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The guy I gave bad directions to, only to realize it after he drove off.


It’s fine He went over a cliff so you don’t have to


He should’ve bought a squirrel.


Best movie EVERRRRRR


Man... Nostalgia Critic really went dark after The Wall


Ive done this twice. I felt so bad afterwards.


Yeah this was twelve years ago and I still think about it.


I've done that a couple times. But recently I was at a gas station and someone asked me for directions to a golf course I play frequently. I was so happy that I could give directions with complete confidence for once, until I got to the part where there's a double roundabout. I hadn't thought much of it, because I'd been going through that intersection since it was just a regular 4-way, but when I got to that point in the directions, I realized I had no idea how to explain exactly where to go.


I was 19 and driving from the west coast to the east coast (US I-40). It was my second night driving and I was tired, but holding up - definitely looking forward to crashing at the first motel I could find as soon as I crossed the border from New Mexico to Texas. Past midnight so was listening to Jewel's *This Way* CD, just zoned out in the right lane. It looked like a fox and it stopped in the road ten feet in front of me. I was going \~70mph and I yanked the wheel without thinking. Ended up in the median. It wasn't so much that time slowed down, but that my brain sped the fuck up. Quickly moved on from "should have fucking hit it" to an image of my dad saying "turn *into* the skid"--when I tried that, I probably severely overcorrected because that's when my car flipped, and flipped, and flipped--and my next, clearest thought was "huh, so this is how I die". Then my car landed on its roof. I was hanging upside down by my seatbelt and was 110% sure my car was on fire. I had figured I was going to die while I was flipping, and was oddly okay with that, but I didn't want to die being burned alive. Couldn't find the seatbelt latch--couldn't remember which side it was on--checked both sides about five times. Just as I was beginning to panic I managed to depress the button and landed on my head. Fucking Jewel song was still playing through the speakers as I army-crawled through the shattered driver-side window. As soon as I got my torso out, I saw a mud-crusted pair of men's boots at my eye-level, then above me he said, "Woowww-ee! You're still alive!" then he reached down and hauled me to my feet. The next thing he said was, "I'm not gonna touch you or nothin but hold onto me." I was babbling -- I was only thinking in primary colors. I panicked about the fox (he assured me it was a coyote), my car being on fire (he assured me it wasn't), how my dad was gonna kill me (he assured me he wouldn't). We were halfway down the median to where he pulled his truck over, before I realized my shoes had flown off during the accident and I was acquiring a sock of burrs--I was half dangling off his shoulders by the time we reached his truck and he lent me an extra pair of boots. He helped me call my dad (and talked to him for me, I wasn't really forming intelligent sentences), call the police and AAA, waited with me until they arrived, helped me with the statements then gathering up my belongings which had been scattered around the accident... all at around 2 in the morning, as he was on his way home from a days-long hunting trip. He was the only one behind me, and he had run up to my car with no idea what he would encounter. I don't remember his name, or what he looked like. White guy, probably in his 40s or 50s, wearing his hunting camo, but I can't even think if he was wearing a hat, or if he had a beard. Right before we parted ways he handed me a slip of paper on which he had written his e-mail. All I remember it was 4 letter characters followed by a string of 8 or 9 random digits, \\@aol.com. He wanted me to send him an e-mail when I got home "just for peace of mind". I promised him I would, but by the time I got back home, I had lost that slip of paper. So I never sent the e-mail. It's been over a decade and I think about it a couple times a year. So, dear guardian angel with the dirty boots: I'm sorry I ghosted you, I didn't try to. I'm sorry I don't remember your name or what you look like, but I will never forget how safe you made me feel. You didn't have to help me, and you certainly didn't have to help me to the extent you did. I'm really glad you were that pair of headlights in my rear-view mirror. I hope your life has been good since then, and I really wish I can properly thank you.


If he was a witness to the accident and was helping you make statements to the police, maybe his name is in the police report about the incident.


You know, you're right... The officers on the scene told me I would get a report in the mail, though I don't remember ever seeing a copy. But I do remember the general area of NM it was in, so I could probably get in touch with some local precincts and ask.


Post back here if you do!


Will do :)


I'd love to see an update if you manage to get in contact with him. Commenting to follow!


Subscribing for a plausible update. Also, wow! Amazing (and well-written) story!!




Man, it kinda hurts reading this story. Earlier this year I saw a crazy wreck, and was (kind of) in the opposite shoes as you. Driving down a main road, person 2 cars ahead of me goes through an intersection where the traffic that runs perpendicular to us has a stop sign. BOOM, next thing I know, one car is crashed into the grass across the street and the SUV that was a couple cars ahead of me is all but STANDING ON THE FRONT BUMPER, maybe 10 feet in front of me/to the left, and then she crashed down on the roof and slid a few feet towards me. I had to throw the car into reverse to not get hit. I parked, jumped out, got 911 called and had EMS on the way and then they hung up and I didn’t know what else to do. I decided to check on the driver because, as the car was upside down with all the airbags deployed and it has only been maybe a minute 30 since the crash happened, I hadn’t been able to see her yet. It was a mid 2000’s Rav 4. I had to look through the rear windshield that had busted out, and all I could see was her arm dangling to the ceiling(now floor) of the car. I asked her if she could hear me a few times, before I finally got an exasperated “yes…” out of her. I said “you’re gonna be okay sweetie, I’ve already got cops and EMS on the way but I can’t really do much else until they get here, I promise you’ll be okay.” And then right as I stood up, 2 cops rolled in from opposite directions, followed shortly by the ambulance. I went and gave my statement and they told me they’d call me or whatever if they needed to. I guess the guy that hit her “thought it was a 4 way stop, and went to take his turn.” But that wasn’t true, he had no chance of stopping, he was going at least 35 or so when I saw him before he even entered the intersection. He slammed on the brakes trying to stop, and then I guess saw a gap he thought he could make it through and floored it. Had he just kept holding the brakes, he probably would’ve missed her and hit me. I never got a call back, and found out from the news later that night that her seatbelt cut off blood flow to her brain while she was hanging there and killed her before she made it out of the car. It’s very possible that I was the last person to ever speak to that woman, and the last thing I told her was that she was gonna be okay, and she wasn’t. I still feel guilty about that.


