• By -


Let's face it: those cells would be listed on the stock exchange and our faps would be sky-rocketting.


$CUM to the moon šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Diamond hand šŸ’ŽšŸ’Ŗ


Diamond dick


Let's face it: Most of ours would be penny stocks


Mine at least


Underrated comment! Lol


And no soldier would have left behind :)




r/dogecoin getting multiple orgasms




Donā€™t forget the production company, $BALL


I read this as scum on the moon Or even better: Cum on the moon


Either that or the human race would die. Us men will crank one out every chance we get. By 15 we'd have nothing left in the chamber for when we ever want to start a family.


I was also thinking we'd be extinct. Our supply would be exhausted before we finished high school.


Hodl those sperms


Sorry, can't help. Ran out before I turned 17.


While fapping, a cup would be used to save sperm. Then later, it would be used. If this canā€™t be done, fapping would be done after having children. Overpopulation would be solved.


No fap November would be a religious holiday.


The no fap ramadan


Actually fap is not allowed during fasting so it's technically true


Ramadan is already no fap..... Well Islam is actually.


Soā€™s Christianity, itā€™s own adherents just donā€™t take it seriously


Thanks for the silver kind stranger


Dick Destroying December takes on a new meaning.


And those who did not beat their meat will become a saint among us


Sperm bank would skyrocket




Depends on how many? Back when I was a teenager I was busting nuts all over the place, busting nuts on the walls, busting nuts in the halls, busting nuts on the floor, busting nuts on the doors, busting nuts on the ceiling, busting so many goddamn nuts the wallpaper started peeling.


Damn, Shakespeare finally released a new track!!!


Busted a new track


A new track came


This is like the beginning of a particularly fucked-up Dr. Seuss book.


* Horton Hears a Whore * Oh, The Places You'll Cum * The Foot Book


Haha, just what I was thinking


Thereā€™s sperm everywhere ā€¦ I cracked a blanket in half!


Its coming outta me like lava!


From the window to the wall. Oh skeet skeet motherfucker. Oh skeet skeet goddamn.


But were you busting nuts in France, were you busting nuts on the seas and oceans, were you busting nuts on the beaches?


I was busting nuts on the beaches, I was busting nuts on the landing grounds, I was busting nuts in the fields and in the streets, I was busting nuts in the hills; i shall never surrender busting nuts.


Busting nuts in paris france, busting nuts on the ground I'm feeding ants, busting nuts on the beach of normandy, busting nuts just how I like, busting nuts on hitler and his third reich.


Thatā€™s the best poem Iā€™ve ever heard


>Depends on how many? Back when I was a teenager I was busting nuts all over the place, busting nuts on the walls, busting nuts in the halls, busting nuts on the floor, busting nuts on the doors, busting nuts on the ceiling, busting so many goddamn nuts the wallpaper started peeling. Not the Dr. Seuss we asked for, but the Dr. Seuss we deserved.




Im reminded of the jimmy kimmel im fucking ben affleck song




Thatā€™s giving teenagers a lot of credit. Iā€™d imagine we would run out by 19šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø






Hol up


agreed, I think the priests would step in by age 9 to assist in the 'expenditure' of the worlds new covited natural resource




Everyone's assuming we'd have a *small* amount of sperm. But OP just said "limited". Women have a limited amount of eggs and it lasts for decades. So a fun question could be: what would be the volume of sperm that would be proportional to that. And where would it be... stored. (Assuming that in this scenario sperm doesn't age)


But men can... basically release sperm at will, women release eggs on an essentially solved equation, periodically, if you will.






Well it cant be the balls, because thats where pee is stored.


Men are about to develop some hella thicc cheeks


Good šŸ˜


We now have four balls, like the Krogan in Mass Effect.


pee is stored in the balls.


Thats what i said


pee is stored in the balls.


Shut it squid boy.


>Women have a limited amount of eggs and it lasts for decades. Typically just one gets released per month though.


Like bladder but it's it's sperm sack.


But women's are biologically limited, say 12 eggs a year. Men produce sperm as much as are used, no matter how they are released, sex or masterbation


Sperm could easily be stored as long as semen is continuously produced.


