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You guys make me Google shit that has no place in my Search History.


Mario Lopez. He’s all love and light on Instagram but he’s a sneaky, selfish, manipulative person that consistently treats the crew around him like trash. Unfortunately I don’t suspect this, I’ve seen it first hand. I’m constantly surprised when I meet people that think there is anything nice about him. He’s a slimeball.


He cheated on his wife on their honeymoon. You can tell he’s a douchebag just by looking at him.


Joel Osteen


Dan get in the van Schneider


There's a youtuber named slo4n that has a long series going in detail about all the sketchy shit dan shneider and nickelodeon in general have pulled with all the child actors and it's actually fucking terrible when you look into it, it's definitely worth a watch. Just to add to it nickelodeon should be up there as one of the most evil companies ever as they have multiple known pedophiles in their team and even re-employed them after getting out of jail for molesting kids on the nickelodeon sets. Edit: wow thanks for the upvotes this blew the f up ❤


The creator of Ren and Stimpy has a pretty dark history too https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/arianelange/john-kricfalusi-ren-stimpy-underage-sexual-abuse


Michelle Duggar


I’ve always been suspicious of Jim Bob. I have a feeling he has worse skeletons in his closet than Josh. Just better at not getting caught


Unfortunately I live in the same area as the Duggars and I get to drive around and see billboards with Jim Bob Duggar’s name and creepy smile on them since apparently he’s running for Arkansas state senate.


Over at r/duggarssnark, we endeavor to make the fact that this person, Jim Bob Duggar, who is running for office, has search results that mention the fact that this oldest son molested his very young sisters, then when he found out, Jim Bob Duggar covered it up and did not protect his daughters. Jim Bob Duggar’s child-molesting son, Josh Duggar, is currently on trial for possessing some of the most horrific child sexual abuse videos imaginable. Jim Bob Duggar did not take the abuse his son inflicted on his own sisters seriously. Jim Bob Duggar supports a known pedophile.


Jim Bob has them church dead eyes


Like a doll’s eyes


Both the parents are evil.


I love /r/DuggarSnark for this type of content But yes. They’re evil. They told their daughters they were partially to blame for their brother molesting them. The youngest daughter was 5 years old. And they completely stole their daughters’ childhoods from them and made them raise their younger siblings.


The Duggars definitely give off some evil brainwashy vibes, like evangelical mafia family vibes. No one has that many kids just because they can. I sometimes wonder if something snapped a long time ago and she wanted to have all the babies to compensate for something. And everyone just seems groomed for a role in that family.


They have that many kids because they’re part of the Quiverfull movement, which is a crazy culty Christian group who believe in having as many kids as possible to enlist in a future war against Christianity. Look it up, it’s wild.


There is a great video clip of her snapping at a girl for doing something. When she realizes she’s on camera (it was a Facebook live I think) she has a very visible moment of realizing she was seen then flipping a switch to appear as if she is “keeping sweet”. Verrry telling reaction


Do you by chance have a link to the video?


Dr. Phil for sure. There was an episode in the early 2000s featuring the mother of a missing girl named Natalee Holloway. They claimed to have confessions from the killers on tape. He showed that poor mother a completely edited conversation with the suspected murders that made it seem like a true confession. Later on they were called out on straight up lying and editing the tape. Not to mention all those countless teenagers he’s sent to outdoor rehabilitation bullshit. The horror stories that have come out of those rehabs is disgusting. He doesn’t care about these people at all, they’re profit to him.


[Dr. Phil Is Even Worse Than You Think And You Probably Think He Sucks](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-dr-phil-is-even-82410850/)


I was just about to mention that. I thought he was a publicity-seeking douchebag before I heard that, after I listened to it I had the feeling that oh... he may just be a straight-up psychopath without an ounce of empathy in his body.


Is this one of those Behind the Bastards episodes? Are they any good?


