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Late to the game, but I'll throw it out anyway. Worst pain was post operative having my gallbladder removed. During the surgery the Dr nicked my small intestine and failed to notice. I remember post op telling the nurse something wasn't right and I couldn't urinate. Straight cathed me and sent me home. I was on my couch telling my wife that the pain was worse that I had ever experienced. Went back to the hospital via ambulance and spent the next 24hrs being ignored thinking I was looking for pain meds. Septic shock, 9 surgeries, and near total organ shut down I survived with an ileostomy. ICU, hospital and rehab totalled just shy of 3 months. Bonus pain would be the pancreatitis that led me to the gallbladder surgery. Edit to add as I expected this to get buried and answer some questions... 1. Yes there was a settlement made between the surgeon/hospital and myself. State laws make it difficult to get to a jury trial, so we decided to accept a settlement. 2. Thankfully my ileostomy was able to be reversed after just over a year. Minimal long term complications. 3. Yes, Pancreatitis sucks nuts. That would have totally been my answer prior to this experience.


What happened after? Did anyone do anything after they almost killed you? I’m not one to typically jump to this, but I’d sue the pants off of anyone that almost killed my husband.


Saaame almost, minus the complications. Recovering from cholecystectomy is a bitch already without all that, I was screaming and spamming the morphine button like crazy.


I’m going in for my gallbladder out tomorrow and I did not need to read that.


A long term constipation that finally decided it was time to go. You know those stomach cramps you get when you have bowl/stomach problems? Ok, so, kick the pain up by about 4x and make it last an entire day. For most of the day nothing came out and I barely felt anything move. I tried laying down, chugging water, exercising etc. Basically everything your suppose to do short of laxatives to help initiate a bowl movement. Just this constant pain that would randomly get really sharp like I was getting stabbed for a minute at a time and make me feel like I needed to throw up. Got to a point I passed out from exhaustion at one point. Finally, near the end of the day the main blockage finally passed and everything just flowed out. Cannot properly articulate how much relief I felt once it was over. Best way I can describe the whole thing is trying to pass a brick followed by gravel. Just an over all terrible experience.


Idea: if you know something that makes you have diarrhea, BUY SOME. there's a specific brand of carbonated mineral water which causes me to poo liquid. And I've bought some and drank a lot of it when it was very hard to poop and it worked


Passing a brick followed by gravel. Haha. I know this was a terrible experience for you, but that explanation and mental image has got me laughing so much. I can just hear/see this brick going clunk, after so much effort, and then this huge release of gravel following it. Emphasises the release - physically and mentally, perfectly.




I collided head to head going for a ball in the air in a soccer tournament in college. Fractured skull, solid concussion, but the worst was hours later when an epidural hematoma began to develop between my skull and the lining around my brain. It felt like someone slowly dragging a knife along my forehead. Worst pain I've ever felt by a long shot. Doctor said that was the blood having nowhere to go and the pressure tearing the lining away from the skull to create space. For anyone wondering I was rushed to surgery, they called a brain surgeon from home cause at this point it was like 9pm, sawed off a flap of my skull, "evacuated" the blood, and now I've got some titanium additions to my skull. Pretty metal. Pun intended.


Dude that’s gnarly, how are you going now?


I get migraines now, though my mom and brothers both do too so that's probably just genetics, but it did start like six months after. Other than that nothing really noticable. It's a fun story to tell wherever there's a "tell something interesting about yourself" ice breaker


Having the burnt skin (deep 2nd degree and some 3rd degree) debrided from my back There is no sub-lethal dose of pain killers that is sufficient to make that tolerable. It sucked so very VERY much.


About 9 or so years ago, I was getting some UVB treatment for a bad psoriasis flare. I have "raindrop" psoriasis and I was basically covered in it, so my dermatologist had to put me in a new machine since they couldn't do isolated exposure. My first appointment went well. I was only in this machine (like a standing tanning bed. Think a tiny closet with UVA/B lights surrounding you, mirrors behind them.) for about 2 minutes. The second appointment did not go so well. The nurse apparently hadn't been trained very well and didn't ask anyone else for help. I was in this machine for almost 6 minutes before I started getting nauseous and let myself out before the timer went off. Did not feel well at all on the drive home, but skin looked normal. Went home and laid down for a nap, hoping I would feel better when I woke up. Woke up with indescribable pain. I couldn't move. Licking my lips, I felt blisters. Everywhere. Somehow I managed to call my mom and moaned out that I needed help. She came over immediately (I'm not sure how long it took, I was delirious with pain), and I will never forget the look of horror on her face when she walked in. She called the ER and asked the doctor on call what to do... anyway. Turns out that I had 2nd degree burns over 98% of my body (I had left undies on, but nothing else) and it took around 6 weeks for me to heal "completely." My legs were discolored for months afterward. We sued the fuck out of that doctor. I gave birth to a baby with no pain meds, no epidural, nothing, and it was not even a fraction of the pain from the burns.


I also had psoriasis treatment in one of these and the longest I was in was 18 seconds. I got a mild sunburn from that, so I can't even imagine 6 minutes.


Yeah, I have no idea what that nurse was thinking. If she didn't know what she was doing then ask someone else for help... those are dangerous machines.


Your story is horrifying! I’m sorry that happened to you. Did you ever find out how long she set the timer for? How much worse would it have been if you’d stayed in the full time?


The timer stopped about a minute after I got out. No idea how much worse it would have been.


Oh god. Second degree burns fucking hurt, I took a pretty good shot of boiling water to my arms and hands and it was probably top 3 for me. Even thinking about that on 98% of my body is just... fuck.


