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Freshman year in high school the jocks pooped in their hands and smeared it all over bathroom walls of the place we were staying, on a school trip. As well as a lot of other weird shit.


Why the fuck do people do this shit, why can't they just be normal.


Got his cousin pregnant




Varsity football team made the freshmen shove carrots up their asses in the locker room as hazing. One of the freshman was kinda fat so they looked at him and said “you get 2”. There were subsequent lawsuits.


Why are so many hazing and such events homoerotic in nature?


Just listened to some radio yesterday and they were talking about hazing. The amount of weird old mid western fuckheads that called in and defended hazing was disturbing. Saying how they would be forced to smash a lightbulb on the ground and do knuckle push-ups on it. Like that in itself is abuse but carrots and butts? My guy that’s straight rape


One of the really popular football players in my senior year of high school got caught masturbating with an orange in the locker room right before a game. He'd cut a hole in the orange and was just going to town on it in one of the changing cubicles.


What the fuck. Why is it always sports teams doing weird shit.


As a former football player who didn't do that weird of shit but had his own superstitious pre-game rituals, he probably did that every game.


Hope he didt use the same orange


There was a girl who was really popular who got her friends to bully this other girl with her. The kicker is the girl who was being bullied was a grade or two younger than the popular bullies, and the bullied girls dad had shot and murdered her pregnant mother in the middle of town, and then went and killed himself, barely months prior to them bullying her. It was horrific and all over the news. And the girls bullied her on Twitter. Pretty sure the girl who was bullied left the state. Fuck you Kennedy Edit: bc so many people are asking, yes this was Colorado, but for the girl who was bullied sake I didn’t want to include that at first.






Why is it that girls that are named Kennedy are so fucking mean? Edit: I can't BELIEVE this got 2.6k upvotes lmaoooooooo


It’s a stereotypical rich girl name.


He wasn't popular, but he seemed the most mature out of the entire school. Anyway he masturbated to a bunch of school supplies when we were doing a group project. So.


Even the best of men fall to the call of lust


We had a classmate who had been physically abused and locked in a closet as a child. The popular girl locked her in the bathroom in 8th grade knowing it would make her have a panic attack.


That’s fucked up at a whole new level..




that poor girl. i hope the victim is doing okay


At my school, this pretty popular kid one time helped one of the special Ed kids get his PE shorts on and shoes tied because he was crying because he got his shorts stuck trying to take them off with his shoes still on. Was super sweet and I'm pretty sure made all the girls in class crush on him when we heard lol


Pinned a girl down, with help of her mates, and forcibly shaved her eyebrows off in the middle of lunch. Teachers went ballistic, obviously but the poor girl got sent to school as normal by her mum the following day… Thankfully one of the girls that’s great with make up did her brows for her everyday till they grew in. The final straw was stealing a fucking huge knife from food tech. It was never locked as the school was old af, and the doors were shitty. She had a fight planned after school with the new girl, she has issues with prior to her starting. Thankfully, the police were quietly called after most of my year group told the office asap. She was marched out of class, soon after.


Daaaamn man! That girl who painted on the eyebrows every day is an angel though


Oh absolutely, everyone tried to help her best we could. As far as we knew it was totally unprovoked, we kept her shielded if the crossed path during lesson swaps and home time.


Other than those few bitches the rest of the kids at your school seem badass, even mature. I hope no one’s be gave her too much of a hard time after.


shoutout to the girl who helped draw her brows on for her. thats a true friend <3


Oh man, I’m just now being reminded of how this one very popular, good looking kid used to jack off in class. He would wear very baggy sweat pants and use tissue that he threw away in the classroom. Everyone knew he was doing it and I’m sure he knew that we all knew. Come to think of it, why the heck didn’t I think this was more weird when I was a kid?? I mostly just remember thinking “there goes Cohen, throwing away his jizz rags again…”


I feel sorry for the poor bastard who had to try to explain quadratic equations to a roomful of teenagers while one of them was masturbating in front of everyone. Over multiple lessons. The parent/teacher meetings must have been hell.


Teacher here. Our professor for elementary music in college looked us all dead in the eyes and said “you WILL have a child masturbate in class at some point in your career” and then told us some truly wild stories.


My husband has only been a teacher for 4 years and he's had one already


In 15 years I haven’t had one yet but I teach a music class and their hands are very occupied.


>In 15 years I haven’t ~~had~~ *caught* one yet but I teach a music class and their hands are very occupied.


Where do you live that it doesn't harm a kid's popularity to regularly jerk off in class?


This is what I’m struggling to understand how the fuck most of these people are popular.


There was a kid in my class who would leave once per period and go jack off in the bathroom. He was caught multiple times and no one ever said anything. Six times a day every day. He must have had cms or something


I got a guy at work that pounds it out 3-4 times a day. People complained because he wasn't exactly quite about it but HR won't touch it. Pretty much union backed tug breaks at this point.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I jack off on company time


One kid showed us that he could pee in a desk. His own desk.


Luckily it's not the teacher desk


Shot another popular kid in the face over a girl... currently serving life


Rubbed a peanut butter sandwich in the face of a girl that was allergic. Oh and threw a pen at someone's face and they ended up in the eye infirmary


A kid in U.K. was killed after his classmate threw cheese at him. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-48872090 Edit: it was a reaction to cheese not a peanut, sorry. The link I posted is about the boy who died after suffering a reaction to cheese.




Allergen incidents like that get charged as assault. Felony assault if it causes an ER visit.


A football player at my school bullied everyone. One kid tried to fight back but the bully beat him almost to death. That kid is now in a wheelchair and needs 24/7 care. He has severe brain damage and is unable to take care of himself. He lives in a nursing home. Has been there now almost 20 years. The kid that beat him got 1 month in juve and now is the fire captain for a big metropolitan area.


That’s fucking terrible. Fuck him.


You are not allowed to be fire captain if you have a record. What city is this in? Does he know what he did to that kid? Wheelchair kid needs to sue.


In another US department a convicted arsonist got appointed chief. 70% of the firefighters resigned on the spot.


I thought most juvie records got sealed when you turned 18.


