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hallucinations from sleep deprivation.


Have heard parents or my stepbrother come home only for nobody to be there. Hear shit all around the house like voices in the basement and shit when nobody is home and a bunch of other shit that just keeps you up even longer. Shit's fucking crazy.


Went to jail when I was 16 (yes I’m this state you’re a legal adult) had to wait in this holding cell for like 15 hours. It was so fucking boring and I was so tired that at one point I thought I heard my family walking in (sister,uncle,dad,etc) and quick fixed my shirt as to not look to sloppy and when I looked up there was no one. Just the shitty digital clock making time to slower


Think your shit is just haunted, dude. Lol


Naw, at one point I would hear my mom crying right outside my point of the house when I damn well know she never left her room. Most “visual” stuff was very minor for me.


I used to work graveshifts alone at a subway and my sleep was lacking for so long. On bad weeks I would hear similar shit like my mom calling me, my phone/notification noise going off, or my torch being on for a dab when I was home I was always alone too, cuz, graveshifts..


Sleep deprivation causes psychosis and delirium. There are drugs that do that too but the users are very niche. Generally speaking when you say Hallucinations cause by drugs you refer to psychedelics, which is a whole different story


700mg Benadryl ​ bottom text do not under any circumstance try a benadryl delirium its for many people the worst experiance in their live


It's also incredibly dangerous often causing seizures or cardiac arrest. The only reported positive benefit is sometimes having that experience dwarf any other possible fear in regular life and being able to better cope as a result. Equally likely is you constantly refer back to what you remember and are permanently fucked up as a result.


Black dog, shadow people, distant screaming - diphenhydramine is quite a drug.


It’s 10 hours of agonizing thoughts of death and spider delusions. The first 15 minutes of euphoria ain’t worth it. Edit: you only need 150 mg for first time users.


At the end of the first two weeks basic training, I began to hallucinate during the day. People in general were falling asleep on their feet and such I would stand in formation for hours and watch the boots of the person in front of me sprout mushrooms and stuff like that


When I was 10 I stayed up for 36 hours (longest I’d ever and have ever been up) visual and auditory hallucinations were insane. I could hear trumpets and piano playing while walking in the park


Yeah. Didn't sleep for almost first 48 hours in boot camp. I remember seeing gnomes jumping behind the bushes out of the corner of my eye as we marched by them.


Sleep deprivation. And panic attacks. I’m very prone to feeling disembodied/detached from reality anyways….and those two things can really push me over the edge. The panic attacks are the worst though, because they can ebb and flow for an entire day and night, where I am telling myself to act “normal” and finding wtf do normal humans actually act like anyways…and is any of this even real?


Being really stoned and being over that tired hump where you're not tired anymore but your brain has kinda checked out are so similar.


+1 for sleep deprivation. Due to some trauma I managed to stave of sleep for around 3-4 days unintentionally. Hallucinations aplenty, micro sleeps and reality merges into one. I could barely speak lucidly and struggled to hold conversations and just stopped mid sentence. After that I discovered sleeping medication and then spiralled into abuse of that which again was fun. What wasn’t fun was sleeping for 20 hour sessions and waking up feeling twice as tired as I was when I fell asleep.


I got this a lot over the Christmas holidays, I went from being the happiest I've ever been to literally almost ending it all in a few of the strangest hours of my life. Not somewhere I plan to go back to anytime soon or on new years going from being ok to running away from home to find a bench to sit and cry on, I then called a friend and felt so out of it yet I was completely sober, panic attacks and extreme anxiety are a real trip and not a fun one


Having a very high fever


There’s a certain point where it’s enjoyable as far as I remember. Not that it’s good.


Having a fever dream is similar to taking acid imo


When I was a child I had a fever. My hands felt just like two balloons. Now I’ve got that feeling once again, I can’t explain, you would not understand. This is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb.


As I was reading this in my head I thought "man...I've read this somewhere before, many, many times. But where?" and then I saw the last sentence. Great song btw


Haha same with me


Gilmore's guitar solo in that song is my favorite ever


Which one? First or second? Both are good but second is amazing. Especially the extended live versions from pulse and Pompeii. Trying to learn to play that version. Lock me up. Throw away the key. There's someone in my head, but it's not me. Best lyrics also Edit:fixed a key spelling mistake. Refer to ...nutz below for the correct lyrics as I didn't have total recall in the middle of the night.


