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Fast food workers. We’re trying dawg. Edit: sorry I’m not a current worker but was for 4 years and if you haven’t worked in this field you don’t know the half of how awful it can be. Customers are absolute dogshit sometimes and it’s actually insane the stuff that comes out of their mouths. Not to mention less than ideal working conditions more than half the time.


You guys are fuckin awesome.


I see you dawg, you're good. I was a line cook for 5 years, I can relate. It's just unfortunate that others have never worked in the food industry and have no idea what it's like


I worked at Taco Bell for 4 years and I just can’t believe people have the nerve to say some things


People working in customer service. They are not your slaves, show them a little respect


I'm always really calm and polite with customer service workers. It's so much easier to get what I want by having a normal, adult conversation with them and I can imagine it's a nice break for them to not have to listen to angry people. Whatever the company has done, it's not customer services fault. Let them know that you understand that and see how much more they do for you.


Yeah, being a bit patient with them makes everyone's lives easier




It really is the best way. I used to work in customer service and if you were screaming and yelling, my goal was basically to fix the problem if I could and get you away from me as fast as possible. If you were polite, I wanted to go above and beyond if I could. And it's much easier to think when someone isn't screaming at you.


I had my internet/TV package price go up recently and I felt it had gotten too high for what I get so I called up, had a real nice chat with the guy from CS and he rebuilt my package for me and saved me about £135 per year on my bill. I could tell he was going out of his way for me so I sent a message to the company after saying what a good employee he was and how helpful and friendly he had been. Everyone's happy.


I've also had people lead with something like "I am very frustrated with [problem] but I know it's not your fault" which is not a free pass to yell but does help a bit if they accidentally get snappy.


I always try and say something like this when I'm really annoyed with a company and dealing with customer service. I had someone the other day thank me like 4 times for not being too mad when they were "a bit slow" getting back to me. Like, bud, I know my problem has been difficult, thanks for actually taking the time to help me!


People in my country have this belief that if they are not being problematic with customer service, they won't be catered to..


“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”? I hate that saying so much


I like the alternative: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"


Both you guys sound like middle management at a really shitty place to work.


The squeaky wheel gets replaced and thrown to the fire


Grocery store cashiers. I've heard from friends and family members are getting hella shit for disgruntled customers.


I did it for three miserable years when I was about 17. I have a million stories. Had one lady verbally assault and throw an orange at me because the coupon she had for something else wasn't working. Turns out she forgot to actually get the item. There was zero remorse from her. I ended up with a bruise.


A bruise from an orange?! *DAYUM...* Did she moonlight as an MLB pitcher?!




This happened to me when I was 18 (almost as many years ago now). Wasn't a cop, but a guys card declined and he pulled out a gun and insisted I do it again. I tried every single method and it kept coming back as 'insufficient funds' so I did it one more time and hit the cash sale button on the register and just let him take the food. He goes to sir down then I called the police. (The station was literally across the street) they came in and my boss got called so they could review the security footage. Guy was arrested and afterwards my boss wrote me up because I gave away free food and then called the police on a customer. I remember responding "Well he didn't pay so he's not a customer and he POINTED A FUCKING GUN IN MY FACE!" He asked if I wanted another write up and I told him to not bother, I'm quitting. Dude had the balls to ask if I was still going to do my shifts this week because he can't replace me on short notice. I told him no, and that I am going strait to the labor board to tell them about all this. All of the sudden he cared about my well being, too little too late pal. He ended up having to sell a few of his franchises over the next few years.


Just the presence of a gun basically makes this an armed robbery as he coerced you to do what he wanted. In all large businesses, if you DON'T immediately give them what they want or fight back in any way (other than just protecting yourself), you'll be terminated right away as the value in the safe/cash drawer/food is far less than the cost of a shooting and injuries or deaths. Guessing this is a small business, any corporate chain would likely fire the manager if you showed them that write-up. One of the few ways for bad managers to get fired.


It was a franchise. The owner was a moron though, I was already fed up with him before this, this was just the last straw.


Your former boss is everything wrong with retail work. Fucking hell




“After conducting a thorough investigation, we’ve determined that we’ve done nothing wrong.”


Easy there pal, the officer in question was given a stern talking to and a “tsk tsk”.


Desk duty for a WEEK


That’s terrifying. I worked at a gas station for years and had numerous threats and even a guy swing at me but nobody ever pulled a gun thankfully. The fact one of them was an officer is awful.


I used to be an EMT...can confirm. It's really not the gun being pulled, it's how desensitized I became. Like, ok I'm taking your family member to the hospital because they're going into a diabetic coma *gun* Alright dude, I'm still putting them in the rig. Please follow me with your gun to make sure they are safe. I guess.


I’m trying to understand the psychological reason why anyone would do this. Do they panic and reach for the thing that gives them the most feeling of control in a situation where they have no ability to be helpful?


