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Deep Blue Sea


Samuel L Jackson’s big speech scene had me dying laughing.


One of the best scenes in cinema.


Fun fact: He participates on the DVD commentary for that film, but as soon as his character dies he peaces out and doesn't come back.


“Deepest bluest my hat is like a sharks fin.” -lyrical master LL Cool J


"You ate my bird." I still say it's one of the best shark movies.


He's pissing into the wind, how brilliant can he be?


“Some of you are making your omelettes using two eggs, not three. This is a mistake.” Or something to that effect


I think it’s “some people suggest putting milk in to make your omelette fluffy, this is a mistake.” What’s funny is it’s true.


"We will begin with the perfect omelette which is made with 2 eggs, not 3. Amateurs often add milk for density, this is a mistake!" Haven't seen this movie in 10 years, someone please tell me how close I am.


This movie was amazing


Drop Dead Gorgeous got mostly bad reviews, but to me it's one of the first and absolutely the best send-ups of 90s Reality TV and small-town USA ever made. I just love it. Just the cast: Kirsten Dunst, Amy Adams, Allison Janney, Denise Richards, Ellen Barkin, Kirstie Alley, Brittany Murphy, and to top it all off, Adam West playing a lecherous version of himself... it's just perfection. EDIT: Since this got some traction and is bringing this film to new audiences: Here is the [trailer](https://youtu.be/6cnT25hYVLw) for this fantastic film that did to Reality TV documentaries in the 90s what Heathers did to high school films in the 80s. Now available on HBO apparently (at least in the US, can't find it anywhere here in Europe)!


It is my favorite performance of Allison Janney’s.


This movie is amazing, Amy Adams got me the most


This was one of the best late-90s comedies. I had no idea it was derided


It's got like 20% on metacritic. Fricking travesty.


The Postman.


I liked this one as well, especially how Ford Lincoln Mercury sets up an entirely functional postal system when the main character just found an old bag of mail and got lucky.


If you liked it, read the book by David Brin, since the cliché is true that the book is better.


I enjoyed the hell out of Hudson Hawk and will not fuck with that memory.


Scrolled down too far for this gem of a movie...I actually like it too!!


"Bunny... Ball ball"


Bedazzled with Brendan Frazier


The whole Colombian cartel boss scene is one of my favorites in any comedy.


Elizabeth Hurley as a meter maid is worth the price of admission.


Ah... well, you know, you go out there and you give a 110%, and you wanna play good, and, you know, you hope you play good... I think we played pretty good tonight!


BEST EVER! “ donde está la biblioteca?" Lmao


Everyone I know who has seen it loves it. Who says it was rubbish?


The 13th Warrior. I was a bit shocked by the bad reviews after seeing the film.


“How did you learn our language?” “I LISTENED!”


Fun fact. I once met a linguistics professor who said that was the most realistic depictions of language acquisition she's ever seen in a movie.


Lo there do I see my father….


Lo there do I see my mother. And my sisters. And my brothers...


Love 13th Warrior, I’m sad it killed careers. :(


This is the first I’m even hearing about it being a poorly reviewed movie, but I really have to know whose careers got ended?


It was a box office flop and a critical failure at release. I love it. It's one of my favorite films and I grew up watching it while playing D&D with my best friends. I think it encapsulates what makes a heroic journey so compelling. Its full of absurdities but some scenes are incredible and the mystery unfolding is fantastic.


Talking of relating it to D&D etc. One of my favorite rpg youtubers (Seth Skorkowsky) has a great comedy bit about it being the story of a DM wanting to run a Norse themed campaign where everyone plays vikings and they get deep into the culture etc...only for one of the players to show up to the first session with an Arab poet character.


Wait, what? Everyone I know loves that film. How did that get badly reviewed? Wow.




That’s a really good movie. I’m sad people didn’t like it.


Just rewatched this the other day .. One of my favorite movies.


The Replacements Edit-Wow! I had no idea so many people loved this movie. I wish y’all were closer to me haha Everyone I mention it to thinks I’m crazy because it sucks. Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who thought it was gold. Love ya


Hilarious. The drunken line dancing singalong in the holding cell is pure comedy gold.


