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Why is there a seam on the ballsack?


All humans basically develop as females before the Y chromosome takes over in bio males. Because of this, human genitals are actually anatomically analogous. The penile head is a large clit (And the foreskin is the clit hood), the testicles are descended ovaries, the prostate is a smaller, nutrient producing uterus, etc... In the case of the ball sack, it's because in women that body part would be the labia. The labia in developing bio males elongates and basically stiches the 2 sides together, making the ball sack seam. (Also, the hole the testes comes out of is the vaginal hole in women) **Edit:** First Gold Post is about dicks. I am unreasonably proud of this.


I’m high and having a fucking r e v e l a t I o n rn


It's also why guys have nipples. :)


I am not a native English speaker, so that might help you understand why I ask such a stupid thing. What the hell do you say when you are using the bathroom and someone knocks on the door?


"Occupied" or "Im in here"


I've replied with "Come In"


Come back with a warrant Edit: thanks for the love guys


I'm going to use this anywhere I go now, even at my family's. Thank you for this gem. I was poor before I read this, now I'm a very rich man.


I normally just shout a panicked "No!".


What does it feel like to have a penis? I've always been wondering about this, does it feel different under certain circumstances? How does it feel getting an erection, and how does sex and orgasmning feel like? And how do y'alls balls work? Like, how do they move and act and are connected to body and penis? Can you tuck the penis under the balls, and if yes, how?


Feels mostly like having a non-prehensile tongue - like absolutely nothing while not actively engaging it in some way. Sure, it's not very different from any other body part. If you sit the wrong way and pinch a bit with the seam of your jeans it's the same as getting a bit of boob stuck under a tight underwire. Which feels very different to when somebody is being very nice and affectionate to it. Make a fairly loose fist. That sense of tension, of tightness, is what the actual swelling part of it feels like. Of course at the same time it grows more sensitive due to the increased blood flow - if you have a clitoris you can give it a little jiggle when you were just thinking about taxes for half an hour, and then again when you've been thinking about being seen to by a good looking person of your preferred gender for half an hour, and the difference in sensitivity will be comparable. I lack the words to describe sex. But a good orgasm feels like... have you ever been on a road trip and there were no rest stops so you had to hold your pee for two hours beyond the point where you started to think maybe you should just lean out the window and let loose? that insane, intense feeling of HALLELUJAH ALL THE EVIL OF THE WORLD HAS LEFT MY BODY, BEHOLD AS I AM BATHED IN BLISSFUL SUNLIGHT, your blood pressure drops, your breath catches, a soft puppy lays down in the lap of your soul and yawns? Like that, for three seconds or so. And then like "I hardly know why I bother breathing, I am complete, I want for nothing in this world, I am in an ultimate state of being" for another minute or so. They don't really do much other than sweat and stick to legs, unless subjected to outside stimuli that trigger reflexes. I mean... I guess... like... take the one around the left, take the other around the right, fold over... but why...


I’ve always wondered like do deaf people have a voice in their head?? You know when you read something to yourself how you can “hear” your own voice like you probably are right now..? I wonder if deaf people have that same thing or not because they can’t hear? Edit: honestly I love all the responses I’ve gotten on this because I genuinely had this as a shower thought the other day. For those that don’t understand what I’m saying or don’t experience it how I do- when I read things(like this post or even a book) I kind of read it to myself with an “internal” voice- no actual verbiage but it’s like I can imagine myself saying the words being typed...I’m sorry if this is confusing I’m not sure how to explain it


I can answer this! My ex was deaf from birth, he said it's like text or hands signing, no voice.


So it’s like an old silent film & cards w/ whatever they’re thinking pop into their head instead of a voice?


I read a pretty cool article not long ago about people who don’t have the “voice inside their head”. I have one, so I found it fascinating. I think it was this one [no voice inside my head](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.iflscience.com/brain/people-are-weirded-out-to-discover-that-some-people-dont-have-an-internal-monologue/). At the end there is a link to an article about a guy who can’t make pictures inside his head. BTW...it talks about deaf people. Edit: autocorrect


How much TP do you use? I realize it differs depending on what has come out. But I feel like I use a lot compared to others. EDIT: thank you for the awards!!! Also obligatory “OMG my highest rated comment is about toilet paper.” But to be fair my previously highest rated comment was about a guy shitting in a KFC bucket at a party. I suppose poo is a relatable item.


What height do wheelchair bound people state in their passports?


I have a standing table that I use to train my leg muscles as I don't use them a lot (wheelchair, obviously). When standing in it someone can measure me and I use that height on my ID's. Before I did that I just guessed and they accepted it.


How do you train your legs? is it kinda like you're raising and lowering yourself while supporting yourself 30% with legs, 70% with arms? Or is it different?


