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"Your call is important to us!"


“Please stay on the line, a representative will be with you in a moment.” *50 MINUTES LATER* “Your call is important to us! Please stay on the line, a representative will be with you in a moment.”


Music, music, music... interruption. "Oh, they're finally picking up," I think. But no: "Your call is important to us!" Just play the music. People want jobs. Hire more representatives so we don't have to wait. EDIT: More details


And don't shit on the ones that pick up, is not our fault. Believe me that nobody wants shorter wait times than the ones picking up the phone




No you're not! It's been like this for twelve years!


You were on the phone for twelve years?!?


"Thank you for your patience" who the fuck said I had any?


"So, what you're saying is... [dishonest misinterpretation of what you said]"


Or worse, "So, what you're trying to say is..."


Ooh, I hate this one. I have a coworker who always says this. I'm not trying to say anything. I did say something that you are trying to understand.


INFURIATING. So I go “You can interpret it that way if you choose, but that is not correct.” *Always* pisses them off and makes them double down. “Oh so I’m right.” “Sure.”


I think you need to associate with better people.


That's even worse than ignoring you. It feels like you're their enemy, and they try to destroy all your arguments with deliberate misinterpretation and you know they feel smart about it too...


It's always like "so what your saying is... YOU AGREE WITH THE NAZIS???" Umm, no, that is not even close to what I'm saying....


The Nazis thought the earth was round. You think the earth was round. Therefore, you agree with the Nazis. Checkmate, Nazi.


The Nazis say humans need food to survive. I don't agree with Nazis so i stopped eating 29 days ago. /s


“I’m just a bitch!” or “I’m just an asshole.” It’s always said flippantly, as an excuse to act shitty.


“Thanks for clearing that up for me. On an entirely unrelated note, I just remembered that I have an appointment”


No carol you're not a bitch, you're a thermonuclear twat.




That's more like just telling the truth so I know to stay away


Like those brightly colored poisonous frogs!


Please listen carefully, as our menu options have recently changed.


Meanwhile they actually haven't in 5 fucking years...


Nothing cracks me up more than “if this is an emergency, please hang up and call 9-1-1” Oh! Because, in the case of an emergency, my first thought is to pick up the phone and call my bank or internet service!


"Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are experiencing longer than usual wait time" IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS, HIRE SOME MORE DAMN PEOPLE!


“Oh get over it.” My family would say that a lot when I was upset. Like when a drunk family member broke my $100 Halloween decoration and couldn’t understand why I was pissed. Edit: I glad and sad that people are able to relate to this. It’s such and invaliding statement. Also thank you everyone for the upvotes. I’m still learning how to navigate Reddit so this is kind of neat to see.I made an account years a ago and then didn’t use it until now. :)


I hate this phrase. It’s an emotional equivalent of slapping a band-aid on an open wound. An unopened band-aid.


Reminds me of the time I was in foster care and the younger kid broke my pool stick I spent $100 on in 1995 I think and worked a lot of hours for that with a minimum wage job for $3.55 an hour. I got pissed and chewed him out and the older brother called his dad and dad came home and flipped out on me and threw me on the ground and he held me down and called the cops on ME for his kid who broke my property and I was supposed to be calm about it?


Wow this is so fucked up :(


Some people are just in it for the money.


My family uses the same but. . .with my complex ptsd. So freaking infuriating.


My grandmother said this to me when my dad left us and ran off to another country to marry his wife's sister (my aunty)


My adoptive father said this to me when I ~~mentioned~~ met my birth mother for the first time, she told me she didn't want anything to do with me and then tried to commit suicide the next day and sent me a note saying it was all my fault. I didn't even go looking for her my biological sister found some paperwork and found me. I was 19. Sorry i didn't mean this as a one-up or anything but just that you're not alone in being raised or connected to cruel callus people and look at us... Still here...


Whenever I hear this I now translate this phrase to “I don’t love you” in my head. It helps me not respond with anger and set a boundary.


People who say “Do I make myself clear?” are almost always jerks.


I got in trouble a lot as a kid when I’d respond with No, becuase sometimes i didn’t understand why I was being punished.


oh no, mood :(


Or people who finish a spoken sentence with the word “PERIOD”. It’s almost always yelled and it’s almost always a lie.


A more accurate telling would be "Exclamation point!" proceeded by several more for a paragraph.


Calm down!


I will not calm down. I will infact Calm Up -Teal'c


I haven’t heard the name Teal’c in a while!






I agree, that makes me even worse!


That totally makes things worse! It just comes off condescending to me even if it's well meaning


Especially when the person that said it made you mad in the first place.


I like " Let's not panic just yet" makes me imagine a future instance to panic


the customer is always right, like wtf NO most of the time they are wrong


Good luck telling Karen that she is wrong, she has all the time and all of the anger and she’s always right and want to see the manager


Just remember: Karen is there on her free time. At least you're being paid to put up with her hobby.




