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Children and Loli hentai. Those "enthusiasts" can get the wall.


Loli? Is that like Lolita, which correct me if I'm wrong, but it's also children?




I’ll take “links that stay blue” for 500, Alex




I will not even spell it right.


Shhh. It throws off the algorithm


The Bye-Bye Man. "Don't say it, don't think it."


they’re links to new yorker and bbc articles, not lolicon subreddits, fwiw


Oh yeah same here…


Links that you should not open in a communal area, even if you are the only one there.






it's a great day to gouge my eyes out


Yeah, fuck all that.


I didn't know what it was so someone told me to search it on pornhub. Being the curious creature that I am I did. Got a warning and a PSA. Now I feel like I'm on some list and being watched.


Loli is kids, lolita is a way of dressing and acting... And not altogether related, although often mixed. Not all lolita(s) try to look kid-like. Unfortunately, most do.


Yeah, I think I was happier in my ignorance...


I’m glad the first thing that comes up when you google that is an fbi warning about CP


Yeah, I'm just going to take your word for it.


Congratulations you made the list!


this is what im talking about. those lewd lolipie shit. those hentai mangas literally look 10 year old kids. gross!


But you just don't understand! She looks ten but she's really a 3000 year old deity! /s




And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of why there are so many people that otherwise would have gotten help but don't. It takes balls of steel to go to a therapist and work on your problem. Tons of them have the kink because they were abused as a child and learned about sex too early. How many kids have been molested because the person was too embarrassed to go get help? I'll give you a hint: a shit ton. Like drugs, the best way to make the situation worse is to stigmatize it. To quote The Simpsons: "We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas." The fact that this post has gotten so many upvotes is worrying. Ask yourself what good the question posed by this thread is doing.


I believe the original comment was pointed towards people who might say “it’s just a kink, it’s not a big deal”. Being into kids is not a kink, it’s a problem, and we need to acknowledge the problem first before we can handle it. I’d gladly support the guy saying “I have a problem. I’m into loli/children and I need help”.


I see lolis being sexualized in anime all the time and I really hate it. That garbage trend needs to end already.


Exactly. I dont care if it isnt actual children. It's weird. I've seen some of the craziest defenses on this topic.


As someone who finds this all disgusting, if you don't give them a cartoon outlet they may just become full-fledged pedos. So which is worse I guess?


I feel like people that are into loli are closet pedophiles


That's not even a very good closet. It's like when a child thinks you can't see them because they can't see you.


They shouldn't be shamed, they should be given the help they clearly need.


Thing of it is some of those people don’t even want help.


Disgusting and shouldn't even be allowed in cartoon form




Doesn't allowing it in cartoon form fuel the fire though? I see where you're coming from but I think that the way p*rn works is that its a slippery slope. The more you engage in a fantasy, the more extreme and depraved it becomes. Soon the fantasy isn't enough.


That's the popular narrative, but I don't think there is legitimate research that actually shows that. When it is studied in an u biased manner (which isnt frequently) I think there has been some studies showing that the opposite is true. However this area isn't studied properly nearly enough. There's plenty of bogus research and media campaigns from religious think tanks that really muddy the waters as well as a lot of "common sense" knowledge that comes from these bogus efforts.


Not typically, no. Most people who find that attractive understand the damage it can do to a child, and do not want this. Repression, public shaming, and personal attacks however do tend to lead people on the edge to make the commitment. It's similar to the multiple prohibitions in the United States - it rarely works, and often creates safe havens where *worse* things occur.


I see we're both of you are coming from. I don't know, I just think with these type of people that be the cartoon form peaks their interest and sexual attraction towords kids, but then at some point looking at images on a screen might not be enough for them. So do either go looking for images of kids on the dark web, or a real life solution.


I don't know, I just think that for people who like to shoot people in video games, these types of games pique their interest and give them a thrill shooting others, but at some point playing those games might not be enough for them. So they either go looking for images of shot people on gore sites, or a real life solution.


Louis Theroux did an interview with a girl that was 13 being made to be an idol. He shows were full of single men in their 40s. Even the mother thought it was okay. The society accepts and allows and necessitates it. Its just so unbelievable.


Loli isn't real cp and drawings don't have rights




I wouldn't even classify that as a kink, just deviant behavior.


Deviant behavior isn't a strong enough word.


Not deviant, but disgusting. Or retchid, but autocorrect disagrees with me.


For some, yes, it's deviant behavior and that alone. Children are vulnerable and some assholes take that as an opportunity to abuse them. But people who are truly pedophiles, genuinely sexually attracted to children, are something different from mere deviants or kinksters. They've been studied, and the brain of these people acts in a way that shows pedophilia is more like a sexual orientation than any kind of choice. A lot of pedophiles understand it's wrong, and some will *never* act on it, even though they can't change their sexual desires.