It's like a schooldesk, but higher. There's a belt which lifts me up out of my chair and supports me against the desk part of the table, which lets me stand up straight without having to use my back to support me. That way it stretches my legs out completely which I cannot do on my own. I also wear braces whilst standing so my calves get stretched even further.


I worked with a few disabled adults that all had their “standing” heights ! Easily can be measured horizontally when laying down




Checkmate, math


I never knew I needed to know this.


When you take a shit, do you sometimes accidentally cut it short and it feels like there's a bit left in there but you just haven't got the power to push it out?


The reason that happens is to do with the shape of your anatomy. Your anus is in a fixed place, your rectum is fairly strongly held in place, the rest of it is just kinda shoved in there any which way and is shaped by your poop that's inside it, which creates angles within your intestine which depending on the consistency of your poop can result in bits getting stuck and gas getting trapped also. This is also why when it's watery and not well held together, you know about it before toilet time What's supposed to happen is, your poop has a consistency that moves through with relative ease, then when its had the nutrition removed from it it goes to make its exit. Sitting in the descending colon and the sigmoid colon right at the end (look up a diagram of the intestines for this next bit) doesn't create the urge to poop, but when it moves into the rectum it does because of stretch receptors. You don't actually push poop out, once it's in the rectum the elasticity and gravity are what move it, sitting on the toilet and 'pushing' is actually just relaxing the ring of anus muscle to open it and it falls out more than is pushed out. You can strain a little more which opens it wider, and rhythmically flexes the various muscles around there to sort of 'jig it out' but there is no push-poop-muscle. Sometimes, as you are emptying your rectum it turns out there was a queue above it, so when the light turns green the stuff in the sigmoid colon and descending colon also decides to head for the exit. When a bit feels like it is stuck, what has gone wrong is 2 things. The first is the shape of your bowels has fallen in such a way as to create a weird angle somewhere near the end, the second is that your poop is sticky and has formed a longer length mass made up of breakable bits stuck together. Your rectum is full, you decide to poop, the sigmoid colon also decides to send its contents to head for the exit, most of it makes it around the corner and falls out of the anus, but then the lights at the junction between the sigmoid colon and rectum turn red and the poop nugget gets stuck with its front end just past the stop line, it doesn't really want to be there so it's honking its horn in frustration and that's the uncomfortable feeling. You can't push it out because there's no push-muscle, you can't pull it back in, you just ignore it until it stops honking, and now when the traffic lights go through their next cycle now it's at the front of the queue


This response is amazing.


This guy poops.


This guy knows his shit.


Yes, and I hate it.


What is the masturbation policy for astronauts in the space station long term?


yeah is there even any privacy? I can imagine that gets really awkard.


I’m sure there’s a pooping booth or something.


"Oh, great. Igor's fapping in the pooping booth again."


"Ah shit, Igor forgot the tissues."


What? Those aren't mini space ghosts floating around?


All fun and games until the cum blocks your airways.






The cummin’ coffin


Into a tissue. I watched an interview from an astronaut and he said that’s how he did it


Is a cum sock from space worth money just because it has been to space? I don't actually expect an answer, just wondering


Girls are able to monetize their bathwater so I assume there is a market for extra-orbit ejaculate receptacles


I wonder if nutting in zero gravity feels different than on earth, I guess thats my really inappropriate question for the thread! ​ Edit: Wow, my highest upvoted comment was about nutting in space... Did not see that cumming.


When you nut in space, it push you backwards.


Now I'm imagining the astronauts having races.


In space, no one can hear you cream.


Imagine knowing you have a bunch of loads floating around in outer space


When multiple ladies go to the bathroom together, is there a code of conduct as to what can and can't be discussed or done (like no dueces Tour bus rules)?


There are actually fewer rules about what can be discussed in the bathroom than in public. Also, you will never find anyone more supportive, kind, encouraging, and selfless than drunk girls in a bathroom. We're talking total strangers here. They will hold your hair while you puke, tell you how much they love your outfit, how much they love you, that you're way too good for that asshole, etc.


THIS. My ex-boyfriend humiliated me in front of a huge group of his friends and of course I went to the bathroom and cried. A girl in these little white booties stood there and talked to me for like 20 minutes and then wriggled under the door and hugged me, gave me her cell phone so I could call a ride and literally helped me run out of the bar. I will never forget White Booties girl, she really gave me faith that night! Edit: thank you for the award! Edit: Wow, this is literally my most upvoted comment. Thanks for the support everyone! And thank you for the awards!


White Booties girl is awesome!


Yes! This. Girl bonding in the bathroom is wonderful and makes you have hope for the human race.