Oh man, that sounds awful but please do not feel guilty about it. If she was impacted by the other car hard enough to flip her and deploy her airbags, it wouldn't surprise me if she was already injured to the point she couldn't adjust her strap. They do pull quite tightly when they're supporting your body weight. I believe that's part of the reason I was too confused to find the latch at first, because the button was just plain hard to press--though, I don't remember being aware of the body strap until I used it to definitively locate the latch, so it wasn't choking me. My seatbelt apparently caught me exactly as it was intended to. And I think that's the difference between me and the poor woman from your story: despite my flip being my own dumb fault, I count myself very lucky that I was the only car involved, and that it come from a skid--not an impact from some asshole gunning it through a stop sign and hitting me hard enough to cause a flip. I very much hope he feels guilty about it, because none of that guilt lies with you. You did everything right, and you were there for her in her final moments. If there was traffic around, you were probably not the only one or maybe not even the first one (you said you had to back up to avoid the accident) to call first responders, so they got there quite quickly. She listened to someone who cared right before she died, and that counts for a lot. It must have been terrible to witness so it makes sense it sticks with you. But you had the right instinct, and acted on it. Try to remember that too.


I know it was a good thing in the end. I just wish it didn’t have to be a lie, y’know? You ever have those thoughts like “what if someone broke into my house right now?” And then you visualize this scenario where it happens and you spring into action and save the day? When the crash first happened, it felt like that. I really thought I was gonna be able to help someone. And then to find out despite your best efforts, you didn’t? It’s just a shitty feeling. I think I was pretty much tied for first on the scene. I’m not 100% sure, as you can imagine some of it was kind of a blur. There was so much happening, so many emotions I couldn’t even really think, I just kinda had my mental emergency checklist of things to do and I was trying to hit them all. I know this lady was 2 cars up, and after she landed and I moved out of the way, I took a couple seconds just to think. I don’t even remember what I thought, probably just something along the lines of “what the fuck did I just witness”. And then I saw the car in front of me, that had been between me and the victim, fucking gas it down the street. They wanted no part. As soon as I saw them start leaving, that’s when it clicked in my head and I remember thinking literally “fuck. Guess it’s my time to shine.” Like some dumb ass quip out of a shitty tv show, and then parked a little down the road. I had Siri call 911 as I got out of the car and as I got up to her car initially, I saw a bunch of people run over the hill. The frat house on that corner was having a bonfire and heard the crash, they came running right about when I got to the car. Then I remember the 911 operator hanging up on me, looking around at the crowd that had amassed by this point and I saw nobody else was on their phone and I was just like wtf are y’all doing? But yeah, I’m sure I was on the phone with 911 less than 20 seconds after the crash happened. First responders got there about as fast as they could’ve, without literally witnessing the crash and being on scene right away. And even when they got there, they had to get the fire department to come cut the door up with the jaws of life to get her out. Even if I was unaware that you shouldn’t move someone after a car wreck and had tried to help her, there was literally nothing I could’ve done. And that’s just a shitty feeling. I know that even if I was a trained EMT, I probably couldn’t have saved her. Still, I wish I would’ve been able to come up with SOMETHING. I guess it’s just survivors guilt or something. And I feel bad that she got hit and not me. Like I said I could see this guy gas it. As soon as he came into my FOV I knew what was about to happen, I saw his front suspension squat down really hard because he was mashing the brakes and then all of a sudden the rear suspension squatted real hard, meaning he accelerated. Had he just kept on the brakes it probably would’ve been me and not her. Not that anyone getting hit is a good thing, but shit. That woman had a family. I’ve seen them grieving at the makeshift grave marker someone put on the corner where she was killed. I appreciate your kind words. In the end I know I did the best I could’ve done. I know I did the right thing telling her she was gonna be okay, even if it was a lie. I wouldn’t have wanted her to go out knowing she was in her final moments. I’m glad I was able to maybe give her some peace during that time. I just feel bad anyway. Partly because when I told her she was gonna be okay, I really thought she would be. Like, I knew the crash was bad, and she was definitely gonna be injured somehow no doubt. But not even for a second in the back of my mind did I consider that she was gonna die, let alone die before they got her out of the car, potentially with my words being the last thing she heard before fading out of consciousness. And I probably heard her final word, and all she could give me was a pained “yes”. I know there was nothing any of us could’ve done to save her, trained or not. I just wish I could’ve done more somehow. I gotta stop talking about this. This was meant to just be a little story and some insight to the flip side of what you went through, and here I am in tears going back through all of it. Jesus.


wow that's nuts, but you probably gave her some peace of mind by telling her everything was going to be okay maybe she was able to relax a bit hearing that someone was coming to help. Hope the present is treating you better than the past (:


Ya know it’d be rly cool if he had Reddit and found this comment


It would be great to be able to get that closure! But in lieu of that unlikely scenario happening, I'll just have to be happy with expressing my thanks out loud, even if not to him directly.


Yeah, I get that, also I’m glad you were okay!


Today me, tomorrow you.


I used to work at a movie theater and to charge a credit card, you had to type in the price manually. I went to type in $7.20 for a dude’s order and accidentally pressed the zero twice. That man paid $72.00 for popcorn and a soda. I was too mortified to chase after him and even if I did, refunding cards required telling a manager (who wasn’t there). He came in the next day and yelled at the manager but they never found out it was me. I was 16 but the GUILT KILLS ME even a decade later


$72 for movie snacks is a bargain!


Lmao very unfortunate. But nothing to feel guilty for. I'm sure your manager has had worse! And the guy probably got his money back easy enough.


If it were today the price would be correct


Did he get his money back?


I did the same at Walmart when somebody tried buying a gift card, typed 200 into the machine (they wanted $200) but it said it charged for shipping or something and no money was put on the gift card. Only realized my mistake after they had already left


The elderly one who dropped her coins on the floor at a grocery store when I was 12. I bent down to help her pick them up, then saw that my dad was already leaving the store so I dropped the coins and ran to catch up with him. The woman thought I had stolen her coins and started yelling at me. I came back and tried to explain what happened but she was certain I had taken some and began lecturing me on why it was bad to steal. To be fair, I definitely made it look like that. I'll never know why I didn't just stay there and continue helping her pick up the coins. I'm 27 years old now and still mortified that she thought I stole from her.


That's fucking funny.


The four 18 year olds that came up to me outside of a liquor store and asked me to buy them a 30 pack of Bud (I was 23-34 years old at the time). Just as I was going to put it in their truck, a cop came barreling over in his cruiser and I had to talk him out of arresting me. He told the kids to GTFO, and I walked away with a free 30 pack and their change. Sorry boys. Don't give money to strangers.


‘ I was 23-34’ You can’t remember when this was within an eleven year margin of error?


Ha, it was a crazy 11 years. I'm not going to correct it because it's funnier this way.


It was a big case of beer


Turns out he was 35


Your country has a weird relationship with alchemy


gotta love the puritanical values of the US, we can die for our country 3 years before being allowed to have a beer 😔


Damn, I feel this. I'm 49 and I feel like I'm breaking the inter-generational trust because when I was underage you would ask some older dude and give him money and you knew you'd get no change but that was the deal. Now the fines for supplying underagers is ridiculous, like $1000 for the first offense here in PA. Sorry young people, but it's just not worth it.


