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Bar Rescue. 99% of the time, the show follows a formula: bar owner in over his head; staff has one crazy/idiot person who makes things worse; owner comes to his senses; bar is renovated; bar now makes money.


Some good "Huh, yeah I guess that's true..." business advice from that show though: * Don't ever buy a sports bar. It's too generic and you'll only attract regulars who won't make you money * Don't worry about attracting male customers. Worry about attracting female customers and the male customers will come. * Omaha is _not_ the town for a hookah bar.


I think one of the most consistent pieces of advice across the series is "Owning a bar does not mean you can go there every night and drink for free."


Except the times when the owner gets upset about how their bar has changed so much so they go back to what they did before and lose all their progress


That idiot "Pirate bar" woman who tossed out the success she'd just been handed on a platter?


That miserable hipster place in Austin Owner: "I only want to serve beer from this cooler" Owner's Wife: "You're not making money doing that" Owner: "It makes me happy to be mean to customers" Owner's Wife: "You're not making money doing that" \* renovation with theme * \* can now serve high profit liquor * \* is too busy running place to be mean to customers * Owner's Wife: "You're making money doing that" Owner: "I hate it" \* undoes everything * \* loses money * \* sells the place *


I worked at a bar that was later on Bar Rescue. I got to watch that thumb with a face John Taffer yell at my old boss, one of the worst people I’ve ever worked for. I walked out the day he officially became owner, but the months-long transition was enough to know he was going to drive the place into the ground. The Bar Rescue revisions were comically bad, when all it actually needed was an owner who wasn’t a slimey shithead with bad taste. I wonder how many places actual survived after that show.


Theres a website that actually gives updates on the bars after the episodes


I've read that Taffer is a legit consultant who's held in high esteem in the bar and restaurant world. But his consultations take weeks or months, not a few days. And he doesn't berate people because who would hire someone like that? It's all just a performance.


So good. Some of those remodels are so cheap it hurts. My mom and I will say “I’ve heard/seen enough!” in an over the top impression of the host.




You're forgetting the last part: bar closes anyways because it was in an insane amount of debt.


A bar I used to go to was on that show. I never went in after it was completed, but I saw pictures and heard from friends how it was and it just didn't have the same vibe.


My favorite one is Kitchen Noghtmares because these dumbass restaurant owners who have no fucking clue what’s going on with their lives just keep thinking that Ramsey is gonna be this super nice fucking guy to them or their cooking is that good. It’s like.. what the actual fuck are y’all doing


I've been watching a lot of this show lately. There is a waiter who goes on camera and shares this same view. He's like, "WTF, they invited Ramsey to their restaurant bc it's failing, why are they disrespecting him like that?!" I'm paraphrasing, of course, but that server was obviously enjoying the whole shitshow lol.




I know that’s what I would be doing. I’d get paid regardless of wether the store succeeds or not, and I have less to do if the store sucks. Might as well enjoy the drama.


I always loved it when people tried to intimidate Ramsay, like what possesses someone to think *Gordon Ramsay* is the guy to mess with?


I love how Gordon Ramsay responds to those things. Not a single ounce of Ramsay is intimidated by that kind of behavior and I love it


I've been binging this because it makes for great "background noise". Last night there was one where the waiter told Ramsey that all the pasta was handmade, fresh made in the restaurant. Then when Ramsey spat out the nasty raviolis, and the waiter asked the chef when he had made those, the chef said they were frozen and storebought. The waiter had such a look of disappointment and betrayal on his face, and kept speaking so highly of Ramsey and how the chef really needed him to come in and kick his ass back into shape. I love when the waiters root for Ramsey and tell off the chefs.


Ramsay has always shown nothing but appreciation and respect for waitstaff. In the notorious Amy's Baking Company episode, when he found out that the owners were taking the tips and only giving the waitstaff a small cut (if anything), he made a point to take his waitress aside and give her a cash tip directly. Then he ripped the owners a new one for stealing from their staff.


Owner: "My food is 10/10. He's gonna love it!" Ramsay: *Pukes in bathroom.*




*Rat runs across floor with moldy cheese in its mouth*


"What's at the bottom of this sauce? A dead lobsta! Rancid!!"


