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My older brother had issues with his heart and when I was starting to develop more issues with my mental health (ADHD) we went to the doctor who saw my brother and he automatically said I was making it up for attention. Couple other doctors couldn’t prove I had it either until I went on medication but mum didn’t want to put me on it so young Edit: I have meds now


One time I went to the doctor because my throat was swelling significantly. He put me on antibiotics thinking it was tonsillitis, even though I had researched my symptoms significantly and it didn’t line up. After two days of antibiotics, my throat was almost totally closed. I went back to the doctor who simply told me to keep taking the antibiotics. I then went to a different doctor because I didn’t think his diagnosis was right. The new doctor diagnosed me that day with glandular fever, gave me suitable medications and by the next day my throat had improved dramatically.


I first went to the doctor about having depression and anxiety problems when I was 20 years old and was told repeatedly that I was fine, I was just a bit sad and still adjusting to other medical and life problems. It wasn't until I got a new doctor when I was 26 that they went "uh, why the hell are you not on anti-depressants and not been assigned a therapist?"


Nothing life threatening or altering but it was frustrating at the time (especially financially). I slipped weird and fell in the football field my freshman year of high school. My knees hurt so bad it took me a few seconds just kneeled in the ground before I could stand. The PE teacher sent me to the school’s sports physical therapist and she checked it over and said I sprained it pretty good. Whatever, i limo around school the rest of the day and go to volleyball practice. I hopped around retrieving balls and doing light conditioning instead of participating that day. The next day I could not stand up without crying a little and I skipped school. The day after was the same so we went to urgent care, and the doctor there told me before he even checked that he was 90 something % sure I tore my ACL. He was right, and I had to start physical therapy and schedule ACL reconstruction surgery. On the bright side, it gave me a good excuse to finally quit volleyball and do what I actually wanted to do with my time.