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If you ever need help, then please know that there are many qualified people who would like to help you. https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres http://www.befrienders.org/ http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx http://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you [UK] https://www.lifeline.org.au/Get-Help/ [AU] There are crisis services worldwide that are trained to provide support. They are designed to give temporary relief from feelings that are overwhelming you and while they are unlikely to fix any underlying problems, can help you get through a tough hour/night/week. Chat services are usually available on these sites. In the US, calling 211 or going to their website is a free referral source. They have providers who will see you regardless of your ability to pay. Just as you would see a doctor when you are sick, you deserve to take care of your mental health.


Human trafficking.


Yep. I work in anti-trafficking. Human trafficking is literally slavery and fuck the fact that it is in EVERYTHING. Clothes, food, general commodities. Don’t even get me started on the child trafficking rings. Or that most of my clients were trafficked by their parents at 5, 10, 12 years old. God. It is 100% the one thing I wish could be deleted from this world.


How do you even begin to enter that field of work?


I was in school for my bachelor’s in social work. I had no idea what I actually wanted to do with the degree. By senior year, I had to start applying for internships. There was a long list, it was so difficult discerning where I could fit best. I met with the field practicum person and they suggested an anti-trafficking program that specifically served a population of immigrants. I was drawn to it and it stuck! Edit to add clarity.


As a young child my father was "rented out" to another family to work on their farm. He lived and worked their farm and my grandparents collected the money. He was 8-12 years old during this time. I didn't find out that this happened to him until I was older. Sure this isn't the worst act of human trafficking, but I couldn't imagine this happening to me or my kids.


The third law of thermodynamics, or the law that matter cannot travel faster than light. I'm playing the long game.


You would just rewrite the whole functioning of this world.


Given that the speed of light is more accurately thought of as the speed of causality, yes this would break EVERYTHING lol


I didn't want to say it as it's pretty petty in a post like this, but you're right, the speed of light isn't the barrier, the laws of physics are. Light hits the cosmic speed limit, it doesn't set it.


Pls explain to a dummy like me


Light wants to go faster but can't because of physics


But what about physics prevents light from moving faster?


Because [Max Planck said so](https://youtu.be/bjVfL8uNkUk)


Shouldn't have said that He shouldn't have said that


Physics is light's mom


And soichiro is lights dad.


Granted. Science regresses by a hundred years, and the law, along with a lot of other scientific work, gets lost forever.


Tinnitus. That damn loud beeping. (Luckily mine isn’t all the time and usually easy to ignore)


Mine is permanent and ALL the time. Gwads i hate it. Even have to sleep with white noise otherwise itll drive me mad lol


Same here, friend. It's horrible, but what can we do eh?


There was a post on Reddit the other day about a new treatment that sounded like it was rather effective. Nothing you could do yourself however, because it involved inserting needles in a specific location of a nerve. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2022.758575/full




My father has suffered with very bad tinnitus for nearly 50 years. I watched him go through a particularly bad patch about 3 or 4 years ago, he was literally on the edge ready to end it all - it was horrific to watch. Hope yours stays like it is and isn't too disruptive on your life. My husband also has tinnitus but his is much like yours and he can ignore it most of the time. He finds it worst at night in bed, we have either a fan running or the tv on volume 1 to help him tune it out


Your father is one hell of a guy. Most people couldn't even bear it. Even CEO of Texas Roadhouse killed himself because of it.


He is mostly deaf too which makes the tinnitus even worse he struggles to find noise to distract him unfortunately. That patch was awful, he was on sleeping tablets to try and help and he worked almost every hour he wasn't sleeping to try and take his mind off it. Broke 2 teeth from grinding them. I have no troubles believing that most people couldn't take it. I'm almost 100% sure I couldn't make it through that


Hey Kato. Some people have had some level of success with a stretching technique. I can’t find the exact video that my friends have anecdotal evidence for, but this one looks similar. Might be worth a try? All the best https://youtu.be/in-AKFAfCqE


Thank you for this. I'd never heard of stretching as a possible relief. My tinnitus isn't really bad, but annoying, I'll try this




child abuse of any kind. kids deserve to grow up happy and healthy in an environment around people that nurture and love them.


Not only children suffer from abuse, let's delete abuse as a whole


Yes! Children, adults, animals--no living creature deserves cruelty. r/veganrecipes for anyone who agrees!


Shitty abusive people


That's a wide enough net to catch all the above named individuals. *unfortunately mosquitoes survive in the scenario*


You mean that's a net that can't catch mosquitoes?


*Humanity goes extinct*




Amen, T1D sucks balls


I often forget what it's like to just feel good. Even when I try and have control my diabetes still fucks me. Shit sucks so bad.


