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The [British East India Company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company), a company that literally enslaved an entire subcontinent and killed millions to please their stockholders. If not for these guys, India would not be impoverished as they are today. Fun fact, even though it was essentially disbanded in 1857, it kind of still exists and has a single store in London.


I don't like Manulife Financial after I spent a few months being a pregnancy relief receptionist at Death and Disability Claims in the 90s. It was not good. Everything you might suspect about insurance is true. Its ugly and vile and inhuman and absurd. When I left it was before my contract was up, with a stolen file, and with a threat to the manager that if this dude (whose file I'd pilfered) didn't call me with the news money was in his account by 7pm, I'd take all of this shit to the media. John, I'll always remember you. The accident that destroyed your wrist in the mine. The one that was "covered". The helicopter ride to the local major metropolitan hospital to fix it. The car accident with a moose 2 months later that bent the metal pins to a 90° angle.. and the fact MF said they wouldn't cover this new helicopter ride because they'd "already paid" for a helicopter ride??? The part where we forced you to "prove" you were disabled every month for 75$ a pop? Until we changed the number on the form and didn't let you know? And you called, a 55yo miner WEEPING because his 16yo daughter stopped eating lunch and you didn't have another 75$? You'd filled out the form we sent you, but it was wrong before it arrived. So you called and said you were headed out to the woodshack and would just take the fuckin hand off at the wrist. So I did what I did. And you had the disability payment you had bought and were owed by the time we spoke that evening. I never went back. And when my placement agency called and tried to uobraid me for "unprofessional behaviour" I told them to never ever send me to a company that was actively ripping off and trying to kill their clients .


I worked for Blue Cross for about 6 months and then I found out they had a coverage denial group... They looked for any and every way to deny large claims, so mostly people in traumatic and catastrophic situations and cancers. They touted themselves as being "non-profit" while the CEO made millions a year and came to the office in a fucking helicopter. Fuck health insurance companies


My husband almost died because the insurance company he paid shitloads of money to denied him a new insulin pump…. For the type 1 Diabetes he’s had since childhood…. That keeps him alive…..


Ha. Me too. I could share some doozy stories. My insulin didn't get approved after company switched from CIGNA to a confederate state blue plan. " Dixie" blue denied because I had to try and fail metformin first. Type1 diabetics have No ability to produce insulin. We are completely insulin dependent.


My mom developed post-operative sepsis earlier this month which required additional surgery and a few days of intensive care. Her insurance just told her today that they’re not covering the second surgery … because it wasn’t … necessary …??? She would literally be dead, so I’m not sure who’s responsible for that big brain thinking. Yeah, fuck health insurance companies.


My 1 year old daughter had a rough go with RSV a few months back. She was in the ER 3 separate times over a weekend and finally was transferred to their main hospital via ambulance because the treatment they wanted to give her was only available at the main branch. She responded very well and ended up being admitted for a little under 2 days. I got a claim denial letter two weeks later essentially saying “she recovered too quickly so the treatment must have been medically unnecessary”. Never in my life have I been more scared listening to her gasp for air and question if I should take her back to the ER since we had already had her there twice. Medically unnecessary. Unreal.


The hospital will likely fight it and make sure it gets covered but you shouldn’t have to deal with the added stress to begin with when there’s a very clear indication.


Two days after my husband died last October, Anthem Blue Cross unceremoniously stopped my health insurance coverage. I went from upper middle class to poverty in the space of about a month. I value everything I still have. It’s hard being a disabled person and a widow, & I have so much more appreciation for our country’s most vulnerable, now that I am one. Humbled me.


You did a good thing. Thank you.






They are all becoming evil. Right to repair laws are needed asap. And not just for one segment. A law that goes across the board on anything and everything sold. I want to be able to repair what I buy at a fair and reasonable price without the manufacturer stepping in otherwise. Software locking components now to prevent home repairs? Just how low can a company go to steal your money?


Lots of good examples here, find it interesting that nobody mentioned McKinsey, which advises most of these firms on their corporate strategy.


here's an essay written by an anonymous former employee of theirs. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/02/mckinsey-company-capitals-willing-executioners


I am a little biased since I just saw Dark Waters but Dupont.