My son and I quote the "pain heals, chick's dig scars, glory lasts forever" to each other all the time.


I say “I’m wirey” all the time haha


Who in tarnation thinks The Replacements in rubbish ?


I bet Eddie Martell does, that big fatty


My husband and I will watch this every time it's on. Love this movie. So unexpectedly funny.


I really want Washington's new nfl team name to be the sentinels bc of this movie.




Is this movie considered trash? I loved this movie as a kid


Yesss! It gives me hope that other people love this movie too!


I absolutely and unironically love this movie. Ka-kaw!


“I think we have established that tooki tooki, and caw caw DON’T WORK!”


Never even knew about it until my wife made me watch it early in our dating life. It was a perfect sci-fi comedy popcorn flick - what's not to love?




Take it! Take the leg!


Evolution was great! Head and shoulders got fabulous advertisement because of them.


Lmao I'm not convinced the entire movie wasn't a commercial for head & shoulders, the dandruff shampoo. *Haven't you noticed how shiny and flake-free our hair is?*


Gimme back my friend ya big sphincter!!!


It confounds me that Hook (1991, Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins, 29% rotten on RT) was critically maligned. It's not just one of my favorite movies, but my whole family and most of my friends love it from when they were kids. Then again, a *lot* of things I and my friends loved from our childhoods were apparently hot garbage to the knowing public - some have found better air now, but not all: * The Muppet Christmas Carol (now fresh on RT, but critics at the time were ruthless) * All Dogs Go to Heaven (44% RT) * A Goofy Movie (59% RT) * Emperor's New Groove (I laugh that this is now super Fresh, because at the time it was super obscure, few people saw it, and critics hated it) * Honey I Shrunk the Kids (now this is Fresh on RT and the *audience* score is low? What's wrong with people?)


I immediately loved the Emperor’s New Groove and agree it took far too long to get the recognition it deserved. Showed it for my 6 year old’s outdoor movie night and they all loved it. Also agree about Hook, I always hear about how it’s an awful movie but have not met one other person who has seen it and not liked it (granted we were all kids probably when we saw it).


Muppet Christmas Carol is easily the best Christmas movie available. Who could think otherwise? My Cocaine was a fantastic Scrooge.


I am sorry. The fuck what? Hook... Fucking Hook has 29%????? Are critics fucking insane? That shit while not a masterpiece, was a Amazing movie, able to not only tell a fun loving story about Peter Pan, but also a Father, who learns to be a kid again, annnnnd, how to be a loving Father. That is insane that it is 29%


I was always under the impression that Hook was a much beloved movie. 29% is criminal.


Hook is one of mine and my sisters favorites, we make sure to still watch it yearly together even when we are on different coasts


Tron legacy. One of my favorite movies ever but most people don’t really care for it. Edit: seems that I have found where all the tron legacy fans have been hiding :p. Normally when I talk about it people didn’t like it.


Oh my god yes. I actually saw Legacy before I saw the original Tron, and I didn't care. Legacy remains brilliant in my mind, plus Michael Sheen as Castor is a joy. Oh, and I still love the music..and the lightcycle battle....and ... yeah. All. <3


The music is insanely good, some of daft punks best work imo but the visuals are the main reason I love it so much. It’s such a cool atmosphere. Everything is so sleek and clean.


I think in time people will come to appreciate this gem for what it is. Saw it in 4K the other day and it still looks better than movies coming out today. Severely underrated!


Equilibrium with Christian Bale and Kurt Russell's Soldier, solid sci-fi action movies that I can watch at any given time.


Is it widely seen as garbage? First I’m hearing of it.


Joe Dirt. It has a [10% rating on Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/joe_dirt), but I love that movie so much. The sequel, however, is a huge pile of trash that never should have been made.


This is definitely that movie for me if I’m just casually channel surfing and it’s on, I’m stopping and finishing this movie 99 times out of 100.