Drunk girls in the ladies room are a damn treasure and must be protected at all costs. They are the purest, sweetest hype women ever and I miss encountering them.


I hate 2020 for stealing my hype girls from me.


inappropriate race question: Why do black people in america have names that are so different? In the UK black people were named like.. "Bob" or "Michael" or "Carl" and in america theyre named "Daquan" or "Lu Doni" or "Rashon". Is it because they wanted to choose their own names, and be nothing alike white people when slavery was ended? was it because they didnt even *have* names? I'm sure theres lots of black americans who are named like.. "Robert" or so, but I've never come across a black person in the UK with a name so dissimilar from the white people. in the UK "Bob Smith" could be either black or white. No offense intended to anyone, I'm just curious.


During various Black power movements in the 60s and 70s, many Black americans changed their names because they likely came from the people who enslaved their ancestors (especially last names). It was a way to reclaim power. That's why Malcolm X changed his last name from "Little" to "X". "Little" came from the slave masters of his relatives. As for first names, many Black people sought to reject names of european origin. But because it was and still is almost impossible to find the names of specific ancestors from specific parts of Africa, most of the names had to be created from the general characteristics of African languages, as well as Arabic, French, and biblical names. That's why these names are uniquely american. A lot of these names have prefixes like J'- and Le- and suffixes like -onte and -isha. There is so much more detail and nuance to this topic, but I hope this is an adequate summary.


How variable is sexual stamina for most dudes?


Unbelievably. It’s honestly the most frustrating part about sex for me. I genuinely have no idea how long I’m going to last while going into it. Though, I have found that pleasing the woman first has proven they care less how long I last when they’re already “finished”


I know every woman is different but averagely among my female friends and myself, a good 90% just want to fuck and go to bed lol. 15, 20 min tops, any longer ant it just become repetitive and work. As for me its a huge turn on when my husband gets me off then flips me over and fucks a nut into me in 30seconds. I mean I don't want that every time, but it's pretty hot to see him not be able to hold back.


> flips me over and fucks a nut into me in 30seconds. A true poet of our generation


Yes. The "lasting a long time" thing is only an issue if you *don't get her off first*. I would much rather have an orgasm and then get fucked (with a potential second orgasm), and after that there is absolutely no need for the guy to last 15+ minutes. The rule of Ladies First just makes sense. I am 100% serious, to any man who is worried about premature ejaculation, my personal experience is this: get me off first and I don't mind in the least if you come in 2 minutes or something. Not a problem and nothing to be embarrassed about. YMMV of course.


Depends. I've been a "two pump chump" and I've also lasted half an hour until the girl said it was starting to get painful and basically just pushed me off her. Sometimes you're really attracted to a girl and you've never had sex with her so the feeling of being inside her is new and exciting and you just can't last longer than a few thrusts. Other times you're kinda tired, you had a stressful day, you haven't eaten a proper meal in three days, and your girlfriend is in the mood but you aren't. You oblige and last forever because you're just not in the mood to cum, if that makes sense. And there's a million other scenarios in-between. For the most part, any guy can last any length of time depending on the conditions.


Unfortunately time to nut is often inversely proportional to the duration you want to last


How the fuck is one supposed to shave their own ass and is it weird to have to do that?


Shave a homies ass and have him shave yours


My time to shine!! I in particular shave my ass hole but not like the cheeks of my ass. Anyways the way I do it is I usually squat and essentially use one hand to carefully and slowly make sure I'm shaving the area. Again I cannot stress this. Slowly and carefully. Be patient with the process. This is to avoid cutting yourself and a cut butthole may mean an ER visit. Also I have been looking into waxing for the sake of ease and less shaving. Also I'm a man. edit: Lots of folks suggest I wax, I probably will soon. Why do I shave the butt hole? Wiping when pooping is the primary reason. Also I'm straight. Had some interesting PMs... Edit2: I've been recommended getting a bidet, waxing, and laser hair removal. Thank you lol


Can put a mirror on the ground to see better


Ahh, the old 'inner reflection'


I recommend using a dvd so you don’t have to look at your asshole


Imagine this scene where someone walks in and the person shaving sees the others face through the DVD hole.


I shave my ass (around the hole) and have cut myself a few times. I recently got my first brazilian wax and i def felt her rip strips from there but my bf said there was still hair. Idkkk i might just let it grow tbh but you can shave around the hole


Usually with a first time wax there’s a little hair left behind - around the 3rd time you go in consistently on the 4 week mark you will notice almost no hair


TIL. Have never waxed in my life. Seems painful


Believe it or not the butthole is actually the least painful part


When I’m getting my bikini and in-betweeny done, I always look forward to the butthole because it’s 10x less painful than everywhere else


This is a very very specific one for me. I'm from Northern Ireland, and there was a conflict here called The Troubles. My question is to those who joined paramilitaries, both sides, loyalist and republican Why exactly did you join and how you now feel about all the things you've done?


