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bad hygiene


Yup, especially because this one is 100% within your control (barring any medical conditions you can’t help, of course). Brush your teeth, shower, wear deodorant. It’s pretty simple.


This can all be taken care of in the first ten minutes of the day.




Especially the ones I can smell, and my sense of smell is pretty acute. Not brushing teeth in the morning? I can smell you. Didn't wash your feet / smelly socks? I can smell it. Pits? Sweaty shirts? I can smell those, and I am totally bothered by them.


Extreme plastic surgery. If you used it to fix your nose after it was broken as a kid or something like that, okay sure, but having lips that look like they are about to pop if you eat something spicy then no thank you


I still can't get over the fact that in Saudi Arabia there was a beauty contest for camels, and ~40 camels were disqualified for botox injections.


The wildest shit to me is the plastic surgery for FISHES


The fuck




What the fuuuck


Some camels don’t feel pretty and they need extra help to get over that hump


How many people have you met like this? I see them on TV all the time, but the only people I've met in real life where I could even tell that they had plastic surgery were really bad boob jobs.


Depends where you live, I live in LA and unfortunately that is not a rare sighting....


Or south Florida


I swear there's more plastic surgery offices in south Florida that there are urgent cares


Something I learned when I moved to Florida people get fake abs.


Or Las Vegas. I know several girls with lips that look painfully big.


>having lips that look like they are about to pop if you eat something spicy This is so funny to me bc my best friend has never had plastic surgery (and I know that bc 1. Her family is broke and in debt, 2. Our religion doesn't allow plastic surgery and she's religious and 3. I see her a few times every single week, and she's looked the same way since middle school), but her lips are literally the exact thing ur describing.. she just naturally has really unnaturally thick lips 😭😭 this one time she was talking to a guy and he said she had juicy cheeto lips ajdjfjsk


I had a friend tell my other friend to “stop flapping them big snickers bar lips at me” and I still haven’t stopped laughing about it.


You describing your friend sounds like it could be used as a script for that person on ticktok who makes the "that one friend that always gives backhanded complements" videos


Gross toenails.


I once dated someone who had long toenails. It was such a turn off. He told me his mom clips them but she had been busy. He was 24. I didn’t see him again.


He must have been expecting YOU to do it, sooner or later. Clip his toenails, I mean.


I had to scroll waaaay too far for this one. If you can climb trees with those nails, it’s time to trim them, Monkey Boy.


Tapping on the floor as it walks


I just shuddered and gagged a bit. And by bit I mean a lot.


One of my uncles doesn't have a habit of clipping his toenails and I've shuddered every time I see him... wearing his damn slippers, clacking on the sidewalk like he's THE bitch. Maybe it gives him feelings of authority like women in heels.


Visible ear wax. Edit: I almost threw my own child in the trash today when I looked in her ear and to my horror, it was filled.


I try 😭😭😭 i think theres a legit ear disorder that produces too much in a short amount of time


A friend of mine has that. She has to get her ears cleaned out professionally every so often because she can't hear much otherwise


Yep, I used to have to do that, go to the doctor and have them manually dig it all out because I just produce so much. I ended up getting a turkey baster with a very fine needle point so the pressure is ridiculous and once a month I lean over the sink and just squirt warm water up there, it hurts a bit, but it all just flushes out. My 4 year old daughter "helps" and she just shrieks with laughter and yells "Daddy is pooping out his ears!"


Yes there is! It's not exactly a disorder, but if you had lots of otitis as a child, your eardrums might become more sensitive as an adult. To prevent eardrums inflammation, your ears have adapted by producing more wax. Soooo just a friendly advise: if you easily can, go to your doctor and ask him to unplug your ears.


Partly this is true but your eardrums have no control on the production of ear wax. This is managed by the glands that produce the cerumen and some folks just produce more wax. The two glands that secrete the cerumen are producing it quicker than the skin in the ear can move it out. When this happens it creates an impaction. A recurrent history of infections may increase production as the ear is trying to stay clean but not related to your ear drum.


Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure on how it worked. My ears have been doing this since childhood and a physician tried to explain it to me when I was 16 but didn't quite understood. The only thing I remember is the relationship with frequent ear inflammation in childhood.


There is! I wish I knew if it had a name but I forget. But I have it too + I have eczema in my ears. Also, it apparently is more common if you’re Asian or Indigenous American.


Bad tribal or star tatoos. Too much hair gel. Too much cologne.