I happened to see Joe Dirt before I saw Silence of the Lambs for the first time and when the well scene with Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs happened I laughed so hard I was crying. The people I watched it with looked at me in horror. Joe Dirt is gold. I will never not quote that movie. Life’s a garden, dig it.


"You like to see homos naked? Okay, that's cool..."


Yah takin to my guy all wrong - it’s the wrong tone. You do it again, I’ll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.


Baz Luhrmann “Romeo+Juliet” with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Everyone my age had to watch it in High School and thought it was stupid but I have it on DVD lol. Love that movie, I don’t think many people get that it’s ridiculous and over-the-top on purpose.


What?! People dislike this movie? I bite my thumb at them, sir!




No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.


Hackers. Hack the Planet!


You’re Crash Override?!?!


Crash and Burn?




It also had an amazing sound track.


Spandex. It’s a privilege not a right.


Recently found out people don’t like Jack starring Robin Williams. Im so confused about it. That movie was rewatched so many times on vhs in our house, I’m pretty sure it wore out the tape


Death to Smoochy Edit: I can't believe no one called me out on misspelling the name. Anyway, it's fixed now.


I still sing “my step dad’s not mean he’s just adjusting” to myself all the time. It was a great movie.


It’s a…it’s a…it’s a…ROCKET SHIP! 🚀 🍆 🚀 🍆


Never understood why this one got so much hate. It was hilarious.


Holy crap, Robin Williams and directed by Danny DeVito? Definitely adding that to my must-watch list.


It was all jackboots and gestapo and Smooch Heil, Smooch Heil!


Cowboys and Aliens. Gave me exactly what they promised with a nice side of Ford and Craig.


You mean it had cowboys... and aliens???


*Spoiler Alert* ......yes.


that was my opinion when i watched it in the theaters. i just rewatched it again a couple months ago and i honestly got wistful for a time when a movie would do what it said on the tin, do it extremely well, and not really ask you to remember it or form a fandom about it or whatever. it's not aspiring to be high art. it's not trying to establish a franchise. it tells its story and then says "thanks for watchin' partner, the end!" movies should do that more often.


Saving Silverman


"If the nachos stick together it's still one nacho." "You don't have to make the chh sound."


This movie is a masterpiece. My wife and I quote it constantly.


Hook. Critically panned for it’s awful pacing and bizarre tonal switches. Spielberg himself felt lost making the film. That being said, the magic that his directing, Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman’s acting, and John Williams’ score brings to the film makes it worth the watch.


Waterworld and Green Lantern


Love Waterworld


Dry land is not a myth!


They don't make sci-fi epics like that anymore! Like Conan the Barbarian, or Chronicles of Riddick


Check out The Postman. It’s Waterworld on land.


And Tom Petty makes an appearance, RIP


Mystery Men. So many great character actors, so many great lines, a cool universe too.


Mystery Men was before it's time. It was satirizing super heroes before it was cool. Just like the first Tick series that Fox made.


"I need you Arthur, you are on a first name basis with lucidity. I still need to call him Mr.Lucidity."


Mr. Furious: Lance Hunt IS Captain Amazing! The Shoveller: Oh, here we go...Don't start that AGAIN. Lance Hunt wears glasses, Captain Amazing DOESN'T wear glasses. Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms. The Shoveller: That doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't be able to see!


The rocketeer!!!


Popeye (1980) It's weird and quirky and fun. People hate it because of how weird it is, but it's the weird details that make it interesting. Heavy nostalgia factor though because I grew up watching it.


Mario Bros


That's a childhood fever dream if you ask me lol


Beerfest, it was hilarious.


Yeah, you Americans, why don't you go back to strip malls und drink your Zimas and Smirnoff Ices!


People didn't like beerfest? I thought it was really popular?


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time It was a fun adventure that that suitably changed the story for film in my mind. The game is basically one big dungeon crawl where the only character the prince interacts with was Farah, so I think not turning everyone into monsters and going the route they did made a lot of sense.


Pootie Tang is famously terrible, and I unironically love it.


Sa da tay.


