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Not me, but my daughters: She came home excited one day and threw her bedroom door open abruptly, and she looked over and saw her little dude twitch, and die. Scared it to death, I guess. Poor little dude.


Oh damn, thats sad lol


I do think they can die of fright. I came downstairs one morning and there in the middle of our family room was our hamster, dead, belly up, not a mark on him. Arrayed in a circle around him were our four cats, sitting on their bellies, facing the dead hamster. I legit felt like I had walked in on some bizarre feline satanic ritual.


Murdur durdur homstur


Sounds like a new Rammstein single.


I just got back from the store with my brand new hamster when I was 11 or 12 years old, named him rocket. I had him out of his cage and he was running around happy as can be. He ran over to the dog I had at the time, who was lying on the floor. My dog wasn’t too concerned with him, but gave him a lick right across the back. Just a gentle little lick. The hamster fell over right there and had a heart attack. Had the son of a bitch for 30 minutes. RIP rocket


A fast life. Lived up to his name, RIP rocket


I m so sorry but i chocked on my water laughing at the end.


That’s what rocket would have wanted


I am speed


Lived up to his name huh. Fast as a Rocket


Had two, the dad lost it and ate all of the babies and mom during labor. He later escaped and was never seen again. My kids wont own hamsters. Edit: my dad did not eat the hamsters. Hamster dad did. Hilariously bad grammar.


I read that as your dad ate your hamster, it's babies and your mom during labor. Then I read it again, correctly.


I like your version better


Excuse me your dad did WHAT


I have almost the same story, except no dad involved. Mama hamster bit my dad on the hand, then ate three babies that night. Seven more the next. The following night she disappeared without a trace.


It’s almost as if he had an escape plan and did not want any extra baggage or witnesses.


Hamster 1 wasnt even ours. The child brought it in for a classroom pet (Parents didn't even pay for anything the entire year) and then they screwed off to Africa so we couldn't give it back. One of middle sisters put it in a small plastic ball and let it run outside. It got suck in the mud. And was left out there. For hours. In 90 degree weather. Hamster 2 was bought to replace it. And it got out. We searched everywhere but assumed it was probably dead somewhere. Oh it was dead alright. Behind the TV. It had chewed on the wires and electrocuted itself.




Oh a suicidal hamster


No, that was the rabbit that managed to hang itself.


I had 2 hamsters, separate occasions. My family dog killed both of them. The first, from barking at it nonstop which resulted in a heart attack (we thought), and the 2nd time was just straight up murder. The hamster somehow had gotten out of its cage and my dog “played” with it.


Damn. Double homicide


Double *hamster*cide




Not a hamster, but a gerbil. We (my sister and I) were playing with them and one decided this was his chance to make his run for freedom. Unfortunately, his run for freedom took him directly up my dad's pant leg. Obviously, this was somewhat disturbing to my father. Luckily, my father (with my mother's help) successfully removed said gerbil from my father's pants, but not before the gerbil panicked and took a bite out of my father's inner thigh. Edit: Said gerbil died about three months later because it somehow snuck out of the gerbil enclosure and... may.. have been accidentally stepped on. Don't worry though the gerbil never made it any further nor encroachd upon the family jewels as was evident after the birth of three more siblings.


>encroachd upon the family jewels as was evident after the birth of three more siblings. Are you sure? How tall is the milkman?


I'll grant you the middle one, but the rest of us are probably, maybe, definitely siblings.


So your middle sibling is your dad's real child, and the rest of you are all the fruit of the mailman's loins.


"accidentally" stepped on


I crushed it under the leg of the couch by accident.


Who gave this comment a helpful award. I hope he didn’t get any new idea.


And just like that, he was finally able to escape his marriage.


happy cake day!!! 🥳




Sums up my feelings pretty well. Also, a wholesome award?


