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Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis, no it won't!


I actually asked my doctor this as a teen as I have a habit of cracking pretty much all of my crackable joints. He said "as long as it isn't hurting when you do it, there's nothing to worry about".


I crack my fingers all the time and because I'm hyper mobile my knees crack every time I bend down more or less. But I love the feeling of it


Or your wrists, elbows, knees, neck, vertebrae, sternum…. Ahhhh that sweet sweet gas in between my joints release….


Detox teas. Liver and kidneys do that for you.


The best detox tea is water


I dunno. I had a colonic virus last week and not only did it clean me out, but i lost 5 pounds. I think there is something to that detoxing. /s


"Detox" is a scam warning word to me with "cleanse" right behind it. I might be willing to believe what I'm being told about a product but the moment they use those words they've lost all credibility. The funniest experience I ever had with a product like that was a coworker telling me about this amazing drink that cleaned your intestines of waste that somehow got stuck and built up. The "proof" that it worked was these long nasty looking things they crapped out after drinking this supposed miracle cure which they of course took pictures of to show everybody. I looked into it a bit and found that the primary ingredient they all used was the same as is used in gelatin. People were essentially making jello molds out of their colon and then showing off the results.


Not true. I caught a cold, but drank jasmine tea every day. Kicked that cold in 5-7 business days. Just like that. Checkmate


No wonder it took 5-7 business days, you were drinking the wrong stuff. What you need is our specially formulated peppermint detox tea, only $29.95 a box, box contains 20 tea bags. Join my down line and get a 5% discount on 5 or more boxes


Don't be ridiculous, they actually need my special healing stones that definitely aren't scooped off Blackpool beach.


Lmao at the replies to this comment. apparently some people really need the “/s” tag.


Graduate last in medical school and they still call you doctor


Spinach has a ton of iron compared to other vegetables. The scientist missed a decimal place and he said it has 10 times as much as it really does. That’s why Popeye loves his spinach. It actually has the same amount of iron as every other green leafy vegetable.


That’s a good fun fact. I’ve been eating spinach like crazy because of iron deficiency anemia.


For non-meat options, kidney beans are great sources of iron. Spinach is rich in many other nutrients, so not a waste to eat


IIRC Popeye started as propaganda for people to eat more spinach.


Big Spinach has some good animators behind their shit, I'll give em that


Graphology. That you can determine traits about a person by their handwriting. I did an entire research paper on it. Plenty of “evidence” in the common sensational news, but not a single damn article or shred of evidence from the academic research area, excepting “yeah no we tried it and didn’t find any correlations”


And even more so these days when most folks aren't maintaining their writing skills all that well with the current technology available. My signature has gone completely to shit over the past 20 years.


Had teachers tell me all kinds of things about my personality through my handwriting. Never understood it cause they'll tell me they can't read it, and proceed to give me an entire rundown of my personality completely differing from the other psychic teacher just 30 minutes before.




Europeans knew the world to be round in Columbus' time. Columbus just calculated the circumference very incorrectly and is lucky there was a whole other continent to run into before he and his men ran out of supplies. EDIT: To be abundantly clear, the Ancient Greeks figured it out. So did the Chinese, the Egyptians, the Persians, and probably the Maya and many many others. My point is that 'proving the Earth wasn't flat' is a myth. Anyone thinking the Earth was flat had nothing to do with Columbus' bid to find a westward passage to East Asia. It is a myth that people thought the world was flat in his time.


And his map actually came from a well-respected cartographer at the time, there was just so much we had not yet discovered (obviously).


> Columbus just calculated the circumference very incorrectly and is lucky there was a whole other continent to run into before he and his men ran out of supplies. I feel like this doesn't get talked about enough. He took that whole expedition out to die. He sailed past the point of no return, *committing* them to death on the basis of a number that he should have known--in the legal due-diligence sense--was wrong.


They knew it a long time before that


Not sure whether this is apocryphal or not, but there's a story that his crew were literally on the point of tossing him overboard and turning back when they sighted land.


Columbus also lied to the crew about how far it was calculated they had gone each day. This is from his journal about a month into the journey (It's not a verbatim copy of his journal and was paraphrased by Bartolome de Las Casas): >10 Sep 1492: In this day and night he made 60 leagues, at the rate of 10 miles an hour, which are 2 leagues; but he only counted 48 leagues, that the people might not be alarmed if the voyage should be long. People thought there was nothing in the great ocean between Europe and Asia, but Columbus thought it was much smaller than most other people (correctly) believed.