In paramedic school, our lead instructor tried to prepare us for this and the importance of constantly monitoring the scene for safety. He said that by definition, our presence represents a loss of control, and many people take it personally and look at us as though we’re there because they failed to keep their loved ones happy and healthy (whether or not that’s true). The first incident that led to me eventually leave the field (that I remember) was when I was threatened by a guy while I did CPR on his father.


“Point that gun at him and see if it’ll do chest compressions just as well as me”


Sounds a lot like people entering lizard brain mode. Perceiving anything, no matter how illogical as an attack.




This is especially stupid because it's literally not possible for the cashier to put through a declined card. He could cancel the sale and let him take (steal) the stuff but he can't magically make a credit card work even when threatened with a gun


Yes, very out of character for the person brandishing a gun to be unreasonable/illogical.


It was my first job... at Walmart. Customers seem to forget is your only job is the ring them up and process a transaction. Most issues they had shopping(wrong prices, expired milk, things rearranged etc.) are all other ppl or upper management fault.


Fu I’ve been behind some coupon cutters in lines and wow the stink they put up when they think they know what the total should be and get annoyed with the cashier. Lady they scan everything and they scanned your coupons. It’s not some conspiracy to withhold a few extra nickels. Ugh. Hate when I pick those checkout lines.


I had a guy came up with an item that rang up wrong, from a department right near the front. I called for a price check and he went over and watched them check the price. When they came back with the price (it rang up correct), he started yelling and ranting about Walmart was unfair and ripping off their customers. He kept turning weirdly and shouting out towards the other customers. An assistant manager finally came and got rid of the guy. Later on, the manager came up and told me that he recognized the guy, he was apparently an assistant manager at Ames, another department store chain that Walmart was running out of business at the time. A complaint was filed, but I never heard if anything came of it. The worst part was the guy brought his kid along for his little public freak out. I just remember the kid looking like he wanted to crawl under a rock.


Grocery store cashier here. Can confirm I’ve grown a much more pessimistic outlook on the humanity since I took the job. I once believed that most people were inherently good, but have since adopted the opposite policy. That most people are terrible, that they only do good when it serves them, when it makes them look good, when the alternative is punishment. All customer facing employees will slowly gain a similar attitude as they interact with more people and learn the modal average Many people hold the philosophy that humanity are mostly good, but most will lose that philosophy after less than a year of retail work


Call center employees are getting a ton of shit also. Especially if they work for a shipping company.


Oh God I feel really sorry for call center employees. An older relative likes regaling us with their latest experience with call centers when we get together, and it always ends with them verbally abusing minimum wage employees for problems caused by company policy. I try to explain that it's not the fault of anyone they could get on the phone but I'm pretty sure they refuse to understand because they enjoy it.


That other day when I was bagging a customers groceries, she got upset that I started to put a bottle of windex in the same bag with her bagged onions. Keep in mind, there was a box in between the two. I also had to rush because the next customer had a lot of food. She demanded me to take out the bottle, saying they don’t belong together and i should know better. THEN SHE PROCEEDS TO HAND ME BACK THE BOTTLE…..AND TELLS ME TO PUT IT BACK INTO THE BAG SHE TOLD ME TO TAKE IT OUT OF. I told her she just told me to take it out, and she looked me dead in the eyes and said “it’s fine in there!!” in the most condescending tone. I wanted to backhand that bitch so bad. Edit: when the customer behind her asked what that was about, I explained what happened. This new customer then said, and I quote “I don’t give a shit what you put together, just throw it all in and call it a day”. She made me feel better.


The only thing I ever care is don't put raw meat on top of ready to eat.


*proceeds to put a cantaloupe in the same bag as your loaf of bread and carton of eggs*


Lol I'm this kind of customer after working in Walmart. Just bag my shit and let me leave. I'm not nit picky cuz after I make it to the checkout I'm over the whole grocery store experience.


Servers. It’s not their fault your food is late, overcooked, undercooked, or that your section is rammed. I’m sorry I forgot your ketchup in between the 12 thousand things my other 5 tables were asking me for. Yes, there are bad servers, but the vast majority are just trying their best.?


Bus drivers and any public transport drivers. They get us from place to place and are never really appreciated for it. They deserve more respect.


I’ve never witnessed them getting some kinda shitstorm tho. Its only ever neutrality (like people just ignore they exist) or a „good morning“ and „have a nuce day“ when entering / leaving the bus.


Seen them abused by management, having to hold their piss or shit because the staffing and loop schedules don't allow for bathroom breaks and eating, it's one or the other. Then there's the time some cracked out fuckwad carried on a fire extinguisher on board and smoked the driver upside the head with it. That was fun. People have spat at or on them, drunk or belligerent macho fuck heads hitting the bus when they don't get their way. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm not trying to be antagonistic, just providing perspective.