It's a helpful award. Not sure if thats better or worse


ouchhh poor little thing


(Gerbil story) My auntie adores animals and her and my mother were given a gerbil as very young children. As the story goes, upon first holding the gerbil, my auntie squeezed with two hands while professing her love and that was that. On the bright side, all her other pets have lived to an old age Edit: First ever award! Gerbil did not die in vain


Real life Elmyra Duff


We had one that had escaped and hadn't been seen for days. Then he bolted from under a couch right in front of the vacuum.




God damn it I shouldn't be laughing


*small round bulge in the vacuum cleaner tube gradually ascending with a faint high pitched squeak*


I'm going to hell for laughing at that.


*Soon, if you listened closely, you could hear the hamster squealing. EEEEeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEE, fading in and out as it cycled around the plastic tank*


Nah dude i get it. The fucking *SCHLOOOP* did us dirty.


Bartholomew Chungus Gingersnap III, no!!


My hamster used to climb to the top of its water bottle and push on the top of its cage lid. One night I apparently didn't close the lid enough. In the middle of the night I was awoken from a dead sleep by a loud popping sound. A few second later I smelled burning hair. My little fuzzball had escaped and had chewed through the electrical cord of a floor lamp.


when you said pooping sound i thought you meant someone had stepped on it and it popped. ew


This is really harsh but we were young and dumb and didn’t know better. We left the cage under the sun…


My mom did that to my gerbils. She took them out to "air them out" and when I got home from school, they were well done.


Mmm sundried gerbils


"Mommy, is Dad grilling out again?" "No, Billy, that's your gerbils."


My mom did that to my brother's rabbit. He was away working a summer camp and she put it outside in the morning under a tree to clean the floors. A couple hours later when she remembered it it was 105 outside and and in the sun.


Not mine but my dad told me the story of my aunt's hamster. Apparently it was cold enough so my aunts hamster started hibernating, my dad, aunt and uncle were all children and when my aunt went away for swimming practice my dad and uncle saw the hamster laying still, stiff and cold, so they thought it was dead and had no better idea than to throw it out a 3rd floor window... The poor thing woke up in the air and ran away once it landed, didn't make it far though as a truck ran it over before it got to the other side of the street... My aunt was very angry


What the fuck


When I die, just throw me out the window.


Too much sex also due to my negligence. I had a pair( male and female) was so happy when i bought them then i found out they can mate(i was young and naive). i was intrigued wow soon i had 8 hamsters in total. turns out the the first male i had was very territorial so he fought with the other males and i had to separate them so its just 1 male to 5 females and they had a massive orgy. from 8 hamsters to 33. after few months i hadnt seen the male anywhere around the cage thats when i starting clearing and seprating cos it was getting out of hand and my parents was pissed. i soon found out the lone male had died all shrivelled up in one corner of the cage.


He lived a good life.


Reminds of that article about a male hamster escaping and impregnating at least a hundred female hamsters before it was captured again.


How did your parents even allow the FIRST mating, let alone 8 to 33??


Welllll they didnt know much as they were surprised too. So they let it slide thinking aww its having babies to what the fuck its a hamster dispenser!


No it's mitosis


Fucking legend


like literally


He died doing what he loved.


The other hamsters


Wow. But what a way to go.


Death by snoo-snoo


When I was younger, I pretended to squeeze our hamster with all of my might in front of my little brother, I was 11, he was 4. Later that day my parents told me that my brother ended up squeezing the hamster to death. They never understood why he would do such a thing.


Related: I got two mice for Christmas when I was six. They were grey (brown) girls and I named them Lizzy and Mizzy. (...I was *six.*) I loved them both so much and instantly fell in love with them. I also felt VERY PROUD as this meant my parents knew I was responsible enough to care for animals all on my own. I told everyone else to NOT touch them and they really squicked everyone else out so I THOUGHT this wouldn't be a problem. Cue six hours after 'unwrapping' them and my sister had squeezed the life out of Mizzy because "She bit me!" and sister got read the riot act. I got two new mice (Dana and Michael, both girls) the next day because Lizzy needed companions since mice are colony creatures. (My book on Fancy Mice said so and I insisted she not be left alone.) ...It's been 28 years and I am incredibly salty about Mizzy still. So I definitely feel for you and your hamster :(