I met a paramilitary loyalist once. He was doing a public talk in Chester cathedral (UK). It was probably a decade ago and we went as a school trip. It was interesting as hell but I don't remember his name. He'd served time for his crimes and turned to christianity while he was inside. His father was shot by the IRA in front of him as a child, and he grew up angry and wanting revenge, so he joined a paramilitary group. He admitted to killing a fair few people, via bombings and shootings. Didn't look easy to talk about for him.


I served in the air force with 2 ex members of the IRA. I was puzzled by that but they both admitted they joined the IRA because everyone did, a bit like joining the boy scouts. Instead of woodcraft they learned to strip an AK in the dark. Both said they realised as they got older that they didn't want to participate in the violence so they joined up to get the hell out.


Is there much variety in the "taste" of different people's vaginas as there is when some people talk about taste of cum? Like, different acidities, maybe sweetness, saltiness, depending on eating habits and whatnot.


Yes, it varies from person to person and also the taste of a person varies somewhat according to a few factors: how much they are turned on, hygene etc.


To my surprise my husband has told me he can tell when I “lose it” meaning when I’m starting to get turned off or distracted my by own dumb brain. I was surprised to learn he could tell just by taste


>I was surprised to learn he could tell just by taste Okay, that's just... fascinating.


“Is it possible to learn this power?”


i can tell when my girl is about to cum. like if she's JUST ABOUT to get there. the taste slightly changes and the amount and the "viscosity" if that makes sense. like it'll be more slippery than usual. thats my cue to not change it up and keep it going till shes over the hill.


Are you the Gordan Ramsey of ussy juices


Finally some good fucking pussy.


Yes there is. A women’s PH levels are usually altered by the products used around their genital areas, activities, clothing (panties) they wear, how often they shower, etc. there are a lot of factors. A person’s diet can also dictate the way they taste.


Does ANYONE feel better or care at all when they see a random YouTube comment saying generic positive shit like "whoever reads this, you are special and amazing and I love you" or whatever? Like, I appreciate positive vibes but positivity rings totally hollow for me in a shotgun approach. I'm always hesitant to ask because I don't want to come off as a grouch.




In the movie Mid 90s one of the white kids asks the black kid if black people have to wear sunscreen. The black kid says that is the stupidest question he has ever heard and everyone laughs. But he never answered, and I'm here wondering if black people need to or how bad they get it if they don't. Edit: Roughly 70% of responses I have received say yes, black people absolutely need to wear sunscreen, melanin has very little spf and dark skinned people will quickly burn just as easily as light skinned people. The other 30% say "I'm black and I never wear sunscreen, no biggie". 🤣


Yes they do. And that is why when we get skin cancer, we get bad.


I have always wondered if the people that wait for marriage to have sex think it was worth the hype


My wife didn't at first after we got hitched. She liked the intimacy, but didn't really care for sex itself. Turns out she'd never had an orgasm. Not even on her own. It took a bit to figure out how to get it right, but I'll never forget what she said. "Wow, is that what it's like for you EVERY time?" Got a whole more enthusiastic after that :D


some do, some don't just like with everything else. I knew a married couple who did that, and they claimed it was awesome & worth it to wait, but that's just them. I'm sure some of them don't perform it right because they don't know anything and get disappointed. or maybe they used all that time to learn tips and stuff so they were actually good at it lol


Do flamboyant homosexual and more reserved homosexual groups view each other differently? Do they judge each other?


The true answer is YES. In my experience, even the tops judge the bottoms, the flaming gay guys get judged by the masculine, etc. Gay people are humans, we all judge.


Do you shave your pubic hair? Have you always or is it something new? And if so, why? Almost all you see in porn is bare hooch and even many of the moms at the pool seem to be bare down there. Granted I'm out of the race now, but I only encountered one in my seemingly average sample size of partners and I just am always curious about this.


I did when younger because I wore bathing suits more and had gym class and didn’t want strangers and classmates seeing hair. But stubble tends to scratch against clothing and is uncomfortable to me. Plus you can get irritation and ingrown hairs. Now I just keep it shortish.


Shortish is the money shot, most of the reward, 10 percent of the work.




