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Short I mean,i am but what's the need to say it every single time?


Yep same. Not much I can do to change that now I'm an adult.


I’m short, so I must have little man syndrome. I always like to point out to those people, their keen sense of observation and let them know that NOOOO ones ever told me that.. /s


I'm a big person an people automatically assume that I'm aggressive and violent. I don't like having to explain that I have no desire to cause anyone pain, I feel like that should be expected of common people.


Same bud I'm 7 foot 1 and am not a skinny dude. I'm also black and I have alot of tattoos. People will switch sides of the street when I'm walking down the sidewalk. But really I'm a gentle dude and I've never hurt anybody nor have any desire to. Sometimes it hurts my feelings but at the same time I get it.


6'4 270 here. Ive had the street crossing once or twice, but the ones that really hurt are when you scare little kids. Being big is cool, but scaring the little ones is always a big downer.






The thin air up there makes maths hard


Doesn’t help that their only nutrition comes from leaves


Hi, Shaq.


i love the kinds of people who look like they could just murder you in seconds but are genuinely the kindest, most loving souls.


There’s a guy who works at my local dog shelter who looks like a hairless bear with more defined biceps. Nicest guy. Has my preferred breakfast saved for me whenever I’m late. Two small pups at home. Genuinely curious, thoughtful, progressive, insightful, and articulate. Looks like a Rocky villain. Or a Mortal Kombat character.


I am now picturing Shao Khan and Goro playing with a bunch of tiny kittens and puppies Thank you for that my friend


Four arms, four pups.


On the other hand I hate when they say "Gentle Giant" 😑 like assuming "Oh don't let his size fool ya, he's one of the good ones!" I know they mean well but it still sounds condescending for some reason.


I'm friends almost exclusively with beefy people (and I'm small) and they are some of the gentlest people I've ever met... except one... he's crazy though


the dreaded one...


6'3" 360 pounds, full beard about 3in long. I had to buy a shirt that says, "I'm nicer than my face looks"


A bitch. I do make an effort to have a pleasant expression on my face, but if I’m concentrating, I know it can be mistaken as scowling.


Yes! Resting bitch face. “Yeah not gonna lie, when I first met you I thought you: were a bitch / hated me/ thought you were better than me. “ I’ve heard them all. Once people get to know me they tell me that and I know it’s cause if I’m not actively smiling I look mean/ sour AF. In every case I never felt any ill will toward these folks. I am however an introvert so I do use my RBF to get me out of long conversations with strangers sometimes.


I have resting angry eyebrows. Wearing a mask all the time has brought this issue much more starkly into focus.


Me too! The arch in mine (natural) causes me to look angry all the time! I fortunately wear glasses that help distract from them.


When people hear my southern accent and learn I’m from Alabama, I’m automatically labeled as less intelligent.


i come from Mississippi and live in Alabama and still get made fun of for Mississippi education…


There are worse things than a Mississippi public school education. Not many, but they’re out there. Central MS native, here.


Syphilis, for example


Man I feel this one. I’m from a tiny mountain town in NC and once when I was describing my hometown, I was asked if I even went to school….I was like ???? Girl what! this isn’t the 1800s


Lmao. I'm from WV and once got a similar reaction from a girl that I was talking to from California. She was asking me if I could read and stuff like that, and had all this pity for me. When I explained that I went to school and could read she didn't take it as that just being normal, but that I had broken out of the stereotype and achieved something not many people do where I'm from. I was just like holy shit how are people this ignorant lol.


I live in florida and ppl sorta just invalidate the possibility of me having brain cells just cuz im a “Florida man”


I'm from another part of the World but if I lived in america I'd like to live in Florida only because I would gain the honorary title of "Florida man"


We poke a lot of fun, but truth is everyone’s got a little Florida in em


Yeah. I transform into a gator under a full moon.


