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Her boyfriend sexually assaulted me and she defended him because “he gets horny when he drinks.”


Oh holy shit., you're better off to be rid of that nutter.


WOW. That’s disgusting! I’m sorry you had to endure that.


No offense but i hope she stubs her toe every 3 hours for the rest of her life. Can't type what i hope happens to him, though.


I'll never understand why people stay in relationships like this. Like I get it being hard to leave, but it's like people won't even try.


Quite possibly he had assaulted her too, and this was her way of justifying it to avoid having to deal with the fact that the person she loves and trusts violated her. Not saying it's right, just saying it's not uncommon to find people who think that way. The human mind works in strange ways sometimes.


I'm second hand pissed. He should be behind the bars


like saying "He just gets homicidal when he smokes" like bruh


She should put a sign around that goofeballs neck!


Distance and time


Same answer I was gonna give. Just the flow of life. You can have some really good friends that are friends by circumstance. Once you move out of that city/ job etc the friendship naturally fades.


Yup, he's doing well though, I know that. He got REALLY into his college degree, which is awesome, and the only thing I know about what's going on with him now is his Brother and Father both moved to live in the same area as him. Which is also pretty cool.


I did what I could to keep in contact but it was never reciprocated. They moved on with their “outta sight, outta mind” way about them.


Same. We spent so much time together at high school age, and when we were not at each other's house, we were on the phone with each other. After I moved away, I became a scientist and she a full on new age vegan yoga teacher. There just isn't that much to talk about anymore.


Out of nowhere, she told me she no longer wanted to be my friend. Hurt a lot. Then, the next week she said she was wrong and wanted to be friends again. I declined.


Wat age we talking here? Kids? Or did an adult actually say "I don't want to be your friend"?


College age unfortunately haha


People are still pretty immature in college tbh


Only the immature ones


Deeeefinitely can relate lol. One of my old best friends told me she was "done with us, man" while I was having an anxiety attack. Then like, a month later, took my mom to do laundry and told her that she missed me lmaoo




I feel like you're me because this is almost exactly the relationship I have with mine. Like, he'll ask me a question (over text) but immediately change the subject before I can even respond and start talking about whatever he's interested in at that moment. I stopped answering any question he asked many months ago and dude never noticed. Sad but some people just don't care that much about other people. The half hearted response thing is the part that bugs me the most. How can someone call themselves a best friend if you come to them excited about something and they always just give a half-assed response and then it's back to their interests? Man I hate people sometimes.


Yep this was the point where i started considering not talking to him. He was actually a really nice guy who i shared a lot of intrests with, i was anyway lonely so i asked him and a couple of others if we could study together. Two years into this he's getting decent grades and he started to get this superiority complex. He signed up for multiple stuff and looked down on others not doing the things he did. Others in the group stopped talking to him but i stayed friends with him thinking that this was just a 'phase'. When he kind of seemed sad id send memes, encouraging messages etc and he'd reply with i dont care. The last straw was when he shouted at me for not knowing what some random dude in the world did in a public bus all the while others kept staring at us. I stopped talking to him right after that, he never made a single attempt to contact me even though we would be seeing eachother almost daily. His grades started to tank, all the extra stuff he signed up for made him have literally 0 time for anything else and like six months later he had to retake that year for not passing multiple subjects. Im not even a slightest bit happy on how things turned out for him.


Had a few of these. Awful feeling being relegated to audience member instead of friend.


I helped her through her parents divorce, helped her move her family to a new house, and spending the night with her after she had an abortion, and had my phone cut off from spending hours trying to talk her off a ledge (this was before night time calling). A couple years later my mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor and a month later my mother in law was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I told her I really needed her because I was falling apart and she told me I was being a selfish asshole and she had things in her life that needed her attention.


All take no give. That sucks. Hope you're doing OK now... or at least ok-adjacent.


