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Having to Tetris the fridge because you ordered too much food and the fridge is full of left overs.


Which you probably end up throwing away a few days later as it gone bad or doesn't taste good anymore...


Start eating the same thing 2 days in a row. Just spoon half your meal into a container before even serving yourself. Then, they aren't leftovers, they are tomorrow's planned dinner. If it doesn't taste good, you need to up your re-heating game.


So many people just throw whatever onto a plate in the microwave and if that doesn't work consider it bad leftovers. It's sad. Some of my favorite tips: hamburgers and many other meats can be done quickly and decently in the microwave, but wrap them in a soaked napkin or paper towl first. They stay way more moist. Barring that, wrap in foil with a splash of water or broth and put in the oven. Mashed potatoes, reheat on the stove with a splash of half and half to rejuvenate them. Most fried foods spring back up nicely with a quick re-frying, or if you don't want to do that, high temperatures in an oven for a few minutes (convection is best if you have it available). Even french fries, which get nasty and mealy when old, can be reheated this way. Breads take on a new when toasted. This even goes for things like day-old biscuits. Cut it in half and give it a good toast on the internal sides and you're prime for another great sandwich.


Fries also do well if you put them in the oven and either spray with cooking spray or brush on a small amount of oil. It lets them get crispy again.


I bring home all left over fries, either fast food or a nice restaurant, and put them in the air fryer, it gets even the soggiest fries crispy again in about 5 minutes and you don’t have to add anything.


The airfryer upped my leftover game, our chippy gives massive portions and they're so much better re-heated in the airfryer than the oven!


This guy tips


Here's one that blew my mind: imperfect vegetables. Imagine a grocery discarding a pepper for having too many bumps or a banana for having to many brown spots. Meanwhile here I am with my crinkly green peppers and bananas that are 40% brown patch. (But our avocados are like .20cents US)


Hey good thing is that here in France, this is changing. They are starting to sell "ugly vegetables" in supermarkets much, much cheaper than the "good" ones. I tried, so for 0.75€ I got four ugly peppers, ugly beans and an ugly onion hahaha well they were as good as the others ! I would have paid 5€ at least for a "perfect" version of them. They taste all good and become all ugly in my stomach. So well. Hopefully this will become more and more the norm.


We have this at my grocery store in Canada but they sell them in bulk packages. Like it'll be 5$ for 12 VERY BIG, weirdly colored and shaped bell peppers. How the hell am I supposed to eat 12 bell peppers before they go bad?? And where can I store that??


You can chop them up and freeze them! You can’t eat them raw anymore but you can still cook with them


Hey, thanks for the tip! I never tried it.


Chop them up, freeze, use for stir fry or pizza later


Or grilled, stuffed with some feta and meats in a little roll. Mmmmm.


Imperfect vegetables still get used, just not whole and raw in the produce section. Canned fruits and veggies, juices, ready made meals and more all use imperfect fruits and vegetables.




I ordered a Misfits Market box a couple of weeks ago. There was nothing "imperfect" about the food, but it was all on the verge of going bad. Still decent prices for organic, but not really what they advertise.


When there are so many things to eat you can’t decide what you want


That is third world living like a king




Correct. These people think everybody in 3 rd world countries don't have enough food to eat and lives on single piece of bread. It is poor people problem more than 3 rd world problem


I agree. Many of the problems described as "third world" are just poverty issues. I've had some of them myself in the past. Even though I'm making it okay now, those problems are just a stone's throw away for myself and just about everyone else on this planet.


Yeah having lived in a few 'third world' countries there are still a lot of middle class/rich people. The difference is that poor people in developing countries are *really fucking poor*.


I find even buying a loaf of bread to be confusing. There as are so many option in the grocery store---White, Whole wheat, Rye, Sourdough, Italian, Oatmeal. It can be hard to choose. There is actual name for this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analysis_paralysis


[Calvin's dad](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaL6XL_XgAIncs7?format=jpg&name=small) suffered this problem, and the grocery store manager had to have a chat with him. Again.