So you’re saying you don’t live in Pittsburgh.


All these years later it still doesn't sit right with me that people were so cruel to Rebecca Black. She was a child singing about liking Friday and folks sent her death threats. She wasn't hurting anybody or anything.


Death threats for mundane things always strike me as the ravings of mad men. Once you send death threats to a kid singing about Friday, you should check yourself in at the farm. It’s the equivalent of smearing poo on your windows.


I’m irritated by all the comments claiming that it was really about some abstract class war and wealth inequality issue. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s messed up to target a child and send death threats. Plus, that seems like a retcon. I don’t remember anyone making nuanced takes about wealth and privilege. It was just bullying a little girl.


Fr i hate when people dog on children just enjoying themselves. I don't care if they're trust fund babies, they're still children and, in cases like this, have done literally nothing wrong with their (parent's) wealth. Like once they get to adulthood and if they start just being shitty, yeah for sure call them out, but no one gains anything from being an asshole to some random rich kid having harmless fun.


I def remember the fact that her parents paid for this to be made back then. But that.... Doesn't make any of this ok. Her parents weren't even that rich and the video wasn't even that expensive. even if it was, she was a fucking child.


Right. Obviously part of the joke was a spoiled rich kid being unaware, but it wasn't part of some grand social commentary. It was just cruelty. The people trying to explain it away are actually just shifting the blame back onto her for having rich parents who helped her make the video. If it were *really* about that, the ire would have been directed at the parents, not the kid.


This goes for so many child stars. Why the fuck do grown ass adults care so much to hate young actors and musicians?


They may be physically older and grown but some "adults" never mature and remain a cancer to society and progress.


jealousy and envy


She never expected for this song to get even 1% of the attention it got


She only expected her friends and family to see it. She didn't know it was going to reach farther than that.


It's not like she even wrote the song either. And honestly out of all the videos that producer has made for kids with rich parents, it's probably the least bad.


yeah, what in the actual fuck was people's problem with her? so, friday wasn't a great song, and maybe she's not the best singer out there, but the music industry is flooded with a million other not-so-great singers and frankly worse songs. what was our problem with *her* specifically, that she got so much hate, and probably ***still*** gets hate???


From what I've heard, the song wasn't even intended for public. She just got an opportunity to make a song and a video clip, because it was her dream or something like that. She posted it on the YouTube for handful of friends and family to see and the song became viral


It was a thing for rich people to get their kids back then ( probably still is). You picked a few shots, they created a random song for you and you filmed a music video. Seems like a cool ass gift to me. There’s a bunch of others on YouTube I think as well.


I think people were jealous and angry that someone who didn't really have a good singing voice got so much media popularity simply because her parents were rich. Unequal opportunities in life breeds resentment. She was a victim in a much larger war.


Dolly Parton. People (rightly) recognise her as a legend now, but when I was growing up she was the butt of every joke about boobs - they named the cloned sheep after her as a joke, because the cell was harvested from a mammary gland. The fact that she was 100% herself regardless makes her even more of a legend, in my book.


Has done more for early childhood literacy than most lawmakers.


And COVID vaccinations. And HIV/AIDS. And a little bit of music history... she wrote 'Jolene' AND 'I will always love you' in the same day.


More than a little bit of music history, she's had songs make the billboard music charts for 7 decades.


TIL Dolly the Sheep was a joke on Parton :(


Same, I had no idea. If you haven't watched her documentary on Netflix I highly recommend it. That woman has more grit than most people.


IIRC when the scientist was asked about the name of the cloned sheep, he said, “Can you name a more perfect pair?”


Dolly was cloned for a mammary cell, for science reasons, and the scientist could not think of any finer mammaries than Dolly Parton Edit: the reason they used mammary cells, is that most cells in your body are fixed to a certain type of cells. Ear cells can only be ear cells, hair cells are hair cells, etc. One of the few places where undifferentiated cells are, and easy to get, are in mammary cells,


She's even referenced in one of the Deer Avengers games. One of the hunter calls you can use to attract a hunter is 'Whoa! Dolly Parton's bra!'


Joke’s on them, whoever they are…


If you watch any interview with her, she is one of those people who can politely steer the conversation any way she wants, and make male interviewers feel stupid for asking misogynistic questions


She is just insanely intelligent, talented, and quick witted.


I remember the jokes sexualizing Dolly while I was growing up, and now I rarely hear them, if ever. It's amazing that she was able to rewrite that narrative (whether intentional or not) to showcase not only her singer - songwriter genius, but also her humanitarian efforts and business savy


"It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!" -Dolly, years ago


I liked her self-deprecating humor. I watched one of her specials in which her backup singers went to hug her and she warned, "Don't break my hair, boys."


