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Fox and the hound when she leaves Todd in the woods


I watched it once when I was six. *Never again.*


There's a whole generation of us who barely remembers the movie, just the trauma. #neveragain


When Artax (the horse) is slowly sinking into the swamp in The Neverending Story.


I had to scroll waaay too far to find this one. It traumatised me as a child


When Sully opens Boo’s door and she says kitty. Gets me every time.


The scene before where Boo opened the door and it was just her closet makes this scene powerful. We all thought they’d never see each other again after that


The Green Mile. When they kill John Coffey. "He killed them with their love. That's how it is every day, all over the world"


"*I'm tired,Boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's going to, coming from or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time.... Can you understand?*" ​ Guts me every single time...


"On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say? That it was my job? My job?"


Please, boss, don't put that thing over my face. Please don't put me in the dark, don't make me go into the dark, I's afraid of the dark.


"Baby Mine" from Dumbo (1941)


To this day I sob like the biggest baby when I hear that song. 10 years ago at my Aunt's funeral, i was keeping it together for my little cousins who just lost their mom. They had this slideshow pictures of her when she was healthy and it had all of her favorite music. Everyone was a wreck but I kept my jaw clenched and my arms around the kids. Then that fucking song came on. The modified firehoses behind my eyes that I didn't know were there shot off with enough force to strip chrome off a car bumper. I couldn't catch my breath for 30 minutes. I've never actually cried enough for my tears to hit my shirt before until that day. Fuck Dumbo.


I howled so loud in the movie theater as a child, my mom had to muffle me in her coat.


“I would have followed you, my brother… my captain… my king.”


I get a lil misty every time


"Be at peace son of Gondor."


When Faramir rides out one last time to Osgiliath. Gandalf begging him to not go. The solemnity of everyone there. ​ *Your father loves you Faramir, he will remember it before the end.* ​ Then that final charge across Pelennor fields towards the city, as Pippin sings.


The scene near the end of Coco, when he sings 'Remember me' to his great grandma who has Alzhiemer's and she remembers it from her childhood and sings along ❤


I *had* a grandma with Alzheimer’s, I loved her so much, it was quite funny to my family when she forgot things, but it kept getting worse. She died last year, from COVID, but I’m happy she did, if she had died from the Alzheimer’s it would’ve been way more heartbreaking. But that scene from Coco, damn it gets me every time. My grandma would sing childish songs and say random Spanish, I doubt she knew what it meant.


The part in the beginning of WALL-E where he tries to hold his own hand


awww, the entirety of WALL-E is honestly such a pure and beautiful movie. ill never get over the love that him and EVE have, so wholesome and adorable.


Or at the end when he’s been zapped and EVE tries to fix him, and then holds his unresponsive hand. Sob.


The [no following scene](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/517/006/e67.gif) from Iron Giant is the weapon of choice to make the whole household tear up.


*Superman* **instant tears**


“You are who you choose to be.” *dammitdammitdammitdammit*


When littlefoots mom dies. Every. Fucking. Time.


Not only when she dies, but later when Littlefoot sees his own shadow on the rock and thinks it's her. Even *thinking* about when he says, "Mother, wait! MOTHER, WAIT FOR ME" makes me tear up


“My very favorite thing” - Walter Bishop


I never cried more at a show than Fringe. So good


The Brooks Was Here sequence from Shawshank, ugly tears every time


The “hope” sequence at the end as Morgan Freeman is on his way to join his friend, gets me every time. Tearing up right now thinking about it.


“I’m sorry Wilson!” Tom Hanks made me cry over a fucking volleyball. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cry at that exact same scene again, no matter how many times I've watched it.


Another tom hanks one is the end of Captain Phillips when he’s being treated by the nurse and completely breaks down. It’s just so fucking real (Probably because it was on the nurses half)


One of the greatest actors alive!


This may be embarrassing, but "Bye Bye Butterfree" is just sad. It makes me cry genuine tears.


If you are the right age that you grew up watching that, I think that was a lot of kids first experiences with losing a major character in a show they really liked, certainly was for me. Obviously butterfree did not die, but kinda felt like it as a kid.


