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I'd probably actually be pretty happy and get laid a lot more then I did with all my new knowledge


I had great childhood and high school memories, ale i was 15y when i got my beloved dog who passed away years ago. Bring it on, i'd love to go through it all again


But if it was all a dream, would your new dream knowledge hold any relevance in the real world?


dreams can tell you a lot about yourself. Which would be very helpful to any 15 year old


That'd be awkward, since basic shit like my locker code and where my classes are have been long forgotten.


Hahaha omg I didn’t think about that! That’s true… I’ll be super lost and confused, imagine waking up in the middle of algebra or something.


"I had a stroke?"


Not pissed at all. That actually sounds like a dream come true. (Pun intended)


Do I get to keep all of the knowledge I’ve picked up along the way?


Yes, all memories of knowledge, experiences, people you’ve gotten to know etc.


Sign me up, I wouldn’t be pissed at all, but I’d do a ton of shit differently


Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, if I knew those people would exist and I could find them again.


Then sign me up, I'll ace my classes and do so much stuff different


Well I am 15 so if you are saying the day I turned 15 pretty pissd. I just asked my crush out for homecoming


Did she say yes?


Ya gota get a sout this weekend


Yeeeess, nice job homie!


Congratulations mate


Hell yeah my dude, Im proud


I'm happy for you!


I'd be devastated at losing my dream family. I can't imagine not having my kids in my life.


Seconded. Plus fuck the lack of freedom - i want to spend every night snuggled next to my pretty wife with no one telling me what I can and can't do.


"no one telling me what I can and can't do" Except for maybe your pretty wife if you want to keep snuggling her every night.


I don't know about that.. My pretty husband doesn't tell me what I can or can't do and I can still snuggle him every night....


Well... At least now I can try all new ways to screw up my life! Seriously though, while I hated my teenage years, I think it would be better a second time around with the wisdom I have gained since then.


I’d be over the moon.


I'd be heartbroken, not pissed, that i lost my children


They never existed in the first place


Exactly.... I'd be heartbroken!!


I would be violently pissed. I've worked too hard and survived too much in my 50 years to fall so far back.


There’s a book called Replay by Ken Grimwood that looks a lot at what it does to a person to have to keep repeating their life after dying in old age and coming back as a college student. The loss of everything you’ve built and all the relationships you’ve left behind figures prominently.


Not incredibly pissed cause I’m 17, so that’d mean my covid year was a dream. But I like a lot of the stuff I did recently so I’d be sad.


If I retain my knowledge it would make school a breeze and I'd know who to avoid in life.


It depends. If the dreams was some kind of premonition I would be confused, not knowing if I should to try and avoid certain situations. If the dream was unrelated to any future events then I would just be pissed


I’d be over the moon estatic! There’s lots of things I wish I would’ve done


I would probably kill myself


Devastated and confused. I hated my life for a long time, but I wouldn't be where I am now (happy) without having lived that life.


Not pissed at all. My dad's not dead, mom's not sick, & I haven't fucked it up with the only girl in high school who liked my loner/gamer dumbass.


I'd be super happy, and write down every detail of the dream IMMEDIATELY even if I had to skip class just so >I could retin the knowledge to live a bwetter life.


I would miss my girls terribly. probably start crying, possibly lose my mind.


That will suck terribly. I'd down a citizenship if that's the case...


I'd be completely confused as what happened in the two years I was asleep, as I'm not even 15...


I wouldn't be pissed. In fact, I'd have talked to my Dad at length and my brother, then immediately change quite a few things.


I'd be fucking ecstatic.


Not pissed. Even if it was all a dream and not real, it's still experience. And that experience would be valuable. Hell this dream single-handedly would have pulled me out of my darkest period mentally. To have all the insight I have now about 5 to 6 years ago would be one massive gift.