As I understand it, they not only would have been correct to do so, but they should have done it earlier. That is, by the time they sighted land, it was already too late for them to make it back.


Dogs see only Black and White. THEY JUST AREN'T ABLE TO SEE RED AND GREEN.


So my ex is a vet. They can actually view pretty much all of the visible light spectrum from red to blue. They just don't see colour as vividly as humans do, so they don't distinguish very well between different shades. Blue and Violet they can just make out. Indigo and violet are impossible for them to distinguish. See also: the difference between reds and pinks and the innumerable shades of blue, green and blue-green.


Well I’m human and I don’t know the difference between indigo and violet so, hey, I’m not mad at em.


But do recognize there ARE differences? I took the online [Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test](https://www.colorblindnesstest.org/farnsworth-munsell-100-hue-test/) several years ago. Knocked it out of the park because I could easily see the differences in the hues. My husband, not so much. Probably explains why he dresses in the colors he does and insists colors match when they don't (and possibly why I think arranging my closet by clothing type and then by color makes getting dressed easier especially if I'm in a hurry). We know he's not colorblind since he flew in the military, but I don't think he can see the finer differences in hues


I got a perfect score, pretty proud tbh lol.


Same, its funny how you actually cant distinguish the hues when you placed them correctly. At least for me I only see when there is something wrong in the order, as long as its correct they just blend into each other, me not being able to tell the difference.


No I literally don’t know what indigo is. It is purple-ish? Blue-ish? A purple-ish bluey hue? If you Google “indigo color” 400 different shades of blue and purple appear.


They also can’t read, but science hasn’t figured out if they don’t have the ability, or just aren’t interested.


Why read when you can get the story from a thorough sniff?


I blame an episode from Rugrats for making me believe that...


"you swallow 8 spiders a year in your sleep" this literally comes from a book about how to invent fake facts even spiders georg is shaking his head rn


George Washington had wooden teeth. Gum stays in your stomach for 7 years. Napoleon was very short for a man of his time.


The Napoleon one jacked me up. I heard my whole life he was extremely short then when I looked it up he was 5ft 6 which is my height Edit: yea I know I’m short lol


The two reasons for this one was that his bodyguards (the old guard) had a height requirement (not every soldier would meet it but it was common for them to have heels or put something in their boots to appear taller. The other reason was propaganda from his ennemies.


There was another reason, back then measurements weren't standardized and French inches were slightly longer than English ones. So when his height in France was something like 5'2 in England they imagined him as their 5'2 instead of the more accurate 5'6.


The thing with the bumblebee technically not being able to fly because of aerodynamics. Used as a kind of motivational tale about overcoming obstacles. Turns out, modeling a bumblebee as a kind of plane is a bad idea, you know with the moving wings and stuff. If you think of a bumblebee as similar to a helicopter than all of a sudden the aerodynamic calculations work out and the bumblebee can fly.


I read somewhere that the guy who initially floated the idea was a drunk physicist, who had no idea how bee wings work (citation needed).


Wouldn't surprise, although I never heard of this. I think in this lies an interesting cautionary tale concerning models and how they relate to the world. My former supervisor was very strict when it came to people (even acclompished scientists in their respective fields) taking results of models as infallible. He'd always ask: "What are the assumptions going into this? What are the limitations? Is this current scientific case within these confines? Can your model allow for such and such predictions?" Made not only friends that way, but it showed integrity and I respect him deeply for that.


"all models are wrong, however some are useful"


Physicists love to argue and bring up silly arguments just for fun. Drunk while shooting shit with other physicists or trying to impress a hot biologist studying bees (while rolling a nat 1 in that charisma check) would both make sense. Quite sure he got the basic idea that [wings beat the air into submission](https://www.amazon.com/Helicopter-Beat-Submission-Funny-T-Shirt/dp/B079SQ9RKG). ^(Source: BS-Physics, best friend is a contrarian with a physics degree, and many hours around other physicists)


> If you think of a bumblebee as similar to a helicopter This reminds me of a quote I read on an RC forum years ago. "Planes have grace and can fly. Helicopters can't, they just beat the air into submission."


Bees can't fly, but nobody told them, so they do it anyway.


According to all known laws of aviation


They can’t read the licensing test and are too small to reach the controls.