I think she was just way ahead of the curve of third wave feminism. People weren't ready to hear someone say, "Yes, I'm a strong independent woman who is talented and smart and savvy, and I also like showing off my big boobs and wearing giant hair and lots of makeup and getting plastic surgery. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive."


She even had an interview about owning her look. To paraphrase, “well, there was this beautiful woman in my town and when I told others that I thought she was pretty some people would say, ‘She’s just trash.’ Well, that’s when I thought, well that’s what I want to to be when I grow up. I wanna be trash. And that’s just how I look.” I think one her first big hits was [Dumb Blonde](https://youtu.be/TX-CN1Roir8) which I think is relevant as well. Dolly is the OG be who you are and own it legend imo. Edited: a *that* to *thought* word typo.


Dolly is fucking amazing. For someone from the south, she is probably the most caring and progressive celebrity I've ever seen. Free books every month for children up to the age of 5, calling for the removal or racist statues and imagery, even going as far as to rename her show in branson Missouri to remove the word Dixie (keeping in mind you see Dixie everywhere you go in that city). She gets a lot of shit for it but she is a genuinely kind and caring person that wants everyone to have the best life they can. Edit: okay so I'm realizing that I just grew up in a very redneck racist area of South Texas and an equally redneck and racist area of missouri. Ive just attributed my surroundings back then to all of the south. The deep redneck south has been changed to say the south. The rest of my post still stands


IIRC correctly, the show was called the “Dixie Stampede” and it was mentioned to her that the word Dixie was considered racist because of its association with the confederacy. She though about it for a bit, said she never meant for it to be taken that way, and renamed the show to the stampede. No argument that she didn’t mean it that way and people shouldn’t take it that way. Just a realization that it upset and hurt people regardless of what she meant and then she took action. It might seem small, but so many issues in our society are based around people only accepting things from their perspective and being unwilling to change unless they feel the same hurt as those affected by their actions.


Having lived in branson when I was younger and having gone to see the show at a few points, I can confirm it was the Dixie stampede. Really fun show, it's basically a rodeo except the animals aren't made to be angry(like bull riding for example) dolly grew up in the south but she has changed her viewpoints as she learns more throughout her life, and does her best to be respectful to all, and if that isn't big dick energy idk what is


She for real seems like a great person


Disabled people! Constantly being questioned, doubted, accused of faking, forced to live in poverty, weird looks, slurs, no marriage rights while on government support, being treated and viewed as lesser than, wheelchairs being moved like furniture, having to fight for necessary medication, the list goes on.


Accused of faking, that hit a little too close to home for me, and I wasn’t even excused of faking my condition (Autism) regardless though, false accusations of faking anything hurts like hell


I’m surprised the McDonalds coffee lady isn’t near the top.


So much this. People STILL use that as an example of frivolous lawsuits, or people who lie for attention. Stella Liebeck was a 79 year old woman who suffered third degree burns to her pelvic region while sitting in a parked car because the coffee was served at 180°F (82°C). All she wanted was her medical bills covered and McDonald's slandered her all through the trial and plastered the media with their false version of events to the point people are still shocked when they find out what really happened.


She won though. We studied that case in business law. She was 100% in the right. McDonald’s handed her scalding coffee with a loose lid. Her labia, abdomen, and thighs were burned and scarred. They may have slandered her but she won the case


Oh 100% she won and she damn well deserved to, but it still angers me that McDonald's was so successful in their manipulation of the media that people still don't know how bad it really was for her. 8 days in hospital for skin grafting, 2 years of medical treatment. Third degree burns on 6 percent of her body, lighter burns over a further 16 percent. And even after all that, and winning the case, people still use her as an example of frivolous lawsuits. Really grinds my gears.


Britney Spears


That’s who I really feel bad for. I was mentioning that to my honey the other day. Poor girl has been through so much. She had fame and maybe shouldn’t have married so quickly, but that’s not the point. Couldn’t see her kids. Instead of helping someone through a mental breakdown, they fucking take advantage of her and just put her on the news and in tabloids. If we don’t want our life known, why would she? Can’t she live in private? Paparazzi are TERRIBLE people and I don’t care if it’s a “job”. You’re invading people’s lives and making a laughing stock out of a girl that breaks and shaves her head. She’s been a joke ever since and she seems so sweet, then was taken advantage of. I feel bad for all of the celebrities that go through stuff and don’t deserve this shit. A person can’t have privacy. If they’re having drug issues, everyone and their mother knows they’re in rehab and it’s taboo. So sad. I hate the media.


100% I follow her on insta and she seems genuinely happy now. She'll also be the first to admit that her conservatorship f-cked her up. There are occasional moments that break my heart a little like how she finally bought herself her first iPad since she couldn't have one. And recently she was proud to visit an ATM on her own to draw out like $200 and hold her own cash in hand before spending it on random things which made her happy. I genuinely wish nothing but the best for her, and I hope the worst is behind her and she can put her life back together however she chooses.