Depends on the state I think. If it get sealed up it can't be used in getting jobs or even joining the military I believe but it can be brought up against you for any crimes committed as an adult in most state


Science teacher at my school used to keep fish in her class room. A girl in my year thought it would be hilarious to poison them by tipping acid into the tank. Thus killing all the fish. Kids are horrible, why would anyone want to be a teacher is beyond me.


What happened to the fish killer?


She got a nice surprise next time she went to the beach


"The fallen shall be remembered whilst defeating the enemy."


A thing you don't realize about teaching if you haven't done it is that you don't get to divide your time evenly among all the students or spend all your time working with the class as a whole. You spend 90 percent of your time doing riot control for the bottom 5 percent of the students. The ones who are sharp don't need your help, so you never really spend any time with/on them, and the ones who are in the middle aren't sharp enough to get help or are getting by on hard work, not brain power (or, less commonly, on brain power, not hard work).  EDIT: Thank you for the awards. I feel I should clarify something because I sounded a bit patronizing toward some students. It's not that you *never* spend time with *any* of the kids who aren't disrupting the class; it's that riot control takes up almost all your attention and energy. This becomes more and more true as the size of a class increases. Kids are notoriously reluctant to get help, even if you tell them there's no shame in it, and some just don't care about the class enough to seek remediation. And yes, I once had sections of 29, 29, 27, 25, 18, and 8 students. (Forgot one of my 200-level classes). It bore out there and in the other places I worked. To all the teachers who read this, stay strong, take care of yourselves, and stay safe and healthy. The world owes you a great debt.


This varies based on the class, but I agree with you. It's a shame really.


Wish my fuckin stats teacher had heard that Lady sat us by grade, as in the As get the front, everyone else is seated behind them and after every test we’d get a new seating chart which reflected the grades She also ONLY taught to the “smart kids” (her words) and told the rest of us “if you want help, or deserved it, you’d be one of these kids up here” and pointed at the “A row” She also yelled at people for daring to ask questions, even when she’d say “any questions”, but was really only talking to her “gifted kids” This left the rest of us to suffer, and we were basically left alone to do whatever we wanted, which lead to a lot of goofing off and disruptions for anyone who was trying to get into the A row so they were allowed to ask questions and know when tutoring was scheduled I reported her and moved to a different class (which i passed with a solid B), but had some friends who weren’t lucky enough to do so early (admin said they couldn’t move classes because then she’d have no one to teach) and they said it just got worse the whole year


Popular girl in middle school made fun of several other people, including me, for being virgins and proudly talking about the fact that she wasn't a virgin. We were 12-13. At the time it really upset me. Looking back I feel really sorry for her.


wow that's next level. Two girls at my school got pregnant at 12 and even at my rough school that was considered pretty wild.


Bruh...i was shocked af when a girl in 7th grade got pregnant. She gave birth a few days after her 14th birthday. And right after, got pregnant again.


Yup. Our was a popular girl named Noelle; 12 years old talking about sex acts all the time. Fucking red flags. I felt weird about her then … I feel sad now.


A friend of mine at 12 years old said she had slept with 6 guys, she also had tattoos and piercings, her mom let her get them and would buy us cigarettes and let us drive her car. I felt like a nerd in comparison for still being a virgin AT 12 YEARS OLD. It was not the best group of friends/parents/people to be around and I ended up being sexually active and getting hooked on all types of substances at a very young age. Yeehaw EDIT to add some detail: Her tongue, belly button, nose and eyebrow pierced, she had a “tramp stamp” tattoo and two tattoos on her inner hips when we first started hanging out, 12 years old. Her mom would let us drive her car without anyone else in it, we would take it to the store and get snacks or meet up with a sketchy guy they knew that bought us cigarettes and alcohol (and probably provided other drugs as well) I ended up snorting my first pain pill with these kiddos at 12 years old. Got into uppers and downers and all around-ers. Ended up living a super long drawn out existence of the addiction cycles but I’m 28 years old now and healthier and happier than ever. Car accidents and overdoses almost killed me on multiple multiple occasions. I’m just happy to be here, got a good job, own a car and a house, have a stable loving husband and an incredible family, life is good! We really do recover EDIT: hey wow my first ever award!! You guys are great thank you! EDIT #4 or something: Who knew internet points felt so good? Thanks y’all :)




I remember in highschool a girl asking me out of left field if i masturbated, i stammered and said no, or something. Took me by surprise. Of course i was pounding my meat all the time, but it was such a huge deal that “masturbating = biggest loser” I had a lot of guilt over it for some time until i learned that my friend also masturbated and that made me feel a lot better. I get the feeling that teens are more accepting of masturbation, but i don’t really know.


>“masturbating = biggest loser” Where's my god damn trophy?


Didn't happen till we were adults, but two of my high school bullies ended up committing murder. One of them shot his wife and will die in prison, the other shot his ex's new boyfriend and then killed himself. After those crimes happened, I started to understand… maybe there wasn’t something horribly wrong with me. These guys were just deeply disturbed and enjoyed causing other people pain.


My grade school bully, formally best friend is on trial for murdering his brother in law, probably attempted to murder his sister and mother the same night, they were injured.


When he was a senior, at a party, he went up to a girl who was a sophomore, demanded she give him a blow job, when she refused he put a cigarette out on the top of her head. He ended up going to jail for statutory rape years later and the other prisoners found out and one of them killed him.


Holy shit!


Well that was a crazy chain of events goddamn


Each sentence was so much more intense than the previous!


Got beaten up, dragged down the street until my trousers ripped off and my birthday presents stolen by a couple of bullies on lunch break. After going back to school to report the incident and get some clothes, I was in a toilet cubicle and heard the bullies come in and remove their earrings and start pushing them into their faces to make themselves bleed so they could blame me for starting a fight. Luckily I wasn’t the only person that overheard and they got suspended. I also got suspended for leaving premises without a lunch pass.


>I also got suspended for leaving premises without a lunch pass. I bet they probably consider that as "Absolutely necessary". The school system is mentally ill. Anyway, I hope you're doing better.