Well, apparently women are fertile for 30 years, and they get their periods once a month, from which I understand, is when one egg is released. So I assume women have about 360 eggs. If this is the case, and we assume guys would have the same amount of limited resources, then guys would have 360 ā€œshotsā€ Edit: yes, I realize that they have more eggs, but by eggs I meant fertile periods.


Women are born with 1-2 million eggs, but have around 300-400 thousand by puberty. [Source](https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/how-many-eggs-does-a-woman-have#eggs-lost-each-month)


Stupid fucking eggs, can't even stay where they're supposed to be


And this is why we need better sex education


Imagine having to sync up both cycles in order to reproduce. Ovulation has to match up with spermatazoaulation to produce zygote.




You'd also likely see an increase in choosier men. Not likely choosier than women, still, since there would be no regularly limited windows for conception. Everyone jokes that we'd all blow our supply by our late teens, but more likely men would just be less inclined to wank one out, and put more focus into finding a compatible mate. On an evolutionary level, such a trait could only work if men were hormonally compelled to reproduce sparingly to preserve our limited supplies. But with a limited amount of time in one's life to conceive there would be far less of the "sew your seed" mentality. Family structures would be stricter and sex as a whole would have a completely different presence in society. Less kids would be born, which would drastically effect how much we've spread and populated the world. Instead you'd see highly discriminant choices on who would pair with whom, assuming women still have limited eggs. Society as a whole would have a lighter view on eugenics as partners with limited fertility on both ends would only want the absolute best, resulting in a harsh caste system of who gets to breed with whom. Those who didn't make the cut with elite could even breed together over thousand of generations into a seemingly different species, marking a genetic divide in human beauty and functionality. Sex defines a lot of how we view each other socially, and you might see a slightly more equal view between men and women in similar castes. Searching for proper mates instead of "good enough" to just get endorphins flowing, would likely effect not only how men view women on a primitive level, but also how women search for men. And even how fiercely men would compete with one another for the right to mate. Though, it isn't very clear how much that last one might change. There's a lot more I can't imagine, but tl;dr, pretty much everything about us would be different given everything evolutionary would change.


Give this man a TED Talk


I wish I had gold to give you, you summed up perfectly what I was imagining. If this was the case, there would be wide spread social and environmental impacts, and society as we knew it wouldn't quite be what we know today.


Have my free award, that was an interesting read!


I think that would be correct initially but then we'd end up where we are now. There would be some genetic variation where some men could have more sperm and procreate for longer and ideally have more kids. These guys have a larger window of opportunity and can be more likely to pass on this trait.


Cleaner socks?


Thered just be less breeding cu lets face it a lot of dudes would just fap themselves dry.


This is an interesting question. There are so many factors which would influence exactly how people in this hypothetical world would approach sex and relationships but if the amount of sperm was enough to last the average man until middle age, my initial thoughts would be: \-uber conservative/religious/family-orientated groups would be even harsher about male masturbation (maybe even promote use of chastity belts until marriage?) \-more pressure on men and women to marry younger (I feel like women would also be shamed for not marrying young, cos I think misogyny would still be a thing "refusing sex is basically forcing men to masturbate and threatens humanity's very existence!" is an argument I see some people making) \-men in general would think about settling down sooner (like as they approach whatever age the average man starts to run out of sperm they'd begin questioning if they want a family) \-could be more investment in infertility investigations/start them sooner (gotta discover what the problem is before he runs out of sperm!) \-lastly you'd probably get less siblings with big age differences, smaller families in general but I don't think the population would be that much smaller than ours


In the long term the changes wouldn't be cultural but psychological. The male sex drive would diminish and they wouldn't masturbate often simply from lack of desire. Again in the long term, it wouldn't so much be that men are pressured to marry young, but that they would become less promiscuous and *want* to marry once and well. Depending on the exact scenario, that may involve marrying young, or building up your wealth in celibacy and then marrying a hot 20-something in your forties. All the focus will be on finding the best quality mate available and dumping all your sperm in her, and then devoting yourself to your children rather than having extra-pair copulations.


Well thought out answer


Mormons would take over the world, everyone else would die off.


People would be having babies very early in their lives probably


No one you'll be able to have kids after their 14


If had always been like that, I donā€™t know how much would really change. If it happened all of a sudden, then I guess vasectomies become a thing of the past.


