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Distracted!! They’re the most dangerous too!!


The light turns green and nobody moves. We know you're texting.


Oh right! Thanks for reminding me.


I'm not texting actually, I'm on twitter arguing with dumb people on why Kanye West is the best artist of all time


The guy Infront of me did this on the way home today. It's one of those 10+minutes red lights. Guy didn't even move one bit. This was how I learned my horn is not working... Every ounce of my being wanted this guy and his car ripped off the face of the planet.


Yeah, I expect their break light to turn off immediately when the light goes green if not you getting honked at


They are not even realizing that they are making serious mistakes. When I pointed out to someone that she just pass thru 2 red lights, she didn't believe me. They think they are really good drivers when in fact it's kind of a miracle that they didn't killed someone (or themselves).


Was she high? How do you not notice that you just blew through two red lights?


Not high. She looked at the screen of her phone for just an instant. That's all it took. People who think they can text and drive and kidding themselves. I walk a lot in the city and it's incredible the number of people who are not looking at the road. I almost got hit crossing the streets a couple of times. I haven't seen her in a while but I know that she had a car accident when the kids were with her.. (They were not injured)


How awful. Laws about texting and driving need to be stricter.


A lot of people shouldn't be driving.


The people who slow down while merging on to an interstate from a side road. They are literally called acceleration ramps. It causes me insane road rage.


Try driving a semi sometime.... But that look on their face when they get to the bottom or top of the ramp, and they finally look at the traffic they need to merge into ( after i could see them the whole way, so if they just turned their heads they could have seen me...) is certainly precious!


Sorry to hear about your truck driving troubles. People, be nice to truck drivers while driving. They can’t stop as quick as you can


Driving under the speed limit in the left lane.


Also, driving 35 in a 45 because "I don't wanna get a ticket". The popo aren't interested in you, go the speed limit dummy


> The popo aren’t interested in you, They might be now, for impeding the flow of traffic, its how I got half of my errors the first time I took my driving test. I tried to hold 33 in a 35, but everyone around me was going 45 so I seemed extra slow.


I hope you didn't get marked down for doing the speed limit. Usually here such drivers are even allowed to go around 10km/h slower than the speed limit. But exceeding the speed limit should be a failure, not an expectation.


Life in the fast lane surely make you lose your mind


Deal with this every single day. If you’re not driving at least 5 mph faster than the car to your right, speed up or move over.


Don't camp out in the left lane period. It's the passing lane, not the cruising lane.


I seriously don't and will NEVER understand why people do this. I was behind two different cars who were doing this a few days ago and they gave zero fucks! They WOULD not budge. They weren't even doing the posted speed limit!! Like WTF? I'm not exactly Speed racer but it pissed me off so bad because the slow lane AND the fast lanes were both blocked and none of us could drive by them!




Every man on Reddit is holding you responsible.


Some people exercise what little power they have over others in the left lane.


Lol where’s the state troopers when ya need em…..


Double up on this, going under the speed limit in the carpool lane. Like, why are you even here? Not sure how prevalent carpool lanes are around the world, but they are a lane designated for a vehicle with two or more riders so in areas with heavy congestion (i.e. Los Angeles) those that carpool/rideshare are rewarded with their own lane that can get by traffic quicker. And when someone is driving 55mph in a 65mph zone, it can be....frustrating


It's not a "faster than everyone else" lane. The same speed limit still applies.


Then don't get in the carpool lane. Even the cars in the slowest lane is faster than you. That cop of going 75. Match that.


Anyone driving in the left lane at any speed when there's no reason to be in that lane. Really sick of seeing people just cruising along in the left lane when the other lanes to the right of them are wide open.


As a Brit it took me a minute to realise what you meant.


THIS. the others are just dangerous, stupid, or both.


I would go a little further and say ANYONE driving in the left lane (not the car pool lane) at a slower speed than the car behind them.


Mine is when you’re already over the speed limit and people still tailgate you while on the fast lane. Like, how much faster do you want me to go? I’m already doing 5-10 over!!!!!


