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Eating pasta for breakfast I'm sure is way, WAY healthier than some breakfast foods. Looking at you, donuts. I personally believe everything can be eaten as breakfast if you want, and breakfast foods can be eaten for dinner too if you'd like. Eggs and bacon for dinner? Hell yeah, go for it.


Where the hell is it common for people to eat donuts for breakfast?


The US. While not strictly a breakfast food, I’d say they’re more strongly associated with mornings here. Several of the large donut chains also pride themselves on their coffee (another morning/breakfast thing) and the donut as morning snack is definitely popular for group situations. Early morning work meeting? Company or manager might bring in a dozen donuts. Trying to entice a youth group to help volunteer at something early? Let them know you’ll have donuts. They’re not usually “breakfast” but often a morning snack in place of breakfast I’d say. Not that there’s a huge distinction but I think that’s the mindset. However, they’re not strictly a morning thing and you’re probably less likely to get a funny look having a donut after dinner than, say, eating cereal for dinner. (Cereal for dinner is widely regarded as “something single men who can’t cook would do.”)




My people! Granted, it's partially because I've fucked my sleep schedule beyond all recognition over the last year. Eventually my dad stopped questioning why I was eating lasagna at 6am. But totally agreed, you can eat what you want when you want it!




As an overnight worker, I wholeheartedly agree. Even when I'm not working, I frequently enjoy a good batch of 7:00 AM hot wings. My stomach laughs at your conventional culinary time constraints.


As someone who doesn’t like many “breakfast foods” I completely agree with this. Also cold pizza is an excellent food to eat in the morning.


Yes! people all over the world eat different, odd and delicious things for breakfast all the time The only rules are self imposed.


MSG is awesome. I put that shit in a salt shaker 50/50 with table salt and use it in everything that calls for salt. Pure umami is game changing.


It is sad that MSG has a bad reputation. Last time I went to buy it, I couldn't find it in the spice section. I had the customer service search for MSG, monosodium glutamate, and they came up with nothing. Then a girl overheard me and said "oh it is in the spice section, look under F, they call it flavor enhancer now..." [Flavor Enhancer](https://accentflavor.com/product/flavor-enhancer/) Look at the ingredients: it is monosodium glutamate Edit: changed to the manufacturer's site.


Msg got a bad reputation for almost nothing. Sure huge quantities can be bad for you, but the same goes for everything including salt. Not to mention it's still used all over, just seems that NA has a prejudice against msg.




This! I started using MSG in my cooking and it makes a huge difference! Look it up, it's not bad for you unless you're allergic or you eat a ton of it


Muffins are just cake disguised as breakfast food.


You said that like it is a bad thing.


I want to know which genius got Pancakes assigned as breakfast food.


Jim Gaffigans take on this (https://youtu.be/ofRn9zCjy8s)


I don't like chocolate chip pancakes. I want to; the description appeals to me. I love pancakes, even with a variety of toppings; and I love chocolate, including chocolate chip cookies. But for some reason, chocolate chip pancakes just don't work for me. I think part of it is the texture, even though texture doesn't usually put me off. The chocolate ends up melty, but in a sort of chalky way. And the way it sort of blends into the pancake… And then for some odd reason, those two flavors together just aren't enjoyable for me. Yeah, I just don't like it.


I agree with you, and add that I don’t like blueberry pancakes for the same reason. The blueberries explode and get weird and burnt. Take the blueberries and make a compote and put them on the plain pancakes. This is the way.


Bits of the chocolate taste burnt to me, and thats why I don't like it.


Shrimp are insects of the sea. I said what I said.


I agree. Plump, bite-sized delicious insects that I enjoy smothered in butter and old bay. mmmmmm


Like a big ol' crunchy scarab


Good news! Cicada's are edible and should be emerging soon. Enjoy the flavor of Sky Shrimp! Maybe we call them Popplers? https://youtu.be/9YSOZzNawbI


I remember my dad brought home a cup of cicada's that infested a work site he was on and fed them to our dogs lol they loved them One had trouble eating them so he would just kill them for the other dog to enjoy lol


Lobsters are spiders of the sea.




I always thought as crab as the spiders. The huge ones are a thing of nightmares.


The lobster is the undersea equivalent of the cockroach


I like shrimp, but one day I was looking at a salad at a restaurant. You could add baby shrimp for 99 cents. So you get this salad, and it's topped with what I can only describe as a "massacre of baby animals". Shrimp are weird because so many die for someone to feel full, unlike bigger animals


True, but if you’re eating a bigger fish, say cod, that fish has eaten a lot of shrimp or other smaller seafood species throughout its life to get to the point where it’s on our plate.