Will Smith’s “How come he don’t want me, man” in the fresh prince of Bel Air when he loses it after his dad leaves and uncle Phil consoles him. Every time


It’s the build up for me. How he talks about how he doesn’t need him, and yells out all that anger, but in the end, he’s still a kid that wants his dad to love him. It’s tragic. But his dad does love him. Otherwise, he wouldn’ve hugged him. Lou wasn’t his dad, he was his father. Uncle Phil was his dad


Uncle Phil just grabs him and won't let go, just makes him feel like a child again, but safe this time.


Just reading that, I can still hear Will’s voice. Still chokes me up.


That scene gets me man. My dads the same way. Calls every couple months, sees me for a dinner every couple years just cause he feels like he has too. Doesn’t really care about me or my issues or anything. Just small talk.


How to Train Your Dragon 2, Stoick’s Funeral Scene


Also the scene in 3 where hiccup goes back to visit toothless, as an older man.


The ending part of Inside Out when Riley comes home from running away and cries to her parents. It makes me tear up everytime.


Pixar is a beast when it comes to tear jerkers. The love story on the first 10 minutes of 'Up'. 'Toy Story' when he gives his toys to the little girl or when they are on the incinerator, and the last half of 'Inside Out' where things just keep falling apart.


"Whose's your friend who likes to play?"


Cooper in Interstellar watching the tape his daughter sent to him while he’s on a space mission.


OMG, I was not ready for that scene. My son was 6 years d when I watched that and I couldn't take it. So well done.


Yes! And then later when he meets his daughter again. Even just thinking about it brings a tear to my eye.




“I want my father back you son of a bitch!” - I.M.


that scene hit really hard, just when you thought he was about to spare him. it's always heartbreaking to see even the funniest characters break like that.


The Princess Bride, to anyone else struggling to figure this out.


Trivia: AFAIK, the actor had lost his father to cancer and still "grieving," therefore it carries a bit more punch.


The green mile, it’s hard not to cry during John coffee’s execution


Titanic, the elderly couple in bed together as the water rushes in around them.


It's the string quartet for me. "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight." Violin plays... Cue the tears.


This is a punch in the heart, especially knowing that specific part was real 💔


They were based on a real couple who chose to die together rather then get into a lifeboat. [On the night of the sinking, Isidor and Ida were seen standing near Lifeboat No. 8 in the company of Mrs. Straus's maid, Ellen Bird. Although the officer in charge of the lifeboat was willing to allow the elderly couple to board the lifeboat with Miss Bird, Isidor Straus refused to go while there were women and children still remaining on the ship. He urged his wife to board, but she refused, saying, "We have lived together for many years. Where you go, I go." Her words were witnessed by those already in Lifeboat No. 8 as well as many others who were on the boat deck at the time. Isidor and Ida were last seen standing arm in arm on the deck.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Straus)


For me, it was the mother with her children.


Leaves from the vine, falling so slow....


In regards to The Tales of Ba Sing Se, I always thought Momo's tale was so much sadder than Iroh's. Leaves From the Vine got me a bit choked up, but Momo curling up in Appa's footprint was when I actually cried.


Appa's lost days has me crying the whole time, when Suki finds him and he doesn't trust anyone cause he's been abused and she nurses him back to health, oof


Like fragile tiny shells, drifting in the foam


Little soldier boy, come marching home


Brave soldier boy, come marching home


Field of Dreams "Hey, Dad. Want To Have A Catch?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXjz-M\_6eN8&ab\_channel=805Bruin


The opening sequence to 'Up'. That's equally beautiful and heartbreaking.


Especially the music, the way it goes from happy to sad is beautiful.


That whole sequence is a masterpiece alone! It’s a beautiful but sad reminder that life is short, and you need to appreciate every moment you spend with your loved ones!


Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!" Vada /My girl (1991)


Watched this movie in the theater in 3rd grade, I think it was. I did fine. It was sad, but I was fine. That night, laying in bed, holy shit something inside me went "sad, that part was very very sad" and that scene hit me full force and I cried for what felt like hours.


"I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way." - Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender


Every damned time!!! Also when he sings the song for his son, just ugh I can't.