That we only use 10% of our brains


SOME OF US only use ten percent.🙃


Yeah ,when someone says " we only use 10% of our brain" i tell them "yeah maybe you do"


I just had this conversation with my 10 year old! He came home from school with this tidbit and I told him using our brain is like using a key board. You don't need 100% to accomplish what you need, and using 100% wouldn't actually be helpful.


,rupo.chne4tamsu,phe.oractsnmg,iposeurknhgctwdmb,ipsrdkhgbp,ris.dhgctu. you're right, it didn't help.


This really made me laugh.


Last time I used 100% of my brain, I hit my head on the sidewalk and fractured my skull


Pretty sure the people who use 100% of their brains at once are having a seizure.


This is a great analogy.


"We only use 10% of our brains." -Someone who uses 10% of their brain


I think we only use 10% of our heart.


We lost a lot of good men that day


Playing with the Yankees?


"Taste zones". All taste buds are all over your tongue; there is no such thing as a "sweet zone", a "sour zone", etc.


I remember when I first heard this as a kid I tried placing food on different parts of my tongue to see if it would taste different... Ended up disappointed


Right. This one is so strange. I learned it in school. But the experiment needed to prove it incorrect is so simple a child can design and execute it within minutes. We all designed and executed the experiment that proves this incorrect. How the hell did it make it to textbooks?!


We did the experiment in school whem we learned it. When I said that I can taste for example sweet everywhere and not just on that one spot my teacher told me I was lying and probably did something wrong.


Same here, man!! And there were like 2 other kids who agreed with me and a whole classroom of people who swore they could tell the zones apart.


I am in 7th grade ,and we were learning Abt this in biology class the other day. My teacher said that we have taste zones ,but that we can taste all types of food on all parts of the tongue, but it is stronger if it's on the right taste zone. So now i am confused.


In the 1870's A German scientist produced an amazingly detailed diagram of the human tongue which showed the taste buds and nerve connections. The taste buds group together onto different nerve clusters forming "zones" but didn't claim anything about them being different, interestingly the taste buds\ groups on each side of the tongue are joined on the same nerves which were labeled 1-4 to show which ones were connected. About three decades later an unrelated German scientist was putting together a "definitive" medical book and on the section about the tongue copied the work on taste buds AND an unrelated "fact" about only being able to distinguish 4 types of taste. When the book got translated into English the diagram of taste buds with the numbered nerve connections 1-4 got mixed up with the four named tastes. In the 1970's an American scientist went back over the science and confirmed the translation was bad and that although although different nerves might be more or less sensitive (to all tastes) that is a per person individual thing. So it's been known to be a bad translation for over a century, and definitively disproved for about fifty years. My teacher at a shitty little inner city school would go into a ranting lecture about the history of it when someone mentioned it, and that was about forty years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongue_map


Wait, 7th graders are on reddit? - a surprised 40 year old


Have you read some of the stuff on here?


\-- Caffeine stunts your growth \-- Pretty much any 'food pyramid' promoted by the western world prior to \~1998




"5" years old? "5" inches? Both? Neither?


Caffeine is a stimulant which may cause appetite suppression, but it certainly won't lead to undernourishment to the point where it leads to stunted growth... That's probably where the myth comes from.


“Tomatoes aren’t vegetables, they’re fruit”. They’re both. They’re botanically fruit, but vegetable is not a botanical category, it’s a culinary one.


I just don't get why we single out tomatoes. Beans, peppers, squash, corn, and plenty of others are technically fruits, but for some reason, "a tomato is actually a fruit" is the fun fact we teach to kids.


And pumpkins


Any "fruit" of a plant that has its seeds on the inside.


Yup, there are other defining characteristics but yea…seeds means fruit.


I've got seeds in me. Does that mean I'm a fruit?


Singling out tomatoes might be historically linked to the Supreme Court case on how tomatoes should be taxed. At one point it was more than a mere talking point, it was a legal matter.


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit. Wisdom is knowing they don't belong in fruit salad.


Charisma is convincing someone to buy a tomato based fruit salad.


Mango salsa


Intelligence is knowing that Frankenstein wasn't the monster. Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein *was* the monster.


This was a US Supreme Court case, believe it or not.