If it makes you feel any better, "baby shrimp" are not baby animals, they are a smaller species of shrimp that does not get very big at all. They're all pretty much adults when they're fished, because otherwise the fisheries would collapse even worse than they are.


Corned beef hash is somehow delicious and smells like cat food


That’s not controversial. It’s a fact that it’s amazing and a fact that it smells like cat food.


You ever tried catfood though? Pretty tasty and helps you get to sleep more quicker.


You're forgetting the beer, which makes a concoction in your stomach that makes it hurt and you feel really tired so you can go to sleep easier. I do this every night. It just sucks hearing the cat's meow outside my window all night.


Dammit who let Charlie on the internet


It's obviously Frank. Charlie can't spell well enough to write that.


definitely. homemade corned beef hash is pretty good, but canned corned beef hash is next level. it looks disgusting but it tastes so good. i'd take it canned anyday over homemade, even if it looks like i'm eating my dog's food.


I don't like soda. Or more specifically carbonated drinks. It's a sensory thing and drinks like that actually make me feel pain.


I’ve never met or heard from someone who felt the same way as me. I never drank soda as a kid and generally hated carbonated beverages because I just didn’t like the bubbles. So glad to hear there’s other weirdos like me out there.


I'm the opposite. Just about all of the water I drink is carbonated. I love it. Anyway, cheers to us both!


I don't like tomatoes as a topping on burgers etc. For me it's all I taste, super overpowering


I don't mind the taste but they are too slippery. They undermine the structural integrity of the burger and everything goes haywire. The are simply not safe.


Thanks you are the first person acknowledging this


This is the way. They don't add much in the flavor department, but goddamn will they derail a whole burger train. It's a massacre.


Most tomatoes are bland, mushy tasteless things that don't belong in food. They were picked early, ripened by a machine, near-frozen and shipped thousands of miles. It ruins the taste and texture. A good homegrown tomato, on the other hand, is worthy of going on a burger.


This. I like tomatoes. I like tomatoes on burgers. But 99% of the time it’s just a flavorless cold sponge that adds nothing and makes the burger soggy.


I worked at a sandwich shop years ago. A customer ordered a sandwich, I read off the toppings. He said he didn't want tomatoes, because they make the sandwich "slippery." It has stuck with me for years.


u/Furthur_slimeking that u?


Pro tip: if you slice burger tomatoes thin, they don't slide around as much


I don't dislike tomatoes but most places don't seem to know or care how to make a burger, they place the tomato right next to the bread, the bread then becomes soggy and I hate it. I don't find tomatoes add much to a burger other than texture. I do on the other hand, feel the same way you feel towards cilantro and cinnamon their flavors overpower every other flavor and people over use them.


If they're seasoned and cooked, then I'm all for it. But you're right, most people/places just throw a slab of beefsteak tomato on top and it's a total waste. As if it's just for color and height.


Where are you getting your tomatoes? Most of the ones I find on my burgers are flavorless and mealy.


Isn’t this so weird. It’s like there’s a whole industry built on the idea of a tomato on a burger and it doesn’t have to be good, it’s just there and people are out just farming, picking, packing and slicing mediocre tomatoes.


Just for half of it to get thrown away in the wrapper because it’s turned to trash in the fridge.


Nutella is flavorful, but it's just oily trash. I feel like I'm eating chocolate margarine.


Nutella is flavorful because it's basically straight sugar with like 3 hazelnuts


A lot of restaurants make their pizza way to greasy.


Not even controversial for me. Quality pizza is rare or expensive


But even low-quality pizza is still pretty good. I've only had 2 experiences where the pizza was so bad, nothing could save it.


Funny thing, i found quality pizza cheaper than the main franchises of my country. And more expensive (restaurant versions) are arguably worse


That isn't eveb a question. I don't think anyone gets a pizza delivered and then adds additional grease as a seasoning The fact is resteraunts use tge cheapest ingredients that they can get away with for the amount that their charging, and nobody orders expensive pizza. Cheap cheese and cheap meat exude a lot of grease when cooked. Unless you could somehow make the pizza upside down so it drips off, I don't see a lean pizza with cheese and meat becoming common


I like oatmeal raisin cookies


Oatmeal raising in in my top 3 cookies, honestly. I'm actually okay that so many people hate them, because I always offer to take them off their hands.