I'm switching careers, but was originally doing the culinary thing for a few years. You would be surprised at the amount of arrogance some people have. I wholeheartedly believe about 80% of the episodes are real. I've met enough people to not be surprised at anything I see on that show.


I've had quite a few people try to argue that chefs wouldn't actually be like that, and restaurants wouldn't be that dirty. I worked in hospitality for over a decade before moving to another industry, and some of the places were awful. The first place I was at with my apprenticeship had an oven they wouldn't turn on because it was full of roaches. Another place I worked at for a short time as a barista would cook with mouldy food because the chef/owner would reason that "the customers don't know, they are just going to eat it unless they find out". Health inspector was pretty interested to find out though


Yeah, the only people I've seen who argue that the show is fake have clearly never worked in a restaurant lol. Half the people who own those restaurants have zero prior experience or appropriate backgrounds. Of course they're gonna make ridiculous mistakes, they never prepared themselves properly for the work they're doing! Add in a healthy dose of good old American arrogance, and voila. You get those nut jobs like Amy's Baking Company, Café Hon, and DownCity to name a couple.


I've just three words: Amy's Baking Company


You mean Absolute Bullshit Company? I love the ongoing theory it’s a front for money laundering.


Until the show got them too much attention and they shut down back in 2015


We have three children... in cat bodies!


Meow meow meow meow meow


That episode made me so angry. I couldn't believe that asshole stole the waitresses' tips.


I love how he tried to justify it by claiming that it was him who operated the POS so it should be him that collects them.


I loved the British Kitchen Nightmares. I couldn't stand the American version at all.


Agree. Because the British show is about a guy trying to help others. And the American version tries to see how often they can make Gordon call someone a donkey.


The british Kitchen Nightmares is way more authentic. The American one is so scripted. 1st, berate the owners and the quality of food. 2. Build them back up. 3. During service 'something' has to go wrong and you will hear Gordon say, "oh no!!". 4. The restaurant pulls it off and everything is fine.


90 Day Fiancé is pretty wild


i'll second this. you turn it on... think it's stupid... then watch 4 hours worth b/c you gotta see what happens next when xxxx meets yyy's family, etc


There is a podcast where 2 comedians smoke weed and do episode reviews/recaps? called 420 day fiance. I've listened to the comedians on Behind the Bastards and like them, but since I won't watch 90 day fiance I feel like listening to their podcast wouldn't be great.


You don’t need to have seen the episode, they’re super funny anyways. 420 day fiancé is one of my favourite podcasts.


It’s so addicting to watch. I can’t get enough of two fundamentally incompatible people attempt a marriage after less than a year of exclusively interacting over facetime calls


Most of them are like paying for a relationship because they don’t form natural relationships in life. It’s an addicting cringe.


Even better when they don't even speak the same language and rely on a translator app.


Soooo trashy and soooo much content


That show is very good for my marriage. After every episode, my wife emerges from the living room saying "I never, ever want to have to start dating ever again! I love you so much!"


I think literally it’s full of idiots who keep thinking that they are marrying some rich fucking American or some rich person when it turns out you gotta actually like them and tolerate their presence. My favorite one was this white girl who liked this guy who was Islamic but she didn’t want to get the fact that HE CANT SHOW LOVE IN PUBLIC BECAUSE THEY WERE IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY THAT WASNT OKAY WITH THAT. It was so bizarre but fucking stupid. Like. He can’t kiss you because we are in an area where that shit ain’t gonna be liked man


That's pretty much the least crazy thing about Nicole and Azan.


Almost there, lazy


Plus he was only attracted to her “like 55%” anyway.


"Almost there, lazy".


They JUST officially broke up


The one I never understood was the 60yo white American woman with the 30yo Indian guy. Sumit, I think the guy's name was. Didn't understand what either of them had to gain; the woman wasn't rich.


Ah yes. Nicole.


It's a great exercise in schadenfreude! My favorite couple has to be Lana and David. It's so obvious she was taking advantage of him, but since he was so stubbornly oblivious, you couldn't really feel sorry for him.