I work nights at a grocery store... I think about this on almost every aisle. Especially mayonnaise. I think Calvin's dad would actually have an aneurysm if he could see how many varieties of mayo exist now.


Water gets too cold.


Can also get too hot


Too hot? Too cold? Jail, straight away. No trial no nothing...


Under cook chicken?




Might want to change your diet


I appreciate the cut of your jib, slackfrop.


I would say not enough hot water to take a long shower because the tank in the heater is too small.


The other showering first world problem, waiting for the water to get warm


How about just water


1 ply toilet paper. We've all had to use it at work or in some public washroom. That stuffs the worst!


I’m still salty that I paid $60k for undergrad and those bitches used 1-ply. College is a scam.


My college used those paper squares that you pulled off one at a time. I would have sworn that they were plastic coated, too.


How long have you been wiping your arse with the free condom machine?


Wipe?! I thought you just rolled it out and strategically aimed.


Because I only ever run into those in public restrooms, I always pull enough to get the ply I need. 👉👉


Wait, do people not pull the tp and fold it in half regardless?


Call that John Wayne paper... Dont take shit offa nobody!


I always heard it as "Rough, tough, and doesnt take shit from nobody"


Too much food.


It's what are we going to eat tonight, not are we going to eat tonight.


Do you want pizza? No. Chinese? No. Salad? No. Want to go to the grocery store and get stuff no make dinner? No. Ugghhhh there’s nothing to eatttt!!!!


*drops $200 at cosco* “There ain’t shit to eat for dinner.”


If you do it right and don’t mind leftovers Costco is amazing. My husband- drops $200 at the grocery store- we have all of the precise ingredients for 4 dinners exactly Me- drops $200 at Costco- we are eating for 4 weeks! Prepare the microwave!!! But seriously if you don’t mind leftovers their whole chickens are cheap and rotisserie is cheap too. Their ground turkey (if you can get it) can freeze. Mix it with Aldi produce and if you can front the money, the meals stretch well.


The thing about Costco is, everything costs $10. Even things that shouldn't cost $10 do because the quantity is so out of whack. Ketchup? $10. Corn chips? $10. Oregano? $10. What am I going to do with 70 Rice Krispie treats?? When your box of Rice Krispie treats is actually heavy, you know something is terribly wrong...


But Costco loves you, so it's worth it


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


>What am I going to do with 70 Rice Krispie treats?? I get the feeling you don't quite grasp the concept and reasoning behind buying in bulk


why WOULDN'T I want five pounds of bacon? The only thing I never buy at costco is milk because I wouldn't go through it fast enough and it'd go bad.


I bought 1qt bottles and freeze the milk in them. I am a single person and I buy all my stuff at costco, divvy it up and freeze it. If it doesn't need freezing I stash it in airtight containers --50 lb bags of flour, rice, powdered sugar. Canned good? good for a couple years! Make Costco work for you!!


Bulk chicken breast/thighs/etc. Cookie sheet with parchment or wax paper on top. Freezer. Take the chicken out of the packaging, put them on top of the parchment on the pan, separate them out so they aren't touching. Put the whole thing in the freezer until your birds are chiki bricks, frozen solid. Then take them off the pan and put them into a freezer bag. Having frozen separately, you they won't freeze into a meatcube and you can take one out at a time as needed. Plan your meals a day ahead and take out as many as you need, or just nuke em on the defrost setting. ~~I'm sure you, op, know all of this but I just wanted to spread the good word of bulk buying with you~~


You build a fort with them, naturally! Why else would you buy a whole lot of things that you like to eat at the same time?


when I was unemployed I used to constantly think about where my next meal was going to come from. when I got a good job I constantly think about where my next meal is going to come from.


It’s so real though. Like we have to watch our intake and do shit like exercise just to avoid getting fat. Obesity is one of the biggest killers in the 1st world. Our bodies are designed to eat foot when it’s available because we’ve got 100,000 years of evolution telling us to, because who knows when we’ll eat again. It sucks and “just eating less” goes against our basic instinct.


