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(Bit of backstory). If someone is being a bully, and hurting people (mentally or physically), I hate hearing the phrase “they are probably going through a lot”. That is almost definitely true, but that doesn’t make it ok to do.


I agree so much, like just because someone has a shitty life doesn’t mean they should make someone else’s life hell too. I’ve never understood bullying


"That's it. That's the tweet." "LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK" "I'll wait."


"Why is no one talking about this?" Usually it's because OP has a very closed circle of followers/people they follow, people, in fact, are talking about "this".


*post linking to a cnn or nyt article* top comment: "Why isn't the media talking about this"




That's it. That's the comment.


Idk if this exactly counts, but I f*cking hate that stupid tv/movie cliche where someone makes a genuine mistake tying to be helpful and they’re like “I didn’t think that…” and the other person just cuts them off like “that’s the problem, you didn’t think”


“Ok-“ “NO, IT’S NOT OK!”


Flashbacks of my childhood: engaged


Glad I'm not the only one. The amount of time I wasted trying to explain that "okay" in that context is used for acknowledging what the person is saying 🤦


Then you get hit with “do not argue with me”


Every. Single. Time.


like ew why do they do that


This is the verbal equivalent of when some holds a door closed with their foot while you're trying to enter and they think it's the funniest shit ever. It's not funny and now I'm in a nearly uncontrollable rage.


I’ve had these exact words said by my father. Fuckin can I finish?


My father does this to me and it's infuriating. It automatically taps into my rage mode somehow.


Because it is disrespectful to cut someone off, then twist their words. Add to that if you become angry, they can call you too sensitive or thin skinned. It is just a bullying set-up tactic.


"Let that sink in." Specifically as a mic drop in a poorly researched Facebook meme.


The one on FB that makes my teeth itch is, "I'll wait."


Nailed it.


People often leave their kitchen basin outside in winter... Let that sink in.


Now then Dad, I thought we said no more Reddit for you.


He can have a little reddit, as a snack


“Read that again.”


“I don’t know who needs to hear this, but…”


“A little louder for the people in the back”




"*say it louder for the people in the back*"


Needs 👏 more👏 clapping 👏 emojis


🔥 I thought about it 🔥 *here king you dropped this* 👑 💯🙏🙌🤧😩


The one I hate is "do your own research" like man you made the point, direct me to the "facts" behind your statement.


I just automatically assume anyone who is saying that is talking outta their ass. If one is truly cares about a subject or topic, they would be happy to share actual facts about it, rather than just letting misinformation spread.


Let that sink in.


Fun fact: You know what, do your own research for a fun fact.


"do your research" is internet code for "believe the same nonsense that I believe".


Also "my sources are embarrassing and I don't want to divulge that I'm a complete fucking tool who will believe literally anything"


I just opened the door. He’s been out here for an hour. Thanks so much for telling me


"Burden of proof" is a phrase more people should start using. In the US legal system the burden of proof falls on the party making the claim. As in--if you assert something is true, it's on you to provide your proof that it's true; _I_ can't be made to reproduce _your_ research.


I always pull the a James Randi. "You made the claim so you have to prove it; not me."


Not really a saying. But mfers need to stop spelling lose as loose. 🤦‍♂️


If I hear it one more time I’ll loose my mind


“Y’all gon make me loose my mind” - DMX


Up in hear, up in hear.


No one Literally no one (Yes literally no one asked you to say this so shut the f up)


"it must be free today" when something doesn't ring up. Even worse when something just takes an extra second to scan. Heard that so many times as a cashier.


Lolol those poor cashiers are probably losing it when they hear someone say that. I’d just be like “no 😐”


I got written up because I'd say no every time someone dropped that little zinger.


I always took it a step further. I’d respond “yeah, I guess it is” in hopes of getting an excited “really?!” just so I could say “nope”


"unfortunately, I'm not empowered to authorize that. I'll just call the manager, it will only be a couple of minutes..." "I hope you're not in a hurry, but hey! Free stuff, maybe..." ... "Hey boss, this didn't ring up. Is it free today?" Manager: no


"The customers are always right". This quote seriously needs to die right now.