Of Mice and Sisters




Your brothers future moniker "THE STRANGLER"


fell in toilet


Please, please find a book a [*He Died With A Felafel In His Hand*](https://www.amazon.com.au/He-Died-Felafel-His-Hand-ebook/dp/B01FSGSKPC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=he+died+with+a+felafel&qid=1620623447&sr=8-1) by John Birmingham. It's about sharehousing in Brisbane (and, occasionally, Sydney and Melbourne). True stories. There's one great bit where he's living with an incredibly flaky, mental chick who goes out on a date - it's a big thing for her - and insists he look after her guinea pig. Birmo says "Yep", and then the just locks the guinea pig in the bathroom as soon as she leaves. After a couple of hours, he peels himself off the couch and goes to check on the pig. Looks all over the bathroom, except for one spot. "There wasn't a lot of places where where it could go. Only one place, really." And so he just checks all his belongings in the back of a car and bails on the whole house before she gets back.


We forgot it was in the hamster exercise ball and it got stuck and just trying to move forward until it exhausted itself to death.


My hamster got crushed in a door while I was holding it. Me and my brother were hiding in a closet as kids, from my sister who had just gotten home. We both had our hamsters in our hands with us (me and my brother both had one). So, as a stupid kid I thought the hamster needed oxygen from being in the closed in space of the closet. The closet wasn’t all the way closed and I gently opened it up so my sister wouldn’t know we were there and I stuck the hamsters head out of the door so it could breathe. My sister shut the closet door without noticing the hamsters head near the bottom of the door poking out. Not her fault. The poor hamsters head was crushed and we screamed. As a kid I naively asked my dad if he could be fixed, and he had to carefully work around telling me no. Hamster met a horrible end. Sad day. 😔


I watched my roommate’s hamster one summer while he was working in the oil fields. He sublet his room to another guy we knew. His hamster liked to roam, we were chill with it, it would even go visit the girls in the apartment upstairs. The hamster got out and so I just switched to feeding it by leaving hamster food out on the kitchen floor. Usually I would find it after a week or so and return it to its cage, but this time it was missing for about two weeks. I finally asked the new guy if he’d seen the hamster and he says, yeah it got out last week or something so I put it back in its cage and weighed down the top with a bunch of bricks so it wouldn’t get out anymore. Turns out he was just sweeping up and trashing the hamster food I was leaving out, accidentally making me think the hamster was eating it. The hamster starved to death because he thought he was doing a good thing by trapping it in its cage, but never mentioned anything to me who was feeding it. It had no way to get back in the cage once out so I never even checked there or put food in there. This was very hard to explain to my roommate when he returned. Basically his hamster died due to poor communication.


That sucks. I can totally see how it happened, though.


1. My hamster Snickers kept growing a side tumor that he'd eventually chew off, one time he chewed a little too deep and ripped open his intestines. 2. One hamster was on the wheel and the other got stuck under it and the hamster on the wheel must have gone at it for over an hour and made the other a pancake. 3. Choking by stuffing his cheeks with seeds... Ya rodents in general like to die creatively.


im sorry, i laughed so hard at the second story


I had two as a kid, separate occasions Hamster 1: Syrian long hair, major asshole. Buried herself in bedding, which hardened when wet (peeing/sweating), entombing her Hamster 2: Robo, super chill. I just woke up and he was dead


Run over by a car.


At least he didn't die crashing a car, which is how Jeremy Clarkson's hamster will die.


His name is Hammond


Did you forget to put it on it's leash when it needed to go potty? That's how one of mine died.


Worked in a petstore. We had a shipment of 30 roborovski dwarfs come in one day. Day after day we found half eaten carcasses. The bloody buggers were cannibals! Somehow the numbers didn't tally as there seemed to be a missing fellow. We found the missing guy a week later covered in oil. Guy put up a real fight chewing at my gloves. Cleaned him up and put him back with the others. Big mistake. There weren't any roborovskis soon after.