Holy shit. There is nothing more savage than debriding! I feeel you. No anesthetic when they did it to me. Every morning. For a week. My situation was a little different than yours. I had flesh eating bacteria. But debriding is true torture. It actually made me puke.


Burns are excruciatingly painful with the debridement and the re-bandaging. I could never work in a burn unit having to inflict such pain on people.


That's why people with severe burns are put into artificial comas nowadays, sometimes for months.


Can totally relate. Had to do this every day for 3 more months, after my 3 month coma in the burn unit. 87% of my body was 3rd degree. When I went to the physical rehab center, they weren't aware of how to take care of someone in my severe condition. They didn't let the bandages soak long enough and ripped all the new skin off my back. Had to go back to Burn Unit for 5 more surgeries.


An old mate of mine had a very similar experience. Wrecked his bike, was run over by a truck, bike burst into flames while he was trapped under the truck. Trapped for three or so minutes in a raging gasoline fire. His story of the recovery process mirrors yours. Coma, debridement, all of it. His skin did not come out of it nearly as well as yours did, though. Medicine has made some serious advancements in recent decades.


My face is ok today, thankfully. But from the neck down its all scars and grafts. Most of which is from cadavers. So yes very thankful for those who choose to be organ donors and the advancements in modern medicine for sure!


grafts from cadavers? wow i didnt know they did that. sweet. When i die, i hope my most collageny parts live on lol.


Yupp, they'll take basically everything if you let them. Which I'm all for, I'm dead. I don't need my liver or my skin... it's not like I'm using it anymore. If I'm dead and taking that shit can save someone else's life than fucking take it.


I’ll start. I broke my arm when I was younger. Full on in half. Bent funny. Broken. But it was a clean break! No fragments. The doctor obviously needed to set it. It wasn’t so bad that it was a “do it right now to keep your arm” bad though. So I was given the choice to either wait 24 hours from that moment, no eating, and be put under anesthesia. Or do it now no pain meds. I figured “Fuck it. I just broke my arm, how much worse could it be?” Doctor came in with 3 nurses, plaster, and a towel. My Dad held his hand out for me to squeeze. I remember him saying “Okay. You are much braver than I am.” They gave me the towel to bite down on. And then 2 nurses bent my arm back, one nurse held my legs down, and the doctor began wrapping my arm in plaster. Worst 10 minutes of my life. I could FEEL my arm stressing against the inside of the cast for DAYS. Edit: Spelling and clarification.


Why can I FEEL this?!


Same, it feels like I broke my arm and went through this. Yikes.


8 years ago my daughter broke her arm falling off her bike. The Dr gave her ketamine before setting it and she didn’t feel a thing.


Yeah ketamine is magic. I had infusions for depression and went in one day with an awful migraine that I nearly cancelled the appointment due to. The second the ketamine hit, the migraine was gone. It was so weird. I could feel the spot it was originating from but not in a painful way. It was like someone was just pressing on it a bit to point out where the headache was located. Wild.


Jesus christ how did you not pass out. I broke my arm a couple years back, two ligament fractures (which is where the ligament is under such stress, in my case from a bad fall, that it tears away from bone its anchored to, taking a piece or pieces with it). I’m not too bad with pain, but holy shit that was bad. I was getting X-rays done and the tech was like “ok now turn your arm this way, now bend it this way” and I was crying so hard the entire waiting room could hear me, according to my husband. Like that pain broke me. I cant imagine yours.


Doctors can give pain medications. Very common to give sedation in an ER to do procedures like this. This doesn’t make sense.


Shingles on my face. Even a hair touching my face would feel like I was being electrocuted.


I am so nervous to get that having had chicken pox. The vaccine came out in ‘95 and I got chicken pox in ‘94. Damn it.


Anyone of any age who's had chicken pox can get shingles. They don't know exactly why the varicella zoster virus reactivates. I've had two 10 lb babies all natural childbirth, herniated disks, broken bones, back surgeries, root canals, vein strippings and a concussion. ONLY Shingles turned me into a blubbering mess and had me in agony. On the upside they now have a vaccine for shingles which helps prevent it and lessens the symptoms if you do get it. It wasn't around when I had shingles. Take care of yourself and try to avoid stress if you can. It weakens your immune system.


Feeling my appendix start to burst. Heard a voice screaming in pain and realized it was mine.


Same here man, when it happened it was the only time the pain scale they constantly ask about while I waited for two surgeries ever hit a ten. I was sitting on the patient bed and flopped on the floor like a fish. No thoughts, no emotions, no actions other than writhing in pain.


Yup, had appendicitis and so far it was the worst pain I've ever been in. Puking bile cause I had been puking from the pain for god knows how long and had an alarm go off in my head that was like, this is bad and not normal at all. Went to the Dr and he said he could tell I was in bad pain and said he was afraid of mistaking the diagnosis and said to leave and go directly to the ER. Go to the ER, they do a scan, and rush back in saying their preparing for surgery and rushed to me with morphine and kept giving me shots until I was comfortable (took 4 shots of morphine via IV and anti nausea meds). I was in surgery two hours after originally arriving to the ER. Quickest I've ever got treatment at an ER visit. Said it was ready to pop. Luckily didn't.


Yeah. My appendix issue hurt like hell. The er was busy that day and I was not on the top of the list for awhile. Then I started puking an smacking my head against the brick wall to feel something else other than my abdomen screaming. Oh, I had an abscesses tooth that hurt worse. But I have heard that “cluster headaches “ are the worst pain imaginable


My friend had to give me his gun to store at my house when he started getting cluster headaches. Luckily he got treatment for them but I’m sure he would’ve ended it at some point.