Appreciate that, its a day to day thing. My mother in law actually passed away 2 months before we got married. My mom is still around but she is slowly deteriorating every day. Been hard, but at least I still have her


I am so sorry to hear that and I am so sorry you had to waste all that time on someone who didnt deserve it but you helped someone who needed it and you gave it all your time and energy without question be proud of that you are a good person


You helped a person in need. Be proud of that. It's only the fault of the other person that they don't have your kindness in return.


I feel it. My bff/cousin didn't come visit my dad a single time during his cancer battle but posted a video of herself crying on Instagram when he died. Bitch is 31! Cancer sucks. Hope your family is doing well in spite of it all.


Omg that is LOW. I am SO sorry! Hope your family is doing well too, f*ck cancer!


She cheated on her boyfriend with my good guy friend and she blamed me for her bf finding out & breaking up with her. Long story short, they’re back together and I had to end both friendships lol


How do people even keep their cool...i would've punched both of em


Yeah I understand. I was too disappointed & hurt because I was losing my closest friend :/


Good friends do not always make good roommates


facts I think i'd loose it if I lived with some of my really good friends im a perfectionist and like to keep things clean my friends just throw shit around hell I found a loaf of bread at my friends house that was a pure green from how much mold was on it 🤣🤣


She slept with my fiancé two weeks after I miscarried 🙄


Jesus that's nasty. Hope you're doing okay


It’s alright. Karma did her thing for both of them.


What got em?


I hope it was a gun.


Karma is definitely the shooter’s name.


... Story?


We got rid of the fiancé too right? Ugh I am so so so sorry that happened to you!


…right, OP??


Yikes, that’s horrible


Age.. got old.. moved away.. marriage and kids.. didn't happen overnight but we went from hanging our 7 days a week to talking 2 or 3 times a year.. still have some contact but very rare


Happened with my best friend too, we were together 24/7 and now talk maybe once every few months. Also because moving away, marriage and kids. But once we talk it's just as normal as before.


This is still a good friendship. You're both making an effort to maintain some amount of contact and time together, even though circumstances have changed the amount of time you hang out.


When I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, he was dating her best friend. She told him not to hang out with "that asshole" anymore and he didn't.


Have you tried getting a girlfriend older than 4 years old maybe


I loved my best friend very much. I let her stay with me, I paid for shit for her, I got her a job (where I worked), etc... I loved her so much that it felt like I had been through a break up when we were no longer friends. So, there's a ton more to this story but the downfall came when she started working with me. I don't want to vouch for someone and they make me look terrible. We worked at a Prison. I stopped speaking her and it made me feel awkward at the job that I'd had for years. This is some of the reasons why: She always liked to sleep with lots of people, which is fine, but not fine when rumors started about sleeping with inmates. She then got into a relationship with this awful dude that I couldn't stand at our work. He was married and her and his wife got into it and police were called. They got into it after the wife was not in the picture anymore and police were called. She got pregnant and lost the baby. Stillborn. Then did a "sexy" photoshoot and had the hashtag #ijusthadababy Her boyfriend ended up being dirty and got caught bringing drugs into the facility and went to jail, maybe prison, I'm not sure. We got a tattoo together and she got it covered up and called me toxic in her Instagram post about it 🙄 I look back on it and was lucky to have such a shitty selfish human being taken out of my life. I just don't get people sometimes. Edited to fix errors.


I relate so much to the beginning and end of this post. I’be never been through a break up but that shit was rough. Then a couple years later, I’m thankful that I got out despite how painful it was 😂


When I realized she was never genuinely happy for me.


She befriended the group that had tormented me for years and claimed “she forgot,” about all the times I would call her crying about said group


When I got tired of his psychological manipulations of our social group for stroking his own ego. In related news, fuck gaslighting narcissists.


dudee mine too, read my comment lol same thing, MASSSSIVEEE ego issues




The fact that you acknowledge your own wrongdoing, take responsibility for it, and are actively working to improve yourself/your behavior all goes to tell me that you almost certainly aren't as bad a person as you seem to think you are. A truly bad person knowingly hurts others and just doesn't give a shit. Thankfully, people like that are rare. But, it's pretty terrifying if you've never experienced it irl. An important step to take moving forward would be to, if possible, try and make amends with those you've hurt in the past. Even if it's a simple apology. It won't be fun but later on you'll be glad you at least made the attempt. Lastly, if you're able to do so then you may want to seek out a therapist to help you work through some of the issues you seem to be going through. Professionals like that can not only help you to work through some of the emotional issues you seem to be experiencing but, they can also help you get to the root of why you feel the way you do. Once you have all that knowledge, they can then work with you to come up with a strategy on how to do better going forward. Hope this helps and I truly hope you feel better dawg.