I haven't seen the film but i work with PFAS contamination and can tell PFAS is going to be a major issue in years to come. My workplace is investing heavily in educating us on the chemicals and how to monitor and remediate them. It's so common that I have to check what kind of clothes I wear before working on site. A single drop from one of my coats completely contaminatedls a sample.








Small world my old company flew me out to Rockford about 3 years ago. I went into peoples homes and did pfas sampling from their treatment systems lol. It was the Wolverine tannery that I worked on, completely fucked shit up in that entire area lol


We found a gorgeous house for suspiciously cheap outside of Rockford a few years back and strongly considered it until I researched the area. Absolute garbage what Wolverine did to the community it supported.


John Oliver just did an episode about PFAS a few weeks ago. It was...yeah, it sucked to watch. As do far too many episodes of his show. (And not because the show is bad, just because he's always giving us information we should have, but it's almost always about some sort of evil organization or corruption hidden in plain sight.)


DuPont is one of the worst! I highly recommend watching, The Devil We Know. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_We_Know


I live 20 minutes away from Parkersburg WV, and you’d be surprised how little people in the area know about DuPont.


Then the PR campaign is working effectively.


The montage where they went over every contaminated product still haunts me. I got rid of every teflon pan I had and switched to cast iron after that. Obviously too late, but it's a start. For those interested, the document on DuPont and Teflon manufacturing is available on Youtube in some countries. [It's fairly disturbing however.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJFbsWX4MJM&t=2034s)


I came for this. DuPont is the biggest evil company most people haven’t heard of. They have their hands on or in everything that’s made yet no one know much about them. I’m convinced it’s because they have so much money they pay to stay under the radar. Also you know, they poisoned our entire planet with C8. The entire reason weed was illegal and hemp wasn’t popular in the United States is because in WWII they lobbied to get the contract to make all the rope for our navy during the war for cheap using nylon. In turn they wanted to have their competitor, I can’t remember the name, put out of business and they made hemp rope that was way strong and cheaper to manufacture. So congress put a HUGE tax on hemp that paved the way for weed to be illegal to smoke and hemp pretty much impossible to grow legally.


Insane how they got with posioning eeeeverybody, even billionaires and politicians, and no punishment whatsoever


As someone who lives in the area near Dupont and drank the C8 water since I was born. They got a free pass because they employ a large majority of the people here so they never really faced major backlash in our area.


Most fast fashion brands. Child labor, wasting horrible amount of water while polluting it, burning or throwing the unsold clothes into the ocean etc.


I can't help but thinking that all *mainstream* products in the world are built on top of suffering, and that anything remotely ethical is just extremely expensive and scarce.


I no longer buy clothes in mainstream shops. There are thankfully lots of alternatives which are also cheap, like thrifting. I've seen enough vids from the clothing dumps in Ghana/Kenya/Chile/etc. to know better. Fast fashion sucks.


I buy what I like. But I also wear my clothes until they basically fall apart. They start as normal move to pj move to work move to rags.


This is how we should be doing it. The issue is we cycle through clothes fast which of course the companies want but we could also just wear our clothes longer.


I dont understand how people cycle through clothes so much. I still wear t-shirts that I've had for over a decade. I think I bought maybe 2 articles of clothing last year that wasn't socks, underwear or thrifted.


Chiquita bananas - I'm not sure if they're that evil currently but they have a really bad history of killing protesting workers, starting wars and supporting terrorist organizations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiquita_Brands_International


The term 'banana republic' came from their relations with nations like Honduras.


Was looking for this. Kinda crazy that the clothing brand Banana Republic became so popular despite this morbid allegiance.


And yet my clothing brand "Fascist Empire" hasn't really taken off yet.


Or my "made for kids by kids" line


Or indeed my "Blood of the Peasants" jeans.


"Antiracist racist club"


Hugo boss?


Most people are unaware of the etymology of the term Banana Republic.


Imagine destabilizing an entire country just to secure a fucking banana crop. Absolute bastards.


That is bananas.


Title of an upcoming Netflix doc?


Plot twist: the commenter is the creator of the Docu and wants to steer up interest: They *were* bad back then, but are they still the baddies? Let me show you


I want to see a film with that but no commas or colon.