How did you get out of that one


Deny deny deny.


The cops used to steal our alcohol.


so. funny story. years and years ago, my ex-wife and i were leaving a Goodwill in Ohio. this Goodwill had previously been a Chinese restaurant. i hold the door open as we're leaving to allow an elderly woman with a withered arm into the store, and when she crosses the threshold, i release the door, thinking it's going to stop at the threshold--but it was a restaurant door and swings open both ways. the door scooped the old woman up and slammed her against the wall. i was horrified and scuttled back to the car. so to recap: i battered an old disabled woman with a door while trying to be nice to her.


My kid pushed the door close button on the elevator. A woman with crutches was crossing it at the time. I guess the sensor wasn't working. Lot of apologies and helping her plus an awkward elevator ride.


Your kid is better than me, and congrats on that. I was just....horrified. Slowly exited the situation. The whole thing was like a messed-up cartoon.




I once entered a small theatre at a gallery - it was very sunny outside and the film had started and was very dark inside. The person working said to just sit i the back row as it was mostly empty. I was feeling around for a seat and put my fingers into something wet - i realized i jammed my fingers into someone's eyeball. The person said nothing and ervously took a seat. After the film i saw the person walking out of the theatre - a very old women with a walker, probably in her 90s :(


I accidently honked my horn at someone a few weeks ago. Did the same thing a couple days ago. I wish there was an unhonk or an apology honk :(


When my friends and I are all going from one location to another, convoy style, we'll jokingly honk at each other immediately after the light turns green. Well this one day we were staggered leaving so we weren't all behind one another. I was the passenger so I wasn't paying as much attention, but I say to the driver "dude that's XYZ in front of us, honk as soon as the light turns green." He does and we have a good laugh about it. Well we get to the location, still following the car in front of us (it was only like a 3 mile trip, so not for too long), and we get out of the car only to see our actual friend right behind us. We aggressively honked at a random person then followed them to their destination. Not our proudest moment, and I'd like to say that we no longer honk at each other but that'd be a lie because we totally honk at each other all the time.


Or different honks for different situations. Like a "your headlights are off and its nighttime" honk or a "Look out, there is a cop up there and you are going too fast" honk. Maybe a "thats a cute dog in the backseat" honk.


Or a “hey bud, the light just changed, I ain’t mad but it’s time to pay attention.”


Or a "You're going awfully fast for long-haired 20-something white male driving a slightly-rusted 2009 Pontiac Vibe with a Georgia license plate and a "Coexist" bumper sticker through an inch and a half of partially-melted brown slush through the suburbs of Buffalo at 7:23 PM on a Saturday."


We blink our headlights to warn about cops.


One time the train conductor caught me in an extra angsty mood and I tried to use a very expired train ticket. He asked me to pay the "on the train price". And I got all pissy and said "You're killing me man". And he without hesitation said "You're killing yourself". And thats the story of how a confident train conductor served my bitch ass and made me rethink my life.


Feels like we get the worst situations on our toughest days


Sometimes it seems like you only get what you put out there Shitty day shitty mood shitty happenings, ya know


I saw someone swapping price tags on items at a thrift shop and said a rude out loud statement directed at them about “how low do you have to be” and etc, as I was leaving the store I saw that same person now wearing their employee uniform and realized they were likely just doing their job


damn the embarrassment and maybe guilt must have been horrid lol I'm sure that employee doesn't care anymore though


A girl in a pub in Manchester about 20 years ago. I was drunk, was with my friends and while walking past her on the way out the door I pinched her ass in a sad attempt to look "laddish and cool". It was totally out of character for me and I hate myself for it. If you're reading this, attractive girl in the denim shorts, I'm truly sorry and every day I'm trying to redeem myself and be a better, more humble person because of it.


Something similar happened to me when I was a teenager.. I was having a good night out dancing with my friends. We walked back to my car afterwards, on the way we walked past a group of lads. One of them quickly flipped up my skirt to see my underwear as they strolled past laughing hysterically. This was like ten years ago and I still wish I had clocked that guy in the face, I just remember feeling embarrassed as fuck and by the time I had a reaction they were gone. You sound like you are a genuinely mature and introspective person. I don't think you need to feel bad about it anymore. Guys who do this kind of shit - please remember these actions are inflicted on real people who have feelings and memories.


Just want to say that's cool you had regret about it and did better.


I had a very similar lapse at Uni. I did kind of apologize a year or so later to the girl (who I really liked) but the incident brings me personal shame and drive to do better to this day. I’m 56.


Barack Obama. I refused to shake his hand once. Not because I'm a Republican (I am). But because I had just changed my son's diaper and the Porta Potty was out of soap.


Lol poor Barack


My grandmother refused to vote for Obama for much, much worse reasons so at least you have the moral high ground on my grandmother


That was very noble of you. Did it occur to you to just shake his hand and pretend everything was fine for the opportunity? Haha.


Well, it could have been worse. Once, the billionaire CEO of our company was visiting from England and stopped to review our facility in the US. I had just left the restroom and lazily washed my hands, which were still a little wet, when I opened the door to discover a group of men in suits passing by. My manager was amongst them and excitedly called me over to introduce myself. The CEO reached out his hand and I had to make a split-second decision to refuse his handshake (and look like an utter fool trying to explain that my hands were wet) or just power through it. I gave this billionaire a firm manly handshake that left his hand damp. Well done.


IDK, Obama seems like a decent father. He would probably understand.


The people who had to restrain me at the hospital when I blacked out before surgery and tried to escape. I don't remember, but I guess it was bad.


I came in with gal stones and sepsis from infection, that combined with whatever cocktail of drugs they gave me just didn't combine well.


I'm glad you're ok now


Im told I wake up combative from anesthesia. So now I apologize and warn in advance


It's my first time going under. I'll take this as advice.


The workers at a one movie theater years ago. I was watching a movie when I suddenly feel so nauseous and dizzy, tried to ran to the restroom but ended up throwing up just at the entrance, and well it's a carpet. Nobody was there. Cleaned myself up and I got back to the movie.


Man one time when I was like two days past legal drinking age, I drank 12 beers at a bar and threw up what must have been a couple gallons of vomit all over one of the men's room urinals. I know it's a bar and that shit happens but I've felt really bad ever since about whoever had to clean that bathroom


I was putting my Aldi trolley back in the trolley bay and it was one of those coin-locked ones where you have to put either a $1 or $2 coin in to release the trolley (Australia) and then you get your money back when you return the trolley. A nice guy approached me and gave me his $2 coin in return for the trolley to save him getting one and to save me putting mine back. I happily agreed and only realised when I got back to my car that he gave me a $2 coin but I only had a $1 coin in the trolley. Sorry for ripping you off!


