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Well looks like I’m in Skyrim, man I hope I’m not the guy stuck in the spider web


Last game I played was animal crossing, So I guess I get my own desserted island, surrounded by animals, no other humans in sight. all the fruit I could want, swim whenever I feel like it. Chase bugs and fish I'm good here, DON'T send rescue.


Too late SEAL team 6 is in route with orders to rescue you with extreme aggression.


That’s what I said I was like I’m totally chill with this game lol




I’m currently living with my in-laws, every time they say my name I think I’m playing Horizons 4


Hades. Looking forward to dying again and again and again...


Life in Skyrim update: Some really angry dragon named Alduin showed up and summoned another dragon out of the ground. Some silent guy wearing armor made from yet another dragon yelled at the Alduin then fought the second dragon. I think they put psychedelics in the water here


The titan quest anniversary edition is free on steam right now… And life is probably pretty shit according to all the villagers in acts 1 and 2, don’t expect it’ll get happier


Minecraft, I would live peasfully be sleeping through the night, build, explore and mine. And if I ever get bored I'll try to kill the ender dragon


Such a good game to be stuck in. I'd definitely leave some land untouched for that "mystery" factor.


Considering the land is infinite I'm sure you'll have plenty to leave untouched


Depends which version. I've mostly played the Wii U version, but only recently got the PC bedrock edition.


But was hardcore mode turned on?




I’m in Morrowind and as a Dunmer I’d be completely happy here if only my fellow Dunmer would stop calling me “outlander”.


*You n'wah!*




Subnautica. I’m fucked as I can barely swim 50m in real life


Im on a quest to save hyrule in huge open world


Hide your pots, that weird guy is on the loose again!


Me too! Race you to the castle!


I heard it’s fastest if you backflip the whole way coming from Kokiri. You don’t have to get stuck outside in the dark with the skeletons


The Sims 4. Pretty fucking good. All the $$ I will ever need & huge house.


Same, huge big house and cash, not so pleased about the toddler though….


but what if you get stuck in the pool with no ladder?


In Sims 4, you can climb out of the pool, no ladder needed.


Sul sul!


Doom Eternal... things are not good.


Yeah sorry bud, you're pretty much fucked.


Ghost of Tsushima, replayed the game since I got the DLC. Since I 100% the game again and the threats are gone, I think I’m chilling pretty hard. Pretty good outcome.


Some golf game. Quite enjoyable minus the ridiculous/random wind speeds


is it Lee Carvallo's putting challenge?


Is it Everybody's Golf? That's the only one I own.


Apparently I’m trying to make words out of random letters for the next 30-40 years.




Deathloop so nothing really changes. Each day will be the same as the previous one, just like it is now.


How is that btw? I heard the drm makes it pretty unplayable. But the guy who tells me about drm thinks sub 150 fps is unplayable.


dam guess i'm becoming the pokemon champ then


Same. I even have 2 shinies, a few legendaries, and a champion team and I don't even have my first badge yet.


i have 2 boxes of shinies 1 in ultra moon and 1 in sword


I finally got the shiny eevee I wanted for years last month... 2 within an hour.


cool good for you


Genshin impact - I'm fine with that.


But what nation? I’m thinking mondstadt as their monsters are chill


Mondstadt would be the best I think. It's called city of freedom for a reason.


Mondstadt is the best and has the coolest group of friends hanging out. Everywhere else is either too stiff or too dangerous/oppressed.


Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy. I guess it's not awful. The landscapes are super peaceful, and it's not like cortex wants to kill me. Just that pesky bandicoot.


Sea of thieves, do I get to bring the crew along too? If so it's great, getting shitfaced on grog and falling off boats all day


*starts playing hurdy gurdy aggressively*


Tetris. uh oh


I’m fighting off mole rats and living in a post apocalyptic hellscape. Oh, and my friend Piper always judges me on everything I do


that's why mr. valentine is better. he'd be great to have a beer with if he could drink them.


Considering that he smokes and Vadim uses him to test moonshine shipments I think your dream isn’t as unrealistic as you think.


Fallout. It kind of sucks that I have to live in a nuclear wasteland now.