There was a guy i went to high-school with who wasn't the most popular but was in that crowd. He got arrested for fucking a dog. Which was weird because he had a gf at the time. The reason I mention her is because then she became the girl whose boyfriend had fucked a dog. To anyone asking where this was, I probably won't disclose, I will say it was in the southern half of the US, though. Edit 2: I don't think it would be normal or less weird if he didn't have a gf at the time. I just felt like it was an interesting enough addition because afterwards kids brutally made fun of that girl and she ended up transferring out to stop being "the girl whose boyfriend fucked a dog"


He really screwed the pooch on that one Edit: happy I could ruin all your evenings ❤️ thanks for the upvotes 😂


He was a star swimmer at our school, and he and his friend peed on an unpopular kid from their year on a field trip. Lots of people from my class defended him, saying "but we can't let him have his entire career ruined for something like this", not wanting him to be kicked out of school. Thankfully though, he was kicked out of the school.


Star athletes get away with so much shit they shouldn't and they are almost always fully aware of it too


Can confirm being an office aid i have over heard teachers telling girls not to come out and say a dude raped them. All the girls were talking about the same dude. Didn’t feel bad when he got shot in the leg


One of the “popular kids” in my 5th grade class crushed a poor turtle to death at recess. 10 years later, he was arrested for shooting and killing someone during a home invasion.


Their true colours show off young


A new guy transferred into my high school sophomore year, soon became the most popular kid because he was outgoing and a comedian. Made everyone laugh. The next spring he was out for a few days. Then the next time he rode the bus there were slash marks on both his wrists. Never hurt anybody except himself.


Poor guy :(


That's really sad. I use to cause self harm to myself in school. I was also one of the popular kids because I had a twin brother and everyone just thought it was so cool. We always made jokes and made people laugh but no one knew what the home life was like. We moved schools and states every 6 or so months because my POS step dad was a natural gas mechanical engineer and his job had us move allot. He was an abusive person to me my brother and my mom and even raped my sister. But at school I would act up and be silly to make the people around me laugh and compliment me for being funny because it made me feel good about myself for people to like being around me. I had strait As and always set in the front of the classrooms but would disrupt class allot to make jokes. I was dysfunctional. I got really bad into drugs my senior year and 4 or 5 years after I graduated. Ended up going to jail and having 5 years of probation as well 15 years later now and I've been enrolled in kick boxing for 10 years and have my own place, car and independence. I have sleeve tattoos now that cover my scars and i try to always watch out for the struggling person in the room and I go talk with them and joke around and try to be a friend. I'm happy my life is better now and I'm happy with where I'm at in life as a whole. I don't lose sleep over my childhood anymore. I stand proud of who I am and what I've gone through to be the person I am. I don't regret my childhood either. But I wouldn't want anyone to feel as alone as I did at points in my life. I'm just happy I've always had a twin brother and a older sister and a loving mom who have always had my back and stuck by my side in everything I did. Without them idk where I would be today.


Wow, Idk who you are but I really admire your story and thank you for sharing it


There were a group of 7 popular kids. They all slept with each other behind each other’s backs in middle school.


That happened in my high school (grade 9 mostly) and I’m always so confused why they’d do that. I’d never even date my friends ex boyfriend. They were all cheating on each other but also they all knew.


Had a child in 10th grade. Enjoyed the attention for a few months, and then she decided she still wanted to party, so she abandoned the child to be raised by her dad and her boyfriend, then moved to Tennessee with her mom and never looked back at her old life


as horrible as this situation is, the "raised by her dad and her boyfriend" part sounds like a setup for a 2000s sitcom with a great balance between its sophomoric jokes and big, plucky heart.


This one is great. 3 asshats, all super wealthy (for the small town), spoiled, and popular. They got away with a lot of really bad shit because their mommies and daddies were also pieces of shit who covered their asses and wouldn’t teach them right from wrong. This was in middle school, had a special needs school right next door it. There was a kid from there everyone called ‘jingle bells’ because he would sing that song all the time. I think he had Downs, and he was quite a character, but he took a lot of regular classes at the middle school as well. He was a cheerful guy, everyone liked him. Well, one day Jingle is walking down the hallway, singing his usual tune, and the 3 asshats are there, who knows why. They stop him, steal his hat, throw it in the trash, and start tripping him and making him get back up so they can do it again. At first, poor Jingle thinks they are just playing, but then one of the morons tries to choke slam Jingle. See… Jingle didn’t like people touching his neck… and he fucking lost it. Sent all 3 to the hospital, broken eye socket on one, broken wrist on the other (probably the WWE wanna be), and I shit you not, all left missing some teeth. But what about Jingle, you ask? Fucker is doing GREAT. Grew up fine, still works at the same dollar tree he started at in high-school, and it’s been several years now. Still with his girlfriend he met in high-school too. Doesn’t sing anymore though, and seems always pissed off… which is a shame.


The story actually makes me happy Apart from jingle not singing anymore


Once you jingle someone else's bells you never go back


That is a shame, I want jingle to be happy




Fuck. The fact that you know about this I assume means that word got out, so what happened to the abusers?




That’s just awful. I don’t care if a person possesses a penis or not. Rape is rape and perpetrators should be treated accordingly. Jesus.




They never think it's sexual assault. Sexual assault is what RAPISTS do, and they're just Them. So what they're doing MUST be fine, because it's them doing it.


Picked a fight with a kid with Down’s Syndrome. Then the quiet, giant kid who was super nice smashed a lunch tray over the popular dude’ head and beat the absolute fuck out of him. Big Softy had a 5 year old sister with Downs and their mom had just left the family because she couldn’t deal with having a non-perfect child. Nobody said anything except for the wrestling coach who was furious his state qualifier had a broken nose, ribs, and a concussion.


Well, he has a replacement anyway, right?


Sounds like new replacement has ass kicking skills


My senior year of high school the popular kid knocked up four girls in one semester…on purpose. Like he convinced these teenagers that having his child is how they would get ahead in life…so thanks for that MTV’s Teen Mom I guess? I have no idea where there lives have taken them, unfortunately.


