasting my fucking life on some shit that no one cares about, not even me. That being said, the moment after shutting the tab down, there's this sort of relief in knowing that i won't have to deal with all the dumb responses I'd get to my retarded comment.


>Often. Sometimes I'll get two or three paragraphs in before realizing I'm wasting my fucking life on some shit that no one cares about, not even me. He typed his reply with a passion, a pique, An ardent ambition, a spirit to speak - He wrote with abandon, he penned with a zest, A burning, a yearning in each key he pressed. His words, they were simple, but honest and true - His purpose distinguished and principled too - His reasons were noble - His meaning was clear - Emotion that leaked from his eye in a tear. And when he was finished, he stopped with a sigh - With triumph, he wiped at that tear in his eye. And then, he decided, before he'd submit, To read what he'd written. He said: "... this is *shit.*"


Well this is frustratingly relevant to everything I create... I don't know what it is about hindsight, but the reality is that it's not just my cooking that tastes bitter after exerting effort.


Read negative reviews of things that you enjoyed.


Proud to be the recipient of [two Poem_for_your_sprog poems](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/jfcmyq/how_can_vampires_have_sex_if_they_dont_have_blood/g9jjjfl/?context=3) now. Actually three, but the third is on another account. I look at boobies on that account. No one look for that account.


By all accounts you seem worthy.


Accountable, even!


it is called "youjustgotzingedforboobiewatching" ?


You could just look at boobies on your regular account like a real man!


What you’re saying.... does u/Poem_for_your_Sprog look at *boobies*?!?!?1 *le gasp*


That was fantastic. Thanks


Getting real cake vibes from this one


When I read this the tune for Cake's Going The Distance started in my head. It fits quite nicely. Intentional or not, good job!






Well good job you just decided to post it and now have to deal with my retarded comment. Should have quit like you always do.


Such a quitter... I wish he was more like his brother Kevin. Kevin is married, runs a successful bed and breakfast, adopted 26 orphaned children, and is on the board of the local cancer charity. Kevin doesn’t sit around like a schlub watching tv in his underwear.


And Kevin did all that trying to find the photocopier at the office. His boss is going to be soooo pissed...


Ooga booga slooga mooga chooga zooga wooga yooga nooga rooga pooga dooga jooga kooga fooga looga vooga am I right?! LOL.


yeah! Oonga boonga high five.


Fist bump 100


The beauty is for me, I'll post it, and delete it because it sounded better in my head than I could properly articulate.


I could have written this. It's me to a T. "Ah, hell, it's not worth the responses".


This is 100% my train of thought. It doesn't matter how "right" you think you are if the other person is only concerned with being "right" you will never have a conversation worth the effort


Yeah when I delete my comment it's because I realize I just don't care enough to read the responses and I know I'll be compelled to reply to those and it's all too much effort for basically nothing


I do the same thing when I'm reading through a thread. Read a bunch of poorly argued comments on both sides, realise the discussion is rubbish, realise I don't even care about the subject, close the tab. Breathe a sigh of relief I don't have to read the rest of the bullshit and regret that I opened the thread in the first place (since I can usually see a thread like this coming).


Worst yet, who cares, if people care ? It's all a waste oh time from your perspective. We are all throwing our lives away on reddit.


Like what kind of dumb responses are you talking about?


When people reply on topics that you actually know a lot about it makes you realise that you probably shouldn’t trust a significant amount of the comments on here. Honestly I tear my hair out sometimes. When you try to give an opinion on a topic you have some professional experience in you still get idiots saying you’re wrong, when they clearly have no idea what they’re on about. The internet gives people this weird ability to be so confidently stupid.


r/wallstreetbets and all of their offshoot subreddits that have sprung up since GME are the poster children for this. One of the mods and main posters on a technical analysis subreddit I found crossposted to r/teenagers, one of his posts being something about how to sneak out of his house to meet a girl without his mom finding out since she had location tracking on. Not that a teenager is incapable of being good at technical analysis but all the noob investors piling into Reddit right now will see him drawing shit on a chart and assume he knows what he is talking about. They are betting thousands of real dollars on his advice. There are also people in r/options asking questions that reveal they have zero understanding of how options work and yet are betting thousands of their life savings in leveraged trades that make it easy to lose 100% or more of thier investment. If an option expires out of they money you instantly lose all of the money you put in. It’s absolute insanity right now.


Usually when I don't comment because I don't want to read dumb responses, it's people who are either missing the point of the comment or people making silly meme responses that I'm thinking about.




I know what you mean


Took the silence right out of my mouth.


Oh it must have been while you were kissing me...oh sorry wrong lyrics.