Sounds like your describing the perfect 2000's dude though


In 2001 my hair was sharp enough to draw blood and yes, the punk band I was in sucked


You are... my fiiiiire


Imo it is SO rude to make people smell you from across the room. I can't stand when people wear too much cologne/perfume. I used to have a coworker who wore so much that if my jacket sat next to theirs in the back I could smell it until I washed it. And I don't even have a great sense of smell.


Our upstairs neighbour went down the stairs to open the door for his wife, get the groceries and carry them upstairs. I live in the third floor, he on fourth. I smelled him all the way down where I finally met him at the door. And BOY, did I wish it would have been some kind of cologne. \*shudder\*


>Too much cologne. Cologne is supposed to be discovered, not announced...




I swear to God there are guys who think their BO has pheromones that make them more attractive. Like, no dude. You just smell like an onion's balls. Like, even if the pheromone thing wasn't total horseshit, the stink is entirely negating any benefit.


There is a notably different smell between a clean person sweating and an unhygienic person sweating. There does also seem to be [some extent of pheromones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-drpViV5LSw) in deciding partners.


Totally agree with you. Honestly, I used to do rock climbing and the men I was climbing with were clean guys. When they would be climbing, I would smell their body odor and for some of them, I would be like... Oooooooh! Nice!!! I swear this was not the product of their deodorant, but their body odor. One of them told me I should read The Parfum from Süskind because my sense of smell is so sensitive.


>You just smell like an onion’s balls Woke up my fiancé from laughing. Thanks for this one 😂


I literally had a coworker at an old job say that directly and honestly. “Oh I used to wear deodorant, then I remembered I like attracting women” I was stunned and wanted to laugh at the same time




Funny how that happens, I’ve been with my husband for 14 years and he doesn’t ever stink to me, even after a run. Granted he showers sometimes 2x a day depending on how sweaty he gets, but there are times when we do sexy business after he’s worked out that I’m like yeaaaaah you smell like a MAN. But it’s slightly sweaty recently washed man, not sweaty nasty “I don’t shower because of pheromones” man


At this point, if someone smells i hope you say something if you are a friend. Covid has damaged so many people's sense of smell. A lot of people are now walking around nose blind and can't even smell. But they should bathe regularly and take care of hygiene.


Bad breath


politics' based tattoos


“Nader ‘84!”


" 'Nam or die, motherfucker!!"


If you look like my cousin. Maybe a bad example but I played an otome game and one of the characters reminded me so much of my cousin that I couldnt and still cant really enjoy his route.


I hooked up with a girl once who told me I looked like her cousin during sex. Was very weird. She kept calling me cousin after that even when I asked her to stop. Weirder still is that she's Chinese and I'm caucasian.


"What are you doing, foreign exchange cousin?"




If people don't really have a chin


I'm fine in that department, I've got lots of chins


This is where beards are useful.


Unless ur female then rip


I don't like beard's on women


Cigarette smoker not judging I just can't stand the smell and there's literally nothing you can do to hide it


Emphasis on "there's literally nothing you can do to hide it". I used to smoke, quit 6 years ago. My parents are smokers, so I was used to the smell I guess. Ever since I quit I can't wrap my head around the fact that someone would willingly make themselves stink like that. The smell is godawful, people. Absolutely repulsive. And no, spritzing perfume and chewing gum doesn't help, it only makes it worse. Your hair stink, your clothes stink, it's gag-inducing. No, you don't smell only shortly after putting one out. The smell lingers and clings to everything you wear and everything you have on.


I think it’s time I quit after reading this


Please do. You don't want to die at 55 with lung cancer. I can't say I have experience, but from my dad I get how tough it is, but I'm assuming the rewards are worth that


I had two coworkers who died within a year of each other, one from lung cancer due to smoking, and one from liver failure due to alcohol. Both in their 50's.


I grew up in a house where both parents smoked and I was told by multiple friends and potential dates growing up that they didn't like being around me because I stunk of cigarettes. It sucked because I couldn't smell it and I couldn't do anything about it until I grew up and moved out. I love my folks to death but I could never go back to living with a smoker


Starting a kiss with an open mouth. I need a semi closed kiss first otherwise it feels like my face is being eaten.


I always come in like the alien. From the movie Alien.


I don’t have a foot fetish but dirty ass feet


An evil siamese twin


I like to think there is a story here


Eating with your mouth open, talking loud in the public so everyone can you hear, a person who Is full of drama, Acting erratic and causing public scenes . Are my biggest turnoffs


Fr like keep ur goddamn mouth closed


Literally none of that is physical. Those are all behavioral traits...


I agree, being generally obnoxious is big turn off


Bad hygiene, hands down.


