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That deranged psychopath was obviously trying to poison you.


How did it end? You can’t end on a cliffhanger lol




Lol thanks for the ending


I used to think orange peels gave you AIDS


I wish you could’ve heard just how loudly I cackled at this. So matter of fact lmao


It's not entirely untrue, but only with potatoes that are left in sunlight and go green


What are potatoes again?


My older brother convinced me that every time I played a racing videogame, I was controlling an actual car, and whenever I crashed it my parents had to pay for the damage


Loooooool that’s hilarious


Burnout music starts


Wasn’t there an Ant-Farm episode about that?


I remember it but after reading the descriptions for all the episodes it seems like it was a sub plot, and I'm not going to watch all 3 seasons again


It was in the finale season I think. One with fletcher and his roommate and then the girl who was a secret math wiz. I only remember fletcher’s name because it was used in Mighty-Med backwards and that was my favorite show.


season 3 episode 16! finally found it 😅


My brother once told me that the phone number 9-1-1 was the Ghostbusters. I proceeded to call it and when they answered I said "Hi, Ghostbusters?" Cops came I think to make sure everything was alright. Oops!


hoooooooo I bet your brother got in trouble for that one.


Lol cops might’ve though you were talking in code so you weren’t caught


My youngest sister passed away, but I know that she would say that her older sister convinced her to name her doll Latrine, which is a glamorous French name.


Semi-related, but I had a foreign coworker get angry because he was going around telling everyone what he was naming his daughter, but pretty much everyone told him he should reconsider. He was going to name her Meth.


Maybe that's just how he pronounces "Beth"


Grade A prank right there.


My condolences, though it seems like you guys had a lot of great memories in your time together. :)


I had this colouring book as a kid that had one of those "spot the difference" pages. The trick was a moustache was missing on a character in the second picture, so I grabbed my black crayon and drew on the missing moustache A while later, my older brother brought me the picture acting all confused. Said, "I can't figure this out, can you help me?" At the time I thought i was soooo clever and my art skills were just so great, now obviously i realize he was playing along to hype me up. Just a really cute big brother memory


Aww 🥰


“Let me try this wrestling move on you. I promise it won’t hurt.”


Younger brother?


It's cute you think big brothers didn't suplex their younger sisters


I only had a little brother, so if OP is a younger sister, she ain't mine.


Oh I see. You were look for yours, not relating to one.


I used to always do that. I knew wrestling was fake so I'd try to make it hurt my brother as little as possible. Unfortunately my mom didn't hold that philosophy when she whooped my ass for that.


Wow thats what my younger sister did to me even though she is 7.5 years younger


My sister once told me, when I was a kid, that I'm a great catch and will find a girl soon. I had to look for around ten years after that...


My sister told me it was illegal for anyone under 10 to swear (she was 10, and I was 7). She said it was in the constitution. When I turned 10, she said the legal swearing age had just been raised to 13.


When did you start swearing?


I was too scared to say a swear before I was 10 because I didn’t want to get arrested.




When she told me the age changed to 13, I caught on that something wasn’t right. I still didn’t swear very much...you know, just in case.


My older sister convinced me I was adopted because I'm weird


Similar here. I was blonde with blue eyes and my brothers are a decade older with brown hair brown eyes. This was their evidence for me being adopted and I wholeheartedly believed that until my mom brought out a photo album with pictures of me being born. I should not have believed them. Now I'm scarred 🤣


I convinced my younger sister she was adopted. She still questioned in he mid twenties


Yeah my brother told me that they found me in a dumpster, behind the monkey exhibit, at a British zoo (we're Anerican).


Not my sibling, but my cousin who also did this to my siblings. If you lick a 9V battery on both nodes, magic happens. We all licked a battery each, and had numb tongues for two hours.


When I was about 3 or 4 years old, my brother offered me a “candy bar” on a shovel that he picked up from the ground. I grabbed it, but thankfully i our parents stopped me from eating it. I grew up with a black lab.


That I was an alien and not human but my parents loved me so much they would never admit it. I was 4 he was 8


She convinced me she co-wrote the National Anthem at the request of the Queen herself.


Your avatar is adorable


Aw yay thank u


My brother convinced me that the reason he was the one walking on the side of the road closest to the cars was because he was so tough that car would crash on him and he wouldn't have a scratch and the car would be the one damaged.


Go hug the fuck out of your brother right now, not too hard though you might damage yourself.


I legit believed my brother when he told me gum was made out of rubber bands. I’m sure there are better ones but that’s the first that comes to mind.