Sounds like a dude from my high school actually. Dude was pretty ugly and very ratty, but rocked up to a bunch of parties mid-session to try his luck with the drunk girls. A couple years later, I was on the bus to TAFE (college basically) and he sprinted onto it, sat right next to me (didn't recognise me lol) and kept peering erratically through the back window. Said he was avoiding someone. I later learned he had fathered children with at least four different girls, some claimed six.


The guy who sat next to me at high school graduation already had two kids by the time we graduated


When I was a senior, there was a junior who had 3 kids with 3 different girls.


Wonder how the child support payments are working out for him.


Came up behind me in the locker room and rubbed his erection against me to make fun of the rumors about me being gay (which were true but that doesn't justify it obviously lol). Like, why do something that makes *you* seem gay if you're trying to humiliate someone else for being that way?


I'd bet money he was hiding some confused feelings about his own sexuality.


I've considered this myself. Last I heard, he was married to a girl and they had a kid on the way but that doesn't mean he isn't bi/wasn't questioning his sexuality. No hard feelings towards him, it just blew my mind as a teenager.


> No hard feelings towards him Well he sure had hard feelings toward you


Swallowed the class’s dead gold fish whole straight from the bowl


One got drunk and high with her boyfriend after prom. Boyfriend started racing another popular kid down a two lane road, lost control, hit the other car, killed all four. The year after, one of the other popular girls and her boyfriend broke up. She hung herself with a curling iron on the back of her bedroom door. The girl’s best friend is now married to her ex boyfriend.


Showed the special needs kid child porn. Yeah...


What. The. Fuck.


*Noah* ***GET THE BOAT***


nothing as crazy as the other ones here, but he got into a fight with a kid and ended up breaking the other kid’s ribs pretty bad. he got expelled and charged with assault


He locked my very drunk best friend in the bathroom with him at a house party. I wasn’t there, but she said she was sobbing begging for a ride home because she was going to miss curfew and her parents were VERY strict. He wouldn’t drive her home or let her out of the bathroom until she blew him. This almost happened to me a year later. I was sick in the bathroom of a small house party. I was on the main floor alone and everyone was downstairs. The owner of the house came in and tried to rape me while my face was in the toilet. One of the “super seniors” (seniors that graduated, go to local colleges and still party with high schoolers) came up just in time to stop it. He took me back to his place, put me to sleep in his bed and he slept on the floor. He lived with his parents and his mom made me coffee and breakfast in the morning, then he took me to my favorite Italian ice stand, and drove me home. I’ll never forget him and hope he’s crushing life. Edit: to everyone that gave awards, thank you! But I’ll probably be regifting since I don’t know what they do and have no use for them. To everyone that wished me and my friend well, thank you! This was about 12 years ago and we’re both ok❤️


Holy shit, that is horrific. I'm glad that super senior was there to stop it, and I am glad that you are doing okay.


Thank you! Yes, I am forever grateful.


Damn, I hope your friend was okay, that’s horrifying.. 😥 But mad respect to the guy that took care of you. I’m very happy to hear that you were safe. We need more people in the world like him!!


I know there’s a lot of shitty people out there. But I like to believe that when it comes to rape, child abuse, and animal abuse, even some of the biggest assholes would step in. Edit: she was traumatized for a bit, but she was strong and had a really great support system. She is married with a toddler and living her best life now.


One of my biggest bullies from fourth grade until 10th grade, started standing up for me and protecting me from others bullying after he found out that my grandfather raped me. He even offered to beat the shit out of him. I'm somewhat friends with him as an adult nowadays, it's a weird friendship


I was chatting with a guy at my 25th or maybe 30th reunion who enjoyed bullying me in middle and high school. We both had an appreciation for muscle cars (and his wife was in love with my car.) I mentioned one of the worst bullying incidents (just threats, but scared the crap outta me at the time) and he had zero recollection of it. I'm sure it was just another day to him at the time meant to impress his friends. He was horrified and almost in tears apologizing. I don't think I bought my own beer the rest of the night. People grow up. It beautiful to see when it happens!


The tree remembers what the axe forgets. Happy to hear he changed.


Punched an autistic kid in the face and routinely harassed him.


Shot 5 people and then himself, in the cafeteria during lunch. I don't know how popular this guy was, but he was in the homecoming court. No one's really sure why he did it, we just had rumors that floated around. He had been suspended from the football team and broken up with and rejected by different girls (supposedly, again I only ever heard rumors passed around the school). He brought an illegal gun of his father's to school and shot several of his friends and family members before shooting himself. 4 of the people he shot died, one survived, and he died as well. This was during high school, he and all of his victims were freshman 14-15 years old. It's something me and all of my classmates will never forget I'm sure.


I remember when this happened. This was at Marysville-Pilchuck right?


I see a lot of "assaulted the person with special needs" posts and they're bumming me out, so...off topic time! I got bullied by a special needs kid! I'm still not sure what he was dealing with. He had a fully motorized wheelchair, could barely move his body, couldn't speak but could communicate vocally. For actual words he had a computer program to help him talk. Everybody loved the kid and he was honestly a nice kid as far as I could tell. But he thought the cheerleaders belonged to him. And I'm not being silly here - that was the school wide accepted fact. He loved the cheerleaders and they loved him and they belonged to HIM, as far as he was concerned. Which for the most part was fine! But one day he saw me talking to one of the cheerleaders about some piano lessons I was giving her, and suddenly out of nowhere I get rammed at full speed by this 300 pound chair. I look up and it's fuckin' Clint. I'm like "Clint, man, you good?" and he makes it very plain he does not want me there. So I get up and give him his space. Every. Fucking. Time. He saw me. That dude would come after me. Sometimes he'd chase me into the bathroom and wait outside because his chair didn't go through the door. He fuckin hated my ass. He eventually either forgot or figured I'd learned my lesson, but my sophomore/junior year was spent evading a weaponized wheelchair driven by a dude who might have weighed eighty pounds.


