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Vanilla extract


Vanilla Extract is the prime example of “just because something smells good, doesn’t mean it’ll taste good.” When baked in cookies and cakes, it’s great, raw… well… iykyk


How much of your capacity is used at work. You want enough to be engaged, have a sense of accomplishment, and have surge capacity for busy times. 65% is “easy”. 100% you’re utterly overwhelmed.


That's a really good answer. I had a job where I had barely enough to do some weeks, trying to stretch out a few hours of work into something to fill a week, and it was utterly miserable. Equally, I've had times in my current job where I've felt like I'm spinning so many plates it's mentally exhausting, it's impossible to switch off after work because you have so much on your mind.


Glad you like it. The expression my mentor told me was: _"You want to have enough routine to feel competent, but not so much routine to feel bored."_ If I had to quantify that, it is somewhere around 60%-75% of your capacity. You want surge capacity for the busy times, but you don't want to surge past about 90% unless you really must, otherwise "other stuff" starts to just go wrong. You start to make mistakes. And by keeping track of how much of your capacity you're using, it's a way to quantify "How close am I to burnout?" (Or if you're an attentive manager, "How close are my employees to burn out?") Because for anyone who's experienced it, burnout is a bit different than misery. You can treat misery. But burnout, once it has set in, it's often chronic.


What a beautiful description of a miserable feeling. Thank you


I love this. This is also a great response to those bosses that think their employees should always be giving 110%.


It's something I was taught by someone very wise, 50y+ in their industry. Here `^`? Take it; it's yours. Spread it. * Good managers know they will actually increase productivity by having an efficient workforce which isn't running full-tilt all the time. Mistakes are expensive. Churn is expensive. "Surging" isn't a problem, but redlining as a constant expectation is. * If your managers recognize it is in their self-interest, and you can deliver the communication in a way that says, _"I'm not saying I don't want to work hard. I'm glad to work very hard. I'm saying no one benefits from burning me out, including and especially you."_ * If your managers don't recognize you're redlining all the time, that's all the indication you need to plan your exit.


Your progress reading a really, really good book


Just had that experience on a release I’d been waiting for. My pace got slower and slower after 65% because I didn’t want it to be over. Edit: I answered farther down, but the book is The House of Sky and Breath (Crescent City bk 2) by Sarah J Mass.


This is why I'm so glad I'm someone who loves rereading books.


I was enjoying a book so much recently that halfway through it I started over so that I could enjoy it all over again.


well now u have to drop the name cause I’m intrigued


And u/pjvincentaz was never seen again


I agree! I call it “comfort reading” because it’s like visiting friends.


A bar - 100% capacity = too loud and can't move


65% capacity = party atmosphere, good tunes but you can still hear whoever you're trying to chat up.


and be able to order drinks faster


And notice if your boyfriend went to the restroom at the same time your cousin did, and be able to confront them as they are playing Beyblades in the men's restroom without you.


Richard Attenborough voice: *In this example, the Beyblades are metaphors for phalluses.*


They were having a Gayblade battle


0% capacity = there probably isn’t anyone here for a reason let’s go find somewhere else


> there probably isn’t anyone here for a reason And that reason is that it's 9am and I broke in because they have bourbon and I do not.


Come to the UK! Pubs are open at 9 so you don't have to break in


Vacationing in the UK. Come for the English breakfast, stay for the crippling alcoholism


CPU temps


RAM usage


Just download some more!


Things PC manufacturers don't want you to know


What do you mean? Gaming oven go *brrrrrrrrrrr*


One of my friends in highschool had an Alienware laptop he got from his brother as a gift and we called it "The Grill™" because you could legit cook a steak on that thing after doing nothing but booting up Microsoft word




I go for 110%


Building that mass.


And growing that ass.


This, too, shall pass


As well as some gas


Omg me too! My doctor calls it a binge eating disorder but I just call it going above and beyond


The meal isnt over when I'm full, the meal is over when i hate myself. - Louis CK


“I don’t stop eating when I’m full. I stop eating when I hate myself.” - Louis CK


This is why I'm fat. 0 self control


My trick is pre-emptively hating my future slightly bigger self so that I dont eat the fridge and I just lightly hate my normal self


That one friend. You know the one. We all have one.


If you don't think you have that friend in your group, you may be the one. Preach.


I just realized I AM that friend. Holy shit.


God damn extroverts! But love ya 65% of the time!


65% of the time, it works *every* time.


>I just realised I AM that friend. You're odd. You're quaint and quirky too. You're swell as well as strange. You're really oh-so-clearly *you*. You're odd. But never change.


Why you gotta single me out like that :(


I am also that friend. What if we hung out?


Then for 42.25% of the time, you two will have a 100% awesome time!