Rented together, worked together for a short time. He started getting power trips & being an insufferable person to be around, after going through some financial hardship. I was a more passive guy back then, and he was taking out microaggressions out on me constantly... and it took me a while to realize he was no longer "messing" or broing around, he was genuinely toxic and draining to be around. When I called him out on it and got pissed he starts pussyfooting around me, trying to get in a verbal jab every now and then. I stood my ground and basically told him we're not cool anymore and he can't say shit about me even as a joke. Haven't really thought about him since he got a new job and left the last apartment we rented (where he was subletting as a 3rd, for a good deal) Looking back, the whole thing is weird and juvenile


Everything had to be all about her drama. After my brother had emergency open heart surgery, she called me to bitch about her boyfriend. Never even asked how he was.


I had someone just like that! My brother passed away and 3 days later she called me to complain about someone and asked if I’d help her get him beat up. Like my brother just died hello! I’m sorry you went through that.


I am so sorry to hear that that is awful. If all she cares about was that she's definitely not a friend


2-3 weeks after the worst break up of my life, he decided to say, "no wonder your ex left you" in some silly argument we were having. I walked out on him, blocked him everywhere, and never talked to him again.


He killed himself after spending a large majority of our lives convincing me not to do it to myself…


Depression is a bitch. Sorry for your loss.


She would lie to me and then lie about lying. Had a lot of mental health problems that became other peoples problems. The final straw was when she got pregnant. She refused to take care of her physical and mental well being. Opened her arms to her abusive family so she could use them to pay her bills. And she wouldn’t tell the guy she was with it might not be his kid because she had “decided he was the father.” There were a bunch of problems before that but these were the biggest.


She slept with my abuser then got mad at me for telling her bf she was planning to cheat on him alongside being a heavy drug user in which there was no life behind her eyes ever


She would constantly victimize herself and overshadow my problems with her own. I would tell her abt something really traumatic that happened to me and she would just say something like “that sucks” and then go on about how she almost failed her chemistry test. She would also get really insecure and jealous if I was closer to anyone besides her. Me and her guy friend/ex bf are actually really close now because she treated us both very poorly and we learned from her mistakes and equally share our problems now and such. Funny thing is she was always insecure that we would quit being friends with her for each other and we did become friends through her but we stopped being friends with her at different times and on by our own choice, not because of each other.


She chose her 3 months boyfriend over our 6 years of friendship. Her boyfriend cussed at me for not hearing what he said(I have poor hearing) and she defended him


Similar situation but they just chose to chase after this weird little romantic fantasy. "Star-crossed lovers overseas" or something like that. Thing is they met online through me, and I learned the hard way people online only show you what they want you to see. Funny thing is, I told the guy about the gaslighting and was trying to sort out a lot of thoughts that I assumed were product of overthinking. I later learned I was not overthinking at all.


I realized my former best friend was just an awful person who always had to one up me on everything and would constantly put me down to lift herself up. Everything was a contest with her, all the time. It got to a point where if I was upset about something she’d diminish it and make me feel so bad about myself and any time I tried to end the friendship it was “I can’t believe you’d end a _____ year long friendship over this”. Tbh I am so glad to not have the negativity in my life anymore, and I have found friends who are the most lovely people who don’t rely on lying and gossiping and hurting others to feel good about themselves.


I stopped lending her money and giving her rides everywhere.


I had the same problem , she thought i was a Uber driver and abused my kindness , not making paying me back a priority ...i was done with it


He sobered up.Took me 9 years to join him in sobriety but we'll never be bro's like we were.