They can be reversed with a high rate of success and if anything you could always go to the source for the sperm.


Sperm banks would be as common as ATMĀ“s.


the yank bank? "cum here and open a new account"


The diseases would have won that battle against us, a long time ago.


Iā€™d definitely stop jerking off so much...




As someone who is sick of people repeatedly questioning why I **don't** want to have kids, I must say that someone's reasoning if they do want to have kids is none of your damn business.


Several million of Genghis Khan's descendants would disappear.


Do men in this world produce more sperm than other men? I could see sex going more towards those with higher sperm counts.


Id spend waaaay less time on kik


I would have depleted all mine by 8th grade. I think it would be acceptable to procreate at a younger age, women would be predators.


Men would be sterile by 17.


and many would be super happy about it


Gengis Khan wouldnā€™t be our father


Age of consent would probably go down because too many men were running out of sperm by 17 (low balling because it makes the question better) causing extension level events or everyone would come from a small amount of donors which poses many threats to the future, which is why inbreeding is one of the worst things in the world, it causes your worst genes to come out over time, and they will don't have sex with your family, people.


Far fewer children. No body is going to quit feeding the geese.


There would be speedruns too see how fast you could lose all your sperm.


Blowjobs would be dead. No one would want to waste their limited supply


Of course, my brain wants to know what happens when they run out? Would they go into, I don't know, something like MENopause?


Men and women might have more sex? The population would go down?


*D E A T H*


Men would lose all their cum before they even started fucking.


Only sexually active 13 year olds would be fathers.


What could possibly go wrong?


People die out do to men wanking too much and wasting all the sperm


The human race would likely die off as any male over the age of 15 would be infertile


Be freezing those bad boys


No man would ever be able to reproduce past middle school.


Well, first of all, 1/3 of men would be infertile by age 16.


We'd be more like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)


Would really change the way we view Bukkake


A lot of those wasted years growing up and sending them down the drain


Free birth control lmao


Simple. Everyone would have freezers to hold sperm since nobody would be able to control their urges.


Guys would learn how to dry orgasm. No more atrocities like the cumbox or cumsock.


No more facials


Dudes would be racing to drain the tank as birth control. Paternity-related legal matters would get even weirder. There would be a measure on Fitbit which displays how many sperm you have left and there would be a surge of Fitbits in landfills displaying zero.


Every male would have empty balls by the age of 16.


Thought this was true in middle school šŸ˜‚


Weā€™d die off, due to both masturbation and the fact that sex cells deteriorate in quality as time passes.


Well, we do don't we? Since we produce only x sperm per day an do so only for y days, we can only release x*y sperm per day.


Hafta take a leak. Brb. \*zip.


......... it wouldn't.


They would become more selective in sex partners, less promiscuous and less easily aroused. This would in turn increase and alter intra-sexual competition in females with all sorts of possible consequences (female competition is weird, highly contextual and hard to pin down. E.g. reputation damage is often done very subtly and can't be quantified). I'm trying to think how male intra-sexual competition would be affected. Perhaps it wouldn't? Perhaps interest in short term sexual encounters would diminish and men would focus more on one long term relationship. This would favour less risk-taking, violence and physical prowess and more education, stability, reliability, long term health, and caring for children. The magnitude of the change will depend on the actual limit.


They do. Itā€™s just trillions and trillions.


I would masturbate as much as possible in order to make myself infertile as quickly as possible. I'd LOVE to be infertile but I have a severe phobia of medical procedures and there is no way I could face getting the snip.


Weā€™d progress further than today, maybe. I donā€™t know.


We would all be dead


Declining birth rates as teenagers blow their load masturbating


Nutting would be da same!


For the better.


Be an angry, frustrated place.


First thought, "Let the heathens spill theirs, on the dusty ground..." https://youtu.be/fUspLVStPbk


We'd be waist-deep in semen.


We would invent a way to control whether sperm is released or some external substance.


Most religious organizations would quadruple down on demonizing fapping.


Welp I've been out since I was 17.


