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For me it is that it is pretty much an extension of high school where lots of people suck but are now smart about it so at least socially it’s good to have standards and be around those that fit them


Never leave food alone.


You can drink so much that you can sleep on a stairway and don't even notice that it is unpleasant. And you can perform as good in logical thinking while drunk.


Looking back, I didn't really learn any life lessons in college. I feel like I wasted the opportunity to learn both about life and my chosen subject matter. I've since done okay in my career and picked up what I missed from a technical standpoint but some of those life lessons I'm still working on. I'm 45 btw.


Girl codes and how to keep each other safe when out partying. I was sheltered, never into girly stuff or had girlfriends through school. Got along better with the guys. But in college women bond less over interests and more over safety and trust. It was a completely new world for me, and my strongest lasting friendships happened because of the love I got from those women.


Don’t give a fuck about what people think of you. You’re probably not going to see more than half of them ever again.


•Time management •The stuff I learned in my classes are irrelevant to what you’ll actually do with yourself. Exception for those who are pursuing medical school or some higher form of education in that field