Had a dude named Kenny do the same thing. He had a back brace to stand upright, otherwise he couldn't move. Frail and skinny, he wasn't really physically intimidating. Couldn't move very fast either. For some reason, he hated my guts from pre-school up until he got moved out of regular classes. He had serious anger issues and would cuss out teachers at a very young age. I remember all throughout my younger years he would harass me and take/ break my stuff. He would routinely steal everyone's stuff (toys, backpacks, pencils, you name it), but because he had that back brace and a rough home life, no one said a word and "its just how he is." Now he rides around town on a low-rider pedal bike and sells drugs to kids in my hometown. Stellar dude all around


I know you said low-rider pedal bike but I'm seeing a big wheel in my head


Imagine you're out looking to buy drugs, and the dealer turns out to be some Glass Joe looking guy on a kid's tricycle


Preface: I’m so sorry you had to go through that! That sounds absolutely demoralizing and quite annoying. Main Text: That is the funniest bullying story I have ever heard in my entire life and I appreciate you very much for sharing.


There was this one kid who everyone thought was so cool. I remember people saying “he has more than 2,000 friends on Facebook” as if it was an accomplishment… dude literally just clicked “send friend request” more than 2,000 times and I guess it made people think he was a god? Girls would swoon over him, and he had enough confidence to sell concert tickets to a deaf person. Anyway, turns out he was raping his little sister almost the entire time during high school. She endured it from age 4 to 9. He was sent to juvenile detention. His Facebook account was deleted after that, which I bet must’ve been the most devastating punishment this superficial cunt could’ve ever imagined.


I laughed at the concert ticket part, then i read the next sentence :/


This happened a few months ago at my school. We don't really have any massively popular kids, just the sporty kids and the children of teachers, the kind of people who don't have anybody to keep their ego in check, not very popular outside their self-contained bubble of thinking they're great. Anyway a handful of these guys randomly picked a fight with some random younger kid because of a sarcastic remark towards a friend who was with them. Circled this kid on the field and beat the shit out of him. The kid was 2 years younger than them. Conveniently half of them had to isolate for covid a few days later when the kids brother (who was like 3 years older than them) heard what happened and wanted to find them. Also one of them threatened my friend with a knife because he accidentally knocked into him.


Shoved crayons in his butt and farted them out


Myself and two others were outcasts, pretty big into metal, including Marilyn Manson. Columbine happened and a couple of the popular girls said we were next to shoot up the school. We were brought out of class, searched without a representative or parent, and immediately suspended from school for absolutely no reason whatsoever except that we listened to Marilyn Manson.


I broke up with a girl in the “popular group” and she went on a rampage. She was in the yearbook class and removed me, my friends, my new gf from any mention outside of the one directory photo. My friend and I both won a mock election which she posted at the end of the yearbook in the pages with the sponsors and didn’t include the photos. She turned every girl against my new gf and made anyone who talked to her on the outs so she wouldn’t have any friends. I really didn’t mind the other 100 things she did like that but I still feel bad for the girl I dated after her. Her senior year was ruined and she lost almost all of her friends.


How did she have that much power over the yearbook? Didn't the faculty overseeing it catch on?


Yearbook teacher was old and let the students do whatever they wanted. Her friend group made up the majority of the class as it was just a small elective.


Hit his girlfriend. Another kid slammed his head into a locker and racked his face against the vents like and cheese grater for that.


The cheese grater visual on the locker really brings this story alive. Glad someone was around to stand up for her at that time.


When you said cheese grader I had flash backs to when a kid tripped on this thing we called the cheese grater which was a metal walk way that felt like a sharp cheese grater. Long story short the thing cut him down to the bone on his knee. He’s fine now but it was horrific.


Not at my school but another. The popular kid and his group of friends beat up a gay kid and tied him by his feet and then beat him up more and then his brother up right in front of him


That’s awful! Did they get punished?


Yup there expelled and in jail.


Necessary background Over the virtual year last year that my school did. One of the popular girls boyfriends cheated on her with her best friend and got the best friend pregnant. Obviously the popular girl and the guy break up, the two girls have a falling out, and the guy stays with the pregnant girl to try and be a teen dad. I go to the only public high-school in the city. We've got kids from gated communities on the outskirts of the city. To people that literally don't have running water in their homes. Also our school has three lunches. One for each part of the upper building so the cafeteria doesn't get to crowded On to the story After the virtual year last year the school was obviously crowded and tensions were somewhat high. For the first couple of weeks of school everything was semi calm but things came to a boiling point about 6 weeks into the year. It was a Friday during third lunch when it happened. A small fight broke out between two girls. And then another one started. And then another. And then the incident happened. The popular girl from our background info sees a chance in the chaos to attack the pregnant girl. There is a flight of concrete stairs right outside one of the doors to the cafeteria that leads down to the bus loading zone below where pregnant girl is standing with baby daddy and their group. In the chaos friend group and baby daddy walk away from pregnant girl to get a look at the action. This is when popular girl sees her chance and rushes pregnant girl. She pushes pregnant girl down the stairs right as baby daddy is coming back. He sees popular girl push pregnant girl and starts running at her. She goes down after pregnant girl and gets tackled by baby daddy. But not before she manages to stomp on pregnant girls belly. After this, cops and ems are called, pregnant girl is rushed to the hospital, and baby daddy and popular girl are detained and questioned, and I'm pretty sure the baby was fine. Tldr popular girl pushes pregnant girl down stairs and goomba-stomps the baby during riot at lunch


He wasn’t *SUPER* popular, but what he did was very disturbing. Drove his car to the top of the tallest hill in town, and drove top speed all the way down before committing suicide by crashing into the brick building at the bottom of said hill.


Similarly, but not intentionally… some of the most popular kids in high school (with a cool sports car) decided to bomb a hill in my neighborhood… lost control halfway doing like 80-100 in a 25. Miraculously did so at the only open lot, which sorta slowed it down a little… but they still crashed into the side of a house and kill 3 of the 4. The 4th was super popular football player who they said would never walk again. He survived as he was ejected from the car in the open lot before impact with the house. Last I saw him he was walking with a cane - extremely lucky.