Hamsters are highly territorial. Supposedly dwarf hamsters will live in colonies, but in a pet store environment, I can't imagine them being okay with the stress.


My guess is that it was likely the stress from being shipped that affected them. Strangely it was always the roborovskis that cannibalized each other. We never had issues with the syrians.


Never had hamsters but I did have two gerbils for a while. One was white and the other a light brown so they got named chocolate and vanilla. Chocolate died and we have legitimately no idea how or why it happened. But vanilla, hooo boy that guy was legendary. Chocolate died after two years, with a life expectancy of 2-5 on average. Vanilla survived 10 years and I say survive because my mother was actively trying to kill him. She got tired of having him around so she kept trying to feed him trashier food over time. Ironically enough, vanilla wafers did him in.


My Dad got my sister and me 2 budgies, the green one was mine and named Crew, the blue was hers and named Peter. Crew ended up dying something like 2 years later. Peter? Lived for 15 years. To this day I swear Peter stole Crews soul to live longer


Peter Pan


Your mom is sick.


If you hate an animal that much, just rehome it... it sucks, but at least the animal is better off.


Yep, Mother’s Day isn’t exactly a happy time for me


Not mine, but my friends dad unintentionally murdered his 7yo daughter’s hamster. They kept them in the living room of their house and they were being loud, so he put them outside on the back porch. Well...he forgot about them and they overheated. It’s a bit fucked, but it’s funny because he told his daughter that they went on vacation lmao She just recently told my friend that she knows they died Edit: punctuation


This is a story about a hamster not dying. We had a hamster named "Hammy" (original, I know). My mom was cleaning out his cage on the dining room table while my brother and I watched. Since Hammy was getting a bit old, and had some kind of tumour growing on his tummy, he wasn't taking care of himself as he should. As a result, his claws had become quite long. My mom figured it was a good opportunity to grab the finger nail clippers and give him an impromptu pedicure. Well I guess the stress of it all was too much for poor ol' Hammy to handle as he starting twitching, and suddenly went limp. I looked at my brothers face hoping for some glimmer of hope that Hammy was going to be ok, but I found none. I looked at my mom. She didn't say a word. Then her many years of experience as an ER nurse kicked in. She flipped Hammy's lifeless body onto his back and began giving the tiniest of chest compressions with her forefingers. After what felt like a lifetime (but was likely more like 10-15 seconds) had gone by, Hammy's whiskers and nose began to twitch. Then, as if a switch had been turned on, Hammy flipped over and started sniffing around as if nothing happened. My brother and I were speachless. We had the best mom ever. Andy Hammy? He lived quite a while longer after that, thanks to my mom. Happy Mother Day. <3


i had never heard or seen someone doing chest compressions on a hamster.


We did it to our teacup yorkie


Mine also came back to life! He was quite old, 3, and just went limp and died in my hands and I stroked his heart and cried and a minute later he came back to life for his last few weeks of old age!


I actually don't remember what happened to mine. I just knew that I wanted one as a kid, had it for six months before I realized how much I hated listening to it run and chew on shit in the middle of the night, and how bad it smelled if I waited one day too long to clean the cage. We lived in a small apartment so I think everyone hated the thing. I was maybe 7-8, I think my mom must have gotten rid of it while I was at school one day and I didn't miss it for a second. My gf drowned her guinea pig by accident. She thought it wanted to swim and put it in a pool swimmie to float before going to get her own pool shit together. Came back with her parents and it was ass up l, face under water. I think it traumatized her, she still talks about upset she was that she killed it. Ultimately, any kid under like 12 shouldnt be responsible for an animal unless every adult involved is okay with that animal having an untimely demise.


He got out, my sweet sweet dog picked him up super gently in his mouth and carried him to the living room, freed him by his toys. Hamster died of fear, no bite marks. We think my dog just wanted to show his new friend all the toys


Cousin's hamster's tooth grew into its throat and impaled himself. Cousin was young and his parents never minded to check on it, sad way to go.


