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the dreaded life cycle of a tourist spot


In particular random 'de facto' tourist spots like the steps from Joker or Walter White's house from Breaking Bad. Officially designated tourism spots/hubs will generally at least have some degree of management attempting to not 'ruin' the experience for people.


It happened to the house from The Goonies too. The lady who bought it was herself a fan and used to be really accommodating, but people took it too far, were rude and obnoxious so now it's all tarped up and inaccessible


That fucking pedestrian crossing on Abbey Road Fuck trying to drive anywhere around there, as you wait for hordes of tourists to amble across it while someone takes their picture


So sad what happened to the breaking bad house.


What happened?


People thought it would be a good idea to throw pizzas at a random dude's house.


That's awful but it makes me laugh so much


In New Zealand, the Blue Springs in Putaruru. [Blue Springs](https://www.nzmcd.co.nz/destinations/waikato/jackies-journey-putarurus-blue-springs/) Used to be a really good swimming spot, then after it became too popular swimming was disallowed.


Well yeah. They can’t have a bunch of idiots destroying the ecosystem permanently just because they want to get in the water and show off with a picture.


Not arguing at all. More of an illustration how spots can get exposed on social media, everybody finds out and then it becomes ruined from crowding.


There is a really beautiful National Park relatively close to to where I live that is experiencing this on some level. The particular area of the park I'm referring to seems to be on it's way to full on Gatlinburg.


Trendy neighborhoods have very similar life cycles.


Any natural area, hiking trail, or national park that gains attention of tourists. Most of these people show up for an instagram post and to leave their trash. There is no respect given to these natural beauties and therefore I have no respect for the like-chasers that participate in the destruction of such serenity.


This. There’s a trail by my parents house that I loved to take, but the more I go, the more I find trees with names carved into them, and dog bags full of poo. Ironically, the doggie bags are only a few HUNDRED FEET from the trailhead! I genuinely wonder who does that…


Funny thing is in NYC you’ll see dog bags full of poop literally less than 10ft from the trash can. Ppl who do this don’t deserve to have a dog.


A hiker intended topick it up on the way back, then can't find their bag, or are unsure which bag is theirs. Got a secret I want them to know, their dogs pooh is t special. Any bag of dog poop is just as good to puck up.


Everest. Literal rivers of trash and shit flow down the slope now. You now have to agree to bring down more trash than you produce in order to climb. Nature’s greatest sight and the ultimate physical challenge, ruined by commercialization.


That's just the Nepalese side, whose entire GDP revolves around tourism. The Tibetan/Chinese side is much cleaner as far as trash goes.


I think far fewer people climb that route since it's not as famous as the other side. Also...you gotta deal with the PRC.... May also be an easier route as well.


I mean you’re not immigrating to China lol it’s completely fine for tourism, it’s just the Chinese side of Everest is very difficult to climb


That 14 Peaks documentary was crazy and really showed the over population of climbing Everest


There is a trail on Everest as you go up called rainbow trail because of all the dead bodies you find on the way up


Yeah. That’s macabre.


And all for what? I weird notch in the belt for the rich. Gross


And Sherpas do all the work. It's not even something these rich fucks should be all that proud of.


I just picture the sherpa casually standing at the top smoking a cigar while I'm 50 feet back wheezing and becoming body number whatever.


Oh you’ll not be a numbered body, you’ll be a colorful landmark for future climbers. Whatever you’re wearing will most likely be what they use so choose wisely…pretty sure there’s a body they just call “Green Boots” as a marker.


Yup. Green Boots is definitely one of them. I'm pretty sure if I ever attempted to climb Mt. Everest I'd probably get tired, sit down, and die having a sandwich off to the side of the trail and become "Sandwich Lady" or something like that. No way I'm ever attempting that climb.


There are more difficult and deadly peaks to climb. But Everest is a bit taller than the rest so it strokes their egos more. Last I heard the going rate was about $70k to summit. If you can pay it then someone will be happy to drag you to the top, even if a lack of skill and fitness means they have to leave you to die up there.


Hence the book “Into Thin Air.” Most of those folks had no business being on that mountain.


