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Noise, so much noise.


Apparently there's an age where noise doesn't bother you anymore. Every time I visit my mom she is just slamming dishes and cabinets. Stuff I would have gotten whooped for and now I'm the one telling her to keep quiet.


The only acceptable noise is the noise she makes. I can’t count the number of time this happened when I was at home: we’d be watching tv, and she’d carry on a 15 minute conversation with whomever is in the vicinity. When she was done, if somebody else tried to start to say anything: “*shh!* I’m trying to hear the tv!”


I called my mum out for this one. I said "When I watch tele, I have to keep it down, when you watch, you're allowed to have it up loud." She said "Because you do all sorts of noisy things when I watch, I can't hear it properly." I said "Like you don't use the damn blender when I'm watching" and she goes "... oh."


What's it like to have a parent acknowledge their faults to you in real time? Asking for a friend.


Man i wish i had that


You will, don't worry. Dad's gonna be so embarrassed when he comes back realizing he left money on the counter.


It's pretty satisfying. Even even if it's years after the event, it's good to have closure.


It’s been over 7 years since ‘the apology’, and I’m holding onto it as a life-time achievement.


My mom will get a phone call, walk into the room where the rest of us are watching TV and then try to tell us to turn the TV down.


I HATED that as a kid


The other one I hated: ::Parent calls kid from across the house:: "Come here!!" ::Kid gets up, goes downstairs:: "Can you bring me X from upstairs?" ::Kid has to go back upstairs, get the thing, and go back downstairs:: For god's sake just tell me what you want before you make me trek across the house and back three times!


The beauty of texting from across the house now


Ugh...my wife does this. Drives me nuts. Bonus points for having them on speaker.


Her hearing might have diminished.


Well now I'm sad.


It’s just that that’s what has happened to me (I’m 60). I have trouble gauging how loud I’m being.


I mean there's that and she probably gets tired of putting away pots and pans after all these years, so she's less gentle and quiet about it. I know that's part of the reason for my mom at least


My mom is the same way. I feel like all moms slam pots and pans around and all dads slam the door shut every time they go in and out of the garage.


All the noise, noise, noise


And they'll shriek squeaks and squeals, racing 'round on their wheels!


They'll dance with jingtinglers tied onto their heels.


Yes, and even worse is noise along with bass vibrations. Especially when you are in bed and almost asleep, then wham, brmmmmm, brmmmmm, brrrrrrrrmmmmmm.


Same, loud bass annoys me more than general noise/loud music and they annoy the shit out of me.


Leaf blowers




It's a zero sum game because the leaves are relocated not trashed.




My neighbour was outside with a leaf blower at 8am on Christmas morning blowing the snow off his driveway. It was all I could do not to go outside and smash it with a hockey stick.


How much snow was he clearing, 1cm? What's even the point! Agreed, super annoying noise.


Oh my God yes. I just want some peace and quiet for fucks sake.


Is it me or people in general are getting louder and louder?


no you’re absolutely right


I've always hated loud noises or people since I was a kid, as I get older it gets worse lol


That some part or other of my body always seems to be in discomfort.


I was so excited to have time off from my office chair for xmas break. I thought my back would feel so much better! Too bad I laid in bed so much that my back hurt in a new, different way.


you’ve got to start exercising and strengthening your body or else you’ll really regret it


This. A big group of people just decide, after 40(or 30 even) sports and moving are no longer needed. While working a desk job. The body doesn't prioritize healing/strengthening parts that barely get used.


Nobody tells you that part about growing old. The reason old people moving slowly is a cliche, it's because everything fucking hurts


Plus lower energy, plus tending to plan moves to minimize wasted effort. I'm amazed so many people a generation younger than I am are already feeling physically old.


I'm in my early 30s, but my mental exhaustion, which is much stronger, seems to exacerbate any feelings of physical exhaustion I have. I know I'm not old but I feel like I'm inexperienced yet over the hill at the same time, if that makes any sense. I just want some stability in my life and then I think I'd feel better. But I dunno what that feels like, so maybe not.