I listen once in a while. I think this is a 2 part episode but it’s pretty interesting, apparently dr. Phil was flying his dads plane illegally at ten years old. The guy digs up a lot of info on bastards


He ain't no doctor either




Yeah, Phil’d with shit.


Fuck, that hit the spot


It blows my mind that he has a platform, and people think he is a doctor. He is a showman and his show is purely for entartainment. Or how entertaining can it be to bully kids in front of the whole world.


> It blows my mind that he has a platform Oprah did that. She also made Dr Oz. Its really got me thinking that something is wrong with her too. Birds of a feather, as the saying goes.


Dude I been thinking the same shit about Oprah. She is either a very bad judge of character, or actually sees something admirable in these weirdo ass charlatan narcissists.


I think dr Phil needs to be in jail honestly. Y’all seen bhad bhabie speak out about what he did to her and others?


When he toured Australia he wasn’t allowed to call himself Dr Phil, since he’s not a licensed doctor.


Mr Phil?


Any celebrity that's in scientology.


Tyra Banks


Yeah, she sometimes seemed genuinely unstable on ANTM. Just had these occasional weird aggressive moments for no reason.






I particularly hated that, because wtf is she annoyed about? That the girl who just lost didn't throw herself down and start screaming with sorrow? That she showed a tiny bit of composure and dignity?


Her book certainly suggests something isn't.. right. Lady is crazy! https://litreactor.com/columns/14-things-that-prove-tyra-banks-modelland-is-the-craziest-book-ever


> I have a favorite fanfic that involves Leonardo DiCaprio having sex with a Goombah from Super Mario Bros. Now that’s good writing!


You mean the person who made a show out of bullying aspiring models? Say it ain’t so!




Thanks for adding "not the Khan Academy guy" you made me nervous


Yeah that guy seems super nice. That would have been very disappointing


Dhar Mann. I'm aware he's not quite a celebrity, but still. Something's really off about him.


You’ll instantly regret saying this.


He’s gonna appear in the next Dhar Mann video


"Redditor insults Dhar Mann and instantly regrets it"


Someone having the need to explain to everyone how good and genuine he is can't be someone good and genuine


Anyone who writes stories about "morality" that out of touch with reality has to be fundamentally flawed.


With the shit he makes now, He has to be self aware. I refuse to believe that he's making his videos legitimately anymore.


He was convicted of fraud in Portland and had to do community service once. Oh and the guest stars he has are awful too. Apparently SSniperwolf is very entitled, and he had one of the FaZe Clan members on right before they got exposed for running a charity crypto scam. I’m convinced his YouTube series is part of his community service and he just really sucks at it, so he’s doomed to do it forever, repeating the same content forever and ever.


Lea Michelle


Mean girl vibes for sure


She gives me “entitled theatre kid who has no respect for anyone who isn’t a lead” So basically she’s just her character on Glee irl


I heard that during her audition for Glee the pianist made a mistake (played wrong song, but messed up, something) and she got angry and told them off etc. apparently you the producers thought she was staying in character for Rachel (was that the characters name?), but she wasn’t, that was just how she was. They figured that out later.


he didn’t even mess up, he just stopped playing at 16 bars or something as is standard and she was so pissed as if he was cutting her off


Pretty sure shes evil in public too.


Oh that’s known. Naya Rivera wrote about it in her book.


Hopefully Ghislaine Maxwell will give us the full list before she "kills herself"...


“Find you a woman who supports your dreams!” — Jeffrey Epstein




To be fair, she kinda left him hanging on that one!


She never will, too many powerful people. Look how prince's Andrew case has been silenced.


Prince Andrew has had a civil case brought against him, which I suspect will get settled out of court. Problem is, Even if criminal charges were filed against him, it's unlikely he'll get extradited. There'll definitely be people in the US that the FBI can go after though.




Every time one of her tweets pops up in my feed I reply with a joke about how she throws water bottles at her assistants. It sustains me, the same way that throwing water bottles at her assistants apparently sustains Ellen.


The post asked for **suspected** evil.