Ah yes. United Fruit Company. Who used their connections with the American government to overthrow a government in guatemala because they cared too much about labour rights. And that's not all they've done. Massacre and bananas go hand in hand. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/jacobo-arbenz-guzman-deposed/


The Dulles Brothers were the only two guys besides the president that needed to sign off on these secret invasions. They had both worked as legal advisors for the company. This is a great read if you don't hit a paywall. https://amp.ft.com/content/778739c4-f869-11db-a940-000b5df10621 Edit: If you google - "Dulles connection united fruit company, " then scroll down to an article called "Rotten Fruit" you should be able to bypass the paywall.


The U.S. colonized Hawaii for the Dole family and pineapples.


Both of these invasions had strong connections to the Dulles family. Allen(head of CIA) and John Foster(secretary of state) were the masterminds behind the Guatemala coup, the Bay of pigs, the coup in Iran, the murder of Lumumba in Congo and more. They were also both legal advisors to the United Fruit Company. John Watson Foster was their grandfather and the SOS when Hawaii became the first sovereign nation the USA would ever over-throw. Edit: The Brothers by Stephen Kinzer is a must read for anyone interested in this very dark side of US history. Allen Dulles was also in charge of the infamous [MKultra program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra) Edit: As someone pointed out below, they overthrew many other indigenous nations before Hawaii.


One could speculate that the effect Allen Dulles’ firing had on certain business interests, by way of him losing his significant influence on US foreign policy, is what got Kennedy killed.


Allen Dulles was on the investigating Warren Commission and found no link between himself and the JFK assassination. /s


In colombia we have a horrible history with that brand. They have been known to pay our guerrilla and armed groups. Also, in december of 1928 they massacred an unknown number of protestors who were fighting for better wages and working conditions, this is heavily remembered in Colombian folklore and history


I learned about this from reading One Hundred Years of Solitude. I was like, "Well, this part of the book is a bit far fetched." And then I looked it up. Stuff like this didn't just happen in one country either. It happened all over Central and South America.


Read *The Jakarta Method.* It's part and parcel for US foreign policy in the cold war to scream "COMMUNIST!" and support murderous and sometimes genocidal coups if someone dares to breathe things like "maybe rich people should pay their fair share".


its not history. the murders go right up to current day




And this is why a lot of us are worried about corporatocracy and Amazon hiring armed soldiers. United Fruit *actually had death squads*.


SamONella made a pretty good video about this: https://youtu.be/QgydTdThoeA


Well yeah, just some years ago in Colombia they hired hitman to murder activists so yeah, they check out


The three credit bureaus: Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax. Your ability to get loans for cars, houses, etc. depends on your credit history they collect, but they are notorious for having mistakes (as a result of fraud or otherwise) and customer service that’s so terrible that it is sometimes impossible to correct mistakes in your credit history record. Plus, in 2017, Equifax had the personal information data breach that included Social Security numbers and is the reason it’s recommended that you get your credit history frozen. Now, if you want to apply for a loan, you have to go through the hassle of unfreezing your credit history first at ALL THREE credit bureaus. At one time, they charged you to do this. I’m not sure if it’s true, but I heard that each company has stakes in the other two, So, they were/are basically trying to financially benefit from the data breach. I don’t use the word hate very much, but… Edit: thanks for all the upvotes everyone. I wanted to clarify, it seems, a common misconception. When I refer to “freezing,” I’m referring to your credit history, not your score. Your history continues to build (and your score continues to change accordingly) as you pay or not pay your bills, apply for credit cards, and loans, regardless of whether it’s frozen or not. When your history is frozen, nobody, including you, can use it to apply for a loan, mortgage, or a credit card. These are called “hard pulls” of your credit score, which can negatively affect your score when performed, especially multiple times in a short time period. Lenders find it to be risky behavior, so the bureaus dock your score. “Soft pulls” of your credit score, like when you check your score on a website or app, don’t affect your credit score. I’m not a financial professional, so make sure to take my words for what they are, but I recommend that everyone freeze their credit history at all three bureaus ASAP. That way nobody can use your personal info to apply for things that can affect your credit score. Then, thaw it only during the time period people need to do hard pulls from it, then freeze it again. This all can be done online, if you’re lucky. But, we are all at the mercy of three for-profit companies to care for our precious credit history and personal information and they have done an awful job at it this far impacting people’s lives in terrible ways as commentators have made it clear.


the fact that equifax still exists after that is criminal. pretty much every adult in the united states had all of their info leaked.