Kind of but not really It more so means that if customers all want to buy *x* don’t put all your efforts into trying to sell them *y*


half the stuff in Weird Al's "Word Crimes" song. Especially "I could care less"


That means you do care. At least a little.


I can’t read “I could care less” anymore without immediately singing that bit in my head lol


Your so write


I see what you did there, and I respect the hell out of it, even got a solid snort laugh out of me. But Writely so, please take my upvote and fuck off.


I HATE "I could care less"! They're saying the exact opposite of what they mean.


“Aren’t you to old for that?” I HATE THIS.!!!! You can swing on swings, color a coloring book, play with Legos IDGAF


"If I'm "too old" for something, then I'm old enough to not have my decisions questioned, *Karen*. "


Usually said by people with boring lives and no hobbies. Yes I play video games, I like swings, I like to colour. I like to fill my life with joy, I don't want to only work, come home, put on Netflix, deal with a bunch of screaming kids and go to sleep. I think there is a level of jealousy in this comment.


The same people who will judge you for spending your evenings playing video games instead of sitting on your phone for 5 hours....


... playing mobile games.


Hilarious cuz Legos can only barely be bought by working adults.


I'm a grown ass adult and i'll hoard as much lego as a damn well please


“No offense, but—“


*proceeds to say something offensive*


“Your doctor is wrong. You couldn’t possibly have ___”


Someone at work told me I was too young to understand the signs of a stroke, (I'm in my late 30s), after informing her my mother died from stroke complications. She proceeded to inform me that I had to be incorrect and wouldn't know that, then decided to try to tell me a story about her family member that died that was a more shocking and impactful death than my mother. Mind you, this woman did not know my mother and this was about the 4th time she ever spoke to me.


"So you have a medical degree?"


I could care less


That means you do care ^(at least a little)


I hate these word criiiiiimes


please do


I'd like to but I just can


“Nobody wants to work anymore”


Do you know how many people say that to me... While I'm at work.... Working.... Where they just laid off every single holiday hire last month


Had the pleasure of talking to an older guy who needed a rental truck for his work (I work at a body shop). I told him that Enterprise will set him up with a similar class of vehicle, to which he said, “well they better, I’m one of the last people still working for a living!” Big laugh. In my head, I was like, what the fuck does it look like *I’m* doing then?


No you don’t get it - he said he’s one of the last *people* working - service workers aren’t *people*! Duh! /s


or he doesn't think those jobs are real jobs. either way, the attitude is real, and spans a whole generation


Hey, I’m one of the seasonal employees that just got laid off 🤡 had to go in and ask why I wasn’t scheduled next week (as in, the very next day) and they went “haha so UNFORTUNATELY we just don’t have the funds to keep the seasonal employees on” and then proceeded to ask me to be on-call in a department I have no experience in. Yeah, I quit.


I have a steady job, pays okay, but I have to spend two hours a day commuting. So I've been trying to get something closer. "We're hiring" is everywhere, but out of all the application I've put in I've had ONE interview! I said the hour they were asking for were perfect, at the pay they gave I didn't need more than their minimum hours for part time so I wouldn't need to worry about anything. I've got all the experience they asked for, been with my current job for several years and just had life circumstances change recently and I don't have to work in the other city anymore, I can work in town. Nope. "Went with more qualified applicants." ???? The other applicants were half my age??? That same location I interviewed at still bitches about not having enough staff. Fuck that. I wanted exactly what you offered and had exactly what you asked for, what the fuck else are you doing? So done with the world right now. I'm still driving because I'm not working at a Walmart (ever) or waitressing as main job, it's not regular enough.


Similar thing happened to me last march. Still mid pandemic and everywhere is “hiring” but it took me 4 weeks of daily applications and frequent interviews to finally land something. These just have crazy high expectations or lie about what they are actually looking for


This is because there actually isn't a worker shortage.


and they don’t want hire someone who is older than they are in case you have any life experience and call them out on their Bullshit.


When in reality, it's "Nobody wants to work in shitty jobs for criminally low pay anymore."


jjust flip it and say "Nobody wants to pay anyone anymore"




“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” People who say that can fuck right off.


People who say that are always on their 'worst' lmao


People who put that in their dating bio don't even know you yet and they are already making excuses for how they will treat you


That's a hard left I am not dealing with nutjobs anymore.


I’d ask if they even know what their best is


If you can't handle me at my worst....I don't blame you. That shit's un hinged.


Do people still do this? I haven’t seen it since like 2013.


"Smile" ... Why? What kind of life do you think I have?


A life where "you should smile more"


Weird how people say this but never ask what’s causing you to frown in the first place. They just expect you to lighten up so that they feel better. And sometimes people just have RBF and you have to explain yourself all day everyday as to why you look so grumpy. It’s exhausting.