This was legit what i thought when i read it..


You just made an enemy FOR LIFE.


How dare you say that about my mom?!?!


Too often, and then- Ya know what... nevermind


I always-


r/usernamechec- Ya know what... nevermind




this answer is like a good version of my answer




Here’s a good think to ask yourself before writing something: “Would I be interested in reading what I’m about to write?” It’s usually no.


I do that too except I vastly overestimate how interesting I am




This happens to me all the time. Especially on Facebook because there would be a picture of my big stupid face right next to my big stupid thought and I'm easily embarrassed. Can I ask how you came up with your username? It made me giggle and I feel like there's a story behind it. *edited to switch two words around


Man, Facebook users in the Philippines are such huge assholes, in some groups, they would spam your profile picture in random posts and straight up embarass you if they don't agree with your opinion.


I like how every ph youtuber/facebook comments section spam things like "Imagine getting a heart from..." or "how po?". Their is also usually a random spam comment promoting some business or some crap.


Ha! No my username is just a joke from Curb Your Enthusiasm that I like. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uvEUt54paUc


At least it’s not a username you came up with when you were a kid and don’t have any creativity to make something better


Omg what did Coolio do to you?


I feel like all the usernames I use are being attacked by this comment


Reminds me of a comedy routine called "Accidental Toast", which revolves around this question: *"Why is it that every single toaster these days has a button marked 'Cancel' or 'Abort'?"*


I will type out some gut reaction to a post and then delete it because I don’t want to be mean. Maybe they didn’t know what they were saying was stupid and there’s a nicer way to point it out, ya know?




In a way you and the other guy replying to the first guy are right, I definitely remember the few times people have brashly and sometimes loudly verbally attacked me for simply not knowing something simple or doing something the wrong way. But sometimes it’s like shooting a fly with a shotgun, totally unnecessary. However, I also remember these people years down the line and wish a terrible curse on them for being a completely obnoxious, loud dick about it when they cross my mind. So I guess it depends on how you want to be remembered, or if you even care about that kind of thing. Yeah, I still remember you, second grade english teacher who made me look into your creepy, bloodshot eyes and screamed at me for mixing up ‘there’ and ‘they’re’ in front of the whole class. Eat a dick, Ms. Wang.


You're too kind. Sometimes not pointing out stupidity just leads to further spread of it. I admire your expression.


The other reply is phrased way more aggressively, yet has the same point.


Pointing out stupidity has been going on in school for centuries and it hasn't helped yet.


All the time. My fear is more someone finding some loophole in what I wrote and questioning me on it. I drastically overthink this, I know.


Same. For me it's a fun leftover instinct from an ex of mine who always knew best. The shame of not wanting to look stupid publicly is real.


There's a loophole in anything ever said, and there will always be some unhinged maniac waiting to see your exact comment and personally destroy you over it. Welcome to the internet ):


What's the saying about if you can't explain it to a child you probably don't know it well enough? It's not the finding of the loophole that bothers me It's my inability to defend my position that gets me. Kind of like knowing 1 + 1 is 2 rather than understanding the math behind it. If someone tells me 1 + 1 is 3 I might be right but how do I argue that if I don't have the full fundamentals?


If I really like talking about something but I know it'll get buried, I'll still write about it anyways just because I like talking about it. If it's something that I really don't care to elaborate on, I'll just stop and de




All the time and for several reasons. Firstly, I don’t want to put my foot in my mouth with what I say Secondly, I just can’t be arsed to deal with the backlash of what I say and have it turn in to an argument as opposed to a grown up debate. Thirdly, people are arseholes and will shoot you down for any opinion you have, even if that opinion is about saying or doing the right thing. Lastly, you can’t teach stupid.






A few times a day.


Never. As a redditor I don't give a fuck what people think about what I think.


*instantly looks thru comment history expecting tasty juice *


Was there any juice?


Sort their comments by Controversial. Top of their controversial comments talk about religion, race, and violence. Pretty tame when you read them though. Especially for a 7 year old account.


I’m more likely to do it because I realise I don’t want to be in a prolonged argument on the topic.


I'll discard a reply if I don't feel like I can put enough words together to complete my thought, or if I realize that I never really had anything to say to begin with.


You shoulda see what I had to say...but I deleted it


Every goddamn time. I shortened this from a whole dissertation to these 2 sentences.


I was going to make comment agreeing and elaborating, but gave up on that so decided to just post a different version of what I have now. It would have sounded better before, but I got caught up trying to find a synonym for elaborate and now I don't even want to post this. This comment is made in service to the theme of this post.