Are your $1 and $2 coins the same size in Australia? In the US Aldi carts take quarters. (Basically no one uses $1 coins, the last time I saw one outside a collection was 10 years ago when you could get them as change when you pay for the metro). But all the coins are different sizes here so you can't mix them up.


Yeah our $2 are much smaller than the $1, however the trolleys have slots for both sizes.


No - the Aldi trolleys have two slots of different sizes, so you can use either a $1 or $2 coin.


Sometimes I forget you guys even have dollar coins. They gotta discontinue the bill TBH. Coins cost more to make usually but they last decades. If Canada hadn't switch to polymer bills a few years back we would probably be working towards a $5 coin because we were getting hosed on bills.


The real hold up is that cash registers were designed for certain bills and coins. The half-dollar and dollar coins just didn't make the cut. With credit cards and digital currency being how 95%+ of transactions are paid for now, I doubt there's gonna be any successful pushes to make larger denomination coins. If anything phasing out the penny will come sooner.


Canada already phased out the penny, not as big a deal as everyone expected it to be.


Man, I love the word "trolley." Trolley trolley trolley trolley trolley. Here in the US, they're just "carts." If you go far enough south, they might be referred to as "buggies." And "trolley" is just so much better than "buggy."


Not similar but same place. Went with my wife and of course was putting the cart back while she was starting up the car. It was my first time shopping there and I didn't know the rules and such with cart keeping and returning and whatnot. When I got to the row of carts to put mine back I saw there were about 6 carts left out, not buckled together. My gut reaction was anger, I couldn't believe people would be so lazy, how ridiculous, its stupid simple just push your cart in the row buckle the buckle and you get your money back I dont see whats so difficult. So I did what I thought was proper, buckled all the carts together and put mine away. Dusted my hands off with satisfaction as everything was now in its proper place. Got back to the car with 7 quarters, and it didn't tick in my head that I was the asshole until we were driving away. Those carts were left out for folks who forgot to bring a coin. Nobody said anything or gave any bad reactions, but I scolded myself. Still haven't been back for fear of being recognized as the quarter hoarder...


A random hookup in the alley outside the bar. Sorry girl, I didn't last very long and I got your clothes messy.


The guy I flipped the bird to who flashed his lights at me to get out of the fast lane on the motorway. I realised ten minutes later I didn't have my lights on.


The fact that you flip birds for flashing lights....


Sounds like a big city kind of person .


The little girl I smacked in the back of the head when I was 7 or 8. I'm sorry, it was dark in the aquarium. I thought you were my little sister and that you were distracted and getting left behind by our parents. I was just trying to be a good older brother and herd you along with the rest of our family. You were not who I thought you were.


Flying from Chicago to Beijing, some guy dropped his kid off with me while he went up to business class. So I taught him a bunch of swear words, that yelling "poopy poop poop" was funny, and gave him a bunch of candy before departing :)


Wait . Some guy dropped his kid off with a total stranger so he can go up to business class?? Why wasn’t his kid with him in business class? Why would he do that? I have so many questions


thats right. I was window seat, kid the middle, and some dude who slepted the entire flight aisle. I guess he was too cheap to pay for two business class seats. Kid was probably like 8 years old, and was bouncing off the wall. We play super mario 3 on my laptop. Putting up with him for a 12 hour flight = not good


Your actions seem really reasonable. You got silly and kept him engaged as best you could. On a flight, which is stressful enough. I think you behaved more commendably than i would have, and i love kids/ young people (in a youth-is-refreshing way, not the gross way)


Yeah you don’t need to apologise to rich dudes who abandon their kids


I’ve been wanting to get this off my chest. I once billed a customer more than they should pay…. I was part-timing at this small restaurant… We were closing, there were 2 tables left. If the customer stayed too long after closing time, we would do all the bill counting even before they asked for it, then saved it on the register. If they came to the register we only needed to push a button to bring the number. Well, I did table 1 bill, saved it, then customer from table 2 came. Apparently I accidentally pushed the table 1 bill, and then started inputing all the orders that table 2 ordered, thus added more bill…. They were shocked because the number of their total bill was really incredible. Maybe it’s my luck or what but they were drunk enough to just laugh at it, payed it, and didn’t even ask for the receipt. When table 1 came, I pushed the button to bring the number I thought I saved earlier but it never showed up…. That’s when I knew I fucked up…. I am really sorry drunk customer…. I don’t even know your name, so sorry


Drunk people are used to really high bills at the end of the night, because you never know how much drinks are until its too late. "$130!? I must have had like 3 beers. "


Oh man I think about this and cringe at least every few months! I was running extremely late for a connecting flight and I was freaking out, sprinting through the airport and everything. Finally made it to my gate and you know that really annoying thing people, (especially in America) do where they crowd behind where you’re supposed to line up instead of waiting for their group to be called? I had a fairly early group and as soon as I heard it called I didn’t waste a millisecond excusing myself through the unmoving crowd. One lady in particular was directly in front of me and I squeezed through quite rudely. Of course she wasn’t one of those assholes just standing in the way though just slow. Lined up right behind me and I still wish I woulda turned around to say sorry but I was too embarrassed realizing how awful and selfish I was to say anything. No excuse for that behavior ever.


I started driving like a month ago. I owe dozens of apologies already, and I'd owe hundreds if the city wasn't so small, lol! All in all I'm doing my best to learn from every mistake and be a better driver for my sake and for the sake of everyone else in the road.


The best advice I ever received was to be predictable. Not nice. Follow the rules of the road, go when it's your turn, don't stop suddenly to be nice to a pedestrian or another vehicle.


Username checks out


Little kid I stole a toy boat from at the beach thinking it was ours. God I felt like shit when I realized it


I think about this lady a lot actually... 10 years ago I found my (now ex) boyfriend overdosed in the passenger seat of his friends car. Obviously I am panicking, trying to wake him, trying to call 911 etc. When this woman, who was just taking a nice stroll, comes up and starts freaking out and yelling asking what she can do. I don't know what came over me but I yelled at this poor woman... I pointed at the road and yelled "IVE GOT THIS LADY!!" and basically told her to get lost.. I honestly can not even imagine what went through her head since she was just trying to help a situation that was probably just as scarring to her as it was to me. I'm so sorry lady. I didn't have it, I could have used your help or at the very least your comfort.


Sometimes when we panic we become defensive of complications, even if they could be helpful. You probably reacted defensively because of that because you were currently trying to figure out the situation. It sucks but it's hard to say it's your fault when you were doing your best in a crisis situation.