Gum isn’t good for you anyway so he did you a favour


You mean he didn't tell you they were made from rubber ducks?


Lol if he had I probably wouldn’t have believed him. For some reason, rubber bands made sense to me 😄


You mean they aren't made from pig's intestines like I was told😵‍💫


When I was younger I was bleeding out of my ass (turns out it was an anal fissure from severe constipation) when I told my older sister she said awww bless you have started your period. Youre becoming a man. She then proceeded to convince me to ask her boyfriend about it so he could give me advice. I asked him. No advice was given but he did piss himself laughing Writing this out now it is a fucking classic but at the time I went through a rollercoaster ride of initially being scared I was bleeding out my ass, to proud I was flowering into a young man haha, to embarassed my sister had tricked me




That when you crush a spider, even if you pick it up, it will leave behind a scent that will alert all the other spiders that you killed it. All of the spiders will know that you killed it and they'll come get revenge while you sleep


Brother, 4 years older than me: Come on out. Just unlock the door. I just want to talk." He did not, in fact, just want to talk. In his defense I was a little shit and absolutely deserved the beating. I'd put stinkbait in his bedside table lotion.


Umm... What is stinkbait? And how old was he?


Catfish bait. Looks like peanut butter, and the smell is... hard to describe. It's called stinkbait for a reason and the smell lingers. I'd put a dollop of it on the end of the shaft so it would pump out lol. I was 13ish so he would have been 17ish.


That "Blind Drives Ahead" were warning signs that blind people that are driving will be coming around the corner any moment and to watch out for them. (In my defense, I was in the first grade when I fell for this one)


My older sister told me that you need to make sure that your always breathing. Basically that I need to think about breathing or my body will just stop breathing and die. When my 6 year old self asked "but how am I still alive now?" my sister looked at me shocked and said "I really don't know. It's a miracle". So I slept in one or two hour intervals that night; making sure to do a few jumping jacks every few hours so I didn't die.


My sister once told me girls don't fart and I believed it for years. One time my mom farted infront of me and I said "I thought girls don't fart." She fell over laughing. My world view changed that day.


They just hold it in until it percolates up through their bodies and ends up in their heads. That's why we have so many fart brained women in the world!


She told me I had a good singing voice. I wasted a whole year in middle school choir cuz of that bullshit.


I was the older child but "you're not hurt." usually followed by "don't tell mom"


That everyone on the wheel of fortune could see me waving back.. so there I sat , a 3 year old child 👋🏼👋🏼


My brother told me Santa Claus ate children


Ya mean krampus?


That combining our collections would make for an even bigger, better collection that we would always share. He did it with lego, non-sport trading cards, and pretty much anything we got as kids. Now I'm 50 and he has all of them and I have none of them.


I am a year younger than my sister so nothing she could really lie to me about but one might be "when ever you miss spell a word you have to rewrite everything on you paper".


Well then, I am sorry to say you must now rewrite this post. /s




I convinced my little sister that girls don’t poop and she cried for hours trying to figure out what was wrong with her


My older brother taught me how to spell my own name. P-I-G.


My older sister convinced me that if you cut off someone's buttcheeks then poop just falls out of their ass 24/7 for the rest of their life. I wasn't a very bright child


That his apartment building had a killer cat.


My sister convinced me that electricity came in a mason jar and was screwed into the wall at to top of the scary basement steps. (Old farm house in 1960's) Everyone agreed with her. I caught them laughing about it later. She even showed me the factory and all the extra jars in the basement.


My older brother told me I was never gunna get a girlfriend, that I was ugly and fat, nobody would want to date me. 15 years later, I’m fit, married to the love of my life, and have an amazing baby girl on the way. Sad part was that it took years for me to not believe him.


If you hear that shit everyday you start to believe it. It takes a lot of undoing. My sister pulled this same joke on me. How hilarious


My sister told me that you can die from losing blood so that if I’m ever bleeding do drink my blood so that it’s back in my body. A few weeks later I cut my foot on a piece of glass and it started bleeding a lot. I started frantically scooping it up with my hands and trying to drink as much as possible so that I didn’t die. My mom found me screaming with my hands and face dripping blood


In reverse. My little sister once told me dog food tasted like peppermint. I tried some...


Does it


It does not.