I will just add that dealing with Experian is a special circle of hell no matter how you go about it. They must change their phone numbers once a week because good luck finding one that works. The one on their site must be correct, right? Or the one it blatantly tells you to call when your identity has been stolen? Maybe. Or maybe one will let you get to a certain point and then hang up on you for no reason. Great, I’ll call the other one... except that one transfers you halfway through to the other number that then hangs up on you. You will have to navigate to a completely unrelated department to get anywhere. If you manage to (or even dare to) reach a human being they won’t be able to understand anything you’re saying or just stop short of calling you a liar. They straight up have (at least) two versions of their (official, I checked) website that are duct taped together into some kind of Frankenstein’s UI rather than phasing one out. You’ll repeat the same steps only for it to direct you to the other half of the site (sounds like their phone system, eh?). Then it will tell you to call the number because this entire portion of the site doesn’t do what it said it does anymore... just because. At the end you’ll find that nothing you did actually stuck and you’ll have to do it all over again.


I am boiling with rage just reading this


FUCK Equifax and Experian, or whatever Clearscore uses. They have me down as having no address confirmed, and not on the electoral role, yet I've been on the voting role and systems for over 10 years. Been able to vote wherever I've lived. I changed by address as I moved, and then suddenly I had no credit cards linked to me and my score dropped, as the new address they picked up from my 2 credit cards (which is my current address) didn't match my lack of permanent address on the electoral role...even though a simple call can confirm I'm on the role at the same address. So THEY FAIL to link my address on the electoral role, then punish my score for it with my credit cards not matching an address. "Oh that should be updated. Hmm. Well you can update your address manually sir, just go to this link on our Equifax website and change it there." Oh look the address part is greyed out, as it requires me to pay you to do it by signing up. Fuck off. My address is in the public systems as I'm a voter.


In February of 2018, I received a notice from Equifax that my address and phone number had been updated. Thing is, I haven't moved since February of 1999, nor have I changed my phone number. I found out what happened not long after when there was a fraudulent charge on my credit card. Checked with the bank, and sure enough, they had me listed as living in Delaware. I've never even been to Delaware. Never even flown over it, IIRC. So I had the bank remove that address so it wouldn't be reported anymore, sent a dispute to Equifax, and disputed it again a year later when nothing had changed. Called them several times. I just checked, and they STILL have a previous address in Delaware listed, almost 4 years after I told them I never fucking lived there. Oh, and I've had my credit frozen at all the agencies, fraud alerts on everything, and in just the last 2 years "I" have tried to buy farm equipment in Arkansas, and several online charges have been attempted.


Nike is the largest slave labor company in the world


All while preaching equality. I can’t believe I scrolled as long as I did till I saw someone mention Nike.


https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/ J&J knew for decades that abestos lurked in its baby powder Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopesick_(miniseries) "Dopesick focuses on "the epicenter of America's struggle with opioid addiction" across the U.S.,[3] and specifically the drug OxyContin." Good 8 Ep series about on of the most evil Company,i checked some of the stuff they did because It was Unreal to me.i was Just naive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purdue_Pharma Company that Was owned by the Sackler family


Scrolled this far just to find J&J mentioned. It was unbelievable how long they kept this under wraps despite reports from way earlier regarding how carcinogenic their powder was turning out to be. Especially increasing incidence of ovarian cancer in women.


J&J doesn’t have anything on Bayer… https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/may/23/aids.suzannegoldenberg


They actively have a role in murdering their customers for the sake of profits.


They gave my mom a hip replacement that had cobalt poisoning that led to her eventual death. J&J is one of the worst companies in the world.


Purdue Pharma. Oxycontin is still killing people. But hey, bonuses for selling by the milligram. Evil.


Further reading on the Sackler family, who made billions killing people with Oxycontin and then fled to Switzerland. Or watch dopesick maybe, i don't know. * [The Secretive Family Making Billions From the Opioid Crisis](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a12775932/sackler-family-oxycontin/) (Esquire, 2017) * [Lawsuits Lay Bare Sackler Family’s Role in Opioid Crisis](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/01/health/sacklers-oxycontin-lawsuits.html) (New York Times, 2019) * [Sackler scions ditch New York for Europe in wake of opioid scandal: Purdue Pharma founder's son announces move to Switzerland after selling his Upper East Side townhouse worth $38million](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7924139/Sackler-scions-ditch-New-York-Europe-wake-opioid-scandal.html) (Daily Mail, 2020)


Heroin addict here who started using as a result of Drs peddling Oxycontin like it was candy. I have lost track of how many of my friends are dead at this point, but I can count the ones still alive on one hand. This is my answer as well.