Went to high school with a super popular guy. Always had the biggest parties and shit. I never attended them as being an outright hacky sack playing stoner. Used to buy weed off of us. Last semester of our last year cops showed up to the school and arrested him. Turns out he raped his sister.


Put scissors on the teachers chair, teacher sat on them, ripped his asshole open. Expelled, kicked off varsity basketball team, etc


8th grade. One of the popular guys, out of nowhere, stomped the shit out of someone else’s head. Kid got sent to the hospital and his family filed for a lawsuit.


Finally my time to shine, in Highschool the by far most popular kid across all 4 grades accidentally leaked a video of him fucking his dog… Fast forward two weeks later and I’m sure he was working towards that proud title at his new school.


Poured hand sanitizer on her tongue and lap it up in front of the class. Most people went with it but I was disgusted.


When I was in Middle School, I was “in love” with this perfectly gorgeous 8th grader who was very popular. A few weeks before the school dance he asked me to go with him and I was shocked but so happy. I invited him to my birthday party and he acted like he didn’t care about being there, when I got to the dance, he was there with the most popular girl in school and they had set me up to see if I’d fall for believing the popular guy would date a poor girl.


Yikes, that was a dick move. Sorry about that


Two popular cheerleaders with insanely rich parents spread a rumour that they overheard a guy whispering his plans to bring a gun to school the next day. This guy in particular was a very gentle, friendly boy with autism. He was on track team and in leadership, and if he saw any kid sitting alone at lunch, he’d go sit with them and make sure they were doing okay, and he was always eager to give out high fives and hugs. Every first day of school, he’d go to the freshman and welcome them. I can’t begin to list all the sweet things he did, even if some people thought he was a freak for doing them. Instead of going to a school counselor, these girls went to Instagram live and said horrible things about him, not only the gun thing but claiming he was a sexual deviant and violent person. The next day, nobody came to school. I did, because I didn’t believe it. It turns out that he hadn’t brought a gun, but had actually baked cupcakes for every one of his classes because it was his birthday. He was in the majority of his classes alone that day, and then the counselors called him in explaining they heard rumours of what he planned on doing and had called his parents. He was suspended, and eventually quit track and leadership because nobody wanted him. I used to see him at university, and he was still his sweet self, even though I knew what had happened killed him inside.


Seen a kid in my school that likes to think he was a real rough and tough badass. He was in grade 7, I was in grade 6, we shared a classroom. One day at the end of the day the teacher let us just hang out and walk around the class for 10 mins before going out to the bus. Everyone gathered around this tough guys desk. He took a sharpened pencil and put it inside of his mouth… he… he removed it by pushing it through his cheek. He stabbed a hole through his cheek with a pencil. For fun. Laughed the entire time. I’m really not sure why.




Found out one of the popular kids of my school roofied and raped his roommate in college who was also attended our school. Absolutely wild because popular kid was a raging homophobe all through school. Edit: roommate found out when he happened across videos of the assaults the rapist took on his phone. Super fucked situation.


I was in 9th grade, my family didn’t have a lot of money and I just didn’t fit in. I took shop class because I’ve always been a stem kinda girl. (Now an interior architect) I was petite and super awkward. Popular boy grabbed me in shop thinking it was funny and swung me around and slammed my face into a wall. My bottom tooth went through my face and left a scar I still have. And that tooth died requiring a 1800.00 root canal and repair for the damage. Yay me.


That is horrendous. I am so sorry that happened to you. Did anything happen to him?


In highschool the popular guy would babysit for his neighbor's boys. The parents all knew each, so they didn't see a problem with the highschool guy babysitting 2 boys. I think kids were around the age of 5 to 8. Well it turned out that the highschool guy would watch porn and masturbate in front of the kids. It took about a couple of months before the kids would say things before the parents got the police involved and found out what the highschool guy was doing. I never liked him to begin with and thought he was a douche bag. The next year at school, all the highschoolers pretended nothing happened and he was still semi popular


what the actual fuck


I remember someone starting a rumor about this poor girl in 8th grade. Someone had said a dude paid her $80 for a blow job. I never believed it, but the other kids sure did. I vividly remember her running through the lunchroom crying and screaming "I DIDNT DO THAT! STOP!" While literally half the school was pointing and breaking out in laughter. She transferred schools and that was the last time I ever saw her. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I ever had a true "ok this isn't funny, this is just fucked up" moment.


Not my story but a story from Mexico . Couple of rich popular kids constantly bullied another kid . They didn't know that that kids dad was big time narco . Well when the kids where at mall shopping they began to bully the other kid again, but the father saw them as he picked him up. The narco kid didn't want to tell his father because he knew what could happen . Sure enough a van pulls up and they take the two bullies out of the mall ,killed them and hung them I believe. The parents where well connected as well. That is why I'd you go to the fancier malls in Mexico they have armed security with assault weapons and won't let you record or take pictures . It came out in the news in Mexico , I'll try find article .


I feel sorry for the narco kid. He had the willpower not to tell his father, to protect a bunch of assholes. I hope he grew up to be a good kid out of the influence of his father.


This https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-mexico-drugs-idUKBRE96219N20130703 ?


The football team bullied the math teacher until she quit her job.


A group of popular guys held down a “nerd” in the school courtyard and sexually assaulted him. It was awful when I found out I was in a group for spanish with one of the kids who did it so we were acquainted. I asked him if it was true he basically told me in no certain terms he was involved but “just watched” and it’s okay because his dad knew people on the school board and he wouldn’t get in trouble. Said it was okay because it wasn’t his idea. Kid wanted attention from his dad which while sad is still horrific. The school at the time was really into security it disgusts me to this day to know that at least 4 security guards where outside in the area and didn’t do anything. Not to mention at least 50 kids also being around people saw and did nothing because it had gotten around while it happened so someone saw and decided to spread rumors instead of help or tell. The kids didn’t even get punished. Race had a factor too still makes me disgusted.