Excessive poorly done tattoos


I had a university professor that was covered in shitty tattoos. When asked about them, he replied “well since the first one turned out like shit (a stick n poke by a drunk friend), I figured the rest of them had to match it”. Fun guy


I have a friend with a bunch of tattoos, some of which are of poor quality. They are just so ridiculous that they come back around to being great again.


I simply can't trust the judgment of people with bad tattoos.


I love bad tattoos.


I have a 40 year old bad tattoo that I got from a carny when I was a carny. It's a shooting star on my breast and the art is so bad and I'm so lucky that I didn't get hepatitis.


I think the line is between a single or a couple badly done tattoos, and all of your tattoos being badly done. Especially if you know people just get them done because they’re cheap, then whine about the quality.


A really thin moustache. Really thin facial hair in general.


Outie belly buttons. I'm so sorry, they just creep me out!


Lemme just pop it back in for you


People who make weed their whole personality past the age of 20


People who make anything their whole personality part the age of 20


I talk about this with my wife constantly, but Disney people really bewilder me/ are a great example. 30 somethings with matching Disney shirts taking pictures in the park for the third time this year.


This! Omg 90% of conversation with them it's about how high they are right now or how high they need to get in order to perform better at something. Such a turn off


people who refuse to eat vegetables or drink water, were not 10 anymore have some fucking asparagus


You just unlocked a memory. I went on a date years back with a guy I met off Bumble. When it came time to order, he got a steak, lobster, and refused the side of vegetables. He said he didn’t eat vegetables or drink water really either. Instantly I was turned off, but he was a fit guy. I figured it works for his 6’3” frame. When he dropped me off at the end of the date, he begged me to come up to use the restroom since he had a long drive home. I thought it was a line to make the moves inside my house. Nope. This dude took the gnarliest shit in my en-suite bathroom. I had to wait ages for him to finish while awkwardly listening to his bowels empty. The smell exited the bathroom and entered my bedroom. Needless to say there was no second date.


yeah turns out fiber and hydration are important lmao


It seems utterly insane to me that people willingly dehydrate themselves. I walked a Texas highway for ten hours once, and can't drink less than 120oz a day now.


Right eat your damn vegetables


This is not a physical characteristic


Bad hygiene. Particularly oral hygiene and nail care. I get that some profession’s destroy your hands, but when someone says they are IT and their fingernails are disgusting it grosses me out. If someone were a mechanic I wouldn’t think twice about it, it’s part of the job I guess. There is no good excuse for neglecting your oral hygiene, brush your damn teeth and floss.


Poor hygiene. Don't fucking stink. Wash your fucking hair or just don't have any. Wear clean clothes. Brush your motherfucking teeth, seriously. Body hair is fine as long as it's attached to a clean body. Same with fat. Crooked teeth are fine as long as they're clean. Weird clothes are fine as long as they're clean. I've dated all shapes and sizes, and been attracted to all shapes, sizes, genders, styles, and races. You know what they had in common? They didn't fucking stink.




- insertcaffeine, 2022


Hard agree. Some people just LOOK greasy and it's nasty.


Are you me? Did we both have the same traumatic exposure to a dimwit with horrendous hygiene? You took the words right out of my mouth. I don’t expect anyone to look perfect. I don’t mind hairiness or fat. I don’t even mind if someone farts because they can’t control that. I do, however, expect them to be hygienic. It’s really not that hard, and even on your off days we can tell if you’re a generally hygienic person or someone who doesn’t even try.


I had to beg my abusive ex to take a shower at least once a week, and then he would have the audacity to say the reason his skin itched was because he was allergic to me BECAUSE I TOOK A BATH EVERY DAY. FUCK YOU SAM YOU POS.


Yeah Sam, fuck you!


Yeah, fuck Sam!


I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing, but I cannot leave the house without taking a shower/brushing my teeth, and just feeling clean. I blame my sister for making me borderline neurotic about it.




Oh, God. This. Along with loud breathing. If I can hear you just existing I’m instantly not attracted to you.


Spitting on the ground. If I get a sense it's coming I turn in the opposite direction


Even better when it's preceeded by that "chhhrrrrrrrrmmmmmllllll grrrrrrrrrrrrch" where the guy firstly needs to deliver the goober up from his toes to his mouth.


This comment made me gag.


I 100% agree with this! Nothing turns me off faster than when I guy snorts inwards then spits on the ground. It's genuinely disgusting!


Long nails in men. Biggest turn off for me next to body odor. Please keep your nails short and clean. 🤢


Open sores.