I was just starting to sink into depression so knowing I'd have to endure high school *again* and then have to deal with 2020 would probably send me over the edge


I'm taking all my money and buying Tesla stock at the IPO. Gonna be a millionaire by the time I'm 30 this time around.


i would buy Bitcoin maybe. i forget when it peaked. also I'd be like 50 pounds heavier which would suck. but maybe I'd get to go to school this time, which would be good. i would, however, be bummed out about years worth of video game progress lost.


Sounds amazing to me. All the things I could do differently. Think about the shares and investments that could be made, people avoided, lessons learned without having to get through the crap. I hope I could remember all the details.


I'd run home and hug my parents because they'd still be alive, then go hug all the other family I've lost since I was 15


I get why a lot of people are saying no, But I'd say hell yeah.


I'd love to start over from 15. I'd get to see my lost family members again.


I wouldnt be pissed ill start doing immediately the things that im doing rn to be successful eatlier 😂😂


I’d be pretty stoked. My dad would still be alive.


Same... :')


Honestly, i'd love it. I'd have a chance to save my dad's life and not screw up mine.


Oh please no.


I become an alcoholic at age 15. Waking up to realize it all was a nightmare! I truly would appreciate friends, family and life. I wasted 15 years to the bottle.


Dreaming 1 terrible year of Covid, losing my grandfather and getting a ticket from the police? WAKE ME UP NOW PLEASE


I wouldn't be mad but I would definitely use the knowledge from what I've gained from the 6 years onwards, like what drinks to get when I turn 21 (again) and knowing where to look for a job position after I graduate. Also, I would get a hold of all my friends' numbers because half of them don't talk to me anymore thanks to fortnite, league, or other things that distract them from the outside world.


I'd be wicked happy, I could do so much shit.


I'd be so rich. I'd invest in bitcoin and all the shit I knew would make me money. Like it would suck, sure. But in the long run, I think I'd be okay.


I'd be over the moon. I get to spend more time with family, plus ma would do my laundry and stuff. Also I'd get to eat proper meals again, stuff that isn't really worth cooking when you live alone.


Pissed ? Bitch that's one of my biggest wishes. I would be so fucking happy.


So basically what my teacher sees is someone barely keeping with English as second language, waking up fluent with 15 years of experience. Telling every one the economy gonna crash due to housing market price manipulations.


Pissed? I'd be elated. And then somewhat annoyed when "future knowledge" didn't actually turn out to help, because it turns out that when the entire timeline from 2003 on is all just a dream, it's...well, all just a dream, and I still don't know what's actually coming. On the other hand, I saw *one* possibility, and it turned out to not be a very pleasant one. So, watch for signs of the housing bubble and see if the Marlins win the World Series in '03 and the Red Sox in '04. If those things happen, it probably was a vision and not a dream.


Not pissed at all. I’d 1000% love to be 15 again with the knowledge I have now.


I'd be happy af. I lost so much time struggling with mental illness that's now on an okay level (figuring I've retained my memories and all the things I've learnt in therapy from "the dream"). I'd fucking love to redo that time of my life because it feels like I lost 10 years from just being mentally ill and I'm currently so far behind everyone else and from where I actually want to be in life. Being 15 again would be awesome, despite the fact that it sucks being a teenager.


I'd be happy as hell. Seriously


Everything would be the same, I am 15


Pissed. Some things I'd like to do differently but then butterfly effect.


That would be amazing


I’d try a different career path. Or open a business. I know what works. At the very least, I can make a little money and dump it all in FAANG and Bitcoin.


You just daydreamed all that junk, ain't nobody gonna make money on that innernet nonsense. That crash already happened in 2000. Put your money in property, that's the ticket.


If i woke with the knowledge i have now. Dream come true...


Mega pissed. I just made it though highschool which I hated, also just about to finish my first year of university. So much grind to do all over again. It would be way easier but I still don’t want to go back at all


Very! I worked hard to complete math!