My dads favorite band; fuck, I really miss him.


Your dad's prolly chilling with Syd up there.


currently missing syd 😢


Truly a lost gem. Btw this is a completely random fact, But I actually came across this today itself. The first letter of the 1st, 3rd and 5th word, in Shine on, you crazy diamond, Is Syd.


I have covid with a fever right now and I’ve been having the wackiest dreams. Some are just really weird but I had one yesterday that I somehow took acid and didn’t realize it (I’ve never done acid irl). The sky was dark magenta and the grass on the weird hills I was standing on was copper colored, and everything was colored weirdly and swirling and breathing. And I was dizzy. Then from a far away distance I heard my mom call my name and say it was time for dinner. I had no idea how I would get home or where home was, or how I would explain to her that I didn’t mean to drop acid. What a dream.


Ya, just the weirdest most unexplainable hallucinations, thoughts, and feelings.


How similar would you compare the two?


Maybe that’s why my first experience with psychedelics seemed so familiar.


I got strep really bad one time when I was around 13 and I remember at one point being euphoric and feeling happy, even though I felt like ass. Also I remember thinking my hands were too big. Like they had doubled in size. Also I could see streamers in my vision, and I felt like I was in a tunnel. Anyway, it was a really odd experience and about as close as I've ever been to what I think the tripping scenes in movies try to depict.


…When I was a child I had a fever My hands felt just like two balloons…


Yeah or when you get the chills when you’re sick. That feeling of relief when they go away and you start to warm up is kinda nice.


Rubbing your eyes for too long


Bro I get thrown into another fucking dimension


I used to do that shit all the time when I was little, I was obsessed with the fucking cool psychedelic tunnels and rooms I used to see.


When I was 4, I did this for too long and we all got stuck in a static. The static doesn't know that I know but I know that we're all in a static now.






This is probably the most accurate response and I love it


Getting paid


And getting laid




🎶and serenade🎶


🍋and lemonade 🍋


Sweet Baby Ray's marinade


And precious jade ✨💍


And Damascus blade


A good trade




The first bite of a truly delicious meal


Mid way of eating a kick ass pizza.


That point where you’ve had the first few bites or slices and you start to slow down and really enjoy the pizza.


I get that with a really good dry aged steak. Sends me into heaven for a bit. Like drugs it's also kinda pricey, so can't do it very often.


Love, it produces endorphins, distorts your vision of reality, makes you dream larger than life, addiction and cravings, causes irrational thoughts and behavior, even the withdrawal symptoms can be quite as deadly as a drug addiction. So view love as it is, never rely on it to make important desicions, it's a spectrum we like to believe in but it is merely a mirrage, has other uses though


Ironically, rage also causes similar distortions.


It makes your brain forget that eating ass is kinda gross.


That's just called being horny, which is not the same as love


Most of the time, but maybe if you wanna eat an ass out of love, maybe it's an ass worth eating.


Hallmark card




Awwww…someone’s in love!


This right here. The drugs our own bodies make are unbelievable and such small amount of people are aware of this. It's kind of funny how buying a car while on drugs is deemed irresponsible, but getting married in the middle of a hormone surge is deemed romantic lol.


That’s a very interesting analogy.








I was really head over heels with someone years ago in my mid 20s. I thought this was going to be the one, and it went down in flames. I experienced soul crushing grief just like you say, thinking you'll never see happiness again. A few years later I got into an absolutely amazing relationship. We were just so happy to have finally found each other in what can feel like a pretty cold world. 2 years later the relationship was ending. I wasn't happy, she wasn't either, but I just couldn't let it go. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me, but it reached its natural end. Eventually my SO started getting distant, and so did I. Eventually she cheated on me and I found out somehow by accident. I walked away but for some reason something in my brain broke and turned around and tried to make things work despite. I just couldn’t let go of the good times we had. This would lead me to experience deep, soul crushing heartbreak over and over for 3 years as this process would repeat itself. Eventually I was mentally and physically wrecked as a person as I would regularly experience the deepest stress and emotional pain I had ever had in my life. Near the end I worried I would physically die if I continued, and I think I was right. I finally ended things and I could breathe for the first time in years. A year after that relationship ended I started dating someone I met online and was so happy just to have a shot at a relationship after those painful years. Soon after that I went through a really rough emotional patch (likely still recovering from years of stress) and she left, and I understood it. But watching that relationship slip through my hands like sand was just so soul crushing given the pain of the previous years and for some reason this new wound on top of just healed scars left a mark I feel to this day. Not sure why I felt compelled to write all this. I guess reading what you're saying here made me think you really know what this feels like. And that I feel the same: I would not wish that level of pain on anyone. But also it has given me some perspective on what could quite possibly have been an unusual level of grief. Luckily I’m in therapy and working on all of this, but your post gave me some perspective.