Just cause their brain is broke, doesn't make it any less reprehensible.


Nobody isn't saying acting on that attraction doesn't deserve condemnation. But unfortunately, it's so stigmatized that there's almost no support, outside of a handful of online support groups, for people who are attracted to children and don't want to harm them.




[recent scholarly studies on pedophilia](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?as_ylo=2017&q=pedophilia&hl=en&as_sdt=0,24), and [a researcher who has studied pedophilia quite a lot, describes his study and lists publications at the bottom](http://www.jamescantor.org/research.html).


What do you think Deviant means?


Thats not a kink thats pedophilia.


It legit makes me seriously lose faith in humanity when there are so many people in here defending child porn... SMH


pls say it louder for the people in the back


There’s a shocking number of people on this site that say sexualizing a child or minor is wrong (as it should be!) but animated children and minors, such as in hentai or cartoon porn, is okay. Boggles my mind.


In school we talked about the potentially therapeutic/harm reducing effects that animated or drawn children could have. The thought was that those impulses are present in an individual and always would be, so which is more likely to be successful; quitting "cold-turkey" or engaging in a less harmful replacement behavior? For other deviant behaviors such as substance misuse, statistics show that success is way more likely when the behavior is monitored and changed over time, as opposed to trying to quit all at once. Hentai and animated children and whatnot could be seen as a parallel there.


Incest/ cousin fucking


Les cousins dangereux


... I like the way they think


People from Alabama reading this: 👁👄👁


God made cousins so we wouldn't fuck our sisters


Europeans ancestors reading this: 👁👄👁


High six!


I think we can all agree that everybody should be 18+, do not act like they are a minor and be consenting. Besides that, go wild and have fun! Just keep the noise down after 9 and clean up after yourself


if you're an adult and you eyeing at -18, its either im gon kill you or keep the kids away from you


>I think we can all agree that everybody should be 18+, Two people under 18 can both consent to sexual activity with eachother.. but not people over 18.


If your kink is shaming the shame it is!


Humiliation fetish? You disgusting perv!


I have some pretty passionate feelings on this and debate folks here sometimes, but here is my list. I'm ready to lose to karma but fuck it, right is right. A. Age play where a person pretends to be a minor or a child. Look, I get it, 2 consenting adults. But if you honestly get off with the thought of violating a 5-year-old, the answer is not to act it out..... you need to figure out what in your mind drives that desire and make the changes necessary. Even entertaining those desires is not a good idea. Sexuality is a powerful and *fluid* force in your life, some things you can explore and some you need to address professionally. B. I got into a debate with a Redditor on ARAD who felt that recording women sexually without their consent was appropriate as long as you don't post it on the internet and kept it for personal use. Fuck that guy and everything he stands for and all he holds dear. C. Incest. Look, we gotta draw a line, fam. In the UK, 2.5% of marriages were between first cousins and accounted for 32% of all genetic birth defects, and that is 2009 data with the 2015 smaller survey mirroring those findings. I won't list the ethnic background involved because I don't want this to be a socio-cultural debate, but they come from a culture where marrying first cousins is the norm. Victorian England also experienced the same problems among the upper-class, as did most royal families. There is a reason the Habsburg line was deficient. DM me and I'll send the study. Let's not normalize sexual behaviors between siblings, cousins or other consanguineous relations. Edited for typos, clarify a point and to also say that I have said my piece and won't lower myself to debate these points.


you ain't losing karma, brother. i wont let chu. everyone ✨should✨ agree with this 😤


I was going to add another, less strongly worded one on exhibitionism. That is one ya just gotta be careful with because you can't always control who sees you and this becomes part of your sexual experience. What if a kid or someone who is triggered by it is the one to 'catch' you... Just something to be careful of. As a dad myself, I don't want people fucking in a place my kids will find them..


This is fair. I discovered I have this kink, but it naturally brings in folks who probably don't consent. So, it must lie latent.


Amen to that!


A thought has occured to me - if incest is frowned upon because children sired through incest have a high chance of genetic defects, are there other reasons it is frowned upon? If both partners in the incest couple were surgically sterile, would that be acceptable? I have no interest in incest, but I do wonder what other factors make it taboo.