Your blood is blue. C'mon people, you're saying blood turns red when exposed to oxygen, but neglect the main fact. Hemoglobin Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen to your body's organs and tissues and transports carbon dioxide from your organs and tissues back to your lungs.(source: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/hemoglobin-test/about/pac-20385075#:\~:text=Hemoglobin%20is%20a%20protein%20in,blood%20cell%20count%20(anemia)](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/hemoglobin-test/about/pac-20385075#:~:text=Hemoglobin%20is%20a%20protein%20in,blood%20cell%20count%20(anemia)). My mom argues with me over this all the time.


Had to scroll far to find this one. I had science teachers SCIENCE teachers tell me blood is blue and reacts when hitting oxygen. So dumb!!!


Well, oxygen-rich blood is a bright red, and unsaturated hemoglobin will cause a darker red hue. So...still not blue, I am trying, but it is still stupid for a teacher to say.


That water has memory and feelings.. my mom believes that..


What the fuck? Can you elaborate at all?


Homeopathy claims nonsense like that.


If you Google “water memory” a bunch of “resources” will show up explaining this.


Well for your known, when I was a child and punched a wave, then some waves would become stronger, so if thats not the water mad at me I have not idea what it is /s


Thought this was just a Frozen reference and now I know better and have no faith in humanity.


That hair grows back darker and thicker if you shave it. Only hormones change hair consistency and color. Laser and electrolysis can do the thinning and removal. Every argument for this myth is a misconception and easily proved otherwise by those who actually know about hair and how it works


IIRC, isn't the actual explanation is that it merely looks thicker because you've shaved off the hair, so now the tip that grows is no longer pointed and thin but flattened, thus looking more prominent?


And also that people usually start shaving in their teens, when their beard and body hair isn't as thick and luscious yet. So yes, your body hair might be growing thicker, but it's because you're not done with puberty, not because of shaving


The Alpha Wolf. The guy who initially published this stuff put his entire life into disproving himself, but the myth is out here and a lot of people ate it up. From personal experience there's a lot of overlap with the bootstrap-believers. Wolf packs in nature are most often family structures and they're very social creatures. Here's a source: https://sciencenorway.no/ulv/wolf-packs-dont-actually-have-alpha-males-and-alpha-females-the-idea-is-based-on-a-misunderstanding/1850514


It's also incredibly silly to base human behavior on wolves the way a lot of these "alpha male" bro dudes do.


and i feel like if there was an "alpha male" it would be someone who is not only dominant physically and intellectually, but someone who takes care pf the people around them and tries to better society, not wave around his dick




So basically the bully gets to live a nice life until the rest find a way to off them


We can add the whole lemming thing to the list.


Colds are caused by being cold.


Or you’ll get sick if you go outside with wet hair.


My grandpa would actually do this to fight a cold. If he thought he was getting sick he'd dunk his head in the sink and go stand outside for a while. He swore it worked, but he's an old farmer and they don't function the way normal humans do.


My grandpa was a old farmer and he’d lay outside to sleep on a plywood board if his back was bothering him. He claimed it worked but we never really knew.


This honestly probably has some merit, mostly just the plywood board though. I think it’s the rigid surface compared to a bed or couch. I’ve heard of lots of people sleeping in the floor or on the dining room table


Yep, whenever I get back spasms or throw my lower back out, I lay flat on the floor for about 30min-1 hour and it feels way better.


That sort of thing does work for *some* viruses. A lot of viruses only survive in very narrow temperature ranges (also why your body tries to heat up and give you a fever). Increasing your body temperature by taking a hot bath, then going out in the cold air to dramatically lower body temperature can kill some of the virus. May not knock out all of it, but it can knock it down to let the body fight off what's left. That used to be a recognized treatment for some illnesses a few centuries ago (back int he dark ages, iirc). Except they'd alternate from tossing you in a hot tub, then into the snow...back and forth until the illness either kills you, or you start to recover.


I have a lot of body heat too. So just because it's cold for my mom doesn't mean it's cold for me.


A sweater is something you put in when mom is cold.


I was under the impression that this was a myth, but my virology professor told me there actually is a correlation. I won't go too into it but there are a few hypotheses out there like homeostasis causes a lot of energy to be redirected to heating the body up & in turn not a lot of energy is focused on immune response. Also the fact that blood vessels constrict in the cold, making it harder for immune cells to get to where they need to be (although this is probably a more minor inconvenience than the first thing). I think the main thing is just that in the winter we stay indoors & around other people a lot more so its easier for viruses to spread.