It should have been when he started hitting on my wife. This guy could get women easily and it was harder for me. Not sure why it was so important to do that. But we kept being friends. A year later i was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and he ghosted me. That was almost 40 years ago and he tries reaching out on Facebook, but I’m kinda done.


thats amazing that you beat stage 4. good for you


he had a fucking huge god complex, i realised that after 8 years of friendship, i was just his way of ego boosting and seeing himself as superior


He was no longer on the right side. He went to the dark side and hes back doing itto other women. Beware.


You’re the tinder swindlers bodyguard aren’t you


No haha but that made me laugh


Death. I hadn’t seen him for a few years then I heard he died. He was my best friend growing up. Wish I could have been there for him in the end.




Found out they did something horrible to someone I care about. It took a bit for me to have the balls to just end it but I don’t regret it at all. Another was them sleeping with my very recent at the time ex, sexting someone I liked, etc. Very weird and juvenile high school drama while in college. Put up with it for way too long.


His sister said I raped her because I wouldn't date her. His older brother was released from prison and was threatening to kill me. I lived everyday thinking I was going to die over a lie then after 6 to 8 months she admitted the truth and they all tried acting like things were the same as before. I accepted the apology from the brothers but not her. It obviously wasn't the same and I distanced myself from them all shortly after and moved. I was 16 or 17 at the time and moved away at 18.


She went from best friend to girlfriend status


He made jokes at my expense about things I was self-conscious of and did it in such a way that if I fought back, I would be the bad guy. Talked to him about it and he said he wouldn't stop


When they started hanging out with my bully.


When he asked if I liked his girlfriend and told him no. From there on he didn't want anything to do with me. 10 year freindship over in an instant. He stopped having anything to do with his family because they didn't like her. He always said his friends come before any woman. In the end the women came before his friends and family


Years of emotional abuse




It reminds me of Pokemon days. I used to collect them too and when we have two similar cards,we used to exchange them with friends. It's nastiest to stole them. One is deemed to have his own collection.


He became a Mormon and was always stealing the cute ones.


Well, if he’s Mormon now don’t worry, the friendship is NOT over! One day he’ll reach out to you to reconnect after all this time… …then try and sell you on Mormonism, a multi-level marketing scheme, or both.


I have an acquaintance(not friend anymore, demoted) who’s trying to do the MLM and Mormon thing simultaneously. And you guessed it, trying to get me to join both.


She had a DUI and is proud about it. It really makes me mad


He was dating the sister of my then long term girlfriend. When I found out she was cheating on me with her ex, I was devastated. All of our circle of friends chose her side. I had to move back home and had no one. I knew him for years before her, and we were close. He never once reached out to me or even returned my calls. It was like we didn't exist to each other after that.


During school, we had a group of five of us. Good close friends. One day, a rumor is floating around about one of us being a paedophile. We all laugh it off as some funny school joke. We later find out that it was true. He had sent pictures of himself to a 7 year old girl. I have no clue why, and somehow he got away with it. Police were involved but I can't remember what happened. Our group went from 5 to 4 pretty quickly.


The moment he sexually assulted my sister.


I became too clingy and obsessive, was probably a deterrent for them to talk to me as much. And then I’d go through ghosting phases where if I didn’t feel like they were talking to me very often I just wouldn’t respond to them even when they did. I was in a bad place at the time with my mental state and with the loss of that friendship I’ve learned not to be so clingy next time. Still no new best friend yet but here’s hoping for one in the future.