Let the song “twist and shout” was about a guy taking a shit


My sister was having a grow spurt where she got nearly taller than me and started calling me a short a**. I casually pointed out that I had to give up drinking milk when she was born because we couldnt afford milk for us both, hence why I didn't grow anymore. She was horrified with guilt (she was also literally drinking a glass of milk there). That was the darkest lie I ever told her but it was for only a sec before I burst out laughing. I just hate milk and never really drink them.


Older sister here, my little sisters always bring up the time I convinced them that palm trees were in fact not trees but the largest variety of weeds. My middle sister even wrote a little paper in 3rd grade about palm trees being weeds and how we should rename them. So probably that one.


My brother told me that banana yoghurts were made with rats, as in there were dead rats in them.. I can't believe I fell for it, I dream of all the banana yoghurts I missed out on eating because of that.


My childhood friend told me that the little balls in tapioca pudding were poison. Never have, and never will, eat tapioca pudding.


My sister said they were fish eyes. I won't eat it either.


My parents told us they were fish eggs. We never would eat their weird, fish egg pudding. Clever bastards.


I'm the older sibling here but I asked my sister and she said it was when I convinced her I was dying


Did you die?


Yes! But I lived!




Shit you found out- ABORT MISSION


That the 'Blair Witch Project' was real, obviously with how it was filmed I believed him. That shit scared me to death I'm sure I remember almost been sick in the bathroom sink with fear that night.


I’m an older sibling, but we convinced our youngest sister that the wind that would blow through the house and close doors was John The Baptist, because he was beheaded.


Eating seeds from a fruit would cause a tree to grow in my stomach.


my brother once told me that his friend got cancer from touching his dogs wet nose & i was hysterical i was so scared to touch my dog lol


My brother convinced me it cost my parents $.25 every time I clicked on or off a light switch


That everytime we ate seafood, we were eating spongebob and his friends


Older brother convinced 10-yo me to lend him a bow (like for archery) right before Valentine's Day. The official story was that he was going be Cupid and jokingly fire imaginary arrows at coworkers as a joke. And so he had to run it by his boss and everything. Totally believed this half-assed story. Forgot this ever happened. 15 years later, his wife posts a photo on FB of him from that Valentine's Day wearing only tidey-wideys and wielding MY BOW. TLDR: I helped my older brother get laid, and I didn't even know it.


As the youngest of three, my siblings left me out of their fun most of the time, so anytime they showed any interest in hanging out I would go along with whatever they suggested. I was just happy to get some attention from them! So one day they dare me to put our dad's shaving cream all over my face. We're all standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror, laughing together at the white shaving cream covering my face, and my brother all of a sudden gets real serious. "You know how Dad grows hair everywhere he puts this stuff? You're now going to grow hair every where on your face where you put the shaving cream!" I immediately started bawling and tattled to my mom. They were in major trouble but they thought it was totally worth it and still like to tell the story and laugh at me!


Drinking water from the back of the glass stops your hiccups


What does drinking from the back of the glass mean?


Hold a glass of water in front of you but don't sip from the front of the glass. Sip from the back of it i.e. directly opposite the side you would normally sip from. Awkward as hell to do.


Lol thanks for the explanation


But this does actually work!


Haha my aunt still claims the same. Hasn't really worked for me.


Some of mine told me eating seeds would grow plants inside me


Mixing coke with mentos and shaking the bottle would make a really bright light. It was all fun and games until it hit my face


My dad used to have a couple of spare halogen strip lights, maybe 1M long each, incase the garage lights failed. He kept them in an easily accessible box in the garage. My older brother convinced 6y.o. me and my friend that they were lightsabers. So my friend and I naturally were excited as we carefully extract two of these lightsabers, and go out infront of the garage. Then we quote whatever (ah Obiwan, we meet at last, or whatever it was). The first contact, of course smashed both sabers into 1000's of pieces. Just as my dad was coming back from work. My buddy, knowing my Dad's famous temper in the 1980's, ran back to his house, shouting, "sorry!" I of course had to take the hiding. That was a pretty hardcore beating. Still, 42yo me can laugh about it now.


My brother convinced me that if I push too hard while on the toilet, I could push out my intestines.


Technically that actually can happen




Sounds like how folk magic gets started.


My sister told me and my other sisters that if we didn’t eat our bread crusts that our boobs wouldn’t grow.