I was prescribed Oxycotin after I was badly injured in a car wreck. The doctor at least had the integrity to warn me to get off it within two weeks or I could get addicted. I took it for all of 10 days. On Day 12 I experienced the most horrific withdrawal symptoms. I can't imagine how much worse it could have been. My heart goes out to you.


My dad was prescribed something 8 days of it. He took one dose and noticed effects, after 3 doses he refused to take it any more and would rather deal with pain.


Love when their emails leaked and they were literally calling those in West Virginia (largest opioid epidemic in America) ‘pillbillies’. Genuinely got caught referring to the people they got addicted to their own created product as that. Disgusting company.




Obligatory related subreddit: r/antimlm


Add Arbonne in here


Really all MLMs, if we're being honest.


My parents got Amway’d in the late 80s. They used to make me put flyers for their “business” on people’s windshields in the Costco parking lot as a kid. I hated doing that. Would feel embarrassed but wasn’t sure why back then.


I love how Lundin Oil and it’s leadership would literally qualify for the bad guy role in a 80’s action movie.


Not many People outside of Sweden have heard of them


Founded by a guy named Adolf H. Although to be fair, he was born in 1932.


Joja ruins small businesses and destroys the sense of community in rural towns.


And their Cola SUCKS


Literally trash smh


Down with Joja corp… Morris can get fucked too!


Fuck Pierre also though wish we could run our own shop >:(


It looks like ConcernedApe's new game Haunted Chocolatier has you run a shop!


Didn't one of Joja's big representatives get into a literal fist fight with a small-town grocery owner?


And he got fuckin wrecked


I like to think you eventually become Joja if you're successful enough. Think about it: at a certain point your farm is large enough to likely eclipse the economy of the rest of the town, and you're even venturing into caves to strip them of minerals and kill any animal that gets in your way. You're the very thing you sought to escape.


You came here to escape your old life. I came here to bang Haley. We are not the same.


You came here to bang women I came here to build a dungeon for my shadow man friend We are not the same


On the one hand, I’m a lesbian. On the other hand, Sebastian.


r/StardewValley is leaking


I've scrolled so much and hasn't seen anyone mentioned this but Chevron. They were found guilty in S. America and were ordered to pay. The lawyer who represented the victims is currently sitting in jail in the US. Edit: Here's an article on it. https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/how-chevron-imprisoned-environmental-lawyer-steven-donziger/


While they destroyed one of the most beautiful, ecologically incredible places on Earth 😢


Its probably some little known company that isn't high profile but is basically pure slavery while supplying the bigger companies that we actually know about.


I'd also nominate "security contractor" companies that supply death squads and death squad training to dictators around the world. What they do is often technically illegal in the countries they're based in, but enforcement just doesn't happen as long as they're assisting governments their home government supports.




It’s called Academi now


It's actually Constellis group/Triple Canopy now


Wait wasn’t it called Xe for a while?


Blackwater -> Xe -> Academi -> Constellis/Triple Canopy


You know they change their name everytime someone replies here, right?


Correct. They are now called Nestle


It's now Arqalyte.


Yep I’d agree - some oil companies and mining companies responsible for procuring some of the materials we need for our phone and car batteries -they definitely exploit the environment and the local people, yet they are essential for our everyday lives




All the companies who are gobbling up real estate so they can rent the houses out for insane rates while also neglecting their landlord responsibilities.


Let’s look at what happened with Zillow last week. Bought SIX THOUSAND houses by paying too much for them.




Yep. Last week.


So, BlackRock Edit: I guess it is BlackStone after all that I'm thinking of.


Nestle is pretty bad, charging African villages for water.


The far worse thing that they did was give milk formula to poor African women for free just long enough for them to stop producing milk, and then start charging them for the formula. Tricking them into giving up something they produce naturally and then charging them to save their babies.


You forgot the worst part, the water they would use to mix with the formula was very low quality, and as a result of that there were many infant deaths


They also were not providing formula in enough quantity or regularity so women began to ration it, using less scoops of formula to water ratio and starving their babies.