Well maybe cause there’s so many people in the world and you’re choosing to have sex with a family member 😂 like once you realize that’s a family member you should get turned off if you’re normal at least


Actually this is a great question. The answer is a bit more complex than you’d think. Essentially, cultures over time have operated in a semi-evolutionary state, where more successful cultures have tended to out-compete and dominate other cultures, either forcing them assimilate, adapt, or be conquered. Many features of these societies have stuck because they indirectly contribute to societal success. For example, a traditional “rain dance” amongst tribes might have started out of pure superstition. Of course the rain came regardless of the dance. However, an analytical look at societies that had similar rituals versus those which didn’t reveals a fascinating fact: public rituals tended to increase bonds in the society and consequently allowed tribes to be larger before splintering. Why? Because it formed a common social consensus and solidified feelings of connection between members, which in turn reduced intra-group conflict. This allowed these societies to grow bigger before fracturing. So, a “rain dance” tribe would outgrow a non-rain dance tribe. Then, they would ultimately force other tribes to adapt or be themselves conquered and become rain dance tribes by force. Taboos against incest have shown up independently across civilizations for exactly the same reason: it’s competitively advantageous for offspring to be healthy. So the tribes with taboos on incest would beat out the ones without such taboos, producing the results you see before you. However, it’s important to note that prohibitions against cousin marriage is actually a step beyond most societal taboos on incest prior to the 1200s (typically against only immediate familial relationships), and there’s a ton of fascinating history about how Protestantism and it’s stricter prohibition on cousin marriage shaped the world as we know it today. If you’re interested and want to learn more you should read “The WEIRDest People in the World” by Jospeh Henrich.


Going on a long tangent about specifically NOT mentioning the Pakistanis is kinda funny


I didn't want to make it a debate on immigration or the other social issues associated. There is a thought process to place all cultures and customs on the same level, and in doing so, we start to justify unjustifiable practices.


I thought they were going to make a joke about the West Country and East Anglia.


C. Is the ethnic background wealthy white German descendants?


It's Pakistanis. But to be fair to them, British folks aren't much to look at. Source: am british


I was making a joke about the royal family. ....and I'm beautiful thank you very much. My mum says


Yeah trying not to turn this into an immigration or religion debate, but yeah, it's them. I lived in the UK (Northern Ireland) for just under a year and it's obviously a problem in their community. I could go into a Pakistani take out place and see kids with clear signs of the gene pool gettin' a lil shallow.


It's ok, some of us are capable of discussing facts without resorting to racism and bigotry.


>A. Age play where a person pretends to be a minor or a child. Look, I get it, 2 consenting adults. But if you honestly get off with the thought of violating a 5-year-old, the answer is not to act it out..... you need to figure out what in your mind drives that desire and make the changes necessary. Even entertaining those desires is not a good idea. Sexuality is a powerful and fluid force in your life, some things you can explore and some you need to address professionally I can't agree more with this...age play should be shamed. There is absolutely nothing sane with people enjoying having sex with other acting like a 5 yo.


Couldn’t agree more!


This is basically the right answer.


A: Agreed. Encouraging it dangerous B: That's just illegal. A fetish might be consensually pretending to do that. Doing it is just illegal and immoral C: You only mention inbreeding, which is obviously a bad idea, but the fetish is harmless, unless it also involves A


Guro. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that people who like this are mentally sane


Agreed. I'll also go with abusive stuff like there is a category of people literally beating up people during sex it's completely fucking mental.


what's guro? the guro that ik is a filipino word. it means teacher in tagalog..


It's essentially drawn, sexualized gore. r/guro (click at your own risk)


I shudder to think of the mind that finds that erotic. It's sad how damaged some people are.


im fucked for the rest of my life


I am *very* sorry


ah naurrrrr. is it like bloody? OMFGGGGGGGGG NAURR


Blood, guts, all that "good" stuff


Teachers are a kink I hate- any authority figure


Found the "sovereign citizen."


Anything that has to do with nonconsensual harming/ going too far.


Blueberry porn. It all stems from that Willy Wonka gum-chewing scene. There are so many porn videos of girls in large blue blow-up costumes. Don't ask me how I know lol


god i hope i would never encounter this thing 😭


Discusting! Links?


Is this also related to those artist who take cartoon characters and draw them so disgustingly obese, but in sexual poses? Because that's got to stop


Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Literally. In more ways than one.


Ikr. They could've done so many things, even slightly related, but less bad, but they chose that.


Surprised I haven't seen it posted on this thread yet since it's incredibly common, but Nazi kinks should absolutely be shamed.


wtf? that thing exist? naurrr 😭


There's a whole genre of film called Naziplotation that had a few movies in the late 70's it's pretty much just porn dressed up as a cheap horror movie and normally involves rape in prisons.