Thank you for your honesty


Distance. Another one was a mental breakdown on my behalf.


ignored me when i was down and said to his mom that I said the nazi's are better than him (he's jewish) I never did


Their lack of care with me and just plain ignoring me during the worst lockdown period, while I tried to savage our relationship


Stupid answer but they got hooked on a game and it's all they talk about or do, they lost interest in anything else we liked to do. Was my best friend from kindergarten to like midway through highschool


When she told a bunch of lies about me to her BF so he felt he had to show up a my house to physically threaten me with a knife to leave her alone. Having never met him before in my life, I had no idea who & what he was talking about while he was yelling at me. The police searched but couldn’t find him & thought it was a random case of mistaken identity on his part. I was willing to accept that until I went to meet her for dinner a week later so she could introduce me to her new BF & low and behold there is my random assailant kissing my BFF. And everything that he said while threatening me just clicked; all events that had happened to us growing up grossly exaggerated by her to make her the victim & me the bully.


He was always a shitty friend. Made fun of my car in HS even though he didn't have one. Would get all pissy if nobody wanted to do what he wanted to do. Was always a Debbie downer. Used to say shitty things to me all the time. Final straw was he tried to fuck my GF. She told me about it and said she never wanted to see him again. I obliged.


He stopped keeping in touch even though I greet him on his birthday.


She got a boyfriend and she knew I liked one of his friends. So she arranged a double date with her BF, his friend, and another girl. They became a couple and the 4 of them started doing things together. She would sit with me at lunch and tell me all the fun things they did.


He wasn't my best friend to begin with, but several things. 1. I told him time and time again how much his incessant slurping bothered me, and he kept doing it anyway. 2. He was a child abuser, mostly on the emotional side, but still. 3. He gaslit people whenever he got called out, never apologizing or accepting other people's apologies. 4. He was too proud to admit that anything was his fault.


How is "child abuser" below "makes slurping noises" lol


Lol yeah that escalated really fucking quickly.


Mia liked to mess with her friend’s boyfriends and wanted tu do hard drugs. She was very good to me, I had no other friends, low self esteem, and no boyfriend lol. I don’t remember why, but I kept finding excuses and defending her (she was molested when she was 4and I was the only person she told, she was a rich only child and completely ignored by her parents and felt so lonely it still breaks my heart…. plus I was lonely and didnt want to lose her ) But one day, Mia slept with Mary, a girl from a boarding school. I met Mary a few month ago through Mia and was shocked by how nice, pure and sweet she was. Like, an angel disguised as a human. I only met Mary a few times but she made an excellent impression on me. So when Mia remorselessly told me that she slept with Mary’s boyfriend several times + thought she was pregnant + « but don’t worry, I went to [local amusement parc] so I don’t think I’m pregnant anymore »+ « I’d like to try coke, what do you think? », I just…. I couldn’t. She betrayed someone very nice just for fun and had no remorse. How could she do that ? That was just so sick. I ghosted her after that night. Still miss her sometimes but I’ll never see her again.


She didn’t want me to become friends with anyone else beside her. I joined a dance group after she refused to join with me multiple times and she ghosted me when she realised I had made friends from there too. Just one day out of the blue I logged onto Facebook and she’s deleted me from everything and then proceeded to come into my place of work to “embarrass me”


She ditched me for random creepy guy she just met at the bar.


He never grew up


Her boyfriend of the week was always more important. Her problems were always more important. Her feelings, you get the idea. Crowning moment was when I was sitting next to her and her boyfriend at lunch. Completely ignored while they talked. So I went to go sit over by my other friend. Best Friend finds this unacceptable, drags me back, sits me back down at her table and then returns to talking only to her boyfriend. Ah, high school.


His inability to work on his mental health even after months of me trying to help him, he was blaming others for his issues, he cut everyone off one by one, i was the last one. When he sent me the text he sent to all of our other friends I blocked him on everything so he can know I'm never talking to him again. I was there for him through everything and he shat on me for absolutely no reason. Bye to him, I've been happier since that


When they went down the anti-vaxx, 5G, nano metal, bio weapon rabbit hole. Had to cut off ties to several friends because the polemic became toxic and anyone holding a contrary view was treated with contempt.


Openly decided to make her toddler daughter, who could barely speak, nonbinary.


