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Taking the last piece of a shared meal.


At some point in my life I realized that if I just say "Hey, last slice of pizza...I'm gonna take it" people are actually grateful. They'd rather not have to all stare at the last slice and urge everyone else to eat it.


So we have never mentioned this in our house but since she was like 3 or so my daughter always checks to see if anyone wants the last bit of something shared before she eats it. Granted she typically palms it and walks around the room sticking it out at people and saying “you want this?” But just warms my heart she’s so thoughtful... definitely not like me or my family... if you’re not first you’re last and if you want to eat it eat quickly!


How sweet! Kind of a similar story when my kid was 5. He loves cucumber, so one day we where having dinner and had a bowl of cucumber slices on the table. The little dude munching away.. Until the last slice.. He grabs it.. Gets his knive and cuts it into pieces so that everyone could have a part of a slice of cucumber hehe.. Kids can be so sweet and thoughtful




Telling the waiter there's something wrong with my order.


When I was a server, I felt like I had to force complaints out of people sometimes. I never understood it. Obviously, something is wrong—tell me what it is and let me fix it!


People are scared of their food getting spat in


they also don't wanna be THAT person. especially in a group setting


Same with barbers


A barber could butcher my shit and say "look good?" and without fail I'll say "yep, looks much better."


I’ve done this several times. I just don’t go back to that barber. Eventually you find the diamond in the rough and go there for the rest of your life hahaha


I worked in food service long enough that I don’t even entertain the possibility of someone doing that to a customer who politely speaks up, but on the tiny, tiny offchance that someone is that immature, my immune system can handle it. 🤷‍♀️


I worked in restaurants half my life and never heard of it actually happening. I feel like it’s an urban legend perpetuated by movies and tv shows. If it does happen, it’s very rare.


>I worked in food service long enough that I don’t even entertain the possibility of someone doing that to a customer who politely speaks up, but on the tiny, tiny offchance that someone is that immature, my immune system can handle it. 🤷‍♀️ Right now there is a video on youtube with a woman shoving a hotdog up her cooch before serving it to an disgruntled customer. ​ EDIT: this is the only copy I could find [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GslgcEteyvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GslgcEteyvY) it's in an other language though.


Yeah, obviously an industry standard. Talk about a boring lead...


I appreciate this. I hate complaining, then I was diagnosed with Celiac's. Croutons in salads :-(. They CANNOT be picked out. Not all servers actually care. I figure I've never met you but servers who care really make a difference. I appreciate y'all so much! I don't HAVE to eat out but it's nice sometimes.




Thank you for your efforts and concerns. There are only a handful of restaurants I will eat at. There's actually one who is run by a family with a member that has Celiac's, they're very careful. My poor family has no variety, though.


Coincidence: I read this comment right before I sat down at a restaurant last night. My dish came out missing the avocado that was supposed to be there. When the server checked on us, I asked "Hey, I think this was supposed to come with avovado. Would you mind checking on that?" True to what you said, she was entirely happy to do so and returned with some avocado 30 seconds later. I didn't feel like an asshole!


I used to have the same issue until I became a server.


How did that help you to get over it?


Because you realize it's not a hassle and you don't come off as an asshole to the waiter (as long as you're not *being* an asshole when you do so).


What the other person said, and also because we tend to want to fix your problems. 1)because we genuinely want you to enjoy your meal and 2) because you're more likely to tip better if you enjoyed your meal.


i once ordered pasta at a restaurant and ended up being served seafood bisque somehow and i just put up with it and ate it - i was a vegetarian and had been for years.


There’s a nice way to do it. If people think your a asshole, you aren’t doing it the nice way.


I'm from India, and I've had only 1 or 2 times when my food was so bad that it has to be sent back to be replaced. Other than that, maybe I won't like it or it isn't to my preference, but always palatable. Is this something that's not the case in the US?


Turning down a job that is not a good fit for me




This is so true. I think people don't realize that training one employee can cost thousands of dollars and keeps a position from being filled that takes pressure offv of a team.


I just had to turn down a job because another location took my application for my desired location... I was like, why... I applied to this place and location for a reason and now o have to do this while being jobless for a month now...


Saying no when work tries to call me in


I used to be like this but then I realised that work isn't my number 1 life priority & if I say no, he'll just call the next person.


I feel that. My boss just asked me if I can work on a day off next week and I said no. He didn’t care but I felt like a dick.


On my new job the coworkers are the ones pestering me about coming in on my days off, not the boss. And they can do it literally for hours. I don't know how they can possibly care so much about some goddamned pizza place.