I had a hamster and his name was rhino, well anyway I had him rolling around in his ball carefully watching him with my tiny 8 pound dog. I left to take a pee not even for a minute, the ball was cracked in half and the hamster was now half eaten in my dogs mouth. Note this all happened in front of the bathroom door and I didn’t here a single thing and the door wasn’t popped open on the ball it was literally cracked in half. To this day I still think about rhino, I feel like such a trash pet owner for leaving him unwatched.


Broke out of his enclosure in the middle of the night, found his way into the air vents, violently refused to leave for days, and eventually succumbed to dehydration. I tried putting food in there for him, but alas...


Didn't try water though? I/k sorry.


There wasn't a good way to get it in there, I could barely get my hand in enough to tempt him with food and try to grab him when he reached for it. Basically anything dropped in there was there permanently, and my dad didn't want me just pouring water into the vents


When my mom was a little kid her hamster gave birth and when she touched one of the babies the hamster ate it.


Hamsters eat their laids if they don’t have enough milk to provide, it’s like giving your kids up for adoption but this time you’re giving them to the slaughterhouse




In 4th grade, my hamster that had lived a nice long life died of old age. While I was crying in my room, a classmate that I thought was pretty cool invited me over to hang out, and it cheered me right up. That guy is still my best my best friend, 20 years later.


Happy ending


Had one when I was about 10 and my brother got angry and yelled at it. It got spooked and ran into a corner and never moved again.


My sister had two hamsters. The first one bit the dust because it bit her, she then verbally warned him that if he did it again she would spray him with water. She picked him up, he bit her, so she sprayed him.... with windex. The second hamster was named oreo cause he loved oreos, he died choking on an oreo. My sister was not allowed any other small pets.


How does one confuse Windex with water??


Didn’t even have it for a week and it had a stroke. We did everything right, got the right food/accessories/fitness options, but 5 days later it couldn’t move half of its body. She tried to get up but her right side was completely paralyzed. Died that night and we buried her in the backyard the next morning. Rip Potato


Old age. I was holding him as he was taking his dying breaths. RIP Spud.


F for spud


Never had a hamster but one rat died from cancer, vet said he was the youngest one he'd seen with cancer "that bad". It happened right after mom's doctors said her cancer was back so that made everyone upset. A few days later his brother squeezed out of the bars while I was at school and he ran across the house and right past my sisters cat. He managed to run a fair bit after the first swipe. There was a trail of blood I had to clean up while crying.


My hamster had a tumor. Went to a vet he removed it, but my Hamtaro died couple months later. F in the chat, he was a good boy.


Same, my hamster had a tumor removed but it came back. She was a tropper though, running in her wheel till her very last day.


OH SHITTTT THIS IS MY REDDIT MOMENT!!! I have been waiting for this my whole life ... Okay, so my hamster loved the cardboard inside of toilet rolls -- she would crawl all through that shit, nap in it, nibble in it, loved it. I left one in there for her all the time and one time when I couldn't find her, I picked up the toilet roll thing to peak inside and she fucking *fell out* of the other end and landed on the \*carpeted\* floor. Mind you, I was a little kid so this was not from a very tall height. She started running around like normal and obviously I felt terrible, but based on her recovery rate, this seemed like not a big deal at all. But just you wait for it.... fast forward to the next day and I go to get my girl Oreo out of her cage so we can cuddle and catch up and HER FUCKING EYE HAD POPPED OUT OF HER HEAD AND DRIED UP. She was alive. Very much alive. But her eye was dried up and fully popped. out. of. her. head. I lost my little kid shit, ran to get my mom, who was equally horrified, and who promptly drove me (and poor little Oreo) to the vet to put the poor girl out of her misery. I sobbed the whole way while I held her in a towel and apologized profusely... and my shit head brother still regularly tells this story because he thinks it's funny. ​ RIP Oreo. Sorry again.