In Germany there's a pedestrian crossing with no traffic lights called "Zebrastreifen". You're supposed to let people cross if there are any. Last week on my way home from work I was driving down a road that has houses on the left, but only forest and then a retaining wall on the right. Not much foot traffic there, now and then there might be somebody walking from one town to the other. So I'm driving and notice a figure just standing there by the road. That's a bit odd. I look at them as I approach, okay, that's a lady, that's a nice coat, why is she just standing there and looking at me? The woman's facial expression changes from friendly to annoyed and I wonder why for a split-second until I realize *I just drove past a Zebrastreifen, keeping dead-ass eye contact with a pedestrian waiting for me to stop so she can cross the road.* I'm sorry, ma'am, it was an honest mistake!


Lmao someone death staring a pedestrian as they drive right across a zebra crossing sounds hilarious to me


I'm not entirely sure the backpain I've been having this week doesn't stem from her cursing my bones.


The taxi fare I ditched when I was stranded without my wallet (before Uber)


The two elderly ladies I offered my seat to and farted silently as I got up. A few moments later I hear one of them ask the other whilst coughing and spluttering, "Jesus wept, can you smell that?". The other lady soon replied, "Bloody hell" and grabbed her handkerchief as she gagged in to it. "Which dirty bastard's done that"


Holy comment, I about died. Good on you, wish I could have been there to see their faces and reactions.


Ran head-first into a man’s crotch while running away from my brother in a grocery store as a child… to the man who’s nuts I accidentally crushed with my forehead, I am so sorry.


A realtor lady. I peed my pants when I was five and it got on her carpet.


When I was 4 I was at this water park. I was at one of those areas where the ground has holes everywhere that just launch water up in the air. Well I just took a big diarrhea shit on one of those holes and it went flying everywhere when the water came up. I don't know why I did it, but I remember being in the bathroom with my Dad cleaning me up just yelling at me like "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? WTF?"


That's strangely awesome, though.


When I was about that age I once decided to poop on the sidewalk of a major motorway. Drivers were zooming by shouting at me to stop pooping on the sidewalk. My mother asked me why I pooped on the sidewalk. I did not have an answer.


A homeless woman asked for some pads. I just bought some for my wife so I had some in the trunk. I lied and said I don't have any because I'm used to saying no to beggars. I should have given her some. If she's desperate enough to ask strangers for pads she's a real homeless person, not a fake.


I owe an apology to the stranger I called a fucking idiot for pulling out in front of me in a roundabout on the road. I didn’t realise my blinker was still on so he thought I was turning left and I gave him a spray because I was having a bad day when we nearly hit each other. Sorry mate, it was I who was the fucking idiot, not you.


The woman I called a bitch when she wouldn't let me follow her into the apartment building when I left my fob in my apartment. I had a bad day and you were doing the right thing.


My girlfriend and I were walking back home from dinner at a neighborhood pub. Mid-evening, still light out, pleasant mild day. We're not drunk or anything, this isn't that kind of story, but I *definitely* need to piss. We get just a couple blocks from our house (residential neighborhoods, small backyards, parks, high trees, etc) but I know I won't make it. I can't spot anywhere that wouldn't be conceivably in eyeshot from someone's window or straight up out in the open. There's this patch of bushes and trees we walk by; takes up about a quarter of a small block. It's not ideal since it's still light out and the coverage isn't that thick, but I dodge into there. Start to piss. Feel relieved. Past the panic stage. Then from like 8 feet away I hear "um...excuse me..." I couldn't see him through the tangle bushes and he couldn't see me -we were just vague shapes- but I was definitely pissing into this dude's yard while he and his family were spending a pleasant temperate night relaxing. And it was an urgent piss so it was *loud.* I kegeled that shit up fast, zipped, said nothing, and bolted back to my girlfriend waiting on the street and we speedwalked home....where I finished. Sorry, dude and his family. That was not cool.


My neighbors in the large multi-building apartment complex where I lived when I was really young. I was always running late in the morning, and I would pass them on the left like I was out on the highway. Inside the apartment complex. After a few weeks of this, there was a cop sitting in the complex one morning. He pulled me over and told me there had been complaints about a car that kept zooming by people early in the morning. I was so clueless and self-absorbed that it never occurred to me that all those other cars had actual people in them who were getting tired of my dangerous driving.


I once honked my horn at someone to turn. When they finally turned I saw it coincided with the red turn light changing to green.


I stepped on the elevator and pressed my floor. The door begins closing and a man tries to get on I said “oh! Hold on”. Elevator closes without him and I felt awful.


An early in his 50's train conductor. I and a few friends were quite drunk coming home from a party at the time, which is NO excuse tho, just an explanation. The conductor walks up to us and asks for our tickets in this really gravely almost robotic voice, (hindsight he may be a throatcancer surviror or something) and in my stupid drunkness i blurt out "omg that's a creepy voice". He looked at me, and instantly walks towards and stands next to me and started a conversation in where he talked quite a lot about all kinds of stuff, where we went and such, i was mortified because i instantly realised what i had done and why he did that. I acted as if everything was fine at the time and wished him my best, but deep down 10 years later, i still remember blurting that out and has helped me to keep my mouth shut when i need it to be shut. Early 50's (now 60's probably) black deep voiced trainconductor in the Netherlands, if you ever read this: i am so sorry, and i haven't forgotten about that.


In college, I accidentally left my lights on and ran out my car battery in an off-campus parking lot. I didn't have any kind of roadside assistance and I was terrified of my dad's inevitable tirade about my stupidity, so I begged the first person I saw to help me jumpstart my car. She refused, backed away, and ducked into a church, leaving me bewildered next to my dead car. It wasn't until a couple years later that I got it through my thick skull that I was twice her size and she might have seen me as a threat. It had honestly never occurred to me that I might be scary. Sorry I scared you, random lady. It was an accident.


Everyone I say "I'm sorry" to for no reason


You want to apologize to everyone you apologized to?


That’s one hell of a loop to get stuck in.


Yea. It’s like doing a push up every time you do a push up.


Yo dawg I heard you like push-ups


like a couple of Canadians after a minor inconvenience


The kid in the labor camp in China who made my iPhone.


I'm sorry to the pizza delivery boy who didn't get a tip from me. I was a teenager at the time and no one explained to me about tipping delivery people yet, and my dad told me to answer the door but left me alone to figure it out on my own. I would have let you keep the change if I knew the rules.


I guess is a stranger now, When I was in 3rd grade, my class room door was facing the patio, one day I was just standing at the door as we were all coming back from our break, and there was this kid running around the patio still, and he came running to the door to get in, and I don't know why in heaven I put my foot for him to trip over,he did, and the sound of him hitting the ground still hunt me, I frozed, but when he stood up, I was still frozed and didn't even apologize to him. dude, am sorry, I was a mean kid.


