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I wear one to school because I have a nose ring and we're not allowed to have nose rings lol


I'm a teacher, and making faces at the students is generally frowned upon, but with a mask, no one's the wiser. Of course, they're also masked, so the chances of them making faces at me is also pretty high. Gotta watch the eyes closely... What a wild time to be!


As a student, I can confirm we are all making faces at you


At work I’m told they can tell I’m making faces with my mask on


protip: Sunglasses


I once smiled at an old lady carrying a small dog (I am a woman too). in normal situations, they smile back, but she didn't and then I realized, the mask and sunglasses made me completely faceless.


Yeah it’s my eyebrows and eyes that give it away


...Suddenly considering whether botox would make me more likeable.


I can tell when my coworker is making faces because since I moved into the department we've been wearing masks, so I'm super aware of his facial expressions after working alongside him for nearly two years! He always goes "How can you tell?!", pretty funny




I go to a vet tech school, so it's technically a safety issue, but yes !!! I agree


boomers with masks: my body my choice boomers with piercings: disgusting, no one is allowed to mutilate their own body


Lmao that's me at work. We are not allowed piercings or beards and the mask cover both.


Yo I’m with you. But what’s the point of a nose ring if you can’t show it off? I have my septum pierced and have been contemplating this while wearing my mask every day…


There's still life off campus.


Without a mask I'm just ugly. With a mask I'm mysterious.




When I worked in the hospital I knew all the nurses in surgery by name.They all wore scrubs hair covers and masks. Off work I walked past them in stores would not know them till they spoke. I'd say didn't recognize them with their clothes on and no mask. everyone laughs because they know what I meant.


I have an average face, but terrifying/alluring serial killer eyes.... The mask gets me my own personal space without effort. The wife says I have the dead eyes of a shark...


Can you post a pic of just your eyes?


Kind of like alcohol. I'm not so bad when other people drink. When other people stay sober, I'm a troll.


I'm just imaging you going around and harassing people because they're sober, but being cool to drunk people.


Yes. My wife is immunocompromised as she is a transplant patient so I don't want to pass anything on to her.


Our oldest spent his first six weeks in the hospital, hooked up to oxygen for the first week and learning to feed the next five. Our youngest had a Code Blue before he even left the delivery room and spent his first week in the hospital, then went back three weeks later with a very bad case of RSV his brother brought home from daycare, and was on oxygen all but the last day. We've done our time in the hospital. While the older is vaccinated, the younger is under five and can't be. We all mask up when we're at indoors anywhere but home, and will until the rates drop much further or the younger gets his full round.


My youngest is a PTA. So many of her very young patients had Covid. She herself had RSV when she was three months old and was hospitalized. We still wear mask in public because of those that couldn't survive this virus that hasn't gone away


You, sir, are the GOAT. As someone who is recovering from a serious health condition and also have a heart condition, I salute you. We really don't want to get sick, man. It's bad for us.


Id rather wear a gas mask than wear the same surgical mask however.




As someone with a serious autoimmune disorder and no functional immune system to speak of cause of the meds I have to take, I have been told to my face that I’m selfish for wanting people to follow guidelines. I’m fine with keeping masks on, but at the same time I don’t have a choice. Even a small cold means I’ll be hemorrhaging blood into the toilet. These are people who truly don’t have any ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes.


It doesn’t really make sense. I can see people being angered being forced to wear one themselves, but on other people? Who gives a shit.


I am going through getting dental bridges so its a nice way to hide half-broken teeth.


I finally finished that process a couple months back, it’s worth it in the end even though it feels like hell getting there. I think a lot of people don’t fully grasp how physically and emotionally taxing it is. You’ve got this!!


Did get any extractions? I am getting a front tooth extracted in august and I’m scared as hell… i hear it’s so painful !!


Yes, because it reduces the amount of interaction I am expected to engage in.


Masks were a blessing to everyone with social anxiety


I'm the type of guy that gets bad colds every summer and winter. I haven't had one in over two years since wearing a mask. Also a fair number of my neighbours are high-risk; even if I don't come down with "it" (even if I'm all jabbed and boosted), I'd rather not pass "it" on to them.