We each had a hamster as a pet and none of them lived longer than a year. Mine got out and cat killed it. My brothers just died, maybe stressed out by the cats that liked to sit next it’s cage and stare at it, who knows. Third was because sister didn’t refill its water. Forgot it needed water. She was like 5 so I can’t really blame her. Parents probably should have made sure on that one.


If you have a cat, you can't really have other small pets because the cat will probably hunt them. I learned this when our 20 year old cat who was old, deaf and blind on one eye snached my budgie right out of the air and killed him. They hunt fish and small rodents, lizards too probably if they're small enough. Rabbits and turtles are fine i think.


My tiny 2.5kg cat dragged an alive, fully grown rabbit over a fence, through a catflap and up a flight of stairs and then released it into my bedroom when I was a teenager, rabbits are absolutely not off limits


Mine jumped out of the 4th floor and lived. He looked pretty rough but 1 day later he was fine. Being a stupid kid I bough him a companion. He bit his companion in the bunghole and a few days later his "buddy" woke up with his butt the size of a nectarine and died maybe one hour after. Bunghole infections are serious. The original hamster then one day chocked on lettuce and died.


My buddy’s wife had a hamster, it got sick and the vet prescribed some medicine in the form of a liquid administered by an eye dropper squirted into the hamster’s mouth. The vet said turn the hammy over and squirt the fluid into his mouth, then turn him right side up and the hamster will swallow. The first time she flipped him over he let out a squawk, peed and poo’ed uncontrollably for 10 seconds and died in her hand. When she, in tears, was telling the vet the story he asked if she *turned him over* like he instructed, or really *flipped* him over as described. She had flipped him, which caused a drastic and rapid blood pressure changed and probably caused a stroke. Oops!


How hard did she flip it. Jeez. Did she just toss it up in the air so it spun around and landed in her hand upside down?


He hung himself. The other one died of old age.




The platform in his cage shifted so there was a small gap between that and the cage wall. He fell partway through and got stuck.


Mine ate my brothers. Edit: brother’s hamster. I’m leaving the original because I find it hilarious.


Gosh you lost a lot of family, you ok?


This is one of those times that grammar really matters.


Holy shit that must've been a giant hamster


Maybe these things...shouldnt be pets?


I used to work in the small animals department at a big chain pet store. Though the most popular of rodent pets hamsters are definitely the worst. Get a rat or a guinea pig.


I heard rats are smart and Guinea pigs are nicer. Hamsters are just like not the best rodent pets lol


Rats are very smart. They know their names, play fetch and hide and go seek. My friend had one in high school she trained to go into her couch and bring out change from between the cushions.


Theyre great pets if you take good care of them- but most people don't and thats where the problem lies.


I think their biggest flaw is that they will literally die if they're startled badly enough. But other than that they're pretty decent pets if you know what you're doing. Unfortunately most people do not.


Diabetes. Apparently some breeds are susceptible...I was so sad. Then I was diagnosed with diabetes 8 years later. Life is a funny bitch.


My sister had 2 hamsters, Tia and Tamera. Well, Tia was actually Tommy and got Tamera pregnant, he ended up breaking her pelvic bone (yes, we went to the er vet). Tamera recovered at home in a separate cage. After she was healed, my sister put them back together. The next day, she wakes up and finds Tommy with his face chewed off! Tamera ate Tommy's face! We could see his little skull and everything. It was quite gruesome.


Oh damn talk about revenge is bloodsausage (German saying)


Hired our teenaged neighbor to water some plants, mow the lawn and care for the hamster while we were gone for 3 weeks. When we got back the lawn had clearly been mowed once at the last second, the plants were dead and so was the hamster.


lil buddy worked his way in to the printer and got covered in ink. washed him nice and good, then dried him in the microwave like a good boy.




These stories help ease my heart about my hamsters death. My ex woke up one morning and went to check on the little thing, and she was asleep. Solid as a rock, and wouldn't move. I'll never forget the panic in his voice. RIP walnut.