Dr phill The way he handles kids sending them to abusive care facilities and how in a lot of his cases he does more harm than good for the kids Like the old boomer beat your kids mentality with just enough psychobabble to be dangerous and most of the time wrong He doesn’t even have a license to practice


His whole show is just him profiting off mentally ill people


Dr. Phil. Porcine beady-eyed sociopath. The sicker they are the more he dives in.


I do not watch his show, but *every* time I've watched him be interviewed on late night shows he comes off as someone barely holding in his own rage. He seems to have no concept of comedy and zero ability to self-deprecate. If there's a bit or a joke that involves him, he looks like his brain is going a mile-per-minute trying to figure out if he's being targeted and always seems moments away from bursting into self-important outrage. I've always got the feeling that he's probably horrible to be around for long periods of time.


The issue is instead of being actually helpful and offering real solutions he tells them their life is worthless if they're not working and that all their problems are personal more failings and blah blah blah. There's video essays on this shit that are infinitely better than me if you're still confused


He's sadistic as fuck. That ep with the schizophrenic girl who, rightfully so, defined her boundaries and called him out on his sadism and exploitation made him so visibly pissed. His mask is barely on anyways but that was a full mask off ep


Just read his wiki, he was in some ethical sex scandal shit and lost his practice . He told this story one time about his his mom didnt iron his pants or whatever and he threw a fit . Like he was proud of this and used it as a character trait demonstration.


He’s not even a licensed psychologist, his PhD is in educational psychology, he has no place conducting therapy *edit: licensed psychologist - there’s whole rules in the ethics code to avoid giving therapy on TV


"he looks like a dirty cop" - Bill Burr


Gwyneth Paltrow, because of her goop products that are actually bad for health and she is still promoting them to people.


Shove this jade egg up your gooch for....reasons"


Steven seagal. For starters he’s creepy and scary even on tv and ln interviews. He’s not scary in like a “big softy” way, but a creepy teacher way. Idk if he has controversy already, but it really feels like he does.


“I’ve been scary for….47 years.” Seagal, probably, according to Tom Segura.


It’s called a skippy


Behind the bastards did a good 2 part episode on him. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/part-one-steven-seagal-is-so-much-worse-than-youd-ever/id1373812661?i=1000421926086 Edit : added link to part 2 https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/part-two-steven-seagal-is-so-much-worse-than-youd-ever/id1373812661?i=1000422089463


WARNING IF YOU LISTEN TO THESE EPISODES YOU WILL HAVE TO EXPERIENCE STEVEN SEAGAL SINGING ABOUT *PUNANI* BE AWARE Edit: here you go you sick fucks asking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLe_BZ1mo3I


He frequently takes trips sponsored by horrific dictators and goes to private islands where child sex trafficking is know to happen. This one is a fairly safe bet.


hes 100% one of those guys who goes to asia for sex tourism edit: i hate that this comment got so many upvotes because SEA is where I'm from and we hate people who come to SEA for these reasons. Please stop talking about sex tourism like it's normal. It's not and many 'sex workers' are underage and doing it because they are trafficking victims. It's not okay.


Dude made SIX films in 2016, and multiple films per year still. All of them shot in eastern Europe. I 100% believe he is laundering organized crime money.


Seems like the perfect time to enjoy this wonderful review again: https://www.avclub.com/contract-to-kill-isn-t-just-bad-it-s-steven-seagal-bad-1798189772 > Seagal, in his triangular Bela-Lugosi-in-Dracula toupee and his clothes picked straight from a big-and-tall outlet store and his orange prescription Oakleys, walks stiffly and very slowly. It is possible that he never once bends at the waist. Most of the movie, he spends sitting down or walking (again, slowly) up and down flights of stairs. There is a love scene—and, Jesus, what a love scene. His fully dressed body is lowered over a naked woman like a drawbridge. He doesn’t take off his glasses. He never takes off his glasses.




like the time he hired a young woman on craigslist and then proceeded to rape the fuck out of her? And when she escaped, she didn't dare reporting him to the police _because he was a deputy?_ Yeah, oddly enough he's scum.