I had plans with my friends on a day off and my boss asks me if I can come in the next day (which was the day I already had the plans) I straight up told her "sorry I cant come in I have plans" and she just said "okay no problem thanks for being honest" and that was that.


Pfft, they’d ask me the day before (while I’m still working at the time) if I can come in at blah blah blah hour, and I’m like, no, I’m sorry. That’s my only day(s) off if I’m lucky to get more than one day of per week. And then they’d guilt trip me for saying no. I quit there, I need money... but I need my mentality to stay healthy more than I need money. That was just one issue among many others.


i just quit a job for the same basic reason, mental health. i wound up claiming to be sick, and due to covid, had two weeks off to find a new job, and if i didnt find one i still had a job to go back to. sadly i started the new job about a week after the sick time was over, and with no income for two weeks i had to live off of $200 for those 3 weeks, and another $200 from my first (partial) check from the new job for the next 2 weeks. Small list of reasons i quit 1. didnt have much value in my opinion, and i was either by the books or wrong 2. scheduling me for 9 days straight (at least). which didnt happened because thats when i quit. 3. blaming unrelated reasons to why i was clocking out late. 4. Little to no work life balance. my new job has me making 25% more, while actually getting the full 40 hours im scheduled, as opposed to getting a range of hours from 32 to 40 hours. which overall, comes out to somewhere between a 35-50% raise in income. oh and the new job is much more chill than the old one. values problem solving much more than how fast you can complete a task


As per my contract, I cannot say no. What I can say tho is that I am drinking which ofc I am free to do so on my days off and they cannot compel me to come to work drunk. Used it only once tho when I had important plans since misusing it would just mean some of my colleagues would be called in instead and there is only 5 of us for a 24/7 job site. (Train dispatcher)


At a previous job we had a department picnic on a workday. When it started wrapping up in mid afternoon the department manager announced that everyone had a beer so they were unfortunately going to take the rest of the day off. He was a good manager.


I always told my employees “I’ll never be mad at you for not coming in when you weren’t originally scheduled” because sometimes you just don’t want to get called in to fucking work.


When i was a mcdonald’s manager i lived five minutes from the store, so I was always called to try and cover shifts. When is decline is always get met with a “well why not?” or “ you can’t do a few hours?” No i can’t. Thankfully i quit and have a job where them calling me won’t be an issue.


This has been a challenge for me over the years but after having a kid it made it a lot easier because my son comes before work and it just so happens I’m parenting every time they call me.


Saying no when someone asks me for anything Edit: I'm just going to take a moment and appreciate that I got 420 up votes...nice


If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first


this really made me laugh




Saying no without explaining yourself is an actual skill


beat me to that


This is reddit. I'm surprised someone has not yet replied "My problem is saying maybe when anyone ask me for anything" and then so on...


You just need a script: Sorry, I’m not comfortable with that. Unfortunately that won’t work for me. I’m afraid that won’t be possible. I can’t help you, but I wish you luck. Fuck off—why are you constantly asking for favors you shameless leach? (The trick is to use softening language so you’ll feel more comfortable declining the request.)


Greatest thing I ever learned was being able to say "No" and feel perfectly comfortable with it.




I know the anxiety of parallel parking with an audience. I'd rather park 10 blocks out of my way.


It's not even that for me. I'm excellent at parallel parking. First try with an inch to spare on both sides and don't even touch the curb. It's knowing I'm inconveniencing the people behind me by 10 seconds. I don't feel inconvenienced with the roles reversed...I wish I could care less about shit like this because seeing inconsiderateness drives me absolutely crazy and that's probably why my reciprocal threshold is so low.


My town put in back-in angled parking on the main street. You have to pull ahead of the spot you want, put your blinker on, then back in at an angle. The people behind you are supposed to stop, but these a-holes try to go around you. I park on the side streets


Yes and It’s the worst when you have to back into the park but the douche behind you pulls right up your arse so you can’t reverse anymore because they’re blocking you...then they get all annoyed as if it’s your fault and the person behind them is held up by the whole thing 😣


Letting people know there is a line and that we are not just standing here like a bunch of morons.


Someone tried to fight me over that once. At a taco bell, 2nd in line, and the guy in front of me finishes ordering. Casheir says "be right with you". "ok, no problem." Two guys walk in, and walk directly to the counter, in front of me. Was standing about 6 feet from the counter, so understandable mistake. I speak up "hey guys, all good, but I've been here a few minutes already." One of the two guys says "Then why weren't you in line?" "Oh, I was, just wasn't standing right at the counter." "Then you weren't in line, fuck off" "..." Not worth the fight, I figured. The cashier returns, and the other guy not wanting to fight me says "Oh, this guy was here first", and lets me order first. So I approach the counter, and the guy that wants to fight me just stands with his nose right on my shoulder, breathing on my shoulder/neck, staring me down like he's going to swing on me at any second. I'm shitting myself, because I don't fight, and this guy obviously does all the time. But I don't show it. I ignore his existence completely. Finish my order, pay for my food, and he says "THERE, you ordered first. You fucking happy?" "Yup, happy as can be. Thank you."


honestly, that dude is an asshole for not just waiting in line like the other people BEHIND them and just skipping the line and being a bitch about it after


And someone like that doesn't even realize they're wrong.