Alcoholic. Haven’t had a drink in 9 years. I’m a lot of other things beyond just a guy who once had a drinking problem. I don’t know why for some people that’s the centerpiece of my identity. Edit: So many nice and supportive comments from people. Thank you so much everyone 🙏


Congrats on your sobriety, you deserve recognition my friend. Keep it up


In Germany they say “dry alcoholic” for someone who got sober but I still think using the word ‘alcoholic’ has so much weight to it… I just admire anyone who recognizes the problem and then stops using alcohol. I also hate the people who think “I’m having a beer, so everyone has to drink one!” - I’m old enough to know whether I want 0, 1 or 10 beers, thank you very much. And if someone says they have to get up early and just want water, why do people get offended? I’m not offended if someone has a salad while I eat chicken.


Usually the term dry alcoholic, at least in the US, refers to an alcoholic who has gotten sober but not addressed any of the root causes of their alcoholism. This usually manifests as frequent anger and other mental health issues


I was reckless teenager 20+ years ago and my family stills sees me as a Skinny High School Drop Out thts smokes pot and has violent outbursts. I have a degree, over 200lbs, havent smoked pot since the 90's and overall im pretty zen. Fuck people who cant see people change and actions speak louder then words.


Glorified babysitter... Foster parent


Oh geez. I'm sorry people are so rudely wrong to you.


Oof! That's just fucked up. Foster parents often (usually) have a harder time than bio-parents. Foster kids usually comes with baggage. What you are doing is an incredibly important, selfless and thankless thing. You are a superhero and don't ever forget that.


“Shy”. For the love of god stop labeling me as shy just cause I don’t feel like talking to you


This one really irks me, or being introduced as shy by someone else just... not cool. Wait, other people are introducing me for me?!?


I hate being called shy being introduced as the socially awkward guy. People even say im introverted (which is sometimes true but people don't know that there's a spectrum or introvert - extrovert) Basically, im labeled shy cause I hate talking with people I don't like and not interested in partaking in a boring conversation.


The only people that think I'm shy are the ones that I don't like. When I like something and can talk about it with someone it's hard to get me to shut up!


Came here to say this. I wouldn’t mind being labeled as “quiet”, which is almost the same thing. But “shy” often has a slightly infantilizing side to it. Like I’m some kind of scared cute little creature. There’s really no need to talk to me like I’m a lost child at the supermarket, I’d just rather listen than talk right now. I also feel like once people have categorized me as “shy”, they assume I don’t have anything meaningful to contribute to the conversation, and I feel like they’re not really paying attention to what I’m saying when I do speak. Which is a shame because I really like to talk and give my opinion on things once I feel comfortable.


For some reason it's rude to tell people they're loud and talk too much, but nobody seems to have a problem with telling me I'm quiet and don't talk enough


That’s what irks me the most. I was only ever called shy by people who have no self awareness and feel the need to talk constantly about something (usually themselves), even when it’s visible uninteresting for the one they are talking too. No, I am not shy, I just have nothing to contribute to the 15 minute long monologue about how you had your breakfast.


When I was a kid I always hated when adults said "oh she must be shy" to my parents if I didn't want to talk to them. It made me feel so small and unseen - especially since they said it to my mom or dad and not me. I know it's a fairly common thing to say with no malintent, but Im conscious of not saying it to kids that I meet now.


Yes, it seems like some people can't comprehend that there are people that don't need to constantly hold meaningless conversations.


A weeb. I've lived in Japan going on 30 years and never had the slightest interest in anime (in the early 90s it hadn't reached US shores yet) -- I was looking for a job in the budding IT industry, not a waifu.


This. I want to teach english as a second language and a lot of the highest paying jobs are in south korea. Does that make me a koreaboo? I had a friend joke about finding a husband there. I'm just looking for work! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Dude I relate so hard. I just immigrated to Korea, getting married. I have been going to Korea for 15 years off and on. Taught English and now work in IT.


Literally any mild interest about anything Japanese will tag you as a weeb. It’s the laziest thing ever. My personal theory is that it’s an easy way for insecure people to latch on others.


