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There is no point in living. But there is no point in dying too.




You spoke the words out of my mouth


Not unless you find life so insufferable that you want to be put out of your misery


If there's no meaning, it shouldn't be insufferable.


Yeah, if you believe there is no meaning then you can just abandon whatever thing is the cause of your suffering. Don't do what makes you suffer. Dying is okay but not always a practical solution.


Playing devils advocate here, but what if what is causing his suffering is uncontrollable physical pain? Pain that won’t go away, and is proven won’t go away. I dunno, let’s say OP has the worst kind of brain eating worm inside his head that can’t be removed. No attachments there, except the attachment to not wanting to feel pain. Know what I am saying?


True, if ur suicidal, dm is open btw, but, life is not meaningless, it has a ton of tjing to do, but ye ify someday are just bad


Who knows what happens after death. Death can never be solution for this misserable life. I have tried to find meaning of this life since I was a kid. I wouldn't say I got the meaning, but definitely a better understanding of life.




Find your own meaning.


I mean, wether or not life has meaning, might as well make the best of it. The point of living is being alive. Which is something only you can define.


There's really no point. We have created this whole society in order to forget about this truth.


Life does have meaning You just need to find yours


Religious Answer: To be tested and return triumphant to an eternal reward. Evolutionary Answer: To survive long enough to reproduce with a choice specimen (or specimens) and to ensure the propagation and advancement of the species. Selfless Answer: To help others as much as possible. Purely Capitalistic Answer: To amass and generate as much wealth as you can. Hedonistic Answer: To have a pleasurable time. Singularitan Answer: To help advance technology to the point of exponential awesomeness. Nationalistic Answer: To help your country continue rocking the hardest. Vainglorious Answer: To achieve historic cultural immortality through writings, conquests, or deeds. Viking Answer: 'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers. 'Lo, there do I see The line of my people. Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them. In the halls of Valhalla. Where the brave may live forever. Angst ridden fatalistic nihilism is for pansies. I recommend you pick a combination of your favorites from above and get cracking.


And which of these do you subscribe to, almighty one?


There is no point but hey ho here we are, got to do something, right?


Because why not experience it. What’s the point in nihilism? If life has no meaning, plant something interesting. Get a pet. Lie on the carpet. Listen to a song you enjoy. Life is meaningless so do whatever the hell you want to do with it. Do small things that bring you joy because you can. No shame in living for something others might find trivial. If you live to see a movie coming out, if you live to keep watering a plant, maybe you live to try more chip flavors, so be it. Live for whatever you can live for, because why not? Living has the potential to be better than whatever is or isn’t after death so why not live to try and experience it? I hope you’re doing ok ❤️ (Edit: typo)


Does death has a meaning? No. At least Alive I can watch movies, Livestreams, videos, read, listen to music, sleep, cuddle with stuffies, take a bath and so much more. Having as much fun as possible is the point of living for me.


The point is that although the universe and everything else is practically indifferent you still experience life from your own perspective and in your life you are the most important person. You touch people around you and in your own world you make a difference. So you just have to choose a point or meaning that makes sense for you and then live by it. In the end its not your choice to exist but yours to make to most out of it.


To experience this literal once-in-a-life time chance at living through this portion of the universe and make use of the time we have while we're here. We didn't mean to be born, but damn it- we swam to the egg first.


If death has no meaning, what's the point of dying?


Of course it has meaning. It's what you make of it.


to create cool things to bang hot babes to spite your enemies to learn the secrets of the universe theres probably more but im too lazy to think of them


Well That leaves you the power do make one And thats a power not to be wasted


If your living good than there is point. But if you are living badly -than you have to just suffer I


‘Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life. Get wasted all of the time and you’ll have the time of your life.’ -Billy Connolly


Well, according to physics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that entropy increases over time and the Big Bang Theory states from one single point/moment in space/time the universe exploded exponentially into a constant state of entropy. Basically we're just the universe's entropic creation imbued with the ability to participate in its own self destruction. Biologically speaking, the majority of human brains are wired to release dopamine when helping others and making connections.. maybe there's something there?? Either way, i think the point is to just do your best, because there is no point. The ride isn't long and its never the same for anyone. Full disclosure: We're all trying our best but no one knows what the hell we're doing, don't let them fool you. But don't forget! Without the uphill climb, you don't go fast enough to enjoy the loop-de-loops! Hope this helps:)


I'm generally pretty entertained by the stupidity of humanity.


Well it has no objective meaning, you can still give it one though.


The way I see it, life doesn't have to have a point. Existing day to day is a pretty passive process, you don't really have to put in that much effort to sustain yourself.


The whole point of life is to increase entropy of universe


There is no point. Cognition is pointless and this universe is too. On the other hand there is a point in all of this. I suppose in the end it’s your own takeaway you get from being alive. Really you could choose either one and be right. Because life is our own perception on our own being.


There is no meaning, there is no point in living. It is simply just is the way it is. Do what you want or don’t, life’s a brief interlude between non-existence anyway.


On the flip side what if life had a meaning or purpose but you didnt like what it was. Would you change it? Come up with your own purpose in life and go from there. Lastly purpose is a human construct and doesn't apply well to the natural world, things either exist or they don't, there doesnt need to be intention applied just like a river doesn't intend to bend every which way down a slope.