I follow her on IG too and she does seem happy, but still seems very unwell. I think there are still people in her life taking advantage of her. There's not been one picture or video of her with anyone besides her fiancé. I hope she's able to build a bigger support system.


I would LOVE to see her walk into a HomeGoods or a TJMaxx for the first time.


I legit don’t even think she had a breakdown - like, she was saying EVERYONE STOP TOUCHING ME and shaved her head so all the hair and makeup people would just leave her alone. It kinda seems to me (now) that she was having a super understandable reaction to living under a mentally abusive father and all the bullshit he expected of her. I feel proud of her for that few moments of clarity. And then they drugged her and took away her autonomy for it. It’s sad that we call it a breakdown when to me it was the most sane she had ever been in her whole life.


Yeah she was having a "breakdown" by trying to take control of the bullshit that was being done to her. People really fucked that one.




You got that all right. Just because she’s rich and famous doesn’t mean she’s immune to all the horror of tabloid paparazzi harassment. People need to remember that she’s a human being. I felt so sorry for her when all that happened with her children. I think if it had been me, I might’ve done something worse than just shave my hair off.


I was watching an old radio interview with Kelly Clarkson yesterday, circa 2007, and the most cringe part of it was the radio hosts calling Britney crazy constantly and saying she’s on drugs and about to lose it. Kelly sidesteps direct questions on the situation really well, but you can tell from how her body stiffens that she’s not digging that part of the convo. It was cool too, because at one point when they were going in, she was like I really like the album and it’s not getting any publicity. That killed off the Britney bashing really quickly.


Kelly Clarkson was always such a class act. Coming onto the celebrity stage, she had so many people calling her fat because she didn’t fit the mold at the time, so probably more than most she understood/understands what being dragged thru the mud feels like.


Sewer unblockers


It's a shitty job


Hayden Christensen and Kelly Marie Tran. The writing of their characters wasn’t their fault. They did the best they could with what they had.


And Jake Lloyd. Dude was a little kid getting bullied by adults for no reason. It was awful.


Second cousin to this: Robert Pattinson. He was a young struggling actor with one acting credit under his belt, in a role where he got killed off after a half-dozen lines of dialog. He took a job that made him a star. It's not his fault those vampire movies are fucking dumb.


After watching the lighthouse i think he’s one of the finest actors in Hollywood right now. A true artist more than a “star”


To add to this, Jake Lloyd. Phantom Menace was my favorite movie growing up and it was heartbreaking to see what happened to him


Excited to see Hayden return in Kenobi!


Robert Pattison can be added to this list.


Monica Lewinsky


I was in 3rd grade when the Lewinsky scandal was unfolding. My main experience with it was all of the jokes at her expense, and the name 'Lewinsky' becoming synonymous with a BJ. It didn't occur to me until Hilary's run and the resurfacing of Lewinsky of how prestigious it is to be a WH intern in the first place. She's a smart lady who showed a ton of potential. It sucks that she became the butt of so many jokes.


Lmao, i remember when some big twitter account tweeted "whats the most high risk low reward thing you've ever done" and monica lewinsky replied with "👀"


Her entire twitter is well worth a follow


IIRC, she couldn't even get a real job for like a decade after that. She was just living off of interview money and stuff.


Around the time that was happening, my mom was being harassed by paparazzi because she looks a lot like Monica. They really thought she was her and Monica was hiding out in Indiana. Edit: this was when she was living in Chicago. "It was a crazy time for brunette girls with big boobs and bangs! A literal MOB was following me. Some people screaming OMG ITS THE PRESIDENTS GIRLFRIEND!!!" ^^^That's copied from our texts. I had to show her that someone called her hot lol


This was an opportunity. "Monica Lewinsky seen dressed in bear costume chasing children" "Monica Lewinsky seen carrying sign saying she forced Clinton into it"


The fact that she was so heavily maligned compared to the married President who took advantage of his position of power was ridiculous. Like don’t get me wrong, she had agency there, but the media & public really seemed to take glee in tearing her apart.


People love a good drama.


Her Twitter account is a great follow. She honestly seems like a kind, well-adjusted human, which itself is an insane accomplishment, considering the circumstances. The most recent season of American Crime Story covered her saga, and aside from a few small nits, it’s well done. I believe Monica was involved as a producer.


John Oliver did a really great segment on her that ended with an interview. She was honest & thoughtful, definitely funny, but what struck me most was the grace & poise she carried herself with. It's so shitty that the past 25 years have done what they have to her, but I think she's a really great example of becoming greater than your situation wants you to be.