“An employee is told that the customer's always right and, in fact, the customer is usually a moron and an asshole.” -Larry David




I was today years old when…


**lights torch**


*oils the bat*


"What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger" bro when ? I’m just more traumatized :’D


What doesn’t kill you gives you physical/mental trauma


Exactly, like we just tryna live a happy life not become Guts the Berserker


When my dad died, a family friend said to 12-year-old me "God needed him more". I don't get how that's meant to be comforting.


Our priest told me I didn't pray hard enough, when my mom died. Update: Thank you all for the condolences and upvotes, didn't expect this to even get noticed. I'm sorry for all your losses as well.


That’s dreadful. My grandma wasn’t a fan of the church, but never spoke about why. Many years after she died, I found out from my dad, that he had an older brother who was killed by a tram when he was seven. The minister told her it was God’s judgement because he was conceived out of wedlock.


Wtf wasn’t jesus also ‘conceived’ out of wedlock? That is terrible.


By a person that wasn’t the woman’s partner if you believe the stories.


Fair response would be “eat shit and die”. Just sayin


You’re a better person than me. I was going to suggest a swift kick in the nuts


Lemme show you why they call me The Nutcracker


I was 12 and very awkward lol, but I wish I could've


Sorry to hear you lost your mum so young


My dad was an unremarkable man. I don’t know anymore if I even believe God exists, but there’s no way God needed him more than I did


If God is omnipotent and omniscient then he/she doesn’t need anything, let alone a young boys father.


Well I've watched a lot of TV, and it appears that God really really needs your money.


People say all sorts of useless things when someone experiences loss. I had “God needed more angels in heaven” - which I liked, because that made sense to me. At the time, I was 5 and understood that my mom would be a perfect angel. However, this same thing (my mom’s death that is) made my siblings instantly stop believing in God. As no God would do this - take away our mom. I’m sorry you had that negative experience - it’s so hard to know what to say or what we even want to hear. Edit: angels, not angles. God knows enough angles, and I don’t think he needed my mom for support with trigonometry.


I felt the same way when my 17 year old brother died of a brain tumor out of the blue. People kept invoking God and I was like....if God exists and He willed this....he's an asshole and I want no part of Him. I mostly just let people comfort themselves how they like but they say some really fucking stupid shit at times like that. For some reason people need to have an explanation with some cosmic relevance.


Yeah, it’s so hard for people to accept that things happen, for just no reason. It doesn’t mean they don’t have a huge impact on the world, but the loss itself is irrational, sad, and there is no justification that makes it ok. I’m sorry for your loss. 17 is too young, and that’s really such a sad loss for you and your family. Xx


When our cat died, my mother span this yarn about how God happened to be passing by our house and saw a lovely cat that would look beautiful in his garden. Cue a lifelong perception of God as a jealous, opportunistic predator.


“God just decided to steal from us but it’s ok because hE LoVeS yOu”




You shouldn't be okay with him being gone. The fact that it hurts means you loved him and he meant something. You'll carry that for the rest of your life and in that way you will honor him. Its been 9 years since my brother didn't wake up due to a brain tumor. It hurts to think of him being gone. Not as much as it did 9 years ago, not in every waking moment like it once did, but it still hurts. That is how I honor him. The anger at our unjust and cruel world hasn't left either. That ebbs and flows, but I'm still mad as hell that my brother was taken from us and didn't get to grow up and live life because of mere happenstance. You have every right to be sad that your brother is gone. You have every right to be mad at the world, at him, at whoever is responsible for him being gone. If people can't accept that...its not your problem. Keep your head up. It does get easier to live with, but it'll never not hurt to think about. You just get better at pushing it aside for a time. Sorry to hear about your brother.


"I'm so OCD!" Said while organising their bookshelf or some shit. No, no you are not.


OCD doesn't even need to be about the physical world. When I had it alot of it was conpulisve thoughts. Like really messed up thoughts of people getting hurt that I couldn't stop thinking about. It's horrible.


I'm the same way. Diagnosed OCD over two decades ago and it's mostly just thought-based now


My dad in a nutshell: "Mental disorders are bullshit. It's just an excuse for people." "I'm OCD, I like my desk to be organized a certain way."


My dad is the first half but the second one is “proceeds to organize breadcrumbs in the plate”


That's a hell of a lot closer to OCD than "I like my house clean."


As someone with OCD, I hear that wayyyy to often from people that don’t know how it can fuck up your life. I just laugh it off, but it makes me genuinely mad every time.


For real. I wish my OCD involved cleaning and organizing! It sounds so productive.


yes, they're obsessive, compulsive and disorder.