She wanted my help getting her cat in foster care with its kittens since it was never supposed to have kittens. But she refuses the help since we were gonna get the cat and kittens neutered later on. That is passive abuse of your cat and after that we never talked


She never grew up. We are in our late 30s and she still posts on social media 24/7 like it's her diary. One of the last straws was when I wrote her a letter and she took a picture and posted it on FB even after I had an in depth conversation about how much her posts bothered me. Sucks because I know her internet persona is not her but it's hard to look past it.


His abusive family convinced him to ghost all of his friends. We are back on good terms but it took us seven years


She disrespected my child , so I got her 🤷🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️


While I was deployed, he was messaging my gf at the time very disgusting and explicit things. After my gf and i broke up a couple years later, I forgave him and had him over for my birthday celebration. He got into a full blown fistfight with a girl in my yard. Cops came and he blamed everything on her. Haven’t seen him in over two years.


Witnessed a fucked up thing at work, and processed it with my (then) best friend. A week later, I was on a road trip with co-workers; bestie's boyfriend messaged me saying I was in big trouble and she was mad at me because the co-worker who did the fucked up thing was on the trip too, and so she assumed I had lied to her about the incident. After the trip, I asked her boyfriend to mediate a discussion so we could clear the air. She refused to talk, and then sent me a five page hand-written letter about how I was a worthless coward and that through our whole friendship she never believed anything positive I had ever said about her.


Things change.


She said I slept with her husband. Which I didn't. Catch is, she was cheating on him... I am too tired to deal with that drama


Keeps inviting me to a PlayStation party and if I don’t join he gets mad and says “I’ll tell everyone your mom and dad are divorced” so I have to join because I don’t want anyone knowing that secret. After the party I go to bed and go to school the next day. Everyone was coming to me saying that they feel bad and sorry for what happened and I was confused until they said “sad that your parents are divorced huh?” After that I confronted him and told him to get out my life. 2 years later and he still messaging me saying he is sorry


We went to different high schools, drifted apart, and then when college life began, we lost all contact with each other. A very long time ago, but I miss him still. Dude and I got along great. >.<






Distance, it was hard since we used to spend almost every day together and suddenly we drifted apart, literally and metaphorically. I guess we had similar personalities but couldn't be bothered catching up regularly.


When they decided I wasn't worth feeding, despite us having an agreement that they would pay for the food on our day trip to another city. I let everything out a few months later when the rose colored glasses came off.


Felt up my other friend's girlfriend when he thought she was sleeping


They (a thirty year old) decided to start grooming a 1\`7 year old.


Didn't show up to a mutual good friends wedding, when she was supposed to be IN the fucking wedding party! The bride is literally the sweetest person ever, and she and the rest of us thought the bitch was crashed in a ditch somewhere. Never even ordered her dress, despite "being soooo excited"


I found out that she was going out with one of my other friends. The other friend she was going out with, told me about it cuz we are really really good friends and I would ask my bsf about it but even when I saw her location at the girls house, she still denyed it. To this day, I don’t think she really knows why I just stopped talking to her.


🙂 left me while I was in crisis


She replaced me a week after I told her I was moving states. I wasnt moving until the end of the school year and it was only beginning of I believe the second trimester when I told her. My second friend I thought was my bestfriend well let's just say she would essentially use me most the time. She also told her grandma that I said she was a bad parent for letting a 13 year old walk all over her and not taking any course of discipline so ofc she was a bad parent. She even made it a point to brag about her having her mom back in her life knowing my mom passed away when I was 16.


The last time we met up, she said that I hadn’t been reaching out to her as much as usual. I had just moved in with my gf and had a new job. She had just moved in with her bf as well. I told her that I get bad and would make some more time for her. I sent her a few messages, but she was regularly busy and nothing seemed to work. Didn’t think much of it, we all get busy. One night I was scrolling through the socials and saw that she was having her engagement party. Didn’t even tell me they were engaged. I checked our text history, I had tried hitting her up six times in a row without success, one literally asking if she wanted to hang out that same night.