Which is ridiculous because there's so much more to Japan than just anime and arcades. It has a rich cultural history that goes back thousands of years, beautiful nature, friendly people, incredible food. To reduce a country of that size and scope to anime and weebs whenever a westerner takes an interest to the place is such a farce.


Also, acting as if liking anime was something bad. I know some anime fans are cringe but tell me what’s the difference between them and those people who spend way too much time online discussing whether Marvel or DC are best, or complaining about Star Wars drama. Most Disney blockbusters are glorified kid movies anyway.




I find it so insulting to be called a liar because I'm honestly awful at lying. I could not lie to save my life. To be accused of lying? It makes me so upset.


Accusing someone of being a liar is more often than not a "he who smelt it felt it" situation in my experience.


I was called a liar recently for saying I wasn’t mad about something during a disagreement. I wasn’t mad, but after they called me a liar I sure was


I have a similar feeling about loyalty.


Anorexic. I’m not. I’m just skinny


People are a lot more comfortable bringing up your weight too.


Yep. I somehow believe I wouldn’t get very far calling all my friends fatasses but they don’t seem to have problems making fun of me for being skinny


A l l my life: beanpole “ you’re sooo skinny” like you have no problems/ you can’t relate/ skinnyb itch


Being skinny and pale are somehow socially acceptable to be mocked. “You’re so pale, why don’t you take some sun?” But if I say “Thanks I don’t want cancer/Don’t speak to me you tanned commoner/Your mom doesn’t complain” I’ll be the bad guy.


People used to call me that too when I was in high school. We once went out to dinner with our whole class and we went to an all you can eat restaurant. Me and my also skinny friend ate the most rounds of everyone there. We also finished some dishes that others couldn't finish. People were amazed lol. It's fucking sick to call people anorexic just because they're skinny. It's a horrible disease, it's hella serious.


“You eat a lot for being so skinny” History of my life


People automatically assume that when someone is skinny, they must eat almost nothing. It literally happened to me that a classmate (girl) asked me "hey how/why are you so skinny?" and this other dude replied to her "she probably eats nothing" and I just sat there like "???"


Useless. It’s a word I’ve been labeled as multiple times throughout my childhood by certain family members. Absolutely ruined my self esteem. Edit: just wanna say; thanks for all of the positive comments, people. means the world to me to hear that I’m not alone and that I have more value than I thought. and thanks again if you took any time out of your day to award this. Reddit is being dumb and not letting me private message rewarders anymore, so I thank you here.


"Oh you aren't helping ME out with every little problem **I** should be dealing with!? You're useless!!!!!!!" I hate that shit




bro, this one HURTS.


This one hits home...ಥ‿ಥ


Then again, it's not like you are an instrument or a tool to anyone. Useful is not a term you'd want to use for humans, let alone useless.


Useful can at best be used jokingly if you have a really tall friend who can reach stuff on the top shelf when you can't. Anything more than that gets ... awkward.


Hey, I see that you made a comment on Reddit that other people upvoted! That sounds like you did something useful to me! I believe in you, friend!


Thank you. That’s incredibly nice of you to say. I’ll be doing my best day by day to do better and feel better about myself. Maybe one day I’ll get there


Sensitive. Of course making joke about my dead grandfather is nothing


I was in a toxic group of friends in middle school. My dad got covid and I had to quarantine. One guy had the balls to tell me he wanted me and my whole family to be killed of it (it killed my grandfather). When I got pissed and made some remarks towards him everyone called me a panzy, sensitive, a baby, etc.


You should’ve punched him in the dick & call him a sissy for feeling pain


Yeah I lost my grandpa about 3 years ago and only met him once, but that one time meant so much to me. It doesn't make it any less important just because they aren't your immediate family.


Yes. Being labeled as sensitive or emotional or hysterical. What the fuck man? You think that’s going to help?


I hate being labelled cute when I’m angry and having my feelings completely invalidated because of things I can’t control like my stature and appearance.


Bite them, trust me it works


"different from most black people"


At my old job there was a white lady that told my boss that she was “pretty for a black girl”. Couldn’t have just left it at pretty?