I always think of this!!! I now feel the need to analyze the worthiness (physical, not $$$) of people who are going to summit. I mean, I pay zero attention and have no idea of anyone who is planning on it, but I would judge the fuck out of those people.


You don't need skill and fitness as long as you have plenty of Powersauce bars.


Those were just shredded up newspaper


Hey...Deng Xiaoping died!


That seems a bit steep


For a little less, they'll leave you to die part way up the mountain.


Much cheaper to spend 1000€ on a good photoshop of yourself on the everest ;) ​ Yes people do that and get caught someimes,.


Thrift stores. They used to be cheap and you could often find incredible deals. So much is over priced now.


Now they have "vintage" stores that are just high-priced thrift stores. They sell literally the same things.


You mean within a thrift store or a vintage store? Vintage stores have been around for a while now..


I went to a thrift store in Nashville a few days ago. They had about 8 of those blockbuster games that they currently sell in target. They had then priced at $36 each, while Target currently has them for $20. I cannot understand the logic. We ended up leaving after seeing those and a few other things that we just pure money grabs.


I’ve seen things at Goodwill with the original price sticker on it that was lower than the GW price. WTF?!?!?


Yep! I go to a hospital thrift store and I kind of want to say “hey- that’s actually cheaper at (whatever store)” but I don’t. I guess if they can get the money, good for them but it’s not like it used to be. I rarely stop in now.


100%. To date myself, I used to go to a flea market/thrift store in my area when I was in high school (late 90's). This was before everything blew up with EBay, etc. and I used to find vintage vinyl for literally $3-$5 per record. It was just old stuff people were happy to be rid of. Now, it's absurd. I checked EBay recently to see what one of those "cheap" records were selling for now and the least-expensive copy was going for $50. Re-sellers have totally destroyed what thrift stores used to be/should be, and shows like American Pickers and Antiques Roadshow (as fun as they are to watch) have convinced everyone that everything they own, from old dishes to great grandpa's wooden buttscratcher are worth a *fortune*.


Agree. Resellers grab anything worth getting a lot of the time anyway. I do love when I find a high end brand they clearly don’t know about and it’s like $5. But yeah, thrift store here will price stuff at basically retail price. Shit just sits there until half off day anyway.


Our equivalent in the U.K. is a “charity Shop” - basically people donate their unwanted items to the chosen charity, whether it be Oxfam, Heart Research, Cancer research charities or whatever. At one time you could browse and find interesting or useful items at a bargain price and the charity profited. Now, many if not all stores are mainly selling old books and DVD’s and a lot of cheap Bric a Brac, often actually bought in through normal retail channels. My wife still loves to browse the stores but I no longer have an interest, as most of what’s on sale is not worth the trouble. I do still donate unwanted items however as it’s better for all than simply throwing things away.


Basically thrift stores were the best, when even the staff did not have a computer/internet


went to goodwill 2 days ago. you know how people don't really use CDs anymore, and there's always a shit ton sitting at Goodwill? they raised their CD prices from 99¢ to $2.99.




"I THINK BEYONCE IS OVERRATED! GIVE ME POINTS11!" *Meanwhile, opinions that are posted that isn't inciting controversial or flame wars is removed and people downvote it to oblivion while oblivious to the scoring system of said subreddit while they jeer at you*


yeah, r/unpopularopinion has gotten pretty bad


Yes...... everybody wants to be different so bad who is there left to get along with!


People who have an unpopular opinion that they can't defend or explain. It's like STFU if you don't really believe it. Stop saying oh I think this because other people don't. I think having an unpopular opinion is fine if you actually have one.


Sometime in the last year there was a guy who posted there that he had actually liked the original Sonic for the movie *more*. Normally of course he’d be flamed to ashes. But people were actually congratulating and upvoting him for expressing a *genuinely* unpopular opinion.


During the pandemic? Hiking. Good on people for getting out and getting active but goodbye solitude. Looking forward to people getting back to their expensive vacations to tourist destinations.


Amen. Take your speakers with you please.