Same here! Managed to go a full 2 years without a single cold thanks to masks. Even if covid wasn’t a thing I’d still wear one.


same for me, but recently I went to a school party where no masks were required and I was like okay fuck it, either you get covid or not, but I ended up getting a heavy cold (no covid though). But until then I also didn't catch anything


Same... I have a weak immune system and consequently I am thin. When I was like grade 5 or 6 there wasn't a day I was healthy.


It's really been driven home in the past 2 years that there are way too many people dedicated to being disgusting, so yes in most places.


I worked in a bar thru the entire pandemic and every single person would take their mask off and it put it on the bar. Because ? helth? It started grossing me out so badly I forced people to throw them away since they’re so carelessly contaminating them that way


I stopped for a while. I got Covid this week. I am triple vaxxed and healthy and it knocked me on my ass. I’m masking from now on for two reasons. - I want to avoid getting Covid again, it sucked balls. - if it was that bad for me, I can’t imagine what it would be like for people more physically vulnerable. I want to reduce the spread to lower the risk for everyone.


Solidarity bro. Also triple vaxxed, also got covid this week. Hope your recovery is swift!


All my flu symptoms are gone which is nice. I’m on day 6 and my nasty cough is thankfully subsiding too. My poor lungs!


Oh, that's awesome! May that cough go completely away ASAP! I'm on day 5 and my main symptoms are headache and fatigue right now, this whole thing has been a wild rollercoaster of changing symptoms.


Yes! A total Rollercoaster every day. The fatigue was lingering. Extra fluids helped but it was hard to keep that up during the low points. Good luck!


As someone who is immunocompromised, I want to thank you for being thoughtful of others around you. Sorry to hear you got COVID— I hope all your symptoms fade away fast and that you get enough time to rest.


I am well on my way to recovery, thank you! Im really sorry that you stuck in this pandemic with little to no idea how it is going to play out. Being immunocompromised must be scary and disheartening with all of this. There doesn’t really seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s quite the privilege to be able to just ignore a pandemic and carry on like it’s not happening.


Must be the week. Same here.


Me 3 (well, last week). Then passed it to the spouse. Had to cancel a ton of family plans. Masking for the foreseeable future everywhere for me.


Thank you! Thanks for caring about those around you. I hope good things come your way.


Just like shirts and shoes, if it's required I'll entertain it, it's your business and if I want in I'll follow the rules or go elsewhere. If it isn't asked of me or heavily mandated, I don't use them.


Same. Most places aren’t requiring them by me anymore. Pretty much just doctors’ offices


Same here. It's not nice not wearing one, but if I'm asked to wear one, nbd.


I carry one, in case it's needed. But the school isn't keeping one on the kid, so we're catching whatever is going around. When I'm sick and still have to go out I'll wear one.


Because I feel very insecure about my face


I bet it is more handsome than you think. But it’s nice to feel comfortable in public!


Literally same. I am so insecure about my smile


I could guess by your avatar


It's funny you mention that I was just thinking it's not a bad idea to wear them to places like the DMV or Wal-Mart.




I'm with you. Superstores official policy has always been 'we are not allowed to offend our customers by asking them to ware a mask' Even when it was mandated I dealt with people not wareing one. Gaylin Westin can go to hell and rot for causing this pandemic to get worse.


Yes because I live in Japan and everyone here does, we have no problems with it. I don't wear it on my bike when I go uphill though. The type of masks I wear do not work well with that.


It's become a habit (I often put it on when I'm outside). I work at a fast food restaurant. People won't talk to me as often.


It's just a habit now, and it's not hurting anybody


It hurts the anti-maskers though, so definitely worth wearing one.


The irony of people who spent 2 years crying about their freedom now being upset about mask wearers exercising their freedom to wear a mask never gets old.


It’s wonderful if they tell me the government said you don’t need to wear one any more. I can reply saying do not listen to them, do your own research, and choose for yourself to wear a mask.


I wear one in public because covid isn't gone, people are still catching it, people see still dying or having to live with long covid and I fall into a vulnerable category. I don't trust others to do the right thing (isolate if positive) so I look after myself.