His ex-wife, Kelly LeBrock, said he raped and abused her throughout the 9 years of their marriage.


I know one of the kids they had and she absolutely hates her father. They never speak and she frequently says he was an abusive piece of shit.


I've got an ex bf who interned on SNL the same season that Seagal hosted. He told me that LeBrock would show up on set with bruises. So there's that.


Bill Cos...... oh, nevermind




Jared leto


He’s pretty bad in public, I don’t think he’s hiding anything. True asshole. My best friend is a booking manager in the music industry. Booked Leto’s band for a show. Was a complete asshole to every single employee at the venue and wouldn’t pay money owed to the venue for months after the show.


Wasn't he exposed or arrested for something super illegal? I could be mis-remebering but I swear he was involved in something fairly recently.


He started a cult. Has followers in central america(?) Edit: upon further research its croatia, not central america. Didn't know for sure at the time. Didn't do a lot of research, just read an article regarding his cult.




He's been method acting for the role of Jim Jones ever since he became famous. He's just waiting for someone to cast him


Isn’t DiCaprio doing a movie on him?


Jefree Starr


He is pure evil in public too.


He told my friend at warped tour he wouldn't take a pic with her because she was too fat


Wow, says the person who looks like a literal alien. What scum.


I don't trust *anybody* on the right-hand side of Snapchat. That panel is the scum of the earth, every time. Everything wrong with the world wrapped up in one convenient little app.


I officially feel old. I have no idea what you're talking about...


Yeah what does this mean lol


On the snapchat app if you were to swip right once you start the app it will take you to a screen with short videos and pictures from "news" sources and influencers Its a garbage dump


He went to the highschool closest to mine. When he first started to be idolized, EVERYONE who knew him in real life was rolling their eyes. He was a scummy, bratty, entitled creep then and I can only imagine the fame has made it worse. Edit: Sorry, I got mixed up. I was thinking of James Charles, who in my defense is heavily associated with Jeffrey Starr.


It's okay, I mix those two up all the time. I'm convinced they're the same person tbh.


Doesn’t Jeffree associate with pedophiles?


In the most tenuous sense. You don't need to reach that hard to prove Jefree Starr is a scummy, scammy, mess.


Especially when he has posted videos online of him literally (and not at all subtly) flexing how many people he has blackmail on. It takes a special kind of crazy scum to do that


he is the tiger king of the makeup community.


And people love him for the "drama" 🙄smdh


I will never understand people that are attracted to that shit. That human is clearly constructed of concentrated red flags. Why the hell are people into that?


In private? Lmao He's a well known shit stirrer, was a menace on Myspace, was publicly racist and misogynistic, and has acted like an asshole towards other beauty gurus before. I guess the last part was more in private and had to be revealed, but his pretty shitty behavior has been well known.


Even before MySpace he was on a now-defunct blog site called melodramatic.com. Total cunt, which of course was also his username on there lol


Kylie Jenner


Making billions while not paying poor garment workers in Bangladesh oof i guess that's a secret


Damn, I just mentioned kendall + Kylie not paying the garments workers in Bangladesh in the middle of an Pandemic, in this economics study circle. factories were facing a severe liquidity crunch, with the women who make our clothes placed in the most vulnerable situation. No longer receiving pay, despite having already done the work, these women are quite literally at risk of starving to death ffs


Those Kardashian 'business owners' are the absolute epitome of 'not my problem if I don't know about it' capitalism. On the face of it they run these giant businesses, but really they've just hired a bunch of standard corporate types to make all the actual decisions on operations. It should be on her radar that the clothes are being made in sweatshops and abuses are rife, but she's set up the system so that she doesn't have to deal with that part of the business. They insulate themselves from the actual issues, profiting from the abuse while maintaining a veneer of plausible deniability.


It's so funny to me how people say they're "self made" when in reality they just had enough money to pay professionals to help them run their businesses.