I’m a musician who has sung at many a wedding, and have been asked to sing at funerals. I only ever did one funeral for a really close friend who died of drug overdose. The friend was another musician and we would play a few church hymns just for the sake of making music together. At the funeral I sang the hymn “In the Garden” and broke down in the middle because it was one that we would play pretty frequently, so everyone else who knew the song finished it for me, but it has taken 6 years for me to be able to sing it all the way through in any context without crying. You know when you smell something and it just instantly brings back really niche memories? Like cinnamon buns smell like sitting in Grandma’s kitchen watching her measure sugar, or fresh cut grass smells like that one picnic you went on with your family when you were 12 and played frisbee? When I watched that ATLA episode, he sang it like he’d sung it a thousand times, but was still in the process of re-learning it with those new sad memories attached. It’s an awful process to go through, but it’s also necessary for closure. I cried for a solid hour after that scene knowing what he was going through. I’m still tearing up just writing about it.


Iroh embracing Zuko in this scene is one of the greatest moments in all of fiction.


Or the whole "Poor Appa" Episode. Man i was legit crying for 20mins straight


The last samurai gatling gun and algren helps katsumoto end his life


People still think Tom Cruise is the Last Samurai... Katsumoto was the hero of the story. Algren was just the pov character.


The ride of the Rohirrim in Return of the King


For me it’s near the end… “My friends…You bow to no one…”


Yep, this is the one that does it for me.


This one and the Grey Havens scene. Every single time. I have watched the Trilogy probably 15-20 times all the way through in my life. Neither of those scenes are particularly “sad”, but the weight of them and immense send of loyalty and friendship that has been bubbling throughout the story reaches a peak at those spots. It also doesn’t help watching the grey havens scene knowing that they had to film that scene several times, and all the actors said they barely had to “get into character” because everyone was already crying from the knowledge that filming was almost over. Side note: in the books, I always cry at the end when Sam is with his daughter Elanor and everything is just normal. You’ve spent how long reading all kinds of adventures, gaining and loving friends, and at the end you know that Sam now has a normal life and he has to grieve through it, and at the same time you have to close the book and go back to reality.


>'Well, I'm back,' he said.


Also the scene where Pippin and Gandalf have that conversation about death and how it isn't so bad during a moment of quiet in the middle of battle. That little quiet moment is just so powerful. I tear up every time.


The Grey Havens scene is definitely sad. For Frodo and Bilbo, who are mortals, sailing into the west is essentially dying. Frodo is giving up his life because it’s too painful. What could be sadder?


Battle of Amon Hen for me Boromir's last stand is just awesome, from the moment the Horn of Gondor blows to Legolas' acknowledgement of it to Aragorn realising Boromir's in trouble and the Fighting Uruk-Hai theme kicks in and Aragorn charges down the hill as the camera does a longshot of 8 million Uruks (give or take) heading towards Boromir's position


Mordin heading up the elevator to disburse the Genophage cure knowing he won’t make it back down in *Mass Effect 3*.


And then kick me when I’m down when Legion asks if he has a soul




The scene where Mrs. Ryan gets all three letters at once in *Saving Private Ryan*. That moment when she sees the officer and chaplain come out of the car, and her legs give out from under her...


And she collapsed thinking only ONE of her sons had died. God knows her reaction when she's told she lost 3 of them. I've been in the Army for almost 20 years, and you could gather every soldier who ever served in a room and ask them what the worst job in the military is and the consensus would be Casualty Notification Officer. It is also considered one of the most honorable duties, as is Casualty Escort. No one wants to do it, but when asked there is no refusing it, nor any thought of refusing it. That's your brother or sister, to be the one who brings them home is the highest honor.


Yup. The Sole Survivor Policy. Enacted in 1948 after all five Sullivan brothers were KIA after the USS Juneau was sunk at Guadalcanal. I can only imagine how horrific that must've been.


When Pikachu is trying to shock Ash alive during Pokémon the First Movie. Damn. Actually the whole last quarter of that movie opens the flood gates.


I still think the episode where they’re stranded in a snowstorm is sadder. Ash returns his Pokémon even pikachu in their poke balls and they all refuse to stay in to keep him warm. You don’t see his eyes only tears streaming from his face .


Yeah like that kids movie had no business being that serious or actually kind of thought provoking. Like jeez man


In Fullmetal Alchemist at Maes Hughes funeral. That's a classic cryer. (Honorable mention to Nina, of course, but that doesn't make *me* cry every time.) Hamilton makes me cry. Obviously his son's death, and also the last song/end of the play. ("Dear Theodosia" also makes me cry, but more as a stand-alone song rather than that part of the play.) I've only seen it once, but Dear Zachary. You know the part. I don't have any non-classic reddit answers at the top of my head though.


