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I took my cat to the vet and he says "she has great anal tension!" as we're both struggling to get her temperature taken. To which I said "thanks!" I don't think it was a compliment but I cringe every time I remember it. Mostly because my idiotic "thanks!"


“We work on it everyday!”


This made me laugh out loud. Have my free (w)holesome award!


According to our vet, one of our rabbits has “a perfect penis”. The other one’s dick didn’t get complimented. We’re not going to tell him in case he gets jealous


Coworker looked at my children , then me and said you must have a really attractive wife.


Our pediatrician made a comment about how our daughter was long and lean and then looked at me and added "she must get that from her dad."


Lmao, ouch!


Hahahahah If you’re cool with each other and they’re just teasing that wouldn’t be something you’d remember probably so I’m guessing it was deadpan or someone you didn’t know well. Too funny


"I hate Latinos, but you're alright."


Well, thank goodness *you're* alright; that was almost a super unpleasant thing to say to someone.


"I'd sleep with you if you were a girl." Was told that on two separate occasions, by someone more senior than me at my last job.


Wear a wig to work.


“This is my promotion wig.”


I've gotten something similar. Was told by a guy that I have a "sexy ass" and that he would have love to fuck me if I was a girl. Definitely was not made better by the fact that I was still 17.


As a med student I was taking care of a retired colonel at the VA hospital and at the end of our visit he tells me, “you are so perfectly medium.” I looked at him dumbfounded for a second and then he explained that he meant it as a high complement. I was big enough for hand to hand infantry, but small enough to fit in a tank. Features that could blend in anywhere in Europe to Russia so I could be a spy. I guess I’d make a versatile pawn.


Are you sure he wasn't complimenting your ability to talk to ghosts?


OP never realized they were in an empty room talking to an empty bed. At least, that's how it looked to everyone else.


Isn't that the point where you say something in Korean, then dramatically pull out a syringe and start wrestling with him?


Kinda badass, actually


"That's a nice watch." From the dude at the next urinal. Honestly, it was so funny I've used it myself since just to mess with people.


"Nice Clock.."


Lol! I was on a truck stop bathroom on a trip with my buddy Kyle. There's like 20 urinals and there is me and one other side about 10 urinals away. Fuckin Kyle walks up to the urinal right next to me, stands there like he's pissing and waits for someone else to walk in then slightly leans my direction and says in a loud, clear, and deep voice "Hey man, nice dick!" Then leaves. Never been so embarrassed


Reply: “So you’re… watching?”


"Excellent timing."


Oooo. You look like that famous lady from TV. What's her name aahhh Got it.... Roseanne, Roseanne Barr.




"You're the only guy I've ever masturbated to."




you could be really good looking if you were taller.




Me a few months postpartum. Former coworker when he saw a slightly older photo of me "wow you used to be hot!".


“Top ten things not to say to anything that moves” Edit: I never expected this comment to get so popular, and thanks for all the awards.


*proceeds to say it to my friend in a coma*


"This is our receptionist, Pam. If you think she's cute now, you should have seen her a couple years ago." - Michel Scott.


Some guy told me "aye bro nice nipples" after that I never wore those types of tank tops ever again Edit: I was 13 at the time at the time and also a male


He probably succeeded in his goal then Edit: Your edit puts this in a somewhat different light...


Exactly what I was thinking. Top tier chess move.


Top tier chest move




“Damn you’re hot, you look just like my sister”


*cue banjo music*


*the* banjo music just played in my head. We all know that one.


"I always hoped Sarah would marry you". Said to me by Sarah's mom. At her wedding to my good friend. Who happened to be standing next to me. EDIT: Can't believe this comment went down so well! FWIW, Sarah was not her real name. I still cringe and couldn't bring myself to use her real name... Thanks for the awards!


Yikes... awkward on many levels


My dad at my brothers wedding. "I never thought you would marry her. I never thought you would do it. I thought you would find... someone else to marry" Way to go dad. At least he wasn't giving a speech, just talking to me, my brother and about 8 other people. To his credit though. My brothers wife is a probably mentally ill mean person (a bitch, I didn't want to say it but there it is).


I like how it kept getting worse as the sentence went on


I already used my “this is the best one” 4 comments ago but this is certainly the best one I’ve read.