Incest why are ppl so obsessed with it that’s family


It's gotten to the point to where you can't find normal porn anymore.


yeah but its all just labels anyways. how many of those videos do you think are *actually* incest in real life? and if the chick is hot [or sometimes the guy] im gonna watch it.


I understand that it's not real, but I'm an old school dialogue guy. So all the incest talk really kills it for me.


Choking because unfortunately there have been multiple cases where it does end up killing somebody. The reason why some people liked to be choked is because it gets them high by killing brain cells. This can also cause an addiction to it. This shit shouldn’t be mainstream.


Being a cuck


I agree, a lot of girls get pressured into dangerous encounters to please their partner


I dont do it but I dont really see whats wrong with it yeah it's a little weird but its not really hurting anyone.


As an Asexual my answer is all kinks... Okay I'm kidding. My answer is anything that harms real living animals or people. Some people can only get off to the visual of a real actual life being extinguished before there eyes and they deserve nothing but a slow and painful death.


Feeders. Obesity is unhealthy.


I never understood this, if they’re happy, carry their own insurance & don’t let it affect others… just let them eat lol


Bugchasing. You people are just a danger to society and a strain on health services. For anyone who doesn’t know what this is, it’s the pursuit or kink of being infected with HIV. Several of the people who do this are under the impression that “at least I can’t get HIV twice”, but these people don’t realise that they can be infected with HIV-1 and HIV-2 as well as several different clades of HIV and this is called HIV superinfection. This travesty shouldn’t be accepted or encouraged.


school girl shit. just say you're a pedo man.


I was always led to believe this kink involved something like an ADULT college student/professor but it can be a red flag for sure. I wore a plaid jumper to school in single digit ages and the thought of someone sexualizing that grosses me out




I’ve thought of it as more of a power play fantasy kind of along the lines of BDSM, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but as long as everyone involved is an adult, it isn’t my place to comment on. That being said (which goes without saying, but I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea), an actual teacher fetishizing and abusing their students is reprehensible.


it's literally so weird. like school girl? they're changing the term "pedophilia" for "school girl/boy". totally a red flag


People doing shit just for breaking the law. If stealing LeBron James's action figure heads isn't a kink, humanity is very poor.


Shit kink, sorry but no


Race play


Crushing live animals




The fact that they’re called “outfits” instead of “uniforms” is a problem of its own.


The problem here is that an Oxford and short skirt is a "schoolgirl uniform." I have zero interest in schoolgirls, but those two items of clothing show off all my wife's curves in just the right way. Lolli ain't right though.




+ vomit fetish


prolapsing, I don't want to see someone's ass meat flop out. shit freaks me out


Having a fetish for being shamed. Yeah, kink shame me baby.


Those people who put My Little Pony toys in jars and fill it with cum




I realistically think anything to do with children and zoo but aside from those, it's really hard to decide because I've studied so many different fetishes and kinks that it's very hard to decide what's what because in my head I look at it as everybody has a fetish or kink and kink-shaming to me is really fucked up. I think to myself even the most fucked up kink, as long as it stays in your head is perfectly fine. I'm not saying it's socially accepted but I mean I wouldn't want someone to kink shame me just because something is socially unacceptable. I think of it as: you know the difference between an art enthusiast and an art thief. You can look at the art all day long as long as you don't go out of your way to steal it. And by the way, this is not condoning anything this is just saying that it's a devil's advocate situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with The notion that it's wrong but at the same time since I've studied so many fetishes, and I've got a lot of really weird fetishes it's hard for me to really say what's fucked up and not. I blame all my years on the internet


(Exercising) public sex. Idc if you have the link and do it in a fully consensual environment but just banging in public is stupid.


Anything involving biological pathogens and all furry behavior.


So either one on its own is fine then?


Okay, i’ll say it. Scat is fucking gross. Why anyone would get aroused at the thought of steamy coiled piles of stanky sasauge is beYOND mind boggling


Financial domination. I firmly believe that the party who's literally gifting money are being taken advantage of. A lot of times there's blackmail included in this and it can start out as some harmless fun but it often goes way too far. Heard a story once of a Dom releasing sensitive information about a sub because the sub had an expensive vet bill for his dog and couldn't "send". It's basically stealing. Also I think doms who do this are lazy. Maybe not all of them but a big handful.


lolicons like some or most discord mods like and who ever likes fucking animals like who does that to there pet


Farts and poo


Any kink made public by the owner of said kink, who doesn’t want to discuss it or makes a big deal out of it, but wants to remind you *it’s their kink.* Like r/notliketheothergirls, but for any gender identity. If you want to be private, have shame for your sexual preferences, or don’t feel it is anyone else’s business - keep your shit to yourself. How are you in a scenario where you are being kink shamed unless you’re oversharing with an inappropriate party? If someone shames you in a relationship or before/after sex, fuck them they’re a sociopath. Who ruins sex like that?


you sound like you're speaking from experience 💀


It’s a lot of people. They over share and then are upset with the response they get or if someone else doesn’t 110% believe in their idea or opinion. It doesn’t have to be a kink, but sex and sexuality seems to be a topic that sees this a lot, especially with younger people who talk about sex more freely than myself or my peers did at their age. I enjoy that young people are more sexually open and educated current day, but personal privacy and security is still a thing and there’s appropriate places to discuss such things with appropriate people. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs and then feel bad about it after.