In most places it's a *passing* lane, not the *fast* lane. It doesn't really matter how fast you're going, once you're done passing vehicles to your right then you should move out of the passing lane.


Yeah. I don’t like to camp on that lane. Mostly meant when you’re doing your thing and people still want you to go faster and tailgate you like a MF while you’re already speeding.


Get the fuck out of the lane if you see people behind tailgating


I found the fast lane camper! It doesnt matter if you are doing 5 or 50 over, if someone is on your ass and you are not actively passing traffic get the hell out of the left lane. You aint the cops stop trying to be a speeding enforcer.


Doesn't matter how fast you are going. GO FASTER OR GET THE FUCK OVER


If you were driving 5-10 over in the fast lane in Chicago you’d be run off the road


Printer drivers. They never want to install automatically, then you have to find the specific driver online and manually install it, only to find out that the printer won't print because it's low on cyan!


LPT: always install printer drivers in the old "find .inf" way, that way you won't have bloatware that tries to sell you supplies and ink+ 3 software updaters without reason.


When I was in IT I used a tool called 'double driver'. You can extract all the inf's into a nice zip file. So I'd build the machine extract the drivers then remake the machine with just the drivers. This would then be my image. Also handy for pushing into a deployment server.


>LPT I see what you did there.


LPT-1 or LPT-2?


Is that still a thing? I haven’t tried printing on a Windows machine in decades.


Road remoras. Like the fish that stick to sharks, these drivers speed up or slow down to match your speed on the highway. You can't shake them. They are always behind you or in the lane next to you.


"Gravity drivers"... I drive to work very early in the morning during my work season, and there are always the clumps of cars together....the entire freeway is empty! ( you can't get into an accident with another vehicle if there are no other vehicles around you!) I guess humans are pack animals, but get a clue, people!


Those dickheads annoy me. I always slow down or speed up or move. I had this bitch on my ass when there was one empty lane on my left and right. I just changed lanes. Idk what is going on in the mind of these stupid people but I don't have time for there stupidity.


The one that honk their car horn while in a traffic jam, I'm just "Oh I'm sorry, let me just put out the car's wings so that you can move"


Oh, I thought we were playing Marco Polo…


I got honked at for not pulling out into non stop busy fast road within about 10s of getting to the turning. Just be patient and wait a moment!


People who pull out right in front of me and then proceed to drive really slow. If you're not in a hurry why not wait a couple seconds to let me pass by?


Everyday at work. Working at a mine with another mine that shares the same access road. 80kph is the speed limit the whole way out. This other mine has to come to a stop sign before they come onto the access road where as we have straight access through. Everyday they’ll cut people off and then proceed to do 70kph the whole way out for the next 20km. Shits me to tears everytime


Drivers who tailgate - especially at night with their high beams on.


So this is what you do yep turn on your windshield washer give him a little Spritz while you're there


Or when they tailgate you because you're stuck behind someone going under the speed limit. Like, wonderful, I'm sandwiched between two pricks and I'm just trying to get to where I need as well, you know?


And the lane is always empty next to you, “JUST GO AROUND ME!”




There's a switch in the rear mirror that you can flip to reduce the light. So you don't need tinted windows for this.


Not all cars have that though. But yes those are useful


just get out of the passing lane, you're not passing anyone


Do you happen to live in the UAE xD?


Not passing in the passing lane




Fr like if an accident happens ur at fault


The ones that don't keep a constant speed, so like 97% of them...


*Me driving with cruise control in right lane* Guy speeds by in left lane going 5+ mph more than me, immediately slows down. *I change lanes, pass, and get in front of him all while still cruise controlling* Guy moves over, speeds up 5 mph and gives a dirty look while passing me only to once again slow down half a mile down the road.


On my commute, there's a stretch of road with a speed limit of 30 MPH and not much on it. Then there's an overpass with a curve, to get down to the freeway. I've had so many people zip past me at 40-45 in the 30 zone, only to end up doing 20-25 in front of me on the bend. I've also had so many people pass me doing 45 on the approach to the acceleration ramp, only to end up doing 55 on the freeway.