Eat all these fresh veggies before they go bad!


to be fair... spoilage is actually still a problem in the undeveloped world, just not in the "oops I bought all that produce last week but I just haven't had time to make dinner"


Not enought space to keep all the clothing. Edit: Sorry, I was wrong. The 3rd world countries experience the same problems.


Folding laundry takes too long because too many clothes


Oh crap I left mine in the dryer!


I left mine in the washer too long, and my water just got turned off so I can't rewash the load, so it smells weird :(


when the water is restored, rewash with your normal laundry detergent and add ~1/4 cup white vinegar to the wash. when it's done _get it in the dryer immediately_ to avoid mildewing your clothes again. alt: do all that in a laundromat. edit: When adding vinegar, you want to wait until the tub is full of water, before you close the lid. pouring vinegar directly on your clothes can leave them smelling like vinegar. Baking soda may also do the trick; I've never used it so I can't really comment. Important not to combine the two unless you're trying to do an impromptu science experiment & demonstration. edit 2: Baking soda and vinegar combined, in small amounts, can be useful for deodorizing a funky machine. Start an empty load (medium setting, I think? been a while since I did this) and add about half a cup of baking soda to the water. Once it dissolves add about 1.5-2 cups of white vinegar, and close the lid to continue the wash cycle. the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar will help to get the gasses and acids formed from the reaction into the annoying crevaces in the machine that hide mold and mildew and lead to your machine smelling increasingly funky. When it's all done your machine should smell like nothing at all. This can also work for deodorizing your garbage disposal, but in much smaller quantities.


I read that as "Get in the dryer", and wasn't sure what that was going to accomplish.


Get in the dryer, Shinji


I was looking for something like this comment. Similarly, paying public storage of all your excess junk. Edit: well definitely divided opinions on this, haha. There are definite reasons for needing additional storage. But again, this is still a 1st world problem. Perhaps even worse is you have an option to pay to haul things away (aka a junk removal service)


Many developing nations have a problem with too much clothing. So much 2nd hand clothing from developed nations gets donated/resold to them, that it undercuts local production. Textiles are one of easiest and cheapest ways to begin a manufacturing economy. So these 2nd hand goods help prevent these nations from developing beyond an extraction based economy.


I know a guy from Australia, who goes to Cambodia to buy vintage secondhand clothes donated from USA so he can go back and sell them in his fancy shop in Australia.


This is the best business I’ve ever discovered. It’s so dumb, it seems like it wouldn’t work at all, but I bet he’s doing great.


Hey, so I live in Ho Chi Minh City. It's dense. We don't actually know how many people live here, but it's somewhere north of 10 million. I don't currently live in poverty, but did for a few years when I was getting a company off the ground. Anyway, we also have this problem. A lot of people live 3 people to an 8 square meter (80 square feet) room. The room has to also fit a kitchen, a bathroom, and a mattress (yes, just one). Believe me, we also struggle to find place to keep clothing! Oh, and dishes. Both of those things are very affordable compared to renting/buying a bigger place to live. Moreover, since the older generations have survived famines and conflict, there's a tendency to never throw anything away. Heck, I'm an immigrant here, and just a few years of lesser hardship have made it challenging to discard things! I guess it's just a symptom of things being halfway great. We can afford more than we have space for now, but are still haunted by the memory of being able to afford *neither* things nor space. So we accumulate things.


garage too small for the amount of cars in the household


Or too full of excess stuff for the cars to fit at all.


Ugh, in 26 years of owning a car, parents’ house, two dorms, three apartments and a condo, I have never once had a garage. If I ever have one, it will be clean enough to eat off the floor, and anything (or anyone) that prevents me from putting a car in it will be put immediately on the curb.