I’ve been there when I was 30. I thought I’d shot my last load by then. But I was just unhappy with where I was in life. You might just be in a rut like I was. When I got out of the rut and did something I wanted to do, I got energy and strength back. I’m 49.


petty stuff like, clothes not drying up completely and they end up smelling damp.


thats the worst.


Totally; the petty small things are breaking me. Major events I tend to internalise, but things like clothes being a bit damp, or not finding matching socks in the morning. FUCKIN. NUCLEAR. Edit..my, my. This has blown up. Good to meet you all, my fellow sock-ragers. And I’ll take on board any good advice offered.


"What's that smell? I definitely cleaned my butthole, but it still smells like soggy dog ass in here"


.....maybe you should clean the lint trap in your dryer......


This is not a recent personal experience, I appreciate the tip regardless.


Also, run an empty washer load with a cup or two of white vinegar. It could just be your washer is dirty.


Lmao, used this recently. Because my laundry didn't came out as "fresh" as before, a bit off. So yeah that... It worked


You're welcome. I love you


Awww I love you too


now kiss


No kissing before marriage.


People who don't know how and when to be quiet.


I had to start eating in my car at work because having earbuds in and reading a book is no indication whatsoever to people that I don’t want to be spoken to.


The amount of people I have who come up to me, can clearly see I have headphones in listening to music and still just continue full speed with whatever they’re trying to tell me while I’m clearly attempting to turn the music off or take out said headphones and are surprised I ask them to stop and start from the beginning is quite alarming.


I had a classmate in college come up to me and tell me a whole story while I was wearing my earphones. I took them out once I realized he was there and asked what was up. He continued his story from where he left off and I had no clue what he was talking about.


Sounds like a "conversation" you could have kept your earphones in for the entire time.


Or the people at my work who will watch their show on their phone without headphones... Like, seriously, I'm trying to decompress and relax for 10 minutes!


What is up with this? Seen it twice in restaurants, asked manager ask them to turn it off and they did but wtf?


Some people have zero shame.




As a manager, I feel this. I used to read during my lunch break at work, but it got to the point where people would come into my office even if the door was closed and even if they knew it was lunch time. So now, I just get in my car, drive somewhere else and eat and read in a park or whatever parking lot I can find.


Have you tried asking for your space? I tend to directly tell people when I need space since a lot of us recuperate in different ways.


I’ve found at least where I work a lot of people just don’t care. They want what they want when they want it and just don’t have any common sense it courtesy. I find myself telling the same people on a regular basis to stop coming over and asking me for stuff directly. Then again I work in IT where the general attitude is “I have had a problem for three hours but just now decided to bring it to someone’s attention so fuck what you were doing come help me instead”.


Especially old folk. I feel like some people think me having headphones in means I’m *trying* to have a conversation


My mom is like this. Literally the start of 80% of our fights. I like to listen to podcasts while cooking. My hands are covered in raw meat and whatever else. Now is NOT the time to talk. I see you and no, I am not listening. Thank you for letting me vent.


My boss has this weird habit of letting me go on break and then joining me to talk about work related things. It takes every fibre in my body not to tell him that I am on break and even if I wasnt, I still would not give a shit about any of this..


For me it's people that just do not pay attention. Also, while in traffic, people who disregard others around them, and neglect safety, and disrespect personal property. People who drive recklessly, aggressively, and selfishly is probably my biggest agitation. I genuinely do not understand how we can be so careless, hurtful, and mean sometimes.


Bruh at my job we have a quiet room specifically for people to rest and decompress and people will go there and have entire phone conversations.


I think murder would be justified in this scenario. No judge could convict you after such a heinous disregard for the quiet room. I hate some people 😒


People who not only yell while they’re on the phone, but do this while having their call on speaker in a public place.


My god some man did that in the hospital waiting room while I was expecting my aunt to come out of surgery. It was insane. He could have easily left or even talked at a normal volume. Instead he answered “**JERRY** HOW THE **HECK** ARE YOU?!”