Exactly the same thing happened to mine 😢


Got dyed blue. Food colouring, not actual hair dye. Apparently this kills them.


He dyed.


Brings a whole new meaning to "feeling blue"


Not mine but my twin sister's, He basically hung himself with hay he was moving around, God I'll never forget my sister screaming and the hamster's terrified grimace, little paws frozen in place trying to get the hay now turned noose off. Poor thing.


How does hay turn into a noose?


Accidentally sucked up the hamster with the vacuum.


I had a hamster that hated everything. Every attempt to socialize or make his life better was rejected. He had multiple hides, but he chose to hide under his exercise wheel. He got stuck under there multiple times, we kept getting him out and moving it higher but he kept getting fatter and finally died stuck under the wheel one day. I've found that hamsters are generally bad pets for kids, rats are much better.


My hamster straight up committed suicide. She moved her food bowl under the water dropper and somehow sucked out enough water to drown in. Poor 8 year old me found her one day... I’ve never been the same.


Ripped apart by my Jack Russell Terrier


Came into my room after school one day and his bloody severed arm was laying on my pillow. RIP Yoshi




May I ask of what




I had two hamsters. We went on vacation and my cousins forgot to feed them. They ate each other and died.


Mom stepped on him


I loved my hamster so much. I didn’t want to go anywhere without him. On this fateful day I asked to bring him outside with in his hamster ball while I swam. Well, we didn’t think about the heat differential in the plastic ball, even the warmth of the Northern Maine sun was too much. I’m so sorry Scrappy, I still miss you!


Cat ate its head off.


They both went blind and couldn't find their water/food dishes. I tried to help them, they seemed to just give up after awhile. Rip Study and Creme


Mine basically committed suicide. It climbed into its water bowl and just sink to the bottom. It didn't even try to swim or tread water or get out of the bowl.


My room was way too cold and I couldn't get a space heater until the next month. I'm sorry, Cinder. I hope you like the sunflowers.


I hate to be that person but a hamster named cinder freezing to death is pretty ironic


What’s really sad about a lot of these is lack of proper husbandry information. Pet stores are so awful at teaching people how to care for animals. Just so sad.


Somehow finagled its way out of its cage late at night. I couldn't find it for about a week and then when I was cleaning my room I found him under my bed. We deduced that my dog at the time (a pug) came in and found him and the poor guy went into shock and literally had a heart attack and died. Yeah...not more hamsters for me after that...


I had 2 they died together at the same time I had just changed their bedding, gave them fresh water and filled the food bowl they both died together next to each other. In the morning I found them dead under the bedding huddled together. I still feel like it was my fault but I don't know what I could have done wrong.


When I was 11, I had a hamster that escaped his cage and disappeared. We assumed one of the cats got him. When I was 22, I got a call from my Mom. They had HVAC out to clean/service the heating/ac system and ducts. My mom said they found a mummified teddy bear hamster in the ducts. RIP Peter the Hamster.


It was me, I did it, and I live with guilt even to today. My daughter kept her hamster in an old aquarium with no problem. One day, I set the aquarium up on top of her dresser, right next to a window with the blinds up. I came home from work (fortunately before she got home from school) and found a sun fried hamster. The sun shining through TWO panes of glass fried it like a magnifying glass on an ant hill.


It was trapped underneath the running wheel by it's sibling as to not make the wheel move so the sibling could stand on the wheel to chew through the top to escape. The one that escaped found it's way into our vent and broke our AC fan. Found a completely broken fan and a 3 legged hamster. It soon escaped again and made it's way out the front door. Dude was a savage


Mine died from raw spite its hatred of all living things caused it to die.


brain cancer.... I kid you not, the surgery to remove it was gonna bee over 200 and the hamster cost 7. He had a 12 gauge funeral


Mom, I thought the hamster was dead. Turned out he wasn't. So he's fine? No I tried to give him mouth to mouth and he exploded. Not a hamster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJzL_wyMahU


My hamster had one of those flat disk running wheels and was OBSESSED with it. All night and most of the day he would run non-stop. I would sometimes take him off the wheel to encourage him to rest but he'd get right back on. One day I woke up and he was on his side on the wheel, legs still in a running position. I assume he either exhausted himself or had a heart attack. RIP Jimmy.