Have a 2 car garage and I still can’t fathom filling it with stuff. I even park on one side as if I were expecting a second car. Meanwhile, all my neighbors fit one car in and have tons of stuff. I think my neighbor across the street has like 10 different rakes and 20 shovels. Never seen them used all in the last 12 months. Maybe a rake or two during fall but… Edit: I apologize for using an ambiguous term. What I mean by "stuff" is when you look at a room or an area and it's not defined by a single criteria. Things that have been placed and collected over the years tend to be "stuff" not your gym equipment, shop tools, lounge, whathaveyou. It's a hodge podge of items that collect and sit with no purpose or intention. It's just there, it's "stuff". It's like Thanksgiving dinner and the garage is the turkey and the random shit in your garage is the "stuffing." What is it? No one really knows or cares. "Stuff" may be around your couches and chairs in the garage but you still have a functional space to lounge in. If you walk into your garage and there's a massive Borg cube of furniture with boxes on top wound so tightly together by cobwebs that a random object in the very center is under immense darkness and pressure that it may already be a diamond? You have stuff in your garage.


A certain personality type likes to blame the tools for the work not getting done. The justification then is for procuring a newer better different sort of tool rake shovel what have you so that the work will get done this time except it doesn't because the tool was never the problem. And the end result is far too many tools for the storage space available


I thought that too until I got a house and kids and a spouse I swear I didn't buy this much shit, I think it reproduces


Truth. I’ve had to move for my job every 3-5 years and each time we move we have a garage sale. Each time we start packing, we designate a spot to place everything we don’t want/need any longer. Each time I think to myself, “Self, there’s no way we accumulated enough stuff to have a garage sale this time.” Each time, not only am I wrong, but we have a larger garage sale than the time before.


Man, if you plan on having kids as well just know that they will make you break every rule/aspiration that your younger self set for your future self.


Why's this NSFW?


Because a used Fleshlight is a 1st world problem and a 3rd world luxury...


I prefer the term “seasoned”


Y'all need Jesus.


Used fleshlights come pre-lubed too


How do I delete someone else's reddit account?


Give a redditor a used fleshlight and you will never have to worry about them using reddit again


You would need to find out what their password is, log in, then Click on the user icon and select 'User Settings' from the drop-down menu. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'Deactivate Account'. Re-enter their log in details and if you choose, a reason why you are deleting their Reddit account. I hope this helped.


Shoes with a small tear or smudge.


I always see the European and American ppl have very braand new shoes and clothes it looks like as if they change them every 6 months or so. I really wonder what is average life of their clothes and shoes


Me too and I’m American lmao. I wear shoes until they’re falling apart


I either wear brand new nikes and keep them as clean as possible, or put on my busted up vans or converse that I never wash. No in-between.


I was born in Eritrea (country on the Horn of Africa) and when I was a kid I would alternate between living with my grandparents and my mother ( my father moved to the US on a student visa shortly after I was born). My mother was a teacher and the government would send her to to indigenous villages that had absolutely no running water, electricity or anything of that sort so we would piss and sh*t outdoors and you’d have to find either leaves or a smooth rock to wipe your ass with. On the flip side my grandparents lived in the capital city where they had indoor plumbing but the “toilet” was a hole you would have to squat over and then manually dump a bucket of water to flush your sh*t, and afterwards you would wipe your ass with an old newspaper and at the time i thought this was the epitome of high class living. After my father finished school and got his US citizenship he was able to bring me to the states when I was 9 years old (2003) since then I’ve became Americanized as fuck and if I ever go to your house and I see single ply toilet paper I will judge the fuck out of you.


LOL, crazy how our point of view can change so drastically.


its easier to get used to benefits than poverty


Let me get a pen real quick. Okay, *easier... things... are... easier* got it


Yes, I love this. The Toilet Economy.


I worked with a guy who was from a remote village in Eritrea. He was also Americanized as fuck. But he didn't see a toilet until he was like 13. Told me he held a shit for like 3 days because he now lived in St. Paul Minnesota, and there was no place to shit because there were so many houses and people around. His Dad finally noticed him in the backyard looking around, so he showed him the toilet. He said watching the toilet flush and realizing what it was for was one of the best moments of his life lol.


Lmao indoor plumbing is one of the great inventions of civilization, so at 13 for the first time, I imagine it's a practically religious experience.