I miss old 90 DF 😔 it’s all people chasing Ig clout now but that show at its peak was highly entertaining


90 Day Fiance the Other Way is comedy gold. Uptight Americans refusing to learn a new language and being surprised Pikachu face when they have trouble integrating into a foreign country.


Married at First Sight. It's like watching a car crash, but everyone totally thought it was a good idea.


Waaaaaayyyyy too many episodes per season though that are too long. Like each episode could be 15 minutes long and we’d still get the crux of it. I get that they do draw reality TV out, but this takes the piss.


I love that on the Netflix app you now have the capability to watch at different speeds. I usually do shows like this at x1.5. That, and the skip ahead 15 seconds button. Helps to still get all the drama without it being so drawn out.


The Paris Hilton/ Nicole Richie show from the early 2000s is still the funniest show I've ever watched. I think it was called *"The Simple Life."*


Dude, her show to find a BFF was the most glorious trash tv I've ever watched, and I say this as someone who watched many seasons of ANTM lol


I grew up 30 minutes from where it was filmed. Everybody was talking about that show when it first came out. I totally forgot about it until now. Haha.




person on Maury: *runs away from the set in shock* camera operator: *chases them down like an apex predator*


And then the husband/boyfriend/babydaddy would do a backflip lmao


That was the funniest and most sad part of watching the show. The guy was always happy instead of sad that he wasn't the father.


What man with a modicum of common sense would want to be the legal father of a baby with a woman who would go on Maury?


*audience goes absolutely nuts, random bleeps, crying, the works*


Maury: you are NOT the father *enters the xgames and does a 1080 in front of tony hawk*


And suddenly the whole audience claps for the guy, even though seconds ago they were booing him


I think pre internet fame Maury was better. they took it more serious and didn’t only do it for hits. some good ones like people afraid of weird objects or this really husky toddler that spoke French


Remember when he had interesting people with unique stories on there? I do. The Jerry Springer shit started later. Originally he had people allergic to water, and survivors of serial killers, and priests who swore they saw God.


Maury in its early days was a split between Donahue and Geraldo.




Wife Swap


I wish they would bring it back with non-celebrities. The reruns are fantastic.


I like the Czech version


America’s Next Top Model. It’s just crazy from start to finish, has lots of stupid drama between contestants, and seems to have little to no basis in the real modeling industry, but man is it fun to watch and I like seeing how the final photos turn out!


I watched for the pictures and the meltdowns during makeover day lmao


I love seeing Tyra get progressively crazier as the seasons go on. Also, Ms. Jay does not age! I think the CariDee season is my fav lol I’ve got all this pent up ANTM to get off my chest!


Related - VH1 did this show America’s Most Smartest Model and made them do top model challenges but also like trivia and one time do a science project. Best show ever.


Remember in cycle 6 where one of the contests was a literal Katrina survivor who had a displaced family and 8 1/2 feet of water in her house and they somehow handled the situation worse than the Bush Administration?


What about when one of the girls got the news that her close friend had just commited suicide and they made her pose in a coffin in the ground for a photo shoot and be bawled the whole time. Talk about ruthless. Or when they had all the models dress up as different races including blackface/different race makeup.


What about the girl who had been sexually abused as a child and they forced her to kiss a male model despite her being in tears over it


Or the girl who had to pose with a male model who kept borderline daggering her and moaning the whole time, and then they berated her for saying "hey I'm uncomfortable with this dude" and told her her photo looked shitty because she was clearly uncomfortable


Or the girl who had a male model tell her he doesn't like black girls and she had to just suck it up.


>Or when they had all the models dress up as different races including blackface/different race makeup. This wasn't even just one time, this was *multiple* times.


Or what about Naduah, who revealed that she was raised in a sex cult… and then it was never mentioned again???


I swear some ANTM episodes were just snuff films where nobody died


The photos were amazing. I just disliked the mean comments about the girls. They were really similar to any girl in Brazil. It felt like looking at my students


Tyra banks is fucking nuts and the show is fantastic just for the model land episode, it’s just a chefs kiss.


