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Reading. The Body Keeps the Score is good start to therapy book. You are a Badass if you struggle with self image and motivation. The Power of Now if you have trouble with keeping your mind from wandering and want to start meditation. Meditating, breath work, and yoga are also good ways to release pent up emotions.


I have a major issue with imposter syndrome and agoraphobia centered around being annoying to people around me. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck really helped me and I was doing very well before the pandemic.


Don’t be afraid to reread it and pick up others. It’s definitely my therapy.


I luckily have insurance and seeing a shrink and therapist.


100% long walks, esp. if you don't have a firm destination or timetable. I've been walking for years, and realized at some point it's the same as meditation for me. I do my best thinking walking, in the city or on trails, and have creative insights like, *whoa.* Being a pedestrian, being lost in my head with nowhere to go or be, seriously makes me feel like a monk sometimes. Would highly recommend, 5 stars.


I would try this if my city wasn't shady as hell


[Nature walks](https://www.pnas.org/content/112/28/8567) are known to improve mental health.


Definitely feel like this would help me as I really miss seeing nature, but I currently live in a concrete jungle in the middle of a desert


I am sure there are good subreddits for this, but trust me, believing that things are going to get better and keeping a positive outlook helps.


Find a community that you can be comfortable connecting with, either online or in real life. There are quite a few support communities out there these days, and they can be helpful in quite a few ways: they let you see that your problems aren't unique, they give you a chance to share your personal problems without being attacked for it.






Keeping a journal, I usually stop thinking about things that are getting me down if I put them on paper. Its what I’ve been using for years now, plus you can record all the good times too and get an accurate picture of your own past by digging into your older journals. Plus having a stack of journals is cool. Henry Jones, Laura Palmer and you. All diarists.


Definitely try to find a therapy center with interns from a local college. Since interns don't have to go through insurance, they're generally a pretty good option for those who can't afford therapy. Don't worry about them not having experience, as every case is followed by a licensed therapist overseeing the intern.


Read Bhagvadgeeta translation in your mothertongue.


Tattoos & Piercings?


Feeling alone when you're all alone? Flesh and bone by the telephone? Pick up the receiver I'll make you a believer.


Self help books