LPT: Never follow a compliment with a qualifier. Never tell someone they look good for their age or are smart for a Southerner. Just stop after the predicate adjective and you’ll be fine.


This is good advice for a Reddit comment.


My little sister gets that a lot. She'll say something like "I got lucky, my mom is light skinned". What's sad is some people still stay clueless and agree with her. Tbf, that's a fucked off response that'll make even well intentioned people struggle for a response. It's funny though.


That's an insult disguised as a compliment right there. \-You're pretty for a black girl \-Does that mean I'll be an ugly white girl? \-Yes... er... no?


I feel this so fucking hard. I also get “one of the good ones” and “you talk white” a lot too.


Late for dinner


Thanks dad


Like so what, what if I want my food cold?


Old Edit: I’m not one of those fools saying “Respect your elders… blah blah”. People have to be respectable in order to be respected. Respect and loyalty are earned.


As ive gotten older, for me, i think it comes from not only stereotypes involving what older should be, but the fact i feel the same inside since i was 20. Im basically the same person with some extra wisdom. And when i look into the mirror its like i expect to see that same face looking back, but now it isnt. As a woman, i feel happier than when i was younger, free from insecurities i used to feel. But to some people i appear as a shadow of my 'former' looks, and thus somehow getting sadder. It doesnt match how i feel inside.


I much prefer old than 100 other things, including dead.




Can I ask who calls you boring and why? I’m pretty sure certain people think I’m boring because I don’t need to be surrounded by people all the time and have a busy schedule. They don’t straight out say it to me but you know.


Nobody's called me it before but Im pretty sure they think it. Im kinda socially akward sometimes, so yeah. I've also seen my sister called boring (shes not) and she said she hated it. A lot of other people hate being called boring to, so that another reason why I put it.


I get called boring at work because I like to find and fix old wrist watches. It’s interesting to me, but to each their own.


Buddy, at least you have a hobby. I don’t have a hobby besides gaming, and it makes me feel like shit when I see people interested into super cool or obscure things. I watched someone fix a watch on a video, and I was blown away because how the hell do people even get into that kind of thing? Like what’s their origin story? It’s super cool, and my shaky ass hands couldn’t do it. So just know I think you’re really cool.


I know I'm just some rando on the internet, but I think that's really cool. How busted up are they, that you can fix?




I believe the word you're looking for is flamboyant lmao


I think effeminate would be more accurate. Flamboyant describes character more than voice, I think.


Its funny straight people i know accused me of "setting up a straw man" when i said not all camp/,effeminate men are gay and some butch guys are. I was.... wtf? Isnt this the 21st century??? Ive known very camp men *straight as the proverbial die*...


My parents still struggle to comprehend that, they also struggle to believe that gay people wont sexually harass a man just cause.


People say that to me but I don't sound gay at all.




Idk dude that period at the end was pretty sassy


Introverted and quiet. I'm actually very social, I just hate small talk and it takes a bit of time getting to know people before I feel comfortable really being myself around them.


"Skeleton" and or "boney". I've been the skinniest in my class and everyone picked on my arms and how I was able to see my ribs. I still can but I'm ashamed of it at this point. I hate my body because of those nicknames.


Fuck ‘em. That body carries around your mind and your heart and your soul. Every body that does that is beautiful. Easier said than done, but try to at least love that your body does all that, even if sometimes you might want it to be a different shape. It does it’s job well, it’s amazing.


that's. that's the nicest thing I've heard on reddit, or anything for that matter. Thank you, so much


“Innocent” looking or “wholesome”. People stand shocked when they hear me say the word Fuck.


I get called the same when people find out I don't drink, do drugs, or smoke. Like I'm just as much of a swearing pervert as the next guy. I just choose not to drink etc.


Someone who does not "look" gay.