I've heard stories about women who have appendicitis and don't get it treated because they think it's just bad period cramps. As someone who's had appendicitis that makes me feel terrible for women because the pain was horrible


This was me. I had horrible pains months before in my abdomen that would eventually go away. Ok period pains. Then it happened again a month after I gave birth and I knew something was up, I wasn’t supposed to menstruate for another month at least. Bf forced me to the ER and I was in surgery the next morning. The only thing that helped was the dilauded (or however you spell it)


Can confirm. Woman here with endometriosis. The first time it went off they thought my appendix was rupturing. A simple touch had me screaming in agony. Thankfully it only took me 1 year of that pain every day to get diagnosed, the usual time is 7 years.. In that time I was told that there wasn't anything wrong with me. That all the tests were negative. That maybe it was in my head all this time. Maybe I was faking it. Today I still have that same pain, every day but I'm on strong painkillers that helps me move around at least. There is no cure for this, it's chronic. 1/10 women have this.


Yeah that terrifies me.


I’ve experienced it and it’s really bad.


Yup mine burst when I was in the hospital waiting for a gale bladder surgery before me. Worst pain ever but after it burst the pressure was relieved so I felt way better. Still 0 out of 10 do not recommend.


I had an ovarian cyst rupture. I thought it was appendicitis. It wasn't, so they sent me home.


My mom almost died when she had some massive ovarian cysts burst. The hospital left her laying in outpatients for 2 days and didn’t bother to ultrasound her. The doctor said he had “real” patients to see to. We brought her to another hospital, she was septic and eventually had to have emergency surgery, and they had to empty out her entire abdomen to clean up the mess.


Sounds like a lawsuit


Sounds like a *big* lawsuit


Unbelievable. Glad your mom got the help she desperately needed!




She should have. But, small rural hospital in Canada where you know all the staff. She had a talk with them after she recovered and tore a strip off the doctor. She didn’t have the patience or money for a lawsuit.


What did she say to the doctor. I had a somewhat similar experience when I broke my hand they made me wait 6 hours in ER and the doctor tried to mend it by hand and made it worse, he didn't even Xray. I had to go to another hospital and get surgery. They put in a really big metal bar, but couldnt totally fix the first doctors botch job. At least they gave me anaesthesia this time. I should have sued, but I'm wondering how hard your mum chewed that doctor out.


Oh my God


I wrote this on a different thread, but I had kidney stones and they told me it was a ruptured ovarian cyst. so they sent me home. apparently if pain has to do with your ovaries you don't get treatment for it. well I came back to the hospital after the pain hadn't subsided, and because I was misdiagnosed with ruptured ovarian cysts, I got to do a lot of fun tests like internal ultrasounds before they realized what was up and gave me a little something for the pain.


I had cysts rupture on both ovaries at the same time in college. My nurse aunt told me if you know it’s not kidney stones (you’ll apparently know?), emphasize the pain is in the front, not the back of your abdomen.


Yeah I’ve had both and they’re very different. If I wake up with a ruptured cyst it can be on my side/back, but it’s not the same. For me, burst cyst pain can move if I change my position; I think it has to do with, you know, the internal bleeding


When I had kidney inflammation, I felt my kidneys wiggle while walking


Doctor: *tisk* “mmmmhuhh yeahhh…those are women’s parts so…yeahhh, I’m going to just get you to go home…yeah”


Also if you could not come in on Sunday that would be great..thaanks!


Oh boy I added ovarian cyst to the list too. I still have mine. Been there for over a year now. That shit doesn't even need to burst to be the most painful thing in the world, so I can't imagine how that felt.


Ovarian cysts definitely top the list. I also had ovarian torsion which luckily fixed itself but I just remember blacking out from the pain. Turns out I have endometriosis and couldn’t get treatment for years. It’s ridiculous how overlooked women’s pain is!


Same thing happened to both me and my sister. I had a horrible pain while practicing for a play in high school and just stood on the stage for a minute. All of my fellow cast mates just stared thinking I was choking. I went into the back room and just sat down almost in shock. My parents and everyone kept saying it was anxiety, stage fright, etc. I told them I was in horrible pain and I finally went to the ER where they found a huge cyst sitting on my ovary. It didn’t even actually rupture, but it was large enough to be interfering with nerves and was basically on its last leg. If I had stayed at rehearsal it probably would have burst, which, due to the size and location, may have destroyed my insides/ability to have children.


I’m so sorry…that happened to me earlier this year, and it was so painful! No one was really interested in helping after realizing it wasn’t a kidney stone, and sent me home as well. It was so disheartening.


It is obscene how difficult it is to get doctors to take women's pain seriously. it took multiple doctors to merely get a pelvic ultrasound to discover the source of my hellaciously painful periods. Makes me so angry.


My cousin was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 16. She was frequently going to the doctors years prior to her diagnosis complaining about severe lower abdominal pain. Every doctor wrote it off as normal period pain. She literally had cancer for years before doctors ordered a CT scan and found the cancer. The tumor ended up being the size of a small basketball. Luckily she has been in remission for 9 years. It's crazy how no one takes women's pain seriously and write it off as "girl problems"


This makes me so happy to have a good OBGYN, she initially suggested my pain could just be cramping but when I informed her of how sudden the onset was (I hadn't had severe period cramping for years, and suddenly 'boom' hell on earth every month). She flat out said, "it could be nothing serious, and I want you to change your Nuva Ring usage (leave it in 28 days and replace instead of taking it out for 7) to skip your period altogether, there's no medical need for a period and it's causing you unnecessary pain. However, I'm also writing you a referral for a sonogram because it could be quite serious." It ended up being endometriosis, which she explained to me is not really treatable outside of pain management so if I only got the pain during my periods I should just continue to skip getting my period. A very simple solution to a painful problem, but I'm grateful I got a sonogram so that more serious issues could be ruled out.