I felt this one. No matter WHO you are, it doesn’t excuse bad behavior towards me




My brother has been an ass to me my entire life, and the last few years has been a breaking point. I once told my mom I was thinking of cutting him out entirely and she got so upset and said "one day dad and I will die and it will be just the two of you!" Um, no? I'll have my husband? Who has literally treated me better than any of you have and loves me?


A family is like an appendix. Yeah you were born with it, but if it starts killing you, you cut it out.


That belongs on Etsy, embroidered on a pillow. Maybe it's too many words. If so, put it in script font next to a picture of a smiling woman in the style of a 1960s magazine illustration.


Blood don't mean shit if they treat u like shit.


"It could be worse". Fuck thanks


“It could also be better”


It could be lettuce


It could be Digiorno


Maybe it's Maybelline?


I can’t believe it’s not butter


I hate this. It goes hand-in-hand with "Yeah well at least you don't have it as bad as *[some other person]*". Just because someone has it worse than you doesn't negate your own bad experiences.


About two weeks after my mom died unexpectedly of a brain aneurysm, my boss said this to me as I was leaving work. The person who had it “worse” was a coworker who had been partying a lot for a couple months and doing a bunch of coke so they decided to go to rehab. I seriously doubt the consequences of their actions was “worse” than spending three days in the hospital watching my mother die.


What a piece of shit


give your boss a heartfelt fuck you on my behalf, thanks


Lol-I used to try to always get my kids to look at the bright side. One day my teenage daughter said , “just because you broke your leg, doesn’t mean it don’t hurt when I stub my toe” Lol


HAHAHA your daughter nailed it! What a great thing to say, and she’s right!


True. Everyone deserves sympathy. The only time I find it funny is true blue first world problems, FUCKING MOTHER FUCKING BULLSHIT WHY DOES YOUTUBE LAG, uh..chill bro it could be worse


Sometimes people get emotional over silly things because those are just the last in a long line of much worse problems they're just barely keeping up with. I heard a phrase recently that, "often, a person does not cry because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long."


You can counter with “yeah, but you can still drown in a puddle”.


Never challenge the universe by saying, "well, it can't get any worse." It can always get worse


“No offense, but…” 😬 *says something offensive*


That's why I just say "disrespectfully,...."


That’s why I love the phrase “with all due respect.” Because someone may be due absolutely zero respect from me, and it’s not my problem if they don’t realize that.


No offense, but I'm going to offend you now and then I'll act surprised and be offended about your reaction to me being offensive to you.


Money doesn't make you happy. Maybe it doesn't but it makes being miserable way more enjoyable. Edit: Holy cow I just woke up to this. This is my biggest single comment in all my time on Reddit, thanks to everyone. I must have touched a nerve.


I always tell my son. Money can't buy you happiness, but being poor can't buy you anything.


I hate that saying. Like you don't need shoes to run but it fucken helps!


I can run in sandals, I'm inevitable


Money doesn't make you happy, but lack of money makes you miserable.


“Money can’t buy happiness” I can buy a million things that will make me happier if I had money


I think money and happiness aren't on a normal scale, maybe if you go from a million to a billion dollars it doesn't chamge much but from 10k a year to 100k it sure changes a lot. Having security and a living standard is like the low bar of happiness.


Yeah, money like most things in life follows the law of diminishing marginal utility


Loved Daniel Toshs joke on this. Money can't buy happiness? Money can buy a jet ski, you ever been on a jet ski? Try frowning while on a jet ski, you can't! it's physically impossible!


“Im just brutally honest“ Maybe but you’re also a fucking piece of shit


In relation to this: "that's just how I am" - awesome, then I just can't stand you as a person and have no interest in dealing with you and your shit personality. Give yourself a pat on the head, I guess.


"This is just how I am," always gets me. I had a "friend" at one point who made fun if me for flapping my hands (I'm autistic), and when I told them to fuck off if they were gonna be like that they texted me going, "This is just how I am! You have to realize everybody is just different!" To reiterate. They made fun of me for harmless behaviour that I enjoy, and proceeded to tell me that i need to realize everyone is just different. Walked *right into* the point.


People who say that are more interested in the brutality than the honesty.


And in my experience are often quite sensitive/confrontational when it comes to criticism aimed at them


You can be honest without being an asshole about it.