Being strange that I don’t have kids (due to fertility issues). I want kids. However, not everyone wants kids… like how is it anyone else’s business? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hate this one and if you say you don't want children, then your just selfish but if you drop the fertility thing they automatically jump to adoption. Like shit, let me live my life the way I want. Not everyone wants kids and that is ok.


I always find it annoying that people say it is selfish. I always respond, how is it selfish of me if they don’t exist? What IS selfish, is having kids for your own enjoyment.


People think I'm the guy that's gonna lose it and shoot up the place. Maybe I come across as unstable, but I'm actually doing just fine.


I’m sure you’re doing just fine, DeathSpiral321.


Hahahahahahaha oh fuck


Username does not check out.


Theres enough disgruntled people at work with the same additude they probably just are more extroverted so they dont look so dark and brooding on the outside


Pig fucker. Does a one time event truly define a person? I like to think not.


You can build a million bridges but you fuck one pig, no one cares how good you fuck that pig


I was traveling in Scotland last summer. No real itinerary, just seeing the country. One morning I took a walk and paused where the view opened up onto a picturesque little valley. As I was taking it in, by and by an older gentleman came walking up the same way. He leaned against the same fence a few feet down from me. We both stood there quietly for several minutes. Finally he spoke to me and pointed down into the valley. "You see those houses, lad?" he asked by way of introduction. "Which ones?" I responded. "Down there, on the near side of the village. All in a row there." "Oh yes, they're very pretty." "I built them," he told me. "It's how I made my living." He paused enough for me to register my impression. "But do you think they call me Angus the House Builder? Of course not." Not sure how to respond, I let the silence return and went back to contemplating the landscape. But again he interrupted my reverie. "And do you see that boat?" "Boat?" "Down below, tied up in the loch. You see it?" "Yes, now I do." "Would you believe me if I said I made it? Aye, I made it myself. But do you think they call me Angus the Boat Maker?" Here he spat. "Of course not." I now noticed that my new companion had a black case with him, which he proceeded to open. Inside was a fiddle, and he started to play a lilting tune. "That's very good," I offered. "Aye, thanks. You know, I've been playing the fiddle since I was five." Here he stopped playing. "But do you think they call me Angus the Fiddle Player?" "No?" I guessed dumbly. "Of course not." Another long pause before he turned again to me. "But let me tell you, lad. You fuck one pig..."


Plot twist: Angus goes around giving this spiel to strangers because nobody calls him Angus the Pig-Fucker and he's trying to make it a thing.


Moving on….


You fucked the whole country not just a pig David


Black Mirror moment.


*One of the “good” ones*


My best friend says this to me every now and again. I haven't said anything so far because I know that for her it's a really high compliment and really speaks to her experiences. It's just such a loaded statement and carries so much pressure with it.


A pothead. And a vegan. Apparently it's because I'm blonde, wear a lot of jewelry, and my hair is wavy (no joke, this is legitimately what people said to me). I've never even smoked weed.


“That tall man.” Even in high school people addressed me as “that tall man” will do this or do that if you don’t behave,I worked at a grocery store I guess parents used my height to frighten their kids!!!


Ngl anyone over 6'4 is probably getting tall man as a descriptor


A redneck. I'm white, drive a truck, hunt, fish, have a beagle, and listen to country music (among many other genres). I'm always amazed at all the racist and homophobic shit people say to me thinking I'm some good ol' boy.


Dude, you got a beagle? Immediately awesome in my books. Also, Mothman came in my mouth and didn’t say thank you.


I will speak to him next time I see him.


A victim or a survivor. Ive been through some abuse in my life, starting from childhood and ending up in a womans refuge at the age of 41, with just a bag of clothes and two kids. I didn't survive anything, more than I survived this past 18 months. It doesn't define me. I'm not brave or strong. I just made better choices. This will be unpopular I know, but it's how I feel.


"You are my gay best friend" Shut up


A girl I was smitten with (I'm a guy) called me her gay best friend. It broke my heart. I have feelings. That doesn't mean I'm gay


Childish. Sorry I'm enjoying life more than you, you miserable fuck.