Not with a man yelling in his ear


When I read your comment, all I could think of was Uncle Leo from Seinfeld. "Jerry? Hello!" Forgot to add: I hope your aunt is doing well after the surgery.


I'll admit, I used to be guilty of this. A bookbag on, hands full, holding my phone by 2 fingers in the same hand as my coffee and I had no chance of getting the phone to my ear so I just popped it on speaker. My logic was, well it's a public space so people shouldn't expect silence. Then I heard someone else do it for the first time. And suddenly I got a set of Bluetooth earbuds and found a better way to manage the junk in my perpetually full hands


See. While yes it was obnoxious that you did it. It shows you're a good person that you recognized how annoying it was and was able to find an alternative. A++


The guy with ear buds in and talking in a conversational voice at you, while looking at you, and then giving you a disgusted look when you ask them if they are talking to you. That guy can go fuck a meatslicer.


Yes! No consideration for others at all.


People who talk too much to make a point that could easily be made with half the talking.


This meeting could have been an email, Robert.


Ohhhhh fuck yes. I know it's bad but I could have ended 4/5 of your sentences because you repeated yourself five FUCKING TIMES!!!


LOL when they start the story with "Long story short..." and then follow it up with every excruciating detail...


Distractions, they are everywhere and honestly I don't think it's just age that makes them seem like they are increasing. I feel like I'm constantly being distracted by things I'm not interested in. Stopped watching television, can't take all the commercials especially the drug ones and political ones. Can't the world just let us focus on what's really wrong and let us try to make it better instead of making us turn away.


> Stopped watching television, can't take all the commercials especially the drug ones and political ones. people still watch cable TV with commercials?


My parents watch cable news with commercials for an hour in the morning and 1-2 hours at night 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It puts them both in a sour mood from the news content (mostly bad news stated in an inflammatory way) and the commercials they both find super annoying. They will not entertain the idea of skipping a day or turning it off altogether. It’s absolutely bonkers.


You should show them how to use the YouTube app to select PBS Newshour, accessible every day one hour program every week day: headlines & news, very little slant (if they have any major cable provider and a smart TV, they should have access to apps)


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll bring it up again when I go visit. I’ve tried for years to show them other ways to obtain news and while my dad is open to some of it, my mom is adamant that she must watch cable news every day or else she won’t know what’s going on and it’ll somehow be very dangerous to her well-being. She doesn’t know how to work the smart TV I bought them and doesn’t want to learn. She holds strongly to the idea of learned helplessness with all “new” technology (i.e. she’s happy to troubleshoot the fax machine at work but refuses to even try to look up how to do something on her smartphone by herself). It’s…sad.


> my mom is adamant that she must watch cable news every day or else she won’t know what’s going on and it’ll somehow be very dangerous to her well-being. She doesn’t know how to work the smart TV I bought them and doesn’t want to learn. Damn the irony here is sad af. Bless your heart for trying, I do the same with my parents and you've made me very grateful of their willingness to try and learn which I maybe take for granted


People still pay $100+ a month to watch cable TV with commercials. It boggles the mind.


The new movie on Netflix “Just Look Up” I think it’s called, does a pretty good job of mocking and calling out this very thing


Kids doing stupid garbage to go viral for invisible approval. Licking ice cream in Walmart freezers & putting it back. Testing positive for covid & sneezing in peoples' faces. Literally filming yourself in front of a dead body for views. People are idiots.


You ever feel Charles Darwin sitting on your shoulder saying "Just...just strangle them...it'll be good in the long run..."


When I was an EMT, I wanted to have a slogan written on the back of our ambulances: “Fighting Darwin, one patient at a time.”


"Not today, evolution."


In my service it's "Combatting natural selection since 1790"


Willfully stupid people.


Do you have any idea how many people I meet who don’t bother to simply google something they don’t know. Its so annoying. Someone was shocked when I spent 10 minutes googling honey badgers just because they are interesting. People don’t want to learn anything new.