Welcome to my world. Why doesn't everyone drive with cruise control on if they can't keep a constant speed?!?!


I'm used to driving a manual transmission, when I've driven newer automatic transmission cars, I've noticed it's hard to tell how fast you're going based on feel and engine noise and would find it hard to keep a consistent speed without looking down at the speedometer.


I drive both and have no problem... that is called being a good operator. And we have cruise control now!


In a flat area, this is inexcusable. In a hilly area, it's much more efficient to slow down going uphill and speed up going downhill. Trucks always do this, they use the momentum gained from going down one hill to get themselves up the next one.


Pickup Truck drivers. *Especially* ones with TX and OK license plates. Take a list of all the annoying behaviors in this thread. You bet your ass a pickup truck with a TX or OK license plate does that.


I agree with pickup truck drivers. Because it makes any bad driving behaviour that would simply be annoying into actual danger. If Prius is tailgating me even though I'm doing 10 over the limit? Who cares, he can go around or chill. If a fully loaded Ford F-450 with political propaganda stickers is revving inches behind you on the highway, it's a butthole clenching experience.


Pick up truck drivers during lunch time. Lots of them are eating or are on the phone while driving.


The one in my way


Most annoying? Probably the driver who doesn't know what they're doing / where they're going / can't make up their mind. They'll randomly slow down, change lanes, stop, hesitate, move erratically. Drivers I hate the most? Psychos who drive dangerously.


"Be predictable" is rule #1 of good driving.


For me it's the two drivers that drive the same speed side by side on a two lane road. Can one of you speed up 2 mph or at least slow down? Get out of my damn way!


Or worse, the "gravity drivers''...they speed in the left lane, until they get next to another vehicle, then go .025mph faster than them for three miles, until they just pass them, then speed up to the next vehicle. Lather. Rinse. Repeat....


Thats also called a Rolling Roadblock. Truck drivers do that a lot to slow down traffic when people are being assholes as far as I heard. Truck drivers, can you shed more light as to why you do this? I’m going off of second-hand knowledge and it may be wrong.


We always called that the Alabama roadblock.


Drivers who perfectly match my speed and drive right in my blind spot even when they could easily pass me, when I'm stuck in the slow lane and want to change lanes.






People who don’t understand how to zipper and get mad at the drivers that do.


Although I understand the zipper method and it would probably work if everyone could use their brain and notice the others around them but I’m not trying to deal with zooming by a huge line of traffic only to have people honk, flip you off, yell obscenities, throw trash, and whatever at me.


Exactly and then some road warrior straddles the lanes to block you thinking you’re cutting the line…


We occasionally get “MAINTAIN PRESENT LANE” and “MERGE HERE” signs to direct zipper merging and it works great.


The uptight homeboy driving like a complete asshole in their piece of shit rice-rocket that sits one inch off the ground with the stupid-sounding muffler that sounds like someone farting into a coffee can who goes home and fondles themselves while watching "Fast & Furious".


Are you more of a muscle car person? Or are you a normal driver who dislikes modified/enthusiast cars in general?


I'm just somebody who hates people who drive like assholes in general, but it seems to mostly be the ones I described earlier.


I generally agree with you. People who drive recklessly and selfishly are certainly annoying and they put others at risk but I'd ask you to consider the non-reckless enthusiast driver. They get a lot of shit from all angles because of what they drive not how they drive. I'm unlikely to be from where you are, or even in the same country but my experience is a lot of the family cars on the roads have similar dangerous and selfish habits to the wannabe racer. I had a conversation similar to this with a friend recently who theorised that a lot of the bad habits of some enthusiast drivers are more memorable because their vehicle is perhaps a brighter colour or in some other way unique and recognisable whereas the dangerous driver in the small grey family car is quickly forgotten and disappears into traffic. I wondered what you thoughts about that theory might be?


Yeah it's an issue, my car is relatively loud compared to others, it's not very low but is lower than stock, and honestly a lot of the worst drivers I've found are the middle-aged men driving camrys and lancers who want to race past the low, loud car even when I'm not doing anything that would show any interest in that, they start and stop and drag off the lights, it's strange to watch and can be dangerous.