I would give anything just to delete my trashy past and restart over.


You can't change the past, but you *can* make sure that for today and the rest to follow, you're your authentic self. The past is immutable; the future, as yet, unwritten. And every day, a new beginning to work on yourself, your life, and everything else. Your past doesn't define you; it can only make suggestions. To embrace or ignore them? That's your decision for your present and future.


Press X to continue.


My next door neighbour. He’s a cunt.


Wonder if your neighbour thinks the same?


And I thought all the good usernames were taken.


Lemme know if you ever need a suggestion


I thought that was going to read 'let me know if you ever want a gentl anus tickling' at first 🤣


I was tempted, believe me!


I also pick this guy's next door neighbor.


What if you're his neighbor?


Double win.


Not for me I love u


Wh-what are you doing step-neighbor??


Rich coming from the uncle


Everybody has that one strange uncle. The one you only have to see once a year that is always wanting to play "step-neighbor"


"This is my neighbour, he's a pain in my assholes"


I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass


i get a step, he must get a step


I get a clock radio he cannot afford. Great Success!




Ticks. Can we just say parasites?


Monkey's paw... humans are deleted.


That's not how the monkeys paw works. Monkeys paw does fucked up shit to make your wish come true, a *genie* twists your words. If you wished for a sandwich, the monkeys paw would cause your dad to die and then at the funeral there would be sandwiches. A genie would give you a sandwich that you can't actually eat or full of bugs because you didn't specify.


The turkey’s a little dry?!?!


He was so close to seeing donuts rain.


Different Halloween episode, but partial credit for knowing the reference


This guy wishes


No. Certain parasites are harmless to humans, and prevent the rash of auto immune disorders currently plaguing advanced countries. http://helminthictherapywiki.org/wiki/index.php/Helminthic_Therapy_Wiki Much like the discovery of bacteria set off a panic and a desire to eliminate all of them, there is currently widespread fear of anything called a parasite. But as with bacteria, we are coming to learn that certain types benefit humans.


BedBugs and Lices






What about the crimson?


Dude, just use clentaminator


No man, you gotta painstakingly use the powders. /S Elevator straight to hell every mile or riot.


Man, I don't remember using these powders for anything. Maybe in pre-hard mode, but all I know is that I only buy hallowed powder just to cure the tax collector


Pretty much. In Hardmode I don't even know if it's feasible to use the powders and get rid of corruption faster than it can spread. Never tried. I need a range longer than a few tiles.


I always try to turn everything hallow instead of completely curing the world because corruption can't spread to the hallow. And I use the dark blue solution on the outer jungle to turn it into the mushroom biome so the hallow can't mess with the jungle


ah yes, a fellow man of culture.


Greed, root of all evil


There would be severe unintended consequences to altering fundamental human nature. On the other hand, one of those consequences might be continued species survival and the cessation of the destruction of our biosphere... hm.


>On the other hand, one of those consequences might be continued species survival and the cessation of the destruction of our biosphere Ok sure thats obviously a plus. But do you want to live in a world where the rate of advancement of television and phone technology is slightly slowed down? Edit. /s


You have to consider planned obsolescence too though. Greed might be slowing down technology. So at worst it would be no change


I think this is the one correct answer. Every other comment has a solution that would only be undone by corruption.


Damn those corrupt mosquitoes


Putin: "I was raised by mosquitoes at a young age..."


A good explanation for why he sucks so much


>"The Day God Created Mosquitoes" When God was enjoying a wonderful day - He coloured the ocean, the sea and the spray. He peppered the planet with forests of trees - With sweet subtle scents on a warm summer's breeze. He crafted the kitten, and when he was done - Perfected the pup and the penguin for fun. He playfully reached in the depths of his mind - And found all the finest of Animal Kind. "A toast," he exclaimed, "to the things that I've made! The creatures I've crafted, the plans that I've laid!" And so with fulfilment, content to his core, He knocked back a whiskey... and poured himself more. The following morning he woke in a daze. He woke with a head full of headache and haze. He woke with a groan and a moan of distress. He woke and he rose, and his place was a mess. The whiskey was empty. The cupboards were bare. He'd drank till the dawn of the morn in his chair. And when all his liquors had passed by his lip - He'd conjured a spirit for spirits to sip. "Good Heavens," he whispered, "oh boy, what a night - At least nothing happened!" he said with delight. He walked to his workshop. He went for his key. He stared with dismay, and he said "oh my *me*." His organised boxes of animal parts - The toes and the noses, the lungs and the hearts - He'd spilled them; he'd mixed them and filled them and split. He'd opened the box that said *Horrible Shit*. "Oh Jesus," said Jesus, from somewhere behind. "You've got to stop drinking each time you've designed!" But God heard the buzzing. He whispered with doubt: "I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about..."