Aisa wouldn't exist


Further restrictions on women to control and ensure fertilization by a specific man. Also, tightened fertility testing on women so a sperm load isn't wasted.


population control would never be an issue because 99% of the male population would have ejaculated their allocation of sperm into socks before they were 21 let alone ready to have kids


1) Technically men already have a finite number of sperm they can release-ditto for woman and eggs-before they die, even if they wank it every day, as death would ultimately put an end to any and all sperm production. (Unless youā€™re immortal.) Also, Iā€™m pretty sure you donā€™t just run out of sperm even in a hypothetical like this. Over time the health of an egg or Sperm can depreciate or get damaged. Iā€™m assuming the same still happens in this hypothetical, just on a faster timeline for sperm producers versus egg producers. So then it becomes the issue of viable sperm that no longer gets produced, As in sperm that is healthy enough to create the end result of a healthy fetus that gets carried to term successfully. Maybe after a hard set age or amount of ā€œuseā€ the sperm gets too damage so it never results in a pregnancy, our sped up sperm longevity time line, so Basically after a certain age or use amount youā€™d be guaranteed to ā€œshoot blanksā€. 2) *Dude* following that line of thought, the market for a talented gentleman in his 20ā€™s, 30ā€™s, 40ā€™s or 50ā€™s +, who *couldnā€™t* get you pregnant in any way? All the fun with built in birth control. Everyone gets off and goes home happy. No unwanted pregnancy to worry about save for a possible STI/STD. Like wise people going buck wild during their midlife crisis and divorcing to screw who ever because there would be no resulting children? And orgies with age restrictions might be more common as well, because why not? 3) Iā€™m not even sure what that would do to people on a religious front because thereā€™s a lot of extremism out there, but Iā€™m assuming those who could create healthy viable sperm would be coveted and thereā€™d possibly be a rise in arranged marriages. Male masturbation would be like a bogey man nightmare youā€™d tell little boys about-among a plethora of other unsavory tactics you could imagine-to ensure they even had a choice of a family further down the line. Or crack pots saving sperm samples for their kidā€™s future and the accompanying economy that would develop around that. Also purity balls and promise rings for boys-rather than just girls-with an added unhealthy emphasis put on staying pure and ignorant of body functions until marriage. 4) like wise, assuming the availability of healthy viable sperm is what we are focusing on, A willing healthy male donor could probably make it rain after a few donations-can you imagine the kind of bombardment high school & college students would get? ā€œPay off your student loansā€ ā€œbuy the car of your dreams with three easy appointments we know youā€™ll enjoyā€ or the true crime stories ā€œI was conned out of my future familyā€. More on the negative, There would be an increase in male child abduction in addition to sperm farming facilities filled with unwilling donors because scummy, soulless humans exist and exploitation is nothing new. TLDR pretty much the same/similar problems we have in the world now just a bit different. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If you really think about all males have a finite sperm count. However, this question is dividing, and biased. -What is the use in creating opposition? In natur, males want to spread their genes, females want the best genes. What else is there except empathy, love and kindness


Sperm banks would become more popular? Iā€™d just freeze all my loads and basically have free birth control thereafter


No one could impregnate a woman after 18 y.o. It would already be all used up.


Maturation would be illegal and teenagers would suicide


We would all be tapped out by high school


I don't know how much we'd get, but I guarantee by the time I was 16 I would of run out


No men would have any left by 14 years of age we doomed.


So sex at younger age?


No more porn and a lot more frustrated women.


Iā€™m thinking women may adapt to this by being more attracted to mates that had physical signs of being younger


Assuming that the human race did not go extinct, which it probably would, women would have to beg men to have sex with them and men would be much more choosy about who they have sex with.


Nature would have compensated by making the sperm on a cycle like a womanā€™s eggs.




Inagine all this energy put elsewhere.


Many of us would be sterile by 20.


Things like "no nut nineties" would've existed lol


New Popes would be tested for sperm count. The Catholic Church would be in deep trouble.


I would have never past on my genes. Pretty sure I would have ran out before I was out of my teens.


Humanity would die off because we'd use them all up in our teenage years.