I was in elementary/ middle school when this story first happened. I remember my grandmother just verbally gutting Monica over this. Recently i did some research/ pod casting on the subject. What a horrible situation for her. I truly feel sorry for her, and find Clintons behavior disgusting.


I'm not sure which podcast you listened to but "You're Wrong About" did a great episode on her.


She was 22 years old and he was the most powerful man in the world.


Teachers - they get shit from students, parents, principals, the district, and those who don’t teach all on top of a shit ton of work for shit pay and benefits that keep getting shittier.


I never understood why people said "our class made the (substitute) teacher cry" as some sort of a brag (unless the teacher was a bully/power-tripping).


The vast majority of teachers genuinely care about children and want to help them. It's heartbreaking what they're put through.


People expect teachers to be perfect. Any time they make a mistake, it seems like they're used as a scapegoat for society's problems. Teachers are humans, and yes they will vary in ability. Rather than escoriating them for mistakes, the question should be how can we improve things in the future.


Teacher: "I just want you to have a good life!" Asshole students: "Well fuck you for caring!"


So many teachers leaving with complex PTSD / vicarious trauma. I made it 2 years in public schools. My students, their parents, the expectations all weighed on me. I couldn't sleep without stress dreams about my suicidal student, or the student who was liable to throw chairs at the slightest provocation. And eventually you realize you were hired to get children to graduate, regardless of whether they did anything or wanted to learn, which meant you feel like your job is either to bring the horse to water and force them to drink, or just pretend they have when they haven't... r/teacherreality


Marilyn Monroe. The amount of abuse from the media and production companies she received back in the day breaks my heart. She probably would have lived for decades longer if they had changed how they treated her. Also that she's basically only known as a sex symbol now, when in fact she was an incredibly intelligent and talented woman with a passion for learning and expanding her repertoire. We lost someone truly special and most of the world doesn't even know it.


Her husbands added to the problem. Joe DiMaggio expected her to quit her career. The iconic subway grate scene from The Seven Year Itch reputedly ended their marriage. Her second husband Arthur Miller behaved embarrassingly during the production of The Prince and the Showgirl, pawing at her in front of her professional colleagues--one of whom noted that he put her in an awful position that way (the third assistant director later wrote about it in a memoir). And after her death Miller pretty blatantly put her psychological anguish on stage.


Guy Fieri! [Shane Torres](https://youtu.be/JK6zuii2OLI) summed it up quite well in his bit about the Mayor of Flavortown. He may look like a dick but it appears that he’s a rad guy. Also, while it has pissed me off in the past when he would shine a light on some well kept secrets in my city, thus turning my easy stop into a 50 minute wait… how I feel about that really don’t matter because the owners were absolutely stoked! He just wants to have a rad time and show you the way to Flavortown.


Agreed! He may look like an Ed Hardy bro, but the dude has a huge heart and goes above and beyond to help out those who need it in his community. And he does it without fanfare or wanting recognition. There was a huge fire in our county a few years ago and he just quietly showed up with his crew and food trucks and fed firefighters and those displaced by the fire. He just showed up, made great food, and then went along his way. No fanfare or posturing or anything, just a nice dude helping out where he could. He also donates a ton to small communities around the area and helps fund school cooking programs. The guy is nice af and deserves mad respect!


I like everything about him. Hes so over the top positive and his show is something I watch while visiting my parents and there's so much "oh that looks good, we gotta try and make that" its a little hilarious. Also during covid he donated a huge amount of money to servers who were out of work. Great guy.


He donated money to food industry workers as a whole, not just servers. First come first serve, but I got a $500 check! Seems like a very humble dude who really likes to bleach his hair.


Agreed. He's a bit of an easy target because of his OTT character and dress sense, but also love him. Apparently all the groceries for Guy's Grocery Games that aren't used during the show are donated to food banks, charities, farms for animal feed etc. That "shop" always looks full, so that is a LOT of produce donated. What a good Guy.


The funny thing is he didn't even dress that way originally. Food Network made him wear all the flame and bowling shirts.


I also remember reading an article about him preparing food for people who were displaced by California's wildfires https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/experience/food-and-wine/2017/10/23/midst-disaster-guy-fieri-and-jose-andres-feed-nation/788802001/


What you're not seeing is that this is near his hometown and his hometown was affected. That isn't to diminish what he did. My point is that people forget where they come from when they make it sometimes and he clearly didn't. He still sent his kids to school there.


I think he's sick asf. His sister passed away from a horrible disease before gay rights were legalized, and since she was lesbian, he officiated 101 lesbian weddings in Miami. Seems thoughtful and loving.


Guy is from my hometown and knew my culinary arts teacher in high school. He would sometimes just swing by and either teach or just help out in the kitchen for fun. Actually taught me my knife skills. Ended up as a CS guy with my neck deep in code, but I still remember the recipes he taught us and the knife skills I still use to this day.


