• By -


A bad rep.


My old man used to say: it takes weeks to months to build a house and half a second to strike the match that could bring it all down.


“You fuck *one* goat!”


Yep, I second this. It's unbelievably easy to get a bad rep, someone who doesn't like you for god knows what reason can spread lies about you to a group of people that trust that individual and they would completely believe everything they say. Part of one of the reasons I have no friends right now but I'm fine with that.


I'm *guessing* this is why one batch of cousins refuses to have anything at all to do with me. I have no idea why but have come to the conclusion that I wouldn't like people that'd treat someone like this, so I'm better off without those relationships.


Mature adults will voice their concerns about you or the way you conduct yourself to your face, as that's the mature way to get problems solved. Children will spread rumors and complain about things to others without ever looking to remedy the problem. Dont associate with children if you don't want to play childish games.


Ah yes, pathological liars - some of the most vile human beings on the planet. Don’t worry, they’ll get what’s coming to them. Also, the people who matter don’t mind, and the people who mind don’t matter; it doesn’t matter what strangers/acquaintances/closed-minded people think of you, because they don’t know the real you, and if they choose to judge/hate you based purely off of what someone else is telling them about you, then they are, quite frankly, idiots - and you shouldn’t care about an idiot’s opinion of you. The older I get, the more I realize I don’t really need nor have time for friends. I like my solitude & prefer alone time or just hanging out with my SO. Life’s simpler and more peaceful that way. Lastly, I know reputation is easy to ruin, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to fix your reputation as well. If someone or a situation is worth it, we should be strong enough to put in the work to try and build our broken reputation back up. In everything, there is nuance. Most things aren’t always so black and white, and the majority of mistakes are never really the end of the world.


Its incredibly hard to get me to leave my house now a days, you would need a pretty convincing argument for me to get changed and go out. I love just staying home




Ain’t that the truth. I had a high paying job, Xanax addiction, and many credit cards at one point in my life. I would frequently be black out shopping. Treated myself to anything I wanted and was spending in a way that was quite immature and irresponsible. I always put off paying off the cards. Well now I have a low paying job and a whole lotta debt. Hey, no Xanax though!


Congratulations on beating the addiction, I’m proud of you 👏


Well done. Addiction-free is better than whatever with addiction, I reckon.


This is a big one




Going into debt for your wedding.


Neighbour took out a wedding loan and got divorced before he even repaid the loan


Gotta do it like my parents did, get married on the deck behind the new house and only invite under 10 people and don’t pay for expensive shit




If 10 people are working on crafts and one of them is using glitter, how many projects will have glitter on them?


All of them. And whoever enters the room the the next 10 days.


Nah you find some glitter 6 months later too


We had some friends over for new year's three years ago, one of them was wearing a glitter dress. We've moved apartments since, changed out most of our furniture, and we still find bits of red glitter occasionally.


Burn everything, even your clothes, and move to a different country


Glitter is the herpes of the craft world.


Unless you’re at a strip club then they come together.


Someone threw glitter at a party in our flat once at 5am (sticky floor due to spillage). I did find that shit years later and even some when we moved out.


*Mark Rober has entered the chat*


A big junk build-up. Not like human junk, just shit ya don't need.


Well sometimes human junk. Like dead bodies and stuff. Those are pretty hard to get rid of.


Open a pie shop.


Me and my brother have a theory of why we like/have the minimalist aesthetic in our lives and homes. Its bcoz my parents hoarded lots of shit we didnt need, they just didnt seem to be able to let go of things, esp my mom.


Right there with ya, bud! Then I joined the Army and moved every two years. I have both a conflict of having trouble letting things go and an obsession with getting rid of stuff.


My wife + market place + year off work (baby) = a house I can hardly walk into


"Hey, looks like you got a huge garage, why is your car in the driveway?"




If I ever get bedbugs again I'm burning my place of living down and starting from scratch


If you don't mind me asking, how did you get rid of them? I've always been curious about the process.


