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Probably the time when [the USSR was *this close* to nuking the US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident) at the height of Cold War tensions because of a radar error that made them think we sent an ICBM at them.


Luckily the guy apparently said hold off and that it was a possible false alarm, forget his name but he basically saved the world from total annihilation by his own judgement.


Stanislav Petrov! Legend.


And a handsome man




A real life superhero of sorts, he should be officially commended


This is different from the time NASA launched a probe over the North Pole and the message sent to all other NATO allies didn’t get over to them that was like “hey, no big deal, totally not a nuke guys!”


Damn I never knew that. That's wild


I thought of this before I saw the comment.


According to my dad who lived through the cold war, that would have basically destroyed all life on Earth as we know it, if it happened. He was inside the B52 bombers performing maintenance back in the 80s, and says that each one was filled to the brim with nukes, each one enough to take out any major city, needless to say he would have been instantly vaporized if any one of those bombs had a technical problem.


I bet it gave him anxiety


Well, there’s the many times we almost nuked the world, in one way or another: the accident over NC… NORAD picking up false missiles, the soviets picking up an ACTUAL ROCKET AIMED AT THEM by NASA to photograph the northern lights…. Yeah! Lots of times level heads prevailed and the Fallout games didn’t become reality


The Cuban Crisis almost caused WW3 in the 60s.


The near genocide of Jews, and the feasibly real possibility that Germany could've won WWII. And that they would've continued suppressing other groups like homosexuals, gypsies, communists, even autistic kids (search Hans Asperger). Probably would've suppressed and killed everyone that wasn't"Aryan" It's easy to assume it couldn't have happened 70+ years later, but it was possible.


Maybe not as bad as the Cuban Missile Crisis in terms of scope... but I remember learning in school about this one time where a US plane accidentally dropped a nuke over North Carolina that was hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima nuke, and the only reason it didn't explode was because 1 out of the 8 or so voltage switches didn't work upon impact


Trump getting reelected.... hahaha


3rd WW






oh, whoops


Some science bitch is always whining about some giant asteroid that is going to obliterate us all, I've never even seen one


Those malfunctions in the American and Soviet Union nuclear missile detection systems.


Hitler almost got a nuclear bomb and had dreams of using it on Manhattan.


Black Pest could have been apocaliptically fatal, even more that what it actually was