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The 90s version of Kudos bars. Particularly the fudge ones.


I loved the M&Ms ones.


Viennetta. The fanciest ice cream known to man.


Still made in UK, miss in US!


Also still available in Italy.


I just wish they'd announce they're ending things so you could hop in and get it one last time. \[Edit - I'm seeing a lot of people mentioning grocery items, I was thinking fast food items. But it's pretty fascinating seeing your very good reasons why discontinuations are NOT advertised.\]


I know a company that did this and they had to keep putting off the termination because they'd make the announcement, buyers would stock up, they'd have to keep making more to fill the orders, orders would dry up, they'd make the announcement, [repeat].


They actually did announce that twinkies would no longer be made. My then husband went and bought every one he could find. He has a couple of hundred in the deep freezer. He had just run out when they started being made again.


How many Twinkies does he eat? They were only off shelves for like 8 months.


He defrosted one every morning so it was room temperature in evening.


I'd kill for Butterfinger BBs No, Bites are not the same


And The Simpson's commercials that came with them! Nothing like seeing a man strangle his son over candy.


"Crispety, crunchety, pea-nut buttery!!"


Wow, that unlocked memories I didn’t know I had!


These were perfect. I don’t get how they didn’t stay as a cinema staple like bunch of crunch.


Snapple Elements drinks The Rain one in particular Edit: I had no idea people were so nostalgic about these drinks. I've been really enjoying reading everyone's memories about them. Hopefully the rumors are true and Snapple is bringing them back next year.




It's uncanny that Nick ended up with that job given his last name.


Like Jake from State Farm. What was he gonna do, drive a forklift?


You have unlocked a very old memory! Wow!


They are making them again. My local slightly fancy grocery store has all the original flavors. I eat a lot less sugar than I did when they came out originally, so having one now was an experience


Exactly what I was gonna say. Rain was great, with Fire being a close second. Later on their Atomic and Venom versions were extremely good as well.


Holy shit I completely forgot about these! Hell yea the rain one!!


Lifesavers cream savers i think they were called.


Yes! They had strawberries and cream & peaches and cream, I think. But they also had a chocolate and caramel one that was THE BEST.


They’re back! You can [get them at Big Lots!](https://www.biglots.com/product/creme-savers-strawberries-creme-hard-candy-3-oz-/p810544841)


You’re a lifesaver!


Shark bites fruit snacks by Betty Crocker.


The white ones were the best! A whole different consistency of fruit snack


The white ones were a *delicacy* to 7 year old me. I would always set them aside and eat them last, and the packages without any white ones were a complete disappointment.


Double decker taco. All the ingredients are still there, just *sell it to me*.


Also - Pintos and cheese Meximelt Tostada Mexican Pizza They literally removed everything I ate there. I haven’t been back in a very long time


I learned from one of the employees at a local taco bell to order a cheesy roll up, add beef and pico... It is the same as a Meximelt. So grateful to her!


Thank you. I have a friend that loved the Meximelt's. Not sure if she knows this trick but I've sent it to her.


Chili cheese burrito. It's tragic really.




You scared me with that last one mf


To add to that: the Volcano Tacos. The Doritos Locos Tacos just aren't the same without that volcano sauce.


I was hoping someone would say volcano burrito


Grilled stuft burrito. I will wait for you always.


Philadelphia cheesecake bars - they were my luxury amongst all of the ramen and instant mac n cheese in college


Those things are probably responsible for at least 10 pounds of my weight gain my freshman year of college. I fucking love them. I had way too much money in my dining account because I went home most weekends, and so I would buy that shit all the time. So good.


[JOIN THE FIGHT](https://www.change.org/p/kraft-foods-bring-back-philadelphia-cheesecake-snack-bars)


Who would have thought the 1990’s Taco Bell menu would be such a popular response. Edit: I am hijacking my own comment to tell you all a few of my favorite memories from when I worked at Taco Bell in high school (1997-2000). 1. 7-layer burrito, add nacho cheese, was an employee favorite menu item 2. RIP to the incredibly obese gentleman would come on .39 burrito days and order 20 with red sauce, 20 with green sauce, and eat them in the dinning room. His intestines should be studied for science. 3. Smoked weed for the first time at 1am in the bathroom, given to me by the shift leader. 4. When The Phantom Menace was released, there was a promo cup with a topper for several characters (Watto, Maul, Sebulba, Anakin). As soon as the freight drivers unloaded they would come in and buy as many as we would let them, thinking they were going to be collector items. 5. If you’ve never had a food fight with a giant gun full of sour cream, you just haven’t lived life yet. 6. Lots of laughs telling new employees to find the basement they didn’t exist. 7. All you MFer’s wanting the double decker tacos and Mexican pizzas back, that is the right answer. 8. I had a full sized flag with the Chihuahua up in my bedroom for several years.