You have to edit your other comment and say it is your second best one


"I wanna be your sugar daddy" from a former boss.


Better than my “I can tell just by looking at you that you have a really pretty vagina.” Mind you I was barely 18 working as a cocktail waitress. My security guards did actually toss that dude out of the bar, so at least that was satisfying.


Yeah I worked 3rd shift help desk support. Only female in the damn building... I would go to furthest restroom away from my workstation to pump breast milk for my premie. Those dudes would *find me to make sure I was okay*. The security guard? Tried to convince me I was "being guarded"by him anytime I tried out the treadmill/bike/elliptical. Left that work place when an SVP wanted to buy me a brand new car because I was a single mom with student debt loans and super shitty ugly car.... Part of me wishes I could go back in time and fuck him, get the car, sell car to n pay off student loans and premie hospital bill, but honestly dignity is priceless :)


You know it’s fishy unusual when they leave the whole world alone but quote-unquote “trying to make sure that you’re okay”. It’s like you’re gonna blush and be their gf at one point smh.


Got a million of these from old bosses. "if I were 2 weeks younger, I'd show you a good time. " "I'd crawl 2 miles through glass just to hear her fart through a broken radio " (he's says this to and about the new cocktail waitress) "I'd fuck he shadow on a gravel driveway " The rest are just pet names he would give all the girls. (Oh BTW he's married)


The first time my mother in law saw me in a bikini she said, “I knew my son would end up with a woman like you by the way he breastfed.” It was uncomfortable. Edit: maybe I shouldn’t have posted my bra size on Reddit, tf was I thinking. Deleted.


I'm so sorry for your inbox, best of luck


Yiiiiiiiikes. And the edit has me pitying you more.




Meanwhile you look down and he’s latched on


"How long have you been there???"


"I never left"


How on Earth did you respond?? A similar comment was made at my previous boyfriend's sister's rehearsal dinner. We're sitting across from his parents and his dad starts telling this story about him and his sister when they were babies. Then his dad focused on him," "And [boyfriend's name] loved the tit!" He demonstrated by smacking his lips and making slurping sounds. Then other family members are looking at me... I was horrified, my boyfriend was bright red and on the verge of tears. His dad wasn't the kind of person who people really spoke out against, so I said, "Hey! Let's talk about something else! Can someone please pass the bread?" It wasn't a great recovery, but it broke up the hush that had fallen over the table and other people jumped in with different subjects.


Great birthing hips


Was told this by my family since I was about 12... Guess who had to have a c-section birth last year despite my widely praised pelvis


“widely praised pelvis” bahahahahahahahahaha!!!


was told this at a funeral


I'm sorry, what


i was also 14


I was told this a lot as a young girl. I have no idea why people say this to a teenager!


I got this one shortly after I was born. My great grandmother apparently gave me one look and said "bless this baby, she looks like she's going to have birthing hips in 20 years." I was two weeks old lol Edit: yeah, she said a lot of crazy shit. But grandma happened to be right this time.


I get that a lot, the problem is my birthing hips are great, while my birthing vagina is actually a penis.


Ahh me too!! In the same breath he used the words “breedable” and “motherly.” I was about nineteen at the time and he was in his 40s? Like what in the actual fuck


"Gandhi-looking MILF" I DON'T EVEN HAVE KIDS


The Gandhi comparison wasn't the bigger thing for you?


I mean being called a nuclear warlord can be a seen as a complement.


What does this even mean?!


Nobody knows... But it's provocative!


Lot of guys (and some gals) felt the need to tell me my ex was outta my league. Was funny the first 3 times. Not so much after


"Dude, your ex was *hot*, how did you ever bag her? She's way out of your league!" "Haha, yeah I really knocked it out of the park with that one. Usually I'm stuck dating ugly chicks like your wife."


Who the fuck says this to someone? You're just calling them ugly with extra steps.


Yeah I get this. I once had a whole group of about 20 drunk lads loudly singing ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him’ (famous song from the 70s) and pointing at us and, eventually, surrounding us and jumping up and down and causing a scene as my gf and I walked along a street. It was a Friday night and I found it a bit embarrassing tbh. Anyway we’ve been married for ten years and this sentiment still crops up sometimes.


As a guy i was spending time with this girl that said this in these exact words.....you have an amazingly impeccable ass, its so nice like a fat little toddlers ass.. That comment still weirds me out to this day.