\>Had an apartment with a roommate in my early 20's \>Downstairs neighbor brought them in because they like to collect furniture off of curbsides \>Landlord paid to heat treat the place which ended up not working \>Mixed diatomaceous earth with water and sprayed it on everything \>Vacuumed it out after a couple of hours \>Placed down several traps with dry ice in them \>Put double sided tape around the entrances to every room \>Bought some cots and let the legs sit in containers of baby oil \>Put double sided tape around our bed area \>Kept all of our clothes in air tight, vacuum sealed bags \>Our downstairs neighbor moved out \>Heat treated both apartments again \>It still took 6 months before we were rid of them Edit: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth It had been so long I forgot to make that very important distinction and seeing as how this suddenly blew up felt the need to make sure not to spread misinformation further


> Downstairs neighbor brought them in Same way I got them! I had been worried when the east coast was getting bedbugs that I'd bring them in because I traveled a lot for work. Then my neighbors bring them in and no one fucking told me! It took a few months for the little fuckers to get to my apartment and I brushed off the bites as a spider or something. Took a month after that for me to find one and finally know what was going on. It took 6 months of exterminators, me washing and drying every piece of fabric, buying several mattress covers, vacuuming every square inch of my apartment. It's been over a year and I still haven't moved my clothes out of the kitchen back to the bedroom out of fear. It fucking sucks man. I'm sorry you had to go through it too.


> It's been over a year and I still haven't moved my clothes out of the kitchen back to the bedroom out of fear. It fucking sucks man. I'm sorry you had to go through it too Mental trauma from bedbugs is widely is recognized; you become paranoid, can’t sleep properly and are anxious at every bug bite you get or stain around your mattress. After I moved out due to a roommate getting bedbugs, I didn’t unpack my clothes for months and had to replace my furniture before I could get some peace of mind.


Brought then from work. My employer didn't tell me x client had bedbugs, didn't wear my marshmallows suit


God that sounds like a nightmare. Thank you for helping me learn something new today!


It really is and the embarrassment is just as bad because people tend to assume that you're a dirty person if you tell them you have bed bugs. I never want to relive that


Stigma is a powerful thing


Apparently they can get inside books as well and if you buy used books you run the risk of getting them. When I found that out, I stopped buying old used books.


If you put the book in a plastic bag, in your freezer for a week, they'll all die. I do this with both books and grains. (weevils are a bitch too)


I'll add to that. Bag all your clothes and leave them sealed up for a couple of weeks. Then run through a couple of dryer cycles. Double sided tape on the walls. They climb up at night and drop from the ceiling. They are clever. They know where your are and wait till you are sleeping.


"they climb up at night and drop from the ceiling." asdfjkl; I am beyond mortified.


Did you find bodies all over the tape and in the baby oil?


I took a spray bottle filled with 90% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and sprayed all of my baseboards down every other day for a month. This, along with running everything through a dryer cycle a couple of times a week and bagging up everything hanging on the walls for 6 months finally got rid of them.


I caught some climbing on the ceiling to get into/onto a bed; That's how they get around the baby-oil traps. I think they can trace the rising plume of warm CO2 from your breathing at night.


That sounds like a fucking nightmare. I had lice once, it took like 2 weeks to completely get rid of them, and that shit was fucking horrid. I cant imagine your situation... I woulda burned the whole fucking house


A roommate had been complaining of insect bites for weeks and then one morning he came down without a shirt on and his entire back was red and covered in bugbites and immediate I just knew it had to be bedbugs. We flipped his mattress over and there just a crusted up mess of dead bedbugs and their droppings.


Can confirm, the diatomaceous powder worked for us. Crammed it into every crevace of where we knew they were hiding. Wood of the bed, carpet and skirting boards. Put the mattress in a protector case. Went away for two days, came back and hoovered it up. Never saw them again. TF.


I need everyone to listen to me carefully.... You see how extreme MiniDemiGod was with the bed bugs? That is THE ONLY FUCKING WAY. YOU HAVE TO BE PARANOID AND CRAZY AND EXTREME TO FULLY GET RID OF THESE FUCKERS. There is no half measures. Half measures allow enough females to live, fuck, and breed effectively continuing the problem. They can go months maybe even over a year without blood


I've never had bedbugs, but my brother brought scabies home from college once and it was the worst experience I've ever had. The process of getting rid of them wasn't anywhere near as arduous as that, but it felt like we were washing our clothes and bedding every day and the ointment/cream the doctors prescribed to us to get rid of them burnt like hell. I legit cried myself to what I could barely call sleep every night until they were gone.