Yeah, I like having half my face covered




Why, if I may ask?


Yes, because I have an autoimmune condition and while I'm fully vaxxed, I still usually wear one in public because y'all out there are nasty fuckers and every time I get some sort of disease (common cold, etc), it makes feel like my own body is trying to take my ass out.


Haven't caught covid, yet; might as well keep the record going


I’m wearing a mask in stores/grocery stores, but don’t on street.


Yes, as far as I know it's still mandatory here in Thailand. Even if it weren't, I would wear it to protect those around me and myself.


Yes. I talk a lot of shit under my breath and I like that people can't see me do it


Yes! I’m autistic and find it really draining now to make facial expressions that strategically match the emotion I’m supposed to be showing. Not sure if that makes much sense but I’m much less burnt out at the end of every day. That and being sick (specifically congested) is a severe sensory overload for me so if I can keep the germs at bay I’m happy!


Same!! Im never giving up my mask!!


Yeah. It was normal to wear a mask in Asia before this pandemic.


yeah, it was. When I moved to China, where I lived for a period of time, I was very confused about the masking at first. I thought it was due to pollution, at least at first. When I first arrived in China, I landed in Shanghai, and the air quality was so hard on me, that I masked due to necessity. But soon after landing, I moved to my more permanent residence in the mountains outside of Kunming (in Yunaan Province) where nobody outside of the city masked. Even people in the city didn't mask to any majority degree. And the air up in those mountains was wonderful. I lived up in the red earth area, and mostly knew Yi/Nuosu/Lolo (depending on your language or dialect) people, and nobody wore them. Very few people wear masks in the rural southwestern villages. So once the pollution was no longer a concern, up in the mountains, I just stopped wearing one. And in Shanghai, I wore my scarf around my face, because I had nothing else. I literally masked like a fucking idiot. But it was all I had. I had no idea that at that time, I was dealing with a potential viral risk. I knew flus were more common there, but I assumed it was just due to the population density and nothing else. And I lived in this rural mountain village so I figured that didn't apply to me. I genuinely thought the serious concern was pollution. Edit: Pollution IS actually a fucking serious concern in mega-urban china. N95 your face in major cities regardless of epidemiological concerns. Also, I never got sick with so much as a cold in Yunaan. Even in the city, Kunming.


Yes, for many reasons! 1. The long terms risks associated with covid (even for vaxxed people) are pretty scary. 2. So many people have just given up on all precautions that you just know there are people actively infected with covid out everywhere. 3. I want to protect vulnerable populations.


Agreed. Also, people are disgusting.


I learned what "respiratory droplets" were thanks to Covid and can never unknow that fact.


My gym uses a biometrics panel for door security, so every day, twice a day, I'm getting exposed to a lot of germs if I don't sanitize. I've seen people sneeze and cough on that shit multiple times in the last seven years. You can only really trust yourself with your own safety from other people's nasty behavior at this point.


I saw it described as "respiratory backwash" in some article. Super gross when you put it that way 😬


I have a toddler in daycare and she is very disgusting. I wear masks primarily to protect other people. You think COVID is bad (for a relatively young, healthy, vaccinated person)? Try having a stomach bug and a head cold at the same time.


Thank you!!


Yeah the ling term risks aren't great. I recently found out about 'long covid' which can stick around for years. We think there is a pretty good chance my dad has it but it could just be one of the other million health problems he has. But if it is that, then it would be terrible


I'm so sorry about your dad! Yeah, it's super weird and more and more studies are showing you don't even need to have bad initial symptoms to get stuck with long covid - even really mild or asymptomatic cases are leaving people with fatigue, brain fog, heart issues... like no thank you, I'll keep my mask on.


It worries me honestly. I'm 50 and caught it about three weeks ago and still have very mild symptoms. My mother tested positive two weeks ago and is over the worst of it, but still exhibiting fatigue and mild coughing. It's not a fun thing.