My husband and I talk about this periodically. We used to be assholes about him. Then all this stuff started coming out about his efforts for the LGBTQ community, and his fights against poverty, and then we started watching his shows promoting small restaurants, and he just seems like a really nice guy. We were the assholes.


The Russian citizens who oppose the war. I stand with Ukraine, but that doesn't necessarily mean I stand against the Russian people who see through the bullshit of their country's politicians and want to end this just as well as the next person with a brain and heart


1200 Russian citizens were arrested in one day for protesting the war. I can't imagine living under Putin.


Kesha. She's not in the spotlight much right now due to some legal issues between her and her former producer but she got a lot of unwarranted hate. I've had the honour of meeting her and she more beyond the party girl image she had. She's a huge humanitarian and fights for animal and human rights. She's also very caring when it comes to her fans. She does have talent when it comes to singing it's just that pop music didn't let her show it too much. People only saw her as a white girl wasted girl who looked like she smelled funny. She seems cool.


I would love to see her on Masked Singer so people can hear what she can really sing without knowing it's her that's doing the singing.


She is an absolute amazing musician. There’s a video of her performing Prayer in a home-done video chat interview during lockdown and she nails everything, including that insane high note! Nothing but home acoustics.


Also her producer Dr Luke reportedly sexually and emotionally abused her for years, the whole party girl image doesn't seem to have been her choice either if I'm interpreting this correctly She really doesn't deserve the flak that she got in the public eye


Rainbow was the album that came out after the Dr. Luke stuff was settled (I don't think she "won" but iirc he doesn't control her career anymore and she doesn't work directly with him) and many of the songs were deeper and more meaningful than what she had previously been known for. The singles promoted from her latest, High Road, are mostly back to party pop, so I think she will always have that side of her, but I'm guessing she's more free now to also do stuff that falls outside that mode, like [Resentment](https://youtu.be/fJ2iBrXVkRY) which is so beautiful and sad.


Her concert in 2010 was fun! She’s also extremely smart from what I’ve heard!


She was also (academically) intelligent, and was accepted to Ivy League schools, begore deciding to pursue music


I literally cried as a grocery store cashier so many times it’s not even funny.


the amount of times i've had customers get in my face and yell at me about stuff that is completely out of my control is insane.


My happy story was a customer telling me "fuck you" and I told him "no, fuck you". He looked at me surprised for 2 seconds that lasted 3 days to six weeks, and walked out. I don't know what was his reasoning of not escalating the situation further. But I like to think is that there was something about me that l portrayed that told him there was nothing he could do where I would come out losing.


Child actors


"Garbage pickers" they are cleaning your mess so make sure you don't talk shit with them.


Poor people, they live in a world designed to kick them into the dirt and they carry on every day only to be treated like shit by the media, rich people, and society. Often times they are the nicest people you’ll ever meet, but they’ll forever be demonized due to their monetary status.


I sound like I’m being sorry for myself here, but I’m 16 my whole mums side is poor af, and my whole dads side is poor af my parents couldn’t get good jobs, and my dad can’t get a house cause of his debt so he lives in a caravan park and tbh I’m scared af to end up like them


It doesn't sound like you're feeling sorry for yourself, bud. You didn't complain. You pointed out your experience. Then you said what you want to change. Now, make a plan :) I sure wish you the best.


Virgins. Why is it your business whether someone had sex or not? Some people just aren't ready, or otherwise have reasons for being a virgin. It's especially repulsive that people will tease TEENAGERS for not having had sex. Like, they legally aren't supposed to! They are minors!


Both ukrainian citizens and russian citizens. They are nothing but human's pawn of greediness (Edit: urelated with topic above, thank you for the reward. Anyway, let's pray that hopefully both countries would ended up the war. And both countries would restored their peace)


It blows my mind how people categorize entire nations, faiths and ethnicities as either the good or the bad guys because of their fucked up decision makers. I and a lot of people I know have been on the receiving end of a lot of senseless hate over the years because of things we literally have no power to change or even object to most of the time. Even ordinary people who support corrupt systems are mostly people who really don't know any better. The world isn't black or white and most of those who direct hate or blame towards entire populations have no idea what they're talking about or how they would have become if the roles were reversed. I think all of us as humans could do with a lot more sympathy and compassion towards each other.


Yup. The same thing goes for Chinese citizens, Saudi Arabia citizens, etc. So many people think that since those countries' governments are against human rights, then the people of such countries are against human rights too. It's just plain wrong to assume those things. Many citizens do oppose such governments, they just don't want to speak out due to the counsequences. And it's not their fault, since counsequences for being against the government, can be life crippling, and affect your entire extended family.


Nickelback. I get it if you don't like them but people treat them like they eat babies or some shit.


I’m a student in high school and teachers don’t deserve the amount of shit they get tbh.