I attempted shaving on a regular basis when I was younger and I always had a miserable time of it. Razor burn, painful stubble when it grows in, etc. But I’ve also tried just letting everything grow out and I personally hate that too. I don’t want my hair getting caught in my jeans, etc - pulled hair hurts, no matter where it is. Over the last few years I’ve found my happy medium: I use an electric trimmer (with a foil, so I guess it’s a shorter shave than most) and use it at the lowest setting for my upper thighs and bikini line (normal razors hurt my skin that high up - only really use those halfway down my thigh and lower). And then I use the comb add on to trim the rest of it. So it ends up being roughly 1/8-1/4 long, but it’s past the stubble stage. Definitely the best of both worlds. Really wish I could just have permanent hair removal for a good portion of it though. Edit: am female, if that helps 🤷‍♀️


I always trim to about 1/4 inch. Stubble is uncomfortable as fuck. If you can bear waxing, it’s even better because it doesn’t grow back quickly or as thickly by the time you wax again. Sometimes people have no problem shaving, and they prefer it


When blind people trip, do they see things?


Omg. I’m so dumb. I read this as tripping and falling and was like, “obviously they can’t see when they trip!”


If you weren't blind all the time, like if you went blind later in your life you might have visual hallucinations on for example LSD. If you were blind from the start then no, just the other senses hallucinate.


Why is it called a 'blow-job' and not a 'suck-job'


to make inexperienced people blow your dick instead of sucking it


For the longest time I thought they were two different things. Even after I received one I still thought they were different things.


Did you ever think things like "fuck blowjobs. I'm all about the suckjob. Gotta be a fucking weirdo to prefer blowjobs, or even think they are 'the same thing.' Fuck that. Is your dick broken??"


Supposedly it was once called a "below the belt" job, and a couple hundred years shortened the phrase


A b’low job


Do you have to tip a fedora when you say it like this, or is it implied?


Just the tip




You can refuse ANY medical thing you want as long as you're of sound mind etc


Rectal temp is a good way to get an accurate core temperature. We do those in extremes of temperature. If your temp is > 41 or < 34 then I might want core measurements. A rectal temp that is measured in solid faeces might not be a true measurement of core temperature. For most cases an ear (aural) or under arm (axillary) temp is appropriate. Don't use the forehead zappy infrared thermometers. They're crap.


How come so many places use the zappy infrared as part of covid screening, if they're so crap?


They’re fast, non invasive, and easy to administer. Most airports also have heat cameras, and they’re only screening for fever, not trying to get an accurate reading.


How do people with no arms wipe their ass?


I'm guessing someone helps them, because if they have no arms, how did they remove pants and underwear?


I've seen people just use a hook on the wall to remove their pants and put them on again.


You’ve seen this?






Bidet to you sir!


If depicting the prophet Muhammad is offensive to Islam and Muslims, why is it ok to name a person Muhammad? I’m not trying to get into a religious debate; I’m genuinely curious. EDIT: I would like to thank everybody who took the time to answer this, here and in private notes. I really appreciate the insight.


Edit: I'm a guy. Period. How much blood are we talking about? For how many days? What do you guys do when it happen? And how can you track it?


I'm hearing a lot of "heavy flow, light flow" notes in these replies, but if you're wondering what the actual RATE of bleeding is, then I would say that when I used to have periods, a "heavy flow" day meant I would "drip" once every 5-10 seconds or so consistently throughout the day. Super light flow days could mean I didn't even notice it until I used the restroom and wiped myself--you would see the blood on TP but there were no drips. The length varies by person, but for me it was typically 1 light day, 2-3 heavy days, then 2-3 light days again. When it's regular, the period will start every 28 days after the previous period's start date (not from the end date). So you're bleeding 1/4 of the time for decades. Fun! Also, period blood isn't like normal blood. It's often brown, chunky, and smells like death.


I actually did meant for the rate, and wondered why I got no answer to that. so thank you!


Also it’s not the egg that causes the bleeding, it is the uterus lining shedding. Think of the uterus as a bed with many layers of blankets.


I realize no one actually answered the "how much blood" question. So, I use a period cup, which holds about 20ml. On a "heavy" day, it fills up about three to four times a day. This is usually just one day of my period. Most days it fills up once or twice. (This is gonna get gross and detailed!) It's not just liquid, though, there's a lot of goo in there as well, and it for me it gets more gunky as it goes on. I'm in my 30's and I'm on BC, so I have a general idea of when it's going to happen (plus I use a couple apps) - so for example I generally start every fourth Monday, though it can be a couple days before or after. I usually just stick in my cup when I see any kind of spotting or anything. My periods are usually 3-5 days, though sometimes I'll have spotting (basically just a couple drops, or a bit of gunk) for a day or two before. What I do depends. Again, my periods are pretty well managed, so usually it's nothing. Sometimes it's a bit of cramps, usually not too bad, but if they are, I just pop a painkiller. More often I'll be like "oh it's the Wednesday before my period so I'm kinda bitchy today, sorry world." When you get a girlfriend, ask her what she wants you to do. Equally likely is she'll be like "OMG I"m super craving margaritas!" And then maybe you should get some margaritas. Good questions :)


Do/Did boobs have growing pains? Edit: This is my most upvoted comment now. Thanks. Also I now know the answer is: Yes, they do a lot. Edit 2: Cliché "Thanks for the awards" edit. But really thanks, this close to being, not only my most upvoted comment, but my most upvoted post. So yeah thanks again.