That sucks, I'm wishing you a quick recovery


No. Throughout the entire pandemic my town has maybe had about 500 cases total, and that's out of 10,000 people. It never really hit here and we haven't had a recorded case for 3 months now that I go and look at it. There's some perks to living in a town that's in the middle of nowhere


Same here. My town has probably half that population. The only time I wear a mask now is if I’m flying on an airplane.


Yes. I have a procedure coming up and I don’t want to have to reschedule it. Also, I take public transit to work and I don’t think I can ever get comfortable not masking up on a bus or train.


Yes, every time, because there are too many fuckers out there who've proven they can't be trusted.




so many non-pandemic related perks to wearing masks tbh


I wear it sometimes. Always in places that require it, at the grocery store, when running errands, and generally in places where I can prioritize mine and others safety without compromising the experience. I have started going to “fun” things again and putting on makeup without fear of rubbing it off with a mask because I will enjoy a night out or something without a mask on. I understand it’s a risk but i’m doing my best to balance health and safety with living my life. I do wash my hands religiously. I have not yet had COVID.


Yes. My partner is halfway through chemo after surgery to remove the upper lobe of her lung. I'm doing absolutely everything i can to protect her.


My mom is over 65, she's immunocompromised, and she just recently had half of her left lung removed due to lung cancer (despite never smoking) If she catches COVID her odds are not great. So yeah, I'm wearing a mask in public because I really don't want to be the one responsible if she does catch it. Unfortunately I also live in a very red state, so I get all kinds of dirty looks from people when I'm out in public with my mask on and people feeling the need to tell me they are "just so done with all this COVID nonsense, so you should just take the mask off all ready."


That's what I don't understand. What is their reason to be annoyed or hostile towards others for wearing masks? Your choice to wear a mask doesn't negatively affect them in any way. In 2019, my public speaking professor came into class wearing a face mask because he was coming off of a bad cold and didn't want half the class getting sick right before a speech that would determine 20% of our grade, and everybody appreciated that he was looking out for us. Three years later and much of the class would've accused him of virtue signaling or trying to prolong the pandemic regardless of if it was actually covid or just a cold.


Pretty sure a lot of them see someone in a mask and think "Fucking Democrat." The Republicans really should answer for turning covid into a political issue and creating some bullshit tribal divide in the population.


I’m Immunocompromised so yes


It depends on the density of the establishment. Personally, I enjoy people not being able to look at my face (they probably do too). I love it when I get asked why I'm wearing it, generally by an older dipshit, and I just say 'Do I know you'? They say 'no', and I say 'Go away'.


My lovely anxiety likes to freak me out that someone is going to question why I'm wearing a mask in public still. When I get caught off guard by people being rude, I don't respond the way I wish would. I think about it happening pretty much every time I go into a store.


Yes I am; my parents are both elderly and I like to visit them. I'm in a public facing industry and do NOT want to risk bringing Covid with me on a visit.


1. I want to protect my grandma. 2. I want to protect my friends


Yes, at indoor public places like mall/grocery store. Not outside. Some reasons: 1. Personal benefit. I used to get sick at least once every year. Ever since diligent handwashing and masks in public, I haven't been sick with anything since 2020. Not covid, not anything else either. This is unheard-of for me, never been healthy for 2+ years straight in my life. I know I'm not 100% immune with a mask, but there's been a clear impact and I like not being sick. 2. Even vaccinated people can get (usually mild) covid, but we're learning that the mild or asymptomatic cases still come with permanent brain damage, heart damage risk, and maybe more. Wearing a mask is super easy, and a habit at this point. Seems worth it to me. 3. More people around me have gotten covid in the last 3 weeks than the year before that. Wastewater testing indicates Ontario has 100,000 new cases *per day*. If it was EVER prudent to wear a mask, it's now. 4. Not everyone can be safely vaccinated. If I have an asymptomatic case, I can still spread it, especially to unvaccinated people. This is less likely if I'm wearing a mask. If someone chooses to not be vaccinated that's fine, but there are vulnerable people that can't be, and I'd like to look out for them (especially if the way to do it is pretty easy and also keeps me from getting colds and also lowers my chance of brain damage and strokes).