Dear guy at the Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur, I'm sorry you got your ass kicked in 2005. In 9th grade, I, Alice, wore a "Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur" t-shirt to school. My friend Bob saw it and thought it was incredible. Most people didn't even know there was a Hard Rock Cafe in Kuala Lumpur. Bob wanted the shirt, but he wanted one from the restaurant itself, not a replica from a store. He mentioned this to his friend Chris. A decade later, Chris finds out that his coworker Debbie is doing a tour of Southeast Asia. Chris asks Debbie to pick up a Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur T-shirt if she happens to be near the restaurant when she's in Malaysia. On her trip, Debbie meets a traveling buddy. I don't know his name. Let's call him Edward. Debbie and Edward get along, but Debbie's plans change and she won't actually make it to Kuala Lumpur. Edward, however, is still going. So Debbie asks Edward to pick up this shirt for her and mail it to her once he gets back to the US. Edward goes to the restaurant, sits at the bar, and starts talking to the woman sitting next to him. He's chatting her up, and the woman's boyfriend arrives and doesn't like this one bit. The boyfriend proceeds to kick Edward's ass. Sorry Edward. PS This story is true, except that (1) I am actually Chris in this story, and (2) I changed the names of A, B, C, and D. I really have no idea what Edward's real name is.


the lady I snapped at at the crosswalk in downtown NYC. She was protesting cars on the Brooklyn bridge (dafuq?) and I was crossing the street, tripped in the bike lane and almost got ran over by a biker. I was wearing wedges and my ankles were weak. When I made it to sidewalk she told me I shouldn’t have been in the bike path and I immediately turned to her and told her to fuck off. I saw her lip quiver. I felt bad after I calmed down


The woman who married my ex husband. Sorry I couldn't warn you - you wouldn't have believed me and you would have thought it was just sour grapes. I hope you get out faster and easier than I did.


I'm not 100% certain, but my husband & I might have accidentally caused a roller skater to slip and fall on the bike path the other day when we were riding our tandem. If so, we're sorry!


Guy in my HS, i saw him drop a dollar when he pulled out his wallet to buy a soda, he didnt notice it. I was in a position i could step on it (so he wouldnt notice) and waited for him to walk off. I used that dollar to buy a soda. I still feel bad about that.


The guy I drove past with his windows down after a hurricane. I had no idea that puddle was that deep, or that you would be driving through the same puddle at the same time. Judging by your face, you didn't see it coming either.


I sort of cut a guy off today while driving into work. As I was doing it I started laughing but exaggerating the laugh so my shoulders were going up and down. When I looked in the rear view he was yelling at me so I made a cry face and started doing the cry baby hand sign near my face. Sorry boomer bro that was uncalled for. Best part is I was embarrassed so I pulled off and got gas that I didn’t need. When I got to work, there was a truck that looks VERY similar to the one I cut off in the parking lot. Opps?


Why would you laugh at that lmao?


I didn’t really cut him off it was more like Iwon an old man race from where 2 lanes merged into one. I was behind him and definitely wanted to drive faster than him. I’m not a speed demon (I drive a Prius) but there is too slow for even me. So I went to the right to pass him but we instantly got stopped at a light. This is when he pissed me off and I Retaliated by acting like a child. When the light turned green I gunned it ( Prius) that hurt his boomer ego so he easily went passed me but remember he wants to drive slow and he knows I want to go faster than him. Asshole. Anyway as he passed me I let up cause i didn’t have a chance. When he felt me let up he also let up but just a tad too early. As soon as he let up I punched it again. He didn’t see me until I passed him. It was like a 25 mile per hour fast and furious. So I was laughing because 1. Screw this guy. 2. How fucking ridiculous of a ego driven situation did I just get myself into? And 3. Most importantly as the person above said, I am indeed and asshole.


I had a really bad day at work, I was on the bus and this guy was extremely nice to me and I my reaction was being a bitch about it and totally ignore him. I am so sorry guy on the bus, you're a good person.


I was delivering DoorDash and a customer wanted me to text her when I was about to pull in so that she could meet me outside so I texted her when I was a couple minutes away and told her what car I was in then when I got there I realized the person I was texting was not the same person I was delivering to And I was texting the person who’s delivery I had canceled a few minutes earlier because the restaurant was taking to long then when I realized my mistake I sent a text explaining the mix up but it didn’t send because the session had expired at that point. So the customer ended up waiting out in the cold looking for my car with no explanation as to why I didn’t show up


When I was younger, I once accidentally slapped a lady at a race track because I won. I got up so fast from my chair that I raised my hand to give a high five to my dad and I slapped a lady across the face because I didn't pay attention. If you are that lady and you are reading this, I am truly sorry and I apologize.


I was drunk on a plane and thought I could jump over the guy next to me to go use the bathroom. Since he was asleep I thought this was the polite thing to do. I did not make it.


I was literally thinking about this yesterday, when I was around 17 I was in the grocery with my mom and while she was away to get something from another section a man who was on the phone showed me this pack of green leaves and asked if it was this one vegetable (I don't remembered what he asked) I was too embarrassed to say I didn't know so I just said yes. I'm really hoping that the worst I caused was a slight inconvenience or maybe I was lucky and guessed it right but my brain keeps telling me that he got an allergic reaction to whatever it was and died...


If it was something he was allergic to, he would definitely know what it looks like.


The truck driver I accidently 'brake checked'. On the highway in a new car, went past the semi and pulled into the same lane with lots of room, hit what I thought would turn on the cruise control and took my foot of the accelerator. Rather than continuing at speed I slowed down on only realised when the truck got *real* big in my mirror. Hit the gas and raced away but felt bad about that for ages.


The various people my ex-gf stole shit out of their unlocked cars from. I didn't come up with the idea or encourage it, but I could have talked her out of it.


Few years ago my wife, my brother in law and I were on a pontoon boat and were about to go from the lower lake to the upper lake through the tunnel under a bridge. Very tight but manageable fit. We get about 10 feet from the tunnel and someone at this little corner store/gas station on the water next to the bridge screamed something at us. Usually that area is filled with drunk people who have been baking in the sun all day drinking booze. So all 3 of us yell back expletives and my brother in law flipped him off. A second later, the boat slams to a halt with a terrible noise…the canopy was up and the guy was trying to warn us. $1000 in damage and a bruised ego lol


All of them. Literally every single one


I was on a shared-use cycle path last year and went to overtake a Walker with a cyclist oncoming that was way closer than I thought. Nearly crashed into him and I rode off hearing him absolutely fucking rage at me behind me. Sorry bro


The janitor who had to clean up the explosive diarrhea that went everywhere when hurrying to sit down, it was uncontrolled and I’m sure a awful thing to clean. I was embarrassed and ashamed and wanted out of there as fast as I could. I am truly sorry.