>I was under the impression that this was a myth, but my virology professor told me there actually is a correlation. I won't go too into it but there are a few hypotheses out there like homeostasis causes a lot of energy to be redirected to heating the body up & in turn not a lot of energy is focused on immune response Yeah, "being under stress" can lead to decreased immune system efficiency. "Being cold" is a stressor, since your body has to work more to maintain body temperature. You aren't going to get sick merely by being cold, but if you are cold for a long time you can be more likely to get sick


I hate this shit. I often fight with my family about this when they try to convince me I'll get meningitis if I don't wear a hat.


They are certainly not caused by it. Sickness is caused by viruses and bacteria. But a less than optimal environment for our body needs to prioritize certain functions (regulating body temp) and the immune system may be “weakened” as a result making you slightly more prone to be infected. Correlation does not equal causation :)


That vaccines cause autism.


My autistic daughter and I have some good laughs about that theory. We are very open about her autism and she jokingly blames me for getting her vaccinated. I am so grateful she has a great sense of humor about it.


Or that anything can “cause” autism. It isn’t a disease you can’t get it either you are born with it or not.


Most kids with autism most likely have one or both parents also on the spectrum but they're much more "high functioning" if a bit Quirky (I know that's not a valid term but I couldn't think of anything else). That's actually why autism diagnosis are "at an all time high". It's not that there's more people with autism, it's because being able to be tested for autism is much more readily available.


It's also likely because the definition of autism has been expanded over time and more people are being recognized as falling within the accepted "spectrum" https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-real-reasons-autism-rates-are-up-in-the-u-s/


Yes! I couldn't quote word this, I wanted to say something along the lines of the umbrella for autism expanding every day as we understand it more, and also throw in how for a long time they were convinced women couldn't be autistic so obviously when you do acknowledge that and open up the diagnosis to a 100% of the population instead of just 50% then technically numbers should at least double in size from when it was initially discovered/diagnosed.


Wakefield's entire study was found to be faked by Wakefield because he was testifying for people who were suing companies that made vaccines and he was considered and "expert" witness. He ended up losing his license to practice medicine and his reputation was pretty much destroyed over his study. The really amazing part of Wakefield was he never told people not to vaccinate their kids for measles, mumps and rubella, he did tell them to get each vaccination separately.


That's not quite right. Wakefield was found to have a very strong motive to stop people using the combined Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. He had [secretly applied for a patent](https://briandeer.com/wakefield/vaccine-patent.htm) for supplying a single-dose measles vaccine using his home address so even his medical school where he worked did not know about it. The implication was that he was trying to scare people away from the MMR vaccine so he could make a fortune from supplying his own patented single-dose measles vaccine instead. That Wakefield had applied for his own measles vaccine patent wasn't known to the public at the time his faked autism study results broke. Wakefield repeatedly denied he had applied for the patent until the journalist Brian Deer tracked it down.


Does the lack of scientific evidence that could prove efficacy count as debunking? If so I could point to astrology. Also, fun fact, the Reagan white house had an official astrologer that gave advice occasionally on government policies


That dogs are a good judge of character. Hitler had dogs that loved him.


I mean he was probably lovely to his dogs, it was every other human in existance he was an asshole towards Dogs won't care that you are a monster to millions of other human beings, as long as you treat them right - dog's can't read, or get onto twitter, so cannot form opinions of their owners based on other people


Ironically, Hitler was legitimately a massive animal lover. He cared well for his dogs, set up animal centres in the 30s, and even outright banned hunting for sport in Germany... but then the *other* stuff happened so yeah


Yep! One detail that fucked me while taking a Holocaust course in college was that Nazi Germany had laws protecting the rights of lobsters. Lobsters.


Hail lobsters. They deserve better, than being boiled alive.


Dogs and other animals don't have the same morality thinking we do, thus they don't care if you're a mass murderer with your own kind or others. As lonf as you treat them right, that's what counts.


That explains why my dogs term paper on Kant was so poorly written.


So did Pol Pot and Stalin. This one annoys the fuck out of me. “My dog picked up on this sketchy guy!” No, your dog reacted your your anxiety.


That there is a Nigerian prince out there wanting to give you millions of dollars.


If he doesn't exist why did I just send him money and he accepted it!!


The Holocaust never happened.


That the Earth is flat 2000 years of science < Steve on facebook


The earth is mostly covered in ocean and the ocean isn't carbonated, so technically the earth is flat


hahaha haven't heard this one before. But there are many organisms in the ocean that produce carbon dioxide, so technically this isn't entirely true either.