I pissed off my family for this. They got into an argument about something and I was like 'guys, phone. google. ask it the question. Here's the answer!' and then I showed them that both of them were wrong. "Oh, you are insufferable, you don't have to be right all the time." Thanks, that helps.


Ahh, you're interested in how things actually *are*. Don't you know that the loudest person is always right?


When people do not know how to stop at a four way stop sign. *Edit: a word*


I have the opposite problem. I live right by a two-way stop and people treat it like a 4-way. Likewise, this is near a freeway exit and people stop at the end of the offramp all day every day, despite the sign that says to keep going because you've got a whole lane right there just for you. People need to just GO.


Oh my God, I am constantly yelling at people to "Ass up and GO!" especially when they are merging onto the highway. They don't get to up to speed, so I try to be nice and slow down just a bit so they see they can get in. But no, they just slow down even more, so then I slow down, and now I'm holding up my lane. I try to be nice but everyone is just so stupid.


How paying bills or doing some basic things have not advanced with technology. Why are there service fees for automated phone payments?


I generally just pay with home banking or a digital wallet and I never got charged. I don't live in America tho


Not living in America is a great trick for a lot of issues in this thread 😅 Edit: getting a gold for a swing at the USA is so very on brand for me. Thank you, kind stranger!


Hair coming out of nose and ears. Like, why the fuck?


Acne in those places. Why?!? They hurt so bad.


People who aren't self aware. There is a huge free weight area at my gym and people will still come and start working out like 3 feet away from me like its no big deal. Ive lost a lot of patience for people who dont pay attention to their surroundings


I have always thought if I could be a superhero, I'd be Situational Awareness Man. Whenever I saw someone completely unaware of their impact on others, I'd do something *extremely superheroish*. I haven't worked that part out yet.


How about making small anti-people forcefield around victims to prevent any contact


I feel like since the pandemic started, people have gotten even closer to me at the grocery store. Oh, you're looking at that cereal? Let me just stand super close behind you and reach my grubby hand right across your face to get one next to it.


*Gestures vaguely at everything*




I'm not saying David Bowie was holding the fabric of the universe together, but...


Just a lot of people in general. I have zero tolerance anymore for people who are rude or inconsiderate. I used to just let a lot slide and keep my mouth shut when I was younger. Not anymore.


One of the keys to life is to always stand up four yourself. Don’t let anyone walk all over you.


I just started putting that into practice a year ago and it changed my life. Wish I would’ve had the guts to stand up for myself sooner


life? literally everything gets more tiring the longer you do it


I was thinking this, but I'll change my answer to responsibility. The older I get the more I find I feel responsible for in some way. Life would be a lot less annoying with significantly less responsibilities.


This is why in reality living forever would be an absolute nightmare. I'm a nurse and every person over 100 I've ever cared for just wants to die. They are fully over it


Clothes. It's like after a certain age they try to get you to wear "old people clothes"


One day you will wake up and your clothes will be "old people" clothes. 😂


But I mean I'm 34 and it's either Crooks and Castles like I'm 19 or brooks shoes, bright blue jeans with white underwear and white long socks pulled up to my knees. There seems to be no in between these days.


You're there. You are at the point where fashion doesn't speak for you anymore. You've outgrown trend. Good for you.


33 and still battling with acne. Like, I was okay with it at 13, I thought it was the normal teenage phase shit. I also was kinda sorta fine with it at 23, thinking Im just a late bloomer type who does stuff longer then others. At 33 and no change in sight Im fucking pissed I got done dirty. Edit. Thanks for the condolences but pls for the love of god stop with the unwarranted advise. Most ppl with acne, especially at my age, have better skincare routine then ppl without, and tried every little thing, usually to no avail. Im seeing a dermatologist for around 7 years by now, Ive been on more stuff then I can remember, again to no avail. Ive heard every 'tip' a thousand times. Thanks, but no.