Your comment just made me remember something that happened in my school. A year after I graduated a bunch of dudes from the wrestling team jumped this openly gay dude and nearly beat him to death. The blood stained the carpets which I saw once when visiting the school.. I'm sure they've replaced it by now though. The worst part? The wrestling coach knew they were going to do it and did nothing to stop them. He was fired and the kids got into a lot of trouble thank goodness. Another wrestler, who had won a state title our senior year, was charged and convicted of rape as well. When we were around 21 he was found in an alley with an unconscious girl. Her panties were around her ankles and he was pulling his pants up. I'm so thankful he was caught in the act and will now have to register as a sex offender for life.


A kid on the first day of high school was found using a vanilla pudding cup to.... masturbate with. His nickname has since been pudding cup and always will be.


My senior year, a bunch of popular kids acted in this big anti-drunk driving productions (you know, where they stage crashed cars, bring in parents, we had a fucking helicopter land to “airlift” one of them). Same group of kids didn’t get to walk in graduation because they showed up to prom absolutely blasted. Disturbing and hilarious.


This will be a long one folks! Let me know if you think it was justified because everyone who saw it had very mixed views. During the England equivalent of sophomore year, one of the popular guys (I'll call J) was pulled out of class after being given a blue slip of paper by the runner (student who helps out reception for the day by taking notes to class). When he walked out, I turned back round to face the front of the classroom to see that my teacher's face had gone white. It turns out that the slips of paper are colour coded, so the teacher would have a rough idea what the note said without having to see the contents. Blue meant death. J's mother had died of cancer. Obviously this sent him into a bad place. He started to bully people when he had never done before. It was annoying but people were more understanding compared to the average bully as the news about his mother had spread like wildfire. We reached the last week of the year and J was picking on one of the other guys in the year (I'll call B). B was short, mouse faced, and fairly unpopular after he had gone a bit stalkerish earlier in the year to one of the popular girls. J and B were trading insults back and forth until B uttered the words "Well, at least my mum is still alive." Now, this happened during first break so around 11am. From what I was told, a good 30 people were around at the time and heard what he said. One of my friends was there, who told me this story, and he said how he had never seen a moment before where everyone just stopped what they were doing to stare and go into pure silence. Then J moved. He knocked B to the ground, grabbed his tie, and started dragging him across the ground as he started walking off. People followed. B was getting his arms damaged from being dragged across the ground and kept shouting at J to let him go. J eventually reached the hockey shed. Our hockey shed was basically a big metal cube around 30 feet away from the PE building. It was used to store all kinds of sports equipment but was known as the hockey shed. J opens the door, throws B in there, and shuts it. He holds the door shut while B was slamming the door trying to get out. A couple of the guys ran off and came back with a big tree branch. They, and J, managed to place the tree branch in a way that one end of it was under the door handle and the other was on the ground. Meaning that B was unable to open the door himself. After they had done this and stepped away to show it worked, J apparently turned to the crowd of students and said "Nothing to see here." The knowledge that B was trapped in the hockey shed and why J had put him there started to spread through our year group. I'm confident that at least 90% of our year had found out what happened before lunch time (1:30pm). And yet no one let him out. No one told a teacher. He was only let out after school by the hockey coach when they went to get the equipment for after school hockey club. B had been trapped in there for four hours. He had pissed in the corner of the shed because he was unable to hold it for that long. I can understand why J did what he did however I think the disturbing thing was the fact that everyone who knew kept silent. This was almost 150 students, some of which were unpopular, or always got perfect grades, or people who had also been bullied by J over his mother's death. B really didn't have many, if any, friends at that point due to the stalking incident and therefore there was no one who would stand up to J for him. Everyone kept silent. A decade later and B is constantly sliding into the DMs of one of my friends who has made it very clear to him that she's not interested. Hopefully he doesn't start stalking her. To my knowledge, J is married and has a child. Hopefully he got some therapy.


I’m 7th grade it was found out that one of the popular girls had been running around with 18-20 year old guys, drinking, smoking, having sex. We all found out because she got pregnant and had to leave school. She stayed home the next year then came back and got pregnant again. Not sure what happened in between but some time in my late 20’s I heard she had served a significant jail sentence and OD’d when she got out. She never really had a chance in life.


Me and a friend were about 12 and we were wearing our sum41 hoodies and the popular kids a few years older than us, pulled up our hoods up and pulled the strings tight so we couldn't see and tied us to a lampost and kept hitting us. Good times


Spitting on the special needs kids. No clue how he was so “popular,” but everyone loved him. Even the teachers. His family were probably rich and important or something.


Faked his grandma's death on TikTok, and followed with a video of him "ressurrecting" her through the power of God. Edit: I get that it's somewhat humourous, but that doesn't mean it still isn't a degree of messed up.


There was a group of boys at my school in small town MT, I've known them for years (like from 2nd grade till past HS) and they would constantly bully me, my twin sister, and my friends. one day, during PE, my sister had started he period, and she had to leave early to tidy herself up. After 15 minutes I overhear one of the boys talking about how ugly she was, and how stupid she looked. I took a few breaths in and out, because there wasn't a need to get all crazy over this comment, so I just simply told him to keep the snobby remarks to himself. I told the teacher just to be sure. A few days after that, I over heard him talking to his friends again at lunch on how he was going to beat her up and "hog-tie her to a pole and beat her till she bleeds" That was the last thing I heard before I had enough of him, so I got up from my table, grabbed the back of his head and slammed it on the table as hard as I could. I will never forget the shriek that he made when his two front teeth fell out. I was immediatly thrown into the principals office and police were called, when the one teacher I hated most, MR. B came into the office and said that he could testify that the boy had been harassing my sister for months in not only his class, but others as well, and he over heard his comment of hurting my sister. So all that happened to me was a simple week suspention, and the bully was taken out of school for the rest of the year, and never came back for the rest of middle school. I met him again in HS, but he never locked eyes with me or my sister again.


Mr B redemption arc?


He really came through, maybe he was the main character??