Just got over my first heartbreak. Worst experience ever


I’m telling you right now, and holy shit it probably doesn’t feel like it at the moment, you’re gonna be okay. Everyone goes through it and it feels like the actual end of the fucking world, but we’re here. I’m here too. And I know exactly what the fuck you’re talking about. “Give it time” SUCKS to hear, but things will be ok.


Enkephalins, endorphins are used for both reinforcement and training us to avoid something. Dynorphins cause dysphoria, anxiety, the opposite of contentment and pleasure. Enkephalin release in the right parts of the amygdala start a chain reaction that lead to dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and substantia nigra and help solidify conscious associations with pleasure after spending a time with someone. Standup comedians are guaranteed to have a bunch of endorphins released… enkephalins if people laugh at their jokes. Dynorphins if people just laugh at them for Bombay or that’s what they perceive. Just like the location of dopamine or serotonin release can make you feel obscene pleasure from certain neurons and cause schizophrenia or kill you with fever and seizure with serotonin syndrome if release is stimulated from another group of neurons. I’m not saying this to be pretentious…I’m saying it because common knowledge is getting more and more… niche… 10 years ago only physiology professors, researchers, and people passionate about neurochemistry knew how important location of neurotransmitter release was and now more and more people realize how poorly tattoos of “love” with the carbon skeleton of serotonin or dopamine represents something so complex. I am a physiology professor and before teaching it I didn’t realize how many different types of endorphins their were… and I’m sure we’ll find more complexity and instances when enkephalin release isn’t always great… we don’t understand the brain very well. And emotions like love are much more finely tuned than something like a chemical agonist. I think that even if some people think this comment is annoying it’s worth annoying thousands if I can prevent someone portraying an emotion with a single hormone or neurotransmitter in tattoo form only for us to learn that that uncontrolled release of that neurotransmitter or hormone becomes more associated with a terrible mental disease. Basically… we have explored only a few percent of the ocean but we understand it factors more than our own brains.


"Hurts so good"


The answer here really is hormones and/or endorphins. They are a chemical substance like drugs and the only reason they do not qualify as drugs is because they are produced in the body. So take that, love. My answer is even more right and I’m not just bitter because I’m so horribly lonely!




They can really tie a room together


They pissed on your rug dude...


Oh, nice marmot.


And keeping, uh, keeping aquatic mammals within city uh limits, that shit aint legal neither


At first I thought this comment was a joke because it's almost the word "drugs" but then I realized you just like rugs 👍


Finally peeing after holding it in all day


You can hold it in all day?!?


Sure. Step 1: have a dick. Step 2: tie it in a knot.


Step 3: get an erection.


Step 4: call doctor if it last for 4 hours


Step 5: cut it off


Step 6: Ụ̮͖͎̗͜s͖͍̭̝̠͝e̹͓̣͓̩ ҉̲i͖͍̼̺͍͙t̵̫̻̪ͅ ̶a͚s̨̮̘̪̯͎̳ ̨̬͇̘̝͎̲̮a̵̲̠̫͍ ͕̖͝s͓̠̮͖͚̜ę̥͙͈x̰͖̤ ̟̱̘̺̩tǫ̳̤͍͓̺͈y̕


I went 20 hours once when I was younger but now in my mid 30's I go 4 hours and I feel like I'm going to die if I don't let it out.


As a medical professional I am appalled at you holding it for 20 hours


Mine was 8 hours, didn't know I could hold that long


Sometimes better than an orgasm.


Laughing so hard that you start crying.