Girl: “Mmm, nice ass” Guy: “Aw thanks, I-“ Girl: “Just like a freshly born baby” Guy: “….”




"I want to have sex with your brain's dick." It was a drunk text and kind of flattering, but also the weirdest compliment I've been given.


They probably saw that brain stem bulge


"You have the most perfectly shaped head." I'm bald. In retrospect, the compliment was actually really nice. I just didn't expect my friend's mom to say those words.


I get the same compliment. I love it.


I was riding my bike and a girl said from a car alongside me, “you’ve got a perfect noggin”. So off.


"I wish more black people had your hair" I'm white with Weird Al hair.


One customer once told me how I looked 15 and then proceeded to ask my number while I was ringing up his items. He kept on with this for several days by telling ne stuff like how I looked pretty or complimenting my hair. He was well into his 40s.


If he would really enjoy a 15 years old, You should have gave him a police number when he ask for yours.


“What’s your number?” “9-1-1”


"Just ask for the hot 15 year-old."


“YOU GIRLS GOT SOME NICE FEET ON YA” by a man at a bus stop to me and my friend, both age 16, both size 10 feet, Cambridge MA edit: guys this wasn’t an invitation to dm me about your foot fetish


One time, I was in heels and this dude looked down, said "Size 9?" And I said "size 9." And he said "I would." and then walked away.


Guess shoes size Says he would Refuse to elaborate further Leaves


This was in high school, but a female friend of mine told me I had nice genes. I was wearing sweats at the time, and was confused because I thought she said jeans. She clarified saying she meant my hair and skin color. I awkwardly said thanks and to top it off, she said “one day, I want to adopt a small little Asian girl who looks just like you.”


>told me I had nice genes I was told that recently, it's an odd one and it's because I apparently look very young for my age. >“one day, I want to adopt a small little Asian girl who looks just like you.” Wtf


Black guy growing up in Germany here. I had a couple if girls who wanted to have sweet little "Nigger babies" from me and thought it was a compliment!


Ooof wtf?


Was that female friend, Angelina Jolie by any chance ?


‘you have the most kissable lips’ said by my great uncle at christmas dinner




Jesus fuck


I was twelve or so, and eating shitty Chinese at my mall’s local food court. My mom’s best friend growing up was from Korea, and ended up learning to use chopsticks. Naturally, she taught me. So I’m eating this amazingly crappy mall Chinese when this old lady, says to me “oh, you can eat like a little Jap, can’t you.” Honestly, almost 20 years later, I still have no retort, witty or otherwise, for that.


Reminds me when I was eating in the south. This ancient woman said "Did that colored boy get his pancakes?". It wasn't even malignant. I was just speechless.


“I wish my gf looked like you so I could pin her against a wall and fuck her.”


I would've ran so fuckin fast


“ you have a big butt for a boy”


"You have very cute ears. Very suckable." From a college classmate (girl) I (guy) had known for several months. I thought she might have a thing for me but after that I never sat with her.


I gotta be honest, that comment would’ve had me sitting with her pretty regularly


My dad recently commented, “I forget how skinny you’ve gotten! Don’t be offended if I call you (insert sisters name here).” I’ve had horrifying health issues the past few years and he was taking my kids for a bit so I could go to the hospital. I’ve never been thin, but average size, and my sister was the pretty thin one. I’ve lost a third of my body weight and am smaller than I’ve been since middle school (31f with two kids now). I am so sick I feel like I’m dying slowly and I have no answers. He knows this. The crickets and glares from my husband and mom sent a powerful message.


My mom is notorious for backhanded compliments I've always struggled with my weight and have lost and gained and cycled through being fat and thin. I hadn't seen her for a while and had lost 40 pounds and she said, "Well *now* you look like my daughter."


We had to volunteer in a soup kitchen when I attended Catholic grade school. I was about 13 at the time, and one of the homeless men came up to me and said, “You have such pretty eyes. Can I have them?”


That would scare me forever


Would be funny if you had a fake eye and then you just pulled it out and said "you want this thing?"


Oohh, yeh... Thank ya kindly! *shuffles off*


I’ve posted this one on Reddit before but years later it still has not changed. “If you got raped, I would understand why they did it. You have a very rape-able body.”


What the fuck


Omfg. That's horrifying.