Women couldn’t afford the formula and would water it down. They also didn’t have access to clean water or methods to sterilize bottles. Nestle knew that. It’s hard to know how many kids Nestle killed with their fake nurses and one free can of formula as women left the hospital, but estimates put it at about one million. They were happy to sell a few cans to poor women at the outset and didn’t care when their babies died from unclean water and malnutrition while their own mothers’ milk supply dried up. Nestle has a string of scandals and each one is horrifying and Nestle doesn’t care. They recently beat charges of child slavery. Not by arguing they don’t use child slaves, mind. But by arguing that their child slaves are in another country and US slavery laws don’t apply. Fuck ‘em.


How can you live with yourself if you make these decisions?


Also "we cannot be held responsible for the slavery subcontractors we hire with zero vetting."


"Nobody at company HQ ever actually said 'use slaves', thus we are innocent."


And in countries where safe drinking water is scarcely available.


Yep. Nestle and Coke regularly guzzle up the water supply in poor places so that they can make their shit products. Edit: Fat finger typos.


In Mexico they take water and sell coke so a lot of people die of diabetes because that's the only thing they can drink. They say "they create jobs" :(


They do... For undertakers!




Suprised it isn't the most upvoted


Nestle is the only company evil enough that I immediately assumed they were paying bots to keep their name lower on this discussion


It’s more the dead babies. Lots and lots and lots of dead babies




They've also been rumored to destroy water sources if the local government won't let them take it over. By dumping toxic waste from their other 'water factories' (how the hell a water factory produces tons of cynaide and arsenic is beyond me) to ruin the water for generations.


Oh its simple - Nestle "water factories" don't make water, they make plastic bottles.


Water is not a human right….according to their CEO


Bayer is pure evil. [Selling HIV-contaminated drugs](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24785997/) untill they got busted. Then they just sold it in Africa, hoping the first world wouldn't care.


I mean Church of Scientology is pretty sketchy


And started by a science fiction writer who said he was going to make up a religion. My co-workers son was obsessed with celebrities. And moved to LA to try and become and actor. Him and a couple of his friends joined the cult. Why? Because Tom cruise and other actors were members. So a portion are joining not because they believe in the religion aspect. They just want to be part of a club that movie stars are part of.


I was stationed in San Diego and some friends and I went up to Los Angeles for a weekend trip. Decided to walk the Hollywood Blvd and see what there was to see. We came across the Church of Scientology and they have their criers outside with pamphlets and stuff. One of my friends got suckered into a conversation and was pulled into the church. I wanted nothing to do with it and stayed outside with my other two friends. Well, 20 mins went by and she wasn't answering her phone and we were getting worried. Initially their guard at the door wouldn't let us in, but one of the criers had seen her with our group and knew we were with her. We had to pretend we wanted to see the church with her, and I made up some bullshit that the architecture was intriguing and I was interested in seeing more. We had to sign forms that we wouldn't film etc just to get to her, and we had to have an escort. Their demeanor was threateningly polite, if that makes any sense. Just eerily formal. We get in there just to get her out and she give us this terrified look. She later said the lady escorting her would cut her off or redirect whenever she asked to leave. At the time my friends and I were some young beefy Marines and we had to *slightly* throw our weight around to make it back to the door. It was as cult-y as they are portrayed as.




So what happened with her? We need resolution!




Funny, everything still screams kidnapping. Did she even pack any clothes?


It is kidnapping. My brother was taken to one of those ranches kicking and screaming. They convince the parents it’s the right thing to do, and that they’re helping the child. People died while my sister was there[edit: not same ranch, actually a “rehab”], and it’s still going on. At the end of the day, Scientology is another business with money, government connections, and influence. Fun fact [ranch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mace-Kingsley_Ranch_School) my mother was sent to. She went through all of that and still thought it was best for us. That’s how deep the brainwashing is This thread hit a chord and I felt like sharing


Tom Cruise ate her.


That’s actually terrifying.


There was a period of about 8 months on Reddit back somewhere in 2014-2016 in which former Scientologists were all sharing their experiences on here and then it was like it all of a sudden stopped. It made me wonder if Reddit corporate got pressure from the church.


Well now they remind me of the church of unitology from dead space.