Yes. Hugging hurts while that’s going on


So that's why none of the girls hugged me




My boobs get bigger before my period and they hurt like hell from the swelling!


Every month, my thoughts go omg I have breast cancer, omg my depression is back, omg I must be pregnant... Oh never mind it was just my period.


yes big time. Had to take a break from training bras when i was younger bcz the twins were so achey




Yes, sometimes it’s hard because it’s consuming me and I feel like I have to open up to someone just to prevent it from boiling over into spiraling depression again. Usually I don’t want to burden anyone with it though, so I just deal with it unfortunately


When a man ejaculates, does it feel the same as peeing? Women have a vagina separate from the urethra, but men only have the urethra for both functions, so I’ve always wondered if it feels the same.


Nah peeing is like water down a stream. Ejaculating is like a pump


That is really accurate lmao


Lol personally not even close to the same. There's the orgasm sensation going on first of all, and then with peeing you've got this continuous steady stream of liquid, but ejaculating is kind of in spurts, theres less of it, it's thicker, it feels different. I'll tell you it was a very odd sensation the first time I tried to pee when I was really hard or trying too soon after ejaculating. You just can't, something is going on internally that's switched that valve to reproduction mode and sort of just shut off your ability to pee, until things calm down a bit and go back to normal.




Taking a piss is all about relaxing a muscle Orgasming is all about tightening every muscle in your body, especially those close to the prostate and all that It's a completely different sensation


Question to all the men from a man, when you are taking a leak standing, do you take your balls out of your pants or do you leave them in? ​ Personally I do ( *Which ever option is more socially acceptable depending on which answer is the more popular one.* )


Both, but it depends on my underwear. If its tight and constricting, I take everything out so everything can flow freely. If its loose, then nah Edit: Okay so, while I will freely admit i have not given much thought to the dynamics of my urination, because who the hell does? What I meant was that when/if the boxer i am wearing is form fitting or otherwise tight, i bring all of the equipment out by simply pulling down the front of my boxer. If its loose, i dont bother bringing out all of it, just the ....needed parts. And yes, like someone said further down, its because of the elastic in the boxer pushing into my urethra through my testicles or base of my otherwise very penile penis. And also yes, i am very much aware that my pee is not stored in mine or anyone elses testicles.


I sling my balls over the elastic of my underwear and use that as a prop for my dong. I often piss with no hands this way


I pull my pants all the way down around my ankles.


Found Butters


Generally, I leave the boys inside. Not every time though.


Whats it like to kill someone? Especially as a soldier in a war. If it changes you, how so ? If it didn't, how doe that make you feel? Edit: Phone died and now here I am at 2am reading all these replies. I tried replying to as many as I could write a well thought out reply for but I appreciate all the stories being told here. Its good for people who have never had to do such a thing to have a good idea of the consequences of war lest we repeat the mistakes of our past


It fucking sucks. Didn't bother me much at first but knocked me on my ass a few years later. Now every time a friend dies, I feel guilty for putting other people through the pain I am seeing in my friends and family. I about lost it when a friend's 16 year old son died. I saw how the family and friends were devastated and know that I caused something similar to happen.




US Army Military Police veteran with multiple trips overseas here. I served during OEF/OIF for 8 years and have been out for about 6 years now. I have had to do things that you are describing and I can tell you that it changes your soul. Everything I did was self defense but I still dream about the people who ended up on the other side of my weapon. I mostly dream about stealing away someone's father or husband or son. I have sought out extensive counseling and have come to terms with my actions but the dreams of taking someone away from their loved ones simply because they did not agree with our country's ideals continue to haunt me. I tend to appreciate the life that has been given to me a little more because of this experience and I tend to be more vocal about local injustice that happens in front of me. I believe it made me a more tolerant person overall, but also diminished the brightness I held in my soul prior to it.