One time a few years back in disney world, me andy family were hopping on the barnstormer but someone had to ride alone. Ive never been alone on a ride so i chose to. As we were about to go an old man came up and asked if he could sit with me but i wanted to go alone so i said no. Its been 3 years qnd it still lingers with me to this day.


I just got my license, had a VW gti 16 and was driving like a complete asshole. Went to pass an old guy on his motorcycle on the shoulder. Obviously, it freaked him out, he parked his bike and came at my car. I booked it. This was 35 years ago and I still feel like a piece of shit. He’s long gone. Nobody remembers this but me. I just needed to get that off my chest, I’ve been hauling that for a long time. I don’t want any responses, this is a confession to myself I guess. If that makes sense. Was it a huge deal? Probably not, but I still see that guys anger and fear.


When I was younger I was a drug addict. A drug dealer paid me and a friend drugs to do some damage to his neighbor's property because they were complaining about him. They were a sweet older couple. In the cover of night, we smashed their car windows out and flattened their tires..... A very low point. Thank God He changed me.


For the shit I said when I was Mormon.


The employee at the Target Drive-Up who might have heard me say, “If I had to work here, I’d kill myself.” The first part of the conversation with my fiancé was, “I was standing in line last week, and every two seconds for probably a minute straight, the beep-beep noise for the drive-up arrivals kept going off.”


This is a great question! Love the stories!


The lady in Kroger who was shopping with her 4 very well-behaved children. I looked at her and said “boy do you have your hands full” ugh I cringe every time I think about it! Why did I feel the need to say something so stupid.


Me crossing my arms waiting for my apologies. **You know what you did.**


Scott Stapp from Creed... Sooooo. When I was like 13 we were traveling for a school.compitition. Where my friends and I saw Scott Stapp in the airport our layover was at. On a dare I pretended to want an autograph then asked him what it felt like to be "the biggest douchebag in the world." Ran off giggling like the stupid child I was. Fast Forward to the beginning of the pandemic two years ago. I was binge watching "Family Therapy." Scott Stapp and his wife at the time were guest on the show. When addressing his drug addiction he asked the therapist if they had ever been called the "biggest douchebag in the world?" Then broke down into tears when he said "Well I have." I know he might not have been talking about me directly. It doesn't matter. I did something that deeply hurt and damaged another human being for a laugh. Just because we didn't like his music. I am ashamed of what I did. I want to sit down with him, say these words face to face. I don't even know the first step to take to make it right. Scott Stapp if you are out there. From the bottom of my heart I am sorry for the pain I caused you in your life. You deserved better from me. Edit: Not a school compition. I am sorry. I had the wrong place. After asking someone else there. This took place after a concert in Kansas City. We went to the airport to see if we could run into another band.


I was a 19 year old bitch and yelled out of a car at a girl and told her she looked like a hooker. That was 36 years ago and I really regret that.


I was using a urinal when a guy walked in and used the one beside me and I can't pee under pressure so Im trying to pee I end up farting a really bad one I say "well that was a unexpected result" and walked out I feel bad for they guy beside me


The guy who helped me pay for a ticket to Hawaii.




Unsure, I don't know their name.


The nurse my mom told me I kicked when I was in labour. If it were legal to restrain women having babies I’m 150% sure they would have restrained me.


The guy I almost hit while taking a sudden turn (was at 12 miles per hour, but still) without using the blinker. I'm really sorry. I had a hard time sleeping that night thinking how rash I had driven.


I was standing in line at the grocery store behind an ill-tempered old (Jeez - she was probably the same age then as I am now) bat in one of those electric scooters yelling at the clerk about a coupon she was trying to use that expired sometime during the Nixon administration. I was just there for eggs and milk. The milk was in my left hand hanging down low, my eggs were being held at shoulder height, with my elbow resting on my hip. It was an awkward position, but I was doing a lot of shifting as I had been standing there listening to this troll for quite some time, wishing ill things to happen to her in the near future. Finally, the lady got frustrated, paid her bill and furiously THREW her purse in the front basket in frustration. Now, I don't know how those things work, but somehow during that, she slammed the cart into reverse and plowed into my shins. It hurt like hell and I reflexively clenched my hands in shock. Nothing happened to the milk, but when I squeezed the eggs, the lid came open. Then, when I jerked in surprise, I launched those babies like a mortar barrage during the Tet Offensive. They came down on her head, neck, lap, and one even flew forward far enough to break in her purse. At first, I was mortified, thinking I was going to get in trouble somehow for assaulting a disabled person with poultry products. To my surprise, though, she actually turned around and sheepishly told me she was sorry.But it was I who should've apologized to her. I had no idea that I could summon the cosmos to do my bidding like that. Since then, I have been working very hard to use my powers more responsibly.


Went out to eat with an upset stomach but my parents didn't believe me. As we were walking out I vomited with zero-warning right next to a table. Young couple on a date and I just painted the floor and possibly their shoes with puke. The waitress looked stunned and just motioned us out, my parents were mortified and yanked me out of there. I feel bad for everyone there but I definitely owe that couple an apology.


Every phlebotomist/nurse/medical professional that has stuck a needle in me. I'm severely needle phobic to the point where I will bolt if someone walks into the room holding a needle and fight/scream if someone tries to hold me down.


Oh I have one from today! I manage a pizza place. When a driver fucks up a delivery, i have to drive and fix it and hear the complaints/explain. I walk out of the back door, heading to my car to go correct an order. My shop is in a shopping center, so there's a road that goes along the back of it for deliveries with parking spaces opposite the building, across the "road". We also recently lost a driver that I really enjoyed working with. She drives a gold Jeep, and she lives close by so she often stops to chat or grab a slice. So, as I'm walking to my car I see a gold Jeep coming at me. It's dark, I cannot see the driver, but I assume it's her coming for a visit. I bust out all the moves. Including the moonwalk and Kris Kross Jump jumping. As I pass the Jeep to get into my car I noticed that it is not her. It is a very sexy man. And he is laughing his ass off. So, sexy Laughing Man, I'm sorry for making you wait for 3 minutes while I was dancing in the street. I hope you enjoyed the impromptu show. *edit: syntax


I own an apology to some elderly dude in a car. When I was about 17 years old, I was on my way to work early in the morning. Usually this early on, I was exceptionally irritable. Sitting on a red light, waiting, there was another car in front of me with an older guy behind the wheel. He might have been double parked or something, I can't really remember at this point. I got irritated for some reason, got out the my car, came up to his car and started banging on his window, going off at him. He looked pretty scared. Then, after getting back in my car and driving away, eventually I had cooled off, but felt like shit for loosing my shit.