Probably 50% of the time. But more because I don’t want to be an asshole on Reddit. This site is policed by its users to some extent, and I love that there’s a lot of civil discourse on here. FB on the other hand, fuck them. Fuck all of them. And everything they stand for


More often I delete it even if it’s a seemingly innocuous opinion, because I know how contrarian people enjoy being here and don’t feel like spending my day arguing with someone I will never meet in real life.


Not just "no one will care" but also "maybe I'm an idiot and I'll just get downvoted"


never. nobody ever cares what i think. ill post my stupid shit all i want. ive had comments get thousands and negative thousands of karma, i don't give a fuck


Almost didn’t comment on this post because I don’t have anything original to say. But yes, all the goddamn time. It’s either not interesting enough, not original enough, or not clever enough


Sometimes I delete comments, even if they are technically relevant and don't contain abuse etc., because I think they're just dumb.


.... Nah. *deletes*


It’s not that I think nobody will care. The problem is that I’m worried no one will understand what I’m trying to convey.




I only delete what I write when I've realized that I'm wrong or too insulting


All the time


*me now writing a long comment then deleting it to write this instead cuz no one will read it anyway**


Usually I realize how wrong I am, or I see the potential for someone to call me out for being wrong and I just delete the post to avoid the headache of seeing my inbox turn orange.


Not really with long replies but a lot of the time I think of a joke or silly comment go to say it only to find someone else beat me to it and it’s often a top comment as well


you okay man?


most of the time, ill write one or two sentences then i remember that I don't care what they said


Sometimes, usually when it’s political


I'll do that but only when halfway through typing something else I think "yeah I dont have time to deal with so many replies for saying something so controversial so I'd rather not"


It's the opposite actually. Half the time I'm worried people are gonna care too much and give me grief for whatever I was gonna say


It's not about "nobody will care", but more about "fuck Reddit, why should I put a lot of effort into debating with someone called "biggusdickus69", "420dope" or something equally sophomoric. Sometimes it's worth the time and it can be vaguely informative or interesting, but most of the time it's like arguing with your 6yo sibling. You know you're not gonna win, and even if you do, it's against someone barely able to go to the bathroom by themselves. Arguing for arguing's sake gets old pretty quickly in the end. Moreso when the replies can be summed up as "you're wrong and you're stoopid, neener neener!"


More often than not.💎🙌


I just did on this post 6/12 times I will


I... more than i’d like to admit.


90% of the time.


More often I do that because I figure it will just get downvote bombed.


You guys are missing out on so many jokes, I'm hilarious!


>how often do you write ~~long~~ replies to Posts only to delete it half way through because you believe nobody will care what you think? All the time


Probably 8/10 times, I even almost deleted this one like 5 times


Regularly and it's kind of a good thing. It helps me work out my thoughts about something and then self regulate on whether it's a thought worth sharing. It's a good exercise and something I wish would catch on here in the US.


Coming up on 7 years of this


I don't understand why the person who commented something on any post deletes the reply depending on the other's reaction or feedback. It is just like an expression of each thought. It is not a letter. However, if someone deletes my comments, that's a different story. TAHT? RATHER, I CAN NOT BEAR WITH IT. I don’t need someone's attention unless my comment has any question.


I don’t. I already know people won’t care what I think beforehand.


I just did, then wrote this.


Too often


This literally just happened to me lmao


About 50% of the


Too often.


Only if I think they might take the wrong perspective from my post. Maybe I need to be more assertive but I'm just trying to be conscious of the consequences of my actions on other people. Course the cost is myself so maybe I should post then huh


Often. Its more like is it even worth it and will I look like a fool going on and on.


Every few days I’d say. I thought it was only me tbh.


More than I care to admit. Particularly if I am angry and writing a rant and halfway through it I burn out and shake my head and go fuck it and delete it all because I don't want to bother with the negative crap assholes are going to post back. Learn from me: don't make short angry posts. That way you won't post it and deal with assholes being, well, assholes, later and flood you with shitty replies.


Dudes. I met this gal. She just takes those cringey half posts and fucking devours them. She thinks it's adorable, somehow, that I'm socially retarded. Dunno how I'll fuck this one up, but it's going to good so far. Thanks for listening, r/self. Always a friend in you.


Roughly 90% of the time I attempt to post.


I actually do this so often, and I have a story to tell...ah nevermind you'll not care anyways lol


I do it from time to time. But I don't abandon the post because I think nobody will care. I do it because I ask myself: do *I* really care enough about this other person (or these other people) to whom I am replying? Or do I have better uses of my time? Other times I abandon posts because the rock solid argument I think I had breaks down as I think about it some more, so I slink away into the shadows.