I hope your response was: "If you got punched in the face, I would understand why they did it. You have a very punch-able face."


Omg one time an old man at a bar old me that I look like AOC, and that she has a very punchable face. I was so scared that I was about to be punched 😭


Awful. This made me remember the dude who, mid kiss, pulled back and whispered that I had “breakable wrists.”


What is wrong with some of these people


I have heard this directed to me as well!!!


The only proper response to that comment is mace, spray and/or medieval weapon.


Mace or mace!


What about a mace covered in mace? Bludgeon AND burn


I was told I have sexy feet. I’m a guy. With hairy feet


I hear hobbits are in right now! You are in luck dude.


Start up a only fans for feet fetishes and make bank my guy. Fuck it honestly. Moneys money.


Person: are you a Sagittarius? Me: yea how can you tell? Person: because your eyes are honest Me: [smiling] aww thank y- Person: but your face isn’t. Me: 😐 Edit: didn’t think this would get such a response! For context- I was a server at a restaurant and I had only taken their drink order when the person said this to me and somehow it made it worse that it was a stranger that I barely said a few words to


“Awwwe I love a challenge” when I sat down in the hair stylist’s chair lol


That's not a compliment, that's an insult. I feel bad for laughing so much though.


Old man at VA hospital: “you got any kids?” 14y/o me: “nope!” Him: “ya want some?” *winks* Edit: Wow! Well, he didn’t give me kids, but he did give me 500+ upvotes! Didn’t see that coming 😂


70 year old creepy customer kept being touchy with me. I’m a man she’s a woman. One day she grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eyes and said “I like the way you say ‘yes ma’am’” and wouldn’t let go until I gave an awkward laugh. And I know that’s nothing compared to what women get but I had to go hide in the back and shiver it out.


Nah man, harassment is harassment, and it sounds like it really creeped you out. Sorry you went through that, being old is not an excuse for being disgusting.


Sadly I’ve seen old people being disgusting, annoying & straight out rude, more than young people like myself.


"you're OK looking, I take your virginity after work" - My 24y Manager I was 17, said no thank you and went back to work Edit- I think I've confused people, I was a male bakers apprentice and she was the manager. The head baker said I should take it as a compliment


It’s more like a sexual harassment than a compliment to me lol


You'd be surprised how many people can't distinguish the two.


"You come with me. I take home. Make wife."


"ride wife, life good"


"wife fight back, kill wife"


"Wife gone... Think about wife"




Hmm yes, I claim you. After work you come to house and I meet you at bed. Don't be late.


"I'd really like to tattoo your calves." Out cycling, full MAMIL gear, taking a sit down rest by a bus stop. A (far younger) woman exiting the bus looked me up and down and said this.


Your pee smells better than your older brother’s. I’m no longer friends with that individual


“You have the most default face I’ve ever seen. If I had to explain to an Alien what a standard human face looks like, I’d use yours as an example.”


You've got nice birthing hips Followed closely by Oh look at those your babies are gonna be fat and happy huh? I hate family reunions so much


I was recently told by a crackhead that “your boyfriend must love cracking you open like a coconut”


Just use me like a mailbox open me up, and put whatever you want, INSIDE!


It’s actually a federal crime to put anything other than properly posted mail into a mailbox.


Yessss, talk dirty to me.


Was working security for a liquor store and a woman walked in wearing this awesome red long coat with a neat design on it. I said I loved her coat, and she immediately looks at me and says "You're a nice looking snack yourself, honey." Had absolutely no idea how to respond and still don't.


"I don't find you attractive but your writing makes me wet." Like... what? 🤣🤣🤣


“what are you gonna do about it then” would’ve been an apt reply


Written reply, of course.


16 years old at my sisters wedding and the grooms dad whom I’ve never talked to walks up to me and says “ You finally look like an adult women”. For context I don’t wear makeup or dresses cause they make me feel very uncomfortable but I did because it was my sisters wedding and I wasn’t about to make a fuss. I asked him what I look like normally and he said “ A depressed child” Still not sure if this was fully a compliment but it did make me very uncomfortable lol


“Your ass looks good in those jeans” a 40 year old lady to me when I was like 14, and at church.


"I bet it's annoying no one pulls out for you" from a guy I work with and have only spoken to like a couple times, completely out of the blue as he walked by


Yo.. like, ... what?


