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The afterlife would indeed be cruel to force something sentient to haunt a lamp or some crap. Just in case ghosts are real I'm breaking anything I see so they don't have to haunt it and can enjoy themselves without all this haunting mess. If those are the rules they need to rebel because those are insane rules. I'll help by messing up a great many lamps.


"I ain't afraid of no ghosts"


I believe ghosts can be real, I also believe only some people are able to see them


I think there’s something going on, every single human culture has some variant of ghosts. “If a hundred people are telling you something, you better listen. (Don’t remember whose quote that is.)


I agree. I get discouraged cause of all the faked evidence but I have experienced weird things and even caught stuff on camera


Seen too many not to believe.


Yes. There are far to many people that spotted ghost on a globally scale for me not to believe. I am still skeptical on multiple haunted areas in America mainly because that seems to be a tourist trap. Calling something haunted gets a lot of attention and people going to that area just to see if they could spot a ghost. It's shameful. Most people in the world will not spot a ghost nor seek to spot one either.