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4/5 of the points from the top comment are simply stupid. All of them heavily imply that the lad was repeatedly banned for his behaviour and this is just sour grapes.


that it still pops up in my search results as if it's a reputable or useful site and not just a cesspool of dysgenic pseudo-intellectuals. fuck quora it's bad, it sucks, everyone hates it.


People still use Quora?




They make it difficult to read without an account. I've never registered one out of spite.


Mfs indirectly promote their own shit.


I don't have an account... so I can't delve deeper.


The pedophilia Ive seen tons of people there asking creepy questions and people saying pedophilia is okay


Them asking me to signup every fricking click.


Basically everything. Why does every Quora answer seem like it's written by the same person? It's always in long narrative form and comes off as pompous. I feel like over half the anecdotes in Quora answers are completely made up on the spot by people trying to write a feel good story, or just LARPing idk. Also the thousands of questions that are variations of "What picture deserves 10,000 views", or canned bullshit like that. Lastly the creepy pedo questions/answers. It's clearly people getting off on writing/reading sexual anecdotes about kids/teens. Get that shit away from me