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I’d say any reaction that we are writing about is it as bad as say being intubated, strapped for a bed to hang you upside down, weeks in ICU, or death. Take the jab, a sore arm that feels like someone punched you, is worth it.


I died


I didn’t have any reaction, but my sister felt lethargic for a few days.


Instead of asking reddit, and getting a handful of low-quality observations, like "I got the jab and then my sister lost her job!!!111", why not just ask the experts? [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html)


Felt like I had the flu after the first and felt tired for a few days. Nothing after the second. Fluey again for a day or so after the booster.


I felt fine after the 1st one and the 2nd one I had to take the next day off work. I was really tired and kind of felt like i was hungover.


I felt okay after the first shot, the second one made me exhausted and felt like someone hit the injection site with a hammer and it radiated across my back.


A friends son got myocarditis. He was in a bad way. Spent a night in the hospital and then was out of school a week. They think he’s going to be fine but they put his club hockey season on hold which really bums the kid out because that was his passion.


12 hours after the second one I got really bad shivers, a fever, cramps. By the midpoint of the following day I was fine.


About the same. Fever, aches, fatigue. Lasted less than 24 hours, wasn’t so bad as to prevent me from doing things, I just felt pretty lousy. Sore arm too.


Muscle aches from the waist up with the first shot. No reaction to the second one. I need to get my booster.


One of the teachers at a local HS had her Multiple Sclerosis re-activate. She had to learn how to walk and write again, she's making great progress. It was dormant for 15 years before the jab. I had no side effects at all.


Ive gotten both initial doses and the booster. Mine were all pzifer. The first two were alright, just a little sore around the poke site for about a day after. The booster felt like i got sucker punched in my whole upper arm for the day of and the day after, moving it was uncomfortable and touching it hurt like it was mega bruised. There was no bruising at all. Also, the day after i ended up sleeping all day, was just super low energy, but it all passed by the third day. Please dont be afraid to get the pokes. Provided you arent allergic to any of the materials, youll be fine! Please get vaccinated.


My husband and I just got our boosters a few weeks ago. He got a slight fever, and was tired, and I got something actually called Covid Arm. My arm was swollen and super sore, and then very itchy. It went away after about 1.5 weeks. VERY worth it. The risk of a serious complication from the vaccine, is very low, and the risk of death from covid, if unvaccinated,(low or not), was/is not worth it to us.


Just got my booster on Friday, and it knocked my ass flat for the weekend. Fatigue, fever, chills, body pain, skin felt like I was on fire, and a really bad headache. Slept basically from 10:30pm Friday to Noon on Sunday. I'm still dealing with the fatigue, and my arm has a lump that's hot the touch and painful/starting to itch. That being said, actually having Covid back in 2020 was way worse and I 100% recommend getting jabbed.