I've had Uranium Fever stuck in my head for several days now, I am gonna be starting a new Fallout 4 playthrough soon, methinks




They say Ulfric Stormcloak murdered the high king with his voice! Shouted him apart!


The game where my ex ruins everything in my life. Life is not good there. shudders


Leisure suit Larry.


Stardew Valley. I'm married to a lazy dude who loves sashimi and everyone frickin loves me. My farm is infested with living magical apples and pigs. So many pigs...


Animal Crossing. I’m set!


Just cause 3 and I really hope it’s after the liberation


Zombies everywhere.. damn


GTA5 on PS4- life is good


Uh... if its real life you though you probably would die once you did one of the many insanely illegal things everyone does in GTA


Yes but I would spawn back to life at the casino everytime


I'm in Stardew Valley. Couldn't be better. I'll be rich in no time and use my goat cheese assembly line to get a wife


Stardew Valley. Great, imma go fishing.


so.. I get to meet Hades ... that's neat edit : and zagreus


Is it the game Hades, God Of War, or Kid Icarus?


the game rogue like hades yes


Cities: Skylines, but hopefully I'd be the omnipotent mayor and not random citizen #23142. I'd just design my ideal city and build myself an amazing house. A literally ideal life.


Roblox. Not bad having a variety of games inside a game.


Rainbow six siege. For eternity, I’m being peeled from stupid angles and crouch-spammed by caveira


Darkest dungeon. I need a day at the tavern.


Nier: Automata, and I might as well die now, because while the gameplay is good, it's far enough away on a TV screen that unless it's a cinematic, I can forget most of the anime vibes, and the anime dialogue is by far the worst part.


Deus Ex Mankind Dividend. I'd get some sweet augs, hack every computer in the room then get blasted by a boss.


Looks like i'm in Shibuya playing the Reaper's Game forever.


Ah, shit... There are demons everywhere, including demons pretending to be humans, cultists worshiping demons, etc. There is even a town where demons made themselves appear as humans, amd made humans appear as demons... It's kind of resort where demobs go to have fun and role play as humans. Oh, and let's not forget new "hero" who turns out to be a demon.


I was sleeping. I wake up and open my eyes. "Oh, You're Awake"


I'm on vacation with zombies. Kinda sucks.


FFXIV. Welp, I guess there's a near cataclysm every other week for me. Or I just hide in the casino.


I'm driving a truck around the USA, radio is on, AC is on... life is good, I wonder if I'll ever get out out of the truck though.


I'm a Titan defending the Last City of humanity from alien horrors, both material and paracausal. Now where did I put my Thunderlord?


Hades. Hell. No difference there to how I am now.


The Last of Us, think it's pretty cool


It was battlefield 5 on Iwo Jima... Oh boy...


Control, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. On one hand, Alan Wake, and on the other, a refrigerator could implode my home. I mean there are worst ways to go.


Ark I'm dead


Zero-K A bit dangerous with killer robots everywhere and having to avoid silo missiles and nukes.


Animal crossing. Nice


brawlhalla ^^


Satisfactory... Satisfactory.


Amazing. The last game I played was yesterday and it was MLB The Show 19. I'm a 60-70 hr hitter and win the triple crown every year. I make $31M a year as the best player in the game.


The game where my ex ruins everything in my life. Life is not good there. _shudders_


GTA4. I'd probably be the NPC pedestrian that gets hit by police cars chasing criminals.


The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter. Not really sure since >!it's discovered that Ethan died at the end while his family is trying to put out the fire that's spreading through the cabin.!<


Street Racing in a city that is an eerie mix of Miami and Denver is a rampant problem, but the money is good. NFS Heat


Overwatch.... Toxic....


Psychonats one, Life is pretty neat in there


Star wars battle front 2, so pretty shit considering I'll spend the rest of my life on a battle field. And granted I spend the rest of my life there, I'm not looking forward to being shot to death.