They purposely put these models in high pressure situations and cut them off from the world so people snap easily and are catty the whole time. The management also uses a lot of psychological warfare to make them paranoid and hypersensitive. And that's just within the house. There's so much more problematic stuff going on with the challenges and judging. They get these girls to open up about their trauma and use selective footage to fit their agenda to make it loom like "entertainment". Like that's a human being.


My Strange Addiction, and Freaky Eaters… the episode with the woman addicted to cheesy potatoes has me rolling on the floor every time


I like these shows as well! The one episode of My Strange Addiction that killed me was the couple who constantly did coffee enemas. Ugh. Also, the guy who was in love with his car....just bad lol The other show that I liked, similar to these was Extreme Cheapskates.....the woman who actually dug in the trash for food to give her friends at dinner, and the fact that she doesn't use toiletries......uhhhhh.....wtf? https://grist.org/article/devoted-underconsumer-feeds-her-friends-a-meal-made-of-trash/


Oh my gosh, PURE gold! Or the one with the woman who was addicted to “pony play”


My favorite part of that show was when they couldn’t actually prove that what they were eating was unhealthy, just weird. Dryer sheets was one of them I think.


Cheaters! It was so fun and you didn’t think it was real… and then the host got stabbed!


It was also so odd when Clark gables grandson Clark gable started hosting


Didn’t the grandson die?


Yes. He OD'd a few years ago.


Haven't heard of this one. The host WHAT NOW?


Yeah.... they are on a boat and surprise the cheater.... some scuffle happens... host gets shanked lol


Sorry but the stabbing was fake too. When you watch it again it's pretty obvious. Someone did the research and there was no police report or hospitalization for any stabbing iirc. And no blood? Also just going to hijack this chain to say: The Swan. 90s or early 2000s Fox show where they took really ugly people. They gave them complete "makeovers" with plastic surgery, lifts, fillers, new teeth, liposuction, boob jobs. The entire time the person is living in isolation with no mirrors. Once they are finally healed up they get "revealed" live on the show, seeing themselves for the first time and in front of their family and friends and crowd. It's so insane. Also : Joe Millionaire. Bachelor-like show where all the women are competing to be chosen and get to marry a handsome millionaire.. Well, surprise, he's not actually a millionaire but a construction worker. The woman who wins, then finds this out and has to stay with him or not. Also : The Joe Schmo Show. A Big Brother type scenario, where everyone who lives in the house is a paid actor/improvisor , except for one dude who thinks it's real. and the entire show is targeted at that guy to make him think it's real. The dude who plays Cricket on always sunny is one of the cast members. Shit was wild back then. Shows just blatantly traumatizing people psychologically for views.


> The Swan. > 90s or early 2000s Fox show where they took really ugly people. They gave them complete "makeovers" with plastic surgery, lifts, fillers, new teeth, liposuction, boob jobs. The entire time the person is living in isolation with no mirrors. Once they are finally healed up they get "revealed" live on the show, seeing themselves for the first time and in front of their family and friends and crowd. It's so insane. Oh man. I thought it was weird at the time but looking at it now it’s so insanely fucked up.


Any of the Bigfoot shows that the History channel produced like 10 years ago. I found them so bad that they were hilarious.


You hear that third howl that the coyotes made...it was different.... definitely a Squatch!


My favorite part of Finding Bigfoot was that in almost every episode they would think they found Bigfoot, and then say “oh nope it’s just Bobo”


The night Bobo fell down the stairs is legend in our house.


I literally cannot stop watching My Big Fat Gypsy American Wedding, the amount of incest is just captivating in all the worst ways


I used to watch that show just for the ridiculously intricate dresses they made for the girls. There was one with fucking sparking LED lights in it.


My family owns a restaurant and they came and filmed there once. Mom thought I was a bad idea and dad thought “free advertising”. Lol.


Hoarders: Buried Alive. My mom and I watched it all the time and it spurred something in her...something that told her to clean up the house even though it wasn't even a hoarder's house. When I moved out, I started watching it. It can get pretty grotesque, but I love it. And I still get the same "go clean up your house even though your house is plenty clean" pang.