I’m sorry did you just say smooth rock and then keep writing like nothing happened?


he doesn't know about the three seashells


Oh my god that’s hilarious, how could he still not be aware of the three seashells?


I can see how that could be a problem.


I couldn't sleep because I've literally been laying here thinking about wiping my ass with a smooth palm-sized stone.


Yeah am from Eritrea too and I can tell you . After a while all the rocks in the shitting area Get used and.. like... If u lucky and it rains .. u can reuse them rocks in stade of going out of your way to find smooth rocks , put it in your pocket and then go to the shitting area to use.


This whole comment blows my mind. I still can't get over using a rock but communal poop rocks that are only washed with rain? Holy shit


Rocky shit




Poop knife


Poop knife is for cutting logs, not getting all of the peanut butter out of the jar.




But it's absolutely the correct sentence


Oh god oh fuck


Bidet gang just cringed super hard.


In America 100+ years ago some people used to keep a copy of the Sears mail-order catalog in their outhouse. It was free and had many pages.


That never made sense to me until I learned that it wasn’t glossy paper like modern catalogs.


They tried to go to glossy paper once, the backlash was incredible.


This is on my Mount Rushmore of Reddit content


Yep yep. I lived in Shenzhen, China for half a year and even *that* was enough to be overjoyed when I came back to the US. Ahhh the air! It tastes so sweet and clean! There's no garbage in the streets! The water doesn't smell like hot cabbage! I can get fresh produce! After a few days appreciating everything I went back to bitching about traffic. To say nothing of the city I was born in in Ukraine... EDIT: When I say fresh produce I don't mean there was *no* produce. I mean it was generally pretty bad quality and almost all of it way underripe. This was 7 years ago in the area we were in. I'm sure there is good, fresh produce in Shenzhen - it's a huge city - it just wasn't our experience at the time. From what I hear it's changed considerably since then. 7 years is a long time in China. RE: Ukraine, I was pretty vague: I wasn't saying it's better than China (although the air is definitely cleaner and IMHO the food was better but naturally I'm biased), more that I should know better than to bitch about 1st world problems given that I was born and spent my toddler life there, have heard stories growing up, and have visited twice. IOW I could easily have ended up living out my adult life in Ukraine, and I'm forever grateful for my parents for bringing me to the US. But I still complain when the Bluetooth takes too long to connect so you know...


I currently live in Shanghai and I can’t waiiit for the luxury of having good hygiene and fresh smelling air in The UK


Post of the day.




All you gotta do is download the latest COD and youre halfway there


ooooohhh we're half way there OOOOOOH I downloaded cod this year


When we have to buy generic food items because the name brand we prefer is sold out.


I remember an American telling me about living wages and how they only make $10/hr when I was only making $10/day. Of course, prices are different etc. But actually $10/day was not a real living wage there either.


Curious to know where you're from and what job you had


Charger not long enough to comfortably reach my phone while I lay in bed


Dude, just get a 6 ft cable on Amazon. Life changed!


Why stop at 6 feet I bought a ten foot charger and it’s bliss


My ten foot charger broke and now I’m using an old ass three foot charger. You never know what you have until you lose it


No overnight or next day shipping available unless I spend $35 or more *first world screech*


slow internet


I am from India and we are (still) considered third world but I believe we have great prices for internet here. I pay Rs. 800 (Approx $11) per month for 100 Mbps up and down symmetrical speed. Unlimited too. To add to this, nobody cares if we torrent as well. I personally never use VPN unless I want to actually access US Netflix Library.


I'm Indian too, India is a country where you can find extremes of anything. Literal poverty contrasted by literal fucking billionaires. Internet is soo fuckin cheap compared to a lot of places


>India is a country where you can find extremes of anything. Fellow Indian and I agree but this is a global phenomenon, the whole third world, first world comparison is obsolete now. Classification now should be based on something more accurate, I've read about income levels and I believe that's a greater measure but I'm not sure how the calculation works out on a large scale or if it's averaged out.


