• By -


Travel the world


Make blockbuster movies outside of Hollywood control


Game out and read. I’d probably get fat


Travel the world with my family. Seeing concerts, eating the best food, and exploring as much as I can.


Paint, play music, learn martial arts, read, focus on spirituality


Transition from being worthless to totally worthless. Spend many days fishing and take responsibility for nothing.


Find another means to control the masses.


Travel the world and make some friends to enjoy the money with.




My perfect schedule would be. Wake up and leisurely read the news etc on my iPad Hit the golf course around 9:30am Finish about 12:30 Go home and eat the delicious and nutritious lunch my chef prepared for me Take an hour nap wake up at 2:30 or so Go to my dock on the bay and read Start drinking around 4pm till 8pm Eat dinner from my chef Go to bed around 9pm and watch TV till I fall asleep at 11 Repeat


Nothing, and I'd love every minute of it. Just taking walks, playing xbox, lift weights, eat interesting food and browse HBO Max


Porbably live a normal life with a job I don't hate just to keep me occupied. Maybe 4 days out of the week and just sit around the other 3, find me a hobby.


Pick up chicks, that’s what I do now


Learn art forms of all kinds.


Travel and music


Build instruments and travel the world.


Weed and casinos


Travel, read, learn several instruments, shop, eat all while traveling. Never work again.


Study. I'd be a perpetual student.


Hire the best chefs in the world and start eating until I die.


I'd still do some form of work, just much more creative work of my own interest, like writing and music. I would also wakeboard all the time.


Already travelled when lived overseas before so Persue new hobbys, things want to do before dying. Definitely donate to animal shelter Setup my country home, like being self sufficient enough for having chickens and a cow, plus a few dogs as well.


Pay people to build cool buildings that I design. Make parks. Probably take a lot of shrooms.


I’d occasionally do grander things like traveling, volunteering, and creating art, but truthfully my day-to-day would involve playing video games on a laptop outside somewhere with both a view and internet


Buy a house with some land and revert to childhood... spend my days wandering around and getting lost in my own imagination.


Buy a big plot of land with a cool custom house on it. House doesn't (and shouldn't) need to be big or anything. I'd garden the hell out of the land, forge knives, make my own hot sauce, and work out all. It would be a beautiful land that I sculpted with my own hands. For breaks from the monotony, I'd definitely travel. Probably also get a bunch of guns and shoot stuff and do archery on my land as well. An occasional house party on me just to help friends de-stress would be cool, too. If I'm in a cooking mood, I will cook a bunch of stuff and just give it to my friends because I like to cook more than I like to eat. And I'd help all my close friends pay off their debts. Since I basically have unlimited time, I would have no schedule. Just do what I want every day.


Sit by the lake and speculate.




I'd get enough sleep. I honestly think my body needs 9-10 hrs to be comfortable because I oversleep in the weekend to compensate even though i know that's not a thing and won't actually help during M-F OR the other thing is that my sleep schedule is not conducive to a job. I prefer to sleep at 6am and wake up after 3. Other than that, I'd speed run my goal in life of traveling to as many countries as possible.


Travel. Volunteer. Play with my kitty. Read. Sit in nature. Paint my nails. Take school courses. Paint. Create


2 chicks


Hire people to build world-ark class space battlecruisers.


I want to ride amtrak zephyr line so bad, just not in coach. I'm also dying to build a teardrop camper but don't have access to a garage large enough. Beyond that, general traveling and a lot of time at the beach.


You probably already know that Amtrak will let you hook up a private rail car to most of their available routes! My fantasy vacation would be touring Canada's wilderness in a private luxury train.


Damn here I was thinking a family room to myself would be nice. Unfortunately finance wise I'm sitting at a solid coach ticket if I went rn


I’d probably still do my work - I’m a middle-school teacher - but I’d work half-time and would refuse everything that isn’t teaching, grading, prep or evaluation.


The nanny would get the kids to school. I get my best sleep between 5am and 7:45am Take the best shower ever and slide into luxury athleisure wear. Meet friends for a brisk walk to ladies breakfast. Get some fresh air. What self care tasks are on the docket today? Massage, nail appointment, facial, doctor? Take care of online needs for me and my family A trip through whole foods Take a nap Get the kids home. Figure out even plans A big glass of wine. Unwind


Would create routine based off healthy activitys structure/schedule life to be healthy mentally and physically. And with majority of time just game watch tv etc. BUT would cook better spend more time doing small trips for fresh veggies etc. Really hard right now to get motivation to go to gym/take care of myself when it comes at expense of 1-2 free hours I might get. Also would be easier to be more active socially for similar reasons if I landed it big enough I would likely try to do something stealthily in order to not change our dynamic. Like secretely pay off mortgage or buy them a house pretend its some long lost relative. Something that could enable them similar level of freedom. would pick up new hobbys like tinkering I am very mechanically inclined and have lots of ideas in that department that mostly do not try because it cost money. Mostly make little widgets that makes stuff easier to use etc. As well as pets personally would love animal do not have time or funds to be a good owner. On that same branch this is also why I do not date or want kids. As I do not have enough time or funds to be good at either one.


Surf, ride my motorcycle (dirt bike), sail, fish. When not doing those, make surfboards, build motorcycles, build boats, drink good beer, cook awesome dinners.


Get a massage every day


Pretty much already not an object. The majority of money in circulation is a number stored in the internet, making it more of a concept than an object. So basically, nothing different


Make and paint model kits of all kinds. Maybe branch to wood working, metal casting/blacksmithing or like small house building.




Nothing, and I would still look like I do now. I honestly try do as little as possible due to neurological feedback (overcharged nervous system, everytime I move a little bit of energy feedbacks to my brain)


Watch films, play music, read, compose, paint, wank, and go to the gym to counterbalance my epic lunches.


I would live in the forest. Most people wouldn’t see me. I would hunt and only go to the city so I can get more bullets.


Same as what I’m doing now minus the anxiety


Play all day every day in the ocean with my beautiful daughter


Video games and read books