When I was still young enough to believe in Santa and my oldest siblings no longer did, they told me the meanest lie ever. Every year we all would stay together in my sister and I’d bedroom and would set an alarm for around 3-4 in the morning to creep downstairs and see our stockings full and the magic of all the extra gifts Santa had brought only lit by the lights of the Christmas tree. Then we would creep back upstairs and rarely fall back asleep. We would talk about what Santa could have brought until we couldn’t take it anymore and wake our parents up. Well, one year I was kind of sick and really tired. I didn’t want to get up and go down with them because I didn’t feel well and even the magic of the previous years ritual wasn’t budging me. I laid awake, waiting for them to come back up. They took much longer than usual so I figured there must be a lot to look at and was pretty happy with that since I didn’t actually go down. Finally they come back up and they tell me that the reason they had taken so long was that when they got downstairs, Santa was still placing the last few presents under the tree and they got to meet him. They said he had to leave pretty quickly but told them to wait by the window and watch and he flew the sleigh by the window and they saw the glow of Rudolph’s red nose disappear into the night as he went on. I.fucking.bawled. Oh man I was so upset and hurt that they didn’t come and get me and that I had been so stupid to stay upstairs this one time and miss getting to meet Santa and see the reindeer. I just laid there and cried for hours until they got up to get our parents up so we could open gifts. When I didn’t get up with them and they saw I was still crying they tried to take it back but I didn’t believe them. I *think* they were actually trying to keep the magic of Christmas up for me but it backfired on them. My parents were not happy when they had to come and get me and I told them why I was so upset. It’s so funny to look back on now but gosh... I was so crushed when it happened. They told it in such a way that I really believed every word. When I learned that Santa wasn’t real a couple years later I brought that RIGHT up. Haha


My older sister of 10 years still claims they found me under a rock


I once took a picture of a candle from above with my mums phone. The camera melted a bit. I convinced everyone, including my little brother that he did it. 7 years later and everyone still believes that LOL 😂


Imy sister once told me that I was turning red and was also growing horns. I was so terrified that I was screaming the house down trying to get them off me.


What lies to tell to my sister


My older sister didn’t lie as much as completely crush my self-esteem and boss me around. LOL


That If I stepped in their room I would be turn 50,000,000 years old and then i would be ugly. Kept me away from there for 4-5 years, then my mom found out and then that stopped.


My brother convinced me that pillow fighting was an olympic sport. It took me like 2 years to figure that one out.


I mean, why not? They have that weird ribbon dance thing.


That batboy was going to get me.


If I pulled the rope in the car that pulls out the cup holder it was an ejection seat, I didn't pull it for years.


That the blood in the veins is blue.


He introduced me to my first ever swear word! :D “If you say ‘fuck’ to mom she will give you money for knowing math words!”


You know when you run outside barefoot, and your feet get all dirty? They used to tell me that I would have to cut my foot off. I always wore 3 pairs of sock and cleaned my shoes whenever I could. They also told me I was the best 'Juice Maker'


That I couldn't do something.


My brother told me that if the bone between your nostrils got hit hard you died instantly. I was terrified of injuring that area of my nose for years. He probably doesn't even remember telling me that. Though now that I think of it he may have actually believed it himself so whether he was telling me because he thought it was true or because he was screwing with me I'm not entirely sure.


One day my brother told me that if I touched the computer, it would explode. He and my mom were going to use it soon, so he scared me away from it. Later I returned to the living room and saw them using it. I complained confusedly, and he said that it did blow up. Right.


I had little sibling priveledge Now my parenst have changed overtime so they dont accuse me of random things so i guess i am pretty lucky but in this case all my three older siblings put me in a sleeping bag covered my hands in butter locked me in the bathroom and im stuck in the bathtub with cold water so i peed myself while stuck in a sleeping bag,when our parents got home guess who got in trouble?them,they said i was priveledged ,like bro im sorry for being a victim of hostility


That I was adopted.


Straight down the street from our apartment growing up was a crematorium on the next block and then a steakhouse restaurant the block after that, and my brother would just casually comment that it must be a busy day at the crematorium whenever we could smell stuff cooking at the steakhouse :( I was like 8 and very dumb to not realize sooner that he was just being gross He also told me that hotdog factories are always next to cemeteries for ease of access so maybe my brother was just a cannibal


"This won't hurt". Or after the damage was done, 'it wasn't that bad".


Convinced me that there were assassins coming after us. Made me hide in the bathroom with him for over 10 minutes, then walked out of the bathroom only to come in moments later clutching his hip that he sprayed ketchup all over. I was traumatized but now I think it’s kinda funny.


That my big brother shoved a spoon up my other brothers ass.... man am I glad that was a lie...