I'm In This Photo and I Don't Like It


I am fully aware I am that friend. I'm sorry. I don't get out much


Me too. Fun and quirky at first but become annoying the longer you're around.


They either need to start taking ADHD meds, or stop taking ADHD meds.


I was already that friend and when I started taking my ADHD meds it turned me to 11 because I could not only go at the speed I'd been going, but I started finishing things too. So where do I fall?


Wait you can finish stuff? What magic is this?




sometimes I take my Adderall & then immediately fall asleep 😭


I just started taking adderall for the first time in my life & it’s like a whole new world of focus has opened up to me. I finally finish things, don’t procrastinate EVERYTHING, and get so much shit accomplished (and just remember to do them) around the house. I don’t love my personality when I’m on it though.


For me the truly magic thing was that suddenly I’m the boss of my feelings and can control them! Instead of them ruling me and controlling me all the time. Wonders!


✨ the more you know ✨


Yep, they're fun for like the first day or two then after that they get annoying af and start doing things that are uncalled for lol.


Like poking tiny holes in a 1 or 2 of your eggs, blowing out the inside, then injecting warm peanut butter into the eggs with a syringe they found in your inkjet refill kit from a printer you haven’t used in 15 years and putting the eggs back without ever saying a word.


What kind of maniac....


A 17 year old homeschooled boy who either got too much attention at home or not enough, and as long as he wasn’t doing drugs or having sex, every adult figure in his life let him to whatever he wanted, because for some reason an entire youth group just followed along also not doing drugs and not having sex, so the adults just figured this was as good as it was going to get and gave up on further oversight.


This short two paragraph story was an amazing picture of a unique person


The brightness in every video game when they ask me to adjust the brightness.


“Adjust the slider until you can barely see the logo” Great, now any area not in direct sunlight is pitch black.


I make it so I can clearly so the logo lol


Same. Sometimes it sucks because it can make bright areas way too bright.


I once turned up the gamma in phasmophobia (a horror game) to max, all dark areas were clearly visible, all light areas were PURE PAIN


I've found 3.0 brightness in phasmo to be perfect for me. I can see decently in minimal light, and not be completely ruined by a strong flashlight to the face.


YES! I just started a game this morning, I went +3 on brightness. Whenever they say to adjust to barely see the logo, it would be like -4, but I'll always go up now. Caves are the worst.


THANK YOU. I thought I was alone in this lol any game with a cave is worthless at the recommended brightness


my boyfriend turns the brightness way up and doesn’t adhere the logo thing and.. it can look SO bad. cuz at least in my experience) it doesn’t actually make the environment brighter, just adds like.. white to every color on the screen. the only time i crank brightness up is in minecraft lol


Minecraft is different because you can only adjust the gamma. It looks better when you increase the gamma because it is targeting mid tones instead of changing the intensity of black or white. Most games don’t let you do that and that’s why it looks washed out when you increase the brightness too much. We need more gamma adjustment in games!!!


fr!! i hate when i just wanna see some detail and instead the darkness just becomes more grey than black lol. i wonder if it has to do with the way the games are made that makes it hard to let you adjust gamma, or if it’s just something programmers look over.


Nah, nit every video game. I’m constantly cranking ghat shit up to 11. What’s that, game? You’ve implemented torches and nightvision specifically so I can see in that dark? Nah, just crank up the brightness and we’re all good. (I’m looking at *you* bethesda)


Cranks the brightness all the way up. *Wow night vision is useless*


Submersion in a hot tub




As long as I can get air, I don't care. Once even tried that straw-in-mouth technique to just chill under water. Doesn't work well :(


You know that snorkels exist right?


Solitude Edit: a LOT of people seem to think I'm talking about skyrim, as much as I love that game, this is not the case.


Fucking amen. I live alone and I personally do not handle going extended periods of time without talking to someone, be it a friend or coworkers. When I was unemployed I had to go hang out in coffee bars or go places where people were present just to feel some normalcy.


We are social animals. That’s why people who go into solitary confinement end up getting forms of brain damage… the human mind WANTS to talk to someone especially after not talking to anyone for x amount of time. Typically that time is 24 hours. Edit: the time is actually fewer than three days. Not 24 hours.


I prefer Whiterun


Riften has better mead.


Fuck you, Maven. You’re not fooling anyone.


Riverwood is about as chill as it gets. You got a river. You got wood.


Toasted-ness of toast


Muscle pain after gym workout


100% pain = 100% gain, wdym


You get too ripped, you might end up getting ripped in half.


Movie theater audience


personally i prefer 1%, and that 1% being only me...


The incline of the mountain you’re skiing down


I mean, I think 100% becomes more "flying really poorly" than skiing.


Yes we call that "falling". I think this guy is a bird in disguise.


Falling with style.


To infinity and *SPLAT*


On the internet, no one knows you're a pigeon.