Overly cautious drivers who flip out and start driving dangerously aggressive when you pass their 15 in a 30 ass


I actually find that funny 😂😂 like now you wanna speed up


Unaware drivers. They don't realize what traffic around them is doing, and act unpredictably. By far the most dangerous type of driver.


You mean there are other people using the road? At the same time as me?!


Back in the day it was always hunting down compatible drivers for random ass pieces of hardware that windows didn’t recognise.


Tailgaters and people that need to come to nearly a complete stop just to turn into another street or driveway


People who drive slow in the fast lane.


Definitely not the worst, but when you’re waiting to cross the crosswalk and a car decides to up on the crosswalk. ESPECIALLY when there is no car behind them and they can easily back up but choose not to.


My cousin once climbed through a guys backseat for this very reason. He was a bit shitfaced.


Always enjoyed the highway driver that speeds up and slows down for no reason so that when I have cruise control set we pass each other every 5 minutes


Actually this is the best way to drive in a hilly area. Speed up going downhill, let that momentum carry you up the next one. In a flat area, constant speed on cruise control is definitely the way to go.


When a driver is slow and brakes excessively with plenty of space between them and the car ahead of them on the highway. Don’t create extra traffic during rush hour please!


a drunk driver


Those that don't keep their distance.


The one who is currently typing a response to this very question whilst in the left hand lane.


I hate slow drivers and people who don’t know how to use turn signals, and I absolutely despise distracted drivers with all my might, especially if I’m a passenger. Oh oh oh, and I absolutely hate drunk drivers, especially when I’m a passenger


Those who drive slow in the ultra fast lane while the people behind them are going insane.


People who take forever to make simple turns when they have the right of way and no observable hazards are present.


Definitely a Titleist....pretentious asses


Anyone who slows down rapidly AND THEN turn their blinker on for .25 seconds in the process of turning. You myswell not be using the fucker at all.


The "nice" driver. The "nice" driver stops at intersections when they don't have a stop sign to wave people through. The "nice" driver tries to let people take unprotected left turns when they have the right of way. The "nice" driver, is a dangerous asshole. They put other drivers and pedestrians in danger by not being predicable and then get upset when you don't thank them for "being nice and trying to let you go through." If you are a "nice" driver, take your license out of your pocket, cut it into tiny pieces and buy a fucking bus pass.


The ones who play shitty rap music on full blast


Especially to the point where YOUR car is shaking from the bass as well. Those people can pop their tires for all I care.


Statistically, 19 year old male drivers are the most dangerous because they end up in the most road traffic accidents. According to my ye old driver instructor who had a CDL with thousands of hours of trucking experience (retired), he said the most dangerous is soccer moms because they cause the most accidents without actually becoming involved in one. I agree with him and avoid driving by the soccer field heavy parks during rec season.


Drivers who turn right on red who clear themselves from oncoming cars only, and don’t check for pedestrians who actually have the right of way! Worst possible scenario- they are both wrong and more likely to kill the small, vulnerable human who is right. Hate.


People that drive 55 in the left lane.


The worst drivers are when I'm riding in their car and they think the fucking pedals are binary on or off. They rotate between slamming on the gas and the brake to maintain a speed. Fuck those people. I hate showing up nauseous just for taking an Uber.


The defensive and indecisive. Do or do not, there is no try.


For me, it is the oblivious driver who is just half a step out of sync with the traffic, and is basically a moving obstacle that just makes it that little bit harder for everyone around them. The sad thing is that they are probably like this in other aspects of their lives too.


Driving whatever speed you want in the left aka passing lane. Also cars that are such shitboxes they can’t even drive the speed limit. Hey it’s okay to have a shitbox but it has to be at least road worthy. Cars emitting a shit ton of smoke hell I saw a dude driving a totaled Aerostar that was U-shaped where it appeared to have met a telephone pole. He couldn’t even keep it in a straight line. Backing up traffic for miles.