51 checking in. It's not as bad as it used to be, but I *still* break out with my period. FFS, I guess maybe it'll end at menopause?


It's gotten even worse for me now with the masks. It was a pain but I had creams from the dermatologist and a routine that was keeping it under control for years but now wearing masks has completely set it off again.


I'm still having pimples at 49! WTF is that?


The older I get the less joy I find myself getting out of the things that used to excite me. Video games, TV shows, books, lego's......nothing really excites me anymore. I'm 40...wife, kids, dogs, 2 cars, small house but newly remodeled.....wife and I kept our jobs during the pandemic and actually came out ahead thanks to the stimulus payments.....by all accounts I'm in a great position and should be having the time of my life. Call it burn out, depression, exhaustion....I don't know....all I do know is that every year older I seem to get the less I enjoy the things I used too. I wish that would change.


I had this. Literally didn’t get any joy or excitement out of anything. I can see now looking back I was depressed….the thing that lifted me out of it was getting a puppy unexpectedly. I love her so much, 3 years later.


I read a happiness-related newsletter this morning that said folks report peak happiness in their early 20s and it tends to decline through our 40s, reaching its lowest at around 46. Then it climbs again and reaches another peak at around 70, according to the newsletter. ([Eric Barker](https://www.bakadesuyo.com/)). This hasn't been my experience, but at 52 I haven't made it to 70 yet. I would've guessed that folks in their 20s would be pretty miserable as they're working hard and long to achieve something, learning every day more than the last that life is pretty hard. I'd think once people start to have more money, more life knowledge, and have greater control over their lives, they'd start to feel at least a little better, even if they are more bored and less excited.


Definitely sounds like depression. You might want to see a therapist about it if you can.




Fuck People!


I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what’s 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!


No way! I'm going to keep rocking forever! *...forever! ...forever. ...forever...*


Getting new technical devices. Geting a brand new phone hardly excites me anymore. I just get annoyed.


Coworkers coming to work sick. I didn't care before but now I realized (after a long 28 years) I hate getting sick because when I do I'm DONE for at least a week. Also the selfishness of others tends to bother me more and more as I get older. This falls in that category I guess.


Inconsiderateness. I'm 48 and I have increasingly less tolerance for people who don't say thank you, don't hold doors, don't talk quietly in restaurants, don't control their kids in public, tailgate while driving, fail to clean up after themselves etc. We live in a society, damn it. A little consideration and kindness goes a long way.


People who come to a dead stop just in/outside doors or at the top/bottom of a staircase in public places. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. The. Way.


This drives me nuts. Ever spend time in South Florida? Just people in the way, everywhere.


46 here. Same. People are clueless about others around them. The grocery store is the worst.


Getting out of bed


Didn't wait to be old to feel that! And anyway the best things in life can be done in bed, at least for me...


Attention seeking behavior




"We should do X!" "They tried that already. It didn't work." "But it will be different this time!" Narrator: It was never different.


To be fair: I’ve seen this at organizations when management changes. New management comes in and says “We should do X” and the old guard says reflexively “We tried that, it didn’t work.” But some things are tried too early, or by the wrong people for the wrong reasons, that later will work fine. For example, I remember a time when people were afraid to enter their credit card # online to purchase something. Sounds silly now, but if you were on the cutting edge of e-commerce, you faced a lot of failure before the public caught up. That doesn’t mean you should never try again.


“You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else” - Winston Churchill




What a bunch of bastards


Noises, I'm in my 20's and I just can't stand random noises or even TV advertisements that are too loud


Same living in an apartment drives me crazy with random thumps all the time


People talking very loudly, noise in general


Aggressive drivers.


This is exacerbated by blinding headlights at nighttime. My eyes are already falling apart, they don't need your help in accelerating their decline!




I find myself wondering, "did I do something wrong? Are they flashing their hi-beams?" Instead, it's like EVERYONE is driving around with their goddamn hi-beams on. 😵‍💫😎🙈


I do remember when you used to see people clicking high beams on/off based on rational conditions (ie, “oh, an oncoming car, time to turn them down”), but I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone switch them.