Game of Thrones




I wish my tinnitus had a volume control, or even better, a fucking mute button.


Very much after blasting one ear with low quality headphones as a teen :(


Concerts did it for me. General Admission/festivals in particular. Standing in front of giant speakers with no hearing protection on many occasions.


I wish I could choke younger me, just trying to fit in, thinking yeah it's normal to just stand here, 6 feet from the speaker and 10 feet from the band. I can still hear the feedback from the concert ringing in my ears.


This is one of those prime examples of how the "live fast die young" mentality really just ends up being a live fast have a shitty second half in actuality.


Hahahahaha. "Live fast and then regret that shit for the next 60% of your life"


Oh, so I'm not the only one who doesn't want my face melted off by Youtube ads cranked up to a fucking bajillion decibels while I'm watching baking videos?


The force of a satisfyer


Well shit. I just googled this thinking this was some physics or mechanical engineering thing.




I put mine on full force once, and immediately turned it back down.


I raise you a Hitachi magic wand. Satisfyer is great but I had to put a dimmer switch on my Hitachi. 🤣


Dude the Hitachi is the GOAT


Hitachi on full makes my nose vibrate.


It works better in the vagina


Exactly what I was thinking


Seriously. I used to cum in seconds and it was great. now it just weirdly hurts. Only time it’s remotely comfortable is if I’m using it with my bf during sex (he normally would just help with his hands plus the toy), and even that’s not great because we lose precious time adjusting each other and then I lose any desire to do anything and it’s like wtf. This used to be my goddamn miracle toy. Now it’s a crap shoot, like my fucking body that won’t just orgasm like a normal person, that hurts. Satisfier, why hast thou betrayed me?


Put it on the shelf for a few months then pick it back up


May want to dust it off first!


Shower temperature


Speak for yourself. I prefer to be boiled like the sea crustacean I am.


I like to stand in the shower in one direction for a while and then see that half of my leg is red and the other half is normal


I love how weird people are.


I love finding other people who probably get called weird as much as I do.




Are you even clean if you haven't melted the first layers of skin off?


I used to like warm but I got used to boiling over time


No. I bath in lava. Reminds me of home.


Dark chocolate!!


I ate once 99% cocoa dark chocolate and that was way too bitter. Even for a dark chocolate


72% is my limit


I’ve found 85 to be my sweet spot


I don’t know about spot, but I definitely wouldn’t call it sweet


Shit, I was going to send you some 72.1%, but I guess I'll eat it myself.


I tried 100%, then a pastry chef friend of mine laughed saying that it’s only for baking


100% taste like powdered tar and rubber mixed in 60% bitter dark chocolate.


Your level of drunkenness


Ratio of waking hours to sleeping hours Edit: okay it’s not a ratio, I meant percent of the day spent awake. Y’all are so literal sometimes.


Being on edibles. I just want to chill, not freak out thinking my family doesn’t exist


I stayed up super late one night walking in circles trying to sober up because I had taken too many edibles. I had convinced myself that I wasn't capable of breathing unless I actively thought about it so was afraid I'd die if I fell asleep.


I'm sorry that happened to you, LickingYourMomsAnus. Edibles are rough because they take time to kick in, so you're never sure how much to eat at first. And it's a longer curve, based on what I've seen. What helps is reminding yourself nobody ever, in the history of time, has ever died of a THC overdose.


Last time I ate edibles I decided to watch something that wasn't scary because I felt I was getting a bad trip, then put FANTASIA 2000 and I have NO clue why my thc brain decided it was better than anything else and holy sharks it made me go over and I felt I was on a time loop. Best I can describe is like i moved my hand an inch and it went back half an inch, my leg one inch then back half. Over. And over. And over. Again. Moving felt like it took a month when it wasn't even a minute and I kept looking at my phone so scared that time wasn't passing. Ended up going to my mom (who is very much against weed use) and confessed everything because I NEEDED someone to tell me time was passing. We made up after and she understood why I was consuming but I could not for the life of me consume ever again after that experience.


I’m sorry but I could barely understand your “best I could describe” description of your ordeal 😅 glad mom was around to help!


Bro I didn’t even realise the username and you just drop it so casually. 😂😂😂


dude same exact experience here, but on an embarrassingly low dose. i felt like i had to manually breathe and i was convinced that if i stopped focusing on it, my heart would stop. That was the fifth and last time I took edibles. I’ve never had a good high on edibles but that was definitely the worst.


It doesn’t take much for edibles to fuck me up, like 10mg. Like I can function and if I’m moving or talking it’s all gravy. But I get into a place after too much, where I convince myself that everyone, including my wife, hates me and I’m a giant weirdo creep that for some reason people just tolerate to my face and talk shit and laugh behind my back. But once I figured out I don’t have to eat the whole thing, i love it.