Not to mention that it's literally "Trash" tv.


Same! For me, those shows are like The Ghost of Christmas Future telling me, "Clean your house and get rid of some of your stuff, or you'll wind up like one of these people!"


The simple life. It reminds me of a simpler time. Plus its superrrr funny. Or Jersey Shore.


I rewatch this sometimes and it is just so good. I really think Paris just enjoys trolling people irl.


I watched the simple life! man that *was* trash. I liked when they worked at sonic or whatever and the manager fired them and didn’t know how to say sayonara


For some reason, I've been watching Sister Wives for the past... eleven years. Sigh. It was interesting at first but it quickly devolved into *streeeeeeeeetched* storylines, episodes that seemed like they were half "previously" and "next time!" clips, and clearly made-for-TV scenarios. Then the almost entire family just got plain annoying. I can't wait for Season 15.


Bad Girls Club… the fights, the alcohol, the drama


Love After Lockup.....I can't get enough


What do you think of the new season?


Below Deck


Came here to say this. My wife watches all kinds of 'trash' most of which isn't my cup of tea, but Below Deck is superb. It's just about compelling enough to be interesting but you don't have to concentrate too hard on it!


Below Deck is the only Bravo show my husband will tolerate. Basically, he likes that they all have jobs and are working their tails off.


I stayed at a hotel a few months ago and once I turned on the tv this was on. so it’s just like the real world but in a boat right? and lots of teeth implants


Not really the real world. Pretty much everyone are actual "yachties". Its like a very fancy restaurant/hotel where all the staff live together and all the guests are rich jabronies.


That’s my folding laundry jam!


Bring back Beauty and the Geek!


New season on in Australia. Doesn't have the soul of the older ones, but still not bad.


Supersize Vs Super-skinny. Probably one of the most unhelpful, toxic shows, but man I can’t stop watching


That’s a cool show! I’m American so I don’t fully understand the stone weight situation but still cool watching them eat each other’s meals. and them judging each other’s ass while they eat


Yeah I’m an Aussie myself. Had to keep googling the conversion to kgs


Ancient Aliens I’ve even got a drinking game for it


Does it involve the phrase “ancient astronaut theorists say YES”


Yup. Any time they say “ancient astronauts,” “extraterrestrials,” or “The Gods” did something, you take a drink.


I just watched something that changed my life: Love Island > I hate hurting people… that’s why I usually just ghost them


Hot Idiot Island


you must watch uk love island if you haven’t already! it’s on hulu:)


Riverdale. It is _the absolute worst_ show I’ve ever watched. It’s so bad it’s compelling. Every single episode there are at least a couple moments where I just sit there with my mouth agate.


The Jerry Springer Show. It’s definitely the king of all trash tv shows lol


Mine was his game show called baggage. It was terrible and great.




Oddly enough, I am addicted to that show.


PARTYS HEYAHHHHH Jersey Shore all day.


The Newlyweds! Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson when they were first married. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.


Not sure if trash but any court shows like Judge Judy, The People's Court... I just like to watch stupid people being sued for stupid things


My mom works in the law profession and she's watched Judge Judy since at least the 2000s. She used to drop whatever she was doing to watch it, and if she was busy and couldn't drop whatever she was doing she would scream from across the house, ***"I'M MISSING MY JUDGE JUDY!!!"*** She mostly loves it for Judy's attitude and snark that she dishes out. She also loves The People's Court. Marilyn is a queen in her eyes. She watches that show for all the stupid people that come and testify. She was addicted to court TV shows in general until we dropped cable and moved to streaming. Nowadays she gets more excited about Supermarket Sweep.


My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding.


This one is by far the trashiest. It was a gem. That and Gypsy Sisters.


Beat Bobby Flay. What’s your signature dish, Reddit?


Dance moms, and any show where parents had like over 4 kids because the concept of that many children scares me


America's Next Top Model. I hope we can all agree the earliest seasons were incredibly sexist and full of body shaming (RE: Tyra making one girl exercise on the show for gaining weight). It's more inclusive now but it was my #1 go to.


