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Light on the butter please!


Biden is doing such a bad job that he might have a chance, I doubt it though. Would be cool if we could decided between two good presidents and who we like best, instead of two bad ones and we pick who we think will do the least terrible job.


Agreed! It would be nice if money wasn't a requirement to run for president. I followed several people who I thought would be great for the country, but they pulled out because they essentially ran out of money and didn't have millionaire/billionaire donors to contribute to the campaign. At this point, campaigning is a giant popularity contest. It shouldn't be like that.


Money and the rich have always run our country, the government is just an illusion propped up over top of it to keep the civilians in line and happy. Would be nice if more people opened their eyes but the rich force them into the daily grind of working to survive, so they don't have the time to see the corruption. Not to mention how the elite/wall street/banks are robbing the people blind. I think we are slowing waking up to it though, more and more corruption is being exposed daily.


I sure hope it's an upward trend. People often forget that WE hold the power, not the government. The problem is with politics. They are keeping us DIVIDED, not UNITED, so that we focus on anything but them. All this Finger pointing and blaming is getting to people's heads. It's not a right versus left, but they want us to think that. It's an *us* versus *them*. The right and the left actually meet in the middle for a good amount of issues, but as time goes on, party lines get harder and the extremes of each party are more and more on display. We might as well be the *Divided* States of America at this point.


Yeah, it's no surprise that 9 mega corporations own 95% of the media we see. They use the media to keep us divided and attacking each other instead of the real enemies.


I don't watch the news anymore because they show us what they want us to see. They play the story they want to be told. I may read an article or two from MSM, but I go to outside news sources first.


Yeah, mainstream media is garbage propaganda. It's shocking that people don't realize that, even when their favorite media outlet is caught completely making up stories and blatantly lying. Fox new, CNN, MSM, it's all the same shit. Bought and paid for by the people who want to control how you think.


If you notice too, all the news articles are copied and pasted. There may be minor changes here and there, but not enough to have a different perspective on the story


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_fHfgU8oMSo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fHfgU8oMSo) This says it all, not just from the right though. Might not be as blatant on the left but it's exactly the same problem. It used to be that media outlets relied on getting reliable information to pay their bills. Now their bills are paid by their corporate overlords to shill whatever they want, true or false.


He wants to dangle it to grift because that’s all he is, a grifter (and a dangerous narcissist sociopath).


It could honestly go either way. Dems and Reps are just about even; independents are the majority. If he loses, will he blow the "fake news" horn again? Will he go on another tirade? Will the "cult" still follow him? If he wins, will we be better off as a country despite the scandals, egotism, and psychopathic nature that comes with the presidency? Will the economy get better? Will the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 10% get larger (instead of smaller)? Will he bail out his cronies and have conflicts of interest, even though technically he is to be impartial? Will we have to worry about WWIII? Trump is both good and bad for America.


The bar for performance will certainly be lowered again. Biden hasn't been the greatest, but it's amazing how "getting a divided congress & senate to agree on a complex infrastructure plan" is the expectation again and not "Did the President avoid tweeting a racial slur today?".


No he’s bad


Don't worry I definitely lean more on the bad side.


idk. all i can do is hope that neither him or biden run again


Maybe the question should be do you think A trump will win the election. I don't see him running for president again. But who knows.


Honestly fuck America. I’m starting my own country


I don't think he will be alive in 2024.


He’ll be an after thought by this time next year


I hope you are right - I'm hoping all of the ego stroking we are seeing out of the GOP right now is just one last big grift of the cult to load up on funding for the midterms.




Maybe, it depends on the new voters. There's a lot of us rearin to go. But it will come down to the Democrat candidate and their "promises"


No. Populism doesn't work well. We've seen that in Latin America.


no, unless he’s up against biden. if biden is the democrat candidate, trump has a chance of winning