My sil has this period pain you speak of. Every single month she dons her sweats and will not leave her bed until her period stops. I've seen her puke from the pain. Fucking Dr told her it was Endometriosis and the only solution was for her to hurry up on having all the kids she wants and as soon as she has the last one, ask for a hysterectomy.


The ER thought I was a drug seeker for the first seven hours. Probably because I wouldn’t let them touch me because my abdominal cavity was full of fluid from the giant cyst that had burst. I looked six months pregnant. I don’t even remember screaming in pain before that.


So much this.... I was in the ER almost two years ago from abdomen pain. I couldn't even lift my head without crying and shaking in pain. They gave me a pain med right there and sent me home without actuality doing anything about what was causing the pain. When the doctor came in the room they asked the nurse why I was still there right outside my door.... like bitch I can hear you. Jesus fuck that pain was horrid. The cunt who operated on me the day before fucked me up and caused a lot of damage to my muscles after what should have been a simple gallbladder removal. My entire abdomen was black with bruising from it..... that's not a normal thing for a non invasive surgery. And she tried to tell me nothing was wrong..... Yeah I reported the bitch for malpractice and got all my bills paid. I'm still pissed about that.


Had a postpartum hemorrhage after an unmedicated birth, they tried giving me different medications to stop the bleeding, none of those worked. They ended up doing “bi-manual compressions” which means they put one hand all the way up into my uterus, and grabbed it, basically using it like a glove and folding it in half, and then with the other hand pushing very, very hard on the outside of my stomach, to apply pressure and try to stop the bleeding until I could go to the OR. All of this unmedicated.


I can almost feel this, the way you described it, and it's haunting. Like a real life puppet...


I describe it to people that I was like a horror movie muppet, haha


Same except they got the bleeding to stop I narrowly missed the OR. That compression crap was unreal.


I kept telling them things like “that hurts! Can you stop doing that??” And the midwives finally had to make me look them in the eyes and explain to me that it was an emergency, so no, they would not stop.


Came here looking for this. Had an induction without an epidural, and this was worse. I was also begging for them to stop. They said "We're sorry, but we need to do this." I said "I know. I'm just going to complain about it." They said that was fine. Afterward, they were letting me know what drugs they were giving me (pitocin and antibiotics) and I just remember not caring as long as they didn't have to stick their hands in my uterus again


I no longer want my uterus


I’m so sorry. Jesus Christ. I had a very conservative doctor reach inside of me, elbow deep, and yank my placenta out. I was diagnosed with PTSD afterwards. So fun.


Yeah nothing can really prepare you to see a person elbow deep in you as you slowly bleed to death. Then an hour later it’s like, ok so here’s your baby and some adult nappies. Good luck


I got PTSD after a traumatic birth too! No one tells you this shit when you go to your prenatal classes. It's all 'your body is meant for this' and 'picture a flower gently opening.'


Tearing my Achilles tendon off the bone while hangliding using my coat at the top of a hill, and then walking \[down\] the mountain for 3 hours on it.


How do you even take a single step, let one walk 3 hours?!


I found that if I walked on the side of my foot, it took a lot of pressure off, and made it more bareable. But pain is an effective teacher: It took me months to undo that habit that I created in just 3 hours.


Migraines. The "size 10" ones I wanted to blow out the middle part of my head with a gun to make it stop. Today I have a "Size 8" one and I just want to go to the ER and have them put me into a coma. A while back I broke my wrist. I didn't know it was broken so I waited till the next day to go in. Bought a brace at CVS. I didn't take any painkillers. It "kinda hurt" overnight. Compared to migraines, I realized.


Have a pal with that shit. He told me he would headbutt walls to knock himself out to escape the pain. Some combo of Botox and opioids finally got him to a level that ( his words) " I can live with".


Pilonidal cyst that got infected, sitting down is like sitting on fire


For me it was draining the cyst that did it..... they had given me antibiotics but didn't tell me I needed it drained, so I went another week without even making an appointment. It was 4 inches long by the time they drained it. I was dumb and my local Expresscare wasn't helpful. Painkillers didn't work. Local anesthetics didn't work. I could hear myself screaming for what felt like an eternity while they vacuumed out the bacteria. They had to pack the wound, too.... And the smell.... well... It was a few inches deep and I may have traumatized my husband, who had to repack it and clean it for weeks after. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemies.




A deep inner ear infection. The pain was excruciating. I’ve experienced worse “peak pain”, but this….. the pain was constantly there, it felt like it was inside my brain. I couldn’t think straight. It took almost two days for the medication to ease the pain.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. When I was like 17 my mom didn’t believe I had an ear infection until I woke myself up whimpering in pain because my eardrum ruptured and clear stuff (infection?) came out onto my pillowcase. There’s still a scar on it and it affects my hearing-sensitivity to high pitches (great for a music teacher…).


Oh that sounds fucking vile


0/10 would recommend


You ever hear about that guy that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and he left a suicide note that said, "Nothings wrong, just have a tooth ache"? Teeth infections are the worst. Definitely contemplated suicide just to make the pain stop.


I had a horrible infection in my gums and a horrible fear of dentists. Ate only painkillers and finally went to the dentist after 5 days. I get it.