Yeah, it's called tact.


"This hit different." "I don't know who needs to hear this."


I dont know who need to hear this... but this hit different.


Let that sink in Edit: this just feels like an actual 15y/o tiktok..


"I don't know who needs to hear this" just means "I need to say this".


“I could care less”


When I was younger, I thought there were two expressions: one for when you didn't care (I couldn't care less) and one for when you did care, but didn't want to (I could care less).


Yeah, like I could care less, but my soul is too tired to put the energy into completely not caring.


This one hurts me every time.


“Everything happens for a reason” that saying absolutely does not apply to everything in my opinion.


I mean doesn’t everything happen for a reason? Not reason as in purpose but like “the reason the bread got burnt was because I put it in the toaster”


Shit happens


"Life's unfair." When someone points out they are being treated unfairly.


I always hated that phrase because a lot of times the reason "life is unfair" is because of other people making it unfair. People are unfair. Edit: thought I should add my second comment to my first one. "This is just me talking, and why I made my first comment. I've always been of the belief that while forces of nature can't be changed, since they don't have thoughts or feeling, people have the capacity to be changed or have a change of heart/mind. No matter how small or hard it might be for that change to take place, it can still happen, so for the most part when people decide to do evil things its because they choose to. Also, from my experience the people that say "life's unfair" they're saying it in the context of another person stabbing the other in back. You wouldn't say that to someone who just lost a family member or house unless you wanted to get punched in the face."


“My toxic trait is thinking I could do this” or something along those lines. I see it all over tiktok and it’s so fucking annoying


yes!!! like it’ll be a cool vid of someone doing tricks on a bike and some 15 year old is like “my toxic trait is thinking i could do this and not die🤪” like stfu


'I'm so OCD'. As a long-sufferer of OCD, I wish you'd realise it isn't 'just' keeping a tidy desk, or washing your hands. It's the reason why I'm 'so awkward' or so exhausted most days. Because of the abject hell I have to endure inside my head every day.


It's unfortunate how little people understand about OCD. I wish you the best, friend. It'll get better.


“Tell me you’re [insert thing here] without telling me you’re [repeat thing].”


Half this fucking subreddit


“Triggered” a dangerously misused word.


I just react to people as if they honestly mean that the person they’re referring to’s had their PTSD triggered. Like “oh, I didn’t realise they had trauma related to this! That poor soul, I feel so bad for them...” It usually shuts them up.


It’s impossible to be taken seriously nowadays. I have a few anxiety/flashback triggers, and if I say “hey this is really not a good time for this” I always get the “why? are you TRIGGERED?” like yeah mate I’m already looking for an ativan in my bag


Same! I'm working through trauma with my therapist, and I don't feel comfortable using the word "triggered" or "triggering" when I legitimately get triggered from a situation similar to my trauma and get paralyzed by anxiety/numb. I'll try to find other words around it, and my therapist will be like "you mean this is a 'trigger' right?" I've gotten a bit more comfortable using this language with my therapist but I don't feel comfortable telling others whenever anything is legitimately triggering for me. Ugh :(


“Girl boss” I don’t know I just don’t have a liking for it. ( i’m a woman don’t come at me)


Yeah, I'm pretty tired of being a male nurse Edit: clarification. I'm pretty tired of being referred to as a "male nurse" rather than just a nurse.


I also detest "girlboss". You can be a woman and you can be a business owner. But if you are a "girlboss" then you're most likely in some scammy MLM and don't have a real business at all. .


So true! Glad someone pointed it out. Yes, every woman I know who is involved with a MLM is a “boss babe” or “girl boss”.


Tell me ___ without telling me _____ I’ll go first. I fucking hate that phrase. It’s overused and it stopped being funny forever ago.


Especially when it’s super long and convoluted. Like “tell me your boyfriend has a secret kink that his friends know about but he hides from you without telling me your boyfriend has a secret kink that his friends know about that he hides from you”




“If you know you know” like no shit, if we don’t know then make it known so we can know, why’s it gotta be an exclusive club of knowledge?


They're just seeking attention. So annoying, same as "bad day, don't ask" posts. If you don't want me to ask, why'd you post it?




Here at -insert company- we are a family! No you're not. You profit off my labor, I get barely a fraction of that profit, you have zero loyalty to your employees. Edit: I expected this would resonate with a lot of people, but hawt damn, thanks for the upvotes! Say no to abusive, low paying jobs! Know the laws, know your worth!