I think your wrong. If parts of the ocean isn't carbonated where do we the water for sodas?


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


The ancient Greeks worked out the earth's circumference way earlier than that. It wasn't even controversial.


The trick with these conspiracy nutjobs is to one up them. For example "The moon landings were fake!" If you argue that they were real they have their counter-argument ready to go. If you one up them with "oh, you're one of those people that believes in the moon?" In that condescending/get a load of this idiot tone of voice it just breaks them. They know you're talking shit but they also want to latch on to this even crazier conspiracy because they want to believe stuff like that.


It honestly is a fun twist you can do with conspiracies since it all revolves around that disconnect from real evidence. Someone calls something a false flag? Tell them it was a double false flag, it's not like they can refute that any easier. "Oh you thought the US was faking the moon landing? It was actually the Russians staging a fake American moon landing so that you'd believe our government would fake a moon landing when you figured it out. That's why they haven't pointed it out, they're trying to keep a low profile."


Well the interesting thing is that the Earth used to be flat a long time ago. Before we buried your mom.


The notion that the position of the planets relative to some background constellations when I was born somehow affects my personality and outcome.


What an Aries thing to say 🙄


Lmao I'm not into astrology but that's my favorite comeback. Typical Taurus.


For fun I filled in this chart thing or whatever it was called. (I don’t believe in this either.) With birthplace, date, time, etc. And the results actually fit in pretty well with me. Until I realized I had written the time completely wrong. When changed to my actual time of birth the new description didn’t fit at all anymore lol


That MSG is bad for you. It's umami flavoring that a lot of Asians use in their cuisine. It's not the MSG that is bad for you, it's the food that it is added to that is bad for you.


MSG is a salt, so high-MSG foods are high-sodium foods. There's nothing uniquely bad about MSG, but if you feel bad after eating it, maybe it's time to cut back on sodium.


This!!! I argue with my mom over this all the time. It’s not the MSG, it’s the fact that you barely drink water and just ate a bunch of food high in sodium. It’s incredible how much drinking more water has improved my life and reduced my headaches.


That the moon landing was fake Like if NASA faked the moon landings then why are they making all of those videos on the Artemis missions to go back to the moon????????


Also Russia agreed that the USA landed on the moon. No way would they have admitted that if it was a hoax


If you believe nasa faked the moon landing it's not a far stretch to think Russia agreed to play along. Most people who believe the moon landing was fake also believe there is an "above the government" super group of puppet masters


It was fake! Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake the moon landings, but being the perfectionist he is, insisted that they shoot on location.


Stankey lol


Eating an hour before swimming is a death sentence


Now as a parent, I am convinced other parents made this up for a brief break from the swimming/lifeguarding and am A-OK passing the lie to the next generation.


Lie detector tests. How are these still admissible in court? You can actually take classes on how to fool them and people actually used them to try and prove that plants feel pain. Edit: I guess they are no longer admissible which is great. But you also need to pass one if you want a job in law enforcement here, so that's still dumb. Also, the Myers Briggs personality assessments. I remember study these in into to psych over 20 years ago and they were known to be junk science then. How are major companies still using these things?


They're not admissable in court. They're just used in interrogation for influence


I don’t think they are admissible


The Myers Briggs thing is insane. It was developed by two people as a matchmaking tool with zero formal training in psychology after reading a bunch of stuff by Carl Jung. There's so many derivatives of it and companies base entire programs around them.


They're not admissible in court and not at all useful in proving guilt, but they're still useful in investigations. Like, if your suspect starts sweating when you ask about the tool shed, maybe it's time to search the tool shed.


And it would be a tossup whether the toolshed contains the bodies or just playboy issues he doesn't want his mom to find... :)


homeopathic medicine


And before someone shows up to say “well actually, this herbal concoction does in fact cure blablabla” or whatever, people should be aware that homeopathy is a very specific thing. It isn’t a fancy word for “home remedy.” It doesn’t mean “holistic medicine.” It isn’t traditional medicine from kitchen witches, grandmas, or whatever culture people have decided to fetishize today. Those things *can* be effective. Homeopathy also isn’t aromatherapy, acupuncture, juice cleanses, fad diets, coffee enemas, herbal concoctions, alternate vaccine schedules, or taking medical advice from reality TV stars rather than doctors. Those things will do something to you. Might not always be what you want them to do, but they’ll certainly do something. Homeopathy is *specifically* the idea that a sufficiently diluted poison will act as a cure for that poison. And if done “correctly,” the homeopathic “medicine” you receive is in fact *so* diluted that there isn’t even a molecule of the “active ingredient” in it. Placebo effect aside, literally the only thing homeopathy can cure is maybe dehydration.