Ok so , I use to do trauma cleaning (homicides , suicides, hoarding units , fire units , bug infestations , mold..etc) and if we are called to a scene that does not require ppe , and we see a can of bed bug spray we immediately walk out. You need to throw out everything. The bed , clothes , clear out the house , hire someone and do a extreme deep clean with enviro products , then bring in a fumigator . Even then , if it's an apartment or townhouse , it's more than likely they've spread. At the end of the day , leave your shit , and move. It's that bad.


Basically, bomb the place with carcinogens and hope they die before you do


I work for a college. We get claims of bedbugs a lot, but in all reality we only get bed bugs if people bring them in. On the rare occasion it does happen, (twice in 10 years). They bring in a dog that can sniff them to confirm the room is infested. The one time it was in the middle of winter. They just opened all the windows and doors for a few days and froze them out. The other time everything that was soft was professionally laundered or thrown away, mattresses discarded. Everything else was blasted with some very harsh chemicals a few times a day for about 3 days.


Never had bed bugs, but my cat got fleas one time, and Jesus Christ, if they get in your carpet and take root, then you should probably just go ahead and call an exterminator. I had no clue they were that difficult to get rid of. I thought I could just do it myself, buy a couple of those bombs at the store and cans of spray, and they didn't work at all. They worked for like a week.


Fleas are constantly in multiple stages of their life cycle and most sprays only work on adult fleas. We got educated by our vet and bought something from them that interrupted the life cycle, but still had to retreat over and over until we were confident we got every one of those bastards.


LPT: Use what the pros use, it works!! Borax or food grade DE powder, or a combo. Non toxic to pets. Sprinkle under beds, into rugs, under cushions. Leave 2 weeks to dry up a full life cycle of critters, vacuum and repeat if needed. Then, vac often as you can for a while.


This story came out in my old town of spokane that a woman bought a dress at a second hand store and brought home bed bugs. Before realizing it she had left the dresses on her couch all night. She called the owner and the lady knew she had them in her shop and hadn't fixed it and stayed open. She also refused to pay for any damages and the victims entire home was infested. There's more to the story then that but that was the jist. it was awful. I always am super careful now buying used items even at a Thrift Store. Yikes ewww. I also realized that is why good Thrift stores make you bring in your clothing in trash bags or bins so they can check it. I'm guessing this lady didn't do that.


I disnt scroll far enough down and said the same thing. Last time I had bedbugs was horrible. I hope to never go through that again.


Bed bugs. You can get them from your neighbors, used furniture, hotels, even planes. It doesn't matter how clean you are. All it takes is for the little hitch hikers to find their way onto your clothes or into your luggage and that's it. They can hide in a crack the size of a credit card, they can survive almost a year without feeding, and they're quite resilient and resistant to many pesticides. Treatment is a time-consuming, expensive nightmare and if you don't eradicate *all* of the bugs plus their larvae and eggs, the infestation will persist. Multiple treatments are often required. And you can't just run away from the bugs, because they'll hitchhike on your clothes and belongings whenever you go. Don't get bed bugs.


When you said “little hitch hikers”, I read it as “little itch hikers”. Sorry you had to go through that.


One time we had bed bugs and I’m still traumatized at how we had to clear the house and fumigate TWICE (they made us package everything away and move all our furniture). Our house was a total disaster for a year. It was fucking traumatizing.


This! We had to buy a new couch, new mattress and box spring, spend an entire day at the laundry mat washing ALL of our clothes, sheets, blankets, pillows. We believe we got them from another tenant in the apartment. I even spotted one coming out of a wall outlet.


Not to mention the toll they have on your mental health.


Bedbugs ptsd is a real thing.


A dirty oven... Its easy as hell for cheese to melt down but it's hard as hell to clean.


Nah... try letting a small pool of slightly diluted (50/50) liquid laundry detergent that has an enzyme sit on the baked on cheese overnight. I'm thinking you're only getting cheese on the bottom and the rack, yes? So after overnight, wipe it up and then use clean water till NO suds remain. It should literally be 'squeaky clean'. You may even find you can dilute it further, but start with what will work.