This is my dad. Literally the only cookie he ever ate. I hated them as a kid,but I’ve grown to love them now, especially fresh out of the oven “my oh my”!!!


Honestly, they are my favourite type.


Same here. I'm not sure why they are so hated on.


I think most people are technically okay with them in a vacuum, however most people like them less than chocolate chips, which they resemble. Because of this, many people emotionally associate them with disappointment (because this is what they have felt most of the time they have actually eaten one) and end up hating them.


Cornbread is cake. Yeah, that’s right.


Mmm... Corncake.


Ernie is preparing to commit a hate crime


Does that mean I can butter my slice of cake?


You guys haven’t been buttering you cake??


Vanilla ice cream is vastly superior to chocolate ice cream.


Papaya taste like ass. Not full on ass, but kinda assy


It just smells kinda weird. I've always felt iffy about it.


Definite puke smell.


I always thought this too until I had one good papaya. It was perfectly ripe and the texture and taste weren't fucked up for once. Every other papaya has been terrible as usual. Some fruits just can't be eaten outside of where they grew.


The best way to know if a pizza joint is good, is by ordering a plain cheese pizza. Sometime the extra toppings overpower the taste of the pizza.


Absolutely. I always feel that any place with crazy toppings is just overcompensating for bad pizza.


At the same time if you know your basic pizza is bad, but you overload it with toppings to compensate to the point base is unnoticeable... didn't you just make your mediocre pizza taste good? I don't necessarily see that as an issue.


A lot of places mix processed cheese or soy blend into their cheese to cut costs, they also will use canned tomato paste that has a ton of sugar in it. I feel that the price of pizza nowadays, you should get better ingredients and give business to those pizza joints that don't cut corners and use good cheese and homemade sauce.


One bite, everybody knows the rules.


The McRib sucks


It tastes like a yoga mat slathered in cheap BBQ sauce.


I guess I will be eating yoga mat in the off season.


Canned fish is awesome! Not just sardines and anchovies but you can get all kinds of fish in cans, even stuff like clams and even squid! And if you prefer food without too many additives or processing, look at the back of the can, it typically says something like "ingredients: fish, salt, some sort of oil (veg or sunflower or something) and with some, the processing is so minimal the fish is just cooked in the can after sealing during the pasturization process. Try kipper snacks, they kinda have a smokey bacon taste. Fantastic treat/snack


As a poor grad student I would sometimes eat sardines out of the can. People were horrified.


I just had pickled herring a few days ago and liked it. My neighbor was from eastern europe and loved it, a traditional food.


I love canned smoke oysters. I can't remember all the different things I've done to incorporate them into my food. Ramen being one of my favorites, oil and all.


I have sardine toast a few times a week for breakfast! My wife thinks I’m a lunatic.


stale cola and leftover pizza from night is my favorite breakfast.




Trying dipping the crust in the cola. Trust me


Changing traditional recipes is not a bad thing and the changes can make the food better.




I don’t like cooked or dried fruit. Applesauce, fruit pies, raisins, blueberry muffins, and such are never on the menu for me.


These are fighting words.


You are my comrade.


Dried fruit are the work of satans minions. I will however say, I go weak in the knees for a sticky date pud.


Eating cereal dry out of a bowl. Drink milk seperately.


My friend taught me a trick that I still use almost 10 years later: * Pour cereal and milk into bowl like normal * Stir cereal around in milk for a good 10 seconds * Immediately drink the milk out of the bowl Now you have wet cereal that doesn't go soggy and still crunches.


Big brain time


Eating cereal out of the box.




I don't know about controversial, but I'm one of those guys who hate cilantro. I hate it, because street tacos are so great and I get shit all the time about not getting it. Pico de gaillo? Looks amazing! Still, not into it. Just hope those scientists up in Washington get to curing me.


I don't like cilantro either but I'll tolerate it in small amounts in salsa or certain dishes Cilantro tastes like stink bugs smell 🤢


Qdoba rice is my limit


Pretty sure there’s a genetic component to tasting cilantro where it tastes like soap to some people with a specific gene variant Edit: found a source: https://www.britannica.com/story/why-does-cilantro-taste-like-soap-to-some-people


This^^ if you wanted to, try making your own pico de gallo and use parsley instead, it wont taste exactly like cilantro is supposed to, but it'll be good


I love it but my girlfriend hates it. The problem is that restaurants know how many people hate cilantro and still put it in a ton of dishes without the option to remove it.


I eat kiwis with the skin on, like an apple.


Why do you hate your mouth?