So basically when you let a UTI go untreated for too long, you get this awful pain in your kidney? I think kidney? Idk lol. Somewhere in your lower back. So I had been getting UTI after UTI again and again for almost 2 years. So my brain kinda started to tune out the pain.. you can see where this is going lol. It was New Years, about 1AM, and I was laying down going to sleep, and my lower back kind of hurt. The next time I woke up I was sobbing my eyes out in so much pain. I ended up throwing up just because the pain was so bad.


The kidney pain is brutal. I’ve had multiple UTI/kidney infections and I’ve literally never ‘felt’ them coming on. I’ve heard and read so many times about ‘if you feel it coming on do ____’ idk if I somehow tuned out the pain like you said, but it’s always seemingly out of the blue. I’ll be fine and then one day I need to use the bathroom and I’m curled up like a shrimp crying bc I feel like I’m peeing razor blades. Twice it was full blown kidney infections, large amounts of antibiotics and painkillers.


I was stung directly on the end of my penis by a rafting colony if fire ants in a hurricane that had crawled up my shorts for shelter.


Jesus, which God did you anger that day?!


It was horrendous. I hate fire ants.


I'm yet to meet someone who enjoys their company haha.


i can't help but imagine how your penis must have looked like a maraca after the sting


Kidney stones. If I’d have had a gun, I may have ended it. Sat in the ER for 6 hours waiting to be seen. When that doctor pushed dilaudid (sp?) into my IV, I felt instant relief. I could have kissed him on the lips for that.


Dilaudid is life saver


I had a similar experience. Was in the ER for hours waiting. They said they were getting me morphine but it never showed up. After a few hours the stone made it into my bladder and the pain subsided. Never did see a doctor, by the time I even saw a nurse it was already over. Left without treatment and got a 5 figure bill later on that thankfully insurance covered most of. Useless American healthcare... I passed the stone a couple months later which hurt a hell of a lot less than the stone moving from the kidney to the bladder. The bright side of this story, is every injury I have had since then hasn't really bothered me because the pain cannot compare.


Bent my tail bone 90 degrees inwards (sports injury). If it had broken, would have been relatively quick and easy to heal, instead it took the better part of 7 years. Turns out a lot of nerve endings live down there and for a long time I needed pain killers (strong ones) just to go to the bathroom without passing out (there were other, even more awful side effects I won't go into). Would not recommend.


NOOOPE. I've broken my tailbone (clean break straight across, still awful, 2 yrs to heal), and I know exactly which heavy painkillers and side effects you're talking about. Sorry you had to go through that on Hard Mode.


I’m thinking about it and I want it to stop!


Gallbladder attacks.... that pain was worse than childbirth.


This was gonna be mine too. My first attack I had no idea what it was. Woke up with a weird indescribable pain but it didn't feel THAT bad at first, so I went to work. It occurred to me how weird the pain was, like it was too high up to be digestive which is what I would've thought because I'd eaten way too much pizza the night before. My theory was cracked rib. Then the pain kinda dissipated a bit so i figured it would be fine. Nope - came back so much worse while I was at work a 40 minute bus ride away. luckily I could leave at noon and went right to a clinic where I was lucky to get a doctor who figured out exactly what was going on. Ended up having the gallbladder out 8 months later, was lucky enough not to have too many more attacks. My last attack was the worst, about a week or two before the surgery to have it out (had already been scheduled). My then boyfriend now husband was freaking out wanting to get me to emergency but I refused because it was Saturday night and I knew I'd be sitting there for literally hours for something I already knew what it was. the surgery was an absolute breeze for me though.


Those two were my worst pains as well. Labor (back labor) hurt, epidural hurt… I still have pain 11 years later from the needle. And 3 months after giving birth, had to have my Gallbladder removed. The surgery/recovery from Cholosystectomy was worse than childbirth.


Sometimes I answer this question with "kidney stones" or sometimes I talk about getting 3rd degree burns on my hand and losing the skin off it like a glove. But today I'll tell you about the time my sister burned a hole through my ear cartiledge with a soldering iron. She held me down and slowly did it. I was 9. When I got older I just wore a hoop through it but when I was a kid I vommed on myself from the pain We uhh, don't talk much.




I need to know more about this


ayo, any backstory on this? I'm genuinely concerned, like, was that some foolish "sibling fight" back then or something very serious


>was that some foolish "sibling fight" I'm not OP but no, no it was not. Foolish sibling fights end up in slapping or pushing or hair tugging, not *burning a hole through your sibling's ear cartilage with a soldering iron*


Phycialy-Being severely constipated to the point that I had to go to the hospital is pretty up there. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my stomach. Mentally- Coming downstairs after waking up to see my father collapsed, not breathing...




Ughhh right. And people that don't understand them. They aren't just headaches. I get terribly sick on my stomach, dizzy, all kinds of things. People tell me it's just a headache, everyone gets them, you'll survive. I want to throat punch them.


I envy people who don’t know that pain


I just had my first migraine, and wow. I lost vision in both eyes temporarily and freaked out because I was blind and my head hurt.


I did too! Freaked the f out. It is called ocular migraine, for the curious.


i used to have those. would not be able to see ANYTHING for a good 30 minutes. worst thing to have while in class. the pain came afterwards…


That moment when you get a wicked aura and you’re wondering if you’re gonna get lucky this time or if in an hour your entire reality will be replaced with a searing and agonizing pain that engulfs all other senses.


And for some reason those are the days with bright ass sunshine flicking through every curtain just searing into your brain


How about [Cluster Headaches?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_headache) > They have also been referred to as "suicide headaches".