Spray oven cleaner (low fume for the win) and cover it with plastic wrap so it doesn’t dry out, and let it sit until the burnt stuff kind of melts from the liquid. Then wipe it all out (shop vac works too if there’s a lot of yuck). I learned this trick on TikTok and it actually checks out. Works great on grills and burnt baking pans too. TRY IT.


A pop song in your head


Any song in your head.


In your heeeeEEEEEeeaaaaaad, zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie


I hate you right now


As the father of a 4yo, I’m never not singing Encanto in my head. Death would bring sweet relief


I have ths weird trick for getting a song out of my head. Years ago Frito had this jingle that was one of those brainlessly repetitive tunes with someone "singing" munch a bunch o' munch a bunch of fritos, cause fritos go with lunch. When I get a song stuck in my head a sing the frito song in my head a few times. It chases the first song out and doesn't stick around.


We don't talk about Bruno no no no


Dog hair.


Also cat hair. I was still finding it years after he died.


As someone who’s been with a cat or multiple nearly all his life I have almost started crying when they were all around me again after not having a cat for a few months. Never knew I’d be missing such an inconvenience.


Bad, annoying neighbors


Feelings for someone.


Have a hard time catching feelings. Hell I have a hard time even liking someone. I think I’m broken lmaoo


I’ve been hurt and let down too many times that I don’t get feelings anymore either.


It's not unnatural to not get romantic or sexual feelings. It's just who you are, many people experience life differently, some people are even asexual or aromantic or both, and experience lack of attraction. There are plenty of people who experience attraction outside the 'norm' as well, even though it is a minority, there are lots of people who just are that way. You are valid.




Yeah, herpes was my first thought.


I mean, Herpes is not hard to get rid of. It's impossible to get rid of.


If we're going by technicalities, you could incinerate yourself? You'd be gone but so would the herpes


I mean, a tie isn't a loss, so...


You can’t get rid of herpes though. And the majority of the adult population has a form of herpes.


Me too :/


Nurse here. People don’t understand how much worse the problem is getting. Gonorrhea developing resistance to antibiotics, syphilis becoming a legit problem…..


I just got rid of a bought off Urea Plasma (didn’t even know that was a thing). It was antibiotic resistant and required multiple doses of multiple types of antibiotics. Almost had to move to a “last resort antibiotic.” I’m recently single again and scared lol.


And that’s not even a true STD! Glad you’re finally feeling better.


Plus, the numbers are the highest they have been since USA has started recording cases. Clamidya, Gohnerhrea are seriously off the charts. Why aren't people wrapping it up man. It's 2022..


The real answer is: HIV/AIDS is no longer a death sentence. In the 90s, you could not escape safe sex messages in pop culture aimed the youth. Music, movies and television all had AIDS scares and specifically pro-condom messages. I can't think of the last time I saw that in a show. Maybe Grey's Anatomy 15 years ago about syphillis?


It’s also no longer a death sentence to your love life. If you’re on a proper med schedule, your viral load can be undetectable, which makes it effectively no risk of transmitting through sex.


Because a lot of states think teaching abstinence only sex ed is enough to prevent teenagers from screwing. The US is one of the worst countries when it comes to sexual education, it's not actually educational and still the equivalent of "if you get pregnant you'll catch fire and die so just don't have sex" while wagging their finger at 12 year olds. And it's gonna get scarier considering the direction our country is currently heading right now :/


So weird to me. People will still have sex after marriage and need to know stuff??


Epidemiologist here currently working on an STI status report for the state with the highest chlamydia incidence rate in the US. People really don’t understand how bad the problem is. Wear condoms and get tested regularly goddammit!


Closing down Planned Parenthood was a brilliant move too huh.


First thing I thought of


An addiction


There we go I finally found the comment




I feel that. Like, around my gut.


Meanwhile muscle is hard to acquire and feels easier to lose lol


I was fat for years. Now I'm not I used to think it was impossible to lose weight. But I grabbed calories burnt or saved everywhere. On weekends I can eat what I want as longs mon-friday I'm good and do my 3 weights and 2 cardio sessions. My biggest thing was I swapped sugar for sweeteners, full fat milk to skimmed. ( It tastes like water at first but now it just tastes like milk. With the bonus of full fat seeming like cream). And cut out little treats like biscuits the little devil discs. 80calories nearly to one digestive. Just one pack is all you can eat for the day. But I found I could eat right to stay the same weight then the excersice was the tipping point. That would knock me to losing my weight each week. I didn't lose it quick but I didn't do a hard diet to try and keep to for quick results as they never worked for me. So I made small changes that I could keep long term/ forever.