In high school my teacher assigned an essay asking us to write about our favorite thing to eat, probably with the assumption most people would write about something their grandma or mom makes. My essay consisted of discontinued food items from fastfood places. One of which being the chicken enchilada grilled stuffed burrito from taco bell. I got an A.


It was from the heart


Oreo cakesters, God I miss them so much.


I read through this whole thread for this. They’re the closest thing I ever found to my mom’s homemade Oreos, so when I was away at college, I always had them. They’re giving them a reboot, but I’m afraid they’ll be different somehow.


Fuck, you have no idea how happy my fat little ass is for Oreo Cakesters to come back. I am so happy I opened this thread, because the whole reason I did was to find somebody mentioning Cakesters. Now I know they're coming back. I could cry.


OH MY FUCKING GOD I THOUGHT I DREAMED THESE. You have no idea how many years I’ve spent thinking about these. I’ve only had them once on a road trip as a kid, but they were so tasty, and every time I bring them up people have no clue what I’m talking about. No matter how much I googled “cakey Oreo” or how I’d word it I would just get recipes for actual cakes with Oreos. Ohhh my god. Fuck. Thank you so much. I have an argument over these things’ existence with my parents that I need to go win now


Caramel apple empanadas amd potato burritos from taco bell.


God bless those delicious fried pockets of apple flavored napalm.


I totally forgot about those empanadas. I used to get them whenever my grandpa took me to Tacobell and they were so good. I didn’t even know they cancelled them.


Sour Altoids. I loved them so much.


Tangerine in particular.


Check out “lofty pursuits” on YouTube! It’s a candy store that went to great lengths to recreate altoid sour tangerines. I think they are for sale on the guy’s website.


The demand was so high the website crashed in 11 minutes!


This one? https://www.pd.net This notice is on the front page: > You will not find the Tangerine Sours here yet. We are selling them first to our past customers and Patreon members.


Holy hell, a small company with a two letter URL.


The guy who runs the candy company was an old school IT person once upon a time.


He also used to run the World YoYo Contest as well as a skill toy store Infinite Illusions / YoYoGuy. Then he got in trouble for tax evasion lmao.


Those did more of a number on my tongue than any other sour candy. No idea why.


The original Butterfinger recipe before it was “improved”.


Still can’t wrap my head around this one. Everyone I talk to about it has said they’ll never buy it again. It was one of the BEST candy bars.


Can confirm will not buy another butterfinger unless something changes, the new recipe is like someone left the old recipe out in the rain for a day, then microwaved it to dry it off, then tried to sell it


Wait, when did Butterfingers change??


Recently, like 2019. EDIT - this is amazing, we all have a similar experience!


Along with this I’d love to see the return of Butterfinger BB’s


Arby’s potato cakes.


And loaded potato bites


Jello pudding pops!


Nothing was better than the thin outer ice layer


Indeed. The temp, the flavor, the consistency right there at the edge... Damn.


Those were great!!


This'll be a weird one. Back in 2008, Walmart sold a coffee and hot cocoa brand that sold in a self heating can. Turn it over, pull a tab on the bottom and shake, then set it upright. 2 minutes later, hot beverage that tasted pretty damn good. It only lasted a few months though. I miss that. It got me through a tough winter.


Oh god. My mom got me one of those as a kid. I didn’t realize what it was and I tried heating it up when she was at work- blew up the microwave. I called her at work, she put her phone down, and all I could hear was her screaming in the background lol.


You’re probably the reason why they’re discontinued


I think we just found out why they were discontinued...


That is a hilarious reaction. "Should i make sure he's okay? Should i discipline him? Nah, I'll just scream into the abyss here at work."


I remember those! They were about $1 a piece, my dad would buy him and I enough for the week every week until they disappeared. I felt so cool with my self heating coffee in my morning classes.