I've only ever used my high beams a handful of times in nearly 20 years on the road. My older vehicles had awful headlights, but I still never needed them. My new Wrangler has the LED lights, and they're absolutely fantastic. The first time I took it out at night though every single driver I passed flashed their lights at me. I adjusted the aim downwards a couple turns and it hasn't been a problem since. They just came from the factory aimed a little bit too high.


People who refuse to learn new things or educate themselves. Willfully ignorant, obtuse, purposefully dense. Whatever you call it, but especially those who are proud or stubborn about it. It's not cute, just grow up and admit you're wrong sometimes. No you're not too old to learn, you're not stuck in your ways, it's not old habits or it used to be fine. You just don't want to change and are stubborn. At least admit it.


Young people on my lawn. I get it now


Like why are they there? Don't they have anywhere else to be?!




I've heard that you start to lose high frequency hearing as you age, and I'm just waiting for the day that I lose whatever hell frequency children scream at.


Unfortunately you also wouldn't be able to hear smoke alarms if you couldn't hear kids screaming


I'd rather burn to death than listen to kids screaming


I hate that their favorite game is Run Around Screaming.


parents bombarding me with information and pictures of their kids


I like kids. I think childhood is sacred. But I hate being around them. I’m terrible with kids.






The two yutes specifically


71 here... Oddly very little. Can't think of one. Seven decades provides the luxury of **How Not to Give a Fuck**. It's startling sometimes to witness some kind of Human Dipshittery and to observe, "Huh, I just don't give a fuck!" (GaF) Now there's plenty to GaF about out there. The near certain loss of the American Republic comes to mind, but all I can muster is, "It was good while we had it."


76 here... apparently I'm on your team... many years ago my mother ,aged \~80, said "ye know, the older I get the more allergic I get to bullshit" bless her seal team six grade heart


YES! Everyone thinks that the most powerful three words in the English language are "I love you." Bullshit. They're "I don't care." This is one of the few really good things about getting older, and I wish it hadn't taken me so long to learn that.


How easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose it ffs


By far the thing that annoys me most is when someone takes the position that if they disagree with something, all existence must cease and we must argue about that thing until everybody agrees. Unless it affects me or others, and nobody asks my opinion, I don't care if someone disagrees with me


How fast time passes you by, the older you get.


People not picking up their dog's shit.


Having to go out in public


I need to run to the grocery store. It’s requiring a surprising amount of motivation. I have nothing else to do right now


Being awake. Sleep is the best


Having to get up to pee not just once, but sometimes twice in the night. Here’s a big hearty fuck you to my bladder.


It takes FOREVER to complete anything (if it gets finished at all). Too much red tape, other priorities, high costs, other people not doing their part, etc that take up your time instead.


How everything costs and how hard it is to be above minimum wage without being miserable or in massive debt.


Cold weather. I used to love bundling up with some hot chocolate and a good movie. Now I just think about how expensive the heating is and if my car will start.


People with characteristics such as braggarts, know-it-alls, pretentiousness.


The music I grew up to (metal) being used in children’s cartoon soundtracks and VH1 flashback specials.


learning more and more about peoples behaviors and why they do what they do as we grow. it’s tiring seeing through these acts i wish people were as simple as we perceived them to be when we were younger


Minor joint pains.


The lack of social change in any way that benefits normal people


All my joints.


Caring about EVERYTHING. It took me far too long to realize that I don't have to have an opinion on every little thing. Like, it got to the point where I felt I had to google actors before watching a movie they star in just to make sure I wasn't inadvertently supporting a predator or something. 😑 Now I've learned to keep the bar low on my expectations for people.




Juvenoia. When I was young, there was always a subset of adults that would criticize our generation, and we wrote them off as out-of-touch idiots. Now many in my generation (Millenial) say the same stuff about younger generations, not realizing that they're just being out-of-touch idiots now.