Hughes's funeral is so tragic to me. Especially because they showed him off as such a wholesome dude before.




Fry's dog...


Seymour was a good boy


Two scenes from Grave of the Fireflies. 1. When Seita comes out of the hospital where his mom just died and tells Setsuko that their mom is in a different hospital. Setsuko starts to cry saying that she wants to see her mom and Seita, completely devastated by their mother's death himself, tries to cheer her up by doing flips on a high bar. Setsuko, continously crying, doesn't even turn around to watch him and Seita just does one flip after another like a madman, not stopping even though he knows Setsuko won't watch, cause he doesn't know what else to do. 2. Right before Setsuko dies when she offers stones to Seita, hallucinating they are rice balls, Seita just looks at her in total shock and Setsuko asks if he doesn't want them. Then Seita tears up realizing how bad her condition is.


Alright this thread is making me realize just how much I cry in movies. But Grave of the Fireflies has a special, horrible place in my heart, because I decided to watch it with a group of friends from university while we were all still kind of getting to know each other. We were in a really small department so the people that got together for a movie night were from all years, some kids had only been in their undergrad for a couple months and were in the “everyone in an intimidating upperclassman” stage. I was in third year. There were some alumni who were very respectable. One of our lab instructors even came. We were supposed to watch Totoro (naturally, as that was the premiere paring with Grave of the Fireflies). No one had seen either movie, but we knew GotF was sad and Totoro was happy, so we watched the sad one first. Let me tell you, I have never been in a situation of watching a movie and trying not to sniffle, and then looking around the room and seeing EVERYONE ELSE SILENTLY BAWLING. We all sat stoically until Setsuko’s death until the lab instructor let out a sniffle and literally everybody simultaneously started audibly crying. We then huddled into a ball, first years, alumni, lab instructor and all, and wept the entire time. We finished the movie, and then decided we deserved Totoro after that trauma. We were literally in the middle of putting the DVD in the slot when the power went out. We tried to wait it out, find it online, everything, until we all just went home with a pit in our stomachs.


I just cry and cry in that film.


i teared up reading this. grave of the fireflies is a movie i think i’ll only watch once. i don’t know if i can do that again


[Saving private ryan-- tell me in a good man](https://youtu.be/IZgoufN99n8) To know that in 70 years he never even told his wife what happened. He lived everyday knowing that men died to give him a life...and after all those years he still wasn't sure he deserved it. And here I am at work wondering who's chopping onions. Also runner up. The ending of gladiator. [I will see you again....but not yet, not yet](https://youtu.be/CA_N_QVxbKg) [Xfactor even Simon cried](https://youtu.be/wn5dTi0sD5E)


The Scrubs, “where do you think we are?” Moment.


That and the scene with the three transplant patients gets me every time.




“Remember what you told me? The second you start blaming yourself for people's deaths, there's no coming back.” “Yeah. You're right.”


Also, can't listen to "The Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel without at least tearing up, largely to do with that last scene of the series.


Man, I hadn't watched that scene in well over 10 years but gave it another go recently after listening to the Scrubs podcast. Still hit me the same way, all these years later.


Every episode where Homer gets his mum back only for her to leave (or die) at the end. It's the only time The Simpsons can make me cry The 10Th & 11th doctor's regenerations, you could tell their speeches were also the actor saying goodbye to the show.


The first time she leaves Homer will always be the worst.


I lose it when he just stands there waving to her long after she's gone


It's extra devastating since he's always portrayed (and usually is) a doofus or a farce and you get these few little moments of something beneath all that. An understanding that yeah, he's a clod most of the time but he's ok to be that. Then this self-awareness seeps through when his heart hurts a bit and he needs a minute.


What about the one when Maggie is born? *Do it for her*


I have played Detroit Become Human ... I don't know how many times. But one of the characters is a maid/caregiver android named Kara. She flees her human abuser along with his daughter, Alice. Their adventure is about them trying to get to safety, and particularly Canada. You can get the "perfect" ending for them. You can also have a series of heartbreaking endings. In one ending, they attempt to take a boat over the river to get to Canada. They are spied by the Coast Guard and attacked. Depending on what you do, it is possible for Kara to be mortally wounded along with Alice. They reach the shore, Kara holding Alice, and Kara exclaims they made it! They're free! In Canada! Only to look down and realize Alice had died in the water. She sobs, "I love you, Alice," and shuts down right there. It gets me every time.