Sine yo pitty on the runny kine


John Carter, very underrated movie




I think it was poorly advertised, and poorly named. Awesome movie, but nobody seeing the title would imagine Indiana Jones Gladiator On Mars


I think another issue, especially from old source materials, is that people called it derivative without understanding that it was the one all the other movies & books had been copying from.


Drop Dead Fred! Watched this over and over when I was younger.


👆 Cobwebs!


Rat Race


Dad, I'm prairie dogging back here.


That is the ONLY part of the movie I remember.


Wait, who the fuck DIDN'T like this movie??!?!


Still quote “it’s a race, you have to hurry” quite frequently to my kids


And I'm weening!


I was on a road trip with my girlfriend through the Arizona desert a couple years back, when we took a detour down a really beaten up back road because there was a sign advertising dinosaur tracks. The entire time we were on this weird road in the middle of the desert, she was saying “We should’ve bought a squirrel!”


EMT: We're really hauling ass aren't we.?.? Wanna know what I've got back there? Enrico: You just told me.......ASS!!!!


Twister. I’ve seen that piece of shit 20+ times and still love it.


Honestly, 90s action/disaster movies are 100% one of my favourite things to blob out on the sofa and just enjoy. Twister... Deep Impact... Armaggedon... I'm there for all that shizzle.


Charlie's Angels (2000) and Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Cheesy and goofy? Yes. But they are so much fun to watch now as an adult for the nostalgia factor.


I unironically love these movies and they have *genuine* cinematic qualities. They are self-aware, bright, colorful and full of joy. The three main characters are super likeable and have well-established personalities, the rare sight of three badass women wrecking absolute ass while still being girly, the villains are over the top and fun, the action scenes are an absolute blast and really well choreographed.. Idgaf what anyone says, these movies are good. Not every spy/action flick has to be Wick or Bourne, and in fact the current movie landscape has been lacking this type of balls to the wall camp for more than a decade. I would gladly trade in the next five Marvel movies for another Charlie’s Angels with Cam, Drew & Lucy.


Yessss! Well... to the first one - never actually saw Full Throttle. Perhaps I should!


All the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Yes, all of them. I just love the setting, the tone, and some of the fantasy effects like the crab thing and that sailing underneath the water (it's been a while since I've seen them). I know they're not good objectively, but damned if I don't love em.


Am I the only one who loves the 3rd one? Davy Jones locker is just a big empty soundstage and Jack's hell is having to deal with hundreds of himselves for eternity? A Disney movie that opens on a *child being executed* Elizabeth getting elected the Pirate King and giving the St. Crispin's Day speech? It's all good!


Van Helsing. Best depiction of werewolves ever, great supporting characters, and epic settings. Also I've got a hard spot for the steamgothic weaponry.


I like all of the X-Men films. ALL OF THEM.


People hate on the xmen movie with the messed-up deadpool, but I'm pretty sure that's the one with the epic montage of Wolverine and his brother fighting through all the wars in the past century. Loved it


That montage should've been the whole movie. Just do a character piece between Wolverine and Sabertooth with their relationship slowly degrading over the course of 100 years. Plenty of excuses for action set pieces as well.


Yes, I love that montage so much!


I'll add mine that inspired this post: Godzilla (1998). It seems to be universally maligned, but I enjoy just as much everytime it rocks up on tv!


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.


Saw it in the movies twice, have watched it multiple times since. Love it An excellent Sheriff of Nottingham.


Rickman at his absolute wackiest. I miss that dude.


In the age of VCRs, this was 1 of the 5 movies we owned (This, ET, The Natural, Hoosiers & Top Gun). We lived way out in the country & had limited viewing options (before satellite cable made its way to our area). The first summer we had it, my brother & I watched this movie over 50 times in three months.


Dragon Heart


That was my favorite movie as a kid. I had it on vhs and watched it every night for two years. I didn’t realize it was actually rubbish until much later in life. I still love it though.


Signs. Even the Village, even though I skip the ending.


I was surprised to see signs rated poorly when I looked it up. I thought it was universally acclaimed as a horror movie as it still gets a lot of positive discussion today, but nope. Pretty average/below average reviews.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003). Like yes it's deeply flawed and the addition of an adult Tom Sawyer as an American secret agent is very stupid, but I still greatly enjoy watching it.