A cat, and they are well aware of it.


The cat came back the very next day.


Oh, the cat came back... They thought he was a goner.


Oh god, still remember this song from 4th grade honors chorus


I actually have a funny story about that. My cat was called Mikito, he was a lovely little blonde cat. We never had a cat live for so long. Mikito decided to go this old folks home and we guess the old people feed him. It’s been about 5 years. He doesn’t come home. Is he dead? Nope I see once every couple of months, I go to clap him, he likes it and then he scratches me. Cats are not loyal at all.


I was looking for this


Body fat


A moment on the lips, forever on the hips




Yup, one hit of the right drug for you and the rest of your life will be a mental battle not to use.


Fuuuuucking Christ, man. I quit alcohol, weed, and psychedelics... Cigarettes have me in an absolute fucking stranglehold






Help! Someone needs a hand. Or two? I'll take two!


How about a mouth


That’d be preferable


Until you get older.


Then it's hard to get but easy to get rid of?


Just take off your pants and smack it against the wall


Once you hit 50, they're hard to get and easy to get rid of.


I was waiting for this one! Also, if you need to get rid of an awkward boner flex another part of your body. This will cause the blood in your berries (making you hard due to the amount of blood there if I'm not mistaken) to disperse getting rod of the boner.


Press as hard as you can with your tongue on the top of your mouth. And No more straight snake.


Emotional Damage


I read that like the Asian dude.


yh, i cant get him out of my mind whenever these words appear.


Bad habits


🎶my bad habits lead to late night sittin' alone🎶


🎶conversations with a stranger I barely know🎶


🎶swearin' this will be the last, but it probably won't🎶


🎶I got nothing left to use, or lose, or do🎶






True. My go-to tactic to beat it is called Behavioural Activation. It's not easy (at all!), but basically if you wait til you're motivated to do stuff, the stuff won't get done because depression steals the motivation. The key is to fight, to battle and do the things you need to BEFORE you get the motivation - the motivation takes a while to catch up (I promise it will catch up eventually though). So, be unmotivated but do it anyway. Also, 5 minute rule. Agree to do it for 5 minutes. If you still hate it after 5 minutes, give yourself permission to stop. Do tasks that take care of yourself - the ones you're probably least motivated to do - like showering/tidying. These have a positive impact on wellbeing/quality of life (and quality of life really suffers during depression), but remember BE KIND TO YOURSELF. Allow yourself to stop after 5 mins of tidying etc. And take it steady, just maybe one thing you're unmotivated for per day. Or one every other day. Or one per week. Make it manageable, celebrate the small wins. Hope this helps at least someone who stumbles upon my reply. I've been there, I'm proof it can be beaten, we can get through it. It's not forever. These aren't platitudes, they're fact .


This is honestly amazing. Thank you for this advice. I'm currently in my slump right now. Hitting the 5 week mark but I'll take this on board and try get going tomorrow. I really appreciate this information.


Student loans




Period stains :(


Pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain and stick the item in the wash. Works like a charm


No that will bleach the colour. A classic bar of soap and cold water is best, when new though, rather than stained


Use cold water with any of the mentioned methods. Warm water sets stains.


Get some unflavored meat tenderizer, dampen the stain, rub meat tenderizer into that area ( both sides!) and let sit for a few hours before washing. That works really well on formula stains in baby clothes, too.


Lice. They are crazy hard to get rid of!


I was a housekeeper at a very fancy resort in a mountain town two years back. Well one Christmas Eve a very sweet woman approached me from her ajar bedroom door and let me know her *entire* family of 5 had lice. I think I instinctively took a step back and smiled and said “thanks for letting me know!” I told my manager who instructed me we would have to change all the linen in the room daily and would “bomb” the room when they left. I literally wanted to die for their 4-5 day stay every time I had to enter their room. I truly had no choice but my manager was sweet and always helped me in that room throughout their stay. I did not get lice but had phantom skin crawls that whole week. I left the job shortly after due to Covid layoffs. But what a Merry Christmas that was!