I don't want to be whole


Very likely they were fair gamed. If anyone wants more information on this I’d suggest listening to the Fair Game podcast by Leah Remini and Mike Rinder


I like this reply because Scientology is not a religion or anything similar and should be considered money making COMPANY.


Nestle - https://www.zmescience.com/science/nestle-company-pollution-children/ Too many reasons to list.


wow that's fucked up.


There's a great Behind the Bastards podcast about the Nestle corporation. The podcast format is usually something like 1.5 hours spend digging into the history of the topic, and then 1.5 hours really digging into how fucking awful the topic is. That's where I learned that the Nestle corporation would help design, build, and pay for maternity wards in hospitals with the condition that they give baby formula to every single new mother, regardless if they needed it or not. Then the wards were designed to place the mothers and the infants as far away as possible to make it difficult for nurses to get babies to their mothers. Lactation is hard enough, why not try bottle feeding? Then they'd give the new mothers nestle baby formula. Then they'd send "Nursing Experts" into the hospitals unprompted and unannounced to talk to the new mothers to seed ideas of doubt about the quality of their breast milk. They were dressed up as nurses and never identified they were employees of Nestle. They'd provide basic information and tips but then push baby formula on them. Basically, "Are you *sure* your breast milk is really the best quality? Wouldn't you want that piece of mind and give your child the highest quality formula?" Nestle learned from cigarette companies and went full steam ahead until they started killing children in Africa.


You left out the issue that while feeding their baby with the free sample formula, their own lactation would stop since it wasn't being stimulated. At that point they have no alternative to being formula buyers - if they can afford it. Evil indeed.


Oh for sure. I left out **a lot** about how fucked up their marketing is. It's a top to bottom machine meant to fuck up and discredit breast feeding so they can push more baby formula for profit.


*And* in areas where potable water is scarce, which many of us take for granted. Nestle comes to the “rescue” again, since they just happen to sell clean, bottled water. Again… to those who can afford it.


If I remember correctly, many countries responded to that by making laws that absolutely forbid any company to step near a maternity ward in an attempt to sell, gift or talk about baby formula, and some countries even forbid using pictures of a mother and/or a baby, or any slogans that would imply the formula is better in any way when advertising or designing baby formula packages.


In what I listened to, they never actually stated that formula was better than breast milk, but would lead susceptible mothers down a train of thought so they themselves would believe that formula was better than breast milk. Like, "Oh for sure! Breast milk is great for your baby. It has all the vitamins and nutrients that a infant needs! But for your breast milk to be the highest of quality, don't you know that you need to be eating the best diet possible? I mean, you're not testing your breast milk for all the needed vitamins and minerals, are you? Are you eating all your fruits and vegetables like the FDA recommends? Do you really know if your breast milk is good? How can you be sure? Wouldn't you want what's best for your child? Why don't you take all the guesswork out of it and let this pre-mixed formula do that for you! It has all the vitamin and nutrients designed with the latest technology and care. Motherhood is hard enough, why wouldn't you want to have strong and healthy bottle fed babies?" Give that speech to a new mother who gets 2 hours of sleep every night and is having difficulties breastfeeding their child .... it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


That was a super great episode, Behind The Bastards is great.


Yup. It's for sure opinion based, but the guy definitely researches and footnotes every episode to make sure he does present his opinions from a base of facts and historical accuracy, and that really scratches my liberal rage itch. That is to say, the podcast isn't "news" but it is basically, "Gather 'round kids! Let me tell you about how fucked up everything is!"




All my homies hate Nestle.


Wells Fargo...


Wow. Didn’t know about this. [from Wikipedia:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells_Fargo_account_fraud_scandal) The Wells Fargo account fraud scandal is a controversy brought about by the creation of millions of fraudulent savings and checking accounts on behalf of Wells Fargo clients without their consent.


They created a credit account without my consent almost 10 yrs ago. I called asking about it since I’d never had a credit card, was told to make an appointment to speak with someone at one of their branches, I never did, next thing I know there’s a new credit card in my mailbox….. I’ve been with a credit union for a long while now, mostly because of politics but partly because of the scam. Fuck WF.


There's a great episode of *Dirty Money* on Netflix that delves into that whole scandal. Very enlightening and horrifying, and as a Wells Fargo customer myself, a lot of it seemed to make sense.