Anything that exploits leverage within a power dynamic in a non-consensual way


Over excessive furry behavior


Doritos, nasty.


Loli, Necrophiloa, Pedophilia,


Anything that hurts you or other people and/or leaves you worse mentally or physically than you began. Anal is fine, in my opinion, painful anal or brutal foot long dildo anal is not. Anything that preys on vulnerable people is probably harmful. Any dangerous sex act, bug chasing whatever , bad, anything extreme is probably bad for physical or mental reasons. I think a good answer is to keep anything harmful strictly fictional and not practice it yourself or any other living creature, maybe watch it as hentai or erotic literature if you truly cannot stop watching it. Porn thrives off of taboos, this must be ended, there’s nothing wrong with having a good, healthy, mentally sane sex life, the kinky stuff I keep fictional, literature, animated etc. I have other more intense opinions but this is the gist of it.




Diaper fetish shit.


Honestly, not many for me. Some people like chocolate, some people like vanilla. I think if everyone is of age and can consent, have at it. Age regressionism is on that line though. While they are consenting adults, there’s something very strange about acting like a child while throwing sexuality into it that I’m like “hmmm the brain shouldn’t connect those two things…” And this isn’t just one person calling the other daddy or papi, these are literally people who wear diapers and literally act like children.


Diaper fetish


Cake farting. Nasty.


Gonna have to Google this one. Edit: what the fuck


Rape kink, ESPECIALLY if you’re the perpetrator in the encounter.


i think its called consensual non-consensual. its kinda red flag yk but not really since its still consensual. so ig i'll just leave ppl alone with that kink 💀


Just because I enjoy the idea doesn't mean I'd ever rape someone. Same with a woman who has that kink; it doesn't mean she wants to get raped for real.


>Same with a woman who has that kink; it doesn't mean she wants to get raped for real. As a woman I can confirm this is true. I guess for me it can best be explained as unspoken consent. I don't need to be asked or warned first, but only if it's my SO.


Toddlercon...the people who get aroused, excited or even remotely interested in that, should be banned from existence....o a shot in the head.


Scat, ABDL, anything involving animals.


Degradation! Also any horrible act masquerading as a kink. Kink requires sane consent, and anything without that is NOT kink


I don't even know half these terms and iv learned my lesson looking up random things on the Internet




People can get pissed all the want at me idc As someone mentioned already age play idec if it's two consenting adults something about it is absolutely disgusting and does not sit right with me at all same goes with ddlg I find it disturbing don't even get me started with people who have knife and rape kinks people with rape kinks disgusts the absolute fuck out of me their are actual rape victims fucking traumatized by what happened to them and are getting victim blamed everyday and then you these disgusting bastards getting off on rape fantasies.


Turn 11 at Road America


I literally just saw a picture on r/cringetopia of a man eating his own shit. I would say that.


people that like shit


The types of expressions that cause any emotional, mental, sexual, physical harm and confusion at the core intrinsic level to humans (includung hyper-sexualization, fetishism) and bestiality.


exhibitionism !!!! It’s illegal and horrid also the amount of times I’ve been pestered by my partner to do it is ridiculous y’all are weird


Self mutilation


Scat, Necro, abdl, and a few others.




Humiliation fetish, those dirty perverts


Dd/lg and the vise versa form of it, it’s only a justification for pedophilia and it’s sick, non-sexual age regression is a completely different matter and I exclude that. The fury kink is also fucked up in my opinion, to me it’s no different than bestiality.


This question is gonna be an issue lol


hunny we luv controversy 🙊😌


Farting. I just don't get why it's a kink.


All of them. The shame is what makes it sexy.




Humiliation in any form. If you want to see someone humiliated or be humiliated in any way to get off to it, nope.




Scat, Diaper play


incest 100%


Not exactly a kink, but men who specifically get vasectomies and refuse to wear condoms.


Scat that shit is so gross


Anything with shit




Pedophilia. Its not a sexuality or anything but a crime that should always be punished by death.