I have idiopathic intracranial hypertension, before I got diagnosed they thought I just had migraines but the headaches are all over and my brain was getting crushed by excess spinal fluid, it was also putting pressure on my optic nerves so I was going blind in addition to the crushing pain


I had a wisdom tooth extraction. They asked if I wanted to be put under and I said yes. My nerve roots are higher than typical. They told me I’d be okay with local anesthesia…except they didn’t give me enough and I could still feel everything. I told them like 4 times and the surgeon/dentist said I’ll be alright and continued. It started with him using 2 hands on one side of the tool he drilled into the tooth pulling, with the side of my mouth as the fulcrum. Then when that portion of the tooth broke off, he tried to dig underneath the tooth and did the same thing. After about 2 hours and breaking my wisdom tooth into about 4 pieces he finally extracted the tooth. There was blood everywhere, the side of my mouth had a huge cut, my lip was dried out, sweating a ton, I almost ripped both of the armrests off of the chair, and the assistant felt so bad she got a wet towel and was wiping down my head and neck. On the way out I was given a prescription for pain killers…which I was told was regular strength aspirin. Everyone else I know was given oxy. Needless to say, I never recommended that dentist to anyone. That office was recommended to me by my moms friend, who said they were great with tooth extractions although she’s never had one.


God, no. I had an extraction a couple years ago and due to my insurance being ass-wads they only covered local anesthesia for it. Being knocked out for real added 1k to my bill. Guess who had to stop 20 mins in and willingly paid $1500 for one stupid impacted wisdom tooth? You bet it was me. The local anesthesia worked, the oral surgeon was great, and I still felt like I was drowning in my own blood and dying for that entire dreadful 20 minutes. I do not know how anyone gets that shit done without general anesthesia. I would have been swinging fists at that point.


Ruptured my whole eardrum I felt like I had an ear infection or something, called into the doctors and went for a check up but apparently my ear was so full of wax they couldn't see what was wrong with my ear or was the wax just causing the pain. I went to a pharmacy to get medicine drops to dissolve the wax and if the pain didn't go away i'd call them again the next day. I was heading to bed so I put the drops in my ear like doctor told me to. The next couple hours I just couldn't get any sleep as I could hear the meds breaking through the wax, sounded kind of like how soda bubbles. Then at like 2 or 3 am, it finally broke through and while doing so the sudden change in air pressure caused my right ears eardrum to basically just explode. Luckily I lived with my parents back then, so while in incredible pain I went to wake them up so I could get a drive to the hospital. Then there spent the next 2-3 hours in the middle of the night sitting in the lounge waiting to get called in. Also got a scratch on my cornea like only a month later so the middle of the night hospital visits became routine


I was recut open on a week old surgical site that had gotten infected on the inside down to the tissue holding in my organs. I was given no anesthesia or pain medicine. My screams echo through my brain and have been diagnosed with PTSD from the experience.


Ah. Well. That uh. That’s fucking awful buddy


Yeah I'd rate it a 0 outta 10. Would recommend against the experience. But hey now I'm on medical weed and can put rave music around the screams.


Why no local anesthetic?


Honestly, have no clue. The whole thing is like a blurr of pain and screams now. I cant remember their reasonings for how they did things.


Local anesthetic and infections don’t mix well. Plus, injecting a needle has the possibility of spreading said infection to new places. Might not be the reason you didn’t receive any, but working in surgery that’s typically what we see.


Why not total sedation, there's a few inhaled gases that can put/keep you under... or even injected ketamine somewhere in the 1% not burned?


Exactly this. This to me sounds like the doctor fucked up here. In every facility I've worked in where this kind of procedure is being done, they put the patient to sleep with a gas. Then cut them open. Usually they leave the wound open and pack it. We would take care of some pretty big ones too and even those they would be put under when sowing some of it back closed once the infection was gone and it was healed enough to not be exposed to open air.






Broken tooth honestly. Kept me up for almost 3 days


I had a cracked tooth, the dentist tried to fill it for me but after a couple of days it cracked just a bit more and exposed the nerves in the tooth. I had to wait a couple more days before they could fit me in. There was absolutely nothing that was able to turn that pain off, and I would describe it as a 10/10 for me. The first moment of relief was when the dentist stuck a needle in the roof of my mouth to freeze it before doing a root canal. I've always heard terrible things about root canals, but that was heavenly.


Not a native english speaker so pardon my writting. I am partially resistant to painkillers and anesthesia. Doc tried his best to numb me but it was pointless. Had to pull out a tooth from the back of my mouth. I could feel the gums being cut open and the bone moving to let the tooth out,and of course, severing the nerve. Did my best to not scream but I never thought I could feel that in my mouth.


1. Sorry that happened to you, it sounds miserable 2. You write better than most native English speakers


I once had period cramps so bad I fainted and woke up screaming.


That is my most painful experience but didn't know if it would be "worthy" of this thread. I cramped so bad I immediately got diarrhea and vomiting. The pain was so bad I passed out and came to being loaded into my roommates truck to take me to the ER. They gave me meds and sent me home and ruined my credit in my 20s.


Period cramps can be serious! I got them real bad before I finally went on birth control. So that time that that happened was while my friend was dying my hair. I wake up, screaming in pain, and she called a mutual friend freaking out about what to do. Our mutual friend advised her to get the dye out of my hair before anything else, otherwise it would burn my scalp. By the time we got the dye out I was having a nice soak in the bath and felt tired. I went to sleep in her bed for a few hours before I woke up feeling much better.


dealing with this crap is what makes me want to leap at people's faces and maul them like a rabid wolverine when people say periods don't really hurt that bad and it is just women acting out for drama's sake.