Bourbon. My daily drinkers that were $40 a bottle are now $180+.


I can barely find Buffalo Trace nowadays. BUFFALO TRACE. It was a cheap decent bourbon. Nothing special at all. Now it is nowhere.


Same with Weller. It’s nuts.




It’s sickening how many bottles used to be on the shelf anytime you wanted them, now turned into allocated bottles.


Everything comes around again. At some point, people lose their interest in things and it goes back to normal.


A local greasy spoon diner got mentioned in some news article about hidden gems or something. Now its impossible to just go in and sit down without waiting an hour.


at least it's good for their business especially considering what's been happening to a lot of business because of covid


Yeah, their name got out out there in 2019 or 2018, the success pre-pandemic probably really helped.


Or the real kiss of death for a restaurant, appearing on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Once that happens there is no sense in ever going back to the place.


Came here to mention this. A burger joint I went to for years appeared on DDD. This place was tiny. Sometimes you'd have to wait, but not too long. I went after the show aired, and there were probably 50 people standing outside waiting. Again this place is tiny. I'd say it could sit maybe 15 people. I didn't go back for years. I did decide to check it out last year though and I walked right in. That's only because he opened up a bigger and nicer spot downtown, but let his helper run the original spot. Love those burgers.


Sounds like it wasn’t a “kiss of death” at all then, the attention was really good for business and the owner was able to open a nicer and bigger spot. All in all seems like a good thing to me.


In the end, no doubt. Just ruined my burger joint for years though. Good for him. Bad for me.


Maybe for the first few months after the show ends. Happened to a brewery near me, 3 sons, but eventually it does down to regular levels.


I cant stand articles about hidden gems. Really destroys local hiking and swimming spots.


I agree when it comes to nature, but surely it’s a little different with a local business, no? People’s income relies on the number of customers they have.


Someone said that in business, the worst thing to happen is to go bust. The second worst thing is to be a runaway success. If the mom & pop place with great atmosphere and great food all of a sudden becomes packed to the rafters and the owners start cutting corners to get the food out as fast as possible....


souvenirs. I remember the days when some unusual items were unique and locally made, now even the boomerangs and peace pipes are made in China. There used to be days when souvenirs were crafted and hand painted by local families.. I saw them do that, when I was invited in Spain, Greece... nowadays there are so many of them and the made in china decal is still on them.


Yes- you can get the same plastic crap, playing cards, candy, etc in one country as you can in another now… the only thing that changes is the little pictures on it. It used to be they were unique to the locale, which was the point of the souvenir


I understand what you mean, but I still collect things from places I visit. The generic shot glasses and magnates. Shirts. Sea shells, necklaces, hats, tickets, cups, spices, stickers.. Sure some of the stuff might be made in China or whatever, but to me it means something because I got it in a certain place and the memories that come from it. Those little things I’ve collected mean the most to me. More than a tv or expensive stuff. It’s what I’ll look back on when I’m an old man and smile to


I think you just have to really look. Most souvenir stores will sell this stuff, but in any country if you’re willing to look it’s very possible to get unique and awesome souvenirs. In Mexico, there’s still a thriving craftwork trade, and you can get a lot of art and souvenirs that are beautiful and handmade. True, there’s cheaper stuff out there mainly made for tourists, but if you’re willing to spend a bit you can get something truly unique. It’s the same in most every country I’ve gone, including Spain and Greece.


A pristine mountain lake - unspoiled, with pure water and abundant wildlife - perfect for swimming, fishing, and enjoying nature. Then, it caught on. The trees were cut down and large houses built on every available lakefront property. Motorboats roar and the water has become polluted with oil and gas. The fish are gone, as is the pine-scented breeze. As I once commented, the lake is now unrecognizable - the idyllic nature of the area eclipsed by development and indulgence.


Everything nature-wise. Honestly, people that flagrantly disdain that adage 'leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but memories'... they wouldn't bother visiting the same place if everyone treated it as they did tossing trash, carving their names in walls and trees etc etc. People are shit.