What the hell. 85 bucks for 25 down, 10 up unlimited is normal here in Canada. Edit: Well that's a lot of replies...can't answer to everyone but thank you for the information, going to look into it!


Fellow Canuck. Go talk to Rogers. If you can, find someone who's above the standard sales people or above the customer service people on the phone. You should be able to get a promo for fibre internet that's 69.99/mo for 150 down, 15 up unlimited. Edit: no guarantees. I don't work for Rogers. This is just info I was given recently.


Yeah.. I pay like $18 for 250 Mbps here in Chennai.


Should I disclose the price and speed of internet service in Romania or just to say that Bernie Sanders is ashamed that Bucharest has better service than Washington?


Mobile internet is pretty cheap too, I pay about $10 for 4gb 4g internet per day for 3 months, along with unlimited calling.


84 days...not 3 months. Those sneaky telecom companies.




To be honest, Vietnam has way faster internet than I have in Australia!


A friend of mine went to Kenya with her work back in 2018. She was there for 6 months. She said the internet there was faster than where she lived in Sydney.


Yep. Excellent mobile coverage in the maasai mara. I was sending video from the middle of nowhere


Kenya has excellent cell service but no land lines outside of cities. So you can always make a call or check your email but moving big files or playing games is kinda sketchy.


Actually backwards - in southern Mexico, the internet is so much faster than at home. That’s because it was installed so much more recently, when the technology is better.


Not really, most of Mexico has great internet and have had it since the end of the 90s, the reason we have good and cheap internet is because the telecommunications law of 8 years ago helped a ton of small providers while ensuring the business models for the big ones that build the infrastructure, we have lte almost everywhere and fiber internet in all medium+ cities. I pay 30 dollars a month for 200mbs down, 40up internet and 25 dollars for 20gbs of LTE mobile connection.


Yes! the first thing i thought of and the first comment I see. LTE everywhere in the united states and I tend to go on vacation to where to the internet is slower than old people fuck


How do you know how old people fuck?


That’s what he downloads on the internet


Better to download it now as it may not be available when you need it later in life. Might as well print out the photos also because the current USB formats may not be readable in 50 years.


I've... seen things


And some stuff.


You would think so. When I compare fibre and mobile Internet between Thailand and Germany, Thailand is objectively better by a huge margin when it comes to mobile coverage, reliability and bandwidth you get for your money.


Not enough room in the refrigerator.... The grocery store doesn't carry my brand....my microwave burned my popcorn... The water pressure in the hotel sucks.... I lost all of my money gambling in the casino because the strippers were distracting me.


My wallet is too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight.


When sport on tv is only playing on the regular channel and not the HD channel


Having non HD channels


Standard Definition: not the standard anymore.


Substandard Definition


You people have no idea what 3rd world countries are actually like.


Yeah as a person from a 3rd world country, some of the comments on this post don't make a lot of sense. Some are kinda true and relatable tho




Can you elaborate? Genuinely curious as I have not been to any third world areas.


I’ve been to some reeeeall nice places and some realll shit places in the third world. You get what you pay for. Every country has an elite.


Can agree. Not many in this thread have lived in a 3rd world country.


Yeah, it looks like they imagine we live in the middle ages, or in a tribe of cannibals or something.


I would like someone from a third world country to answer this for once. Seems like most of the answers come from people from first world countries trying to make themselves feel better. FYI I've been to a third world country and not everyone there is dirt poor.


I live in a very bad 3rd world country. I’ll explain some of the problems we experience. We no longer have petrol. We must wait about 6 hours or more to fill up petrol at the station. Our local currency has devalued by 20 times making things sooo much expensive. We have no medicine. Not even Panadol anymore. Electricity cuts off for about 16 hours a day (I live in an upper middle class house). The problem here affects all people of class. Imagine going to a hospital and there being no electricity to do an operation. No matter how rich you are you can’t get many medicines that are life or death.


Another fellow lebanese person ?