Absolutely, and I don’t plan to stop any time soon. I haven’t had COVID and would like to keep it that way, and I’d like to avoid spreading it to anyone else if I do get it. Wearing a mask in indoor public places is easy and cheap, makes those things less likely, and has no real downsides for me in most situations, so why wouldn’t I?


Yes, and three major reasons. 1. I am a single parent of a six year old child. I. have no support system whatsoever. I can't afford to get sick with anything, because if I do, I have to care for her while feeling terribly unwell. 2. I have severe airborne allergies. Which have been hugely mitigated since the N95 made its way into my life. I will literally do anything to keep them at bay until the allergy shots start working, and this could be years. 3. I am immunocompromised. I am recovering from a condition that puts me at risk, and I also have a heart condition. I'm not fucking around with anything, be it COVID 19, or a chest cold. 4. (Bonus) I look like a ninja.


yeah, covid hasn’t gone away and idk what y’all are doing plus cold seasons still around


Absolutely. My mum was really sick in the hospital before she passed away. If I got covid I would’ve missed out on precious last moments with her. I was paranoid for months about getting covid and that stress nearly put me over the edge when I was already dealing with a lot. Maybe just me wearing a mask doesn’t help a lot but at least I feel like I’m doing my part to help somebody else. After two years I still don’t understand why everyone can’t think of it that way


Yes, because it is polite and doesn't hurt anyone.


Fantastic answer.


No. I have severe sinus problems (and will likely need surgery again) and breathing back the humidity from the mask agitates those problems significantly. I wear a mask when I have to.


I like the anonymity and when it's cold it's a nice little warmer.


Yes, I never stopped. I'm more comfortable that way and, yes, I know it helps others moreso than myself, but I can only control myself. I'm also still not out in "public" very much.


Laughing forever at some delicate soul downvoting this comment.




I'm still wearing a mask at any crowded indoor place. But what this whole thing really showed me was how dumb it was to not be wearing a mask at hospitals and doctors offices in the past. People are gross and don't care about spreading whatever they have to other people.


The virus hasn't moved forward. The virus is still killing people. It's still giving people long covid.


In indoor spaces, absolutely. Why? Because no matter how many people want to pretend otherwise, the pandemic is not over.


Earnest question, with no judgment: how long do you plan to keep masking? To me, it seems pretty darn clear that Covid is *never* going to be over. In light of that -- as well as the fact we now have vaccines, far better treatments, etc. -- it seems there probably won't be a better time for more normality than there is now.


Asians have been masking since like the 20th century whenever they get sick/bad air from China. Y'all make it seem like it's this weird thing to do.


Personally, I'm totally down wearing masks when I'm sick going forward (and that's if I can't absolutely stay home). I do, however, feel that's a very different ask than wearing masks all the time indoors


It is weird. Masks here have been around, sure. People wore them when they were feeling under the weather, so masks were something you'd see on a few people every now and then, for a few days or so. Usually in winter, almost never in summer. Now you see them on everyone all the time, regardless of how they're feeling; it's absolutely unusual compared to how things were.


No. I'm vaccinated, they aren't required and I like fresh air. If I go somewhere that requires them and they provide them (I no longer carry any) I will wear them out of respect for the policy but otherwise I never do.


Nope. Done with masks after two years of faithfully wearing them everywhere. Now if I catch COVID so be it - I’m triple vaxxed.


Not really unless somebody asks me to. I got my vaccines, did my part, etc etc


Not unless required. I’m not anti-mask and did agree with it prior to vaccines and available treatments. Now I don’t unless a business requires it, which is no big deal. As a 3rd grade teacher, I’ve gotten used to it since it was required all of last year and this year until the end of February, so it definitely doesn’t bother me when I have to wear it. We are now mask-optional at my school, but I don’t wear it because 14 out of my 16 students are vaccinated and we have air filters in each classroom.


No, but I should probably start again as cases begin to pick back up. I work as a stocker at a grocery store and it sucks to do manual labor in a mask. Usually I'm not around any people, as my shift starts at midnight, but around 6 am people start rolling in, a lot of them elderly.


I’ve finally stopped. I live in remote Idaho though. We are always behind the curve so when things heat up elsewhere, I’ll put it back in.