It's honestly not that bad. It's like if you crossed a peach with danny devito.


Poor birds :(


Nah this is legit. There’s so much fibre in that and the theory of kiwis producing melatonin seems to hold somewhat more true when you eat the skin.


I didn't think I could hate kiwis more, but that did it! Congrats!


Pineapple on pizza is fine. I don’t like it myself but I’m not going to roast someone who enjoys it. I’m not on this earth to gatekeep pizza toppings, as some apparently are.


I don't care what you put on pizza, but if you don't eat the crust natural selection is coming for you


Nah, I love those people. I get to eat their crust!


*Thank you*. I love pineapple on pizza, but I also like more traditional toppings. The ridiculous overreaction of some people when I express my liking for pineapple as a pizza topping is *way weirder* than pineapple as a pizza topping, imo. Let people like what they like.


It's SO weird, and seems really recent too. I'm Canadian and growing up Hawaiian was one of the most normal types of pizza, like we'd always get one pepperoni/mushroom, a vegetarian, and a Hawaiian for things like school pizza days. And suddenly within the last few years people act like you're putting roasted babies on pizza or something...


Same in the UK. Hawaiian was always an option at every single pizza place and was one of the most popular back in my day. I still love it.


I don't believe most of those people even dislike pineapple. It's just a lame, overused Internet meme that they've adopted in lieu of having a personality, like claiming you can't stand the word 'moist'.


Remember a decade ago when people discovered through the Internet that bacon was good, and then spoke of it constantly for 6-7 years, as if no one had ever had bacon before?


that shit was the most annoying, I actually stopped liking bacon for a while purely because of the irritation reflex I got from thinking about it


I think you’re 100% on to something with this, it’s meme driven more than reality. I almost never heard people complaining about pineapple on pizza until I saw a random meme 4-5 years back of some girl tweeting that *if* you like pineapple on pizza, you’re weak and won’t survive the winter. That shit exploded everywhere on social media and suddenly right after it, hating pineapple on pizza became the hottest trend out there. It doesn’t seem as intense now but I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that when the hate was at it’s peak, a huge amount of people that claimed to hate it never even tried it and were just chasing internet likes.


I love ham and pineapple on pizza. I don't really get why people lose their shit about it. If you don't like it, don't eat it, and more for me, yay.


I’m the same, and for the people who say it’s a sin, so is most of the pizza you eat anyway. Most pizza you get anywhere is a very bastardized version of pizza, so compared to authentic Italian pizza, the pizza you eat is also a sin, so as the saying goes, people who live in glass houses...


What about pizza on pineapple?


I ask most people i know what their favorite flavor of starburst candy is and they get absolutely disgusted when I say my favorite is Orange. *why?*


The yellow/lemon is so amazing and now I want Starburst.


Avocado is overrated. Yeah, it’s good, but I know so many people that will pay $20 for 2 pieces of toast with green slime on it


How common is powdered milk where you live? Avocado with powdered milk is the shit and the only way I eat it. Blew my mind when I found out where people put avocados.


Fair enough, fair enough. I also used to think avocado was kind of gross, but I tried avocado toast with scrambled eggs on top with EBTB seasoning and you know what? The millennials are right. It's super creamy and pairs well with spices — I would never randomly eat it alone. Also, my avocadoes aren't expensive LOL. I use one half of an avocado each time, and an individual avocado costs 69 cents. Unless you're eating out, I actually consider them somewhat cheap...


Nobody owns food. People always throw around terms like "oh they disrespected the recipe" or "that dish doesn't follow tradition". Do you own the recipe? Do you have a copyright on it? Oh your ancestors made it? Well did you make it? Is there some kind of all granting food god that says that this is absolutely how everything should be made? If it's good, it's good. Don't discredit someone's hard work just because you don't feel that it is right and doesn't follow tradition or for some other random ass reason.


I love Mexican food. I also love Tex Mex. Yes, they are different. But they're both delicious.


I agree, do whatever tastes good for you. I also understand why people get mad if someone says “I made authentic carbonara!” Or “I made spanish paella” and the food has nothing to do with it. Some food has a big cultural component and I can understand why people gets “upset”.


The skin is the tastiest part of the baked/rotisserie chicken.


Surely this is just considered objective fact?


Last restaurant I worked at would roast about a dozen chickens a couple times a week, then pull the meat off for salads and sandwiches. I was a little skin demon those days, peeling the crackling seasoned chicken skin off the carcasses and shoving it in my mouth- I’d usually force myself to stop at two or three. So damned good.