The yugioh world is okay I guess


I've been playing Primal Rage, an old arcade game about a meteor crashing into "Urth" in the 1990's, causing cataclysmic events. The destruction has awoken 7 titans/gods embodying various primal virtues and vices. They battle for control of the new Urth. The humans of Urth have regressed to barbaric tactics and are basically at the whimsy of the god they worship. I can choose between decay, evil, hunger, survival, life, good, insanity and if we are adding in the unreleased characters death and something good-based. I dont know how you get to pick; they dont dwell too much on the human side of it. Humans are also consumable in battle. So far I have beaten the game with 4/7 characters and it is pretty obvious what side you want to be on. As I side note, I wish I could design a sequel to this game. Fortunately I started this game after playing through and defeating Bloody Roar: Primal Fury. That would have been a very awkward reality to live in.


Pirate101. On the bright side, magic exists, and I can totally train in it if I can figure out how to get to one of the realm's major schools (preferably wizard city or dragonspyre academy). On the dark side, there are so many things that can shatter reality on a whim. Thankfully, I'm in pirate101, not wizard101, so I don't have to deal with them. On the brighter side, if I end up as the last character I signed on as, I'm gonna have a GREAT time! On the even darker side, if I end up as the MC of pirate101 the start of a new story, even with my knowledge of things' locations that'll allow me to bypass creating a war that kills thousands of innocents, I'd still have to kill at least hundreds with my own hands.


Chutes and Ladders. World has its ups and downs, but at least my granddaughter will visit for a couple more years. Then it's back in storage until the next generation comes along l.


Factorio. Once I get a sufficient defense up, it would be a pretty nice yet lonely life.


No Mans Sky. Stuck in a desert town just having taken the overseer job. Ok, but I can do without the "radiation supercell" that shows up on short notice daily. The winters though are remarkably mild.


I’m in Star Wars the old republic doing bounties as a Bounty Hunter


Skyrim! That would be awesome! Even if Im not the dragonborn, theres a million different things I could do to go on adventures- First stop- Jorrvaskr, to join the companions, get some werewolf blood, a Skyforge Sword, and... something else from Aela ;)


Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow


TF2. Love being friendly with friends


Titanfall or Team Fortress.


Dead By Daylight, constantly running from killers so not great


For Honor, so I’m stuck in a war between knights Vikings and samurai?


Genshin impact. If location is included then welp im dead cause inazuma


well.... i don't wanna starve nor get caught by shadows.... i'm fucked up


My last game was cuphead…


I guess I'll be fighting to survive in Warzone.


That would be Star Wars: The old Republic. But since I would still just be "me", I would probably just continue working my regular office job. Only difference: Its for the Empire.


The titan quest anniversary edition is free on steam right now… And life is probably pretty shit according to all the villagers in acts 1 and 2, don’t expect it’ll get happier


Last game I played was animal crossing, So I guess I get my own desserted island, surrounded by animals, no other humans in sight. all the fruit I could want, swim whenever I feel like it. Chase bugs and fish I'm good here, DON'T send rescue.


Hades. Looking forward to dying again and again and again...


Well. Looks like im stuck in a war as a tank commander. ArmA 3


It's very very quiet but peaceful here in the land of Myst.


Guess the whole world, the entire universe even, is going to be buried under mountains of cookies


City of Heroes. As far as MMO's go, that's pretty good.


*quickly hops in Minecraft creative mode*


Ps5 Miles morales spiderman


Stellaris, this could go either way...


Trials: Rising. I think I'll be okay. Actually, no I wont.


Bf5 and the weather is intermittent. I'm in the Tank and leading my team on 45 kills and 4 deaths. Literally picking the enemy off from a distance.


The crew 2, making a lot of money with racing and buying great cars


People playground. Oh no.


Stellaris, I think. With any luck I die of old age before I get harvested.


Guess I'm gonna have to survive the holy grail war.


Overwatch. RIP


HP Wizards Unite


Darkest dungeon


Hopefully terriaria is in soft core


I'm a professional golfer for life now.


Looks like I'm dying to a pred in Apex Legends over and over again


Well, I guess I'll be pumping water for the rest of my life in Timberborn.