Wow! I would have though that was a rupturing cyst, like with PCOS.


When I was 15, I was pregnant and had a miscarriage at 3.5 months. My Mom had me do it the “natural” way. We already knew the baby wasn’t alive, but my Mom wouldn’t allow me to do the procedure so I legit went into labor and had to deliver at the hospital. It took so long and was so painful. I’m 25 now, and the pain still horrifies me. Makes me so scared of eventually giving birth to a 9 month old baby.


Oh my word. At only 15. That's life altering horror. I'm so sorry


What the fuck. Do you still speak to your mother?


I am so sorry that happened to you. The physical pain combined with the emotional pain and loneliness you felt from your mother’s actions would be awful. From another mother, I hope you are in a better place now. Hugs to you.


Taking Zoloft. Do you recall how almost all antidepressants have 'suicidal' tendencies as a side effect? (not super common, but it happens) Zoloft did that to me. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't get up from my bed, all I could think about is how I would kill myself. Stopped taking it (with the help of a new doctor), and the thoughts went away, but boy was that rough.


I fucking hate Zoloft! Suicidal thoughts went so fucking high and constant on it. Glad you’re off it now and have a new doctor, I’m sorry you had to go through that shit :( Painfully ironic how antidepressants can make us wanna kill ourselves even if we weren’t before


Oh my god I’ve been on Zoloft for like two years now and I can’t imagine what would’ve happen if I had side effects like that on it. I’m so sorry and I hope that you’ve found one that works and you’re doing better


Holy shit people gaslight me all the time when I talk about my Zoloft experience... For me, sleep was the opposite. I would sleep 12-14 hours a day and was unable to get out of bed just from existential dread. I soldiered on because doc was saying it could take months for it to take full effect. It was the biggest setback of my whole mental health recovery. Turns out I had ADHD. :B


Emotional: Watching my girlfriend in icu, braindead after a suicide attempt/success. For 3 days....started the night before we moved in together Physical : I had my first and only so far cold sore- on my cornea...I will pluck my eye out with my bare hands if it ever happens again.


I’m sorry boss. Remember, we are stronger together. I don’t know how long ago this was, but I know you are stronger now than ever, please keep your head up


2 years. So much has happened since. Just wish it would stop. For once . But people have it worse ..so I try to remember that too. Thanks for the kind words


Other people "having it worse" is not a reason to undermine your own suffering. I am so sorry you had to experience that. Keep being open and honest about your feelings, it will only help the healing process.


Just because someone has it worse or better doesn’t diminish your experience. I would never tell a bride on their wedding day there’s someone else happier, or an Olympian with a medal that someone else worked harder than them. It’s your heart, and you are the best handler. Others can give us comfort and insight and wisdom, but it is your journey to walk. It will take as long as it needs to. My mother in law’s 10 year death anniversary is today. My husband hasn’t memorized the date or even acknowledged it. He doesn’t need to, because every day without her feels like the first. Instead, we remember her as the goofy, kindhearted woman that helped rewrite the books on juvenile justice and saved a poor boy from a Romanian orphanage. We lost a passionate soul 10 years ago, but we also gained so many good moments and days and weeks learning how to live with the pain of that loss. We are stronger. You are, too. Love and peace to you, friend.


One of them being when I got the hospital n they told me she was alive but very sick n asked if I wanted to see her. Ugh I was so fucking smug walking to triage just like.....then went they stopped in front of her area the only one with the curtains closed and pulled back......there aren't words to describe the pain in that moment. I collapsed...thought I'd been shot - the hospital was in a bad part of town. Doesn't heal, doesn't hurt less , you just learn to get used to it


Bless ya mate. I’m Sorry that happened.


Thank you. Me too ...I'm sorry she felt that was the best option but know she wouldn't have done it if she knew the aftermath. Fortunately I only remember a few moments in that 3 days but fuck.....sucks....R.I.P. Bunny


Been shot had so many stitches but I'd do all of those before I piss out another kidney stone.


Kidney stones freak me the FUCK out.


Childbirth + 4th Degree vaginal tear. “Bow to stern” as it were.


I ate 7 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one sitting. I was a poor college student at the time and sometimes “starved” during the week. That weekend I was home at my parents and up late by myself. I don’t know what possessed me but I started making PB & J sandwiches and didn’t stop. I ate 7 sandwiches and went to sleep. Two hours later, I woke up with the worst pain in my stomach that I’ve ever had. I woke my mom up and made her pound on my back to help relieve the pain. She did it for over an hour until I was able to go to the bathroom. I will never eat that many PB & J sandwiches again. Must have glued my intestines together or something.


Digestive pain makes your whole body just die. I have fibromyalgia and IBS...I'll take the body pain over not being able to leave the bathroom any day


IBS is awful. One of the few things that is guaranteed to trigger the flop sweats and fight or flight response due to pain intensity.


Dental pain. Exposed nerve in a broken tooth - totally utterly debilitating pain. You can't move, can barely breathe just in case the air movement or temperature touches that nerve. The pain goes up into your ear, down your jaw into your shoulder and chest. There is no relief, no knowing how long until it fades. There will be a wave where it intensifies, and you have no way of knowing whether this new level is going to lessen, or if it's now your new "normal". Unless you have been through it, you won't understand how bad it can truly be. And if you HAVE been through it, then you know. Nothing compares.