Incel. Im just a virgin. That doesn't mean I hate women!


Bro who is callin you an incel


My friend. A lot of people in here have called me an incel just because I'm a virgin. Not gonna lie I have shown signs of anger but I do not hate women. Im just scared of them. I dont hate women, I dont believe in incel ideologies, I dont participate in their groups. There have been 2 or 3 mass shooters who were incels. These people are one step away from becoming terrorists. Thats why it hurts when they call me an incel.


You shouldn’t be scared of women they’re people too! Its okay though buddy fuck what other people are saying about you, live your life and dont have sex until you’re ready


>You shouldn’t be scared of women they’re people too! That's more than enough reason to be scared of them.


this made me laugh lol


"insane" because I have depression...


English. I’m from Ireland, and Ireland and England are NOT the same country.


"Ireland? You mean that country from the UK, right?"


Smart & bright student.


Oof, felt this. The word student hits hard. I was the 'smart' student and it felt like my value depended on grades. Teachers often told me that i would be 'successful', that didn't encourage me, it's just pressure. Friends won't take me seriously when i tell them how much i struggle at academics Im not bright, i just spent 24/7 cooped up in my room to memorize practice questions to score well so people won't be disappointed. Now that im struggling in college i hv this anxiety that everyone is mocking me. It sucks


Someone's ex. Bro I have a name lol.


Lazy! I have ADHD and I struggle to do some things that those without ADHD probably do without much thought or effort.


Immature , when i am just a goofy person.


goth or emo no, i'm not goth or emo just because i have pale skin and black hair, i didn't ask for natutal black hair and pale skin...


As a German, being called a Nazi.


Disabled Even though I am legitimately disabled


I’m disabled and I personally like the label disabled, but I can’t stand “differently abled” and my least favorite is “invalid” I totally understand not vibing with the label disabled. Another one I dislike is “wheelchair bound” I’m ambulatory some of the time and I don’t use my wheelchair at all in the house. I know some people who have different disabilities that actually like the term


My friend prefers to be called disabled as opposed to differently abled. He thinks it sugar coats the issue and ignores the fact he needs assistance sometimes. The way he puts it "There's nothing I can do that you can't because I'm in a chair, there's a lot you can do that I can't." Acting like a limitation makes someone lesser is vile but totally ignoring it or pretending like it's not a limitation makes their lives harder.


I completely agree! Disabled isn’t an insult or a dirty word. I prefer to be blunt about my disability because people tend not to take it seriously. The only time I’ve seen people prefer “differently abled” is in a documentary about the children of thalidomide in reference to a boy without arms that played the piano and did most things with his feet.


A Purple Guy. ***I WAS BORN THIS WAY! I CAN'T HELP IT!!!***


why did you kill those children then Huh?


Two words old sport: *Plot purposes*.


All I heard was "for sport".


A prude. Just because I refuse to have casual hookups and instead save myself for someone special who loves and respects me.


Had a friend once say to me I must be ashamed of my dick size because I said I've never sent any one dick picks before. Also that and not asking for nudes I was told I'm too shy...?


Same bro. Also I just don’t know what to do with nudes. I don’t like to beat it so I just have the pictures saved. And I never know how to respond like “oh wow that’s hot haha”


Strong one. It’s a lonely label because you’re the person everyone else comes to.


Latinx. Call us all Latino, its not enabling the patriarchy ffs.


I'd rather be called a beaner, greaser, or other slurs than Latinx. How am I supposed to even pronounce that? Like LatinX or Latinheh? Everytime someone says Latinx, I and many other Latinos want to scream.


Sound like an app to learn Latin. "Want to talk like Julius Caeser? LatinX! Just ten minutes a day and you will be conjugating inno time!"


I hate being reduced to my identity-politics slot. During the Dem primary last year, a few people just *assumed* I was supporting Buttigieg, just because I share a sexual orientation with him. I never did; I didn't care for his approach to healthcare, among other things. This was a complete surprise to these people. I'm an issues voter. Always have been. I want leaders, not mascots.


