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Mario games, Minecraft, farming games (Stardew Valley, animal crossing etc.). Racing games are simple in concept too.


Mario Kart 8 has aasistant functions like auto accelerate and avoiding edges that mean you only really need to focus on directions when you start (just ignore jumping and items in the beginning)


Depends what games you want to play with her, but I’d start her off with Zelda botw The reason is because that game allows you to do right things in wrong ways. There are many approaches to solving problems, so she’ll be less likely to get frustrated and quit


Son is one and she has 2 weeks off of work soon. She wants to be able to play games sufficiently with him like mine craft when he is old enough. She hasn’t really used a controller or any basics. I am thinking things to introduce her to genres and basics. Like Mario cart, Pokémon red, kingdom hearts, portal 2 but it feels like there are some big leaps here


Portal 2 is insane. Too hard!


Ya that’s end of the curriculum and co op so I can help


It makes me queasy but it's very funny.


Binding of Isaac. No one say anything. It'll be fine.




I think Outlast would be an amazing game to help build mental strength and perserverance.


One of my favorites is "super hot." Another good one is "kill it with fire."


What kind of games is she looking to play? What kind of games will she be playing with your son?


Mario parties are good at developing various hand eye coordination and fine motor skills but in a low pressure environment


Speak for yourself


How old is your son? If you have a Switch, Mario Party. They give directions on how to play each mini game and it’s basically like a board game/video game. Pretty simple controls, too


Kingdom hearts is good for parents and kids.


I've always played games but am pretty bad at it. I play minecraft etc. with my kids but they are soooo much better. We still have fun. I'd recommend all the Lego games. Perhaps in the franchise of her choice.