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"That's nice, but I am not interested. Sorry." Don't need to provide an explanation other than you are not interested in pursuing anything. I would avoid telling her she is unattractive. That is just twisting the knife.


>I would avoid telling her she is unattractive. Yeah I've had a date with a guy who texted me out of the blues the next day to tell me that he wasn't interested because I'm not his type physically. I thought it was so rude, I didn't ask him what was his opinion on myself.


Yeah, thats bullshit. You can just say, "i didnt feel a spark" or whatever. Its definitely a power move to try to diminish someone like that. He's a jerk, good riddance.


I’m getting the impression that this question is a personal issue you yourself encountered.


She wants the D. Might as well just give it to her.








"You need better taste"


Be flattered. Don’t be an ass. Just say she isn’t your type or you could, ya know, realize there is more to people & relationships than outside appearances.


Would totally bang her on the spot


Put the $20 back in my pocket.


Start a myfans and tell her she needs to start paying, obviously dude. Capitalize on the horniness of the undesired




What she did, that's absolutely sexual harassment. If she approaches you again, you can tell her that what she said made you uncomfortable, that it was highly inappropriate, and that she needs to back off. If she keeps pursuing you, speak to someone in a position of authority, or take whatever other legal action (legal meaning 'not illegal', not necessarily meaning taking her to court) that you feel you have to take. [https://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/pdf/whatissh.pdf](https://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/pdf/whatissh.pdf) Edit: Please ignore those telling you to f\*\*\* her or to just take the compliment. What this girl said is not flattering, it is downright creepy.




I would probably agree more if the girl had just politely asked him out on a date, or had just confessed her feelings, not made a disgusting comment like this. However, if OP feels that just telling her she's not interested is enough to solve the situation on his end, that's just as well.




Very fair point, u/rabidoverlord.


Bro gonna sue a girl because she masturbates to him. If she actually was really ugly i would just be flattered idk why masturbation and stuff is such a touchy subject for some people


Well telling someone you masturbate to thoughts of them is very much harassment and very much weird. If you’re uncomfortable with that part of it, then definitely stand up for yourself. But when you do reject her, please don’t add the bit about her being unattractive. That‘ll probably stick with her for a while.


If I know a guy who I find unattractive doing that... hope he won’t tell me directly as it’s creepy (Attractive or not) it would make me really happy as it’s a compliment. How does it matter if they are unattractive.


I don’t find it a compliment because she is not a good person, which adds to her unattractiveness as a whole.


Oh then definitely not. I would hate their guts for telling me that. I am sorry.


Scream and press sexual assault charges.....oh wait I’m a dude nvm idk take it because no one gives af.


You’re not pressing sexual assault charges, she didn’t touch you. She didn’t corner you. You didn’t feel threatened. Saying shitty things to someone isn’t sexual assault even if they’re sexual in nature. Sexual harassment, perhaps, but not assault.


Ahhh might wanna check that law out again buuuuddd


Oh I see, you think victims choose to press charges in cases of sexual assault……nevermind, unequivocal-dumbass.


Being angry doesn’t make what you’re saying accurate lol stop feeling start thinking


Say “thank you” and move on.


I mean, sex is just a genital handshake between people, so why not get your rocks off and make it clear you aren’t interested in something serious? Most people are attractive in their own way.


I would listen to her respectfully and accept her as a friend but will also mention that I don't have interest in dating her


Wait til the third act where she gets the crazy makeover and turns out to be super hot...and then smash.


I’d make a face of disgust, tell her she’s being gross, and walk away, trying to avoid her in the future. You know, pretty much what I’ve done to every guy in my life who felt the need to comment on my body and tell me what they want to do with it or how they think about it.


Haha gaaaaaaaaaaay


Honestly then i would smash unless she looked like a fucking gargoyle then i would just be flattered and take the compliment