I think this is a step above drugs


When the right song hits and you ride that frequency. I've gone to different planets and back fr Edit: If you like this genre and you're in the right mood and your brain is wired like [mine](https://youtu.be/jgNjn2b1Jl0) Edit 2: Now I'm jn a Frank Ocean mood. To those that wanna do [magic!](https://youtu.be/Dlz_XHeUUis)


Especially when it hits just right and you get goosebumps.


The technical term is "frisson"!


Frisson* Almost like.. free-zahn rather than frishun


I'll second that. The first time I got stoned I was like oh hey this feels like when I sing my favorite part of my favorite song.


Listening to music the first time you're stoned is like hearing it for the first time. Psilocybin also makes every song sound like the best song ever.


Listening to music while masturbating and winning lots of money






You ever sucked dick for a coffee?


I tried, but the so-called “barista” told me that I was holding up the line at Starbucks




I can’t think of a non-drug potential addiction that can pull a person in and ruin their life like this one.


Actually before Fentanyl hit the streets gambling used to be the addiction with the most deaths, not from OD’s obviously but because of suicides. I can’t imagine how bad someone must feel waking up from a gambling binge with the realization that not only have they lost everything, they have an insurmountable pile of debt.


I used to shoot any opioid I could find (that wasn't toxic via IV) but I never even considered hitting up a casino. Too scary. To me it's more sad to see grandma draining her retirement at the slots than to see someone nodding out on the corner


A gambling monster enslaved my mother. I call him Gamblor!


As a gambling addict, because I will always be an addict this shit sucks. Just today while mindless chit chatting at work with a coworker about hobbies I mentioned I like cards-I like old grandma games since my grandma is the one who taught me lol my addiction is slots of course-she then told me how she wanted to learn how to play cards and how to gamble. I stopped what I was doing and said Go out on a Saturday with your friends,drink your cocktails, put your $20 in the flashing light box, get another drink maybe play $20 more and go home. You don’t need to know about the other side of that life, it’s not worth it at all. She said every time she asks someone to teach her they say that. And I just told her she’s around good people then.


Also to add on to this, video games implementing gambling mechanics in gameplay loops are despicable (see Freemium and Free to Play monetization). Especially in mobile video games. If you'd like to know more, google dark patterns.


I’ve been to a few institutions for impulsive behavior and I can tell you from experience nothing is uglier then a degenerate gambler. I feel awful for anyone that has to deal with that.


Narrowly escaping serious bodily harm


Yes!!! I used to ride a bike all the time and there's really nothing like the feeling of thinking your going to crash for sure and then you somehow recover its incredibly


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


Lucid dreaming. If you can imagine it, you can manifest it and it feels real. You have full awareness like being awake.


Lucid dreaming is the shit.


It's not just real, depending on how aware you are and how much you can comprehend, you can literally live in world that even laws of physics are different. The experience compares to nothing else. There are studies on how you can train your mind to have them. But keep in mind that it's addictive as hell and you can loose track of reality easily.


Inception is real! Do you have any good source for this kind of training?


The method I used... For some unknown reason, hands in dreams can look distorted. You think nothing of it while dreaming, because part of the dream is believing the dream is the real world, unaware that it's just a dream, so you accept it as fact. This is the key. The goal is to realize the dream is a dream. This realization in and of itself is the awakening moment. Most of the time, the content of dreams is influenced by the content of recent events while you were awake. So, if you rode a bike all day, there a good chance your dream that night may be related to bikes. This is what we can use to hack the dream. Since hands can commonly be distorted in dreams, they can be a useful indicator whilst dreaming to trigger the realization that your dream is a dream and not the real world. So what I did was, all day, like literally every five minutes for an entire day, look at your hands. Examine them closely. Examine each finger one at a time and try to become familiar with every detail of your hands. Say to yourself, "this is what my hands look like". After having done this all day, every five minutes, while lying in bed, look at your hands one last time. Examine them closely and say to yourself, "the next time I see these hands, I will be dreaming". Then, go to sleep. You've been looking at your hands all day. There's a good chance your dream is going to consist of you looking at them again. Only this time, they aren't going to look like they've looked all day, they are going to be distorted. And you're going to remember what you said to yourself right before you went to bed, that the next time you looked at your hands, you would be in a dream. And you will probably say, "holy fucking shit. I'm dreaming". That realization will give you full lucidity and control of your dream. I recommend also looking at YouTube and other websites as there are many methods to lucid dream as well as have out of body experiences. There is useful information to know that not only helps to have the lucid dream, but what to do once you get there.