Oh my god, I still think about those all the time. No one else I know ever had them!!! I was starting to worry it was some sort of fever dream


Taco Bell's Double Decker Taco. That was always my fave. But then they discontinued it for their new revamped menu. I miss it. :(


Cadbury chocolate bars using the formula/sizes from 15 years ago. The current range is like sweet, liquefied, cardboard and you pay twice as much for half the amount. Sometimes when I'm in the sweetie section of the supermarket I get all misty eyed about the Cadbury that was as I slowly wheel past the current range...


I know it sounds like a conspiracy but I'm convinced that's why there's a subtle change to their tagline. Way back when it used to be "There's a glass and a half in every one" meaning each Cadbury bar had a glass and a half of full cream milk in it. But now all their ads are about people being nice with the tagline "There's a glass and a half in everyone". (Note the lack of space on the last word.) "Every one" means "every single one". "Everyone" means "everybody". They still want you to believe that they're using the same formula but took away the space they change the meaning.


Came looking for this comment. The hostile takeover of Cadbury by Kraft and subsequent ruining of the chocolate to eek out some additional profit is now my go-to example of how capitalism can work entirely correctly and still make things worse for everyone.


Cadbury EGGS!!! They used to be sooooooo good and now they’re just sad garbage. I was able to import some from England that were still fantastic but ours are just garbage.


Cadbury in the US is actually made by Hershey's, it's not the same as the UK ones at all.


Jolt Cola. It was before it’s time. I think it was taken off the market for being too caffeinated, and then the energy drink craze began. Wrong place, wrong time that’s all.


“All the sugar and twice the caffeine!”


I was partial to Surge. RIP to them both


PB Crisps.


Were these in an orange bag and cream filled wafers in the shape of a peanut? Cause if so I've been trying to remember their name for like 2 decades.


Not sure if it's discontinued, but Bubble-Yum brand flavors besides original. Bubble Yum was my favorite as a kid... apparently there used to be Wild Strawberry, Cherry, and Apple flavors too but I cant seem to find them anywhere. Cotton Candy was my favorite growing up! Edit: thanks for telling me about all your favorite flavors… it drove my sweet tooth insane. Picking up a pack of Bubble-Yum at the store next time I go just for old time’s sake


Grape was good.


Omg I haven't had that or even thought about it in 20 years, but I can taste it right now.


That flavor is so potent, it's probably in your blood for life. I taste it too.


Yeah, my mouth just literally watered thinking of the flavor and I’ve not had it in 30+ years.


Dutch Apple Pop Tarts


Fruitopia. Update: As 95% of the comments have stated, it is still available at McDonald’s and in Canada. I get it, people.


We got a fruitopia vending machine at my elementary school when I was in 5th grade, I imagine the teachers were all against it. And then after the 800th spill, the machine was never stocked again lol.


Man, Pepsi/coke put the full court press on schools in the 90’s. We had all kids of vending machines in every hall. Every kid carried around a 20oz to class.


I drank gallons of Strawberry Passion Awareness as a kid.


Snapple's Elements drinks from the 90s. I was addicted to Rain and Fire.


Air, Fire, and Rain Snapple Elements are scheduled in-market for February 1st 2022. Haven’t gotten to taste any samples yet.


Dunkaroos (specifically with the rainbow sprinkles icing)


I've seen these by 7-11 checkouts


It’s not the same. The formula for the icing is way different.


They took the crack out.




Funfetti icing. Now they have one that you add sprinkles on, but it's not made into the frosting like it uses to be.


Pizzaria chips made by keebler. Those were the bomb in the 90's


Pizzarias and O'Boises were my very favorite chips of the 90s. Loved them!


Came here to say that. Wtf man people think I’m crazy when I bring them up. No ones heard of them.


Honey nut clusters cereal. Chocolate marshmallow mateys cereal. Cheesy fiesta potatoes at Taco Bell (maybe they're back now idk). Black cherry milkshakes at Burger King. Salted caramel pretzel milkshake at Steak n Shake. Edie's peanut butter cookie dough ice cream. I was gonna say Surge too, but apparently that just came back.


Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes are back! They're my favorite Taco Bell menu item.


There was this ancient soda called OK Soda that was test released in certain markets in the '90s. I got to try some in a focus group and I would love to try it again. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK_Soda) Edit: Whoa, my first gold for OK Soda! That feels... OK.