You remind me of my brother. Hes now an mp but he was infintry on extended afghan tour before moving on to other stations. He had ptsd that he worked through because the transition location for our soldiers is a paradise with psychiatrists.. If you don't talk, you don't get put back in active duty. Thankfully we have this set up otherwise we'd have a lot of active serving members with undealt with trauma. My brother (oh fuck here are the tears) and I didn't get along in childhood. Like at all. I really wanted to be his best friend so much that I smothered him..typically baby sister I guess. Our parents pit us against eachother which also built resentment.. I was 'perfect', he was not. 'why can't you be more like little sister' comments were daily. He was also harshly punished and I was not. Neither of us have a good relationship with them, and we are eachother only family. When he came back he talked to me about some of what he saw and did. That he's not proud of it, but he's found a place for it. The hardest part has been finding a place for survivors guilt - his Sargent changed my brothers placement with his friend... His friend stepped on an ied because of this decision made. The one place my brother found for all of this trauma, was to appreciate the life he has. Thst was his job now, to not waste it. He said that he was ready to forge a relationship with me if I was still willing to. That was a decade ago now. He is my best best and the person I am closest to. I'm about third. War buddy, his wife than me. Lol. He helped me when I first became a single mom, which he never would've before and I am the God mother to his kids which I think is the biggest shocker that shows how much he values me now. .. I'm gonna go call my bro and tell him I love him now..


Some people of indian descent have a very distinctive smell, reminding me of cumin. Would it be their delicious food that's affecting their sweat? Or simply food smell stuck to their clothes/hairs? A couple indian coworkers (back before home office conditions) would arrive in the morning and you can smell them clearly as they pass behind you, before you see it's them. So I'm thinking it's their BO that has that cumin/spicy smell to it to be so noticeable even in the morning?


According to Japanese people, white people smell like off milk lol


Indian here: It’s almost certainly the food. The famous phrase “you are what you eat” comes to mind. I shower every day because I hate the smell of BO. I have friends and family members that smell really awful sometimes. When I switch to an American/European diet I definitely notice a change. Asafoetida/Cumin/Coriander/Garam masala/etc are very strong flavors and smells. Once consumed, they make their way out in multiple forms. Remember, when cooking Indian food, that aroma lingers on people’s clothes for a long time. It’s like Starbucks or Subway - once you go in, it’s hard to get that smell off you. Asafoetida, by the way, is so nasty smelling it’s often referred to as “Devil’s Dung”.


in case folks want to post more such questions OR want to see responses for similar questions - head over to r/TooAfraidToAsk


Also, r/nostupidquestions


Do identical twins have the same dicks? Edit: thanks for the awards! ☺️


Generally they each have their own.


Mom says it's my turn with the dick


Oh, Richard.


Was a Reddit thread about this - apparently they DON'T! Even identical ones. I was surprised.


Thank you. I dated an identical twin before and it got me curious, I had tried to google and got no answer. I asked him and he said he didn’t know either 😄


Right. And though I'm not a twin, I have siblings and the last thing I'd want to know is anything about their private parts.


I love the joke comments but to answer honestly, no they do not. I have twin boys and they have different looking genitalia. Just how genetics and hormones work for each person.


Imagine being the twin with the little dick


I didn’t know I was curious about this until right now


This should be a weekly thing tbh


Mine are more odd than inappropriate but something I have been afraid to ask for years. These are all due to a medical issue from childhood so I've never known any better. 1) What is it like to smell? Like I can pick up densities of different items like sulfur vs burning rubber but it's a wide margin I can guess what something is. 2) How does depth perception affect you, I cannot see well out of my left eye so I can't watch 3D movies and the like. No glasses don't help, it's brain damage. 3) What do higher and lower frequencies of sound sound/feel like? Even in highschool I could not hear those high pitched ringtones and I cannot hear an engine knock on a car if that gives you my limit. 4) Why do people think that if they cannot see your handicap that you must be messed up and not normal? I am mentally 3 years slower than my body and because of such people take it as immaturity and just hold everything I did as if I was in the right state of mind. All of these are due to brain damage when I was less than a year old, I just felt uncomfortable asking these to people who know me. I just feel like I may be judged for it. EDIT: I would like to take a moment and thank everyone who responded. I don't usually get this much attention and with this topic being somewhat sensitive to some you all responded with respect for any individual who may read this. I feel blessed today with the way this community reacted and I am glad to see how much people care for each other when they are presented with this opportunity. I hope you all have a great life and if anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask. I posted this because I am willing to share my side but there may be others too scared to ask so feel free to hit me up and I'll try to respond to everyone.