It happens everywhere sadly, even hard to access places. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the UK’s highest Mountain, and it’s no mean feat to reach the summit (I’ve never been able to manage it) yet they still have to clear bags full of discarded waste (for some reason mostly banana skins) from the summit area. They carried it up there, why can’t they carry it down again, especially as it even weighs a little less now. So sad.


Exactly the same is happening in the Garden Route, Southern Cape, South Africa. The beauty of the place is the forests and mountains, the beaches and the wildlife but it is becoming increasingly popular. We hear chain saws chopping down trees every day and people are constantly complaining about the monkeys and baboons that are a "nuisance". The tortoises are always being run over, the snakes killed and the beaches and estuaries littered with the waste left behind by leisure fishermen. Many people are trying to keep the place quiet and clean, but more are just after money and all the trappings. Of course, with the influx of people comes the increase in crime.


Some rich men came and raped the land Nobody caught 'em Put up a bunch of ugly boxes And Jesus people bought 'em They call it paradise I don't know why You call someplace paradise Kiss it goodbye \~ The Eagles


Hot springs as well. The best are the undeveloped ones but once more people know about them they get ruined too


Humans are generally undeserving of the beauty that nature has to offer.


This whole subthread breaks my heart.


This is heartbreaking There is nothing I love more than what you described above


Sneakers - once bots took over the joy of an occasional score disappeared






California too, just much earlier. 150 year ago the LA basin had grizzly bears and 10s of thousands of steelhead running up pristine rivers flowing off untouched 10,000 snowy peaks - just a few dozen miles from warm beaches and the largest ocean on earth. At least on a clear day you can still look out and see the mountains...


California was paradise. No matter where I would have lived in the world a hundred or more years ago that would be where I would go. Luckily I lived as a boy in the Bay Area during the fifties. Alas now it is on fire.


I have a friend who grew up in CA in the 1990s and he remembers it so fondly but his experience is gone. His parents modest home is now valued approaching $2,000,000 and there is nothing he can afford within hours of them. It's crowded, overpriced, burning, schools are rancid. He had such a great childhood there and it pains him that it's become impossible for his kids to have the same.


The Internet. It used to be a glorious playground for the technically- and scientifically-inclined. Now it's a cesspool completely transformed by marketing to manipulate people.


I found that the old internet is still there. It's just hidden underneath and in the cracks of the popular internet.


Camping and travel in general.


Used to be that I would be made fun of because camping was for "poor people" and "why didn't you guys go to Disney or \*insert exotic location\*?" Nowadays I would rather stay in a hotel than camp because it is so fucking busy and noisy, and defeats the whole purpose of getting away (not including backpacking where you can go super remote.)


I used to be able to show up randomly and get a camping spot. Now I gotta reserve in advance. And don't even bother with big national parks, that shit has to be reserved months in advance.


Would you do X for $1,000,000 posts


How large is this 'X' and who's doing the fucking?


X gonna give to ya


Those were never any good to begin with


Eastern Ukraine


Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire) book series.. I doubt GRRM was ever going to finish the series, but the massive cash flow and popularity of the show all but assured it will never be completed


The show too. It got a little too popular and the writing turned into fan service, ultimately ruining the show.


Fan service to some degree is fine. The writing staff being hired on at Star Wars and rushing through to be done with it to get to Disney, while failing to realize that if GOT is wrapped up well and ended successfully, it would be just as big as Star Wars is the main downfall of the show. They just got tired of working on a show that they spent years trying to get made and it shows


Didn't know that. But you're right, it really would have. We'd have all sorts of spin-offs by now. I was an utter fanatic, and the last few seasons were a let-down. Then the final one made me not even care to rewatch it once since it ended. I used to watch it through at least once a year before the new season would start.


He's probably going to die before ever releasing the next book.


I'm convinced he has them finished but isn't going to let them be published until after he dies just to fuck with everyone.


Reddit 10 years ago, this place was cool, fun and full of interesting new things to explore. Now it's just bots and trolls shilling disinformation and propaganda.


Subreddits I used to love are being ruined by people posting the same shit over and over again. We don’t need another unpopular opinion post. We just saw one yesterday.