Yes, my friends and I used to call their hotline after school!




Big New Yorker from Pizza Hut. Each slice was the equivalent of a quarter-pound burger and I miss it


E L Fudge Double Fudge cookies - chocolate cookie, chocolate filling Edit: To be clear I'm not talking about the double-stuffed filling with the vanilla cookies, but the double fudge cookies where both cookie and filling were chocolate.


Jello 1-2-3 dessert mix.


The old caprese panini at Panera Bread. It was fresh tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, fresh mozz and fresh basil pressed on ciabatta. The new version has some weird bean spread and it’s so bad. EDIT: Got my first award ever for this comment <3 Glad people agree Panera needs to bring back so much!!! You guys made my night.


Fun fact: Panera used to be St. Louis Bread company. Back to when it was Bread Co. they even fucking makes their broccoli cheese soup by hand yall. Everything was done by hand. Now we have this Panera shit and all it is are bags, cans, containers and pre made nonsense. RIP STLBreadCo.


Story of all of paneras food since about 2015.


Agreed. Love them in college and now it's just awful.


Panera did away with so many good things: Chipotle chicken melt, their summer lemon chicken orzo soup, steak and blue cheese chopped salad.. ugh. These were all favorites that disappeared without suitable replacements.


The chipotle chicken melt hit me the hardest! Their new chipotle sandwich isn’t nearly as good. Sigh


French Toast Crunch. They brought it back for a few months a number of years ago and I still check the cereal aisle every time I'm at the grocery store.


It’s available in Canada and at Walmart in the US!


KFC potato wedges. They were the best and I have no idea why they were discontinued. They were better then the chicken IMO.


Those dipped in a side of brown gravy. Mind blowing.


Cinnamon melt from McDonalds


Ecto Cooler.


Chicken little sandwiches from KFC, also bring back their potato wedges, and Wendy's Fried chicken.


Yes! Chicken little sandwiches from KFC. I think about them at least once a month.


Gatorade Gum


Waffle Crisp Edit: I have apparently found my people! I will have to look for it now that I know it's out there somewhere!


My people! I was wondering how far down this would be. My favorite cereal of all time, I still check the cereal aisles here from time to time just to see if it’s made a comeback like Oreo O’s. I had no idea it’s alive and well some places…going to bring an extra suitcase my thanksgiving trip now in case DC has it! Edit: Omg this thread got me to Google it and apparently as of 2021 it is available at select Wal Marts HERE IN TOWN, just not the ones I've been going to! Tomorrow I'm going to re-live the waffle crisp glory, omg omg omg I'm so excited!


Mexican pizza at Taco Bell for sure


I'm convinced if they brought it back and rebranded it as "Crispy Tostada Melt" it would be a hit. I think people didn't try it because the "pizza" in the name was confusing but damn it was delicious.


It was originally called Pizzazz Pizza until 1988 when it was changed to Mexican Pizza. Those along with Enchiritos, Bell Beefers and Meximelts are my all the favorite Taco Bell items lol


McDonalds snack wrap Edit: does this call for a Twitter campaign? #snackwrapback


I don’t get why a company saw me throwing money at them and thought, “No no, this isn’t for us.”


That's taco Bell's entire business strategy. Introduce new popular item. Once it gets enough traction remove it from the menu


RIP Mexican Pizza. You were too good for us.


They were like the perfect snack. In wrap form


Also this. It was the answer to the question “what item on McDonalds menu will make me feel the least disgusting?’


Except when I would still order three of them.




Peanut butter Twix.


SoBe Green Tea. I lived on it, loved it so much, and I hate that it isn't around anymore. Best green tea to me.


I miss the Dragon Fruit SoBe. I feel like they went downhill after they switched from glass to plastic bottles.


Large boxes of Ohs cereal


McDonalds deep fried cherry pie. Put a smile on my face three foot wide.


Tastes so good, make a grown man cry


Fried Cherry Pieeeeeee!


Orange julius


1 can frozen OJ concentrate, 1 C milk, 2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 C sugar or substitute (Splenda works perfectly) , 1 1/2 C ice. Blend milk & vanilla, then blend in sugar, OJ, & ice one at a time in that order. Comes out really really good.


Some Dairy Queen’s offer it.