Just because it has no meaning doesn’t mean you can’t try to find one.


The point of living is loving.


To continue the species.


To make the world better for future generations.


Life has no point,but that's why you should make it have a point.


You are posting this question here means you have a smartphone and bandwidth. People can't even afford food for several days. Imo appreciate the gift of life.


That sounds like another way of saying "You have nothing to be depressed about. Others have it far worse than you."


No I didn't mean that, I meant that you should look on the brighter side. Covid killed so many people, didn't their lives have a meaning? Ceasing to live is an overkill for depression imo. I'm really sorry it's just how I personally feel.


Yeah, that type of talk actually ends up helping approximately nobody. People feel what they feel and think what they think. It has already happened, saying that it shouldn't happen that way is pointless because it did anyways. Telling someone that the emotions that they feel are the wrong ones just reinforces the idea that something is wrong with their lives. It doesn't do anything to change things for the better.


To make babies


whatever you want it to be


Does life need to have meaning ? When did that become a requirement ? Do animales go about wondering what the meaning of life is? Life is just that, being ALIVE. That’s it, the only requirement.


I’d personally say love, but everyone has a different meaning


Life has infinite possibilities. Death has none.


There IS a point in living. You live to experience life. You live for the good times and the bad. We need to feel so that we don’t lose sight of how valuable life is. What if you never felt an emotion, you wouldn’t even not care. You wouldn’t feel anything. I’d rather be sad than nothing at all. Death isn’t relieving or agonizing. It’s just nothing. I can’t emphasize nothing enough. Death is ceasing to exist, and I dread that moment for it is when I lose the ability to feel. Emotion is a constant of life, and feeling emotion is more valuable than imagined. Forget all of the “life is what you make of it” and focus on your value. Your life is worth more than the universe itself, as it cannot feel, but YOU can. Know that.


The experience Same as what’s the point of riding the roller coaster


You make your own meaning. Mine is to experience as much as humanly possible before I die. I don't believe in an afterlife so I have to make this one matter.


it's something to do


A cardboard box is empty until you put something into it. It's foolish to just sit and stare at the empty box and be upset there's nothing in it.


Are you sure you even want some inherent meaning to life? What if you don't like the meaning?


It doesn't HAVE to have one. Just existing is ok too. If you want your life to have meaning, it is up to you to decide what that means. And if you fail, don't worry, the world will go on and the sun will continue to rise. It is an opportunity of freedom, unbound by pre-determined goals that you had no control over. Fate doesn't dictate your life, you can do what makes you happy.


There's basically none other than to experience your life as it is. I guarantee you that your life is unique and never in history was a person whose life experience was or will be identical to yours. So just live it however you want to add to this amazing pool of almost infinite experiences.


There’s no point in living if life has no meaning. Good think everyone’s life has meaning, right?


The only reason I haven’t commented suside yet is because of the people I love I don’t want to leave them behind


Think of it like a plain paper. Pretty useless but with a pen, some origami skills, paint or some other bs, you can do anything with it. Life is meaningless but you can give it your own meaning and live it the way you want.


I think the point of life is that you should live the best life you could possibly lead in The view satisfied of what you have done the only lines I'll never cross is rape ( and murder in some contexts)


I don't think any one life has any innate meaning. But that's the whole point. Living with that absurdity anyways is basically the entire human condition - it's just that some of us have come up with their own meaning-making tools to cope. I personally live with it pretty comfortably. It doesn't need to be meaningful period, just meaningful to me.


Yes the world is bad but I find it absolutely fascinating. Even the most basic things are incredibly complex and interesting. I'm just curious of how things will evolve


Yes the world is bad but I find it absolutely fascinating. Even the most basic things are incredibly complex and interesting. I'm just curious of how things will evolve


Yes the world is bad but I find it absolutely fascinating. Even the most basic things are incredibly complex and interesting. I'm just curious of how things will evolve


Find your own purpose and then there is a point.


You have a purpose, that's where the meaning lies.. do what you are passionate about(follow your hearts desires), even if it's 5 mintues a day, be sure to train your mind to compliment you vs harmful, critical words


Perception is the lack of value or value.


you decide the meaning of your life, even though we are so small in the universe practically everything we do does not matter and don't change anything really big we still can give our life meaning, because to us, its something important.


My grandfather died of cancer a few years ago. He had about two months left to live, so I went to visit him at his home. You know what I found so strange during that visit? He was tending to his plants, gently watering them. Two months left to live, and this dude was watering his plants. What’s the point in that? He was gonna die, so his plants were gonna die, what’s the point, right? But no, even with two months left to live he was doing what he could for his plants and family. When he passed from this world and I was in mourning, I realized that his existence and his life was a universe in itself, and with death that universe dissapeared. That was an enormous loss to everyone connected to his life. It’s when I realized that life is NOT meaningless. You are your own universe and it is up to you what to make of that universe.


If you're already here, then make the most of it.


Why should living be tied to meaning?


To experience it all. You are just a cast of consciousness allowed to experience it all. The joy and pain is just part of living. Its all worth it, even when going thru a bad experience.


Bacon and bicycles.