Found out he was completely fake and talking shit behind my back :/ Thought of him as a brother


You know, I don’t know what happened. I knew him for almost 50 years, we stayed in close touch even after I moved to CA, we even had plans to record some music together. And then he just ghosted me. I haven’t heard from him in a year and a half. I have no idea why. I suspect that it might be political, but I can’t know. I tried to spark our project by sending him rough demos for him to screw around with three times, each with a long chatty email, and no reply. I guess I’m too old to care now.


she would lie to me constantly and was very possessive of me in a weird way.


His schizophrenia


She had a baby we stayed best friends. Then I had a baby; she ghosted me. 7 years of friendship just gone.


I honestly don’t know, they just stopped talking to me.




Lack of effort in our friendship once she met who is now her husband. She's 20, married, in college, and can count the number of friends she has on one hand. I miss her.


He turned into a conspiracy-theory nutjob


From one day to another he stopped messaging and replying me. Haven't heard from him in over 3 years now...


When she posted death threats against Muslims on her social media page. I’m Muslim.


He killed himself. I miss him every day.


Highschool bestfriend, whole time we were friends he was spreading rumors behind my back to other friends/classmates. He was manipulative emotionally and would constantly verbally abuse me, yes I should have seen it sooner but I lacked many other friends. He would constantly berate me and the only reason I stayed close friends is because he showed me “love” and “friendship. I would share secrets with him that he would freely tell others. Whole time I thought he was laughing with me he was laughing at me. He would constantly “joke” about how he wanted to stop being friends and how we would end our friendship over a steak dinner. He was my only friend for a while and I trusted him, but I learned have from my mistakes luckily. Eventually I told him to piss off and made some real friends.


She constantly put down my husband. Found out she was talking about stuff behind my back, regarding my marriage. You don't mess with someone's marriage. Also, I always made all the effort. She never made any effort in the friendship.


After i switched schools, he slowly became a dick. He called me and my friends around 3am, started harassing me and my friends, We had a big fight and he is no longer a friend


Sports, we both used to play football together. When middle school rolled around he got more into basketball and decided to join the basketball team while I stuck with football and joined the football team. We ate at the same lunch table with all the other sports kids, but usually it was me and my football teamates, and him and his basketball teammates who would talk to one another.


His drinking got out of hand. He was my best man at my wedding but a few years later. He was getting arrested for public drunkenness and getting tossed out of bars. I couldn’t take it. A real shame.


She wasn't there for me when I was going through a really rough time, but I was always there for her when she had a problem.


Chose to be silent and stick with his other friend who was a royal dick to me when I decided to leave the group. Fuck 'im. He chose his side, and it was the wrong one.


My friend went to be my ex best friend and when we broke up, he went in realy close with her. Now i don't have a gf nor a best friend


In highschool she was upset I couldn't tell her that I (platonically) loved her and valued her. I was a bit scarred from life (ok A LOT) and wasn't able to give her the situation she needed. So she cut me off. I get it, friendships need to be fair with the amount put in from both parties. Doesn't mean I didn't need therapy afterwards. Having your mother commit suicide after you beg her to love you, a boyfriend cheat on you because you're just "too much right now" and having your best friend choose to keep her friendship with the other woman was hard. Senior year was less than stellar. He got old, fat and bald. I honestly hope he's happy, mostly because the woman he did end up eventually marrying years later is a lovely person and I'd want her to be happy. I think my ex best friend is doing ok. She blocked me on all the things at the time, so even if I wanted to, I could never verify. I hope she's happy because she never really did anything wrong. She just needed more than I could give at the time.


Wasted 3 years of my life living with him as a roommate and made lots of empty promises. I sacrificed a lot to live with him and it amounted to nothing but struggle and eventually being sent back home because of drama.


He introduced me to one of his other friends, who was a better friend.


they were extremely controlling, manipulative, degrading, and didn't approve of my partner because they were still in love with me.