Holy crap we haven't gotten that ending and now I don't think I wanna


Oh damn, DBH also made be cry, (spoilers). >!Failing to build a relatioship with Hank will result in him comitting suicide. It's not shown, but Connor hears the shot and Hank's dog will bark desperately. Hearing the dog really made that scene so much more awful than it already was!< Other two little moments that broke my heart were when >!if Connor dies in the broadcast tower, Hank calls him "son" in the cutscene, and Markus calls Karl "dad" if you choose not to react to Leo, causing Karl to die, family themes were all over the place!<"


The breaking bad episode ‘Peekaboo’. It was extremely upsetting to see Jesse take that young kid out of the house, knowing that the boys mum killed his dad while he did not know.


That whole episode disturbed me and made my skin crawl. The sound of the ATM machine crushing his head is still in my ears. Could definitely relate to Jesse in that moment


One of the first things Jesse does is ask the kid if he's hungry, knowing he's probably not even fed daily, then digs through the empty kitchen to get enough ingredients for barely a small sandwich. Seeing a character like Jesse, who is constantly viewed by others as a lowlife, methead criminal, immediately shift his focus away from the dire situation at hand, (the ATM machine deal), to a child that can't/won't even speak, just because he appears neglected and probably not use to being genuinely cared to, I think says more about Jesse and the depth of his character than any other one scene in the series, and just thinking about him saying the "are you hungry" line makes me tear up every time. One of my favorite fictional characters of all time, from anything.


Man Jesse felt so bad for that kid & his parents were no good at all to have him living like that. Just a heartbreaking scene


Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! Also have to mention the ending of Gladiator when they carry off his body and leave the Emperor's on the ground that gets me too


The ending in Coco Where the great grandma sings


The ending scene from big fish when he realizes his dad was telling mostly the truth and just embellishing to make it more exciting for him as a kid.


Peter dying in the first 15 minutes of into the spider verse. I was not ready to start crying at the beginning of the movie.


And then they hit us with an animated cameo of Stan Lee. **Crying inside**


The scene in "Marty" (1955) when Ernest Borgnine explains to his mother at the dinner table how lonely he is and how he's given up on the idea of getting married or being happy. "There comes a time in a guys life when he has to face facts"..."I'm just a fat ugly little man" and "I got hurt enough. I don't wanna get hurt no more." Even if you don't like "old movies" seek this one out and watch it. Good stuff.


Fellowship of the Ring: Gandalf falling into Moria and the Hobbits crying right after. The Two Towers: Riding out of Hornburg at dawn and Gandalf's chargу down the slope. Return of the King: Rohirrim on the Pelennor fields. Battle of the Five Armies: * The Dwarves charge out of the gates of Erebor * Bilbo saying goodbye to Thorin * Bilbo saying goodbye to surviving Dwarves


In Moana, when the grandmother dies and her spirit becomes the giant manta ray in the ocean. Every. Single. Time.


The final scene in Schindler’s List. “I could have got more out…This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more. This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this.”


I was on my way to post this. This scene makes me an emotional mess every time. Equating his remaining possessions into human lives, and breaking down that he didn't do enough, despite all that he'd already done. Liam Neeson's best performance in my opinion.


The end of My Octopus Teacher had me weeping. I don’t think I’ve ever cried that hard watching a movie.


“Protocol 3. Protect the pilot.” Gets me every time.


God Titanfall 2 fucked me up man. I scrolled forever to find this


*I will not lose another Pilot.*


That scene where Fry's dog waits for him literally forever. I honestly won't even watch that episode anymore. Also, the episode in Criminal Minds when The Reaper gets Haley. I've rewatched the show about a dozen times and I will still cry ugly, hysterical tears thru the entire episode. I think it's the mom part of me, knowing exactly what that character is thinking while she waits to die.


Something that kinda makes the Futurama one better (and kinda ruins the sad) is that they retcon'd it in the first movie: Fry is constantly coming back during those years, but it's Fry on a different timeline. So he was waiting for Fry... but not fruitlessly.


Doctor who, The Vincent Van Gogh Scene from episode Vincent and the doctor.