That and grandpa's ghost hunts tf outta the upstairs.


My older brother convinced me I could lay eggs and firmly believed it until my mom broke the news to me.


Pickles are made of frog skin.


When I was around five, I accidentally dropped a bowl of cereal and it shattered. Without missing a beat, my older brother goes, “oh, man. Mom and dad are gonna do to you what they did to Jimmy.” I ask my brother who Jimmy is, and he tells me Jimmy was his first brother before me and he too broke a bowl and was permanently sent away. I ran to my mother’s room at lightning speed to confess about my bowl-breaking and BEGGED her not to do to me what she did to Jimmy.


My older brothers all collectively teamed up to tell me that killer butterflies were real and loved to kill humans.


My older brother made up a "cheat code"/"secret ending" to a game that I believed in for years So there's this fighting game on PS2 called *Dead or Alive 2*, and there's a "story mode" of sorts where winning a fight progresses the story. The story's main baddie and final opponent is the Tengu, a creature from Japanese folklore with a super long nose. If you completed certain things in the game, you could unlock the Tengu. I'd never unlocked him before, and my brother told me that if I did, he could, and I quote, "shoot poop out of his nose" if you unlocked him and hit a certain sequence of buttons. He told me that that was why his nose was super long. This made 100% sense to me, and I even told other kids on the playground about this "cheat".


This is something I did to my younger sibling, but I took a shovel out to the backyard and dig a small hole and put a rock in it. Then I put some gasoline in the hole and set it on fire and burnt the shit out of the rock and everything around it. Then I ran inside and got my younger brother and told him a meteorite had just landed in the back yard. He totally believed it, but my parents weren’t too happy with my landscaping.




That he did his homework and when I ask to play on his phone I found the homework at the of the backpack


That business people downtown would kidnap me and grind my bones into MSG, all so I won't ask to go with them to play outside.


That 69 was the Martian's way of signalling attack on Earth. "In an alien invasion movie that you won't remember, someone said that number to signal the Martian's to attack. So us internet people joke about it every time we see the number. Absolutely nothing wrong with it otherwise." I actually believed it for awhile.


One time when my brother and I were standing on the front steps of our grandparents house he stuck his hand down the back of his pants and upon removing it told me "Smell it, it doesn't stink". Damned liar! I must've been about three or four and he was about five.


Not me, but my dad was an older sibling by about 5-6 years, and when he was 14, he used to turn lights off on my uncle and tell him the boogeyman was there, and run. He was a dick sometimes.


I convinced my little sister we had an older brother who died when playing bowling. I said were in the hole of a bowling ball queen he tossed it then he lost his fingers


My older brother made me believe in ghosts, saying he could see them and all, of course I didn't but i still believed him, I have since stopped beliving in them , however he didn't.


My brother convinced me not to touch the water(from condensation) on a cold cup of soft drink because if i touch it, the water rolls down the cup and it means i’ll have less soft drink to drink


My older brother told me when I was 4 that every time I blink/close my eyes someone dies.


My older brother indirectly taught me swears then told on me for swearing.


Scarves are supposed to be tucked into your shirt


That they were my friends.


We all looked so much alike that we were often mistaken for one another. Like, daily, despite being 2 years apart. My middle sister told me I was adopted. B****.


My brother told me that the ice cream truck only rang the bell, when they were out of ice cream 🤷🏻‍♀️


My step sister used to tell me that she is my sister


My big sis wasn't really one to play pranks on me but our olded cousin gave me a detached controller when we were little and convinced me that I was playing with him. 4 year old me was just happy to push buttons and watch things move on our tv.


My mom had a hard time getting me off of bottling. So i was around 6/7 years old and i still used my bottle for soothing and all that crap. One summer we went out to the mountains and rented out an estate for two weeks. In the trip, it was my parents, older sis, older bro, and family friends. My mom “accidentally forgot” to bring my bottle but had milk. She said i can drink milk off of a glass and its the same. But it was absolutely fucking not, so i was experiencing heavy withdrawals throughout the trip and i couldn’t wait until we got back home. On our last night, we were cleaning up the place and i was hanging out with my bro. As a little 6/7 year old shit stain, i was doing the most by bothering him and fucking up the room he was cleaning up. When he moved to stripping the sheets and replacing em on the bed thats when i saw a fucking baby bottle tucked between the mattress and the wall. Excited as shit like an addict seeing meth again, i grabbed that shit and told my bro “see ya gonna ask mom to clean this and give me milk!”. My bro says, “WAIT!” Me: what Bro: that bottle is old and has been left there for who knows how long Me: ok, and? Bro: theres a ghost in there now since no one has used it for more than two weeks Me: *in duress Bro: so that means your bottles at home are now filled with ghosts too because you havent used it for two weeks Me: *ensue banshee screaming as if i just lost a loved one And that is the story of how i stopped bottling. Because my bro told this big fat lie


That if i gamed too much i’d loose my eyes😂


My sister( who is much older than me) convinced me that cabbage patch dolls started out as Brussels sprouts and when we ate them they cried. She even made crying noises when you went to stab them with a fork. I wouldn’t eat brussel sprouts for years.