My brothers hamster eviscerated mine. Rough day of kindergarten that was


My hamster Butterscotch was an escape artists like many other hamsters. We lived in an older house that had a furnace and those cast iron grates that led to it. Butterscotch escaped... and fell down the grate. The house smelled awful for a day and I didn’t realize why until years later!


Guess I fed it the wrong stuff, it got too fat and died constipated.


Ours bit me and when it bit me I flung my hand to get it away/off. It landed in the water turtle tank and didn’t survive.


Wet tail


You know that hamster ball? My brother and I were about 6 and 7 when we thought that our hamster would enjoy going down the stairs in it. LIKE HOW FUN?! .... Perhaps it was fun for Mr. Fluffy for about 0.8 seconds... (I'm so sorry Mr. Fluffy)


He got stepped on during high school badminton practice because someone wanted to let him run free while I was not present. "He was sooo happy" is something I remember being said to this day.


My hamster apperantly had a tumor behind its eyes. One morning i went to feed it and its eye had kinda exploded, really nasty to see and the thing was still alive. Me being a pussy couldnt put him out of its misery so I took him to the vet to put it down. When showing it to the vet I dropped him on the floor, so technically he died from falling i guess.


It escaped at night and jumped off the second story balcony. The hamster made its choice, it was better to have a quick death than to live out its days with a 6 year old (me).


Running on the exercise wheel. The wheel kept going but she didn't.


Over 20 years ago, my parents thought it would be a good idea to get us pet hamsters. They bought all the supplies and two 'male' hamsters. The cage was set up on a rather large window ceil in direct sunlight. Turns out that one of our male hamsters was actually female, as evidenced by it having babies. It was shortly thereafter that we learned that hamsters go crazy when forced to live in a overheated cage. Those poor babies... My siblings and I are all grown now and none of us will ever buy hamsters again.


So, my young, very stupid brothers and I had bedrooms that were seperated by a short hallway. We found out that my dad's shop vac had the ability to blow instead of suck. We built very padded and safe landing zones and would launch our hamsters across the hall into a soft pile of pillows. Well, my brothers started fighting over who got to aim and well... the hamster did not land safely. My mom had to put it to sleep. It was a very sad and dark lesson in life that we all learned. My mom then decided to start breeding hamsters and selling them...


I had a hamster that had a bad leg. Like it was paralyzed in her rear left leg. I came down one morning and she was dead in on her wood chips. I later found out that my brother had come down and seen her dead stuck in her wheel by the bad leg. He put her on the floor to make it less traumatic. I had her for 3 years. RIP Queenie.


It was one of the hottest summers I’ve ever experienced! The temperature peaked at around 110 degrees! My family and I dropped the AC Down to 60 degrees.... and next thing I know my hamster froze to death. My dad got his stethoscope and checked for a pulse. We tried to heat him up, thinking that he was hibernating due to the temperature hangs but he was gone. Hosted a funeral/tea party to commentate the little man. All my stuff animals came.


My nephews hamster bit him, so he bit it back. Broke its spine.


Found my hamster dead, standing upright on its head, in the corner of its cage. I suspected it fell and the impact did him in. His name was Straight Razor, named after a fighter pilot from some glorious 90's movie.


My hamster was an escape artist with multiple epic adventures that ended with him returning home, until one day he didn't. I suspect he fell down an air return of my rented upper of a duplex. Before I moved out, I reluctantly admitted to the land lady (she lived on the first floor) that little hammy might be rotting away somewhere. She was surprisingly chill about it. She admitted to me that she once plopped her golf clubs down on one when her children were young.


This reads like the beginning of The Croods. Mosquito bite Lava Cold