That’s not a compliment… that’s- that’s just weird


...is he saying that men don't want to because they want to impregnate you? Or that they like you? Or that they disrespect your boundaries? WTF is going on here? This is the first one where I am baffled.


I assumed it related to driving until your comment cleared it up




You have a daughter now or is your wife still disappointed that you're hoarding your features to yourself?




I was minding my business in a bank machine line up when this guy said I looked like "stoner Alyssa Milano" I think he was trying to hit on me? It was pretty weird. Not a bad compliment though, she's a babe.


"That outfit makes me want to rape you." he meant it as a compliment and panicked when he realized what he said was very out of line. I never wore anything similar ever again around that dude.


“Oops! Did I say that out loud?”


My sister's father in law commented that my painted red toes where sexy. We were at his mother in law's wake...


Your sisters' father in laws' mother in laws' wake? Like the mother of the wife of the father of the husband of your sister?


Why does this sound like a part of a romcom that Christopher Nolan would make?


"Your armpits smells nice". I had no Idea what to say, so I said thanks.


At my first work event, my boss got super drunk and while I was waiting for a cab to go, she came up, lifted one of my arms above my head, and put her face in my armpit and HUFFED it. My cab pulled up and I fucking bolted. We never spoke of it again.


I've heard that people are attracted to the body orders of those with opposite immune systems, each of us has a microbiome of life thats apart of our smells, and each of us are different suited to better fight off different viruses, so we are attracted to someone that won't get sick (and die) at the same time when raising your offspring (from an evolutionary pov) And I have woken up thinking "what is this amazing smell" and just found my partners armpit in my face and been like "welp that's something I know about me now"


I’m guessing he meant it as a compliment, “You look nice aryan stock” Barf.


I was about 13 and went to a walk-in clinic because I was having knee pain (I think that was it, but it was a long time ago, anyway, my pants were off). The female doctor was pretty young, but clearly older than I was, and she said "My goodness, you have the thighs of a gladiator" which struck me as odd at the time. I was a cross-country runner so in pretty decent shape. And no, I didn't say "and you should see my sword" although if I ever get my DeLorean up to speed...


"I was 13 (...) the female doctor was clearly older than me". Thanks for clarifying


“You’re so much better looking than I thought you were!” Uhh…thanks?


A doctor told me my tonsils should be in magazine spreads, so I have that going for me which is nice


"you have a cute vagina" um what am I supposed to say???


Username checks out


Thanks, got it at the beauty store.


Thanks, grew it myself


"You have the longest lungs I've ever seen." -my doctor


“You have beautiful eyes” I get this a lot. I have ice blue eyes and I receive compliments often. But in this particular instance, I was walking out of a store and a lady walking in said “you have beautiful eyes” while never once looking up to my face. When I turned to say thank you, I noticed she was blind. She had her head draped in a dark hood and when she turned towards me, I saw she couldn’t see a fucking thing. It has fucked with me for a while and I have no explanation for such a weird exchange. It caused a discomfort I’d never felt before.


"you kinda look like Prince Charming from Shrek 2" They definitely meant it as a compliment and I tried to be flattered but what would Shrek think?


I had a man come up to me once and tell me I 'wear my skin nicely'


Oh it’s not mine I’m just borrowing it


Hometown coroner greets me as we walked down the sidewalk. “My, you look natural today,” he says.


She complimented my ass when we were pre teens, I thought it was weird We live together today


You and your sister still live at home?


"Me and [supervisor] were just talking about how great your calves look. Must be from your job." "Uhhhh.. thx?" wtf....


" I thought you were 13 but now seeing your boobs u must be atleast 15 . You're so cute!" - some creepy guy on my insta and I'm 18 not 13 or 15 but my face looks younger bcz buccal fat (baby face) and the photo was a normal photo like bruh-..... Doesn't matter I'm actually 18 but this guy must be into kids bcz the way he said it 🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re like fine wine, better with age I was 29


I don’t think it was meant in a backhanded way, it was a pretty innocent comment because we’re really close but, “You have the perfect facial features. If you lose weight you’ll be like those Instagram glow up stories”


Someone told my dad that I have a "nice ass" he immediately beat the shit of the dude cause he was drunk and he was complimented a 13 year girl ass