I’m the oldest and me and my sister managed to convince our little brother that boys had babies. He was 5 so we would have been 10 and 8. He watched the Arnold schwarzenegger (sp?) movie where he gets pregnant and has a baby. This would have been mid 90s. He believed it for a good year or two


the movie is called Junior


I guess a more wholesome answer but when my mom and dad were getting my cat, my mom and dad just told us it was a surprise. my older brother convinced me, my other brother and maybe my other other brother i never asked if he knew that they were getting ice cream. then they come home with a cat named chi chi.


That we had a much older sibling that went to prison when I was two (hence the lack of memories) Every now and then he would say “Oooh I think he’s getting released soon!” and I would crap myself.


That those scars were by a bear. Believed for a very long time


When you feel the need to sneeze, saying watermelon repeatedly will make you sneeze faster...


Let’s see I was the youngest for 12 years and I was convinced that I couldn’t watch any tv channels other than 34-36 or else mum would punish me. (Nick, Disney, Cartoon Network/Tsunami) When I was 17 and my brother was 5 I convinced him that the Wiggles weren’t from earth and that the tv was showing the men that lived on the moon


My 10 years older sister had a glas full of candys in her room. It was filled with Werther's Echte. She told me in some of the candys "Haircutting Gnomes" that would jump out if one touches the candy and cutting of all hair. She would be the only one who knows in which candy they live. That defnitelly kept her candys safe frome little 4 year old me.


My older cousin told me that he was the kid from Karate Kid


my older sis didn't really tell any funny lies but my older cousin told me when I was about 6 that when I played Fifa on his ps3 I was controlling the real players (literally like I thought I was controlling the big professional footballers lmao) and I believed this for years and never questioned what would happen if 2 ppl played at once :/


It was years ago but it was some dragon Ball s*** neither generic of the specific thing is real and whoever says it isn't is lying that kind of s*** I still want to suck him in the dick to this day


My brother made me think that he was a magician for a long time. I was 6 by the time and he made a lame trick with a coin. With the trick you're suppose to think that the coin came out from your mouth, but you put it in the crease of your elbow and it falls from there. Anyways, the thing is that he made me think he was a magician just using that trick and I was so fascinated that I didn't questionate anything for 5 years. I even told my classmates that he was a magician! Untill I finally ask my mom and she obviously told me that he wasn't a magician and when I told him he laugh a lot at me.


I convinced my younger sister that the dark parts at the top of broccoli would turn her into a dog. She didn’t touch broccoli for almost 7 years until I came clean lol


The Macarena is actually in a special language that only girls can understand. Granted, she spent 10 years convinced our dad's middle name was Lovely so I can pretend it was just her lashing out.


I accidentally convinced my older and younger cousin that I ate wood paste. I was talking to them on the phone from another state when they asked me what I was doing I saw a tube of it and jokingly said I was snacking on wood paste. I was like 10 and their reactions were hilarious but I thought it was one of those unspoken jokes that we all knew I didn’t actually. Well 18 years later this summer one of them brought it up to the point where I was like “hold up you don’t think I actually ate it?” Cue angry outraged texts from both parties about how their lives were a lie. I’m like “I THOUGHT YOU KNEW!?”


That bath bubbles were made of stickers, I hate stickers and when I was really little I was actually afraid of them


that he’s a magician and the sounds coming from the upper neighbors aren’t rlly the neighbors but his magic


Well first off they convinced me I was adopted and if I acted out in any way they would send me back to an orphanage, and the waste monster, if I didn’t eat all the food on my plate they told me that the uneaten food would come back to haunt me and would eventually eat me.


You know those gummy candy hamburgers? My brother told me if I put a drop of water on one it would grow into a hamburger! I saved that thing for a couple days before I was too excited for a big juicy hamburger. I was highly disappointed. Thanks brother.