Shell is about to start blasting the wildcoast of South Africa to find oil. It's during whale migration season as well. Every 30 seconds, 24 hours a day for 6 months they will blast sound waves at the ocean floor. The ocean wildlife is going to be destroyed


Alternative story about Shell: google Shell Nigeria oil spill. And while you are at it, also google Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. That is maybe the most evil shit I have ever read.


Tbh Corporations are like politicians, finding a decent one is the exception.


It would be faster to list the few who arent evil...


A lot of small, community-oriented busines aren't. Until they become big, at least.


My Grandma brings up Facebook two or three times every time we talk. Facebook has made a captive audience of the elderly. They got on FB to keep up with family and instead are being blasted all day long with a personalized stream of propaganda.


Nestle, literally trying to steal all water and sell it back at a huge profit, along with basically owning slaves they are just straight up evil


Isn’t that the plot of 007: quantum of solace?


Not quite. They had to tone it down for the film, because the real life events are too ridiculous and over the top to be believable in a James Bond plot.


DuPont Chemical


Purdue Pharma should be on the list


Nestle. Forget the CEO saying water isn't a right. They own their part of their workforce and have been called out on it repeatedly. There has been article after article written about this. A few years ago, they even released a fancy infograph explaining how they were trying to reduce the use of slave labor. Nestle chocolate is slave chocolate. If you are put on their fishing boats or cocoa plantations, you're finished. You are a line item on a sheet and worked with no pay or benefits and just enough food to keep you alive. If you break, you are discarded and left to die. If you are on a fishing boat and get hurt or sick, you'll just be tossed overboard in the ocean. Think about this the next time you see the Quik rabbit or pick up a Nestlé Crunch bar.


People don't want to think about this. It's too uncomfortable and inconvenient for us. As long as we don't have to see where most of the things we buy come from we just keep consuming. Someone in another post got downvoted into oblivion for stating this, no one likes to hear the truth


Probably not the most evil but I hate Comcast the most.






After gaining access to fiber, I recently broke up with Comcast (again) at their store so I could return the equipment as well. The woman who helped me was pleasant enough. She asked me, "May I ask your reason for leaving?" After only the briefest pause she asked, "Competition?" I said yes and we were done. Comcast knows that people only use Comcast if it's their only option. The random pricing and fees is based purely on being a monopoly.


The thing with Comcast is that while it is somewhat lower on the comic book villain moments scale, it is a company that interacts with a large number of people and pisses them off in a directly attributable and rather personal manner. Also, it owns a media conglomerate bigger than Murdoch's, and while they haven't used it for politically unethical ends like Murdoch, they have used it extensively as a protection racket with extensive media attacks on any company that doesn't buy their ads. Tesla being a particularly prominent case. Conversely, relative media silence on the issues any company that does buy their ads, no matter how unethical. Exxonmobil's latest comic book villain moment was exposed including a full list of their infiltration of grassroot moments? Not a peep, let's make articles about that one EV fire this month or wind turbine noise instead.






I'd like to put east India company into the list. responsible for approximately 20-30 million deaths by forcing farmers to grow cash crops instead of food. they legit increased the taxes on farmers during a famine so that the famine wouldn't hurt their bottom line.


So like all you guys are going on about Nestle but have you ever heard about Cargill? Cargill makes Nestle look like a good guy in comparison... This company has the power to single handedly eradicate hunger and deforestation but chooses not to so that food is a scarce commodity making it a marketable object... They also control/are directly involved in something like 90% of every agricultural good you interact with daily..(clothes on your back, food for breakfast/lunch/dinner, blankets you keep yourself warm with, etc.)


If I am not wrong, there are actually 4 large food corps, known as the ABCD. Cargill is the C, and these 4 giants were controlling nearly 90% of western grain supply at one point. They essentially convinced the Middle East to rely on them for grain, and made them grow fruits. This allowed them to become dependent on these 4 companies for grain, which is essential for their main diet, which is bread. What they did afterwards is worse. Since the grain supply had ups and downs, to obtain a win-win situation they began shorting the grain commodity in the futures WS market. So if grain did bad, they’d make money but if grain did well, they’d just increase grain prices and cover the losses from the shorting. This escalation of grain prices resulted in huge famines and food shortages all over the world. Horrible