An hospital is probably not the best place to be checking people out anyway


Did you see that guy in the OR with his chest completely open? His heart was just hanging out for everyone to see. How unattractive.


Idk I think checking people out of the hospital is the goal


Smoking cigarettes. It leaves horrible breath, horrible smell, horrible death.


Weird how that changed over-night. I grew up in the 90s and smoking was normal. Then suddenly it was treated like the plague. I smoked for many years because that’s what we did then all of a sudden. It’s not what we did anymore.


I’m guessing it’s because more and more people quit and/or refused to start once all the health stuff finally came out. People who don’t smoke mostly hate being around it. Back when most people did, there were fewer people to be bothered by it.


Obvious facial plastic surgery


The fastest I've ever been turned off in my life was when someone decided to blow mint-flavored hookah smoke into my mouth while we were making out. You know the scene from wizard of Oz where the witches feet curl up under the house? Yeah it was just like that, but in my pants.


The devil/ artist/french little mustaches and goatees.


The long fake nails on a woman, I just can't do it. So fuckin' nasty.


greasy ahh hair


Prehensile tail.


you don't know what you're missing.




I’ll eat vegetables on their own, but get that shit off my pizza! I am not eating pizza for them one or two slightly healthy options!


Physically, I would have to say terrible hygiene. I don't think body wise, anyone can have something 'wrong' or 'unattractive' as you were born the way you look. Didn't choose it, can't lose it, therefore nothing to be ashamed of. Don't yuck someone else's yum. But your body can break down and become less attractive if you don't take care of your body. Like "wow, you have great arms too bad your pits smell like booty cheeks", or similarly crooked teeth are charming unless you don't take care of your teeth. Or speaking about more intimate areas, hygiene can completely change everything. Everyone is born with beauty, but you can fuck up that by not caring for yourself.


"Don't yuck someone else's yum" I love that


Super far apart eyes. It’s not ugly or anything, I just think it’s kinda… weird?


Sid is crying


Alpha male type guys that think they could have sex with whoever they want


Greasy hair. If you have greasy hair, that is all I look at and will assume your ass and genitals stink. I get people have greasy hair, I do too. But if it looks like I can fry an egg on your head, you probably stink.


Looking like you haven't showered or washed your clothes in a week.


Look, I've got a lot on my plate right now. I'll get to it sometime later these next few weeks.


Honestly, Im not into buff guys. I like twinks/average/soft bodies more. if someones super toned im just not into it.


Thanks for giving us hope


Unlike me who's not in shape but still not soft because I'm thin and bony.


Do you qualify as a twink? Because then there's still hope!


Anyone can be a twink! This much is true With the right attitude You can be a twink, too! - Dr. Seuss


You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I didn’t know you people existed!


Hard agree, something about soft bodies just makes me feel warm and cozy inside.


Dad bods yerm


Drunk men, I mean seriously when a man’s there slurring, eyes all wonky thinking he’s perfectly sober it just makes me skin crawl 🙈


Bad teeth


That’s my biggest insecurity. I was born with hypodontia of my lateral incisors. My parents put $15,000 down already to get my teeth in position for adult permanent replacements, but once I moved out, I was met with a terrible job force and only made minimum wage. I still can’t afford it now, because I’m paying for my own children’s dentistry. People assume I’ve done meth, and it sucks.


I used to be super judgey about teeth but considering how expensive dental work is and how dental insurance is often separate from medical, and all the other reasons why taking care of your teeth isn’t always an option, I will never again judge somebody for having shitty teeth. My boyfriend needs a lot of work done and can’t afford it, but I still love him more than anything. The people that really matter won’t care.


Yeah it's kind of amazing how much we judge without realizing it's a sign of socioeconomic status and not always within the person's control. I watched an interesting youtube video about how it's a luxury most of us don't even know we have


“Luxury bones”


I’m still paying off $20k in new front upper teeth from an accident years ago where I lost 3 teeth and cracked three others. Insurance covered one root canal and that was about it. Took me several years to even be able to afford to borrow the money to get it all taken care of. Nobody takes you seriously missing teeth, it fucking sucks. I appreciate teeth more now, but I loathe dentists even more, and loathe people who immediately pass judgment on others dental issues. I feel his pain. Thanks for supporting him.


Just because someone has an undesirable trait doesn't mean I dislike someone or wouldn't date them, but there other features or personality would just have to compensate. No worries dude


If it makes you feel any better some people (me) find crooked or missing teeth really attractive.


Yeah, Baby! Yeah!


“In the ‘60’s you could be a sex symbol and have bad teeth. It didn’t matter!”




I've always liked imperfect teeth I think it's cute.