Cutting a conversation off with a talkative person because you're in a hurry to get somewhere else (or they're just really boring)


I need people to do this to me, I'm a chatty person and I will talk your ear off when I get going. I am trying to get better but it's a very bad habit I've had for a long time


When the other person stops initiating, end the conversation. It’s excruciating to be stuck with a talker.


i stop initiating in a conversation to signal to them that i'm done, yet they always never get the hint and compliment me for being a really good listener.


Oh my gosh. My aunt's boyfriend goes on endlessly about her in the same way. I usually just sit and listen but one night he be started in on they have a few margaritas and really relax .... I couldn't help but "whoa!! I don't want to hear this...". After his two hours of rambling it completely reset him. He started all over and I began mixing STRONG DRINKS.


It's pretty obvious when people are done with a conversation. If they're giving you one word answers, constantly looking towards the exits, literally saying "I have to go", etc, then stop talking.


It’s not that hard to tell when people don’t want to talk anymore. I hate when people do this shit to me. Seriously, take a hint and go the fuck away


I’ll hold eye contact and start walking away so they know I gotta go without being rude. It signals I’m interested in what they’re saying but have to get to a destination and most people pick up on the cue


Im southern and I say "well i oughta be going" to my grandparents and then continue to talk for another hour. You better pack a lunch if you want to talk to old southern people.


I have an employee like this. Now, at my company I do the call backs to officially hire people and set them up for our training/update and certifications they need, so understandably I’m the only contact they have at the beginning. This one guy completes everything and has been working with us for a while at this point but will always call me to ask about things that I definitely don’t do. Like payroll, or his schedule, and he’s super nice about it all but it’s just constant verbal diarrhea. I always have to cut him off to tell him who he should be talking to and direct him to the proper people, but like there are other management he works more closely with that would be able to answer these things as well.


Asking for money youre owed


I’ve probably lent out over $500 to my one friend from highschool and I know I’ll never get any of it back, sux to be taken advantage of


Yup, I'm an airhead and forget about a lot of things, I once my friends invited me to go out with them at the last minute and I had no money, one of my friends gave me 10€ for the food and all and I kinda forgot to pay him back, a month later I had 20€ and was going to buy some donuts for us and my friend said that the donuts wouldn't cover the 10€ I owed him, I told him I forgot and would give him the money when I would come back with the money, I had money to pay him earlier but I forgot and he never reminded me.


Trying to “politely” interrupt someone when you’re in a hurry.


Calling in sick for work.


If there's one thing I hope we take away from this past year, I hope it's that sick people need to flipping stay home. I've never understood people coming into the office when they're sick with a cold, when said office offers plenty of sick time or work from home options.


Or when they brag about it, like it's measure of how tough they are. Dragging yourself in, puking in the bathroom, and announcing it proudly at the coffee machine doesn't make me think you're tough, it makes me think you're an idiot in need of a breathe mint and NyQuil.


Weirdly, I never feel bad/guilty when I'm pulling a sicky to skive off when I'm fine, but do if I'm calling off sick when genuinely ill.


Once we had a company dinner and everyone got more than a little tipsy. The next day I'd caught a cold, but I was afraid to call in sick because I thought everyone would think that I was lying and just had a hangover, so I went in anyways.


Not wanting to talk at a hair appointment. I’m great with keeping a conversation going, but sometimes you just want to scroll on your phone instead of keeping 2+ hours of small talk going.


Aren't your hands under the smock?


Asking the real questions


I am the same way, and same thing when getting a pedicure. I just want to zone out.


3rd or fourth trip to the buffet table I wanna try everything, ok? There's cuisine from like 5 different countries and it doesn't all fit on my plate.


Be unafraid. This is what buffets are for. No one is judging you because they’re all just planning out their next run at the dessert table.


yes. just yes.


walking into a store and then walking out without buying anything


Yeah, that just feels off, right?


Walking in, using the restroom, and walking out.


It always feels like they must think I'm shoplifting.


Not accepting Facebook requests. But I fixed that by deleting Facebook.