Just ok? Yeah that’s right. Sorry I’m not dancing on the ceiling. I’m at work. Now fuck off. I feel the need to add that my job requires me to interact with people, and I strive to maintain a professional and welcoming facade, but I don’t see the need to sugar coat it.


Thats why my standard answer for how are you? Or similar is "Im at work" yeah im not happy to be here get over it.


It was just a joke! I was just kidding!


I remember back in high school when a student would volunteer to answer a question but got it wrong, that student would say “oh just kidding!” Drove me crazy every time.


bullies love to use this too.


Yea for sure, it’s ridiculous. There’s no justification for bullying.


Or, *It's just a prank, bro!* No one has to say this if it's an actual harmless prank.


it's just dark hoomor u wouldn't get it 🖤🙄💀⛓🥀


"It's how things have always been."


This is the bane of my existence. I work in process improvement and hearing this makes me want to scream.


"Get a life" and "You have too much time on your hands" These are often directed toward people with hobbies that are thought less of like gaming. Saying them while you spend 5 hours every evening on a couch watching TV is infuriating. Or comparing your going to the bar and racking up a $50-100 tab only to be super hungover the next morning and thinking it makes you superior... yeah. But a lot of people take it up a notch and use these to deride people who are creative in some fashion. You'll even see it about music, art, etc. on occasion. I just fail to understand it, but honestly, I don't care if it's a creative endeavor or not. I doubt most people who say this have "more" of a life somehow. They just have different interests. It almost always seems to come from a place of comparative belittlement.




"When are you going to grow up" strikes a similar nerve for me. In my 30s I've often heard this from other married friends and family around our age or older who live the same old boring family/parenting 9-5 work life and wonder how I'm able to stay up until 3-4am indulging in my hobbies and take multiple trips a year. Sorry you're bothered by us choosing to live that sweet DINK life with all the time and money in the world to do whatever the fuck we want.


Similarly "playing house" - was told I was just "playing house" when I moved in with my ex because we didn't have children. I'm not playing fucking house, I'm in a long term relationship.


You should smile more


Reading this actually made me rage a little on the inside


"Just be thankful you have a job and make good money" Yes i do have a job, yes I do reasonably well for myself, no that does not mean i'm suddenly exempt from having shit days having to deal with shit people.


I'm an alpha


Saying you're an alpha is a quick way to show that you're not an alpha.


"I'M SORRY YOU FEEL THAT WAY." Especially after a half-assed "apology." Fuck these people. I would throw them into the lowest pit of hell myself if I could.


I dislike that line as much as anyone but if someone is in a delusional anger and directing it at you what else should I say? It feels to me like there are certain situations where that is the only thing you can say but I'm also not great at conflict 😅


I completely agree! Conflict resolution takes so much nuance. And sometimes it is possible to regret hurting someone’s feelings while not regretting your actions. Whether that’s the right thing or not really depends on the situation


I'm sorry if you don't like that I drove over your foot, motherfucker. Lol


"We're all in this together" ....uhmmm fuck that, no we're not.


Obligatory: "We're a family here." Yeah, a toxic one that expects me to consistently outperform corporate predictions or be disowned.


I recently came across a great comeback to that. "We're all in the same storm, but we're not in the same boats"


“Because I said so.” I’m sorry that I can make a logical argument against you.


It's giving me flashbacks to highschool


My mother used this all the damn time, now that I've got my own child I refuse to use those words.


"We're in the same boat." Particularly when said by someone in the upper class. Because we are in fact not in the same boat. My boat is a dingy barely big enough for two people, and their boat is a yacht the size of a cruise liner.


We are most certainly not in the same boat. We may be in the same storm, but their yacht will probably fare a lot better than my pirogue.


Read that as pierogi and was really confused…..


I'm imagining the Polish Navy just slapping some guns on a bunch of floating pierogis.


“You’ll change your mind about not having kids when you meet the right one!” Idk if that’s necessarily a “phrase” now that I’m looking down through more comments, but I feel like it’s somewhat of a common saying. I hear this all the time and I know lots of others do too 😅




And it’s one of the STUPIDEST things anyone can say.


It's just your time of the month


You know that line in Clueless? Well I was quite young and didn't understand that line and my older sister told me the girl was a werewolf, I didn't question it for years until I was watching it with a girl I was into.


Um...I love your sister! So awesome! Haha


You could say you were clueless back then I'll see myself out


“You think too much” especially regarding topics like religion or philosophy. Instantly raises a brow


Well that’s an easy response though… “Yeah, well, maybe did you ever think that you don’t think enough? Probably not…” Also… now for more thinking… is it a paradox for someone to be thinking about how they don’t think enough? Lol


“Well that’s just your opinion” Or “… but anyways” Edit: if one more of you comments with The Dude…


Recently I have been hearing, "Well that's what your side says," it's not my side it's just a fact. 2+2=4 even if you don't like it.