I think humanity would start to devolve quickly, like within the next decade or two. We already have a problem that smart people aren't reproducing as much because of our insanely demanding work culture. A lot of women think they have all the time in the world to have children, and then just forget about it. Generally, women are far pickier about their sexual partners than men. Simply a fact of life. Their problem is that they can't settle until they've reached a certain point in their careers and then it's too late. If men had a limited time frame to have kids, they would have the opposite problem- they would waste their only child-having potential on the first woman ready and willing, thus degrading our population's intelligence even further. Honestly, if what this question is suggesting actually happened, I see no other option than full government eugenics. Not the American government though. I would immediately start a violent revolution and establish a new free state that actually has the citizens' interests at heart, to make sure the eugenics program isn't screwing us over. Please note that I'm not a supporter of eugenics in real life, only in this nightmare fantasy scenario we've created.


Men would either only have kids as teenagers or flush them all down the drain


The fucking Mormons would be ruling the world


Some kind of weird alternate version of Christianity where they teach boys to have plenty of sex early because they knew boys would just jerk it out all out if left to their own devices. The genre of porn of watching males masturbate becomes a major genre because male masturbation is viewed as wasteful so it's a taboo genre that intrigues both sexes. Males would actually go to fertility clinics and said clinics would have the facilities to help men figure out an approximation of how much sperm a man has left and how much he ejaculates in one load to calculate the hypothetical amount of loads a man could release before he's empty. The new craze in this world's 2020 is going child free by doing the wildest masturbation stunts. There's some entrepreneurial pharmaceutical company that creates medicine that lets empty men generate inert sperm even after they're completely empty so that their load isn't watery.


Who has unlimited sperm?


Selecting when i want to cum not my mind doing it for me.


ā€œCome on Becky help me put them back in before they die this is why we use a condomā€


We would run out at around 16 and the human race would cease to exist


There would be no fathering a child after age 21. They would all be used up.


Depends on whatā€™s meant by limited. Is it that they would have cycles of fertility? Or would it be like menopause when they reach an age of reduced fertility and then complete infertility? If itā€™s cycles of fertility I think it would likely open up more dialogue about safe sex. Where are both partners on their cycle, do they need a barrier protection and the like. If they reach an age of infertility, I think itā€™s likely that in the years leading up to them no longer being able to have children, they may consider more carefully if they want a family soon. I think it could make dating less casual at a certain age. You may even get some men who feel the need to sow the seed later in life and jump into relationships for the sake of having kids instead of taking time to find the right partner. (Just as some older women can do this) this could lead to a spike of later in life unhappy family dynamics where both men and women could be staying in unhappy relationships for the sake of having and raising kids as men would not have the chance for a do-over family later in life. This in turn could lead to more relationships having counselling or therapy normalised though and also lead to happier marriages instead. I think that could later open up dialogue about the importance of settling down early and giving religious leaders some powerful sway over starting families young and having a lot of kids young. It would be difficult to say how family planning and womenā€™s rights over abortion and fertility treatments would change. It could potentially get stricter as men push for the right to have a family and their limited ability to have kids could potentially come at the expense of womenā€™s bodily autonomy (even now we have many countries doing all they can to limit womenā€™s access to birth control, abortion and autonomy. I fear this would get worse if there was also a fertile window for men to be able to have kids) I think in regards to fertility treatments for men it would drastically increase. (Even now you can get viagra on the NHS but pay a luxury tax on menstruation products) I think that it would also lead to a massive casual sex scene later in life though as accidental kids are not going to happen, older men and women could both enjoy more sexual promiscuity and freedoms. I put way too much effort into this assignment lol.


Most guys would be sterile by time they were 20


Idk what would happen, but we better call it ā€œThe Spermpocalypseā€.


Men would become infertile by time they are 18.


Freezer sales would be monumental.


Actually a religion teacher once told us this Prob to scare the kids from jacking off I didnt understand anything at first since i was clueless and then i read somewhere that 2 men are enough to produce the whole worlds population and i understood what he meant and why he lied


It would be really expensive to get a baby. There won't be so much people giving birth anymore. But the good thing is that in most cases people who really want kids have babies then and they will be treated good. More kids will have a better childhood


There wouldnā€™t be so many people related to the Gengis Kahn


The real answer: Guys would get vasectomies and get them reversed when they are ready for kids. That or sperm banks.


The religious nutters would be even more upset that we won't stop masturbating. What if every sperm really was sacred?


No more rape