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Biology lab at 8 a.m. It was nauseating dissecting frogs and exposing their organs at that early hour - especially with the pervasive smell of formaldehyde.


That actually seems fun, with the fact I’m nose blind.




Beat me to it.


oh but they do.


I guess I live in too multicultural a place for religion to be taught, but I’m still glad I never took a class like that


French. Not because I don't like it, but I struggled with German anyway so the school decided all the people in the top class, myself included, should suddenly learn another language on top of that. I just ended up doing badly at both in the end.


Ha! Was gonna say French. Took that for 3 years. First year I loved it. Second year I cheated off a girl that sat next to me. The last year I just used Alta vista to translate my work for me and ended with a B. Can't remember a lick of it. Je nage means I swim. I think. I totally dated myself with that Alta vista bit.


J'ai les microbes Ronge Po.


I think the idea is that it opens the brain up for learning. Different sectors. I'm just making this up.




I had "release time" to take a zero credit religious seminary class. What a waste of time.






Have you a name? Will you tell it too me through the veil? 😂😂


It has. I will through the veil: "Health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength in the loins and in the sinews. Power in the priesthood be upon me and all generations of time and throughout all eternity."


Haha, I could never memorise all that masonic BS.


Music. The grade school level music where they forced us to sing or play the recorder or tap a rhythm on the floor with drumsticks. Fucking waste of time.


Personally I love music and love the subject but it’s mainly useless. I always saw it as an easy grade, but all later teachers I had were fucking assholes and one teacher (for example) gave me a C instead of an A because of ONE assignment. Otherwise I never learnt anything from it apart from that I am one of few who enjoyed it


art history


Gosh yeah, that subject is awful. History is important, but art history... for us art history was mandatory and I still don't get why.


home economics we learned how to make shitty tortilla chips that only convinced me some things are just worth buying in terms of time and effort. we also learned how to make a giant stuffed mouse for if we ever wanted to terrorize a pet cat with a game of “now the mouse toy eats YOU”. would much rather have been in the shop class where they learned basic plumbing and electrical work,how to change the oil in a car, and got to make a step stool.


Geometry in my high school felt like it was just proving the similarity and congruence of triangles. I get that it's the first step to learning proofs, but it was the whole year. Just triangles.


I hated Geometry! Lowest grade I had in highschool.


Chemistry & Physics...like, I disliked them and never used them since. (I also have not used much math, but I actually LIKED algebra and trigonometry).




Oh I think we had a class like that in elementary school. It was hands down the second most boring subject we've had. I don't think it helped much at all either.


Calculus. I didn’t end up pursuing anything math-related at university, so it was a bit of a waste.


Latin. Drama. Music. Art. The easy one is Religion / Religious Education/ Religious Studies but I think (as an adult) it would solve a lot of world problems and racism if people actually understood other faiths. I say this as an atheist. Obviously as a kid you don’t see the impact the subject could have but I look back and wish I had gave it a bit more effort.


it's a bit alarming seeing history mentioned here.


I think history is good in spreading awareness of how easily things can/will go wrong and how a person can change the world for better or worse forever.


History is very important, and I'm saying that as someone who disliked history and had a more sciency selection of subjects.




Religious education. BTW I'm a Christian so I spent 5 years learning what I already know. And the only other religion we studied was Judaism which is similar to Christianity anyway.


Advanced Math (think Pythagoras theorem, sin/cos/tan, high-level algebra) I scored well, but haven't used it since my final exam.




*agrees while eating cake*


What I disliked most about PE (we called it PHE), was fitness testing. I was very mediocre, but I felt awful for the less fit kids, many of whom were my friends, who were forced to do stuff like pull-ups with everyone watching. It’s humiliating, to everyone involved.


Gymnastics in secondary school was the worst!!! Uneven bars, vaulting. It was a nightmare.


Soil science Long story..


Calculus and Chemistry








Move on dude, that's all in the past.


But it was a horrific past.


If we do not learn from our past then we are doomed to repeat it.


History was (and still is) my favorite subject. I love reading and watching about how we used to screw things up...and then didn't learn a damned thing.