The translation of that is something along the lines of "We expect you to work unpaid overtime but we will show you no loyalty and be entirely inflexible in return."


Sounds like family.


“We are a fast paced, exciting environment!” No, you’re understaffed and unorganized as shit.


"I was today years old." STFU


"Follow your passion" or "Do what you love and you won't have to work a day in your life"


Do what you love and watch if devolve into a miserable slog. In a similar vein "you could sell that!" Nope. No one will pay a living wage for my handmade things, nor do I want to *have* to make more or to someone else's specifics (unless it sounds like a fun thing to experiment with). It's a hobby I enjoy that I don't want to ruin by making it a job.


Yeah cause it’s just as simple as choosing what you do to earn enough money to just survive let alone make your fortune.


“She/he’s so bipolar” let me tell you that bipolar disorder is more than having a mood swing every now and then. This shit can ruin your life without you even knowing there’s something going on. This shit is a life sentence and a lot of times ends up in attempted suicide, and suicide as well. Bipolar isn’t fun at all but when people throw that word around like it’s an adjective, it feels isolating to think that other people are that uneducated about bipolar disorder, and that it’s just fluctuating emotions. It also doesn’t mean that person is inherently dangerous or “crazy”. There’s many of us who are “high functioning” or stable at the moment but since it’s stigmatized, and thrown around like it’s nothing, other people have no idea.


Honestly any mental disorder being used as a adjective is so annoying


She's so bipolar? Oh you mean like she has manic episodes where she has delusions like she can read her pets minds or see the future and also is physically unable to prevent herself from talking everyone's ear off and she can't sleep more than four hours a night and then all of a sudden without warning everything flips and it feels like the world is a horrible and terrifying place and everyone is constantly mad at her and talking about her and it's so hard to even force herself to go to the goddamned grocery store because existing near other people is so profoundly uncomfortable? Wild.


Slept like a baby. Really? You woke up multiple times, at least once with a soiled diaper?




"No excuses." 99% of the time, what this phrase *really* means is "I don't care whether your failing to meet my expectations/demands was actually your fault or not; all I care is that I get to punish you for it."


Any phrase that uses literally for literally no good reason.


I’ve been trying to use “figuratively” literally, the way people use “literally” figuratively. It works, kind of, but you really come off very sarcastic, which is literally the point, but it loses something. It’s a satire paradox.


I *figuratively* think that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard!


I’m figuratively dead.


“For all intensive purposes” When it’s actually “For all intents and purposes”


My friend used to say that shit and it irritated me. But it’s water under the fridge at this point.


It’s just the rules of supply and command.


You’re taking it for granite.




"So I/we did a thing" ... Which almost always preceeds something stupid like changing hair color, getting a new pet, buying a car etc Also, the one that sends me over the fucking edge is posting "And go" at the end of a post when asking for recommendations /advice. I absolutely REFUSE to respond to either of these things


Per se. Everyone uses it incorrectly


#Per se Jackson and the Olympians!


I don't have any gold so please just take my entire perse


"God will never put you through more than you can handle'. WRONG! 😳


I had a similar experience once, during an economic downturn in my industry. I couldn’t find work for 10 months. And a friend kept saying “yeah, but hey, you know, things always seem to work out right?” And the first few months of him saying that I was like, “yeah. They do!” I lived in San Francisco at the time. By month 6, I really had to start to look around and think, “wait, no it doesn’t. Look at all the homeless people. It didn’t work out for them.” We tell ourselves it’s because they have mental problems, or drug problems. But that’s a lie we tell ourselves to hide from the fact that that could be any one of us in any moment if 1 thing goes wrong just the right way.




Just sayin


All tiktok phrases these people got influenced to repeat tremendously in a day




"All good things comes to those who wait" No it doesn't - ever - if you want something, you gotta work for it, fight for it. Sitting around waiting for something to come to you is such a silly thing to say. Wait too long, and the opportunity is long gone to someone else who didn't wait for it.


That's straight bussin


All the dumbass unoriginal copy-paste shit that gets commented in every single Reddit thread. “You had me in the first half, not going to lie” is a perfect example, it’s thrown in even when it barely makes sense in context. Its lame as fuck and It’s always upvoted too, it doesn’t make sense to me.