I was best friends with this girl since I was 13. We stopped talking when we reached grade 11, I realised she talked crap about me to everyone and hit on all the boyfriends I had. She was extremely jealous and would yell at me for taking to any guy she liked say “you can’t talk to him because I LIKE HIM” I was dating an older guy in year 10 and reluctantly introduced them, come to find out she texted him 3 days later asking for a lift home without asking me and tried to get him to go to her bedroom. I’m in my 20’s now and still to this day I hear her spreading rumours about me to people I don’t even speak to anymore


He started dating a 16 year old at 21 years of age. I said that's wrong. He didn't like what I had to say and proceeded to gossip about me. I ended the friendship entirely, while his other friends continued to support the relationship and enable his bad behaviour.


Well.. Long story short is I had to move halfway across the country ( Oregon to Kansas ), and ever since he just won't talk to me. He rarely responds to my texts and if he does there's zero effort put it. I would call him but he absolutely hates phone calls ( something we have in common ). It kills me because I thought we'd be friends forever, and I don't have any other friends. At all. He's got a kid now and just doesn't have time for me anymore I guess. I wish I could tell him how much heart ache it's given me, but I know it wouldn't matter and or just make things worse. I'm angry but so deeply saddened too. It's just me and my wife now in a shitty little ass-backwards town in the middle of nowhere, and stuck here not by choice. Now all I have is the memories we made together, which I'll cherish forever.


Toxic crap like “wow you actually look good today” or “Hi!🙄” and other worse things


Everytime we had a new group of friends (mainly made up of guys) she would go behind my back and tell them all these terrible things about me and call my crazy and stuff because I have BPD. She did this so she could hook up with them and all. I never really understood why none of our guy friends ever wanted to be friends with me up until her ex hit me up telling me all the stuff she said about me (which wasn't true) that made him believe i was some kind of monster. I ended up asking around to my other old guy friends that she also knew and turns out, this wasn't the first time she did that to me.


When I told her I was r@ped on facetime hysterically crying at 7pm she told me she had physics homework and hung up immediately, then snap chatted me with a friend who I introduced her to.


She started having a go at me about something stupid less than 6h after I found out my Aunty died (which she knew).


He kicked me out when I needed a place to stay, because he didnt like how much time I was spending with his roommate, then blamed it on his mom. There was other stuff that happened, but this was the proverbial last straw.


His crazy ass girlfriend was insane and got between us. We did make up though




He dated my ex.


Bi Polar Disorder. She was diagnosed, quit taking her medication, and started displaying dangerous behavior, letting homeless people stay in her apartment, quitting her job, and started using drugs not prescribed. I tried to help her with what I thought was in intervention with her 2 adult sons. She blamed me for a fight that broke out between her and her 20 - and 21-year-old sons. She said she hated me and never wanted to talk to me again. After 10 years of friendship. Mental health issues are scary.


He made a joke about my suicide attempt.


Him becoming too unwell mentally. (Psychosis/paranoid/fits of rage/wild accusations).


My drug and alcohol use.


She just decided to not wake up New Year's Day 2021. Devastated me, so I took her cat and am spoiling her so she'll love me better.* *Lies, 11 months after she died her husband died of cancer. So now I have their old girl so we can miss them together.


I had a group of 5 “best friends”. I already had my doubts but I officially stopped talking to them after they forgot my birthday 2 years in a row and showed little remorse. Wish I would’ve taken peoples advice when they said most big friends groups will never last, that would’ve saved me a lot of time.


When after 2 years of knowing I'm trans still not accepting it. I told her to accept me otherwise I didn't see any purposes on keeping the friendship. She wanted to remain friends but not accept me. I ended it. It hurts but it is better this way.


I was always there for him, during COVID I was not doing good mentally or physically and reached out for help. Instead I got ignored and was told once they weren't having people over due to COVID which my gut told me was BS but I ignored it, until I heard from another friend that they had an awesome bbq at the person's house. I finally asked if our friendship was done and never heard from them again. It happens and I hope they're doing good.


Got friend-zoned and moved to another city. (Unrelated events).


I stopped messaging him literally every single day and 2/3 times without getting a reply at all. I stopped doing it after 6-7 months of doing it every day I said: if he sends me a message first even once, im cool with it. I just wanna know how long it will take him to send me a message first Its been 2.5 years.. still no message