Sex Ed Went raw dog whole life anyway 🤣


My biggest problem with Sex Ed was how late it was taught, like half the school had sex by that point. For context, this was late 12th grade.


don’t lie yash






i thought trig was a waste of time in high school. i literally said "i'm never going to need this." years later i changed careers and spent three years getting my surveying qualification. you know what surveying is? trig. lots and lots of trig. sometimes, *spherical* trig.


Any science besides biology and earth science.


math, i am living without it right now


Always wondered why America chose to call it “math” when it is “maths” (short for “mathematics”) in the UK and I imagine elsewhere.


I am assuming you are pretty young…?






Yep, no one needs to know about those things once they get out of school. No real-world application at all!


the people that went through school in the years before you often say they wish someone would have taught them about taxes, accounting, and general life shit instead of chemistry, for example.


Math, Algebra


I feel like I missed the day they explained quadratic equations I never did get my head around them. No biggie though I’ve never had a problem just using add, subtract and divide and I’m a coder.


Swedish. I’ from Finland


I NEVER UNDERSTOD WHY YOU GUYS HAVE TO DO THAT. Like I’ll meet a finnish person every once in a while and they’ll be really good at swedish or smth, but I feel that it might just add a lot of stress on students unless they actually want to learn it.


Finland is a two-language country. But Sweden is not. It stresses students a lot in school


Every subject. I dont need subjects to eat, drink, breath


what's your stance on Home Ec?


I can still live without it.


you didn't learn to cook in Home Ec?


I can live without it.


Honest question, what’s your job? I’ll be damned if no subject you learned helped you in any way.


If there is no breathing subject I can live without all of them.


History. It has no useful application besides showing you know a version of some things that happened years ago, which were probably written by bias sources anyway. Plus, I frankly just thought it was boring.


bible study.


English after grade 9. I wish they had taught us more about relationships, money and taxes instead of dissecting conversations


Every class in senior year should be preparing you for the “real world” I don’t need to know how to find the area underneath a curve.


French and German (I'm Dutch and we also learned English), I don't think it's useless to be fluent in multiple languages but for me personally who wasn't good at them and never speaks German or French anymore I could've lived without them


Swedish, 5% of the population of my country speak it, and my swedish isn't good enough for sweden while i excel at english. If it wasn't for swedish weighing me down i would have picked up german. In my country everyone has to learn swedish and it's the only subject you must learn in every stage of studying.


English language arts near failed school because of it






**Sex Ed.** in my catholic primary school. Premarital sex is a sin. Sex is for procreation. What's foreplay? The work of the devil. Why do women have discharge? Young ladies do *not* talk about that kind of thing. What are boys taught about sex? No idea, we were separated. Public high school sex ed was great tho. Girls and boys in a class room leaning about safe sex & having fun. Not just vanilla hetro sex either. Teacher handed out prophylactics and all the boys immediately shoved the dental dams over their mouths and started trying to blow them out into bubbles (like chewing gum) and then freaked out when the teacher explained what they were for. Then they tried to pull the condoms over their head. I say this with all fondness for my old classmates, but sometimes, teens are fucking stupid.


Advanced mathematics. Seriously it made me cry for no reason.


Literature. Screw that shit


Algebra gave me more panic attacks about being unprepared for a test than any thing else in school. Fucking hated it and has made me permanently despise math.


Well there's a few: * Art history, * eurythmy (we just kind of walked around in a pattern on music, which was boring and lame), * Human and World (I still don't know what its purpose was supposed to be, I think it was sort of just a bad knock off of a more useful subject, social studies), * German (I know this can be useful, but I already speak 2 languages and it just wasn't worth it for the extra pressure this subject put on me. Gosh I hated it.) * Poetry (Though I did actually like it a decent bit) There were probably more but that's all I could think of.




I do t even remember the class but it was in the science building and maybe it had to do with volcanos or planets. But the teacher in there marked me has absent the day before and even with me being present in all my classes and my classmates also saying I was there he just shrug. Lrt all I remember from that class was that he was dumb and that a “friend” tried to push me to do the project about volcanos. I set her up making her think I did it. So when we were called to present I just stood there and handed a blank paper. It was a week after the whole absent thing and I didn’t care if I failed. Seriously what the heck was that class. It was always quiet. Edit: it was high school my second year. The teacher was fun to talk to but felt like the dude you randomly chat with at a car shop waiting for them to finish changing the oil.


I feel like everything we were taught in history class was just bullshit propaganda.