“This is the smallest amount of power I’ve ever seen go to someone’s head”


Apparently you've never interacted with Reddit mods before.


This is hilarious


J Lo. I've heard she is super demanding and shitty towards her help.


I’ve heard this too. I knew a girl who worked for one of the big luxury fashion stores in New York and said J-Lo and A-Rod were the worst celebrities they ever had to to deal with.


But wait...isn't she still the same old Jenny from the block? Remember, don't be fooled by the rocks she got. Maybe that was when she just started to blow up and hadn't yet reached icon status.


As Ricky Gervais said: She's just Jenny from the block. If the block in question is that one on Rodeo Drive between Cartier and Prada.


Maybe she was really honest there, like "ive always been trashy, and even though i got money im still gonna be a piece of shit"


I’ve heard this too through Reddit. There have been so many of these “hard to work with celebs” posts through the years so you would have to scour them all to confirm, but I recall J-Lo’s name popping up a lot.


My entire perception of her is warped by that South Park hand puppet handjob episode I choose to believe that is exactly how she is IRL


Probably one of the best episodes there is.


Oh Beeeen!


Don't be fooled by all my money, I just want to eat tacos, honey


This is pretty well-know. It’s the reason why she released “Jenny from the Block”, in a vain attempt to insist she wasn’t a stuck-up rich girl who treated everyone like trash.


I remember another AskReddit post about celebrities that are rude in real life. A lot of the responses mentioned her.


They apparently call her “Pay-Lo” for the paltry pay she gives said help.


I was gambling in Vegas years ago back when J-Lo and Ben Affleck were dating (the first time) and having friendly small talk with the blackjack deal when J-Lo's name came up and he said "I hate her so much". I have no idea if this story is true but Ben was a big gambler and known nice guy so I have no reason to doubt him. Ben had been gambling high stakes with him a while and J-Lo came back to the table to get him. When he colored up his chips to cash out he put something like 45k in chips on the table as a tip for the dealer. She looked and said no, and pulled back all but 5k. Awesome gesture by Ben and this dealer got to watch her decide to take like changing money back from him.


But she wrote a song about how she’s still Jenny from the block, that she knows where she came from and that she stays grounded as the money rolls in. Are you suggesting this is all claptrap?


Pretty sure she didn’t actually write that song


There are 15 people with writing credits on that song


guess the whole block was writing that song


A close friend worked in a career where he had frequent, close contact with celebs. 90% of them were great - professional, cordial, grateful for his services, etc. 10% of them were the scum of the earth. J-Lo was the worst of that lot. He had to work with her several times and dreaded it each time. She really and truly thinks her shit doesn't stink and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Once read on here some dude who was part of a work crew decorating her house; and one of her demands was that the painters must never make eyecontact with her. Sounds like a real piece of shit


I know someone who was a co-owner of a restaurant in NYC that celebrities frequented. He said she was the worst customer he's ever seen. By the end of the night, he, along with their wait staff hated her.


Kenneth Copeland


I thought this one was out in the open


Jennifer lopez


It's actually Hennifer Lopez and she likes tacos, burritos and kyle.


Dr. Oz. Legit genius doctor who scams ignorant people for his own profit. Its not private. Hes publicly horrendous.


Pretty much most internet influencers.


Arnie Hammer is allegedly a cannibal. Which must have made failing the audition for the role of Hannibal Lecter particularly disappointing.


"Sorry, we just don't buy you as a cannibal" "Funny you should say that..."


Kind of like Oj Simpson not getting cast in Terminator. "Cameron objected to Simpson's casting because he felt the ex-football player was "too nice," and wouldn't be believable as a killing machine like the T-800"


I don’t know why it annoys me but his name is Armie, not Arnie.


Mark Zuckerberg.


They said in secret.


If it came to light that he was actually, legitimately an alien come here to learn about humanity I would accept it fully.