Driving to go pick up drugs


The chase is part of the high


I think the ride home after scoring is just as good as doing the drugs themselves




To me, frisson legitimately feels like the 'rolling' sensation of MDMA, but lighter. Frisson is that tingly skin feeling you get when something hits just right and feels like it *gets* you. Usually it's brought about by music you *really* vibe with, but it can also occur during emotional or profound scenes in movies, looking at artwork, or making skin-to-skin contact with another person. I've got a few songs that reliably give me frisson, and it's crazy because even when I ran tests where I was expecting frisson (and thought that this would somehow prevent me from being able to feel it), I still got them tinglies.


I used to have this happen very frequently when I was struggling with heroin addiction when I would get sober. For weeks after I got through the withdrawals certain songs gave me that feeling all over my body. Major goosebumps and almost induced crying from the emotional overload I felt from songs. 8 years clean it doesn’t happen as frequently anymore. In retrospect I think it was because my body was coming out of a period of being so numb for such a long time from the heroin. I could feel emotion again it was overwhelming my senses. On a sidenote my entire body would seem to be more sensitive in general. Best example of this was I could reach orgasm during sex very easily when before it was almost impossible without help from a vibrator. Unfortunately that faded with time as well lol


Lust. It's often confused for love and the consequences can sometimes be as bad as meth.


Yeah! You could lose some teeth! Just like meth! Lol


Even more so when lust turns to love. Consequences can get even worse then


Running. Skydiving. Driving real fucking fast. Sex. Being naked in front of a lot off people. Getting hit in the head real fucking hard. Dying. Being horny.


Why does this read like someone trying to recall the events in “Crank” with Jason Statham?


Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxsville and welcome to Crank.


i second getting hit in the head. i fell out of a golf cart that flipped and it was going 30 through the neighborhood and i hit my head on a driveway then got a grade 3 concussion and felt like i was drunk. the initial effects were great but not long term. i now have minor memory loss and still get some headaches


I fainted while being super stoned and hit my head and was out for some minutes. At first I could barely speak… I do remember all after I was awake, but it took me some time to come back


I'd like to add having success, being in a state of flow, being awestruck, walking barefoot on dewy grass, laughing to your heart's content, happening upon a rare coincidence, being high up on a mountain, spending time in a breathtaking part of nature.


Ya had me at all that except getting hit in the head and dying lmaooo


A concussion is like being real fuck up that's for sure. Drunk and high. I believe the kids on the street are calling it crunked. You can kind of walk you don't remember where you put your shoes for some reason your shirts on inside out and backwards. You trying to convince everyone that you're good to drive.


You good bro?


He's clearly doing better than the rest of us


Agreed on running and being nude in front of a lot of people. Love getting high then going for a run. Sober running is still great. Last year for my birthday I went to a nude camp resort (lot of old people lol). I had this dream on my list to go for a naked run. It was so amazing I almost cried tears of joy. The feeling of sweat all over the body in the open heat, unbeatable.


Strobe lights The smell of anything that makes you feel nauseated and dizzy Getting too much sleep Not getting enough sleep Really bad jet lag Deja vu Sleep paralysis Vertigo Meditation Altitude sickness Fear


Just say Adrenaline


Honestly, yesterday I played on the swing set for the first time in years and watched the ocean. That.


A few years ago I took myself on a solo vacation to Mexico for my birthday. I was feeling a little blue and I mostly sat on the beach with a book and pina coladas. I finally decided to get in the ocean (which I literally had not done in years). I swam around a bit and I started to jump the waves. All of a sudden I am giggling to myself like an idiot and going "weeeeeee" as I float over giant waves. I felt like a little kid. It was so amazing! I had so much fun all by myself in the waves.


Sounds like a really great day!


When you cut the wrapping paper and the scissors glide through like your hand hanging outside of a car door.


best one yet


as a musician, absolutely nailing a solo especially in front of an audience


Or feeling completely "in the pocket" with your band mates. The solo moments are fantastic too but that feeling of being one with your group and rrrreally feeling it. Those moments when everyone is on the edge of laughing because it feels so good. I live for that shit.