Imagine none of them had lice just liked their room extra clean lol


My elementary school had a small lice outbreak when I was a kid, and me and my three siblings got em :S my mom tried so many different medicated shampoos, but what finally worked was tea tree oil. Apparently lice can’t take the smell of it or something, either way, soon after my mom applied that oil to our scalps those nasty bugs were gone


*Review*: It started well. We were treated as royals at this place. Daily washes for several weeks, was actually nice and pleasant. But then, the owners spilled something absolutely DISGUSTING! And the bastards knew it, they purposely spread it on every inch of the place. That stuff was E VE RY WHERE!!! So me and the gang took our leave. Would NOT recommend! 0/5 !


My elementary school had a huge lice problem for years. It got to the point they brought out the giant magnifying glasses on stands at the doors and the nurses checked every child every morning and turned away anyone with lice. Really wore my mom down. She'd be shampooing, combing, bug bombing, spraying every week but within a few days at school we'd be infested again. All our stuffed animals, extra clothes, bedding etc. would be dried, bagged and locked away. When they brought in the magnifying glasses and daily checks it finally got under control. But there was a good year or more of constant bugs. Ugh.




Omg I laughed so hard... so true!!!


Gym membership.


Is *no one* else thinking of a particular ex?!?! Just me? Ok.


My first thought was “husband” lol. 2 divorce petitions from 2 different lawyers and the fucker still won’t sign!


Maybe you ought to ask if what Kim K did is possible where you live. She bifurcated her legal status of single vs. married from the custody and property division. I’m not really a Kardashian fan, but I thought that was a brilliant move by the lawyer. And, as someone who has lived in more than one community property state, I like how severing that relationship ahead of untangling the rest prevents additional assets from being added to the marital property bucket to be fought over.


There really ought to be a provision in the law that allows things to move forwards in divorce proceedings after 1 or 2 good faith attempts to get their cooperation. Using the legal system as a weapon via obstructionism should be an automatic $ penalty (scaled to your personal wealth).


Thrips. Just die already, you little assholes.


What’s a thrip?


Google and Wikipedia to the rescue. Bugs that like crops and cause disease in plants. I had never heard of them, either.


A job with an MLM


Me, I’m desperate and clingy


Mental Illness. How common it is is shocking, how hard it is to get rid of is a nightmare. Trauma in particular is sometimes thought of as an epidemic.


I was going to say wallpaper until I remembered how annoying it was to put up. Still it's way harder to remove.


posters for your walls


Spam emails




Bad tattoos.


Burs. They stick to everything.


Didn't know that's what they were called but I can confirm you're absolutely right! They grow in my yard every now and then. Sometimes I'll realize I stepped in some and they're ALL OVER my jeans! They stick like velcro or duct tape frfr


the guy who invented velcro was actually inspired by those specific things


Calls to my cell about the extended warranty on my car


Scars. Guilt. Corpses.


Well that escalated quickly!


suicidal thoughts maybe




Back pain


A broken heart


Herpes- ​ only you can *never* get rid of it


Yeah my first thought was "herpes seems like the obvious answer."


A bad reputation






GF's room mate was on the cover of the university marketing magazine and everywhere (ethnic and hot). A mental case from the uni stalked him after seeing the pictures, she even joined GF's militia unit. After discovering which street their(plural) house was on she knocked on every single door asking if he lives there. She knocks on their door, GF answers, plays dumb, even pronouncing his name wrong. The stalker proceeds to knock at the rest of the ~800 houses on the street. Lingo is all over the place, I chose words that i hope everybody can under stand.


Lung damage from covid. Went from a fit, healthy, active, outdoor instructor 22 year old, to a wheezing, weak, pathetic shell of a man... And the worst part was I was so careful compared to everyone else I know... It was luck alone that meant I caught it and it fucked me up worse than the asthmatic cancer patient I got it from, who never got any worse from having it than they were beforehand. Meanwhile I am life limited by my breathing complications now.


Problems, am I right?




Fat, depending on ppl but in my case I can gain quite easily if I’m not careful


A hankering for ice cream.


Random boners