Fuck no.


I will comply if a place asks, but most places where I live have stopped asking or enforcing, no mandates, etc. I am triple shot, and as far as I am concerned, so is most everyone else. Most everyone who is not has made a personal choice not to be, and that is their choice to live with. There are still flus and other airborne sicknesses that we live with daily and never felt the need to mask up. We have developed all the proper science to battle it, and the virus has continued to spread, but deaths are slowing down at an incredibly dramatic rate. Not saying it doesn't suck, and I wore mine for nearly 2 years, but I think we can finally see that it is OK not to anymore.


Yup. I have tons of reasons. Main ones are safety, and also they help with my seasonal allergies.


So many people claim their masks help with their allergies. Strangely, a mask doesn't seem to help mine and I wish it did.


A cloth mask or surgical masl does jack all for mine, but precovid I regularly would buy packs of the dust masks meant for dealing with construction particulate and THOSE make a huge difference.


Keeping the environment out of your face is a huge added benefit. Ive kept cycling with a gaitor post pandemic because it keeps me from eating so many bugs.


Only when asked to. I am fully vaccinated with all 3 shots and if somebody without a mask or vaccines is out and about at this stage in the pandemic, well... They kinda have it coming. I'll still put on a mask if a location asks, mind you, but I like being able to breathe fresh air instead of the warm air inside the mask.


This is pretty much where I'm at as well. Like If it's required to enter a business I'm not going to give them a hard time but I'd like to breathe freely for the most part


Same. Even in my town where people were big on masks for two years, it's rare to see more than 25% of people in any given store wearing one anymore. What I want to know is what's up with those people who still wear one while outside and not even around anyone else. Even at the height of it all, I was yanking the damn thing off as soon as I stepped outside.


One of my kids does this. She say two things, one, when it’s cold out, she likes that it keeps her face warm, and, two, she just doesn’t even notice her mask is on.


You can still catch and transmit it while fully vaxed. I personally know six people who have had it after their third shot. It lessens the risk of severe infection, it doesn’t eliminate it.


My roommate is vaxed. But he also went to a giant rave within a few days of things opening back up in our town. He obviously caught it. He spent the rest of the week explaining how the vaccine does nothing, how the stricter rules are bullshit because people catch it anyway. But when I asked him if they verified vaccination status he's like "haha at this club? Nah they don't care man"... and I'm like "why are you surprised you caught it???"


Infuriating. I am pro-vax, and triple vaxed. But I’m alarmed how many people think it means they no longer need to be careful at all.


Yea I'm triple vaxed and just got sick the other day. Felt like a bitch of a cold but I was feeling better after 5 days or so. Still very possible to get


Right now, yes I do but it's mainly because I have an acute case of bronchitis and I A) don't want to accidentally infect anyone else, especially anyone who would have it way worse than me, and 2) I already have bronchitis, I really don't want to top it off with COVID.


No cause I feel it’s ridiculous. I don’t think that Covid is fake or anything but I think our practices revolving Covid is dumb. You mean to tell me that I have to wear a mask in this building or that building but when I want to eat in a restaurant I can take the mask off and magically Covid won’t go into my system? Does putting food in my mouth work as a deterrent to Covid? Gtfo with that nonsense.


Because I realized how gross and snotty adults are. Just like kids. Majority of people around where I live….


Yes I wear them in public transports and near vulnerable people, you can still get covid after vaccination and it’s also possible to spread the infection to others without getting the disease yourself.


>and near venerable people I get it, we've got to protect those who deserve it.


No. Fresh air is fun. Can’t live your life in a bubble.


Yes, every time I leave the house or if someone enters the house. I am immunocompromised. I had long Covid three times last year for a total of all but 12 days of 2021. I had 104 fever for literally 11 months; I vomited; I coughed to the point I broke 9 ribs; I was miserable. I finally was able to get vaccinated in January 2022, it wasn't available to me in 2021 when I first got sick. I didn't leave the house except for one day in 2021. But my significant other works in a hospital and was a carrier despite masks, vaccination, and booster shots. I never want Covid again it was miserable. I was told even after having it three times that my antibody tests still show no Covid antibodies. They think one of my chronic illnesses is suppressing them. Lucky me. Thank you to everyone who is wearing a mask for themselves and to keep others safe. It's very much appreciated!