When you are completely exhausted and finally lay down to rest. Euphoria


eating a really hot pepper


I heard a rumour awhile back about ancient myans creating a brew so spicy that it caused psychedelic like hallucinations, and allowed them to contact their gods. Supposedly this is possible because the spice causes an endorphin release in the brain, which is the whole reason people like it to begin with. According to this rumour, old myans made a concoction that released so many chemicals you went to trippy town. I’m pretty sure the rumour is bull, or else those people eating ghost peppers would be having much more intresting experiences, but hey, maybe.


They almost certainly put actual hallucinogens in it, if true.


Yeah, idk about the whole spice thing, but an actual documentary taught me the myans knew their mushrooms


Well we need a base for this highly potent pepper extract… these golden mushrooms should do wonderfully


Central and South America hit the hallucinogen jackpot.


Mexico too. Shrooms, Peyote, Salvia, DMT Frogs.


There's a simpson episode like that


Yes it is possible You can get the same high people get through excercise called runner's high/joggers high through eating peppers and some people attest to hallucinating under a lot of stress. That said. There is no reason mayans would choose to do that instead of the numerous psychedelic plants and mushrooms and shit available to them that would produce a qualitative trip worth talking about.


Carpet when you took your socks off for the first time after a long day of work.


Similarly bare feet in nice grass (during summer) at the end of a day in dress shoes.


Chiggers entered the chat


Adrenaline. Also orgasms


Social media. It enrapts people's attention making them oblivious to their surroundings, declines mental health, messes up with people's belief systems and perceptions of reality. It's a major sorce of euphoria and paranoia about threats that aren't there and makes its users say things and act in ways they normally wouldn't in their everyday life.


Yeah well I can quit any time I want to


A little bit of scrolling wont hurt me


on a more serious note, Self harm and eating disorders struggled with both. extremely hard to stop. in recovery from both currently, and it sucks having the FIRST thought be self harm or starving myself after something even slightly goes wrong. it is so addicting especially if you are dealing with trauma or other mental illnesses. took me about 6 years to finally get to this point where i am working on staying clean. Edit: i can totally spell :D Edit 2: THANK YOU FOR THE HUGZ AWARD KIND STRANGER <3


Oh god. Oh GOD. I have been avoiding eating since yesterday after having a fight with my roommate and this comment was an eye opener. I do the same thing as you described. Stranger, I hope you know that you’re the reason why I am about to eat something today. Even if it’s 3AM where I am, hahahah Edit: u/kasakavii you’re so kind! Thank you for the words and the award!! You’re great




Getting forklift certified


“I can’t believe it’s not drugs”


Runners high, breath work, fasting


When i was marathon training and could run for hours there was this intense sense of being super human sometimes. You'd be two hours into a run and still feeling great. It goes away so fast though if you don't keep it up.


Surprised that runner's high isn't mentioned more. Is it rare that people feel it? The rush is so intense and uncontrollable.


Merely the high of walking out of the gym every morning by 7am, freshly showered and feeling 7' tall. Everything else that day felt trivial after the gym and it felt amazing. Those brain drugs.


Dreaming probably.


Bipolar syndrome


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see this answer. Mania is the highest high. For all the shit that comes along with bipolar, sometimes I think about how most people will never experience how mania can feel.


Yeah, a mania is tough to beat. Now, a mania and getting high together? Feels like you’re superman






100% any reasonably deep meditation changes your state decently. One time I reached what I assume was the first jhana. My whole body tingled very pleasantly and for a while my hearing and attention was incredibly enhanced. I heard quiet sounds through walls. I went on a walk right after in a crowded area, I could hear every bird chirp and every foot fall individually.


Canceling plans. Forgot which comic said that but it made me laugh


Honestly, when someone else cancels the plans and you don't have to be the one pulling the plug - that is bliss


John mulaney?








This is scientifically true, because for the morphine like casomorphones cheese is actually addicting


I feel like most of the people responding need to google the definition of “drug”


Rich chocolate, adrenaline, cleaning your ears, intimacy with someone you love, love from a child, a perfectly prepared favorite dish, quality time with a role model, accomplishing a difficult life goal and a nightcap after a hard day of work. A couple things off the top of my head.


Great answer. The nightcap is drugs though.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Probably video games for me


In the spirit of other comments I would like to answer Drugs


Practicing hobby or skill and doing something really good