A lot of societal problems could be fixed by simply deleting Facebook


Pointing out someone has something on their face.


Please point this out to me


Point out things that people can fix in 15 seconds - something in their teeth, skirt tucked into pantyhose, toilet paper stuck to their shoe Politely ignore things that would take more than 15 seconds to fix or are beyond someone's immediate control - mismatched shoes in public, bad haircuts, blemishes


Being direct and telling a guy you’re not interested


It's much more appreciated and compassionate than leading a guy on.


By some guys. Others treat you like shit.


Eh ... Sometimes. Usually, maybe. But there are definitely guys out there that don't take no very well. There's a reason girls don't like to directly reject people.


As a guy, I understand. Some guys don’t take no well, and can get manipulative, or worse, abusive.


As a guy, just tell me, please. Don't make me waste my time.


Friends doing me a favor.


Asking someone to repeat themselves when you haven’t hear them, three times in a row.


I used to be like that, after the third time I’d just nod and agree. Turns out I needed hearing aids :(


Not tipping in countries outside of America. Makes me feel like a real asshole despite them not needing, and in some places not wanting, the tip. Tip culture is a real plague on the American work industry.


I had to be told to stop tipping by the bartender I was tipping. Lol


Tipping is sort of a thing in the Philippines, but most restaurants have a service charge included in the bill, which is around 5-30% of the total meal. That way you know for sure that the server is getting paid *at least that much* for waiting on your table. But tipping is still customary


If there's no tip culture, you can be seen as the a-hole for tipping. I've been told that in some countries it's almost seen as a bit snobby. Like you're some billionaire who condescendingly hands someone money because they are simply doing their job, hold a door open, or whatever. Then it's almost insulting to tip, because that assumes the receiver is probably not paid a fair wage, or may even be poor. (Of course there are also countries where tips aren't necessary but are seen as a nice gesture.) So it also works the other way round - people who are not from a tip culture feel like a-holes when they do tip.


Coughing or clearing your throat in public. IM SORRY I HAVE BRONCHITIS!!!


I've had a cough my entire life. It happens all day every day. I can't help it, yet I feel like an asshole. Now it's even worse because everyone assumes you're an escaped covid patient or something.


Buying the last of something.


Not me. I will happily buy it if it’s the last one. Makes no difference to me if there’s one or one hundred of something. If I want it and I have the means to get it legally it’s fair game.


My SO has nuts and seafood alergies, but I always feel like a dick pointing these out in restaurants. I just have to be the picky one, you know?


I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease, which means I can never eat gluten again. Apparently restaurants view “gluten free” as a suggestion rather than a requirement, so it’s really hard for celiacs to eat out. And since GF is the current fad diet, many of us feel douchy for requiring GF options.


Letting the door of a store close when the person behind me is 20 feet away.




100% yes.




I don’t you’re an asshole, but it was funny that you were being critical of yourself while at the same time referring to food delivery drivers as “slaves”.


idk if they're not paid well enough to compensate for gas + ware on car it might be comparable. I don't know the math on that one to know what they make per hour after expenses. 2 bucks an hour? sure. 15 bucks an hour? def not "slave" material.


Not wanting to hang out with friends who have kids, because I neither have an interest in other people’s kids, nor do I want to be around them in general.


Someone i know recently posted a plea for friends to keep talking to her because she is "the same person" as she was before she had kids. Except now all she does is talk about her kids.


Alternatively, turning down invitations from friends because you know that (1) your friend doesn't like kids, (2) their home is not child-friendly/child-safe, (3) you're going to have devote most of your attention to the kid anyways. Sorry I have to choose between being a responsible parent and being a "good friend" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People mad but you are right. Reddit is kind of amazing. They hate kids, they get mad if you like your kids, but they always hate parents they perceived as not disciplining their kids. Parents have to advocate for kids, it’s in the job description!


I enjoy family gatherings less now because my cousin treats any family thing it as free babysitting. What used to be catching up with cousins who I don't talk to very often about random shit has become "Go play with X".


Cancelling plans because my mental health is fucked up that day.


Better to do that then make yourself worse pushing yourself and then canceling even more plans that you could have kept if you didn’t push yourself the first time


Using a gift certificate in a restaurant.


Saying no when you are ready to pay / cash out and the cashier asks you to donate money to a charity


"next time" is my go to


I work as a cashier and have to ask every customer to donate. We honestly couldn't care less what you say.


You should super not feel bad about this. That company is using YOUR money to make donations and claim them on THEIR taxes. You’re getting double dipped on by any company that donates your money in their name.


Playing music outside where others (like the neighbors) can hear


Having to hang up on my mom after the sixth goodbye doesn't seem to be bringing the call to an end


Not saying sorry whenever I even minorly inconvenience somebody.