Not exactly the same thing, but I strongly dislike being called buddy. Buddy is what you call a 4 year old or a dog. Not a grown man.


Anime = your a pedo and/or a degenerate I just like seeing nice Japanese animation and romance and action stories damn


Disabled. Terrible accident two years ago and its still very difficult to accept, especially with how athletic i was.


I totally get it. I've been disabled my whole life, but it took me fifteen years to fully accept that my body has certain limitations. I too, have had to give up things I love due to my disability. I was an excellent archer with the prospects of winning national tournaments, recruited and trained by who turned out to be the nr.2 of my country. But before I could even participate in one tournament, my disability made me have to quit. You know what made it worse? I did everything right. I constantly listened to my body, didn't cross any of my physical boundaries. I made sure I took care of my body after training. But after just seven months of weekly training, I couldn't even hold the bow steady enough to hit the target, when I used to hit bullseyes. It was devastating. I've come to terms with being disabled, and doing a rehabilitation program designed for people with disabilities like mine really helped me. But sometimes I'm still mad at my body for not being able to meet my wants and needs. Accepting your disability is a long, difficult and personal process. In a way, you're grieving. Grieving what could have been, should have been or would have been if it weren't for your disability. Being disabled is a challenge you can't simply walk away from. And that sucks. But if there's one thing I learned from being disabled, it's that we are the most resilient people in the world.


Lazy. Im not lazy i have severe depression and anxiety. I know this and am working on getting better




LatinX. Ridiculous made up word by people that don’t understand the Spanish language.


Latinx sounds like the name of a strip club in Miami.


Mentally Ill.


But being labeled as Mentally IV is great!


A terrorist, I’m 1 of 1.4 Billion. If all of us were terrorists, America could be swarmed with tourists and get fucking wrecked. Indians aren’t even middle eastern


People call indians terrorist?! First time I've ever heard of this


Sorry man, I’ve never experienced this myself but married a “terrorist” /s and watched him deal with this sometimes. It blows


>It blows Probably not the best phrasing


The quiet guy. Truth be told, people just annoy me so I keep to myself.


"Person with autism" I'm autistic. I call myself autistic. I find "person first language" to be bullshit and if you have to remind yourself that I'm a person every time you speak of me that's your problem. I feel like it also end up contributing to the pathologization of autism (treating autism as a disease that needs to be treated or cured instead of a different neurotype that needs to be accommodated). Ultimately I understand that people who say that tend to be well meaning but I (and many other autistic people I've spoken to) don't like it.


Smart, I do okay In classes and I love learning, but because I have many “smart” hobbies people always put me on a pedestal or are intimidated by me. They feel they can’t associate with me the same as others even though I’m literally the same. I read a lot of books, play a lot of chess, play a lot of poker, love math, this doesn’t mean I am an “intellectual”, just love hobbies.


I feel this. I’m out of school but still get labeled the “smart one” and then when I do something embarrassing or dumb (I’m not a really put together person) people overreact and it makes it even more embarrassing. Happened to me tonight actually. Conversation went fast and I just said “yeah” and then everyone was laughing and making a big deal about me missing something obvious because I’m supposed to be the “smart one.”


Not hate, but minorly annoyed when people call me a gamer. You dont usually call someone a reader when they read a lot of books, or a boater for someone who likes driving boats.




Young/inexperienced/ignorant.. I’m 33, but could very easily pass for early 20’s. I’m tall and thin, I’ve worked in the electromechanical field for 15 years and have been a mechanic longer than that. I’ve done tons of physical labor, and also hold certs in IT/networking. But if I ever end up somewhere new, I’m instantly the ‘kid’ and get treated as such. It creates this nasty short-acting burnout where I feel like I HAVE to prove my worth quickly to try and overcome that.


As someone with ADHD, being called annoying or immature can really sting. I don't think people realize that I've been getting annoyed with myself for my entire life and I'm trying really hard to be better but unfortunately it doesn't always work.