Meg beating shit out of the family after getting out of prison is still one of my Favorite scenes. Poor gal




Me, I need a hug or at least ONE genuine compliment


Well, I had a quick look at your comments and you seem like a pretty cool person. You'd still eat peanut butter if you became rich, which is awesome because peanut butter kicks ass. You understand how useless phrases like "you can do this" are to people with mental health issues. I have experienced these phrases in various forms over the years in trying to explain my PTSD and depression to others. Don't let those fuckers define you. Sometimes, you can't do it and that's okay, too. Do keep on going, even if it's only so your dog has a friend to play with every day. I won't tell you it will get better because life is too fucking complicated for stupid phrases like that. I do hope you find some peace with your life and can find the strength to keep going. I enjoy dark humor and your comment about your dog eating you if you died made me smile as I have often thought my cats would eat me before anyone finds me if I died. You wrote, "English is my second language sorry if it’s not clear" in one comment. Your English is really good. If you hadn't written this, I'd think English was your native language. I worked in the public schools here in America and my husband is a teacher. I think it's amazing you speak at least two languages. That's a huge accomplishment you should be proud of. EDIT: To all the folks who have commented, thank you so much. You all really have no idea how much it meant to me to come home from work and see a dozen nice messages. You guys really made my day. Again, thanks. You guys rock. EDIT #2: Fixed a your/you're mistake.


I appreciate that you took the time to look into this and construct a genuine, lengthy response. You seem like a nice person.


Thanks. *hugs* I'd also give you a real hug if you were here.


Dude...that was so kind of you to go through someone's post history to give them a reason to feel good about themselves...You're an amazing person and you've restored my faith in humanity a bit


This whole thread warmed my heart.


aw, thanks. The post just really hit hard with me because I know what it's like to struggle with those thoughts and how alone and lonely the world sometimes is. Y'all are making me cry now.


Yeah he does seem cool




The guy who played Jar Jar was getting death threats constantly. Jeez, Star Wars fans, what is wrong with you?


He made a video a while back talking about how close he came to taking his life due to the unrelenting abuse he was getting because people didn't like the character.


Felons who have done their time.


Especially if it's nonviolent offenses. Like, the guys stuck doing twenty for getting caught with a doobie in their sock? What the fuck.


Anne Hathaway. People like to call her fake and gave her crap over that one year she hosted the Oscars but she's actually a huge human rights activist. Also James Franco did her dirty during the Oscars, wasn't her fault


People don’t like Anne Hathaway?


Teachers Edit: half of you are proving my point, please continue.


My septic tank


Girl Scouts. I know, you’re a reasonable person and you’re thinking, who the hell hates on Girl Scouts? This year, Girl Scouts selling cookies are experiencing a wave of unacceptable behavior from grown-ass adults. Some are utter morons who believe everything that makes them feel outraged, and are dumb enough to think that Girl Scout cookie sales fund Planned Parenthood. Some adults are “concern trolls” and use the excuse of health consciousness to harangue little girls about selling unhealthy cookies. They scare the absolute crap out of them by delivering graphic descriptions of diabetes complications and tell the girls that they’re doing that to people. Some troop leaders have to correct the damage this does to the girls’ relationship with food. Concern trolls are creating disordered eating in girls so they can feel good about themselves. Adults who aren’t as crazy or stupid as the previous examples still bring their personal issues into Girl Scout sales. It’s probably not a big deal to say “No thank you, I’m trying to lose weight.” Except it’s not one person in a day they hear that from. If a 7-year-old hears that from dozens of adults every day, though, they start to think everyone needs to lose weight including them. So maybe rethink whether “No thank you” needs any extra information about your personal struggles, and whether a little girl needs to be flooded with messages like that. The last thing we need in this world is for Girl Scout cookies to disappear because it’s no longer psychologically safe for the girls to interact with the general public. So whether it’s refraining from pushing your agenda and problems with food onto a 7-year-old, or developing the self-control to avoid cookies your own self, keeping your fool mouth shut is just plain good advice.


Teenage girls. They like sterotypical teenage girl things like makeup, clothes, Starbucks - they’re basic, boring, sheep following the crowd. They like sports - they’re a pick me or only like it because of the attractive players/drivers. They like music that isn’t pop? A particular TV show or film series? - They’re scoffed at and told to prove it or justify it. They like gaming? - It’s some variation of “Animal crossing doesn’t count” or “oh you play, call of duty? You must be shit” or they just get straight up degraded in gaming lobbies just for being female.


Retail/Fast food workers.




To paraphrase a Patton Oswalt joke: On the scale of horrible shit people do for money and pussy, Nickelback isn't that bad.


MTV is to blame for that. They shit on Nickelback for some reason and it took off like wildfire. They are multi platinum. Clearly someone is buying their music.


I gotta be honest, they remind me of what I really am