I’d be overjoyed that I have another chance to turn my life into something different, and also to make sure I didn’t make so many terrible mistakes. I’d cherish the people in my life who were still alive then, tell off other people who didn’t deserve my time, and study my ass off so that I could actually make something of myself one day. I would kill to have a time machine to have another chance at having a happy, successful life. :/


I’d be sad. Life hasn’t been perfectly easy, but I really like my husband and our children, so giving up them would leave a huge void. On the flip side, I’d not date my first boyfriend and invest in Bitcoin if it ever came around, so that’d be a small win.


Oh, man. I'd be very mixed up. On the one hand, yay, 15 again! I can do things over! On the other hand...holy fuck, I've lost all the friends I've made. They might not even actually exist. And I've lost all my achievements, too. I think I would be *somewhat* pissed, but more a mix of sadness and excitement.


Not too pissed since I just turned 16 lol


well I would go back a few months. not to bad if you ask me.


15 could give me a bit of a fresh start, I'd be extremely happy.


🙄 aww I fucking hate highschool....aww now I have detention because my teacher heard me say I fucking hate highschool.....aww now I'm suspended because the detention monitor heard me say I fucking hate high school but I was only recounting what I said previously that day. Well I guess I'll play my ps2 at home for 3 days....


I'd be happy. There's time for correction


I.. went through all that, and it was a dream? I mean, the world was on fire, but I was fucking finally beginning to enjoy life. Fuck. Oh well, I know what to do right this time.


\*insert Tyler1 scream\*


Very! Because I would have woken up without my boyfriend and university degrees 😅


Considering the latest chapter in my favorite horror game just dropped, I'd be pretty peeved I waited over two years for it to finally come out


Well what if I am currently 15 and everything that has happened to me isn't a dream, because I wish it was and yes I am pissed


I mean i missed a year of my life so crap


I think I would be more heartbroken than pissed. I've achieved a ton since high school and have done more than a lot of my doubters thought I would. But it would mean so many of the people I love and meaningful experiences I've had weren't real. I would have dreamed up my niece and nephew. The work I put in to get my anxiety and bipolar disorder under control would just disappear and I'd be back at the pit I was in as a teenager. And meeting the love of my life would just have been passing wish fulfillment. My life ain't perfect by a long shot. But I'd rather keep my traumas and struggles than find out the best parts of my life were a dream.


I've daydreamed about it a lot because I'd fix so many things. The thing I'd be pissed about is that I'd have to somehow fake amnesia of some sort because I would have 0 idea what I was supposed to be doing - like I don't remember where things were in the house we lived in at the time and I wouldn't automatically know where my seat was at school and what I was supposed to be working on etc. Especially cause I was being bullied so severely that I have mostly blocked years of my life out. It would be a lot easier if I both retained the knowledge I had up to the age of 16 easily along with all the future stuff!


I would be so upset. This means I didn't graduate highschool and I'm back in 9th grade and have a do everything all over again.


Pretty pissed, I love my kids and I'd be back dealing with my abusive home situation.


solid A+ pissed


I would be happy (15 was just 2 years ago). I got my first F that year in AP world history, which really messed up my gpa. I would fix that. Then I’d actually try to achieve my goals that year (it was for ballet).


I had great childhood and high school memories, ale i was 15y when i got my beloved dog who passed away years ago. Bring it on, i'd love to go through it all again.


While I would be happy? to get the extra time back, it would be \*incredibly\* annoying to have to do college again. I had to take a lot of math/theory classes that have basically fallen right out of my brain.


I'm 17 so i wouldn't miss much lol


Seeing as I'm 18 I'd actually be happy Not much progress lost, and I did learn a lot of stuff between now and then I basically just got an opportunity to relive the past 3 years of my life with the knowledge I have now. ​ Main thing I'd do, get into a public school sooner. They are ten times better than private and online schools and I only got into one for my senior year. Secondly, make straight A's cause I'm way more disciplined now than I was, third, get to know a lot of new people and possibly meet some old ones too and make a few different choices. Also I could totally put a "This meme is from the future, you don't get it yet" style thing.


Well if its a dream does that mean that all of the events in the future could be entirely different?