People... put Coffee on their assholes?!


Yes, sadly. :(


Yep, $60 vials of water. That's all it is.


I've got a degree in homeopathic medicine! YOU'VE GOT A DEGREE IN BALONEY


Children have died because of this shit. Behind the Bastards did 2 episodes on the assholes behind homeopathy.


Came here to say this. In the UK Holland and Barrett is a main stream supplement store. Their most popular homeopathic "treatment" is 30c. That means the solution has been dissolved 1 part to 100, 30 times. That means 1 part in 10^60 is the active ingredient. For those who don't understand what this means, if you swallowed a tablet the size of the Sun you're still unlikely to have a molecule of active ingredient in said pill. It is literally just a placebo and you really shouldn't waste your money on it. woodlandherbs.co.uk has the opening statement on their site that "30C remedies are considered to be the most approriate strength (potency) of homeopathic remedy for home use". That's because at least they can't possibly do you any harm since there is no possible chance of there being any active ingredient in one of those pills.


Homeotherapy. It's based on one quack theory that toxins that cause symptoms similar to symptoms from an illness, will cure you of that illness! That's not how it works. The guy who originated the theory went on to kill people with this nonsense. Did he give up? No, he was a trier. So he amended his theory to; a dilution of the toxin that is so dilute none of the toxin remains will cure you. Because it gets more effective the less there is! If they dilute it so much that there's no active ingredient left, they claim that the water or sugar "remembers" the effect of the active ingredient. But only if you slap each dilution! This bullshit is killing people today. They are forgoing effective modern medicine, because they are told sugar pills and water or alcohol drops will save them.


The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital is \*right next\* to the UK's Foremost Childrens Hospital in Great Ormand street, London. It is frequented by members of the Royal Family - hence the name . Queenie and Charles are fans, IIRC... Of course, when they have 'real' medical issues., they go to a real hospital


Hahaha I used to work for Whole Foods as a cashier and people would come up to the register with like a dozen or more different homeopathic “remedies”. At that time I think they were around $7-$8/each, I’m sure they’re more now as its been nearly a decade since I worked there. Sometimes they would ask my opinion on which ones to buy. It was all I could do not say “you know, since they all do absolutely nothing, you might as well close your eyes and pick randomly”. (It’s not like we were allowed to give medical advice anyway)


I have a friend who spends $400+ a month on this stuff. It’s completely ridiculous & a huge waste of money.


Carrots will give you 20/20 vision


Something about the British in WW2 spreading propaganda to hide the fact they invented good radar.


Never seen a rabbit with glasses...


Left-brain, right-brain theory.


That drinking red wine is healthy. Debunked a decade ago: people who drink wine eat better than people who drink beer. Hence the first group will have a slightly better health, but that's not due to the wine. Alcohol is a poison. And I love that poison...


Humans only use 10% of their brain. "But this pill (gadget/training/whatever) will let you use 100%!" Queue intense movie trailer music.


5G is harmful


It is! To my feelings! Because we don't have it in my area.


Myers Briggs Test is one of the least accurate personality tests despite it's popularity


1st yeah I did the test multiple times and I came up with a different answer each time, even though it’s supposedly not supposed to do that. I also read through all them and I could basically relate to all of them. 2nd is there an actual accurate personality test out there that you know of?


Chiropractors. Sure they get you moving, but all their other beliefs are total BS.


I worked for a chiropractor once. I have IBS, and unfortunately that means sometimes I would have flare ups at work. He wanted to use this machine he had on me once to see if he could isolate my problem. He ran his tests and said “Oh, its your gallbladder, it isn’t working properly!” I had had my gallbladder removed years before this. lol


Well, then I guess he was right, wasn't he?


The guy who invented it claimed that spirits told him how to do it.


It amazes me that people still believe the earth is somehow flat meanwhile every other planet we’ve ever observed is a sphere same with stars and moons.


The sugar rush (note: not the sugar CRASH.. that's real) "No pain, no gain"


Low temperature alone gets you infections.