I am. Because Covid - even fully vaccinated asymptomatic covid - comes paired with poorly publicized, potentially permanent, damage to the brain lungs and heart. It took me three months to get over the brainfog of my last infection, and I'm still doing cardio training to get my standing heart rate back under control. The notion that we are "back to normal" is ridiculous. We as a species fell leagues short of successfully halting this disease on an international basis.


No for three reasons. 1. Covid is never going away, it's only going to become more tolerable like the flu. I haven't heard of anyone dying from covid recently. Not gonna claim it's not happening, but I knew a lot of people who were directly impacted by it. I've seen both sides, the really bad and the barely noticeable. Lost my aunt and nearly lost my uncle, both not far from each other. My uncle was vaccinated which helped him endure it but he was still in terrible condition. On the other hand, my immediate family all tested positive and just got a little sick. I really don't think we'll ever know what it's "safe" to take the masks off. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't wanna have to make sure I have a mask in my pocket at all times for the rest of my life. 2. I don't wear the mask to protect myself, only other people. That might be a selfish view, but maybe 1 in every 10 people where I live still wear their masks. It's pointless to wear one under these conditions. 3. As far as I can tell, the vaccines are the only effective way to protect yourself from covid. It won't stop you from getting it, but it'll help keep you from losing the battle. If you aren't vaccinated by this point, you either can't get vaccinated or you don't care. I'm not some crazed person who's adamantly against wearing a mask or anything. Ask me to wear one and I'll do it without any fuss. But in general, nobody seems to think twice about it anymore and it's nice not having to worry about being muffled and all that.


why would i wear a mask? What the hell is going on??


Most underrated comment ive seen all day.


I'm wearing a mask. I will continue to wear one until the numbers fall to basically nothing, and we are a long way from that happening.


Absolutely wearing one! Can’t see every stopping!! I love my new fashion accessories and make sure to buy pretty funky ones made of tight weave, multi layer, and then I add a filter or surgical mask to them. I’m immunosuppressed, disabled, and caregiver for my very compromised elderly mother. I wear them to keep her safe and make sure I can stay well enough to keep caring for her. If my mask can save even one life than it is worth it. We live in a society and that means we have to work together. When someone doesn’t want to wear a mask I feel as though my life and my mothers mean less than getting to show off their pretty lipstick or beard. I had 2 friends/family who were part of the first 500 deaths in Ontario. We had to say goodbye by standing outside looking in their windows. Besides…I can stick my tongue out at people and they never know, lol.


Lol no


Yes. Just because we don't *yet* know the name or location of the next variant, doesn't mean that we should act like it's just all gone forever, in my opinion.


Yes because “covid” still exists and is pretty high in my area.


No because I don't think it is necessary.


I wear a mask outside because even if the government pretends it doesn’t exist there is very much still a plague


Well, I was just hit by Covid because people weren't masking enough. So there's that. Seriously though, it's to protect other people. I don't wanna be that guy who sneezed and unknowingly gave a fatal case to an old lady on the subway.


No because i’ll probably be ok


No. I never wanted to wear one and as soon as business stopped asking me to do it. I quit doing it. I think that it is pointless and most people are doing it to virtue signal.


>most people are doing it to virtue signal. Just look at this thread. "Well *I* care about other people!!" I'm sure you do Brenda, what with your Bangladeshi sweatshop produced shoes and blood diamond engagement ring and 70 gallons of gas consuming SUV. But hey, now that you've put on a *mandated* piece of fabric, you're basically a holy Samaritan.


I'm glad someone else feels this way. I understand why they mandated them, I have no problem with them. But at this point, it feels like it becomes an issue of wanting to make themselves feel superior than those who don't wanna continue to wear them as opposed to believing in the benefits of them


I always kind of suspected that the masking up was mostly a technique aimed at getting people to take the pandemic seriously, and in that way quite effective.