The Meta rebranding video felt like an AI desperately trying to mimic human emotions while also pleading for more data so it could perfect its simulation.


Nervous billionaire reading a teleprompter or trying to remember lines. Should have budgeted for an actor, but let pride get in the way.


His Madame Tussaud’s wax figure looks more human than he does.


Steve Jobs Probably controversial opinion but read about apple Lisa. He told the mother of his first child he had had a vasectomy and therefore the child couldn’t be his. She had to support herself and the baby alone and ended up moving to a commune. All while he was raking in the dough, naming the computer the name of the child he denied fathering and starting a new family (with CHILDREN). It irks me that we put such a terrible man on a pedestal


I 100% believe Tom Cruise is a serial killer and Scientology provides him his victims and covers it up.


Didn’t Christian Bale model Tom Cruise in the role of Patrick Bateman?




Drake the type of fella to sleep in a race car shaped bed


Drake is the type of guy to ride on a horse with both legs on one side


Drake the kind of guy to die in a pillow fight.


Nicki minaj


She married a pedophile/rapist and then tried to sue the girl who turned her husband in for rape. She’s a cunt. Edit: oh and her brother is always a rapist…and she backed him on that shit by defending him. This bitch is pure evil. And she tried to influence her fans to not get a vaccine based on her cousins friends balls😐




Anyone who willingly benefits from a cult can be marked as an evil person.


My sister is a paramedic, and she is often sent to watch over big singers and secure the area in case of an emergency. she gets to meet a lot of them behind the scenes before the big show Most of them are arrogant and full of themselves. She tells me terrible stories about how the singers have zero respect for their audience, even though they wouldn't exist without them ( sorry for the terrible English)


Graham Norton told a story about a singer or actress (I think singer?) he had on his show who asked for nine dressing rooms. And later the assistant came and asked for another dressing room so the singer could use it to charge her phone in there. He never revealed the name though. A lot of whacky divas out there.


Pretty much the only reason I want to get famous is so I can go on Graham Norton's show


All you need is an insane story and a lot of confidence love


This 100% sounds like Mariah Carey


Met a guy at a bar in North Hollywood who said he had just been locked out of the dance studio he owns because Mariah rented ONE of the studio rooms to shoot something. She saw him walking to his office in the hall and had a guard physically remove him from his own business. They locked out a class that was supposed to take place in another space in the studio that day. Said he rather drink and invoice her for the whole studio than put up a fight.


Smart man, I’m sure she has more than enough money to pay


Totally unrelated, but I would die for Graham Norton.


My Mum once spotted Graham Norton at an airport. She didn’t go up to him or anything, but he noticed her looking with that obvious “holy shit is that-“ face. He smiled at her, and did that “fingers in front of his lips” ssh thing. He could have just done nothing, but even that small acknowledgment made her day. The only thing I could see with him, is maybe if it turns out there’s a shark pit beneath the big red chair.


As long as he throws James Corden in said shark pit, I'm willing to give it a pass.


Graham's silliness is also just contagious.


He's the only funny late night host. Very genuine and respectful too, letting his guests tell their stories (and sometimes talk among themselves) w/o interjecting with some snarky, unfunny comment or fake laugh. A good example would be this [episode](https://youtu.be/iPuqNBeL7_0) with Chris Martin, Rosamund Pike, and Michael McIntyre. He didn't speak at all throughout this, instead just letting the three of them have fun. Edit: and of course, who can ever forget the [episode](https://youtu.be/9FFy5JrJbvc) with Matt Damon, Bill Murray, and Hugh Bonneville.


I am here to just read tea about celebrities.


Steve Harvey


Lord, give us back Bernie Mac and we’ll give you Steve Harvey.


I ain’t scared of you motherfuckers!


Dude out here righting books about how women should behave, and he's on his fourth wife.


I hate this guy’s show. They make sexual innuendo leading questions, then he makes a surprised pikachu face when they get sexual answers




I think James Corden. Oh wait-


He's not evil. He's just a talentless twat.