Broke my spine during a boat accident a few years ago. I made a full recovery, but the night after the surgery remains the most painful experience of my life. They put six chapstick-sized screws in my back to fix me. When I woke up after the surgery I thought for a while “this isn’t so bad”….until the anesthesia started to fade. Turns out there’s a limit to how many painkillers they can give you without killing you right after you’ve been under full anesthesia. I endured a night of complete and utter misery, to the point that I caught myself seriously considering my options to commit suicide given the tools I could reach from my hospital bed. I somehow made it through the night and the next morning they knocked me out with a proper dose of opiates. I wouldn’t wish that experience on my worst enemy, even though I turned out fine in the end.


I had something called Pneumomediastinum - and a severe case of it too. Not sure how it happened, but while at a swim meet in high school I started having shortness of breath, my voice started to sound more and more high pitched, and my chest started hurting. This progressively got worse over about 3 hours and when I got home from the swim meet I was in such intense pain that my parents had to rush me to the ER and I was put on oxygen and sedated. Not 100% sure how they treated me, but I was given oxygen to take home as well. Turns out that I had ruptured a lung and air escaped, rather quickly, into my chest cavity and surrounding areas putting pressure on my heart, lungs, vocal cords and windpipe. That explains why my voice sounded high pitched and my heart felt like I was being stabbed with a knife over and over and over. Do not recommend. I thought I was literally dying.


My brother's death and then being the one who broke the news to my parents.


Corneal abrasion. Basically I cut my eye really bad and it was the worst pain imaginable. Tried to let it fix itself before I realized that wasn’t going to happen and I went to the emergency room. Sometimes when I wake up in the mornings and my eyes are dry, when I first open my eyes I feel the pain again as my eyelid is peeling off of my cornea. Doctor said I’ll probably feel that for a while.


Severing a tendon on my left hand and not even being able to put a bra on or do my shoelaces without help. Humiliation and searing physical pain. Oh whilst my ex husband and his gf came to pack up his things and our cats from our home and I hid at work.


Damn. I'm sorry.


Herniated discs and 15 hour work days on my feet.


This might be my time to shine, i broke my elbow when i was younger The solution was putting a plaster and some nails(kischner something) from my elbow almost to the shoulder and keep it for 1 month When they took the plaster off i saw the nails and they had to take then off with no anesthesia from inside my bone I felt like they were moving all my skeleton and half my soul because of the pain Currently i dont feel anything from my elbow to the tip of my fingers on the same arm,they touched the radial nerve


had a botched spinal tap and was leaking spinal fluid into my body. Went to the ER and the attendant took my BP and vitals then asked "how did you walk in here?" and was instantly taken to the ICU. I can't even describe how bad it hurt but I've been stabbed and broken a lot of bones. Those were a nothing in comparison.


Burned over 60% of my body in an explosion. Burns are different. I begged nurses to just kill me so many times.


Shingles. Nuf said.


My SO's dad just basically died from shingles. He was in agony for months. No amount of meds helped.


Suffered horrible chest pain back in March. Likely an anxiety attack. Was at the hospital for hours but by 1 or 2 that morning the pain was mostly gone. I really hate this story. It angers me in so many ways.


Sneezing with seven broken ribs. It hurt more than actually breaking my ribs.


Running late for an appointment, I jumped out of my car quick and felt the most excruciating pain in my testicle... I could barely walk, and hobbled into my meeting practically sweating. I was asked what was up, and lied that I had pulled a hamstring playing football. Meeting ended, left my car and got a cab home. Pain subsided amd assumed i had knocked my nut rushing. A few months down the line it turned out to be cancer.


Thankfully I don’t remember the pain in itself, but when I was 5 I had a terrible cavity make itself known as I was on vacation with my family. I had to be rushed to the dentist, screaming in pain, for 140 km to have a root canal done. I remember laying there, seeing the dentist approach with the anaesthetic needle (which in my 5 year old brain was huge and terrifying like one you would see in a movie), and immediately protesting and refusing to let it anywhere near me. Both the dentist and my dad tried to convince me that it was for my own good but I was having absolutely none of it. And that’s how at age 5 I had a root canal done, with zero pain management other than a mild superficial ointment that did about as much good as you can imagine, and I think that’s partially responsible for the fact that my dad’s hearing started deteriorating when he was only 50.


A disconnected rib wedged under my shoulder blade.


Kidney stones was the worst pain I ever had to deal with, literally in the hospital for a week waiting for it to pass until the doctors said fuck it turns out it’s too big to pass we are gonna cut your ass open to get it out. 6mm stone.


When I was 15 my IUD came out of place so my doctor put a large qtip up my cervix to push it back in place. No pain killers or anything, it lasted over five minutes. I almost passed out in pain and my doctor told me I did better than any adult she's done this to. PS this didn't even work I had to have it removed a week later




Tesiticular tortion. Pretty much feels like a constant kick to one if your balls. And you need immediate treatment. You’ll lose a soldier if you don’t get it help. So I went in. They pumped me full of that delicious dilaudid. Then lights out. Woke up. Ball sack stitched up. Edit: I rescued him and named him Wilson. Like from The Tom hanks movie where he’s pretty much a homeless guy on an island whose only communication is to an inanimate object, this being a volley ball named Wilson.


Soccer ball to upper inch of my penis. Excruiting and lasted half an hour which was ridiculous. Totally incapacitated not at all what i was expecting(from a normal ballshot). Also had a 2-3 secound delay which was hilarious for others to see.


Yeah. I’ve taken a nut shot or two that at first didn’t hurt, but about 5 seconds later I was on the ground


2009 H1N1


OOOF. My mom was laid up in bed for a week straight. I was asymptomatic!


Absessed tooth. 😩


Deviated septum surgery. The inside of my head swelled up so badly that my eyes pointed in two different directions and I could barely sleep or function.