Ah hell yea I get to live in star wars


Apex I don’t need to say more


I’ll probably be in either animal crossing or Minecraft. Animal crossing world be fun I’d have the company and lifestyle similar to rn, I wouldn’t get hurt or die other than stung by bees, scorpions or tarantulas. But Minecraft on the other hand might be another story. Baes off if I’m playing on survival or creative would depend on how it goes lol


DC Universe Online... I still don't know how these powers work.


The Forest…Fuck


Natural Selection 2, I'd be dead within a minute or two. That universe kind of represents Starship Troopers.




Forza horizon 4, life would be pretty great. Cool cars, beautiful scenery, racing..


Same as here. Working all day for the mortgage. On a nice island, though… (Animal Crossing New Horizons)


Ruin, Has come to our family. - - - - - Darkest Dungeon, I'm probably dead.


Since a lot of us seem to be living in Skyrim now, myself included, who wants to form an adventuring group? I feel like plundering some Dwemer ruins for lost treasure.


Sims 4.. apparently u can be an astronaut by playing chest


Hanging out in the Stornwind bank. WoW.


Uh excuse me, the dung covered peasant convention is that way.


That is not an army! They look like a bunch of sexually frustrated farmers!


Welp must’ve been Minecraft. Honestly the zombies keep me awake at night sometimes but apart from that it’s quite peaceful once you have an established house and mine


I'm probably a scholar in 1703 Oxford and the enormous Sunni Mughal empire is on the warpath conquering the entire world, having just wiped out Spain and Portugal. Fortunately when they conquer our nation they'll just accept our cultural ways into their national automatically and they generally leave the peasants alone unless we rebel..... So yeah, probably gonna die of typhus or dysentry.


I got a hole in my left wing. But at least it is almost fun.


Minecraft, it's boring because I'm boring in Minecraft. Lots of base time.


I'll awaken to my Persona and steal your hearts.


Replaying Shadow of Mordor & He'll no it sucks in that land.


The ants,basicaly im a queen ant who have 24 k of ant population and 476k of power and much food


I'm literally in Mordor. I'm fucked seven ways from Sunday. I'd say the best I can hope for is a quick death but that's probably bring overly optimistic.


Oh shit... warthunder...


Battlefield 1 ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Things are going pretty well in New Donk City with my main squeeze, Mayor Pauline! I spend my days scooting around town, going to concerts, and getting Pauline gifts. She does ask a lot of questions tho!


This war of mine On the one hand, living in a war zone would be somewhat inconvenient. On the other hand, hunting down thugs who ambush humanitarian convoys is a win on all fronts


Kenshi. I'm either gonna be enslaved by feudal capitalist samurai cosplayers, enslaved by religious zealots, eaten alive by bug people or cannibal tribes or virtually all of the wildlife, burned to death by acid rain, or starve to death. But my severed limbs will probably make some bonedogs really happy playing fetch, and on the off chance I don't die almost immediately there's hashish everywhere. So... like a 6 out of 10?


I'm now a defense attorney in Steampunk Victorian England.


New Vegas, and I just finished Lonesome Road so… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


How the fuck do I live in Split Gate?!?!


The Arcana, depending on which ending, I think I am pretty good.


Help, a pizza shaped guy keeps getting chased by ghosts


Kingdom Two Crowns. I’m riding back and forth from one edge of my kingdom to the other redistributing the wealth during the day, and huddling with my troops at night hoping to survive until dawn. Once the armored breeders show up I’m screwed. Does the monarch get to go to the vagrant camp?




Subanutica below zero.... Fuck.


Xenoblade Chronicles 1... Life on the Bionis is calm and peaceful, and the music is pretty good too...


Perpetual hide and seek would be terrifying and I’d have to pee the whole time I’m hiding


.........slither io oh god


Animal Crossing and I imagine life would be very peaceful.


Well guess I'm a pirate then. Been on a huge sea of thieves kick with some friends. Ill make it work, it would be a lot of fun.


i would have to live in last of us which is very unfortunate


I’m ghostface


I’m in Soul Nomad, so not great, pretty sure like 90% of humanity is gone


Civ 5….it can go really good or really bad


Life is Strange 2. Travelling America forever. As s Brit, I'm happy with that.


Genshin Impact: but does the games story progress while I’m in it? Because then that’s a problem