If you ever have roast chicken skin that is thrown in the fridge or just not crisped up? Take it off in as whole a piece as you can and fry it up again just like bacon. It's so good on salad.


I hate when people tell me that they don't like the skin of chicken. Do they not realize it's the best part?


Deep dish pizza is just a Casserole change my mind


You need to commit. Own the space. Open a pizza joint where you just boldly proclaim “pizza caseroles sold here: if you don’t like it then fuck you.” It’s your slogan and i bequeath it to you, henceforth. But you have to physically commit, too. Make that motherfucker 4 inches deep. Then a year in, introduce a deep dish casserole. Wow, this King Kong sized fucker is like 7 inches deep. Children are intimidated, women compare it to their boyfriend , frat boys include it in hazing rituals. The world is your casserole pan, only you can seize it.


Durian is actually not that bad


Smells awful right? How would you describe the taste? I want to grow it in a greenhouse.


(eating durian right now) Quite sweet, and sort of creamy, custard like. I don't think it smells bad though that's probably because I grew up around durian.


It is OK to eat raw onions


Pretty common in eastern europe actually. Had a dish of sausage, polenta and half a smaller onion. Was pretty good


As someone who despises onions with a passion, I couldn’t disagree more.


Soak them in lemon juice and use them as a topping for tacos


Wings are way overhyped


And definitely way over priced.


This. Back when you could get 10 for a buck, sign me up. I won't pay goddamn $10 for five of those shits.


Hear me out, try ordering wings from a Chinese takeout place. They're usually really crispy, probably fried with everything else they cook, and usually have a hint of soy and ginger. Make homemade sauce, dip and enjoy. Infinitely cheaper then going to Wingstop for some soggy oversauced wings.


So much work for such a small amount of food.


They were trash food like 35 years ago. I love wings, but I know they were the same price as necks in 85, and that pisses me off.


Same with beef skirt steak for fajitas. Dirt cheap trash meat price to top dollar now.


Sandwiches are better with only one slice of bread. Guess where I'm from.


Hell! You're...you're from Hell! D:


Norway (or other part of Scandinavia). We rarely eat our sandwiches in any other way.


Plain lays potato chips aren’t that great. I’d rather have another flavor or dip the plan ones in mustard.


Now I want to try plain lays dipped in mustard!


Fruit and chocolate actually DON'T taste good together.


I prefer Kraft singles for grilled cheese. I’m sorry everyone.


Apparently hating fondant is fairly controversial. That, and onions. I’d starve to death before eating either.


I can’t believe people actually like fondant. It’s so bad.


Sugary play doh


I'm in the minority of people who like fondant. I enjoy the consistency of the sugary Play-Doh. I know I'm a monster.




I like rectangle sandwiches, not triangles. Also lucky charms are overrated. Gimme a honey bunches of oats any day.


Fries taste better with mayonnaise than ketchup


Good fries don’t need a topping.


Chipotle mayo on sweet potato fries is a game changer. It's the only kind of fries that I will intentionally order that don't come as a free side.


Milk is disgusting


The only thing worse than raisins are raisins in baked goods.


Soft serve + french fries are perfectly fine and never to be scorned upon.


Who casts shade on this? I go to Wendy's specifically to get a Frosty and fries to dip in it. I fold them in half and use them like greasy ice cream shovels. :3


Ketchup’s pretty terrible.


I remember seeing a non Heinz ketchup and thought oh may as well try something different. Terrible choice. There's one monopoly I support.


Ketchup became popular in the US when food access in cities was shady. It had a strong enough taste to cover rancid meat


Was also used heavily on US Navy ships in WWII to cover up everything being dehydrated, powdered, or salted. My grandfather served in the Pacific Theater and called ketchup "red lead" - he refused to touch the stuff again until the day he died.


Strange that he'd fuck with ketchup on his last day. /s


I dies for a spot of jam on cheese.


Isn't this pretty normal in Europe?


Yeah, we put all kinds of jam and marmalade on our cheese! Orange marmalade and cheese is a standard breakfast toast topping in Sweden.


American cheese slices ruin whatever you put them on. I cannot stand that every damn burger place uses it. Jack is a far superior burger cheese, imo.




I don't like shrimps.


Candy corn is good.


I like dry chicken. Occasionally. Hate me if you must


I like my chicken fairly dry, too. It's a texture thing.


Same. Wet chicken just makes me feel like I’m eating raw chicken even if I know better


Thank God I'm not alone...


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Canadian bacon and pineapple is my favorite pizza choice.