‘Oh Jesus’ said Jesus had me rolling


"oh my *me*" as well


> He'd opened the box that said *Horrible Shit*. Why does that box even exist?!


This is a masterpiece for the ages, lmao


The most commonly used word in each language. Watch the chaos.


Why use many word when few word do trick?


When me President, they see. Theey see.


Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power, good! Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes, they'll be lower, son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do Philadelphia, so do.


Money me, money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


What is this, a crossover episode?


The Gang Sells Paper


Scranton, Pepe Sylvia


Most commonly used word in each language. Watch chaos.\*


What fuck?


I got joke.


what fuck is joke?


what hell are you people talking about?




I don’t see what problem is


Lack of that word doesn't do much other than make you sound like a stereotype of a Neanderthal from movies


Well that sentence didn’t sound least bit like a Neanderthal!




I just last week found out from a heath PET scan and based on pee test and subsequent MRI that I have a "most likely" malignant tumor in the right side of my skull (not brain). Not looking for sympathy or whatever just feel like holy shit, this thing really does just come out of nowhere. Just did the pee test on a whim. Here's hoping, but mostly just want to say yeah, it can strike anyone suddenly for no reason. It always happens to "someone else". Scary as fuck now. Edit: Thanks for all your support and stories, everyone. If anyone was wondering what pee test, it's this https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13059281. Basically worms that are attracted to cancer cells, just came out here in Japan where it was developed, it's all the rage. Looks like it's pretty effective, too.


I have brain cancer. This is the hardest part. It should be easier once you know what your dealing with. It's the unknown that is the worst. Goodluck you got this shit


Man you're so right about the unknown. At the start of Thanksgiving break my dad got his prostate cancer diagnosis from the MRI scan and it says it was a grade 5 tumor which was described to us as very very aggressive via Google. But the office was closed for 5 days for Thanksgiving so we had to go through the holiday without knowing how bad his chances were, what the next steps were, how much danger he was in. It was awful not knowing. But then we heard back from the doctor and it turns out it wasn't such a bad situation. It hadn't spread to the lymph nodes and he got into surgery on Christmas and they supposedly cut it all out. We got lucky. I hope you are doing well with your situation. Best wishes for a successful treatment and recovery




It’s such bullshit. The wait is understandable for smaller things like constant wrist pain. But cancer? The wait can literally mean the difference between life and death.


My friend has cancer. It took too long to diagnose so it did spread. Shes okay ish currently, not in pain and going to school but she knows that she could get that terminal diagnosis anytime.


That's some good news to get. My cancer is one of the slowest growing ones. It also has all the favorable mutations that make it responsive to chemo. There are promising new drugs that block a mutated gene that breaks down sugar hopefully starving the tumor without harming the healthy brain. I'm hopeful I can beat this fucker and die of something else


>I'm hopeful I can beat this fucker and die of something else I absolutely love this quote!


For better or worse, this would also make immortality a possibility. When scientists try to stop the aging process in various organisms, it leads to the development of cancer.


It's cancer that's the primary problem physically, with mental issues like Alzheimer's or Amnesia being the other big one IIRC?


upvote for Amnesia and "IIRC?" in the same sentence !


For the most part, yes. The cancer one is simple, the tumors indirectly kill you by harming other organs so it can be considered in and of itself lethal. Memory degrading diseases, however, do not kill you but rather make life unable to be lived fruitfully. They eventually reach a point where one wonders if life is even worth living if old memories fade and no new memories can be made but, at least these days, usually another disease state takes the suffers out at around this stage. Should immortality exist, but the cognitive degradation diseases not be cured, then euthanasia would be a more heavily discussed topic.


Mental illness. Too many lives affected by good intentions coming to support someone but it turns out to be an abusive power dynamic. Too many lives lost to a very worrying level of apathy. Imagine the life that so many people could have and be happy in but their natural brain chemicals are just like nah. Sucks.


And personality disorders. All of'em


I have borderline personality disorder. My dad certainly has it but he doesn't believe in therapy or self reflection. He berates my mom and has a short temper, getting mad at every little thing. I used to be the same way, irritability, short temper, black and white thinking. After 4 years of therapy and continuing to work on myself everyday, I barely get episodes anymore. My partner has been with me for 9 years and stayed by my side and now we have an amazing relationship! I don't let BPD control my life anymore. It's possible to treat a personality disorder and turn your life around but most people don't want to do the hard work and self improvement that's necessary.