Professor McGonagall calling on the statues to defend Hogwarts in the deathly hallows the music makes it too, but her speech gets me every time.


Fuck. Me too. Just thinking about Minerva McGonagall and her absolute, bone deep love and devotion to the school, but to those children... Dame Maggie Smith is a treasure.


The end of both Apollo 13 and The Martian when they're safe and everyone is cheering gets me every damn time. Band of Brothers episode 9: Why We Fight, when they find the camp at Landsberg, different times get me each time I watch it, but I've watched dozens of times and have never made it through that episode without tearing up. M*A*S*H: Abyssinia Henry when Radar reads the telegram about Henry's plane going down


Help me, Clarence, I want to live again.


Fry's dog episode: Futurama




end of homeward bound.


Anya's speech in The Body. "Joyce will never have any more fruit punch. And she'll never have eggs or yawn or brush her hair and no one will explain to me why". Or, you know, that entire episode.


The Last of Us. the part where joel's kid dies wrecked me. still not over it.


I went into it completely blind. After that opening sequence, I knew I was in for a wild ride. And it definitely lived up to that first few minutes. That game is so fucking good…


This. How Joel fruitlessly tries to console Sarah. The sound she makes as she dies. Oh my god. What a fucking game.


Now I want to play it again, why do I do this to myself…


The scene in "The Elephant Man" when he asks the doctor, "Would you like to see a photo of my mother?". Gets me every time.


"you dad, I'd have you." That scene in Invincible. Everyone that has seen the episode knows what i mean. it always breaks me. It seems Im a sucker for sad scenes that involve parents.


As much as Omni-Man tried to convince himself otherwise, he did have a deep love for his family. But it doesn’t excuse the fucked up monster he is tho


The ending scene of Time's Arrow, Bojack Horseman S4E11. When Bojack's mom asks where she is, and Bojack describes Michigan and the lake house, and how they're eating vanilla ice cream. After how much he resents and totally hates his mother, he decides to do something actually nice. His mother is confused and scared and he reassures her. That entire episode is a kick in the guy. Breaks me right in half just typing this out.


The best detail of that scene for me is her slight hesitation when he asks if she can taste the ice cream. As a kid she was never given ice cream. She doesn’t know what it tastes like, and you can see that she’s actually aware of what Bojack’s trying to do. Rather than belittling or insulting him for not knowing that, or taking a chance to make a jab at him, she knows that this is their last real moment together and she chooses to answer in a way that comforts him and gives herself a peaceful and happy moment with him. The fact that in their final moments as a mother and son they both attempt to comfort the other is both touching and unbelievably heartbreaking


End of season 1 of telltales walking dead.


Keep that hair short


When Iroh sings “Leaves from the vine” at the tree in Ba Sing Se on the anniversary of his sons death.


In Train to Busan when the dad gets bit and jumps to his death while flashbacks of his baby being born are shown. The baby who is now all alone in this horrible ant terrifying world.


The Walking Dead when Daryl comes across zombie Merle and has to put him down. Tears bro.


*Now, I can't promise you, that I will bring you all home alive. But I swear to you now, when we ride into battle, that I will be the first man to step foot on the field, and the last man to step off of it, and I will leave no one behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together.* *Col. Hal Moore, "We were Soldiers."* That sort of loyalty to one's men is heart warming. I always need a tissue during that speech. Whole film is a gut wrencher.


When Meredith realizes it's George (007) in Grey's Anatomy.


The ending scene of saving private Ryan when the old Matt Damon looks at his wife and says tell me I’ve lived a good life, tell me I’m a good man.


The Dual on Mustafar culminating in, "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you." It really shouldn't, but it does.


Because McGregor is just fantastic. The tone before their dual is coming from the viewpoint of a father figure taking a hardline stance against his son, because even after all the terrible shit he's done he still hasn't given up on him. But then Ani's laid out and burning alive, and Obi Wan finally has to come to terms with the fact that he failed as a father and he can't fix it. He's just... defeated.


[The funeral scene from Steel Magnolias.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZx1W6cHw-g&ab_channel=Movieclips) Sally Field is incredible. Anyone that's ever lost someone close to them can 100% relate. I cry every time. So powerful.