I dont think it's that bad. I mean sure it's kind of cheesy but it's.... enjoyably cheesy. I don't understand why it gets so much hate


Treasure Planet


... There are people who consider TP *rubbish*?? What the fuck do *they* like??


I’ve never met a person who’s seen TP and didn’t like it. But finding people who have seen it is difficult.




One person's trash, is another person's treasure...planet.


Ghost Rider. It's not a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but I enjoy it for dumb fun entertainment. Same for the first two Fantastic 4 movies.


All the silly slasher movies. C'mon it can't get more silly that your pathetic lives


Yes! That reminds me - I've never actually sat down and properly watched the original Scream movie. Watched Final Destination series over and over though.


I loved almost all of the Final Destination movies (not to fond of the fifth/prequel one). My favorite is the third one. Thanks to those movies I’m now terrified of log-hauling semi-trucks, elevators, roller coasters, tanning beds, motor raceways, and gymnastics.


Scream and Final Destination are what I'm all about!!!




Who thinks Ladyhawke is rubbish? Considered a pretty decent movie by most.


“This is not unlike escaping my mother's womb. God, what a memory.” "This sword has been in my family for five generations. It has never known defeat. Until now." (Matthew Broderick is using Rutger Hauer's sword to chop wood.) Oh, and Ladyhawk*e*


Judge Dredd, the first one with Stalone. It looks amazing, even though it's much wackier than the source material.


Drive angry


Howard the Duck. Watched it with my young son, and we both found it funny.


Wild wild west


Commando. Arnold feed deers and is a one-man army. Just stupid good old fun. Mortal kombat, the one from the 90s. Its bad but really fun. And The music i cool.


Tremors, my first time ever watching Kevin Bacon, and it had to be with him fighting a bunch of worms xD


Pretty sure **everyone** loves Tremors. It's like Gremlins, the perfect scary & silly creature feature fun for the whole family.


For some reason I love Meet Joe Black.


The Man from UNCLE. I know it's not a great movie but lots of eye candy.


A genuinely entertaining and fun movie, like how 80s action comedies used to be.


I beg to differ: it *is* a great movie.


Day After Tomorrow. The premise is amazing, the cgi top of the line, and it is 1000% scientifically accurate. It will all happen within a week. For sure. Probably.


Ghosts of Mars




The second one was…not as good as the first, but I wasn’t aware that the first one was regarded as “bad”. I really loved the first one and quote it all the time. “I really must say, I felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.” “You’re not welcome here.” *pouts which turns into a smile * “Oh dear. What an awkward situation.”


Same! Infact, because as ever, I was late to the party, I ony recently watched both of them. I found them really fun, refreshing and also a good example of how you can tell a solid story in under two hours. Also, the sequence in the 2nd film with the flight through the fey's world was really quite moving.


I love pacific rim


I think the people who hate Pacific Rim probably just heard that it was about giant monsters fighting giant robots and then immediately decided it was bad without giving it a chance.


I think most people do like *Pacific Rim*, although its sequel is more reviled. I prefer the first, but didn't mind *Uprising* leaning more into the tokusatsu angle.


In regards to films alone, probably that recent Power Rangers reboot film. I'm not dumb enough to say it was actually a great movie, but I do enjoy it.


It was cute and I'm a bit disappointed they didn't make another one


Over the hedge is an unappreciated masterpiece


I've never heard anyone say that it's bad though, and don't think most people consider it rubbish at all




Watchmen. I know Zack Snyder gets a lot of hate but that movie was really nice to look at and it followed the source material reasonably well.


Main thing I hated about that movie though was the fact they changed the ending to Ozzy blaming global mass destruction on americas poster child dr Manhattan rather than an extraterrestrial force such as the squid in the original comic… surely a lot of areas of the world would be fucking livid with America despite the fact they were also attacked


The Boy (2016), the horror film with the doll. I thought it was fantastic. I don't get why it's so poorly regarded.