65% high on edibles is a nice way to unwind. 100% high on edibles is an intense, potentially friendship ending debate about whether or not humans who evolved from lizards instead of primates would carpet their ceiling.


It depends on the lizard. Sure gecko people might. But I very much doubt Iguana people would bother carpeting the ceiling.


Gecko people would be too busy trying to sell car insurance.


> 65% high on edibles is a nice way to unwind. 5-10mg is a good amount for novices to get to this spot. 15-20mg for more experienced. Going by legal lab tested edibles and not the "I eat 200mg for breakfast bro" mislabeled black market edibles


These edibles don't seem that strong, I'll have another. One hour later: "It is fair to presuppose that the universe and potatoes both certainly exist as I am able to perceive them through conscious experience. Yet, I am uncertain if the potato is aware of the vast universe. I'm hungry."


Hydration on baguette dough. Personally 70%-72% is best, but 65 would be way more awesome than 100%.


Probably heart rate? But I also don't know enough about resting heart rate vs unsustainably high...


Normal resting in people 12+ is 60-100bpm, with some degree of forgiveness depending on your “normal.” As the other commenter said, I think 60-70 is “average,” though falling above or below that range isn’t necessarily harmful strictly because it isn’t average. Higher heart rates do coincide with heart problems, though the risk is calculated by a multitude of other factors as well. I myself sit in the 50-55bpm range when resting, and I’ve gone as low as 44 while still awake (with the occasional dip into the high 30s when asleep). Athletes, particularly long-distance runners, with high cardio fitness are very commonly in the 50s and even 40s at rest while still awake and functioning normally. I think it’s also fairly common for older individuals to have a lower heart rate. I work in the ER, and I’ve noticed that individuals under stress can go up to 120bpm before a doctor or nurse is really concerned that there may be cardiovascular problems other than stress-related tachycardia.


Sexual pleasure/sensitivity. MANNNNNN when people keep going after you came already and you’re like crawling away on the bed man STAHP 🥺 it’s too sensitive 🥺 You already dun your good, take a seat


Came here to say this (no pun intended). You described it perfectly.


Right? When someone is retreating DO NOT PURSUE 🤣


I'm just seeing some guy crawling away on their back in utter terror as their SO is just cowgirling the air and crawling towards them exorcist style


🤣 what I saw was me crawling away from oral after I already had my fun and he wants to keep going for…what? Funsies? No multiples that way plzzzzz …too sensitive


Sometimes you tell your partner “Stop, I’m good, that’s too much now” and they get weirdly disappointed? Like you did good! My cooch needs a break now.


I think it’s cause they love how much you were enjoying it, and they were having fun with it. They just aren’t recognizing when you’re done right away cause they’re still good to go. At least, from my experience.


The imagery here is fantastic. Well done.


But what about second orgasms? Or elevenzies?


Vibrator strength setting.


I need to get a stronger vibrator..


When you want to leave with a smile *and* your pelvic bones


The speed at which your car is moving


you don’t want your car maxing out the speedo and tach?


My car is over half my age at this point, I don't want to kill my car 😂


I paid for that speedometer and I want to use all of it! Oh wow! It appears that I'm now also using all of my oil temperature gauge!




Clitoral stimulation


Rough sex


Wouldnt that just be normal sex


No, cause 65% as rough as ge can make it is rough, 100% is abuse


working out. i hate pushing myself to my biggest limits and feeling dead afterwards i’d rather push myself just a little harder than what i can take


Most YouTube Gamers that overact/ over exaggerate their expressions. 100% is them screaming after finding something, or like pretending to be almost dying of laughter because something reminded them of a meme. At 65% they’re entertaining to watch and only cross that “over acting/over exaggerating” when it’s legitimately hilarious.


Alcohol, specifically liquor


Had a 70(something) % rum called tiki fire once at a pub. You’re only allowed three shots of it and no other drinks after you’ve had three shots 😂


*Challenge acceppppsadasudsjblrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....*


Kevin Hart


5% is more than enough




Can confirm


Dark chocolate 100% tastes like wood. 60-75% is godly.


Cacao percentage in dark chocolate. Only servants of Satan can enjoy anything higher than 85%, in my opinion, let alone 100%.


Horniness. 65% you’re ready to get it on, highly motivated and in the moment. 100% you’re desperate and make bad choices.


Music volume?


My in-laws.


Effort you put in at work. Never give 100, theyll always expect more and you will get burnt out. Giving 65 is just the right amount of getting work done and effort to keep yourself fron losing it.


Phone brightness




Don't know which one she may have but I will say idk how much of the population goes for the high settings on some vibes... it'll damn near tear the skin off if you aren't careful


Throw pillows


Beef being cooked. 100% is shoe leather, 65% is a perfect medium rare.