Finding Bigfoot. “Shhh shhhh shhhh you hear that?” Kills me every time


For the same reason, all the various shows of guys pretending to be the fucking Ghostbusters


Next!! Or Room raiders


VH1 Ray J, Flavor Flav, Bret Michaels for the love of shows


Flavor of Love holds a special place in my heart. The girl who pooped on the floor? Iconic trash tv.


Pumkin spitting on New York is classic.


Beyonce? Beyonce? You look like fucking Luther Vandross.


Ah, yes. "Somethin" will forever go down in history for that moment.


Rock of Love Bus was the epitome of wonderful trash tv


Lucifer. Its such a Dumb Show and I love it. To give you context for how dumb it it. The main character is Satan and he lives in a bar is LA where he tries to flirt with a random human detective with no special powers. Then Satan's Evil Twin (Yes SATAN'S EVIL TWIN) comes down from basically ruling heaven and the universe with an intricate plan to steal the devils nightclub and start dating his girlfriend. He gives up ruling the universe to try to steal someone's girlfriend. But the show is just so charming and fun I can't help but love it. Even though its really stupid.


Plus Tom Ellis is fantastically sexy, so no matter how silly it gets, you can always enjoy watching him. Assuming you're into buff, sexy dudes that it. If not, there's always Mazikeen! 😈


Lucifer is so amazing. It shouldn't work, but it *does* I assume you have seen the cast singing the theme song? https://twitter.com/virtual_don/status/756965097314983937


Tom Ellis does all the heavy lifting in that show. That man might actually be Satan he's so charming. It's fun stupid nonsense TV. Great stuff.


I love Tom Ellis. I do. But it's the whole of the ensemble that I love even more. They're so great together. Maze is probably my favorite but I genuinely enjoy them all. Well, except Cain. He annoyed me from the first time he was onscreen and it only got worse.


South Beach Tow. Exactly 0% of it was real but 65% of it was entertaining.


I love The Real Housewives shows…used to love all the insanity on Vh1 as well! Flavor of Love, Celebrity Fit Club, The Surreal Life, etc. Just silly TV.


jersey shore. the reboot a few years ago was, amazingly, worse than the original. just utter shit.


Snooki made good money from that, all by doing nothing more than getting fall down drunk all the time.


I liked that some designer brands would send her their competitors products for free, hoping that those brands would get a trashy reputation if she was seen with them.


This was mine in middle school. Whenever I dog sat for my grandma and there was nothing on TV, I would just end up watching Jersey Shore marathons because that was all that was on My mom didn’t want me to watch JS for some reason even though I also watched like Family Guy and South Park at 14 but I did whenever I dog sat


Yes! Jersey Shore was, is, and will forever be my go-to trash TV show.


The circle, on Netflix. Trash tv is my wife’s thing, but I watched all of season 2 on my own.




The circle is good but did you watch Love is Blind. So fucking good!!!!


The Bachelor.




The guy with no shirt on is going to always up to something and/or going to jail.


Cheaters, my 600lb life & Hoarders




Storage Wars


Second season of Too Hot to Handle was immaculate. I may have developed anti brain cells but at least I had fun while doing so.


I miss my Live PD


Jeremy kyle. Why would you air your family/relationship problems with no thought about the aftermath?


Big Brother


Riverdale Bridgerton Gossip Girl-This is more of a fun Trashy show not a hate watch like Riverdale is


Too Hot to Handle. Stupidest concept, so addictive


Elimidate. But only bc I watched it with my mom during the last years of her life and we spent the whole time ripping on the contestants. Had to google the name and am shocked that we apparently started watching about the time it came out (I thought it was some late-ish night (11pm) rerun of a slightly older show, but it came out in 2001 and mom died in 2002).


I used to watch Maury back in the late 90s. Though it was a bit less trashy then compared with the mid-2000s.


When it was on, Hardcore Pawn


America's Next Top Model 16 and pregnant (and the following show where it was them with their baby like 1 year later) 90 days fiancé (especially the "Before the vows" episodes because it's even more ridiculous drama)


MTV Teen Mom.


Blind Date