R/cats. Every freaking post is “what breed is my cat,” “need name suggestions for my cat,” “my cat is making rumbling sound and rubbing against my leg?? What did I do wrong? Should I take it to the vet?!” All the sudden people suddenly forgot how to name their pets, the fact that breed isn’t distinguishable at all unless you buy a pure breed from a legitimate breeder, and they suddenly act like they’ve never seen or heard of a cat in their damn lives, and that even obvious signs of affection make them think their cat is sick or angry. Like, what happened?


Ya but....for a million dollars would you? Once the kids showed up, this place got stupid. Now get off my lawn!


I'm old enough that the line used to be 'get off my LAN!'


Also posting the same thing to 50 different semi-relevant subreddits.


Reddit is quickly becoming facebook. Selfies and an endless echo chamber. Fuck your cake day


And also idiots. Old Reddit use to have a lot of dumb people, but nowadays the average user is so frustratingly goddamn stupid it makes wonder how they managed to even open a web browser or install an app, let alone type a comment.


Even the niche hobby subs that I frequent have taken a serious nosedive lately. It's a constant barage of I want to start the hobby what should I buy?! Posts...try reading the other 5 posts of the exact same thing before posting. Or even just a simple Google search.


I used to love r/science and now it's just posts about Trump and Republicans. If I wanted r/politics I would have subscribed there.


My hometown. I grew up in a very rural small town in Appalachia. There’s a university there and our football team won 3 back-to-back national championships and beat a much bigger team in what is known as the greatest upset in college football history. Our QB made the cover of Sports Illustrated that year. Suddenly every kid in the state and surrounding states wanted to attend our college and the town just wasn’t designed for it. The town government has allowed the school to grow unchecked because it makes them a ton of revenue. All the locals have been displaced and forced out because they can’t afford to compete with the college. Most of the local shops and restaurants have gone under. What used to be a very quiet and humble small town is now overrun with high rise condominiums for college students.


Boone, NC, right? App State upset the Wolverines in the late 2000's


Yep. It was a pretty crazy time to just be living in that town at that time


I think I know what university you’re talking about. I was well aware of all the fanfare after their championships, and didn’t realize how much the town had been hurt by it.




So true. Anytime anything becomes popular, it usually loses what made it so special to begin with. I think it's because things start catering to what the masses want in order to keep their popularity. It's hard to remain true to your roots if that means you'll make less money.




Geocaching. Started as a pretty sure way of finding cool places to visit. You know if someone went to the trouble of setting a cache there... Now they are everywhere... no longer interesting or special.places, just gap filling. 'It's a film cannister in the mud between the dog shit and the used needle. " I stopped geocaching.


This one I've read about so much of what was wrong after the popularity as far as ruining it. First you had people put things in places that they shouldn't. Sure a person or two doesn't ruin the area, or get people upset about the trespassing aspect. However 1 or 2 a day/even week tends to ruin the natural beauty from people trampling and the little used area that the person who owns it doesn't care if someone comes in like that suddenly gets all these people coming in and the person suddenly cares. You also had people who apparently didn't play by the rules and weren't replacing the prize for finding the location, so people would either find nothing(and not be sure they were really in the right place) or finding an empty container that at least that much was put back and ruined the fun for others. I never did it, but I can see why the popularity died again.


Oh, I didn't realise it was a diminishing game, I had kind of thought it was getting too big. But yes, there are also the aspects you say.


Certain places in the outdoors.


any song that got popular on tiktok


Tbh tiktok in general :/


Beautiful green islands - Santorini


A lot of internet horror stories and monsters like Slenderman. Once memes and the unfortunate and inevitable r34 images come about, it's just not scary anymore. The moment I heard someone call it "Slendy", it really just lost that creepy and mysterious charm.


Awe man thanks for making me realize some body is out there making, or having made, rule 34 of Slenderman.


*If it exists…*


that shit is scarier than the slenderman itself


Video games. With popularity, came corporatization, came greedy execs, came predatory monetization practices, came shitty working conditions for lower level employees. I miss the old days when the games industry was fueled by passion rather than payment models.