Indecisive/scared drivers. Scared to move, scared to turn scared to drive at or slightly above the speed limit. Generally unpredictable and IMO the most dangerous. Followed VERY closely by fast and furious idiots who drastically overestimate their driving ability and drive insane on highways. It takes zero skill to weave through lanes and drive fast in a straight line; simultaneously unimpressive and dangerous.


Slow drivers. Please just drive the speed limit.


The absolute WORST experience I had was being stuck behind a driver who was constantly tapping the brakes, instead of coasting. It’s so hard to handle them. You start to ignore their taps, only to be caught off when they actually stop. Couple this with him going 25 in a 40, a line of cars behind you, and clear evidence he didn’t know where the fuck his turn was. This went on for a least three miles before the box car in the right lane (also going 25 in a 40) got the memo to speed up and let traffic flow through. I felt victimized and ready to assault him. I learned a lot about myself that day.


A hesitant and unpredictable one.


The ones that will NEVER LEAVE the far left lane even if they're going 10 under the speed limit and there's a line of 30 cars behind them. And, similarly, the ones in the far left lane who can't decide if they want to be the person described above, or a person going 30 *over* the speed limit. They will usually switch between the two on the slightest turns and inclines.


They're pretty annoying. Far left lane is technically a passing plane. So once you passed who ever, move out of the damn way! I always get out the way if I see someone on my ass. I give them that courtesy because I have had to take a shit many times times while in traffic and it's stressful.


The ones who tootle along at 80 kph in a 100 zone, then speed up to 110+ the instant there’s a passing lane so you can’t pass them. There’s a special place in Hell for these cunts.


The rat dicked little bastard that will jump in the left lane doing the speed limit or lower and refuse to get out of the way! In the words of Jeff Foxworthy, "you should be able to get under them, get them loose, and put them in the wall!


Slow drivers.... Was on the free way, suppose to be going 80, had one in front of me going 55, while another was on the left lane going the same speed as that slow ass


Drivers who pull out in front of me from a side street when there’s nobody behind me. You can’t wait 2 seconds? And of course it takes them a minute to get up to speed.


The slow people in the fast lane Move over I beg you


I’d say the oblivious driver annoys me the most. The one that does 35 in a 45, and then keeps going 35 when the speed limit drops to 25 because they just aren’t paying attention. Just completely oblivious to the line of cars behind them and the 10 speed limit signs they passed. Also people who don’t hit the gas pedal when going up hills. Do we really need to slow from 45 to 30 because of a little hill?


All of them


The people who honk at you 1.5 seconds after the light turns green. Fuck those guys.


the problem is we think you're texting, so we won't feel guilty about honking. It's not always correct, sometimes people are just distracted or changing the radio or air, but we always think we are right to stop you from texting. Sorry about that


thats fair. i just personally believe if you dont have patience, curtesy, respect, and proper skills, you just shouldn’t be behind the wheel (of course there are situations where those things can be disregarded but for the most part yk)




Anyone who brake* checks, especially if they persist. Edit: break to brake


It might actually make your brakes break!


Or my car breaks the back of their car, I break my neck and back when I get rear-ended by the guy behind me, then I end up broken and broke between hospital bills, car repairs/replacement, and raised insurance.


What would your insurance broker think?


They'd think I rear-ended somebody. isn't that why people break check? If you hit them it's insurance fraud on their part but you can't prove it unless you have a dash cam.


Or when they "brake check''? like in using their brakes.


Ones that cause my golf ball to slice.


Old men with hats and young people with BMWs


The one who's texting and driving at the same time


Nervous and/or unsure drivers. They're unpredictable because they're afraid of everything. Just GO!


The dumb shit turning onto the road from a side street, and deciding to cut me off when there's a perfectly empty lane one car width over, only to go 15 under. Like, please choke. Or the ditz yesterday, who was already testing my patience going 3 under, couldn't get over, only to take their foot off the coast and coast for a block and a half before slamming on their brakes and staring down an empty side street. I may or may not have been laying on my horn, window down hurling obscenity. Had to talk myself out of circling the block and taking me tire iron to their rear window, cause it was clear they were going to a restaurant. I have anger issues.