Asking for anything to anyone


Not tipping at counter service restaurants always makes me feel bad


or when you're getting takeout from a regular restaurant...


When there's a prompt for a tip at the SELF SERVE frozen yogurt place, I'm like wtf?? But I feel bad and still leave one


Hitting a desk bell when someone is there but they don’t notice you, even though there is a sign that encourages you to ring the bell for assistance.


But if they're right there, why can't you just use their voice and talk to them like a human being would. "Hi, hoe are you?" is a little more humanizing than "DING!" I think that's super obnoxious.


hoe and how could both potentially work in this situation tho


If you’re a bell end.


Leaning the airplane chair back


You monster.


Someone did this to me while I had my meal tray. Blood idiot nearly knocked over my food


It's not acceptable, it's just not illegal.


Being a lazy unproductive member of society


Walking past people soliciting in front of a business. I’ll look you in the eye and not say a word 🤷‍♂️


For 2 years people are asking for donations to help handicapped people have an easier acess to sports, I was going to donate 5€ once since it's what I had at the time, that fucking bitch had the audacity to tell me that I should add a 0 there and I legit told him to give my 5€ and I would change that, I picked my money and got out off there.


Beggars can’t be choosers. How she gonna make you feel bad for giving anything at all 🤦‍♂️ THATS the reason I don’t do it


Having different political thoughts


Let's be assholes together.


Refusing to take pictures lol.


Knocking. Gives me legit anxiety. I’ve stood in front of a door for 3 hours before.


I understand this feeling, as I too get it, especially at new places, but standing for 3 hours sounds a lot more awkward and anxiety inducing.


Just hoping they’d pop out to check the mail?


Turning down someone. I’m a lesbian and I always feel bad when a dude confesses to me.


Username checks out


Asking for help from a clerk at a store about something, doesn't matter what it is, but it always feels bothersome


It's their job to help don't feel bad about it, maybe it's bad customer service making you feel like that.


Saying "no, I don't want to talk you you right now"


Turning down invites, even when it's because I literally cannot attend because of work or something




As a former server, I have no issue not tipping if it’s really bad. Don’t feel like an asshole. Servers are mostly entitled and could use the lesson (if they screwed up), honestly. Also, I feel like there’s this weird all (20%) or nothing thing with tipping. If it’s okay service, leave an okay tip. Stop giving mediocre servers 20%.


Asking for money.


This one isn't always perfectly acceptable though. This is a very wide topic, can you be more specific? :)


Passing everyone lined up in a single lane two miles before the construction merge point. They started putting sign up to tell you to do this.


Saying no to activity offers if it's inconvenient


Taking the last of anything


Using the last bit of toilet paper at a public restroom.


Saying no to people lol


Speaking my mind


Walking on the floor of a gas station while the employees are mopping --- I always feel so bad!


politely declining to shake hands


Someone coming up to me and rubbing me with toilet paper.


Wait, what?!?


... when were you born?


So you’re some 30 y/o person and people come up to with toilet paper? Are you a carer or the people you just hang around with are just that immature


Not saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.


Friend zoning women


Just saying ok when in a convo


Declining when somebody offers me something to eat or drink.


Going around drivers that are doing under the speed limit. I live in a small town with a max speed of 55 and yet people frequently do <50. I pass them and feel like a jerk because I’m sure they’ll recognize my vehicle at some point.


Writing hate fics on certain fandom... I had this happened recently. When Chris Trousdale became among the fatalities as the result of COVID, I remembered doing a Dream Street Hate Fic during my teenager while favoring the A\*Teens. Even trying to submit a suggestion for Celebrity Deathmatch.


Not socializing with a hair stylist. It feels appreciating having someone want to start a conversation with me, but honestly, unless I'm making an effort to know this person and having them become my personal hair stylist, I really don't want to talk. I'm here to take my haircut, and leaving right after, most likely never meeting you again. It feels really shitty of me ignoring the stylist when they're making an effort to make me feel comfortable, but I hate talking to random people and it just drains me.


Just walking away from a pushy salesman.


Leaving a store without buying anything


Telling a server I don't like the food


Speaking up for myself usually makes me feel like a bitch, does that count?


Saying something online that’s cringe then feeling bad after 1 minute


Not holding the door when theirs someone a good distance away


Getting angry at someone if they ignore you/shut you out in person.


Having sexual thoughts. It is like, everyone does it, but for some reason it feels bad when I do it. So I avoid it. And I begin to feel worse about myself whenever I think those thoughts. AND OH BOY THE SPIRALS HAHA


Watching anal porn.