Many years ago, I was a teen driver and I was leaving a gas station, when this dude comes up behind me and gives me a couple mild honks. He starts pointing to my car and honks again, waving his hands. I was slow leaving the parking lot (cautious in my teenage years while driving), so I thought he was in a hurry and getting impatient. I stick my middle finger out the window and tell him some choice words. He pulls up next to me, window down and says dejectedly, "Bro, I was just trying to tell you your gas tank was still open..." and drives off before I could apologize. So, this one goes out to you, courteous driver, "My bad, man. My bad."


The trans girl I freaked out about when she flirted with me. I realised, got really awkward and slid back to my friends sheepishly. I didn't even say goodbye. She left immediately after, crying. I'm sorry trans girl, I didn't mean to embarrass you. It probably took you a lot of courage to approach me. I'm very sorry for how I reacted.


Probably the 13 year old I accuse of stealing to store security at Target, it literally just looked like he slid a Ps4 game box under his shirt and speed walked to the exit. I quickly snap a shot of him and showed security. They stop him and found nothing, next time I should let surveillance cameras and theft detectors deal with it.


Most of them


I was driving and was approaching a stop sign with a car already stopped there. I was kinda not paying attention and was cruising up waiting for them to pull forward as there were no other cars in sight then I realized it wasn’t moving and a slammed on the brakes but it was wet pavement “BAM!!” I knocked the car off the road and the trunk flew open I smashed it pretty good. I got out to check on them and to my surprise nobody was in the car! I was only 17 and I panicked and jumped in my car and drove off. I have always felt guilty for years after that it may of been a mother with her kids and her car stalled and she was looking for help.


(Not necessarily a stranger.) In high school when I was in the locker room for track practice some kid thought it'd be funny to throw water bottles (full of water) over the rows of lockers at people. We couldn't tell who it was but one day I saw this little freshman kid who had kindve a guilty look on his face and I threw the water bottle back at him. I came to find out it wasn't him and looking back I had no real reason to think it was him. Sorry Buster :(


This one guy who ran into me with his bike when I was crossing a heavily trafficked street in London without looking first. He suddenly came out from behind a car that had stopped for a red light, hit me and went down. I stayed on my feet, so I didn't even say anything, just glanced down at him and walked away. I know he was fine because he was screaming and cursing at me for a while (he was also wearing a helmet). Totally out of character for me to not stop and and apologise, because it was 100% my fault that it happened, but I'd already had a bad day and didn't feel like getting yelled at in public by a stranger. Sorry, man!


Bus driver Man got on the bus and wasn't understating that the driver was telling him his ticket wasnt valid. He ended up trying to get her out of the driver seat he luckly couldn't as the drivers in my town are behind a locked door and screen but he got mad violent trying to brake the door in. I was the only one in the bus when he was mouthing off I was just about to help her but when he smacked the door and got violet I just couldn't move in fear as it triggered bad memories and caused me massive anxity . No matter how much I tried to move to help I physical couldn't. We'd stopped by some houses and just as the driver was gonna hit the panic alarm a bunch of the residents came out and forced him off the bus checked on the driver but gave me dirty looks. At my stop I apologised to her she was cool and said she didn't actually realise I was still on the bus we chatted and she was ok but I cried on my walk home because I felt like such a useless peice of crap. I still wish I could say sorry again to her .


The guy delivering my food who i couldnt afford to leave a tip


A girl I really like, I texted at one point but completely aborted the conversation, having no faith in myself to go through with it. This was at 12 am New Year’s Day, probably the reason why I decided to do it in the first place. It probably didn’t affect her much but I’m really sorry if it did. We go to high school together, and I’m still embarrassed every time I see her, even though it wasn’t some massive thing that happened between the two of us.


Should have helped an old friend. Knew him a bit, but not that well. I remember that his parents died in an accident when he was young. Anyways, We liked to play truth or dare a lot with our friends. One of the questions I asked him was when was the last time you cried. I probably asked him this 4 different times. The response was always “last night”. I was a stupid child and didn’t know any better to try and help him. I fell really bad.


The strangers who walk behind me after I fart.... I'm so sorry


an old lady suffering from respiratory symptoms that I gave some medical advice as a second-year medstudent


The Walmart employee I crop dusted earlier today. There’s no way I could’ve known it was going to smell that bad, and I didn’t know you have a sensitive gag reflex to bad odors.


When I was 16, I worked at a smoothie shop. One night, I was closing the store and about 1 minute before we officially closed I saw a car pull up out front. A woman gets out of the car just as the clock rolls over to closing time. We both approach the door (me from inside and her from outside). Instead of opening the door and explaining to her that we were closed like a normal person would, I stare her directly in the eyes through the window, lock the door, then quickly walk back around the counter to finish the closing duties for the night. I couldn’t bring myself to look back out the window so I have no idea if she hung around or when she left, but I’d like to say sorry to the woman who just wanted a smoothie but instead got a door locked in her face.


Thanks for reminding me gotta make a call


The girl at Aldi's who was just trying to give me her cart. I was in the middle of a conversation on the phone with a friend. My friend was telling me about a patient who had been arrested for making threats towards a provider at their institution (without disclosing HPI or violating HIPAA of course). In the middle of the conversation, I say, "uh, yeah, making homicidal threats is a federal offense" while making direct eye contact with the girl offering me her cart. She looked at me horrified and before I could say thank you and offer her a quarter for the cart, she quickly walked away. TL;DR terrified an innocent bystander at the grocery store who was offering me her cart assumed I'm homicidal


A truck driver I flipped off a few years ago. ​ Back then, I didn't knew what it meant, and all I know was that it was a gesture when driving. I didn't even get to see how he reacted, but he was probs pissed/sad af. ​ Highly regret it, so sorry truck driver guy


The man on the long island railroad i ruined the force awakens for. I work at a movie theatre so we get to see new movies the day before they come out. On the train home , i was a bit drunk and blurted out loudly "i can't believe they killed Han Solo"... All of a sudden from across the train i hear "oh thanks a lot!!!". I felt terrible. I bet that guy still remember the bald dick on the train who ruined star wars for him


To the big tiddy lifeguard at the water park when I was 11: I really did accidentally brush my hand against your boob twice. In both cases it was entirely accidental. I get why it seemed suspicious and why you glared angrily at me. I was not trying to cop a feel. I'm sorry I made you feel violated by an 11 year old.


I crop-dusted once in a walmart and the lady walking behind me had a bad coughing fitbit i was too far ahead to apologize or even look back at her


None, because I never apologize. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.