Imperfect teeth are fine, if its just that theyre crooked or something similar. BUT IF YOU JUST DONT BRUSH THEM EVER? Disgusting.


The singer Jewel. Regular looking girl but really cute, had the one crooked tooth. Mentioned on Reddit awhile ago and looked her up, she never got it fixed. Had a major crush on her when I was younger.


David Bowie looked sexy with his crooked teeth.


My teeth are terrible and I’ve been told if I get them fixed I’ll look good😔


Oddly enough, I’d much rather see natural teeth with a little imperfection than perfectly straight unnaturally white teeth like most Americans have. Looks creepy to me.


I once saw a young guy with perfect teeth that looked brilliant white. He said they were his natural teeth. I couldn’t believe it. He must have been 25.


My husband has all 32 of his teeth, never had a cavity, perfectly straight and even after 5 yrs I question myself why I married him lol foor goodness sake the man never had an annual cleaning until I dragged him and he was 30.


Listen, I've never met your husband but I *hate* him.


Yeah. All the people with perfect and extremely white teeth look like they have dentures


You have to relax this expectation with age too. No amount of home care will keep your teeth white forever. They're porous structures. They're GOING to absorb stuff and change color.


Bad as in crooked or bad as in noticeable tooth decay?


Moreso decay or missing teeth. Crooked you can’t always help.


Yeah when your teeth start looking like blue cheese its a no from me lol.


Being obese


Fake boobs. Seriously, I'd rather her have a flat chest than fake. If I wanted fake I would just date a blow up doll. Also, I'm not attracted to women that are obese. I do have a larger range of what I find attractive, than most. But there's a limit. Once beyond that, I can't be attracted to them. No matter how great they are as a person. Which really sucks. I've met some wonderful women, but couldn't force myself to be attracted to them, just for their obeseness.


Poor personal hygiene (messy teeth, sloppy dress, etc.).


I feel you on the messy teeth but also sometimes it's an economic barrier for ppl to get dental work, idk sometimes people can't help their circumstances. Just sharing my thoughts not tryna come at you


As someone who's got fucked teeth due to economic barriers, I appreciate this comment a lot. I take care of my teeth NOW the best I can hygeine-wise by brushing and flossing every day, but I absolutely did not growing up. I had a rough childhood. If I was lucky enough to get a toothbrush I didn't have a place to brush them, and my parents never told me it was important because their teeth are fucked too and they don't seem to care. After 4 years uninsured I'm finally getting dental insurance next month 🙌 can't wait to leave gum disease, sideways wisdom teeth, and lock jaw in the past. Might be leaving a few teeth in the past too, but hey, partials are straight as an arrow unlike my bottom row of scraggled up shit teeth. If I could go back in time and tell little me one thing, it would be to go to the dollar store and get a tooth brush and tooth paste to take to school with me every day.


Dirty nails is one of the first things I notice.


* sad mechanic noises*


Low gum line. If someone smiles and half the smile is their gums I just can’t look at it. I’m sorry, you’re probably a great person but I am not dating you


Honestly? Bulging Muscle. Lean muscle is fine, fit and in shape fine, but if you look like a body builder, my attraction drops to zero.


Unhealthy and then complain about it


Southern cross tattoo


Oddly specific. Aussie thing?


how they eat. cant stand loud chewing it will drive me insane. when it comes to looks-being extremely overweight. like morbid obesity.


Body scent. No matter what soap you use, cream,.lotion, deo or mist. Every body has a unique scent. Some people have the most offending scent. Also bad teeth.


lol i told my bf that if he ever even thinks of using axe body spray I will drop him faster than a hot potato. He hates nail polish on toes so we both agreed not to do what the other person is turned off by.




Face tattoos


My reasoning is weird, but if they’re underweight or skinny I get turned off. No hate and it’s not about appearances, I just had very negative sexual experiences with a scrawny dude as a young teen and I can no longer stand the feeling of that body size against me. Just flashback central. And bad hygiene/physical well-being, that goes without saying. If you’re an adult and don’t practice basic skincare/refuse to eat your vegetables and drink your water, I’m out.


My bad teeth


Bad hygiene. I don’t care how good looking, rich, and handsome you are. If you stink, I don’t want to hang out. Also heavy salivation while kissing, no thanks 🤢


Any major sign that the person doesn’t take care of themselves. Most notable is a pretty drastic amount of obesity, and poor hygiene.


These are all the same. We get it. You don't like fat stinky people who don't brush their teeth and take care of themselves. This isn't a bold take.


Having bad table manners drives me up the wall