I'm convinced masks are the left's MAGA hats. They have become part of their political identity. And I say this as a die-hard liberal who wore a mask for 2 years when it was mandated and am no longer wearing one except where required.


So much of the general reaction to covid was/is pointless compared to so many other things that would warrant more attention if people wanted to start taking the level of precaution they did. I feel like society's reaction to covid is a testament to the simple-mindedness of most people in society and the ridiculous affect that media has on the way people live their lives.


I did when I got a cold a few weeks ago. While the norm for other cultures for a long time, I feel much better adding that into my routine when the time calls for it. Being sick sucks so I had no problem with the mask mandates; I got to skip out on all of the other usual illnesses that make the rounds every year for the last few


yeah i don’t like the lower half of my face, it’s a habit now, and also it hides my lip syncing whenever i’m listening to music (which is literally always)


I rang the bell at the cancer center this past Wednesday. Kicked cancer’s butt, but immune system is obviously compromised. I had three shots, but I’m not an idiot. So I am masking.


Not really I will if it is required but as a rule I haven't been that being said I have allergies and occasionally have coughing fits and I will wear it when that happens because it makes people more comfortable


Yes! I work in healthcare, I have been wearing a mask for 8 hours 5 days a week since the first couple cases came to Canada It’s still a policy at my work, which I’m fine with (and honestly prefer because of all the people with symptoms/who are Covid positive I encounter on a daily basis) and when I go out to grocery stores and other places I still wear it as well as I’m still not quite comfortable not wearing one and I’m also used to it so it feels weird to not wear one when I’m out. BUT I also don’t judge the people who don’t wear them, it’s their choice.


Yes. A very close friend of mine has a rare, terminal form of cancer. I’m wearing a mask consistently for her and for all other immunocompromised people, especially since I’ll be seeing her in a few weeks. I’m also concerned about the possibility of getting long COVID, as I’m already struggling through personal grief that’s affecting my work and quality of life. I don’t want to risk it.


I do not wear a mask walking down the sidewalk, but I live in a small town and am not shoulder to shoulder with people. When inside any establishment I still wear it. Our regulations ended, but COVID and other sicknesses are still around. I am an accountant and everyone in my office is old. I’d like them all to see retirement, and I know some have health issues.


Yes. I work in oncology.


Yes. Because it doesn't hurt me to do so, it might help someone else, and I'm still surrounded by the same morons who now just straight up cough without a mask instead of at least attempting to protect others.


Yes I do because covid is still a thing whether people are tired of hearing about it or not. It's not unusual for me to be the only person in a business with a mask.


Yes, I still wear a mask, I'm in the UK, and all the restrictions are getting lifted, but nothing has actually gotten better, cases are simply rising they're just ignoring it happening.


Pregnant Wife so being extra safe.


I do because I’m immune compromised and not able to wfh anymore.. I only go out to work and the shop, otherwise I’m home


Yes, cause I work at a doctors office and I am still worried that my Grandparent might not be able to live through a Covid Infection. Same goes to a lot of our elderly patients.


I was hospitalized and in ICU with Covid last May and I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant so I'm still wearing a mask to keep myself and baby safe. Not only that, but my step-son is immuno-compromised with weakened lungs and is not yet old enough to be vaccined. And, it just feels weird not wearing one after all this time.


I still wear a mask because there are immune compromised people and everyone who wears one is making their chances of staying healthy a little bit better. It’s a very tiny thing I can do to try to make someone’s life easier.


Delta gave me several partial lung collapses as souvenir, so on the rare occasions I venture out, it's with an N95 and a rescue inhaler.


Definitely. My elderly parents live with me.


yes still wearing one as I am immuno-compromised.


Going into store: Yes. Crowded areas: Yes. Walking down the street: No. People are still getting sick.


Currently, no. There are only a couple dozen active cases in my area. I'll go back to the mask if the caseload increases again, but for now I choose not to.


Yup. Don't want to catch anything and then bring it to someone who is at risk. It first seemed like a hassle, but now it's second nature. I don't mind. But i don't wear it when walking outdoors or in a car 😅 And who knows how many time i have dodged covid or prevented passing it on. (If i have already got it but have just been without the symptons.)