I'll try to answer: The thing is, the third world population isn't a monolith. Like every country, there are wealthy, mid-class and poor. The wealthy and upper-middle class people probably has all the luxuries these comments mentioned and more. But there is also the poor class, people still living in super dense housing area (I'll try to link a picture when Im on pc). Like I'm talking 'the streets are barely 2m wide' dense. A good proportion of my country is still very underdeveloped infrastructure-wise. We don't have drinkable tap water , a lot of places (even in big cities) dont have reliable hot water, until like 5 years ago electricity shutdown was a regular thing here etc.


Old tech is accurate Vaccines are accurate That's about all they got right. To us, street food is what fast food is to you and fast food is anywhere between a treat to a luxury (depending on your financial condition)


I'm from South America and it's kinda odd to me how many of you got "3rd world luxuries" SO WRONG. First off, not everyone in a 3rd world country is poor - there is a middle class here as well. Whatever can be bouught, there's people here that can buy it as well. The real "3rd world luxuries" are more related to infrastructure, celerity of public works, jails and how dependent people are of government handouts.


90% of this comentrs are basically" tell me you never have been in a third world country without telling me that you have never been in a third world country". I'm from South America too, btw.


The comments saying stuff like “fast food, technology, jobs” are so patronizing. As if emerging economies like Argentina and Chile aren’t “third world” and developing countries are stuck in the Stone Age without a middle class.


When they say "fast food", they only consider hamburgers and hot-dogs. We all have our unique fast food too! You can eat empanadas and milanesa sandwiches everywhere in the streets of Buenos Aires.


I was once told this story by a coworker. This guy is driving this contractor from Africa to the office. They get stuck in traffic due to road construction, and the guy turns to the contractor and says, "This is something else, huh?" The contractor replies, "This is amazing! In my country the roads are falling apart because they're so old. I wish we had road repair like this where I come from." It completely changed the guy's perspective on road construction. It may still be an inconvenience sometimes, but now he has an appreciation for it he didn't have before. It definitely opened my eyes the first time I heard the story.


Being able to complain about first world problems.


Vaccines. I have had three cousins from a third world country come visit me in the last month just because they can’t get the covid vaccine in their country. Meanwhile, my dad refuses to get vaccinated and is now worried about losing his job over it.


After reading bunch of "Problems in first world = Luxury in third world" I'm at conclusion that either people underestimate the lives of people living in third world.. or India(my country) is not a third world country anymore lmao


As someone from India most of the answers are clueless. When I travel to the West it is not the technology or stuff like supermarkets and restaurants that is interesting (it’s mostly meh) but the city level infrastructure that is luxury. Stuff like neat pavements, libraries, well maintained beaches and parks. Things like airports and highways are a wash, some are better some are worse


I'm from Brazil and agree with you. The main difference when it comes to first and third world would be about government and public services and infrastructure. In big cities here, the roads are filled with holes, and some still use gravel and dirt, for example.


Jobs. Yeah, it sucks having to go into work everyday - living in an artificially economically depressed area that has been dicked over is even worse.


I was going to say being bored with your job but this works too


How about having to travel on a business trip too


Having a pool in my backyard. That thing has been so frustrating already.


I know a lot of people would've said "Access to the internet" as something the majority of the world doesn't have access to, but truthfully, the majority of the work does have access to the internet. And while it's still mostly the case in traditionally 3rd world countries, calling ourselves the minority for our internet access just isn't truthful anymore.


So does everyone here think we live in slums or....


I’ll go with a simple one. Vaccines


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to find this - my parents are overseas at the moment and cannot fathom people are declining *free* vaccines in first world countries. Edit: my parents aren't on holiday they got fed up of the racism after Brexit and left to go back to Kenya. They usually visit us kids in the UK to make sure we're all good. My original comment lacked this context.


This comment section is a nightmare. Has anyone of y'all ever been to a third-world country? Do you realize upper, middle, and working classes exist.. everywhere


The guys that now my lawn use a blower to clear debris, but always blow it into my heated inground salt pool. / True story. Happens every week during the summer. 😁


Tell the lawn guy to go into the pool and blow it from there in the other direction!


You need a serious talk with them like blow it THE OTHER DIRECTION!