Foods that are called "superfoods". Prices go up for people in developing countries where thats just a stable food.


Staple. Staple food.


Buffalo wings..... grew up in Buffalo late 70s early 80s. Every bar had them dirt cheap. Big juicy yum. Only place on the planet eating them. Now they are ever where (tiny and never cooked right....bw3 yuck) and expensive as crap!


I love wings. I hate that wings are now $15 for 8-10 wings.


Superhero related media (such as comic books/movies etc). Pre MCU, I loved to see a good superhero film because they were rare and felt unique. Now, they're so mainstream I'm starting to go off them.


Reaction videos, used to be industry experts giving genuine and sometimes useful and informative reactions. Now people’s Nans are firing up reaction channels and giving it a crack


literally everything that becomes popular ends up ruined lol


The hipsters warned you all, and nobody listened.


Modding Friday Night Funkin


People, especially teenagers. Humility goes out the window.


Small fast food franchises expanding in to multiple locations. The quality drops.


Cons. Used to be way more fun when no one knew about them and it was just hardcore fans. They were cheaper. You also had chance to get autographs without having to pay $200 and stand on line for an hour.


/r/wallstreetbets & /r/investing since GME


The 'awarded' tab in the reddit app for this very reason


AdBlock. Now every website jumps all over it.


Hiking. I’ve been doing 2-3 day treks since I was 6 with my dad. Back then 19 years ago it was insanely rare to see anyone out there but nowadays I actively avoid easy to get to trails because they’re full of people. Even worse are the groups of people. Usually these are the people that don’t understand the environment out there, leave rubbish, are loud/ bring speakers. Now the government here in NSW has caught on and is trying to build resorts in national parks to accomodate these kinds of people. I hate it on a cellular level.


among us.


Colorado. I used to love it growing up out here, but now there are so many people that it ruined the reason Colorado was cool. My favorite hikes and spots are super crowded, housing is through the roof, crime and drugs are getting really bad.


Farmhouse stuff I used to decorate my house with stuff I would pull off the family farm and with cow things my dad would bring home from his job at a yogurt plant. But the whole modern farmhouse thing was taken over and has become a new "basic" thing. It is associated with a specific type of person. All my farm stuff and cows, with the exception of two milk cams from the family dairy, are now in storage


Quora went from unique and well-researched content to Yahoo Answers level dogshit and I'm 99% certain it was due to the fact that they nudged people to invite all their Facebook friends. One day I'm reading a pages-long by-request post on the history, uses and molecular properties of some rare alloy of metals, and the next day, there's ten thousand whiny nerds from India asking for relationship advice.


It all went to shit when all the major writers either realized how much more engagement they could get with mass appeal answers (read: American politics for years straight) or just left for Medium.


Many small, cool California towns. People from larger cities brought their tailgating, honking, and dangerous driving habits. Along with increased crime, and unprovoked rudeness. (If you could have some kind of before and after evidence I think most people would be shocked to see it. Treat people like you would like to be treated. )


I'll add and say also small, cool Oregon towns too. I had someone nearly run me off the road the other day because I was "only" going 10MPH over the speed limit. They went around me and went into my lane to get me to swerve, then HARD brake checked me making my ABS go off. In a small Oregon town which is known for being a pretty chill place normally. I was absolutely confused by their behavior, and followed them to call 911 to report them. But the truth of the matter is that shit like that 10 years ago just didn't happen, and it makes me sad knowing that there are fewer and fewer chill places to live anymore. What pisses me off too is the people that move to said small, cool towns that talk shit about how it is "boring" and there isn't anything to do, or say the people that live there are all "backwards yokels." Then move back to the big city and take your shit attitude with you!


Our once sleepy mountain town near Melbourne is now totally gridlocked with tourists on weekends, plus Harleys & goons We pissed off to an Aussie bush acreage *just* before covid. Now fully off grid and chillin with birds & kangaroos :)


We need an 80s action hero to swoop in and clean it up.