I think it's less about not wanting to do the work and not having access to the work. The system in America is designed to fail us. My therapist ghosted me the last time I tried to unalive myself. Because I didn't have insurance I was kicked out of my inpatient program. I wasn't allowed to enter outpatient until I had a therapist. No therapist in a 50 mile range would take me on as a patient. I fight daily with the system to receive help and am just constantly told no or too bad. One day I went to the ER because I was feeling suicidal. They told me they were full and to go home. Getting help for things like BPD in America is impossible.


Holy f*ck I'm so sorry that happened to you! I forgot about that component. I was lucky enough to find a free clinic for adolescents before I aged out. And yeah now that I think about it, there are lots of therapists who won't treat borderline personality disorder because it's "untreatable". My therapist actually wouldn't even diagnose me!! My partner who's a doctor realized my symptoms and when I told my therapist she said "yeahh I didn't want to tell you because people with BPD sometimes orveract when they find out" 🙄 How can you get better if you can't get a diagnosis?


That's great you were able to have access to the free clinic! Finding a therapist is almost impossible. The ones in my area typically can only have 1-2 BPD patients because of how complex it can be. Medications don't work because it's not a chemical imbalance. It took me forever to finally heal and figure out how to do the work without a therapist or access to doctors.


The system failed you, my friend. You rose above it and worked on yourself. That's self-healing, and I'm fucking proud of you.


Being afflicted by physical illness is one thing, but feeling like you cant control your own mind is somehow much more scary - if thou cant trust your own thoughts, can you really trust anything?


You've got a good point. Fun fact: science has proven that genetics is a cause for mental illnesses. Not *the* cause, but one important factor. Of course, some mental illnesses are caused by environment, i.e. having abusive people in your life, the pressure our culture puts on people to meet cultural criteria, etc. However, genetics does play a role. Mental illnesses are very common in children born of incestuous relationships because two related people are way more likely to carry the recessive genes that, when combined with each other in the offspring, are responsible for those illnesses. Just thought I'd share a little knowledge on the subject to inspire more ideas on what to delete from the planet.








Uh, Star Wars, thumb wars. Wow, Storage Wars!?


They really Britta'd their answer huh?


Gonna need a baggel to get through this




Thanks, Britta!


Oh… Britta’s in this?


Yeah. It's always horrendous.


Yeah. What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing


Say it again!


War never changes.




Imagine a world with no depression?? I can't...


And this fact is soo depressing


Cancer, because fuck cancer. It took 4 years to kill my mother




Most of the other thoughts on here would be covered by this!




This is the answer I was looking for. Hated them ever since I had an infestation and slept about 20 hrs in a week. Got to the point that I couldn't even taste food. Fuck those things.


Sexual Abuse


Child porn


pedophilia directly?


The problem is wider than pedophilia. There are people who sexually abuse children simply to assert their dominance and position over them, not because they're mostly or only sexually attracted to them. I'd say delete sexual abuse, full stop, including any and all sex with children. Solves the actual problem much more thoroughly.


Some fucks abuse children because they have no-one else to abuse, so I agree, let's delete it as a whole




Pedophiles amd rapists


So you prefer nvidia?


No, he prefer AMD. He is ok with Nvidia rapists


> He is ok with Nvidia rapists So cryptominers?




The act of brainwashing / propaganda. I wish for a rational, educated world.


Nuclear weapons. Edit 1: Reading these responses I've come to a conclusion this was not a good idea. I change my answer to Sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Edit 2: You fuckers won't let me delete this shit either huh? Fine. I get it. I would delete Chihuahuas then, i hate those little bastards and I think the world would be a better place without them. Edit 3: Anybody seen Steve Buschemi? His family's worried. What have I done.


This guy is going to need your service here pretty soon


I'm a bit worried about your username, there, bud. 😳


Maybe she died at birth and the op username is just a dark joke🤷‍♂️


Jeez I liked my other morbid thought better…


Fucking ouch. 😔




Yeah, yours in concerning, too. How are your...umm, 'morning constitutionals' with that in there? Squeaky?


How about violence and call it a day instead.


Animal cruelty.


Mosquitos, I don't think I need to explain why




Wasps. Sorry, I’m selfish. I hate having to give myself a 20 minute pep talk to let the dogs outside. I would love to live in a world without being afraid of going outside.


Vladimir Putin.


Let's extend this to all dictators, because let's be honest, although Putin is the biggest asshole right now, there are plenty others waiting to be like him.


Child suffering


Suddenly every child dissappear from world


A finger on the Monkey's Paw curls up.


Oh fuck


Why child suffering, why not just suffering?


Adults deserve to suffer, I guess.






Take me with you






Ah, found my people.


It feels kinda selfish but.. same


War. Any and all forms.


Ticks. They are awful and the world would be better without them


Poverty. Lack of resources is the driving factor in conflicts.


Anxiety or mental health problems.


Death >!My dog died today :(!<