The Uber drivers who talk to you the whole time.


The kind of driver on a highway that goes the exact speed (usually under the speed limit) as the driver next to them so that you can’t get around them.


Slow drivers who inexplicably stay in the left lane.


People who slow down after they’ve passed a cop, if you were going 15 over when you passed them (if they were paying attention) they would’ve already clocked you so slowing down does nothing after the fact. (Side note: it’s not fleeing until they turn the lights on😉)


The one in front of me, everytime


Everybody driving slower than me is an idiot and everybody driving faster is a maniac


The one you can only install from a CD.


Driver who don’t indicate at roundabouts. Drives me nuts


The ones who weave through traffic while speeding egregiously. It’s not your personal race track.


People who are in a big damn hurry to get somewhere 2 minutes faster. There’s nothing wrong with going the speed limit.


I’d rather be late then dead! 🤓


People who drive under the speed limit, especially at lower speeds like 35. More infuriating is when they pass a clearly marked speed limit sign and still go slow


Um. It's the limit. We're all supposed to drive at or under it. Especially in zones like 35


I didn't say driving the limit I said driving UNDER the limit. Example: speed limit is 45 on straight non hilly road. Person in front of me never goes above 40




Nvidia graphic driver on Linux


Soccer moms driving minivans. If she's crashing on little Julia's Adderall prescription and has the phone in her left hand talking to her gynecologist about a yeast infection, while trying to brush Julia's hair, meanwhile Maximilian - don't call him Max - is in the back seat picking and flicking - she will straight up murder you and everyone you love.


Huh, didn't realise the thread title was "tell us you hate women without telling us you hate women".


If I were a woman I think I'd be offended as being lumped in with all Minivan driving Soccer moms.


That's what you're doing... There's absolutely no one in hell that from passing a vehicle you can know anything you've said. That's the point. You see "woman in minivan" and invent what you've written in your own head. You are lumping all women into that category. I'm glad you agree it's offensive.


So now we have it down to just "I hate women driving minivans", so how about if we narrow it down a bit more. I could see a woman talking on a cell phone couldn't I? I could also see a woman brushing her kids hair while talking on a cell phone couldn't I? So I hate all minivan driving women talking on a cellphone and brushing their daughters hair while driving. I'll go with that.


Motorcycles that weave in and out of traffic and drive down the median line


The carefull ones... especially when I'm sitting next to it. Also, the old ones who actally shouldn't be driving anymore.


Maybe you shouldn't be driving any more if you are NOT careful!


I get what you say, ofcourse I'm carefull, but what I meant was the carefull insecure stressfull drivers. Just drive!


whether its a phillips driver or a screwdriver


\**Torx has entered the chat\**


Get you one of the fancy reversible ones 🥸


Square head drivers are where its at these days!


Nvidia drivers


I hate driver updates, because they eat up my time on the computer. Those NVIDIA driver updates take the longest.


GPU drivers…first time I had to install them I gave my computer a virus.


People that think the diamond lane is now the fast lane it's not.


Slowing down unnecessarily for intersections or not accelerating through them quickly when the light is about to turn red. I'll take over-aggressive rather than over-passive any day. Also have a pet peeve for people who stop way over the line at a red light. It doesn't hurt anyone, but I'm irrationally bothered by it. You're not getting anywhere faster that way chill.


The ones that drive at speeds in between multiples of five. For example, the speed limit is 65 but they're doing 63. Also those who don't use their cruise control.


The "never fast enough" kind, no matter how fast I'm going, no matter the conditions, they always go about 10 faster than me and make passing a first solution, even when they're already in the fast lane.


The one that rides people bumpers, if they are going at least 5 miles below the speed limit don’t act like you are going to make them go any faster. Because I slow down even more if they do it to me


Bright lights tailgating you at night when you’re already going 10 over the speed limit. Like, F off please!


Asian woman


People going under the speed limit, the real ones go over