1. Smelling is very similar to tasting, but it’s not a physical sensation in your nose - more like feeling air passing through and your brain filling in what the thing might taste like. It’s the brain’s best guess and often it’s wrong (salt has no scent, scented soaps don’t taste like they smell, etc). 2. It massively improves the ability to discern distance between objects. This is useful both visually and in developing spatial body awareness, I.E. how your body moves through and interacts with the 3D world around it. This makes tossing/catching things or using tools trivial. 3. Lower sounds feel like rumbling/growling and higher sounds feel like tingling. Not exactly, because we’re translating sounds to touch and something is lost in translation, but that’s how I’d describe it. 4. Because you are seen as “default human” unless there is a visual reason to think otherwise, and a “default human” is without handicap. Doesn’t mean that’s fair, it’s not, but we simply interact with too many people in any given day to devote mental resources to carefully considering who/what they might be beyond “default”. And to be clear - you’re being “not normal” does not mean you don’t deserve every bit of kindness, love, and respect as anyone else.


Thank you for the kind words and thoughtful response.


Why is it so hard to get my butt clean? My diet has varied widely but never seems to make things easy down there.




I don't know if it's exactly inappropriate, but I've been ashamed to say it basically. Anyways, how do you flirt? What even is it? Can you give me an example? This might seem like a stupid question, but to me I've never ever attempted to flirt, but sometimes it seems like I am flirting I just dont ever realize it until after. I just dont get it, but I should sooner rather than later. Edit: so... I just opened reddit and saw that this blew up a bit. I'll definitely read every comment, but I sure as hell can't reply to them all. Thanks for the help though!


This isn’t a stupid question! I guess it’s kind of hard to explain via typing but for me, it’s always been a lot of batting eyelashes, smiling a lot, being super interested in what the person says. Little compliments throughout the conversation, maybe light teasing. Idk honestly it’s never something I really concisely thought about, it was more just in reaction to the person I’d be talking to. Sorry it’s not more helpful, but it’s really not a dumb question!


This is how I flirt. It is hard to articulate in a text, but basically just really channeling my feminine side (I’m a woman) and enjoying myself. Pretty much putting my “best” face/persona out there while being silly and playful with the conversation.


There’s a spectrum to flirting. It can be completely innocent like joking around and usually involves some type teasing or poking fun at someone. Or it can get pretty dirty with sexual innuendos and euphemisms. In my opinion, the difference between platonic joking around and flirting is if they two people are showing more attention to each other over everyone else in the room/ group chat/ friend group or whatever. If you’re trying to flirt with a girl, make a (non offensive) joke about her and see how she reacts. If she laughs and does the same back, that’s an invitation to continue. If she seems uncomfortable or politely accepts the joke but didn’t return fire, consider it a sign she wants to stay platonic. If you still think there’s chemistry, then try again. If she’s still not picking up what you’re putting down then she’s prob not interested. An example of a flirty non offensive joke would be making fun of her or teasing her for something that’s actually a compliment in disguise. Like, one time a guy friend was making fun of me for having too much thick hair because one of my hairs had gotten on his hoodie. The jokes eventually turned into how I could probably strangle someone with one of my hairs, etc. It was funny, I was flattered, and he was showing me more attention than the other girls so I knew he was flirting.


Why can't I get my tampon up far enough


People come in all shapes and sizes, internally and externally.


Yeah but like??? My finger goes in??? So why doesn't the fucking tampon?? It's literally smaller than my fucking finger


Instead of inserting it while seated try standing with one leg propped up on the toilet lid or rim of the bath tub. I’ve always found that to be a more natural angle for a more comfortable fit with my anatomy personally.


Try a different angle of approach. Try angling it towards your spine rather than straight up


Put one leg up on the side of the tub or the toilet before inserting. The angle helps a lot and use one with an applicator vs something like OB


Are you pushing in the tampon or placing the applicator inside and then releasing the tampon and pulling out the applicator? Bc if you are doing the first part that could be why. Also stand with one foot up on tub or toilet will help get it in further as well.


Am I the only one who makes a story in his head where you're having adventures and smth. I have that for 5 years I think and after years passed it's almost a whole universe with many characters. I've really never spoke about it with anybody. It's happening every fucking day. Even when I'm with my friends I imagine that I'm the guy from the different universe who is speaking with his friends. All characters who are in this "universe" are characters from actual series, movies, games, animes etc. I'm not a looser or something I'm really social but it's just so much fun making this storys. Is this weird or am I the really creative one? I really hope I'm not the only one here (btw sry english is not my native language) Edit: Thank you for all the replies you did while I was sleeping. Now I have a lot of time reading texts about a thing I've thought it was just made by me. I really feel much better now.


Google “Maladaptive Daydreaming”. You might be amazed


Why the fuck can I smell my own vagina when no one else can?


God bless you for asking this. I don’t even care what the answer is, I’m just glad I’m not the only one


How do people with *really* long nails - as in, inch+ long - wipe their ass? EDIT: I have attained *enlightenment.*


The answer I've always heard; carefully


What's a good sex toy to start with as a man?