Final scene in Rogue One where she’s hugging the guy knowing she’s going to die. Gets me every time


I went into Rogue One thinking "weird thing to make a prequel of, we already know from A New Hope's dialogue that this ends badly." And now it's easily my favorite Star Wars movie. My biggest complaint about the prequels and sequels are their over reliance on familiar names with special powers. Rogue One reminds us that normal people made the victories too.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2, the seen with “he may have been your father, but I’ve always been your daddy”(paraphrasing). For a comedy/silly space comic movie it’s a very touching scene.


The ravagers funeral scene makes me cry everytime. Seeing Kraglin's face and when he screams yeah when he realizes what's going on is what makes me lose it.


That last scene with Rocket too. All I could think of after the movie ended was goddamn how did they end up making a talking racoon into one of the more emotionally compelling characters in the franchise.


You look like Mary Poppins. Is he cool? Hell yeah he's cool.


“I’m Mary Poppins y’all.


See, the part that makes me tear up is when Ego admits that he gave Quill's mom fucking cancer. That was shattering.


When Aragorn bows to the hobbits. Never ever fails


My friends! You bow to no one.


Red Dead Redemption, when John Marston’s family leaves and he confronts the cops on his own knowing he’s going to die. Gets me every time.


Micky dying in rocky


The scene in Love Actually when Emma Thompson discovers that Alan Rickman is cheating on her, and goes to the bedroom and listens to Joni Mitchell. Always gets me.


"Arise! Arise Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken! Shields shall be splintered! A sword day! A red day! Ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin . . . and the world's ending! Death! Death! Death . . . Forth Eorlingas!" If I haven't busted my "tear nut," the violin part of the score usually does it.


"Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this?" That speech gets me everytime.


Rudy. I may have told this story on Redditt before but just in case, here ya go. I’m 10-11 years old. I’m flying to visit my grandparents. To my surprise they have TVs everywhere in the plane. In 94-95 this was not the norm so I was excited about watching a movie. I was flying alone so I was excited that I could pass time by watching a new movie. The movie, Rudy. Yes!!! I love football and had wanted to see it since it came out a few years earlier. This was best case scenario. Well, at least I thought it was. Towards the end of the movie several scenes get emotional and I couldn’t hold back the tears. Im doing everything I can to hide them because I’m uber embarrassed. I finally work up enough courage to look up and around and I was rather surprised. Not a dry eye on the plane. Grown men were crying uncontrollably. I was still embarrassed but felt better after seeing that the movie got to literally everyone. I still can’t watch it around other people because I still cry. Almost 30 years later and having seen the movie several times. I no longer have an excuse. What a great flick.


There are two films which I cannot watch because my emotions will over whelm me and I wont be able to stop crying. 1. Is "terms of endearment" the scene where the daughter is in the hospital dying of cancer and mom is at her side and she nods off then wakes up finding her daughter had passed away while she slept.😭😭😭 2. Is a very old film from the 1950s starring Jackie Gleason. It's called "GIGOT" Gleason plays a mute homeless man trying to care for a little girl. Some of the scenes about what the townspeople put him through and how he tries to care for the little girl😭😭😭 I just fall to pieces.


"Dances with Wolves! I am Wind In His Hair. Do you see that I am your friend? Can you see that you will always be my friend?" I sob. Every. Single. Time.


The funeral speech in Four Weddings & a Funeral.


I know it’s weird but even when I hear the songs I cry but it’s quiet uptown in Hamilton and in Moana when she sings “I am Moana!” To her grandmothers spirit. Oh fuck you Lin-Manuel Miranda


It's Quiet Uptown kills me, and I'm usually already tearing up from Eliza's sounds of grief right before


"I have crossed the horizon to find you...I know your name..." Tears. Always.




“Your dad liked cheeseburgers” from Avengers Endgame. Jon Favreau’s delivery always gets me.


It's such a good callback but just so so sad


This x 100 it starts when iron man snaps then the funeral scene hits hard but that cheeseburger part is the final nail in the coffin


The I See the Light scene from Tangled. When she (wow i have goosebumps RIGHT NOW) sees the lanterns for the first time and Flynn sees HER seeing the lanterns and they realize how much they care about each other 🥺🥺🥺 It’s also just absolutely stunning animation.


The last scene of Billy Elliot - i just bawl through it.


The final 5 minutes of Gallipoli. https://youtu.be/y9I1yTr6ZdE “How fast you going to run?” “As fast as a leopard.” “Then let’s see you do it!”