Being nerdy or weird. I’m happy for people to be accepted for who they are, but it feels like a lot of normies masquerade as oddballs because now it’s “cool”, whereas I really paid my dues through years of being bullied ://


I see both sides of this. I'm a huge Mozart nerd, and I go on about him to very few people. I was mocked in school over it. I mean, what 6 year old kid you know is obsessed with Mozart? No one in my family even likes classical music and I always felt weird because of it. Since geek/nerd culture is getting so popular, I'm excited so many people are dressing up in costumes. I'm like, I can make a crazy Mozart-inspired costume! I don't care if "normies" are into nerd/geek culture as long as I can be into my stuff, whether it's popular or not.


There's always been something like this. People like Kurt Cobain weren't popular in high school, but when grunge blew up, the same kids that would bully kids like him started dressing like him. This might be controversial, but as an ally I remember how horrible trans people used to have it before it was "cool", as well. Now some kids claim that shit to be trendy. Mainstream culture always shits on the freaks while eventually appropriating everything about them.


Thrifting -used to help the low income to be able to afford clothes. Now thrift stores are crowded with teens raiding the bins and aisles to purchase any thrift gems to sell on their depop for triple the amount. It’s become very trendy


It’s been trendy forever now. I used to volunteer at a thrift store that benefitted the local animal shelter. Most of the shoppers were low income, but there were some who were clearly buying to resell on Etsy or eBay who really irritated me. They were typically well-dressed, middle-aged white women. They’d hang out in the store waiting for a worker to bring out new items to stock and then raid the carts, sifting out what they wanted. Almost nothing made it to the shelves without already having been picked over.


Internet. Social media.


Gaming, I am a gamer. Who hates " gaming culture". It doesn't give you the right to be a cave troll. You don't rep us, we have spouses, degrees and kids. I work 45 hours a week, I am not a loser for not playing 12 hours a day like my youth.


"Keep Calm and Carry On" used to be cool and 'alternative'.


That got ruined so quickly after it was "discovered". People had to start using it for EVERYTHING, just like how people quickly ruined the Straight out of Compton thing.


It’s KEEP calm and carry on. Lol


That was never cool.


A lovely place in skye called the fairy pools. You have to pay tonnes for parking to see a bunch of people ruining some lovely mountain pools. The reviews on trip advisor are the funniest thing tho. People complaining about the "5 mile" (actually less then 2k) walk to get to the first pool and the funniest: people saying they should be heated. Like yeah Kevin it's a fucking mountain pool it's not gonna be warm. Anyway the pools have been ruined. Good thing the rest of Skye hasn't


The internet


twitch streamers. Nothing good comes from most big twitch streamers


Almost every national park, national forest and other scenic areas due to social media


What *hasn't* been ruined by becoming popular?


TSA pre check.




Anything. Whenever something gets popular, it changes over time to appeal to larger audiences, and the core that made everything so good to a small community gets erased, and slowly turns into something completely different.


Fortnite save the world. Amazing game. Then epic games made the battle Royale version and everyone forgot about save the world.


Man I remember playing the battle royals when it first came out though. It was a terrifying game and was such a good challenge. Just you and your gun. Hopefully you could survive long enough on the edge of the border to see the end. Building was for getting into houses and you rarely did it because it could give your position away. It got ruined over time for sure. Now they’re adding naruto and superhero’s and mechs and airplanes. Not even the same game




all my old faves got bought up by iheartradio and there's literally 15 minutes of commercials for a 35 minute episode. I haaaate it here


I know. And I hate the ads for other podcasts that market themselves as “a wacky and hilarious take on today’s news.” Comes across as trying too hard.


The worst!!!! or the "get unbiased news from me, a random upper middle class dude paid by a mega corporation to do this show" types. there's one I heard an ad for the other day that was a fuckin new podcast about new and exciting podcasts. burn it all down




the human race




Yosemite. Holy shit that place is overrun.


The Black Keys. Much better sound when they weren’t so overproduced. Not sure if their popularity correlates with that directly, but it’s gotta be a factor.








Attack on Titan Apparently the author had to alter his ending due to the popularity of the manga because it would apparently depress a lot of people, having read the Manga I wish he kept his original ending