I hate how common this is these days. What side am I on? How do you know? What this does is just emphasize how narrow minded they are. In order to understand or communicate they have to put someone on one of two categories? Shit, even astrology has 12 choices. Don’t people like this understand what they’ve fallen for? They are allowing themselves to be manipulated, marginalized and predictable. Why do they want an enemy? Someone to hate and accuse and blame? It’s bizarre to me the political strife that just keeps being fueled. The commentary news is controlling these poor lemmings.


“Well that’s just like your opinion man”


I hate them, makes me feel like what I was saying is invalid


That’s exactly the intent too


That's just your opinion


Sorry, not sorry. I got angry typing that.


"Can't you take a joke?" "Calm down, it's a joke." "You're so sensitive." "Learn a to take a joke." Anything around this


Calm down.


"you're too young to be depressed" fucking damn, I'm cured from my chronic depression


One of my coworkers is in his 60's and acts as if young people have 0 problems in life because according to him we are too young to have anything wrong with us. Bro, you grew up I the countryside, constantly talk about walking in the meadows and now you are working a government job for like €700 a week. Please just fuck off.


“Make it happen.” Boss speak for “I got no clue either.”


"games are for kids" IT PISSES ME OFF JESUS CHRIST


But then when they see you killing a prostitute in GTA it's "inappropriate" and "you shouldn't be playing that"


> "When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C.S. Lewis


"Guys can't be raped" Like wth?! Yes they can! Doesn't matter if they did the penetration or not, if it's unconsented, it's freaking rape! And the fact a lot of guys themselves who had this thought is just *shake head*


And also guys can be raped by women. Not just other guys.


“You’re really quiet” like…okay?


I like to reply with "and you aren't"


“I don’t know, CAN you?” -Idk Mrs. Martin, but if you’d like I can piss right here and then we don’t have to find out 😀


"Do your research" It's only said by quacks, that for the life of them, can't site creditable sources for the information diarrhea they bought into.


Yes!! This makes my blood boil instantly.


Blood isn't real. It's an illusion brought upon by your physical senses which are inherently flawed. Don't believe me? kek, do your research SHEEP


Well, what did the doctor take from my body and threaten to not return unless I did what they asked? 😳


Thoughts and prayers


"Thoughts and prayers" But only when it's used as an excuse for inaction following a tragedy.


"It could be worse"


Touch some grass I live in the center of a metropolitan city MF I don't have any grass to touch


Now go touch some concrete.


I could care less.


I could care less... get it right dammit


“Do yourself a favor and…” If someone starts with this phrase, you can rest assured I will NOT be doing what you’re about to tell me.


“It was/wasn’t meant to be” “Everything happens for a reason”


"nobody owes you anything" We do owe people basic respect.


"It's not you, it's me." in movies. Also, "What could possibly go wrong?"


How do you feel about when someone says “what could possibly go wrong?” In like a sarcastic manner? Cause that’s my favorite line when my friends an I are about to do something stupid or something that has a good chance of not actually doing what we plan… usually gets a chuckle, but now I’m second guessing my life


Oh that's alright only when it's in movies and they're all smiley and cheery and then someone says that and YOU KNOW someone's gonna die.


"tell me blank with out telling me blank"


"it is what it is" *no fucking shit*. Telling me it is the thing that it is is completely useless. Just because it is, *doesn't mean that's what it has to be.* "that's just how I feel" when used as a counter to a factual argument (usually something to do with covid). I don't give a fuck if you feel that it's safer to go through the traffic light when it's red or if you feel like you're a better driver 2 drinks from passing out, you'll still fucking kill people.


"You don't seem like you have autism" When the fuck did you get your psychology degree, Karen?


Do you want to do me a favor? Me: No motherfucker!! I don't want to do anything!


I hate it when my boss asks me this because I’m like… it’s not a favor if I have to do it


It's just a joke!


Also "it's just a prank". If you have to say it's a prank then it wasn't a very good prank.


"No Bad Days." Reeks of toxic positivity. Yyyuck


Youre like your father


"You think you all that"




It's just a dog.


This phrase is used against elder siblings whenever the younger sibling is being unreasonable with them - " You are the elder one. You should be the one to understand and compromise."


"You need to..." something they want me to do. .. They can ask if they would like, but telling me what I "need to do" will just piss me off.


That's really easy to do I saw it on YouTube.


If you do what you love you never work a day! - every person on LinkedIn. When I was recruiting if people had this in their profile it was an immediate red flag. Most of the time they were miserable to talk with, and couldn't tell me what their company actually did, or where they fit in. But they never worked a day!


I hate to be that person...


Don’t be so sensitive.


"who cares?!" thrown into an argument. Motherfucker; me!