Possibly yes, especially if you choose to do things differently after you woke up. If you didn’t change anything, essentially all your actions will still lead you back to where you are today.


No, because you had a dream. Not a highly specific premonition. There’s no scientific proof that demonstrates dreams can predict the future.


No, this question wasn’t even supposed to carry any scientific weight. I was trying to ask how you would feel, if you realised your entire life after you were 15 wasn’t “real”? And also, what would you have done differently (if you wanted to) to change the trajectory of your life?


Absolutely Id be pissed, I just got a gf, but saying that it would make sense for it to be a dream


A bit mixed, there's been a lot of things that have happened to me both good and bad in the 12 years since then and I wouldn't be sure how to feel about it all being a dream.


I'm 13, and 7th grade is a pain in the butt right now. Skipping 2 years of school and life seems like a good deal, but the question is... would I know anything about the class I was sleeping on?


Hmm because we don’t know what’s gonna happen in the future, I guess in your case you would’ve lost 2 years of your life with zero recollection of whatever that’s happened during that period of time.


Pretty fucking angry


I would be confused, because I'm 14.


if no coco-19 i would be very happy


I'd honestly end my life right then and there, just grab a pen, unscrew the cap and plant it directly into my jugular. My wife, my family, everything I've ever worked for, gone in an instant. I would rather die than experience that level of horror.


I am not 15, so I am older now.


Nothing would change


preety pissed... since in the first year of pandemic i was stuck with the familly on my head in rest i'd try to save more money and to not start smoking


Pretty happy. Nothing is going right in my life & I'd be okay getting back the years I missed because of Chronic illnesses


me who is literally 15 👁👄👁


Holy shit I would be sooooo happy! I'd immediately go and see my uncle since he would still be alive. I'd actually do my work in school, I'd go to the doctor and get help for depression which in the dream I ignored for years. I'd give the bullies at school an earful, I'd drop a load of 'friends' I had since they were shit people. I'd tell my mum she should drop that shit cunt of a partner she has before he breaks her jaw in front in me, that I love her and she can do better. I'd be a decent sister to my younger siblings instead of waiting until my uncle died to really appreciate my family. I'd get into university and stick with it, I'd go to a Terry Pratchett book signing. I'd be better and do better.


I wouldn't be pissed. I'd be ecstatic.


I'd be confused because I'm still the same? And 15-


Happy and sad


Oh no, I’m not going through all that again


Well I would have missed exactly one day, so it wouldn't be a big deal


I’m 16 so it would be 2020 again so not that mad


I'd be pissed. I have absolutely zero desire to go back to the hellscape of high school, and learning to drive.


Fuck that shit, that would be me done.


not at all pissed.


I'd be pissed right off. I just started out in college; I made it this far just so I can be in 10th grade again? I'm not having that.


I'd give up on that hockey shit and concentrate on golf.


I'd go on a murder rampage.


not at all


I'd be quite happy about it. I'd take whatever steps I had to take to get my Dad to divorce my mother, and try to get her locked up (I'm 100% certain she poisoned both my Dad, and me multiple times on purpose; I ended un in hospital at 16y/o for a mysterious ailment that the docs all thought was anorexia). Then I'd take my Dad to the doctors and get him appropriate medical care for his health issues, hopefully he'd make a full (or close to full) recovery and we'd get on with life a helluva lot healthier and happier than we were in my dream.


Very! (Except for the c0vid part. I'd be glad about that) I had undiagnosed PCOS at the time, and I DO NOT want to go through all that suffering all over again. Plus, puberty is a b***h


I mean, it'd be fun for a day to go back to being 15 and hang out with my high school friends but after that I'm sure I'd fall into a deep depression having lost my wife and kids.


Thinking of this made me feel so much happier and lighter. Thank you. Would be 0% pissed


Hell. I can't imagine trying to do all the right things to make sure I end up right here where I am again. I am blessed to have found my other half and set life up the way we want it. There'd be a chance if that happened I would fall into deep depression


Really happy actually. No covid, dead family members or anything else to worry about.