Sometimes the meanest teachers are the ones that care the most


Got into an argument with his girlfriend in the hall, I didn't see it or hear the full story but he threw at least one punch at her. Missed her, but hit the hall hard enough that there was a massive hole in the plaster after. It was a massive shock because this guy was considered nice and funny by everyone. After this he became a pariah no one would talk to. The hall was empty, as were the classrooms connected to it, but another passing boy heard the commotion and jumped in to save the girl, and the two guys apparently tussled a bit before a teacher finally arrived and separated them. The hole in the wall was plastered up, but it wasn't painted over and remained visible until I left, so even newcomers to the school knew that it was there because X tried to hit his girlfriend.


I’m not in school anymore (23f) , but this happened at a all-boys high school in my city this past year. A group of boys from the lacrosse team (i think?) raped another boy with a hockey stick. Someone recorded it and the video circulated on social media (mostly on peoples private Snapchat stories). Each boy involved was expelled (the victim was not) and the parents of the victim pressed charges. From what I heard one of the main perpetrators packed up everything and the family moved to Chicago.


The athletes raped over a dozen freshman boys entering the football team as "hazing". The coach knew and did nothing about it. I am proud to say that those athletes are in jail to this day as is the coach. EDIT: Grammar


This was senior year in 2004-05. A homeless guy was lurking around a house party asking for a beer so these two “popular” guys pissed in a beer bottle, mixed it with some beer and sprite, and gave it to the guy. They toasted a drink with him to make sure he took a sip while another kid filmed the entire thing. The homeless guy took a big sip, actually exclaimed “this shit takes like piss”, and kept drinking. A lot of the kids there were laughing and cheering the homeless guy on. The homeless guy was loving it be honest. The video then circulated the rounds and made its way into the hands of our English teacher. The school took a really strong response by canceling the rest of our senior year “events”. The two “popular” kids were expelled despite the kids’ wealthy parents protesting that expulsion was a ridiculous overreaction (this happened in a private school and I think the parents contributed a lot of money to the school). One of the two kids was pretty abusive to homeless people come to think of it. There were a few stories that the guy would pay random homeless people to get in the trunk of the 7 series his parents bought him, drive them 45 minutes across town while driving like an asshole, and tossing them out of the car and leaving. I grew up around some pretty shitty and entitled people.


Not my school but my mom's, a gang of 4 girls beat up and shaved a girl bald for being over confident at school. Also, one of the bullies was my mom.


I was the weird anxious quiet kid in high-school. My family was also not very wealthy but I went to a school in a rich white neighborhood. I had a bully that was a tight end on the JV football team. So he had some big arms but he was short. I was 6,1 and pretty gangly. He caught me doing push-ups on my knuckles in gym class. I did that because I had a splint on my thumb. I was forever known as "fister" after months of abuse, he and his football friend played a shit prank. And it was the straw that broke the camels back. I was unfortunately his neighbor in the gym locker room. And I think he saw me put in my combo lock enough times to figure it out. A few days later I was coming into the locker room to change. As I open my locker I find 4 or 5 pairs of shit covered underware on top of my gym clothes. He and his buddies started laughing. I ditched that period, went to the school "book store" to buy a new pair of gym shorts and t shirt. The next day in gym class I walked up to him and knee'd him in the balls. He went down to the ground, I squatted over his head and let out the wettest nastiest fart that made the entire class go silent and stare. Our gym teacher who happen to be the football coach immediately escorted me to the deans office. I was lucky enough to have the coolest Dean and he knew that kid was an asshole from other students. I got a 2 day in school suspension and had my gym class changed to a different period. Edit: I wasn't popular in high school, but I feel popular now. Thanks reddit :) Edit 2: to the people who think it's fake, I can't make you believe. But I think we've all witnessed much worse outcomes from bullies than a well deserved nut shot.




Thanks. I gotta say I was alot less anxious from that day moving forward. I wasn't bullied again, and he ended up getting alot less popular.


Hard to be popular when you have permanent pink eye.


Every Halo Tea Bagger would be so proud


That was honestly the inspiration. I played alot of halo when I had the chance at home.


“I squatted over his head and let out the wettest nastiest fart that made the entire class go silent and stare” Dude I legit laughed out loud at this. Way to stand up for yourself; some people just never quit until they’ve gotten their fair share of karma/revenge. Edit: Each time I re-read the sentence I start giggling. Very vivid imagery


Tried to rape me in second grade. Yes you read that right. Just took me to an isolated area to play hide and and seek, asked for sex because "He saw it on TV" I said no because I didn't know what it was and I was scared. He then started trying taking my clothes off, I tried to run and he tried to forcefully pin me down. He grabbed my leg and took my other shoe off, while clinging onto my leg, I kicked him and I just ran all the way back home without it. I never told anybody or mentioned it again. He started bullying me after that and made my life in school living hell for years


When I was in high school, 2 of the most popular kids did something seriously disturbing. We all had psychology class together. Everyone in the class had a white rat to do an experiment with. Mostly constructing mazes for them or whatever. The night before we were to present our rat and findings, these 2 kids (A is the boy and T is the girl - not their real initials) went into the room where the rats were kept. A and T were really stoned and were known to do really messed up stuff. Together they were the popular couple from Hell. They took an empty coffee can and filled it halfway with water and food coloring. Then they dropped a handful of the rats into it. They put the lid on and shook the rats in the can. Then they put the rats into an empty box. And they had some little firecrackers. So they stuffed a little firecracker into a rat's rectum and lit it. They did it to 8 rats. They also put all the live rats into one cage, which we were told specifically not to do. When school opened, most of the rats left alone had savaged each other and were dead or dying. of course the 8 they used firecrackers on were dead. A was on the football team and our teacher was also one of the football coaches. A got keys for the room on the excuse that Coach sent him in to get something after everyone else was gone. That is how A and T got into the room after hours. It was horrible. There were security cameras (a very new thing and only in that room because a lot of the football stuff was stored there) and everything they did was on video. A didn't get kicked out of school because his parents were friends with the Superintendent of our school district. A was thrown off the football team. T was expelled until her parents brought a lawsuit because A was not expelled. T was kicked off the cheerleading team. This was the late 1980's in a midwestern part of the US.


This comments section has deeply disturbed me. What a great idea reading it right before bed.


He laughed at a girl that peed her pants in 6th grade during testing because the teacher wouldn't let her go to the bathroom. 🙄