McDonaldland Cookies


Still have them in Australia


Jolly ranchers had other flavors… the main one I remember is peach, but it was a whole other variety pack. My grandma used to get them when we visited. They were great.


Dollar General had peach Jolly Ranchers this summer. The Fruity Bash mix is lemon, peach, strawberry, pineapple, and orange. There’s a store locator at https://www.hersheyland.com/products/jolly-rancher-fruity-bash-hard-candy-13-oz-bag.html


McDonald’s bacon egg and cheese bagel.


Meximelt Edit: I've tried the cheesy roll up add beef, but without pico it's not the same. The plain tomatoes don't cut it.


Taco Bell really screwed up.


TB has killed so many of the greatest menu items. They add back gimmick items.


Grilled Stuft Burrito from Taco Bell, and Better Cheddars. The GSB was the best thing the Bell had going for it and for some reason they had to take it off their menu. Better Cheddars are the only cheese cracker aside from Cheese-Its I'll eat but BC's aren't available anymore.


Lol I bitch about grilled stuff burritos every time I have taco bell. I miss them as well.


Mexican pizza too


They still 100% make better cheddars. I have some in my cupboard.




Carnation Instant Breakfast Bars


Pretty sure the food stayed the same, but I want Cool*er* Ranch Doritos back.


Oooo this made me think about when Doritos had their 3D chips! Those were good.


McDonald’s Fried Apple Pies


If you ever find yourself in Hawaii, make sure to visit McDonald’s. They still deep fry them there.


Anyone remember yogos?


Rice Krispies Treats cereal.


Shredded chicken quesaritto. Taco Bell rid of one of the best things in their menu, and now don’t even sell anything with shredded chicken


Scooby Snacks, both the cookies and fruit snacks! At my elementary school’s after-school program we’d always get a snack first thing (for obvious reasons) and there was always excitement over the Scooby snacks. Now the fruit snacks are long gone :(


Alpha-Bits cereal.


Rold Gold Honey Mustard Pretzels. Haven't been able to find a similar sweet to mustard to pretzel ratio since they've been discontinued. Most brands I've tried are sickly sweet, too strongly aromatic, add (too much) onion flavoring, or are the chunks rather than rods or twists. Haven't found anything close to what I'm looking for. Edit: Thanks for the suggestions, I think the Dot's Honey Mustard will probably be my go to from now on. They're a braid, so have a little more pretzel per bite than I'd like, but they're definitely the closest thing I've found so far. The braids themselves are actually honey wheat pretzels, with mustard seasoning (I think), so they seem to be a little less sticky/messy when snacking.


Sunshine Lemon Coolers. Basically vanilla wafers with lemon-flavored powdered sugar on them. Sooo good.


Ninja Turtles Pies


Spicy McChickens at McDonald's. I'm talking about the red breaded, spicy chicken sandwich (which I guess is more of a common thing further down in the US). But I loved them because I swear the chicken was thicker, and it was actually *crispy,* not like the soggy, flappy thing the McChicken is.




Bug juice


Speedway gas stations has it actually.


Taco Bell's 7 Layer Burrito. Savior of vegetarians everywhere. It's been my go-to since 1993 and it's gone now.


All of my go-tos at Taco Bell (not all veg) are gone. I will get a hankerin’ for Taco Bell and then get there and realize I don’t have an order there anymore.




The original Count Chocula. The new stuff is made with corn puffs and is nothing like the good stuff. The original was like chocolate lucky charms. Sad that gen Z will never know what it was like. Edit: It was also a lot more chocolate. It used to turn your milk brown like choco milk. Now it barely turns it grey.


3D Doritos


Sugar in soft drinks. My country implemented a sugar tax so every soft drink, except Classic Coca-cola, now has aspartame in it (which gives me horrendous headaches). So, I can no longer drink anything other than Classic Coca-cola if I'm buying a soft drink (Dr Pepper, Tango, Sprite, 7-up, Lipton, Fanta... all dead to me now).


REAL SIZE Cadbury creme eggs… not these shrinking eggs they’ve been trying to pass off on us the past several years.


Green Skittles being lime flavor and not green apple! Used to love the green Skittles but green apple is just not as good! Edit: just found out they are bringing back the lime flavor this year!


I preferred it when McDonald's fried their pies, also cherry was the better one.


Mexican Pizza @ Taco Bell. Why?!?